Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 2, 1896, page 6

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*w *1 ' < i'v *&VI OT/w/f! TOP V)'?. 7" ',r'0" .m I-' ^ ^i :,h i Ki V 11 ft"' >i: A TIME-3AVINQ CLOCK. I&aBlouK I>i<vlo* of* llmlinr to <;t Aid or 'IIiTrir" "J anil It my timo-Huvliin: uloofc," tuhl A "Wall Atiruut hrokur yo6ardoy, pointing t>0 o olook with ii lar^n dlnl, iu u (nn- Aplquoufl j)oltton on tho brnkor'y roll top tletk. "xou will notion that whim you nrci wotuil bcflido mo. Vow can't huln on- ttf 11 Now kuui) your oyuH on tho hood*" Tho broker KtrotohiHl ono loy ujidor hU (talk, and at oiiou thn htuiilu on tho olook bagan to run, Thuy moved from 11, SO .0 clock to 1.00 o'olook In about threw Mooudy. "I oiiUoil your attt^jtlon to rho olook fiwso Blindly to nhow yoit how ill Wub ionii/' I'Xplulnnti tho limn of Htoakv, "but I don't do thot when I want to lituku praofcloul uno of It. You tiw> I um ;(tontly annoyod by visitor* who Imvo no uonooption of tho value of tholr own time or mini), and I (IovImkI thlu hcIimuio Jo gok rtil nf thorn. I tfot, nn olei'tilrul 'iund to Quimuut tho olnek wurku with a uh button whloh I can tnuoh wilh my oot. Whim a man jcotri to bu a boio, I Olrlc Up H tfidlroad time tnblo, whluh X uovo handy, nnti hnlrl it up In front, nf film. At tho HUinu tlmo IHonnh tin' but ton tiuj Hut tho tlmo on, Hay un liour. "Thoti I my, 'Woll, I'vo tfot to yot a train pretty noon.' Of oounte, tin' fiffit thliiff my \lnltor doi-4 id In look at thn Jlouki and lm in iifliinlly mirjirWoil at thn mphl flight of tlmo. Sonu'tliwn ho will look at hi-- watoh for cnnllrmation, but i i always i.wuiir my olook in run on don- t U'lwil tlmo and cannot poHslbly bo wronijf. That UHiially htart^ idm "I hud to put thn flock on thri'o houra tho other day on a lon^-windnd fnlluw, tt wan at 10 o'clock in tho morning, and t puuliod thn huiuK alony to I o'clock Would you bellow Jin*, it actuallv mado him hungry, bccausn lm thought It wai lunch timor" Now York Mall and Kx- * X Kays on an Old Nullot. BtaRf by staffo tho photography of un- \Man iiituriorrJ, or, as it is more ^ononilly Ujrnuid, "tho now photography," Is ad vancing toward p^rfn-tinn Hunrcoly a day ftfooi by without soniu improvnmfnt bning made In the management of tlio lamp, tho preparation of tho mibjoct anil tlio handling of the negative. J)r. Vnhi'y, of tho Lancet, 1m employing a new ino- lUum for tlie clircft \i(!w hcrocii which (IttviN PKuolhmt results. Kocontly ho undc'rtook to obtain a pho- tOL'nmh of tho course and lotatinn of n bvillnt wlucli wan ]uvsiiniably lodcti.d bo- fcwofH the Imart and luns of a llrltlsh otdemr. The itlomnn, Maj. A. Leon- avd, wiib shot at tho hnttlu of Abu JCru, durinff the Nile campaign in l^sB, For U long tlmi) his lifii win despaired of, but Uo rooovored, anil is now ciuiotm to Iftiirn whnthor tho Uomhuijkm bullet nf GEORGE EUlOfS KINDNESS. tho dnrvUhoH ran bo Jjevtraoted, iw tho fu'iny surffonnt failod to llnd It with tho prolic. Affcui an uxpoHuro of thirty-two inin- Utcu to the Horuttfon nu^*_the.lump lia\- Itlff bfion i)laecil at Maj. Leonard'^ back, tho rc-jult vih a photonnipli hlTT*liu; a< . fulnt lnduation of the bullet,, alumt a! Ihcheii to the left of the lirnnfltbone Dr. Vasoy propovs taking huveral ntlifi* pho- toffraphs, so as to ascertain wlrha^ much ' BXactltude iw pnshiblo tho position nt tho I bull) t, and has devlued sjicdal apjiaratUH i for that purpose. i Till l.\ III. Of <)l>Hllll.U'% . i There are many way-' in -u filth obit!-, nary may roM.--l its* If. One N b> a ipilli- ' bliri[; and dihicputable if) !. of coivm X's i J tlon a tendency to contradict o\ury rn-1 ni.irlc, and in any eaho saj the la^t word. Few thinpn ure more a^m\atiiiK than ! tlilh. It is liaull; pn^.llde lo tomepiO With ^nme persons without mefjrhm into crmLro\(i'sy. It is a pi itv ar^niny for trliles, alro^'ether unwortliy of debate To find one's 'til qiH-rioiD'd at every turn. cyery word di pnted, every assertion doubled, ih to soiiii of Us very annoying. It may he ftuie l Lhai > italii mlinK, nob Hie noble,), taki' a deli ",r In ihU imd.j- tli(leant \\ai ot wo'd- this -.i ubhuni cun- fllri (i\cri'U'i; mill n[ j^iound We aj-o hot all mi i mist ii tiled It 's a s[ii cii'-' of Unwmthy ubaLuii.ty, \\hih idl well- lm .mini,' pi lMin** shvit.hl endiavor to ht.nop out. A pallrv Iom nt t uiitrndictlori and denial in.iv lom < le\or hi the cyis of those who i ultu.ii it, but, in reafiry It is Dothinc Imi in.aiinis^ and folly ObsUnii_\ btvujs nnny 111 weeiU; this Is "not i)ii of thi 1) asi. H.iU-Mm ins In tin Oi.iuki- i'ur stat, One of, t h si> ronubhc^ tin- (lianyo t'jTf Stat* is very in ally as lur^e as KllKland, and jiiht as laij-'e as tin Stale Of New Yoik. it li.s lmin 1,000 to n,000 feet abne tin st a, and is mostly level, With onic low r.uif^is nf hilN Tho sur fail' is baie <>f wo'id, i \ei ]il in a few fehclti J't (l -poLM aloof-,' tin' si it- nih, hut is \vi 11 ee, iied with Infinite, Tlio aii is pipe ,iUd'llir, mm b like that ot Cnl O'Klii oi' WmihiIii),' 'I In le ale h ippily, Ho I U. 'auIs, bul \ ioli nt thumli l~ tol uts ai inn iinitjinmon, ind tin hailstones 1 have ,i en tin m MtfK1 r than pn; oii'li I'jV-----which tail diuinj' such stoenis Bonn t'.i'u s kill tin -in ill) r animals and L'Veti men, .muiis ul ^<nitb \f- Vlcu," by Prof .lam.s hiyie, M 1', in the May Cent my. DoW Sli At<1<1 mi AnxiniiH Aiikurloan Alotlioi, Iu fj-avellliif; recently tho writer oharued tjpou a typlral "Hhlpnthat pat-ri" rtory, >,tuit m(ii)uhI loo awectly liimian nnd Hyiiipathtjtlo to bo ullowod to pasM Into oblivion, Living In a llttlo wnstorn town mvoral yoarM ao wan a tendi v houlml mother whom) only won dovelnpod -it an early a^o a beautiful voice and markoil mmileal nhlllty. 'Lhroupih tho lnllilniino atld tin- Hlwtanni) of filmuhi, hIio wuh purHUadfd to allow lihu to i;o to London for Htudy, wlioro bin volno and talontnoon won for him a poHltlon among tho ohnlr boyw In ono of (ho leading cuthodrnlH. In conrwt of time, howovor, Lamn a long interval during which tlio mother heard nothing from lier beloved Hon, and In conhctpioiico became a prey to the moat deadly fear and anxlity. Knowing no ono hi Loudon to whom hIio could ap peal, her mind Instinctively turnnd in tlili '-mil htic.H to tho one great In art In Knglund that for yearrt had atood to her for all that was limit nobln, htrong, flno, woiuan/y and sweet. Ho in n porfeotly Htmplo way tfho wrote a letter to (ionrge Kllot, (jtntliig the details of tho casn and giving the last known addros*H(>f her ion, addrohslng tho letter simply, London, England, Thin artiest) appial did not fall to roaoh lty destination, and Clonrgo "Kllol lost ho tlmo in himtinp; tip thn hoinelcHs >onth, though shn failed to (Ind him at tlio address' given. Phn traced him, liowover, from place to plaui until fiho earni) upon him ill and forlorn among entire hlrangen.; and to Idm her coming hcouiftl bull ed like the sliadoW of a great rook in a weary land. The humane ami syinpnthutle, woman had the friendless hoy taken immediately to liei* own homo at Chelsea, where he was nursed and eared for until ri stored to htalth She of eotu'hy wrote at once to relieve Mil-anxiety of bib mot In r, and pro\ld(d ways and means for In r to enmo to Knglnnd to \isit her boy. Hut by the time that tho grati ful mother bud made tlio long \njage In r son's noble bene factor hud gone to join the "Choir Invis ible." Tho Lewes' qojis, howovei*, had hocenno no interested In the youth, and were mi pleased with the character of 1 he moth er'H letters and her naive, hweet faith in the power and love oi their mother, that they coiiitnued to look after tlio hoy, and e\temlcil to the unknown Amorican upon her arri\al on foreign shores eveiy possi ble klndnuss and courtesy, not the least of which was bestowing upon her in memory of the experience, a hi-aullful jx arl pin that hud for many years adorned the foremost woman of her tlmo it not of all times-. Township of Colchester North. BY-LAWNo. 326. No Won dee sin. \i an Afraid. Talking about fish, hayn a w rltor In tho Intciifcn', remlndn me ot a littli* aiUenturi! WvP happened to one of our Hoston an- Uno*w last fall He bail In en dining out, Knd arruid at Ids doot-step mllier late, lfe Is not, let it be hastily said, a drink ing man Ih was greatly startled at In-tr- Ing shrieks of a high feminine key rever berating fiom the Inside of Ins home. The sounds ol fright were plainly Irish, and supposing that his conk was being mnrdi nit, 11G the, ho dnslu d in. Then' was a dim light in the hall. Ho followed the im teasing noise Into the tin- llgbted dining-rooni. There be saw tho Uncert. in outline of a woman blanching upon the dudng table. "O nnny, mercy, Mother of Nations! Murt bui lt bewlti hid 1 be! Mary!' that hi ' crlnl lier cook had kiip qua t, A ( IHlli I. IH'KS. a story told i oni einbig 1" 'lheii-is a story lolil i i>n< e i Ming mi Uimt of the pie-cut Arclidiaenii ni Lon Uon and sir Walter >< utt Cailn 1 me ^m elair, tin ladv in (|in stion, \'. is 1 he au- iliur of a mi in hi r ot work- w hn h at ono tinie wi'i' in nvi il rispii'st, ami mic of waieh ' Itolulaj Hoitsc," ^Mls recently liiabll-hi I by Ulaika In lit r e.ulier yi v . she v.e 1 ti< pienti \isijur at \b \ nt lord, mi! 01 o'n ni thesi c'casloiis, I11M01 1 he authoi hip ot the \Va\-rly No\els had been publicly awmi d, she pre enteil Sir Waliir with a on- grawiw of hlnwli, with a piic of ^ery tJiiolv muslin o\< r the lace, and the tn- t-i rlptlon underni'atli, "The (Ire it Un known," Dundee Adwrtiner. Pew Mm 1 r-oimiioii. There are few temptations mnro 00m mon lo urdent Kpiiits than that whloh li..ds tlnm to repine at the lot in whleh they are^oast, believing that in some other situation they could friorvo God hot tor. If each mie-h man had tlio spirit of 'Hidf-Mirrendor, tlio spirit of the oros, it \vould not matter to him whether ho Sveio doing tho work of the niaiimnrlng tir one of the inferior jnvrts. It is liln duty to try and bo himnelf tilmply to try to do lite own duty___Fiodcrlck \V. 'Koherttfon, Agent Uan't I put i\ burglar alarm in your hotiHer Ijiiily wo don't nuod it. Agent ,Ldy~'Ko, I mean It Tho family icros tlio uti-eot watohos tho plooe K> Closely that avtin a burg bur oonltin'.fe gift ia >>.^)out Vdng. ?conf Hell Help'" " {'or Heaven's ^ iki master, now behe\im gone ch all out ol her heac uml tell ni" what's the in.ittiT " "Holy Virgin! ' howled the woman. uNnt a dlnup base 1 been tnkin' tb -e three months It's shnakPs^ htia,kei all o\ei the lliKirI' Hero she emittid a yell. "NoMM'iise'" cried the man, hternly. But at tint moment his foot stepped 011 a wriggling, soft hissing roll He made a qun k -n ide, and landed en another coll. Now, thoioughh alarmed liuiisilf, lerii- Ihdas il en) inn]) tssi d hy imibgn en chant uienl, he, lm, gave a howl, and 1 nidi d plump In the middle of the din ing loom t ible Inside the coou In the pintntiiid illeme that lell he umld bear a -itrange. slimy rn.sthng all oyer the roojn "Slmakes-'" yelled Mary, with ru- doubh d eitiph.isis. Hi-nig out of n-ach of hai'in tin' gimtlenmn ici o\i led himself Miihi ieutl> to light a match anil tin n the g is In-uli him He looked u\'< r tin* \'iil^ ol the tablo, and, In hold, the iloor was litci illy alui with sni.ill seipi-nts. '1 ln> sight was hoi 1 ible and im n ililjle. Afur -onie hesitalion he sen wed uji cour- agi enuiiJih to make 1 ilivu for the longs, and in a lew minutes he had lllled the coal bn\ with -eu'iid en Aaguilla^, and had t'lwnil tliLtih u]i safely Tin- ne\t, iiiinniiig bis two bo> s wuke him up. "'-'iiy, l'up, wo bad a bully Lima jester- i!.n \\i bi ought home a hit of 1 els, as in on h \Miuiilil ( ui'j. They w 1 ii- all ue,id and Im/m still like earn s Can't we hau 'em for br. ikfast Ma 17 'an rook ei Is Slu s:i>s *-he tan ' " W hi re did you put tin niv"' deinaiulec.1 tin n 1> IJflil Wliv we stood 'em up 111 the dining- room lij the 1 I'isler to thaw tholn " "Yin sim-i 1 di d ailnuiably," was the curt reply 1I< 1 I,it l !< -si helm-. ' \\ hj did >oii bow to that matii" Ltln 1 to \111j You don't know do your" "l'\u met him once at a reei ptlon " "Mit hnn nine' Thet doi--n'l give ynu a right to spi ak to him on the sticet 1.11 -, do. St ' "Wi II, 1 ilunk ii, dins. Ii isn't that I em amihing !or hhn.ljul it Is in pur rtiani'e oj .1 poln y 1 h l\e my imn beiedlt." " \S'h it Is the policy, and cApi et it to bi-ni'llt >our" "In thi wo,. If you are m a erowded car, and yon see a man you know occu pying a seat, \ou um get that -.'at hy ploe-.intly saving good morning nr good evening, as tho ease may be With this fact In mind I am busily engaged In en lurglng the circle of niy masculine ne- [piaini..nees, and espeelally among those mi them wtio Hde a good deal on tho .Mrs.'1 New York Wmld ^iid him, adoptul, lor how do you All Smith* TIiiTin They UM the utory In Ualten of n re- rent revival meeting in one of the rural dlsfiots of Whitelleld county. In the middle of the nei-vieon thopreauherHaul: "Will Ilrotber Smith pleaho lty id In prayer!" Seven men moso and began praying at once. Thin ombarmHHod thw pi'oaohcr and ho sulci, hwrrlfilly: "I moan Brother John Pnilthl" At thin nmUumeomont, one Hidi down, and uvo mnro got up and began ))raying, Tho preacher Raw Mb mlBbiko, Haiti noth ing and let tlm U pray It out nmong tbeinsolveif. Atlanta Constitution. /, ii 11Y-LAW to pi'oviilo (<)V driiinuga work in the Townubip of Ooloheiiter North Hi tho County of Kimux mid for borrowmu on the orudit of tho iVlnmoi- pality tho Hum of ftlft2.C'2 foi oomplot- ing tho 1111.m11 pmvhitnuidly inloptnd tho lfith day of Hopfc , A.I). IWM1. Win'.Ht'Aii, notlew hi wifthig Inni lmim iiorv"(l hy i'ViimdH Wwttot, Hiiri , imon t,ln Muilloljnd Cnmioll of tho 'J'nwiiMldp of f.'aloluiutor North, noLIfvlnu thoin that If thuy illil not hnprovu tlm Cruiti'H (Jr*'lc ilniln, whloh wan overllowlni: hht Ifimhi and itiimiudiH! bim tlm tho would lnlnr{ an tu tlou for diLtoiiiain acidtud thmn, ANi>\Vm'ai;Aii,thoi'(nuioimalil(ioiiuell Ininprn- otired un (oouuhiatlon to lm mudo hy J.H fjuiril, O. Ii. H., Ixilm; iiperueu conipotinit fornunb pur- nniHi.of iiaid at mi projuniml tobtulnilued.uiid the titoiitui itii|(|(initi^J for tho drainiiijit tlm.uof, nnd nt other linnhi ifiul rointu llnMit to iviuieiiiiment uiidu) (hlti 'ti't, and liiui id ho pmotninl plunw, itaenlfloiitfoaii and enLIiiiiitnii of tho ibalnitijn work to lm miiilo hy mdd .1 H balid, O.L K. und ail iiiuioiiiinient to ho minlo hy him nf the tinnln and roiuhi to ho Imiinllttoil by tmch dmlnn 0 uorlt mid of other tiunhi and 10ml" II- nblo for (tontilbut'ou tburnto, utatinj;. luinenr- 1y no he ami, tin1 pronovl Ian of bnuntlt, outlet llnbtllty and lnjin fug liability, whloh 111 bin opinion, will ho dm-ived or iuuunnd 111 uoiino (jiinncn of ntieli dralnnijo work, hv every rnul mid lot,or portion of lot, tlm iudd uinuiHiioioiit no iniulo lioliiu tho itHiuiHHiiioat liertdnaftiii* by tbhi hy-htw oniiolnd to be uiiiiiimiod und levied upon the londfi and Intu or pmlti of lota, hmehiafUir In that bclmlf imperially net fortli mid iloiu libi d, iui'1 the report of tliointiit J. H. liiilrd, O ]t H In rnnpnet thereof utiil of tho im id driilnujio work bolng im followm To thn Iteevo and Munli Inul Oounnillnra of tho Towiifihip of Coltlmhtor Noitb. In counull aiifiomhlod. Oi.M'iijnm.N In uu-onltu ti<> with luiitriiatlmiii frrui your honoiable body, noting upon a notico from I-nmun Hwrnt, !!"(!, T have (ixiiinininl Crulmi Chotfil and bun to mpert thnreoa iui fol- lown; I tied (ho iiu.P1 Creel: comdiloriihly tllhnl up tbrouijhout itu entile hiiir;tli ami townrda thn noiith euil It In Hourly llllod up iiltogothur Thm in inofitly caiiHod bv tho vilIhu of tlio wnto>* in tho Uivnr Cannid (loo lint; buck and priwontini: tho wtLter from Crab:'" Cinolx dirialuirijiiin freely into tlio Cuniinl 'IMiiii flllint* up can never be provontod until the Uivm Canard 1111 hianed out und improved throughout Itu entire lunijth. I would thorefaro recommend that the Cruic'u Creak ho cleaned out-und improved In iiROerO anoowitli tlio luuioxotl phiun,]irofilen and npoa. Uiciitlotiii from Mr. Bwoet'n omit lino, nouthnrly to the Ciiniiid, ami that the mild nver bu im- piovod in cordon; in tho lumexcd npor Iltpnitonij for (10 lodii, weiilnrly fipui wluoe tho mi trove- iintiit to Craiij'ii Crunk, the Hind Canard. 'J1 bm will help to tit ko the w liter quicla r oil Mr. Hwnet'11 hind and pievuit It from hi hit,' com pletely ruined by the wntnr InnuiOit down on it" from thn liljihi'*' Kudu lo lie* north ion! aunt and by the water of (ho Canard lloolhiii hack on It Till" Imnrovmannt will onudull ex lainnul'bul.vft'iH Of thin lonoimt t bavn tiixeil tlm Towrmlilp of Oolfllnottor North with ^HIUuii !n- Jioliii^liaPlllty, tlm latiilH In Coliilnmtnr Morlh with ^'IV Wl an hinioiH, aiid with i^UV 1111 Injurltig liability, An a innali portion of tho Town of Jhiuex will lliei (hid iuipteveiiicot, T lutvn tJix:ed (ho hnidit uml roitdn In tho iiaid town wilh ^fjrt IH an hijurjni,'liability. Thin drain uhall ho kept In ropier by a lex on tho bold 11 nnd r uidu now luiiieiHied, Aeeompanylui! you will tlinl pin tin, ptoOlOH, ejituiititeu, iipoellloatlomi, iHiiieniiuiiiutii inni all ether puporn nneonnary for iMiiilanao in the eoiihtiuotlou of itanl dtaln and ulna uopIiim of tlnmi nil for tho othor mtiiilcfpall* v inteiontoil. Xbayntlm honor to ho, iiuutlemeit, Your obedient ten vaiit, .TAMr.HH LAIHD.O hH, lifiuox, Hoptember LOLli, lbfMJ. Ami Wiii'ui'M., tlm iudd entmoil 11 of opinion tliiLT tlio dvul[inj;e of the areaii iloturlbed hi do iiiriihlo, Tbeieforo, tho intid municipal council of tho mill Ttnvniihl > of I "tcbdiihiif Korth puriitinnl tn the provlnlnmi of tho l)iidiin[;a Act, V 'ft, eimatu IUI follDM/li Int. Theiiald roport, phuni. iipoelllentionn, a- HeilHlieuitii and out iiimtnn aro Imuiliy niln|ittnl and tint dmhmnrt work an tbui'dn indleiLtnil ami net fortli (ill al I ho mudii and eomit) auto I in ilo- odrilanco tlierewlth. 2nd Tho IliMwo of tho imid townnltip tony borrow on tho ciodlt of tlio eorpoiatlou ol the iiaid 'I'nwtmliin of Cob limitm* NVtrlb 'lm lenii ol thn amount of fiuuhi nncei nary for thn work, mid may Ihmio dnhontuiui (f tie* corporation to that amount in iminit ol not Iohii than sVl oiieh, and pa\abh) within lWo Yearn from thn ditto tin roof, wilh fetoro-a at tha rata of live par eontum per amiuni, that in to hay in Uvo ouital iniitalmontii. hte Ii ilobou- turoii to ho payable at thn 1)mm'] 1 of the Imper ial liuidt ut tlm Town of KiuioK and ta have at- tin.liod lo them coupon)) for the piiymmtL of iu- tut mit. Ilrd. Tor payinctbo fitiin of -(>*> r>2 the amount iduncnd nuaiiiHt th fidid hinds- mid louiIh for bonatlt, and thn mini of -^117. the auiount (!linr(;d lupilnut the imid lundit und roadu foi injunnj; baldhty.iipai t from tho huidmimi ioa<|ii bolrmuiiu; to or aontiolloil by tho munieipality, und for Dovorint; inttneHt tlteruou f"t iWo yiiun at tho rata of llvo per eentuui per annum, tho Lotal lipooial rate ovei and above nil otlior rati'n, uhall bo lUiHuhiiod, levied and collnetod (In tlio luimo imimior and at tho immo time 101 other taxeit are hivloi) and nolloctotl), upon mid from tho uiuhirmmitlonod lotii and parto of lotn, nnd loadu, am) tho amount of tlm mdil total mieelal raton ami iutoroot uhall ho dlviibul into live eijual pa'tfi and 0110 idich part i-hull bo uw,< t, ,itd, luvleil and collected iui aforoiuhl in inch year for five yearn after tho Hnal p niiihin of tiii i hy- hi\v, dutiiig vldoh the nan! ihibouturui have to Tim. Much in Little Irt enpoolally trua of Hood's 1*1 Un, for nomwilb olm> over conUilnou' o Kreat durntivo piwor in 0 small ipooo. Ttioy &ro u 'nrUulu tnudlulna Hood's client, always ready, ab Wiiyn ofnolont. nlwivyn at- KmP I m ^* Ufaotory; pruvont a cold m^ III ^^ or fover, euro all liver Hid, 8Ink Imadiiahe, jaundldo, eonitlpatlon, rte. 'jf,r. lliuonlv l'llhi to Uiko with Ilood'u HafKaimrllla. A <;ryln^ xcvll Vlwry crying ovil uhonld be promptly removed. Hlok hoaduolio in a uryinn ovil affoottng thatimindu of (hLiuuliiuiH, whloh oiin uftHily ho remoVLd by tho uuo of Bur- dook Blood Bittern, tho bent known iifotnuoh, hvor and bowol lefiulator and otiro for molt houdnobo from whatovor chuho urinmg. For Cholera Morbun, Cboh rn. Infantum, (Jnimpo, Colic, Diarrluea, iJyiiontnty and ttilmmor Complaint, Dr. b'owlor'n H\traot o( Wild Rtrawborry 111 a promp^, nafo anil mire cure that ban boon a. popular faVJiiti) for nearly G(J yettrft. XXT^^^Ji Hevenil Jirh'ht younn 111011 W tlUTieStl trxlowoik for m, in thin vlolnity. Iftboy have llicynlmi til tlm better, A ldroiin 'IAdvi in in011," Jliantfoid, Ontario. OAI.L AT May's Bazaai VOn MX, KINDB OK o i-5 u u o 1-1 MKN n w (|r '2 u u qr '21 a 0 ({V '21 ho qr 'il '2 '1 '2'J, aii i>:i t (2i : '2,rj tie. *2i; lie 27 27 <l 2.~> 50 "0 .10 r(j luo .10 no 100 11)0 1U0 1(10 .10 ;,n 100 100 loO 100 100 100 1C0 loo 100 UN a c o n w qr u 0 qr h w 'jr w hf H G (p no qr u lif h hf n nt 0 hf n w (p* n e qr H lif 11 !U H tlf 11 hf '2S b Id *2S n bt 20 a hf '2') u hf ;I0 a bf .10 n w pt .^1 u pt 0 pt w hf Ml 11 t qr '.is pt n bf V2 n pt ;t'2 11 pt ;t:i M 11 H n wqi -22 neqr 'l'i n w qr 'I i ti 0 qr '21 inn|i '2I 11 w qr '21 ti e qr '21 n \v qr '2.1 T 11 B B pt 2^0 nyitiif j 2H1 H I)' '2hl s pt '2b'2 :io n ])t i. 4'2h^ 10) 0 pt 2H2 10 nt i, w qr '2S J IJ wptft lif2H.l 4 1 t w ! 11 i '28:i '1 pt 2h:i ' :i pt wUj '2rt'.J "2A p, wl"i '2HI *2pt v;{ h \ '^SJ 2pt \'}\u\ '2h;{ 1 ( ntnhf ->H\ :H) 12th 11 "> 1.1 l.iib e pt a hf 1.1 ri pt 10 h w pt 17 n w p( 17 e pt 17* IH n o pt 17 I toadh 1.11 no 10 10 20 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 '2.1 *2o '>:> '20 lb! 001 'f s n 00 7 .10 :t 71 7 .10 7 10 7 .10 7 -10 1,1 00 7 50 7 .10 1.1 0(1 1.1 (JO 1.1 00 13 00 7 .10 7 ,10 1.1 Oil 1.1 00 11 00 1.1 00 1.1 00 1.1 (JO 11 00 1.1 00 1.1 00 o 11 2 :ji 7 .10 0 00 <; 00 :i 00 it & ? 9 >. ft .1 00 7 fit) a 7.1 7 .10 .10 ,10 .10 OD .10 .10 00 Of) 00 00 .10 .10 J. -J 1-4 *-> Cj ol Il Q 7 7 7 1.1 7 7 1.1 M 1.1 1.1 7 7 1.1 00 1.1 00 .10 .10 10 1:1 0 -a Hi 20 ll'.l| 7<i '20 Oh 1 07 1 o :i 17 11 a 1 71 \ lo ,17.1 i 00 2 no Hi .10 0 .10 1.1 (.0 1.1 1.1 in 10 10 7.1 .10 71 20 00 00 10 00 M 1.1 1.1 M 1.1 1.1 1.1 o a. 7 b ii 1 7 7 7 7 7 :i -J :i ;t a U 1 2 1 00 00 00 oit CO 00 I.I! 11 ,10 (10 00 00 .10 .10 .10 .10 10 7.1 71 7.1 00 10 H.I .10 ic .10 hi 00 u 1,1 10 10 10 7.1 .10 7.1 '20 00 no 0 o a c H 1- cj s*~. B0 20 no 20 '20 '20 20 10 20 '20 10 Ii: 10 10 20 20 10 id 10 40 10 10 10 11) 10 H'2, .18 20 ill. o H Total on landu and roads f>;i7 .10 11 10 (10 28 0*2 i 1.1 02 IH 20 20 20 20 20 (10 00 00 18 10 2 22 72 10 '21 8 10 H H 7 7 7 2ri 72 28 .ih IS 2 hi; 1 ri'2 18 2 :u 10 I .10 HO 70 ,M 70 70 70 70 10 70 70 10 10 10 10 70 70 10 10 10 in 10 10 10 10 10 07 7.t 70 !)b Ob 70 70 7M 70 70 'S.I A.r- :i.i IS 00 07 1 22 2 00 1 71 *1!J 70 .1:1 fill 17 17 17 02, .1 22 1 OS 50 IH 70 22 IH 70 70 12 8 1 8 8 H 8 17 8 K 17 17 17 17 H H 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 .1 2 H (I 0 :i K H K H 8 I I I j 2 10 Hi QJ * J3 "J w-l I- 2 O P U $ 1 1 :i 4h 1 71 I 74 18 18 18 71 71 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 ;i n :i -j 8 1 11) .11 Johnston Builders a.u Contractor ni am a.i in- - British Columbia Pino Sliingk, $1-00 Up. All Kinds oi Building Material, SASH, DOORS, I ATI! ,uul A'AA'N /(/)//'/ :A', WT NnilNfactlitn Ouarn ntted. Ojp. Water Works, Khhcx. 1 i 1 3 :i 20 1:1 !I id 11 :i!) di) (Ki 71 71 71 71 71 87 87 87 (10 .18 :i 21 1 01 .18 ill 10 H 10 10 1) !) II 20 1 01 20 .11 (10 1 1.1 2 111 110 3 '10 11 0 .10 Itb. I 01 yiayintf the hum ot ?js 02 tlio amount ii'ht-S. >i (1 iiFJiiintll tho wild 10 till) and lumlii of tho municiimht>, and foi enveiinii into;cut thereon foi Uvo vain at the late of IWo jmr run turn per annturi.a epeclnl into en tho dollar, HUlllclfliit to modueo tho 11 rpuicd yoaih amount there for, Hindi, ovei and above nil othor niton be lovbul and i-oUorlod (in tin mime niimnnr and utt ho hinno tnno en tu\0P uro ltulmi and collrut- 1 it), in nn uno trom the whole ratuble yropeitv i 1 aid Townnhipof foU-ber.t..r Noitli, in niieh Miir for tlvo yttiH ettm rim flitiil niiBHiii,[ of thlh by law, diirmfl whlrh tlio fiald uoboiitmuB lmvo to run. itU. That ,7'imos R. Lul-rl, to^other with tlio council aio luneby anpolutoil oommnifilonovii tn let tho contract foi ImprovbiR iiiilddndnntiTid worloiconnected therovitli, tiy tender {not ex- coedint! ertlmirel. I nt ovry uuch contractor, with Uvo tjood end ealMftietoxv euroticii,(.hull bo requireil foithwPh to outer into hondn for due peiformitnci) and flotnidntlou of tho coutl' cordiii(i to nahl planet and ii|u)o|llcnlionH \Mtliln tho timo ineutlouod within nuch bond nnlofin otberwl'if oidmod by tho council; and it iiliull he the diit^ of i-neh rumnihimonor to caune nid tliftin and worltn entuiootod therowJtVt, to bo mado uml coiMitinptt'd in accordance with Hindi iilannalil Hiioclhoi. tinnn,not later tlitnt tho lut day of TJoceniber, lKtfl, (unlenn otliovwhio or dcrod 1)V tho I'ouuntl) and to uvant cor- tifloitteci tel tho itomo bom tiin* to tlmo. to oiu-h eon tractor, Icon Ci per tout, of tlio amount ihio, until tho contiaat in fnllv oomplotod aiul duly iiccoptod. und fovtho duo porformanco of theco and nil other 1 lull on of oonimlcmtonei' the mdd rommitmlonor FhnU bo entitled to locolvo a iiominliiHioii of throe per uont on tho actual ooftt of thn worl. ftth Thut tho aommlfliilonorboroquirod forth with to outer Into IioikIh in tlio mim of uillHl for tho duo comnlotimi of tho work uaoordhip to pJatiM und Kpnoinoafirmn anil within tho time iipooiflAd within ocioh bond. *7th. Thlu liy-law Htall bo publlnlnid onoo In eeory wi'l, for ton* (onnecutlvo wooliw, lu tho 138BoxXTi:Ql'ro(, oBiiiper, imblliiliofl In tho 182 f>2 77 .10 fifiO 11 112 02 Town of Kmox and Hindi coino into forco upon and after tlm llnal pubhIiih thereof, and may bo ibe cited the "Cimu Cioolt Impiovouioiit lly- aw, :jili " I lu-robv coitify that t!to fororoiiii.1 In a true copy of a by law provisionally adnptod by the niuntchiiil < nneil nf tho ttaid Towiinhlp o[ Col- obttitor Noith, on tho lflth day of Hopt., A, D I1-1! IS J, A. COl'LTFilt, Clnilt of tho Municipality of Oolchcfltor North Packed with Good Furniture o Every Description- A fine Parlor Suit, Oak frame. Good if u^-u-^.w^r. Wo novor wjio hO woll prepared to do buuiiH<3ri. LotH oi tsoodn mid prn on tij^ht. Tt will pnj* you to (4ivo uh a cull and lioadn and f(ot pricou. Wu uro pleant-i1 (juoto prioeH to any who ucod furuitu Wo havubitn dojn^ a jrood nteady* ti ne^i now for about lb yinm and wo \ ) to tondor our thuuUfl to tho public ucnrir for tho very Hboral patroimun wo liavu oeivod ot theui during tha 10 ytarn that huve been m buHiuontt in tlio now Towi Ks4f'X. UNDERTAKINfi'ASPEGnLlY J. L UIGKS & Co., Essex. Window Blinds away down Chinivwaro, TJrio-iuBrac,, Fancy GooJh, JNovoIties, EooIch and Bfcationofy, Hchool suppHeH, Toys ofallkintlH, Berlin WooIh and Fingering' ^s Ynrnw, |l New Stock of late Wall Paper. "" THE ESSEX Hotter J UllU. JAMES NAYLOJi ho ban remodnlod the Kniiet'ltillor Mllla ko- eorillni: to p ami proparod by tl, K l'rloo, of Ht 1hoiniui, und nim ueeur, d thrmorvlooii of itobott htriielmn, im nxperhuieod and thoroui'hly eom- potont miller. Thanldwi tho poonlo of tho towu aiKlaouiitv ror the patronaiio boutowod upon him In tJi punt, vill f'.iiarautooiuLtlufuotiouiu tho future^ Gristing and Chopping a Spocialty- tf" 7/is /it'\t (itiuiis of Flour, J'Wtl ami Commutt Ktpt /// StotL ami u>l<l at Meht /rut,. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats, Do You Ride ? If so, you want to have tlio beat there ia and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout ^ 111 '10 ill. HAD AT- JOHN A.. ROSE!S Livery. _^ ^ (rood FoadHtt rn, I'l'tHi) UuIukj JiHgyicH, VoiHjortahU, Camaycs, A Call Xolwittd. Sali nf ant ion (Auminfcul. j. North of tho X * lbiilwuy Track. ESSEX, ONT. Hoveral hoavy teams to truck logs; also huyors foi- scvoral IToiwoa and LotH in tho Town oi' Essox, and a. lot of wild lands in the surrounding country. TIjgho propoi tics aru offor- oil at it sacrifice Alio a large quantity of coarse dry Lumber for sale. It may bo scon at tho Colchester mills. Apply to or to T. H. DeOEW, W. M. DEOEW, SOW, ESSEX. ONT m '.iJiiTJ u' i'f. Hiffn rjr, luijr 'MBtTEiwTfwifliijr \rriff hw^-m .aiut-flTTn it* N NOTICE*. JOTICK IB 11EI1KUY GIVEN THAT A Court oT "Itovlnlon, hold puriiuunt to Iho in-ovitilonn of tlio DruintiRo Aot, 1&91 for the houiintj und trial ol appualn ninilo HRalntit the nbovo iiimoiifiinont or any pnrt thero of, will hold itu HrntfdtthiKii at the Town Hull, Colohotttor North, nn Hatimluy, th 10th day or Oetnhcir, IbOO, at tho hour of two o'clock in tho nftnrnoon, ami that any portion hitomllni: to apr'inl aRnliiHt tho nbovo ruiiiOHnmont, or any wart tuoietif, nitint, not later than ten cluva be. fmo tlio tlmo fixed for tho holillnu of naid Court, lidrvo on tlio Olorl: of thin mnnlolpnllty, a writ* ten notice of Huoh appeal, or othurwlun ho will bo too lute to bo hoard in that bolmlf, And Imihcr not luo la hcoby I'ivon that nny Tuiinon InlondluR to hayo nuoh liv-law. or any navfc thoronf, qnaHhod, muot, not lutor than ton diiyii after tho Hnal viVflfilnu thereof, sei vo tt nob ico in writing uiipii tlio Houya or othov liocnl oilloor, rtinlupon thn Olorlt of tlm Muulalpiil- lty of Colohontor North.of bin inUuitlou to multn iipnlioation for that putrpoiw* to tho HiRh Court ac Toronto, lUirliiu tho a\x wtielcn uostt oubu- iiUi the Until pasfiluu of thlu by-lnw. J. A. OOUIjTKK, TowuBbip Olorb, >141 TDK TltlUaiPO COllN SnELLEEi ThiH Machino oonfrislB of a horizcutal oaflt cylinder, with wrought \vw& huts, with atool teoth boltotl to tho oyliador so as to bo rovorsiblo when l$$f tooth become worn on tho front Bide, winning in a porforaicd concave ii;QiJl ^holl, which tho shelled com pasaoa through into a Blioofc iron oso, wifc an or olnnnor attached bolow, which takes ml tho duBfc *iom tho grain. TOSS ihoajioat bout, m oefc eimplo and durable Power Corn holler in, use; she] orn porfcetiy oloan in any condition flholling and cleaning from one tot$ housand bushels of oars per day, according to powor. "i 'm Dimensions. Pulley, 10 in. diai ofeor, t\ in. faod; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions pel* minute; Weight, 550|| EVERY SHELLERBWARRANTED. 1 GOURLAY & SONS! fe^&#A itilbLld^1^^^ ^SjStifiiJi .) j -> M\&a f,x. .!-V. u&aki

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