Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 9, 1896, page 5

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f -" ----------------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------------------------------- ' ' ' ' ' ' ii. l__ : i [v.-.'.'. if);. - JAS. D. ANDERSON &JBo. ; .bankers; '.#"" -.T- - ....... Agents for Th-Q Royal, I ' "__ The Gu&rdiati and Tho Lancashire, Tho beet Insurance Companion hi tbo would. We mako a specialty ot Insuring V&vm Vro* perty. Monoy to Loan at B and BJi par oont. on Farm Troporty. Fanners htsurctttno itt Goal Reliable Lamf>titties. \ ' = NOTICE. All Accounts duo tho lato firm of Dit9. Dkwaii k MoKknkih; * aropayablo toDn. JDtfWAit, Wind sor. A prompt aottlomout is requested. The Essex Free Press, BRETT & aULD, Proprietors. tv FHIDAV. OOTODIilt 9, 1800. Town and^ Vicinity. Good toweling for 4otH a yd, ub JTa. Francia. ' ""* Mra. Ouau. Clark, ot Combor, wait a vun- tor with irimulu in town tliin wook.| "*.. &* Mrs. B, Chuttortou, of thin plaoo", yifiitad in Comber hint wook with rolativoH. j ' j?rA now Pr P. A. huu boon formed. Ifc iH Tbo PodoHtrianH' Protoofcivo Atmooiution, E. J. Powell, of Loudon, m on a vitut in town with hia Gintor, iilrn. D. J. Wlutnuy. r MtaTjTlurVotorH roturuoU "homo*7au.t with rola- m- week from hot oxtoudod vimt__________ tivtiB iu St. Tliomiiii, I Minn Hunnau *and M. Koating, of Bay OityVMioh., ttud~MiHn Nora KoatTnR, of Boohoator, woro vifufcinj* in town on Satur- ' day last. K. Walkor, of Combor, lma boon appoint ed watch inapootor Jof tho Leamington diviHion by tbo Michigan Contral .Railway Company. In our roport of tho puzofi givon at tbo |l>. 8. W. fair laat wook tho namo Alox. loGoo, of Maldon, nboald havo boon Alox, IcGco, of Ebhox A bono ball raatoh will likely bo playod onthof(roundH horo to-morrow (Saturday) botwoon Bhuoll and Cotfcam toamH, A good tfaino iH looked for. . . tf-.r^TT^ M. J. Wifjlo and Co., havo juafc roooivod la largo eouaignmonb of nupor and oxtra jiilper, wool oarpotfl iu tho .nowost pat- irnB&nd ooloringn and at corroot priooo. ^JfrCourlay, jr., want to Detroit on lay hinL and playod with tho oldJM. football to am againnfc tho Boaforbh ,Tho Soafortbo won by It fioalH ' 2. 'omnsnlar fair at Ghathatn thin a.deficit of 91,800. Thoro will fy bo a fair at Chatham again for "ttm'nya moon ati thio yoar'o dolloit 10 juat a ropotitiou of former yoara. Rov. Mr, MbDonagn, Jamoe Longland, Robert Blaok and Mibb Edith Brown^bavo been appointed do'Qgaton from tho Kiugo- villo Epworth Loaguo to tho District Con vention at K mi ox on tho 21 nt apd 22ud of thin month. Wm. Mathor, of Kannan City, Mo., a former omployoo of tho-FuBK-PnEHG, wao a visitor iu town thin weak. Ho in takinu a conrno in tbo Dontal Colle^o in that city and had Qomo up for a vittit with bio rola- tivefl in Boohoetor townuhip. Last wook was ouumoration weok at the Pout Offioo and during that timo thoro wore mailed at tho Edhox office, 1,323 lot- tera, -1(10 poHt cardo, -18 paporfl and other third claH mattor, 7 fourth claaa and 10 fifth clan a mattor. Tho receiptu for tho wook woro ft-10.00. Dan. Welch, of Now Wentmiuntor, ii, C. , ban boen visiting in town for aomo dayu, while on hie return from Dalian, Texan, whoro ho attended tho Sovoruign Grand Lodgo, I. O. O. F., as ropreaontativo ot tbo Grand Jjodgo of Britinh Colnrubiu. Mr. \Volob wao a formor romdont of thio town, 1 leaving horo about novou yoara aeo. Tho loyal tauglo botweon J. L, Murphy, Boad Smith's ad. for low prlooa, . Tho Tilbury Nows has reaumod publica tion. Mm. Job. IlobinBOU la vlfliiing rolutlvoa in Loaraiugton. M. JT, Wiglo A Co.'b band-made boots are going out liko hot oakofl. MIbb Kdith Lawflon, of Btrathroy, \b viaUing at Mra.B. BIibw'h. ----- B. J, MaoBobort, msuranoo aguut, of Londoji, was in town on buBluoflg-ou-W*4~ nuoduy. Bliort cndu of oarpeU, about half pnoo, G. K. Smith A Co. Mro. 11. Hutton, of London, ia visiting ,n town with hur daughter, Mr. Walter C. Laing. J. A. I'VanniH 1h giving Hpeoial prlooa on ordorad clothing, call and bOfl boforo buy ing. Alox, Laing Hold one of bin PlauotarlumH to tho Public Hohool board at ICiugnville on WodnoHduV. Mieti Maggie Btraohan hati returned homo aftor throomouthn' viait witbfnondH in-tho oiiHt. Apploii for nalo, GreoningH, Baldwiuo or BuikjMh, hand pioked, for l^ooutu por buu., at W. H. BuHHeM'a, Mra. (Bov.) M. P. Campbell ie onturtain- ing her mother and Hiutor, Mrs. and Mina Illain, of Brampton. Jaok, tho four-yoar-old non of A. H. Clurko, of WindBor, haw boon very 111 with oroup but ia jotting hotter. Mihh Jonnio Jarmin, of Amhorathnrg, viHiteO for a fow dayu luHt wook in town with hor oiiitor, Minn Frankio Jarmin. Earl Gurrotfc, who had boon oraployod in tho Kiihox Modiaal Hall for a oouplo of woekn, rotnrncd to hid homo in Harrow on Tuoiuiay. John Gormloy wan laid uplant wook with a novoro oold contruotod in attending tho convention at Loamirifitou on tho 28th ult. Tbo Enunx Liboraln havo opouocl com mitted roomn in tho quartors oyor \V. H. BiohardHou'n implomonfc warorooran on tho north Hido of Talbot Btroot, For achono roaafc of boof.or ohoioo moat of any kind call at Tato'o. Hit) priooa are tho lowont. Colory in a delioaoy that iu oxaotly-in- noanon now, Salary, neodleim to utafeo, in alwaya in noaaon, but the domand in great and the orop rathor li(ht. Aftor tho council meeting on Taonday evening, tho court of rovwion on tho Irwin Avouuo Hidawalk mot but adjourned with out talcing any doflnite aotion. Try our now 25 ctu. toa, oitra value Bmitb A Co. J. E. Btono han Homo big barfiainn in aoaonuniand cartH and bugfiiOB. Soo thom. Franklin MoLioay, tho well-known Can adian elocutionist and aotor, who ban mado Huch a hit ap Noro in Wiloon' Bar- Tjong boots at low prlooa at Hralth'a. Gel blankets at Smith's, BOo. per pair up. In KiWiiidBor, and tho ahsriff over Sol. ito'a affairfl hun beon adjuKtod and ything in norouo again, iu tuturo, riff Hor will lot other people do the rying, Hih Rood offiooFi in trying to do t ho thought waa haul for all partiea not Boom to bo appreciated and bronght 'a, heap nf trouble to him. Anniveraary Berviceo, will behold in the BaptiHt church of this town on Sunday next (October 11th) whon Rov. W. Prooaor of Bidt;otown, will proach at 11 a.m. and p.m. Special collection*! and oontri- On Monday, llov'. o.^'-butian at oaoli norvioo. % fey?/'.. Wm. I'roanor will dohvor hia intorewtiu^ E'; leoturo on "Roy. Ohtintraap Evauo the fijfty- Footio proaohor of Walou." Bilvoroolloo- tlon at tbo door. f/.V: . Goorgo Bobbin a. who otolo C. E. Naylor'a f0 .bioyclo a couplo of raontho'ugo and who i|'!s'.'Wn committed for trial by VV\ D. Boainan, W,'P.M., had hia bearing boforo Judgo Uorno, ti/-;. at Sandwich, onFridayJat. C.E. Naylor V':,:aud Harry Wiglo fjavo ovidouce and Mr. *"'" Bobbiup alHO'raado it otatomont in hiHowu behalf. Judgo Borne found bim guilty and eontenood him to Bix montliH in Ooutral l^'.'Priflon. $ Tho bakory and fjrooovy bumnoHB of M. S"". B. VVigle haa boon purohanod by'MoHQrn. ; WilooxA Biown, who tiiko poHnoiinioii on Uoyembor lat und will carry on the buot- ueBs iu tho (inrao otand, Bcott Block, Tal bot, atroot. Both gontlomon aro now in fvtbe employ of G.^E. Smith & Co. and aro ,' well known to tho pooplo of Eenox. Thoro )! is no reason why fchoy nbould not roooivo a aharo of tho trade of tho pooplo of tho rott'n production, "Tho Sign of tho Oroiio," \a engafjod to bo marriod to Mibb Graoo Warnor, tho daiiflhtor of tho famoun molo dramatic aotor, Charlou Warrior, of tho Adolphi Thonter.Loodou. Mr.MoLeay iit a oounin to Dr. MoKonzio, ot Enaox. Ladioa' coafcn Irom 82.50 up, at Sraith'tt- Th3 old man, Jamon Kolly, who wan chargnd by H- M. Faul with an unmontion- ahlo crime on bin oif;bt-yoar-old rod, Earb had hin proliminary hearing boforo P. M. Boaman en Friday and Saturday ltint and wan committed for trial. Ho wfib taken to Sandwiob by Conntablo Siflnon on Satur day. Kolly had only boon around bore for about two montliH, ooraiug from London. Ho had beon atoppiug at tbo Boyal niuco atriking town. Tho penalty of tho offence iH any lqngth of time up to life imprinon- mout. The Bidgotown Dominion aaya : "Mr. Scratch, the Connarvattvo candidato in South Eh-ox, in a direct descendant of an old United Empire Loyuhut family which came to Canada whon tho American ool- onica achieved, tboir indopendonoo. The numo waa Krata, originally, and the family came from Gormauy. He Jh the oon of a retired Methodint raiuintor and Bomotimon ocoupieo tho pulpit himBolf, bin favorite" thomo being ttmporanco, of whioli ho in a strong advocate. Siueo hio oleotion an reovo ho ban nhown ability in tho couuty council. He in a nuoaoaaful farmer and j about 38 yearn of ago." Call and get a freo aamplo of Salada Tea at J. A. FranoU. A yory plenMint Hurpnae waH fiprpng on Dr. J. VV. and Mih. Brieu at tboir protty homo "Earnaohff" on Wodnonday ovooing bytlioohtoof onr young pooplo of tho town. Dr, aud Mm. Brion mako an ideal hoHt and hoatoan and are vary popular amongat all clanaoH aud aro to do oon qratulated on their >mcount) an enturtaino'rn. A raout eujoyahlo evening was npeoo with murfia, gamen and tooial chat. An ole^ant lunch wan nerved at midnight to which the Hulf invited ^uentn did araplo juntice, about twenty boiufj proHont, who all join in winn ing long lite, pronpority and happinona to Dr. J. W. and Mm. Briou aud hopo to upend many happy oyomn^o at Earnooliff- M. J. Wiglo & Co. aro nollinghrjfo quan- tition of boom, fihooti and Granby rubborri, Divinion Court wan hold horo on Tooo- day, Judge McHugh preuiding and tho log- al fratornity boin^ ropronontod by E, A. Wiaraor and J. L. Potovn. Tho dockot, al though it continued quite a number of oohoo, wan dinpoHodof boforo noon. Thoro woro ttyo adjourned canon. HoCfron vh. Doll and Brown, a replevin tout, wan diamiBHOd, aa wtiH alno tho cano of Goorgo M. T'horu- tun vo. Goorgo Thornton, with tho Town of Eiujgx an Rurninhoo. Smith & Co. vo. Tborntou witb Town of Eunox, garnioheo, waa dooidud in fuvor of plaintiff; Richard- Hon va. Trimblo and Sandwich South, gar- nifihoo, wa.6 allowed to ntand. Thoreworo 13 dofoudod ouito and fivo judgment nuui- moufloa. J. A. FracoiniH Boiling SX00 uini 2.50 mon'a folb Fodora.hats for 01.00. Mian Ethol Elliott le visiting fnondw town. Boiler blind, comploto, for 85ota. at FranolH. MIhh Eva Shaw haa juab returned from Mootroal and ih viBitiugrolatlveH inEaex. Mr. It. II, Brett and her mothor, Mrs. "Roborfca, are vftOinis; in Detroit with rol- ativofl. Arthnr Gourlay and Jay Edgar wore tfueatu of Harold Fuller, Glonerlo farm, during tho fair. Monday hint waH tho land day for ontor* Ing appoaln againHt tho town votor* lint. No uppoala wore untortd. Mihh Agnes WuttorH, of Harrow and Frank Bright, of Windsor, Hpenfc Sunday luat with Mrn. G. H. Fuller, Buthvou. MiHH Minnio Eatou, formerly of the Ehhox Fukk PnKfuf, but now of Detroit, \u visiting in town with her mothor. Bov. M, P. Campbell attended tho meet ing of tho Home Miualon Board of tho Baptlnfc Church commoted with tho Went- oru AHfiociatiou, of which he ih il momber, on Tuunday latt at Chatham. Men and hoye' Buitn, reduced to about manufaoturom' pricon at Smitli'n. Jamon A. Itandall and Honry CWaltora; attomeyn, aro dofonding Capb. William Williamn, of. tho 10th United Stilton Infan try, who wan court martialod at Detroit yontorday (Tlmraday.) Tho football playora in town havnarrang od for a game to morrow (Saturday) at Uti- oa, Mioh., and will play on Saturday of next wook with tbo Trinity team on tho Agricultural GroondH horo. Spooial mootingM will bo oonduotod in tho S. A. barraoko ou Thurnday and Fri day ovoningu, by JBunign Greono, Junior Soorotary for Wontoru Ontario^ All are invited to coma, onpeoially tho children. Tho Canadian Hortioulturint for Ootobor oayo; "Account Haloa havo come to hand from SimonR, Jaeobn Ss Co., Glaagow: Woodall & Co. Livorpool, and Jamon Adam, Hon & Co., Liverpool, datod Soptombor 10th, 1800, TIio qauntity of apploH arriv- "lrrg~I&~~b"ogiiuiing to annumo larpo propor- tionn, more onpcoinlly from Now York. What Canadian tttook han arriyod given inuoh natinfaotion. Tho priooo havo aver aged ;--BaIdwinn, 8/ to 12/ ; Uroeningn, fl/G to 12/9 ; Blonhoima, 0/ to 1-1/3; Kingn, 12/ to 10/3. No doubt when Conadian apploH roally begin to go forward, tho market will doohno. G. E. Smith & Co. nbow tho bout rango of lndicH' honiory in Ehhox. Win. Dihloy yaHtorday (Thnrnday) morning obtainod a warrant from P. M. Eoaraan to havo tho preminofl of Win. Hcffron noarohod for a colt olaimod to bo hia property. Tho warrant wan givon to Daniol Smclaii; who sorvod it, recovering the animal whioh wan tnrnod ovor to Mr. Dibloy. Lator in the aftoruoon, Mr. Sin clair brought Clement Drouillatd, of Col- ohentor North, boforo tho P. M., ohar{;ing him with taking tho animal from Mr. Dib- loy'n. Drouillard, in tho iirnt plaoo ownod tho colt which bo trndod for watoh but wan not oatioflod with tho timo pioco and roturuod tho oarao and took tho ooit from Mr. Dibloy'n whoro ho found it. M. J. Wiglo & Co. aro tho clothiorn of Eqhcx. Under tho heading of a "Protty Homo Wedding" tho Guolph Wookly Herald had tho following: "On WoJnonday ovoniug tho roiiidonoo of TIioh. Carter, Livorpool ntroot, waa tho aaono of a very protty homo woddinj/.' Francos Louisa, tbo fourth dnughtor of Mr, and Mm. Cartor, wan tho bride, Sbo ontorod tho parlor about hcvou o'clock, loaning on tho urm of hor father, and took up hor poaition undor a largo iloral bell, noar tbo front window. Hero uho wiih woddod to Goorgo A. Bhorr'u, Phrn. B., of Ennox, in tbo prononoo of a number of the mont intimate frienda of tho youn^ couplo. Boy. J. G. Scott porformod the intoroating coreraony. Tbo bride waa uttired in white Hurrah mlk, trimmed with lace aud pearln. The bridoHtnaid wan MiHfl Edith Cartor, niHtor of tho hrido, who wan droaand in pale blno. Little Lizzie Cartor, oouHin of tho bride, aotod woll the part of maid of honor. Tho brido and bor n6mntantn eaoh, earriod bridal ronon. Alf. RuhhqII, of London, offloiontly performed the dutioH devolviufi upon him an groom's aHflintaut, The uowly woddod couple, after partaking of toa aud tho hoarty oon- gratuhitiouB aud good wishoa of their friuudn, loft for tbo G T. It. station, and from thoro proooodocl by tho 9.42 train ou a trip oaBt. A largo crowd of thoir friondn wan proaDnt at the depot and j.'avo them a royal farewell, not forgetting a goodly nhowor of rioo. Mr. and Mm, Sborrin will return on Friday and thon proceod to De troit and other placoa in that vicinity, whoro thoy will upend a wook boforo re turning to take upthoirrcntdencoin Eimox, whoro Mr. Sborrin couduato a drug buHi- uoiin. The homo in whioh tbo marriage took placo waa haudeomoly deooratod for tho oooanion. Thn brido rocolvod a largo unmbor of magniuoeut and unofal proHontn, many of which oamo from friondn whom dintanco provoutod boina; pronont. Miua Carter wan a membor of tho choir of - Nor folk ntroot Mothodint church, and at one time a toaeher in tho Sabbath nobool. Sbo wan ah ontimablo young lady, and has made for homelf many warm frionda in thin city." A atrilio of tho bituminoun ooal minora of tho United Staton, similar to that of tbroo yoarn ago, in thought to bo immin- ent. An a^od gontlomau, Thoa. Koudry, father of tho mombur for Woab Potorboromot hiH doeith at Chatham, on. Monday, by a fall troin a chair. High School Notes. The eooond mooting of tho High School Literary Sooioty will be bold on Friday,\)tb tnht. The program ia an follows : OhorqH, arranged by Messm. Coll and Cooke, od. dross, Bov. A. L. Bovorly ; Solo, Mr. Gush ing; Beading, MIbejL. Wiglo ; Beading, G. E. Kniotor; Bound, arranged by Miuaoa MoBao and Hiohardbou; EHaay, "A light after aohool" by J, J. Boemau; Argus, Editor. "God save tho Quoon." Every- body ia cordially invited to attend. - -'m. ..... Knuox Public BchoolM- Tho following are the numort of thoHo who obtained ovor KO por cent, iu tho weekly examinationa held on Friday, Sop- tunibor 2/jth. Jr. III. ClaHS E. Mouutoor, S. Stono G. Green, A, Pinder, G' Bobinuon, K| Smith, B. Hill, D. Faul, il. Phillipn, V. HiokH, B. BaiuoH, M. Byern.iu, B. Coll, C. Gormloy, Minn Aitcliinon'H room, nonior neooud ohiHH E. Phillipw, D. Goiilin. H. llaugh- man, 0. Bobinnon. Minn GraRHwellor'a room, nonior part nocond M, WillHhor, G. Fornytho, H< Gardner, M. Wyman, A. Hiuku, G. Laird, C. Had, O. Campbell, A, Stono, V. Young, Mihu Hall'n room G. Bobiniion, V, Vanco, 1. MoCroory, G. Stone, E. Bobin iion, B. Sinclair. "VV,'--v. -if : ':*$ Glosino; Out Prices DRESS GOODS, regular $1.25 line for 89o. " 1.00 " 690. .75 " 590. .60 " 440. ' r-rttr' Ttt. Tbo following obtainod 50 por oont. and over at tho weekly examination ou Ootobor 2nd, in tho different oIuhhoh ; -Hh Glann N. Alexaudor, W. CiaHUwel- lor, Arch. Laing, W. Auld, M. Bunh, Annie Luiug, F. Griffith, G. Tnoman. ,(L. Bono, L. Binnon, N, Allan, A. Campbell, E. Laird,) Bay Bovorly, F, Gourlay. Mihh Williamu' room May Booman, Bona Hill, Ethel Smith, Lena Allen, Carl Gormloy, Arohio Nuylor, Ethel DoIhou, Myrtlo Thornton, Elwood Mouutoor, Ger ald White, Arabol Bobinaou, Velma Bur- diak, A. B. Buok. Mi nil Aitohinon'H room, junior nocond clann A. Wllkinnon, Floyd Sinnon, A. Sloan, D. Wightman, C. Auld, H, Coll, \V. Wolfo, J. McMnrray, E. May, E. Lovrin. filina Craftiiwollor'u room, nonior part Hooond A. Hickn, A. Stono, II, Gardnor, L. BhyndroftH, J. EoHtaco, L. Wortloy, P. | Booman, B. Dowar, Mian Hairnroora AnnioEuntaoo,Vivian Vanco, Ethel Bobmnon, Hattio Sinolair, Eluio Runh. We sho^the^Largest range^f 25c. Dress^Goods inJBssex, special lines reduced from 40c. and 50c. to 25c. These (roods for value have no equal at price quoted. Ladies' Jackets m Latest <t-> r-r\ I T*.............Styles, from -P^^0 UP* Heavy Vests fr Ladies, from 18c. toI$l.a6 Underwear for Men, from 25c, up. Extra Heavy Arctic Blankets, 80c. per pair. Large Sized W. Wool Blankets, $2.25 Uft. ^..^ ! ......Clothing at Prices Sure to Suit....... Men's Suits from $^.00 up.......Boys' Extra Heavy frota .50 up, .. .Over Coats at all price. BOOTS and SHOES In Great Variety. We make a specialty of this lirj-antt_ guarantee prices and quality right. X TmiVhouuiiutl lHojlur Cloture. It iu doubtful \t thoro in a lar^or oirolo of dolichtcd aubaoriborn in tho whole world than tbono who havo tbo good fortuno to bo on tbo nubnaription list of tbo Family Hornld and Wookly Star of Montroal. Tho paper itself iu Himply grand. Ono would almost thmk tho publinhor wonld.rcqniroa mint at hia back to tarn out naoh a papor aw tho Family Herald and Wookly Star ia ovory iHHuo, and it growH hotter and bottor eaoh wook. But mout antoniuhiug of all pro fcbo boantifnl promiumn that tbo Family Herald publinbora oocamonally proaont to thoir auhfloribom. Thoir reputation for thin in an wido an tho continent itnolf. This in mud to bo tho bumont aoanon tho Fatmly Herald and Wookly Star haH had ninca it waa firnt founded; and tho voar in to bo commemorated in a way that will mako nowapapor oubnoribora ovorywhoro nimply stand u;;liu(]t. At an onormouu oxponno runninK far up into tho thouoandn wo hear that tbo publishers of tho Family Herald and Weekly Star have neourod that world wido celebrity uTho Orpnan'n Prayor." It ia to bo prodnood in twenty oolora, and oaoh Family Horald aubnorihor, rouowal uo woll an now, will bo entitled to oun of thorn if thoy got on tho hot in time. How it can bo done is tbo wondor. But tho publio know whon tho' publishers of tho Family Horald and Weekly Btar nromiso a good thing thoy h\o up to their promisor). Ia roforrin^ to tho burnt of admiration olioitcd by tho announcement of "Tho Or. phan's Prayor" porhaps it may not bo ami^n to quote what waa said by tho great art boaiio of Boaton, Prang & Co. Here aro thoir owu words: "Full of pathos, it tolU Ita owu otory iu its own way. Wo havo uovor noon anything liko it. Wo prophooy a groat demand." Thin in praino indeed from oaoh critics and judges as tho Prande. .. ii*.- A. Vienna oorroupnndout tolofjrapho that tho poworr. havo agrood upon a paoiflo sot- lilomont ot tlio oantorn qaostion whioh in bouorahlo to all partioa. At Bhorburno, Minn., tho bank wis rob bod on Wednesday, and Goo. Thorburnc, annuitant nai.hior, and atravollinc aollector for tho Walter A. Wood Harvontor Co., woro sliofc ddad. Tho robbora oooapod. It ia learnod upon nnquostionod author ity that Rusnia intondn to intorforo active ly in Turkish affaire, unloan tho Porto oar- rioH oat fully long dolayod Armoman ro- Enrmn. lngland and Franco agroo to givo their moral support. Lord Roaobory hat* rooiguod tho loader- ship of tho Xjiboral party in Grout Britain, mi ho diiiiLgroim with Mr, Glndstono and othor loading IJiboralo rogavdiug tho propor policy to bo adoptod on tho lastorn ques tion. John 0. Bodowig and Giiorgo W. John son ohargod with having wroakod a mail train on tho Ohiaaao A Grand Trunk rail- road at Battle Crook, on July 10th 1804, daring tho A. II. D. atriko, by whioh tho liroman was instantly killod and a number of poraona woro injured, woro found guilty of onsnpiraoy in tho United Statoo Court at Dotroit. Tho Pinna Piikbb and Toronto Wookly Globo till Juiiuary lat, 1807, for SOoouta, or till January lnt, 1808 for $1.50. Or the Frith: Vuhhh aud Weekly Mail till Jan uary 1st 1807, for SO uenta or for one year tot $ub ._.: . . We are going out of business and stook must be disposed of, regardless of profits. G.E. WHITNEY JJIjOCK, J3SS13X. Buy in your own Town. That's patriotism. Buy where you can secure the best value for your money. 1 'hat's business. Never Before w* JHave we been in as good a position to give our customers good value. Never before has our trade been as extensive* Never before have we had such enormous stools People are realizing that by buying from us the; can save all the way from 10 to 25 per oem They are coming to us from all corners i the Counties of Essex and Kent. Beautiful Bedroom Suites with large Bevel Plate Mmo-- for $8.50. Large Solid Oak Side-boardb with Large Boy* Plate Mir *ors for $18,00, Bedsteads, for $1.26. Large Cook Stoves, with Reservoir, for $15. Good sisje. Cook Stoves, with reservoir, for $13., \J^^ Come and see us it will pay you. WB C. CRAWFORD, Tilbury The Largest Retail Hardware and Furniture Store in Ganae Going- out of Business. Stock must be turned into cash. Now is your chanv , for Groceries cheaper than ever. Come and get pric .; and I will convince you that you will save doll are I "-... buying your Groceries, etc, from me. .'fit 4 V& :.$ M 1 Parties Indebted to me, m . Ttlfc m By book account or note are requested to call and. sett;^' ;|| at once, and oblige,- / . .' .\\ "^y'p$ i^X mm . . ',1' M m. e. ^rimM : .:--:^m ...' - ^W. ^^MM^s^S^^^^^^^ .y'^r.^- \\^'lM&0& 4683

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