piiisi^^ PbK"'.:'.:'.' ' , i WISE WOMEN SPtAK. m- ^theyJJse Only the Diamond Dyosw 'Urn. TIiob. Miller, Bfc. HuWh, Onfc. wBaya: "I huva unad your Diamond Pyoii '.;; ,for many yearn and um dolipjitod with vji/1, Mra, Ryau, Huud Luku, Onl., wiyn : "liln- 5.V;,tiwly plottHod with Diamond Dycm j tlioy v^give ooniploto Hutinfaotion. I would not i^ii UBe auy other uflor my uxporiimoo with m too "Diamond." ";f!'Mra, A. it. Htuuvtm, Moiulow, N. tt., fe;sayB: "Diamond Dyon yivo lovely oolont; liff.tfcey aroeuay to una and vory roliublu ; I iiv/.hlfihly rocoiimiuiitl thorn." MVb. 3har)oH Gutfim, St.- Chryuoiitomu, ij".3?. Q-i Buya: "Your Diamond Dycm mo fe splendid and nhould bo kept in ovory "" '. Mrs. R..J. Hannah, Poplar Pont, Mini., v', flays; "Diamond Dyo-H arts a perfect laicuenH ?. , and uo troublo." ". Mra. A. I*\ Duvin, ICuowllou, P. Q., hryh : ii-\ "I ubo Diumoml .Uyon with j;rout micctimi. , I oau rM*color old dronnan ami maUo thmn ' look a p;ood aH uow emeu." P5?^^p^ CJC RACK AND MANGER, Olio l{vry Nlirlit. OnoLaxa-Livor Pill taken each nifjlit / during 30 UayH will euro ConittipiLtion, oft- ' ( returning Uoadacluui and irri'guJur nation of tho bowolii. Lfixa-Livor Pilbi Icavo no 'anplouHiini" after-tifi'oofc; Albert Lyuuh, tho famouu I'Vonch artiut, ieLKttid to liuyo #ivon un a now and Uih- - tlnofciyo typo of".Viru'iican f^iri1' inn pic ture oomplotod ahor Iiih return from a ro- |"oeut oxtundol vifiit to thin country, Ilia ohuractorization 'jf youuf/ American v;n- -inaijhood in exceedingly lut^rt-nLiji^ mid attraoUyo tho conception of a critical : atudont, and tin: creation of a ulnlleJ . paitttor, Air. Lynch . wan uunnninmoned by Tho Liidint,' Homo Journal to portray tho "American o,irl" an hit imw her, ,tum , hlH ploturo will bo reproduced in tho Oct- tobor number of that maj^iiidiie. A. OoinUlnuUon Cotilrlvuncw That X'mvnuU Wiwtn of Hity. FurmerH who avo troubled by horHCn throwing J my out of thnlr iunKorn will Hud aromodyln tho contrivance Up;urod hero. It iw Hum doHorihed by u Virginia uorroH]niidi!iit of Country Oontloman, Who fuvniHhod tho original Hkofcoh. Ho Writc.4: . I lako two poloH iw-lonpt aw (ho widtli of |,)m hIilIIh and hmitf ono on bruokntfJ aft uny ronvL'idfint hoi^iit. MyhrnokotH aro picoon ttt plunk uuilfd to tho fiturtdintf. U.'ho liuvor polo roHta ou tho outaido of Til 111 It ll Over. Havo you ovor hoard of a mcdicino with snoh a record of cureH an Hood's Barnapa- ',. rilla? Don't you know that IIood'H Sar- . eaparilla, tho Ono True Blood Pnriflnr, 'baa provod, over and ovor a^aui, that it, bau 110wor to euro, oven after all oilier remodicH fail ? If you havo impure blood ' ^ you may talco tlood'a BarHaparilla with '" tbo utmont conflilouco.that it will do you .good. Hood'fl PiIIh RHiuot di^ofition. 25 conta: Tho OoLober uurabor of tlio Doliuoutnr . ie oallod tlio Autuni number, and its many , colored platen of drefm moilta and millinory reiloot tho rich but aubduod tmtn charao- v teriztnK Autumn a i ImihIuouh, Mot hern ,'!':. will And OHpeuially helpful tho diroctioiiH 'for fitting out tho family with autumn and _^Htor clothing, Tho literary mailer ; "fshowH a continuunco of tho high quality lately notod, two brilliant additiona to tho ,J , liot of contributors boiutf made in Francoti . Lyndo and Violu Allen. Addrenn wm- m.auicatiouH to The Doliuoutor Publialiin^ ; Oo., of Toronto, Ltd., .'ill Hiohmond Ht., Wcat, Toronto, Out., or tbo locul auont for Tbo Bottorich Patterns. BubrJoription price of Thp Delineator, SI.00-per year, or 1;")C por sin^ltj copy. " ,--------------------------m+.------------------- -- Whut you want whoa you are ailing ia n modioino that will euro you. Try Iloud'n Saraaparilla uiid ho convinced of it merit. THE CABBAGE CROP. On MnMtuihniinttii Tftick Fnrinn Whn to Hull mid How to Htoro. Dnirymon, or at UuiKt milk produoorn, bavo loiiriUKl rhntuahhugoa uro mi exool- lonfc food for milk oowif, and thut they sail bo utiliaod in tbo full or kopfc Ihrougli Jho wintnr for that pnrjiORo, and fcimH thoy ^rowOio wintor ouhba^ur) moro Inr'^oly, niarkotlnp; Homo of tho bout it tho prloo oxooodH wlmt thoy think to bo tho fnodintf valuo. Vnrioun puviHOH havo l-OHiiltod in mioh low priooM thut thoflft who havo not oowh' to oat thin Miirplurt Hay that oabbnwM uro an unproiltublo orop, and nuoh duirymon wt dofjiro io make butler or to Hell oronni iiHHorfc thut, howovor much tho milk may hun-eaHo, thowi i no oronm to bn obtainod hy foodino; oiibbunoH. But many will con'thmo to ^row thorn and hopo for noino lnoky ohanoo tliat will onoo morn hviiift a good orop and hi^h pi*ir!OH to/jfntlitu*. For oiirly (liibbnpcflHNtartodtuulor gltiHH tho hind Hliould ho prepared in tho fall, ho that it will noed only a ll^lit Hnrfano working boforo KOttinK-tho pluutH, The mobhrxl of HOwhiff wood in Hopioinbor to produce plituttt to ho pri(!lced out into cold framt'H and kept thoro durinp; tho wintor, and thnri (tot in tho Kprin^, ia hut littln followed around HoHton. PlantH ho kept am but little earlier than thoKo from Hoed howh in Fobruavy or Maroh in tho hotlied, and tlio pluntH havo proved Iohh reliable in lioadin^. Tho Into winter oahba^enaro not fiown until Juno, usually in tho hint half of tlio month, and avo fit for tmUHphinting in AuguHt. TiuiH writoHun eastorn trunk farmer to American Cultivator. HcnayH: I'jarly eablm^eH nhnuld be Hold an noon iih they aro liiv^e onouKh, and tlio full cnbbnf,'o when the market is i-eadj-fur coMiiiNKO hack AND manokh. ] it, wluhi the later onen can bo kopt-in a tlm manger. I nail HtripH !i or 4 inohoH : cool but dry cellar or in jiltH nndor Wide to tho polen, leaving spares be- ground. Such pits nhould ho well dr-iiiu- tweeii them lavpn enough to admit-, free-. od and covered, ho that there will not bn ]y u horse's bead. It. in well to have the ! much thawing after thoy are once fro- lower pule just ]nn enough to fH be-! zcn. Until they am frozon solid' they tween tin* fit all partitioiiH. If nliort, the | nitud ventilatioii, to prevent heating and borne will push the rack Hidowiao and j rotting, Homo phioo boardH upon tho perhaps wreck it. j ground and pile tho caliba^e.q on them, My Mulls are 7 foot wide; mniiRer" HtemH upward, coveringwith leaves, hay the .same length, with a feedlmx at one; or straw until freezing begins, then end, and lunges not tied. When it i* do-1 covering with earth. In thin way they siruhlo to clean 'out tho manger, the; free/.o hut litth1. Thoy may ho taken ont lower polo can be raised and kept up ! when Wanted, hut it uTboUer to allow by ii crotehod stick. Tho whole rack ; them to thaw out in a dark plaoo and not too'rapidly. UabliitHOfl and cauliflower nhould not bo grown two yearn in Hiiocoswion upon tho.same field, nor Hhoubl they follow turnips. I"ivo or aix ye-ars nlnmld pasn boforo the land if) iiKuiir-lined for theno crops. There maybe excoptionn to thitt rule, an where tho laud ia full of oyster Hl.iells or Komoothorformof slaked limo, but Hueh (ii-lds are HCtirco, ' ' Emulsion The cream of purest Norwegian cod=Iiver oil, with hypophosphites, adapted to the weakest digestion. Almost as palatable as milk. Two SheK-W) ccntjtund $j.0O 5C0TT & liOWNB, Belleville, Ont ^^i KwingH upward on the brackets. In the cut A is feedreom or passage; K, brack- otH.; b\ atrip; G, feed opening. Kimlliti;^ Cut-torn. A large number of ensilaK" and feed cutters are now.' on tho market. The smaller onw ean-hcrun h^ tread power or a small lior.se jiowcr. Large sizes nux be inni'c ' advantageously operated hy means of strain engines. Many farmers own stationary engines, while others have thrasher engines. Thesu muehhn-s an; as good for cutting hay, straw or Chiiuliiuiuu CourHo Vor FanuorH. Tlio school of agrieulturo of tlio Penn.wlvania State college bus a Chau- tanqua course of homo reading and dry fodder ;is for onsilugo and can thus Rtu(1y rr lhl' fn"r. Tho books in this Dr. Fowhsr'H Extract of Wild Straw berry curea JJiarrluea, Dysentery, CramjiH, Colic, Cholera MorbuH, Chclera Infantiun, aiid all loobenebH of the boweln. Never : travel without it, l'riuu ;Joc. Tho noxt hittingH of the Diviriion Courts in tho County o[ Khhcs will bo Held h.h fol- i'.Io.wh: Ehhox, Tuofiday.UctcbLT (Kb; Ainliortithiirg, "Wodneaday, Ootobor 7th; Harrow, Mon day, October l'Jtli; JCingHVilio, TuoHiluy, ; Octohor 111th; Loammgtou, Wednesday, v"- Ootobor Mtb; Comber, Thuivduy, Oo'.ohur, 16th; Bollo Itivor,. Monday, Ui:tjher ytjth; l^1/ Sandwich, Wednesday, October ii-sth. Tho iVIiohiga'u Central Iiu.ilroad will h. il tickotu from all htatiouB in flanada oast of JEbhox io Detroit, Chioiigo, Bay City, Sug- lnaw. Grandltu('ddn, ClovehnuhCinciuiKiii, l-t".'."^. Paul and Minneapolis on October It.*, l^-:2ud and 3rd, good to return up till Oet:jb_i ^JvJ^Mi-iit) very low rat(:s, tho round trip iaier, [tfViroto I2Hdox beuiu as t'ollown : To Di-croii, FH.!75ctH-; to Hay 'Jity una. iingiuaw, ta.7">; BtOA^rand Kapidu, 1)1.75 ; to Chicago, ,Mi.7"'i ||!;jto' Clovoland, "Jlh^o; to Cmciiuiaii, 'H>.7~- f&^and to t3t. Paul and Mmnoupohh, ?:)!!. liexisediho greater part of the year, j Tho small ouch are provided with a fly-. wheel mid i\ crank, by means of which; limited quantities of forage can be cut by hand. | In this romiection American Agrj-'l culturi.st tells that the prices of these.; iiiachines range from ^1! for tho small! hand machines to ;jnii/ and over, de-j pending ujion the capuoeSi- of'tho cutter j and the length of tlie carrier. . Sweep j hoi'sepuwer-i cost ^iO to 00, tread; powers 100 to $17.~> and farm engineRi couvso have, been selected with special reference to tho noedtt of tho practical fanner and his family, and arrange ments have been made with publishers by which these bookH are furnished at reduced prices.' But, as Rural New Yorker explains; this college does not lot; the matter rest there. It has appoint ed a superintendent, whose duty it is to visit the institutes and other farmers' meetings and explain this system of home study, which inoludes some in struction hy letter from tho college when desired and also examination and -^HO-lo $100 or more. Tho carrier can be extended to uhnost any height, U:> toi granting of diploma when the course is 10 feet being the usual limit. Thcaddi-i Hutistaetorily completed. The course in tional length costs about ^ n foot. Tho; P^scd upon the notice- of tho farmers. longer the carrier the more power re quired to run it and tho more care in placing and operating it. FiMJiii; Hint UVlghtfiii; Kilna, All American Agriculturist corre spondent, complains that" his silage hats never been cjuite free from heat, not enough to greatly injure it, but more than has been noticed in previous years. A second correspondent tells that tin's in due to atmospheric influences, mid fhia remedy is to have a smaller surfaeo ex- posed to the air. The best way is to feed from the top. Jiavo at all times the least possible snrlnce exposed to the air. Heat; and mold ensue where a large surfu<.-e is exposed, and bat few cuttle are fed ihf'refroni. A silrj filled in oun than half full after the heating mid set- j tin:,',' pnjfv.-'.es are properly completed.! If properly cared fni, I he ensilage should ! be equally ^uod whether the filling be { done quickly or slowly. Weighting the! cover is oronomical and will surely j pay, If properly dene, it saves some on- [ hilago. lJluuk and stone are all right I'et'! this purpose, and the tighter thocoveT1 the bolt uTlio result is that frequently lfi, ^0 or 2T> persons at a sinRln institute point afik for ccrtiticates of memburf-hip. There is a projudice in tho minds of many against, our land grant collegeH, and tho charge bus been freely mado that tho great majority of them aro not in sympathy with tho plain, practical farmer. The scheme just noticed will do much to dispel tho prejudieo and to convince the peoplo on the farms that the onllogt.! can help them and desires to. do so. Tlio .~il;i]iK; Siitfii.r Ilminly, Th(' farmers have received checks for that Jong hung up bounty on maple sugar. The New' England llomeste;. 1 point>'d our, at tl:e1i;ne' that chums for the j.iaplo sugar product of JSO-t tiled L)i.:foi*f) Auix. '-'^ of that year would proi'j- jVi';.; 'The.South rh^cx Tcacln r:)' InntitiU' \\i'.'> ffi-i&e beld'iu the Le'ianington Public richon; p^Thur-iday and 1/nday, October 15th and j ^ pj"^^.' M-iYiy Imwwvouid^t, ||;j6,th; Thofli.fitH(SMOiiop.1nflatl0:;l0tt.m. | take the Jittle troublo mpiired to do fetClio fpllowiag jiroprarnuic ha* been ur- ^-jean^nd : BuidiioMH'- Jib?ciion of. Ot'licen* .^' ?dy riaun ot 5'Tfiaohinn Geography, Alisa M. K. l^ee; V'-~i .... P.^tEBa-'ling, W. 'B. Manning; Cram mar, feJB. Cuohing, B, A.; BoluiioiiH in Aritiuiui- Sj'tlo, F. Voaden ; Engli.Ui Kchonl System, 0, Kri* Crasiiwollur, AI. A.; Cumpo^itiou, .1. I&hiott, M. A. ; Jjiterature, U. A. Maxwell. 'fjpu T'luuHday, at 7:30 p. m., there will bo a pfmo-light illufttrateU lecMue by Hoy. .1. II. A'&jopj;, 13, A..LL. B Hubjoot, '* Canada." B&;: ----------------*---------------- G4ilii)i'Ul. / ThoBrititdi-Egyptiau Boudan cxpiditioa Bimet tho dorviBhoa in foroa ou tho Ni'c atid after defeating thorn with hoavy, lot.^ Jeiit tho gun boats on to Dougola, which the dorviabOH hud loft practioally umb - ffoudtd, A nmall force of Britinh took pon- JiseBBibn of tho city, and will liold it till tho fiktjriyal of all tho troopw. 111j:-J "beeauseit won't amount 1o any- thiiig," they said. But those whoI hot if- ed the advice uro now tho happy pes scssors of nearly $I^n,()00 of extra rio-h that they never would liavo had oLhcr- wise. Tlio sums range all the way from $o to over ^^,8(iii, undtmg a total, ol. $S2,10-1 for the pnckets'of Now England inaplo sugar maker.-J. New York claim* $-J7,t)0t), Pennsylvania $5,SiJO, Mary land $#,731 and Ohio $o\Kin Salt I^ir tlui Army WorniK, Tho story is going tho rounds about ft Ttomo (N.' Y.) farmer who discovered hat; tho army worm 1& killed whan it comes in contact with Halt. To confine tho worms whero thoy nro operating ho is putting a windrow of Halt around, tho fiold, or to protect a growing crop that is not infected he will run a line of suit around that. From experiments the farmer is confident that when the worinH undertake to crawl over tho row of Halt it will destroy thorn. Bimiytird Mauuro. The ideal way of storing manuro tem porarily till time and opportunity are secured for applying it to tho holds is to put it under cover. Unmixed, horso manure lends to beat quickly and vio lently. If spread out evenly, sprinkled with some dry earth or (better) gyp sum and wet and moderately solidi fied, it will be in an ideal condition. Niilnre's method is to spread the ref use material thinly on the surface in late fall and early winter whero plants are growing-. J>uriug the'winter and early t pring a J.'.vge perc ntige of the nvaibJd'! plant: t'ood in manor.*s in v."ash ed i-aw (!:> -'e:.-Ui fanners, Irniiw- iug iliis i.avn 'adoj.h'd th" practiefi of | spreading llieir siiv.wy ruanui^'S on the i jijeaito'.'.s in the iV.ll e.itil i-arly winter. | In .April, dtiving a dr.,'time, the coan-o, ' parts i if t !iera uro i:t';ed leg. thor, carted to i he barm: and u:-'--.l a :"C(-nd time foi lieddio..'. V\rlien aiaii'U'e.' are spri ad iu thowini.r or e:\rly fall, tliey maybe plowed nndej- in i!j(. sprie;; with a shah low furrow.' -Country ( aoileinam N'u'Vj p.iid Xe(:-H. The hoj) crop is r.':poi*Kal as b^iug om--tbird le-ss than lust year. Experience appears to 'havo proved that; the use of parchment papi-r lessons tho loss of butter .by evaporation. According toThe Hay Trade Journal, ;i good, supply.of hay in denoted in the central, western and northwestern States, with a demand for the same in the eastern and eo;;st lino states'. Ocean steamers, tilted with refriger ators for tho purpose, arc now carrying ruiantitios of butter to" tho other Hide Tho average result of topping corn, an tested at seven -different experiment Kta- aonn, 'fihowH a Iohh of 1(1 por cent in Weight of grain. Tho hay orop in England if) n falluro, but little more than half im average-. HOW TO BLANCH CELERY. Tlui KxjKHllMmiH MtotluiilH of IMnilorii Oar- donorh l>*tH<irJb<.'(J Wint<n* Mtiirn^o. The old custom of repeatedly handliiifi tlio phints has given way to more ex peditions methods, and it is generally conceded that ono hilling boforo the final banking is ftufhVsiont. Whim roady to hill tho plantH, oultivato deeply be tween tho rows; then draw tho soil loosely about tho plants with a hoe or a norapor made for that purpouo. Thii hilling should not bo done till tha plants have thickened up considerably, us the leaf stalks do not thicken after the Noil is drawn about thorn. If bank ing with earth in to he practiced, onooi the machines mado for that particuhu purpose will bo found very helpful, sayi a oorrospondent of Rural New Yorkoi and authority for the. following: For blanching tho early crop tho uflfl of hoards is preferred to that of earth. Celery intended for the winter markets is not usually blanched heforo storing, though it is well to hill it up slightly to straighten up tho leaves and make tho plants compact. That, intended fni lato fall iiho will, of cournc, need some attention, as from four or six week! are required to blanch tho later crop. BoardH are seldom employed in blanch* ing this lato crop. On well drained Roil .tho plantu .may bo left iu tho row.4 till tho last of No vember. If tlio plants are well hanked, a little freezing of the tips of thtrlcavei will do no harm. Tho mistakoof apply ing winter protection too early is often made, thus injuring tlio crop by keeping it too warm. For winter, storage tho method in aonio celery growing districts i, on wolJ drained soils, to make beds of four to six double rows of plants with a wall of earth between in elfeat a series, of parallel trenches on tbo surface of the ground. Bank up ou tlio outside till the tips of tho leaves just show above the surface of the bed. Leave the bed in thin condition till hard freezing begins; then throw two or three inches of .soil over tlio surface. Let this f>oil freeze hard before applying litter, and never apply heavy covering at tho first approach of cold weather. Tho secret of success in tho winter storage of celery is to keep it cool. As severe winter weather ap proaches tho covering of litter may be increased unless there should bo a fall of snow. To opon tho beds tuko tho lit ter off from ono end, break the crust oi soil with a pickax and remove any de- Hired amount of tbo celery;. then care fully roplaeo tho covering. This plan has the merit of ohoapnesH, and for hold ing plants through-the winter is prof- oral Jo to pit or cellar, Tho treatment of celery stored in trenches varies. In general, however, it Is best to havo tho trenches only wide enough for +wo or three rows of plants; otherwise there, will bo loss from heat ing. A ninglo board is laid over the tor. of the trench, or in some cases twe boards uro put, togotlu-r, forming a span roof. As cold weather comes on, soil and litter arc thrown over the outside o1 tho boards. It is seldom advisable tc place loaves and litter inside of tin- boards next to tho plants, net only be cause' of tho heat, but because thi? forms, a convenient nesting place .foj rats and mice. If the crop is to ho dis posed of us early as .Taiuiary, it may woll bo stored in a cool cellar or pit. fitronj; Colnjik'H For Wintering. What, would you do in order toobtain a, largo number of lato reared bees tc insure strong colonics in tho fall for safe wintering? This query was recently an swered in Tho American Beo Journal. Dr. C. C. Miller said, "Havo noold queens;" W, O. Larrabee, "A late hon ey Uow is iho best way;" William Mn- Evoy, "Feed the colonies in tho even ings;" Cr, M. .Boolittle, "I hit the bees take euro of this matter to suit them selves;" Dr. J. P. U..'.Brown, "Food in proper quantity and at regular time to keep up bi-jod rearing;" Charles Da- dan t . tvj .Son. "Leave Die hivo with plenty of honey, and lot tho bees r.ak care of that part;" ,7. A. Green, "rice that tho queen has room for laying in tho broodohamher and,feed regularly;" Professor A. J. Cook, "Lato stimulative feeding in case there is no fall hOney. crop would help, but Idoubtif.jtpayH;" K. L. Taylor, "If the bees "wore getting no neotur, I would feed each colony regularly ovory day from a piut to' a quart of thin granulated sugar sirup;" MrH. Jj.-Hurrison, "In a locality whora there is a fail flow of honey, do nothing; Whoro there is none, feed accordingto ^:B'7mpo7t^ feod\vhilo yo'fc thoro'iy pollcro Ult within roaoh of the. hop at all timet*. I to bo gathorod.. Thoro in u largooroptof ontn thiayoat , , r WM. T" SIMPSON, i Mutiufflflturor of >Voh- tor'n 1'iitt-ilt Union Artificial Limbs tt'j.t in nut.,.1 ut i)u. irolt. Mlcib Jsuiuirl|>tlvii !Ut,ILl(l[(lli,)llUl(l tilioiku lot tilfJdnji ii)'idiuiiLlo)tii tM eovtirinuuiit nnlot-H tat IhiilJH mid trunnportidloii orooiimmtHtlon thunifoi' litillt IlfiU fill lipi'lldlLtllJIl an. \m 31 ' "lJ FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS, DUNN'S m ::^ THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND '..ArKlSST SAUK U<4 CANADA. Are You Building-? We can supply you with nil Idndn of U'oodon Matorial, plair and ornamental. Pino, Hemlock and native Tjiimbor always on hand. Hhingios, Codar I.Yris Dooxb Ktisli and ('onl. Important to Farmers- Wo have just got in a fh-Ht-ciaas linti oi' barn luiuherat $12 por M. ft. oors and Window Thai yxrili last a Xiife^iime, Laing Bros. Jas. McMurray IS AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR 4t 7fBinders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills Heat Plows ii\ tl"\e Market. 1t;yirst"'Cl*-;iHS I'^striTi Wadon8. Farmers Should Sec "&lyrS?ock Before Purchasing, ALSO DIOALKK IN General Tinmnithing and liepairing: itfctoihled to tfcSg?- North of Railway Track, - - Essex- jankiin. limAi ^. 1/15 F J-i* -f ." I 6o Washington Ave., DETROIT,. MICH. Uhmumr^ m Mhii If you arc" tired of beinjf humbng-ffcd .and maltreated by quacks and po.stors, consult ns. We have made tho treatment ef all chronic diseased .study, of our life. If you are in need of honest treatment wc will give it ; Our "staff consists of seven eminent specialists, and their combined wisdoj brought to bear in all complicated, diuicult or doubtful cases. - Consultat- frec either at Institute or by mail. If you cannot call, .send .stamp question blank. Our charges for.treatment vary from $5 to $30 per mouth either by t or at Institute. Only curable cases are accepted, and a cure is ftiarautcef every case fliulertalccn. . * ' * . P. S. ,'icinal tnul niic;i:Hful trisutmutit uf Ontarrli, Ciitttrrlml-deafnons, Bronebiti AutUmti and Ooum taticinal uHum^i. FOR TIMB JOB P; . You cannot clo-'bettertliaii call " 'l'/ii' "" i "'/ii " >'i . * .'.,J .'.' I '>}*t ' ! t.;l % '.'yuvr .#* the kr; - 1 '. * ri--",l!^,H^S