jjlplplg fa' A* Wit* , I*' *T,%- sit Are You . . Coming . . To the Great' South Western Exhibition ? If so, don't forgot to call at the Loading Hat, Oap and Furnishing House We extend a CORDIAL INVITATION TO AiX^ Buyera, to visit our Store during the Fair, whethor buying or not. Our stock is now complete for fall. COLCHESTER SOUTH. clocks loft at Alvah numerous The Closest Buyers will' will find our prices right and Save 15 to 20 percent. ON EVERY PURCHASE MADE AT D. J. "Whitney's, HATTER AND FUHNISHER. A Good Thing Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well. This in tho leant wo could possibly say about thorn. II it was for our "xporioncn in kathor wo could not Boll bo cheap. Call bo Louwnccrt /op you cool f. not and <$ JQi "I Bltfu of tho Gokicii Boor, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. A CHOICE m: i& OF STYLES Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are up'to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada and buying at mill prices wo save you from 50c to~$l on pair of pants and $2 to $4: on a suit; wc have also a splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goods heioie buying footwear Go together. If you would have the first you must seek to get the second and to accomplish that take a walk into $ goplLEyg "Wff* -' No.xt (1. or to Bate's Carriage Shop, Talbot-St., Where you can have your choice of..... Custom oi Ready-Made Boots and Shoes 2?on aniLasr ^^srx) iccrsrc;. MMMIriMiTWiitr.i ZBEJJSTC1 Woitcm uiaktw to select from. ISfs* Prime 3totslc used in m.umfacUH'o to shoddy. fcSr* Hopaiyir>g neatly dor 0. Purlieu defining (Inhlmn iin-in Pont wear in the t'all can loav tho r ordue now and call for nunc \vli<u wanted. R. SONLEY, Essex. Homo ohoap Mungor'fl. Ik 1b reported that there are raccoons in thU vicinity. Alauson Elliott, of Oxloy, wan vUitlng his Bon Goorga, of Sandwich, last weak. Thoro a to twenty farmora in thin town* ship who havo lost Hhoop this your, Thou. Clark bus purohaeod X'ark & Borrowman'e GO aore farm on tho third oon. Holy communion will bo administered noxt Sunday at morning sorvico in Christ ahoroh, Oolohoator. Oliver 0. Vox, of Harrow, took out a nmtriu^o lieonuo in Dotroit ou Tuesday to marry Miss M. Brush, of Harrow. Tho heavy rain on Tuesday and Wed nesday of this wouk prevented many from nttomllng tho Great Southwestern fair at Kusox. Miss Mafftjia Haokett roturnod homo on Wednesday of laid; wook aftor a throo months' vlnit with hor aiuiov Emily, 6f Hotiyhton, Nor thorn Michigan. Tho firm of Johnson & Chngman oidor promiera, u tar tod tholr proa a on Saturday and state that It in a daliiy. They got thoir machinery from T. R, Flood. Mru. F. J. Mtttonoy and Mm. J, U, Pottypioao, of Amhorutburn, spent Satur day and Sunday with tho lattor's parents, Jamou Brin.h and wife, Golohoytor South. Itov, A.. Koraoy, Presiding Eldorof the A. M. K. church, Nova Scotia, will prouoh in tho Colchester A. M. fi. ohuroh noxt Sunday, Ootobor 4th, lit 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Look out for anotion sato at I*. Bmily'a Potior road, of farm stock and imple ments, also a field o! good corn m shook, about Thursday or Friday noxt. Soo billii fat| particulars. Intondinjj exhibitors from a distance should not fall to tioud in thoir ligtu of ontricii in good tirao to tho Beorotary, Alex. Haokott, Golohoutor P.O. and thuu oavo confunion on flrut day of fair. Hov. W. U. Ooopor hna bogun a uoriou of normonn m tho Harrow MotUodint chtiroh on tho "Ton Commandmentd.'1 Hiu oubjoct noxt Sunday ovoninf* will bo tho "Third Commandment" or "Porjury and Profanity." Mm. Jan. Oratt died on Wednesday aftornoon at hor homo in Harrow. Tho fuuoral will bo hold thiu (Eriday) aftor noon at 2 o'clock, fnnt timo, tiorvicea to bo hold in Chritit ohurohi Snaavillo, Intor- mont at Erio Coraotury. Harrow Lodfio, No. 345, A.O.U.W., will attend divine aoVvico noxt Sunday, Ootobor 4th. Tho raomborn will moot in tho hall at 2 p. m. and proceed to tho Baptist church whore aoroiood will bo hold at 2:30. Tho ofiioorn and mombora of Harrow Iiodfio No.30!l,I. 0. 0. F., aro rcrjuontod to moot in lodpjo roomn, noxt Monday ovonintf, at H p. m, to confer initiatory dogroo on oandidato. By ordor of J. M. Halstoad, B. S. Mm. 0. Artio and Mrn. Armntrong ro- tnrn thanka to thono who donated ao Iiborally to them for tbo pionio, which wau for tho bonefit of tbo 7Aon ohuroh. Thov tcturnfd thoir papora to tho paiitor in charge, Bev. A. L. Purnoll. It has been thought ndviuablo by tho dirootorti of tho C B. A. S. to havo tho judging Qommoncod on tho afternoon of tbo ilrnt day of tho fair, oopecially that of ludieu'work and fruit an it doeti not givo tbo itidgoa oufiiciont timo to do juotico. Mrs. Amanda Karnoy viuited in Do troit on Sunday, for to await tbo arrival of fiorhusband, Kov. Alex. Keruoy, onco nl tliia townfilup but now of tho Province of Nova Scotia. Mr. Keruoy huu jnht re turned fiom n uiiubioiiiiry tour oi Kng- lund. Mru. Henderfion and lion, of Dotroit and Mrn. McBndo, of Oakland county, Mioh., havo boon tho Ruoata of Mru, David FoBtor. Mihu Footor haa roturnod to Dutroit from nn o\tended viuit to many friondf) in Godorich, Kincardino and London. Tho ColchoHtor South Fair will bo hold at Harrow on TnoHiify and Wodnoedny, Out. linli and 11th, A liberal hat of prcrmumn will bo offered, alno a good list of Bpeoml pnzoH. Tho Indian' hioyclo riLcon will fcako place on tho afternoon of tho hrut day. Tho jirogamme rendered at tbo enter- tftinment held in Central Qrovo, waa a decided eiiccen. Song and rooitatione by several of tho younti (jentH and Iadioo, among them being ono entitled "Bido wnllca of Now York" by Edna Stuart and othern. Tho evening onjoymont ^ wao brought to a cloao by Itov. J. II. Wdliamii delivering a lengthy addroBH. Tho annivornary iiorviooa in Harrow Methodiot Churoh will bo hold on Sun day, Oct. 11th. Bov. Wm. McDonngh, of KingHVille, vjM preach at 11 n. m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. C. W.Brown, of Am- borotburg, will preach at 2 30 p. m. Tho usual toa meeting will be diapenaed with and a free will offering will bo mado at tho Sunday oorviceu in aid of tho truot fund. A concert in tud of St. Androw'a ohiuoh, Harrow, will bo given in tho town hall, on Wednesday ovoning, Oot. 1Kb, tho iiocond day of IIarrow fair. Tbo princi ple attraction will bo limo light viowa uhown by ltobt, Iteynolda, of Windsor. Mr. Rovnold'a lantern in ono of tho boot in America and tho viown ahown aro nnnurpaoiied by anything of thoir kind, Besides tliia music, vocal and inntru- montttl, will bo providod by local talent. Joseph Paro bus invontod and applied for a patopt for a com onttor, that in vory tiimplo and two mon can do an much work with it aa flvo or nix mon can do in tho iioual way. Tho maohme coitta about S5 and doou ita work onoily. Ho out eleven acroti of corn in two dayo with tho machine for Sylvoutur McLean. Evory- ono who haa noon tbo machine wonders that it wan not brought into into long ago. Tho 815 American maohinoa tried on Walkor'u marah woro returned, an thoy did not work uatiofaotorily. Tho Paro machino wont right along and did the work. The Epworth League convention will bo hold in Ehbox do Wednesday und Thara- duy, 23nd and 2drd Ootobor. Can. Parties who roquiro printing of any kindV ahould nob -forget that tho FiiEffi Prebs ofDoo is tho plaoo to havo It done right and at priooH ooimiHtont with (>ood and fair proutu. Rngarding tho taking of naoeoouB mod- loino, it !h yald by olomiip; tho noHtrlln tight with the Uugor and thumb during tho pro- oohd of swallowlug no tttflto whatever 1m ap. prooiatod, and u. pin oh of nugar on the ton- una is an excellent fluisb. By an act of tho Onturio LogiBlaturo ovory county in Ontario in entitled to havo at tho Agricultural Onllego at Guolph ono etudenb in uttouduuao without tho payment of tuition feoH. Thoro in now a vuouuoy for mioh a utudout from tho county of -ftuuox. John PoworH, a county patient ut Hotol Dion, WtadHor, for ovor 1H montliH, trot vory cranky and at bin rorpioat, and with tliolutarty oounont of tho Bin torn f>f that InxtitutSon, wan romoved to an inutitution in Loudon, by Couuty Troimuror Moratid. Tho oouuty htiK boon paying $1 fiO por wook at tho hottpltul while ho will ho kept at tho London institution for $2 50 por wook. Ho formorly livod near London. Ho in a grout Eiufforor from nonraluia and hail oommltod about all tho dootorH in vVindoor, hut nothing can be dono to ro- liovo him. A HorlouH Charge. .lamoH IColly, a baoholor about 50 yearn of ago, who ban boon around tho Hoyal Hotol for tho pant couplo ot woolen, wau arrontod lant (Thursday) night on an in formation laid by H. M. Fatil, tho par- tioulara of tho offonoo boint; unfit for pub lication and for tho pnniidimont of which novoro puniahraont Hhopld ho mfliotod. Ho will havo hiu hearing boforo P. M. Boumau to day (Friday.) THE Event of the Year. Slxxrplo, ^DoTJtraarigla'fc W. F, MoKonzio, of Loaromgton, wau id town on Saturday. Robert Niohol, of Dotroit^ wan tho guotft of Henry Hodrick on Sunday. ilohu MoEntoor hart purohaood a now wheel. It in a Brantford Black Bird. Murray & Bono havo the milt-wrighta horo from Gait potting in moro maohinory. William Ayorn ban gono to Barnia, where ho hint Hflonrod u position an clerk in a dry goodn ntoro. Thoman IMngorald has hio hoiiflo about complotod. Mia. Allon Millfl, who wan on a throo woqIcb' viHit at hor homo in Ottawa, roturu- od homo on Saturday !ant. Wm. Korko wout to Detroit on Saturday, to bo roady to aitond tho Modical Collcga, whioh oponod on Monday. Hay Fcvur nntl Catnrrh Cured In lO to CO MlnutCH.-'Ono ehort ruff of tho breath through tho Blower, aupphod with each bottle of Dr. Arugw'h Catarrhal Powder, diffuaoe thin i?owdor ovor tho surface of tho nasal passaged, PainloHH and dol.ghtful to uho. lb ro- hoven instantly, and permannntly- euros Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, noadaaho, Soro Throar,, Tonuilitis und Doafuoiis. Sold by J. Thorno. COLCHESTER N0UTH. Wm. Quick and Thoa. Jones utato that thoy killod thirty-ono blaok iiquirrolu in ono day, lately. Rev. J, H. Williams will hold moatingn in Now Canaan on Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. At Jl p.m, Sabbath School convened. Lewis Artio, known ao "Unolo Lowis" is vory flick, Mrs, ButiDoo con tinues thosamo, i In tho olootion for tho Provincial An- nembly in tho fourth diotrlot of TPrinoo County, P. E.I., to till tbo vacancy oauHod by Alex. Laird's death, W. Oampboll, Oondorvativo, was victorious with 1122 votes. Potor McNutt, Liberal, polled 26B votes, and Thoa. Humphrey, Patron, 169 votes. intJNrorrnt. K. KniHtor, of Combor, spent Sunday beio. Mio, Lunty spout a few days at hor homo in Hodnoy. Ed. Smith Rent nut a tram load of wood auu" loga Friday. Mr. and Mru. Ed. Kmator aro visiting among friondn hero. Thoy will leave shortly for their wostorn homo in Wiucon- siu. HofrCliolorft On Monday last, Dr. Wilnou a^ain visit ed MalJon cowiiHhip, hog cholera bojng nuspooted among nonry Helialo's hous, on tho Cth con., about half a milo from Alox. McGco'ft. Tbo Whole herd of 20 woro slaughtered. 'Tho inspector placod tho valuation at 85 por hrud. Throo Uuo largo howh in Joseph Boufford'fi baru yard woro found to ho ullootod and woro killed. Those rnnnwc iu thp fiolds ftppeurod to bo all right. Lie wan allowed $10 a piooo for tho sown. Dr. Wilson says ho does not autio- lpato thoro will bo any aorioufl outbreak. If huspoctod canes aio promptly roportod tho can soon ho ntampod out. Trio inspect or wont to Paudwioh East, near Maidstone Cross, to investigate suspected oitsos. CoiiiiiieBioiBLg^^-ss^^ Saturday Morning We Plaoe on Sale ! 12 Piooos of fl3-Ino!i Flanuulolto for (Jo. per yard. 2-Yards Wido Plain and Twilled Shooting regular prico 22o. a yard reduced to ICo, por yard. a.Yards Wido Bleach Twilled Sheoting tho 2/>o. quality re- ducod to lBo. per yard. IHl-Inoh Heavy Oroy Cotton reduced to tin, por yard. 10 Piooos of Hi).Inch Prints to Cloar at Oo. por yard, 10/1 White Spreads, worth 81.50 for #1.00 11/1 Whito Manioillos Spreads, for SI 25 Remnants of Dross GoodH, Prints, Ginghams, Satoons, 55op- hyrit, Ac, during thin Halo at Half Prlco. All Our 396. Borit I'Vonoh Chalhos during this oalo toy 10o. por yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and Towels. 50-Inch FiqoTablo Linon regular price 35o. por yard Sale pnoo 2Go. por yard, 67-Inch Eine Tablo Linons at Ufa., 37jo., 40o., lfio, and 60o, por yard worth regular 20 por cent moro. Throo-Quartor Size Linon 'Pablo Napkins for 81 por Dozon. Beautiful* Towols at 2 for 2oo. t W m i .V-ra A isi Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the Great Bar gains in All Departments, You llust Call and See.-^^322=- Our Wondorfal Bargains in Now Drons Goods. Our Boraarltablo Halo of Men's and Boys' Suits. Our Reasonable Offerings in Clothing to Ordor. Our Great Inductions in Boots and Shoos, Our Special Quotations of Sugar by tho Burrol. Our Gigantic Salo of Ladies' and Children's Now Fall and Winter Mautlos, The Millinery Department Now Open. is & BRICKER, 1 i Cheap Reading! ElUa Graven, ofDovor, who was charged with shooting at a neighbor somo wookn sgo, has been dismissed by Judge Boll at Chatham, Tho destruction wrought by tho qtorm on Wednesday throughout Florida is ap palling- At loast 100 lives havo boon lost and tho list may bo greatly swollod. Somo timo during tho oarly hours of Tuesday morning the rotail storo in con nection with tho T. H. Tajlor Company's woollen millp, Chatham, waa broken into, apparoutiy by juvonilo burglars, and all tho roady-mado boy's clothing diligently overhauled. A. oonsidoraulo quantity of goods was carried awsy. r\0 YOU want a live up-to-date local paper that gives you the news of your own dis trict and the county ? If so, subscribe for The~^^> Essex Press. w^wfrU ONLYJI till the End of 1897, 30 Cents TiU the End of l896. Roliof Iu Six Ilourn, Distrosning Kidney and Bladder Disosbob rolievod in six hours by tho "South A.mumcan Kidmkit Cuiik." This now romody is a great aur prise and dolig;ht on account of Its oxcood- ing promptnoim in rohoving pain in cho bladder, kidneys, bank and ovory part of tho urinary pansagos iu malo or fomalo. It rohoves rotontion of water and pain in passing h almost lmmodiutoly. If yon want quick to lief and euro this is your romody. Sold by J. Thorno. WANTED BitianT ni3N _ _ _ and Womon Can- vaflflors for Canada Hint AuntraHo. "Quoon Victoria, Hor tiifo mid ilnign." Introduction by Lord DulYorln, A thvUlttiff now book. Union raarvollous. Tho Quoon as M, wlfo, Lnothoi, mouavob. ftuiuls like romanoo. Grandly JUus trutt'd. lilR oominlaiilon. Bo vhs on timo. Prog. nootuo froe tocanvanuors. Uxoluetvo territory. Lots of monoy In tt Tub BnADWev-GAunBTBON Oo . Ito., 40 Hiobmoud St. West, Toronto, Ont The Free Press lias an. excellent staff of correspondents in all the surrounding town-, ships and villages and special attention is paid to home news. If you want to take one of the City Weeklies along with the Free Press yon can take advantage of the following offers; - Free Press and Weekly Grlobe - - till January, '97............. Free Press and Weekly Globe - till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press and Weekly Mail .till January, '97............. Free Press till Jan-, '98. and Weekly Mail for 1 year Free Press till January 1808, and Saturday Mail for 1 year Free Press and London 'W eekly Advertiser till Jan'., 98,..... Address all communications to" ?L *J,:, My^M^M&MS *&irVl)iU&)i&j&l!(L f 'A. - BRETT & AULD,