Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 2, 1896, page 3

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ft $V i *., .* K &' r 'j in; gki:at :nily Keclicine of the Ae. TI 'ti Internally, It Cures Jw i, Oiump, ami ftthi in tho U'fiVj, i'oru Ihroat, StidtJon Voliht, Oti i' Extc:*) nllv, itChve- '.' / n. ;, fi'tuw, th!", l'ptnmPain in tlir/dc,', NtuxiUjn, ft >uithUl<jHi, Hash I f'cft. In i. iuui In- \it ut i1 H I ti mi li nut unit 1 liriiiilir- / ' ' ' ^ < ii . u i. Mm ii) 11 tlio nil. i y iif tli.> I'nln. Hi., I I ' iiiuIUi m It 1 I -v | .1 mil h-< mmi lit i h Ini v I imr|i . 1 |l , )',in uilir idilili U ii -.1 > ilil ilil i I it ,lij I i, idihii 1 ijiictfi-d " ' 'irrilin i|t ih a in on f r' tuvlni' jnln, im 1 'in |ii r I il i i! l t m i ijiidl; i 11 iry Jl ivlu 1 i / ( * ui H* i.i of i ut it i ij t ,ni , niilnn "I'lllllV .^ii! u, iv \ u i i,In, i , ui L Vlj Juij u 1, m,,,'ii. SPECIAL OFFER. Wo aro bound to largoly m- cronso tlio circulation of, tlio Fhick Pkichs uiyl to do so will givo tbo papor to now snbHcrib- orfi, who pay in advance to Do- oomborOlst, 181)0, for 25 cents. All subscriptions to tho Fwsk Phkhb unpaid piior to tho Untl of May and all unpaid at tbo prosont tirao are to bo paid and collected by ug and wo will fulfill all subHoriptions paid prior to tbo former date to tbo oxpiration of tbo time for which same was paid. 'Subacribo now. Address, all communications to BltlSTT A Awvb, Publishers, Essex, Ont. 40 GEMS, lOJMJS ____________ *m Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills Cure All Troubles. AIUSINO FROM TOPOE the uvrnit OF Kauy mul (fcuU-lt llmilnli side IKonU- nelio~inrIfy tlio Ulood nnd Jlrndl- cnlo All liii|>iii*ltltmf romtlio NjMtom Tho demand ia bs<j. Thu nilhs aro little* oany to tiilio, nloiiwuit lenultn, no puiu. 10 iu a vial, nnd 10 contu at all dru^iHta. Wanted-An Idea Who (i k Of IKHl tlilllK tolma til Protnet jnur Idonn. thev may briiiu: joii wi tltli Wrltli JOHN WKUDI lUlllHN t CO I'uWnt Atrn- noy, WuahtilRton, I) ' , for tin Ir 1 *-m> Jiriio 01 ^c *ii(i llut <if two liumirml liivt iiiioiu u. im d ESSEX. noadqiiurcoiH lor Kchool lloolcn, School Riipphofi, Nolo I'HpLi.Ijiwelop. n, lhluj, Writing Tublcth iimJ oliicu Ktutioneiy. a^ m tC^(iM^lj DISPENSING AND I'AMILY DltUGOIbT. SING LEE. MOUNTAINS OF MANICALAND. A J'urt of Houth Afrloa That Mny b Oonv pnr*d to HwUaarlwnil. Two liuiulrod mUeu iiorth-iHirtlMiJwfc of HuMitolund thu roat Kuthlumhtv mti(|" j-lhiri in vwry hnl(l ulopqg from the enna levolw holiljul i)oluK'm Buy, uml tho hcuu ery ot thu valloys iluiI poanea In mi$ to be oikriinii'ly nr'(l- Knowing It, nowovttr, only hy roport, I will not vuiittuu t' ilo- tiorlho It. NVurly Uvn huiulvud milo ytlU larthor to Um nortili, In thu ilUtrlob ojilUd Uithlrnlniul uhondy rofurrOd t<>. 1h nthlnl jmounUiln i-ukIoii, luuy lofty than IUuU)- lnnd, but dcilvlntc i* nlnywliir ohn.ym from tho dignity utid VarUity ot \tu mounUhi foi-mii. Thft wlioln ununtry \a no uluvntcd that HiiunulU of 7,000 or ovou H,000 fwot do not produro imy groiiti-r oii't ut upon thu oyo thu 11 dooij Hou .Loninnd ih uoun froul Ijooh Lomond, or Moimw Wuhlnytou from tho Olon Houho \ixit thoro In a )>ol(liu'na of lino tUioul. thrno ^riinltupimliH q/nnparftblo to th'Ho or tho wnt oouufc of Norwuy or of tlio flnrjil jiiiHnnftho SwIhh Alpn, Homo of i hum rUo In umooth uhuftu of uppuront ly lniu>ei>j.nlblo 100U; othorH form loii i Ultfi'M of jilnnutjUiH ot vvnry kind of Hh/ipn, Hpi'ofully ntrlkhHf whim thoy Htuml out iiKiihiHt tho^Jjrll- lluntly ulnar morning or ovunlnK KJcy. I'lic vnlloyH uro wi 11 wnodod, tho lowur HlopuH povuii'd with hcrhiiyu, ho tho offoofc of thcho wild pcaliM li ln'Uthtoiu'd hy tho Hoftnt'HH of thu fiiuroimdln(frt whloh thuy (lomtnato, ulillo jit, tlni hjuuh Llmo tlio wliolo luiulhujipn borninus jnoro complex nnd moro noblo by the inintjllii|,' uf huoU (\l\t rho oloiniMit^. No ^cunury ln-ttur dcufr\(H tho nmiio of romantic And t ven in tlio Uujht part j, whuro Iiihtuad of inounbiiiw thcru uro only low hllW, or "kopJi'n" (ai they mo uullud In South Afrlcu,) tlio compar atively frliiblo ruck of thoho hllH ilcconi- pom 4 under Om iniluonro of tlio wuathor into oiirloiHly plolurcE.qijo fantnntlo foutiH, wltli t ra^'H ilvnn In tlu-ir baso, and dotiuhud pilhui hUpportlni{ loot.u IjIooUr mid tabular mai...ui, ituioug or upon whW h tho tlmkl Maihonas hnvu built their hutu In thn hopo of rsoaplnf< tho raids of tlndr varliku ciii'inios, the Mntabitlo. "ImpiisslonH of bouth Af- rl. u," by Prof. .Tumi*. Iirycc, M. P., in tlio May Century IN CASE OF FIRE. KNEW NO FEAR. ChnotaW Indluii Wum io Iliro Oat Until tho Ii*ylIo Wuolo 1>i> Iliinffod. 'l'ho Htololmn of tho NuHh Aknorloun Indian U provurblal. In tho lon^ tiyb wlum on" trlhu wurrod atfhlnwi nrtofchor Indian iifittonurii aonwromod to Htimd torturo without fltmihlntf. Tho rauo mny )mvo digom>rrt<d, hut lt romarka lib) ohmuoUirUtlo in Mtlll conuphmoit^. A Htory IkjIiI hy a Wi tit^m uUlumi to u Wm*hinyfcon Star ropoiLor fuinlJhon a Kooii Illustration of tho Inillrftiumoo wlih whloh tivtm tho Indian of ,to-day viown duuth: "In tho CMuKitaW Indian nation thoro 1h no Jail in whloh ermvlofrod mun(oi'fr uro (HJiiUuod," Mtild lit, "Whon I /but wont ko tho Indian Tnrrltory I sotfcloft hi tho ('hootaw nation, nnd lioarln(f that a cm'luln Indian wuh itii oxoollunt hand on tho vauoh, I lmntud him up and aMitod him If ho would voi-lc for mo 'I work until tlio iiOih of next month,' ho nuld 'Wliy nol Inni'f't^' I Inquliod 'I urn to Ijtt liuii^od tlio 'Jlut,' wan hlw roply, In au iiinoijoi'rnud way. I hired him and upon Intpilry leanien that wliul ho mm Id Wn4 tnic Hut one man ban over failed to re turn for IwuiKlnj; after ho liavi benn uon- tonecd, uml my Indian did not, proui au OKi t ptlon to tin* i ill* On Iln day In fore tho exeeiltlon wa*t to take plaee ho left a1- calmly ui though (.'olnu on a \Kil, and tlio hnn^ln/jr took plain ut tlio time ap pointed Xotw itleUundinLr. IiIh apjn'out h- inj;do()ni the Indian made ono ^f the hoHt ranchers I e\er saw, and I i'e/<retti'il to lose him." CHURCH DIRECTORY MKTHOUIH'!,--IV 1'utOiMi, iHt'i| BOI Vlpf evory Hundiiy ut ll n, in m.iI 7 hi Hn'ilitit- Bohool at L if p, in 0. I , Vitvloi, f ti|"j i inn ontofnob<j< I pwiii Hi In ii uc [iin i > i' tit,, TilKHday DV. t Ui) ittti o't 'i (.idi i \> t meotln^ot * iiymliLy^i mi nll.i ll) lol- 1 1 II < "[.II OlJlllKIK m/ ^nolaijo IdiV A Ji iiuvialv. in otihihonr, fit. I'hiiIh, U ihnx, DlviinniiirvliiH Mny HillldiLViit 7 o'l It, It, p i.i Hilnduy Hiiiinol id 10 il ui. A'flnUv ( Inn di.Nia tli llul(( Dlvlno uurviooH (ivory Him day nt 'I i> in.. H'ni luv Holiool ut I.ifip. iu. Ulni puIjIJij ur oor- i i My InvltwI. l,iin.i.uumi..-W,!ir r,limihi(f, I'mlnt Hor vlntii on Mahl.uth litil u. h mil / ,U p. ui I.ah tuit)i Heliool itt j (Op m Pninir imntiiifj iiml I'niiloi'n liildit olumi on 'I'iu.hiIiiv ut7. (0 |i U\, Hnoliil Union on Wmlm.iwlitv at H lft p. JUiTiH ciicumi. Knv.M. I'. CJiiiriplmll, I'iui tor eivloinl iiiioli Halilmth at ll u in nnd ? p i. l'iu>i)r iiii'iithii! on Thurmliiy ov itli u itMf n'clucJt nnittii fron. All ui uoultiilly Wtil- oriiiioi) ^ MARRIACE UOEMSEI^*^ ?? ii, l'AitK iwvEn op MAimucro vt<i M.J. unriHOH, liiohunlBOh !)])(,, EJaaox, Onfe* t f-.S \t Ibutl.t'TT, iHHuor of Mai-rUgo LtoenwB *R . Coini UviHionorlu 0.J.,oto (?QfitO,Qntl YY' if' 1U,AM vN, ~" Ininin^oCMn.i-rln({<i XAranM* Innuranoo aaftati. NI(jhtol!loidr)wi.lllntt. TA/jIIOT HTKKKT, KHBBX, UNDERTAKING. nPijlJMMM ., IJmirrtiilo.r n.i.l FurnTtnra . Dniiliir, .ro/llTiu, liottio una faatory nude from SI to tf.10. M<i(lntKi#Oi> TO MAINTAIN A PRINCI lloiXAl OATliOMa. IV. a V. MrDnit Ciintoi. hor/ici ovorv otiim Hundiiy ut H :iOp, in Hiiiiiluy iJo)iool ut .1 p. lii MAim.'ioNr li lmmn mul i|(ntion ut 10 'ID it In., < iiloelilntn nt !J p m . liiLptiiiin nt \ v lil , viiiiporiniiKl iinnmllcttoM at 7 P. in (' 1 Ma (HH.V.V. Wilaoti A.VC, UL\t Abenlocn Hotel. Tho latent improvod Ironing Uollur* -tiid OnlU or brouk \muj' iiimslunorv for Will not cr tck Family work t,hoap und doliveied. IMouf' no cha< o ill and ' t) . . -vi!l In niudi lJarwil i u Hod 'or not riidufa -tory L or11 Witt I suitfi VO(o*^ ~- flltln ii lliirnlnif lluildliitf IU*- ini mhoi Thin A<Ivl< e. ji y* nplo piotiiiioii iiLjuliist tho danger of h/. K overpoweiel Ity-hlnokft If *HU(ht in a burning buildinj; lh thus dohinlbftd J)y one who hrm mulled huisoU of tho ar ticle. Kor yearn I hnvo novur slept with out i.e< Iiik that a coifylu of silk hundker- chlefn liuiiu near my toilet Htand and that tho bowl win. half full of wntur. "When I win a yonn^ woman not out of my touuii I wan In a hot id which took lire I should havo MiflocuUxl If my uncle, with whom I whs truvitllncr, hrul not thiowu u wot silk huudkurchlof o^ot my fuoo. TIiuh protected I followed him tln'oii|*h tlio hull, tilled with cIwIiIur sinoUo, nnd down tho Htairfi to safety. I have taught tho prnotlco to my ohlldn n, and it hiif. bci-omo a hublr with us all. You want pood liicf oneh, and they munt 1 wet thoroughly, thin ynu may, if forced to do so, uiduro the thiekoht Bnioko for a eousUlerablo change. A f Ji nt iff il Mini "Speaking of wrutltude, " naid the <jul*t man, "I tun lunumher nn <x]hiuihc of unuo which i ailed for the most ^ratelnl omoLionn of tho liuinan heart [ thought ho ut the tlmi, and I think bo yet nnd norer rnuall tlio ineidmt without feeling a thrill of gratitude stirring within rue "It was iihmijr In the -eventioi that I win li\ln;,' In u laipi western town and | eondiii tln^ a iiii (r -.-,'ul bii'-lne'.s I am a " lo\ur of u ((ond li irse, and owneil at thu time u iim nmiUter, oud hud lath n into the foolish habit of bpei'dlntf my horso on eM.ry oua.ion le^'iudless of tnno or place. "One day I had waited on the edpe of a hrldj'e for the dr.iw to rinse As soon as it did so 1 huriiid my hoise over ahead ot tho n ^nlar tralTie, almost run- niiiK him the three quarter ot a nnlo dis tance, Th( re was o dn*ll\ity on tho fur flier side, and as we spi d down a small hoy dnrtid across tin strooi, find hi a momuit Iliad run o\er him! I could not stop my horso nor turn Mm for a hloek fuither, and when I did I saw that some workmui hud picked the child up, and win taking him to the sidewalk I ~^li]ipos(d ho was killed, and iny heart stopped bialln^, tin n I In ud him try. Oh, tin nuish; of tint ^ound Ho was not hm t at all, hut mi rely stunnud I took him in my arms and iiro\o with him to his mother, who Iim d near. '"Hiii, ^ald I, putting him hito her arms, 'thank heaven with mo your child live-i,' and I told my htory. "Wow, lilllv,' h dil his mother, wip- intf tin dust fioi.i his fain with her ajinm, 'what did 1 Ml yo,J Lt\ u won der vo ain't kilh d a do/eti tinier '\iy da\ cif ji i in, i 'Lhaiik tin uh o ;;. nth man for In Ingulf-' >" home m his car lhiHt, Hillj, and kiep oil tho stuer, jnu stmnp" "You (an unac-mo the icvulsion of fiehn^ thai took [dace in me ' Vi/Iiiitmi \clvci 11- oinoiif ("an i>i. When the piisi-nt w liter uuiioiiiK "d tb^ arrival of u son and heir In tho hirth (oliinun of otio ol the duilhs the nlhor day, 1(0 had no n>itl m he po-ises-icd as inmiy frtemU a-, lie nit duly dons ConKnit ulatioii-i poured In from \arlous wrll-kuown i oinnii ic nil hoimet., and tluso wore iieenmiinnieil in many cum^i hy imhutaiitial present. 'JMiim-o wire about ado/en different klnih of no ip, nliu' humides of \ arm lis intant foods, tbiee hottlei of In of extraoi, a powder pulY and boveii lio\i h ol \loU t pnwdir, four or fI\o different kinds of nlulit lights, oi^Jit hubliN Imltli1-. tjneu tduliorate works on how to hrln^ up youiiK * hildn n, hpeid- nicih of line n nod fhiiniLl for infuit at tire, .mil ud\c rtis monts iniiumeiahle of e\ ei vtlil lifj tliat baby ( ould 1 o^slbly nc id. Ilc^ldcs tlu se theiu crime pnipos-aW from a dozen liihiiraiici (iimjianle-. to Insuro tb< llfn of tlio baby and the whole family on < specially advantageous tormi, pros- pec iims fiom a C.'alifnrnlii einl^rat Ion hocietv anxious to ship tho baby and tho ie-,t ut tlu, family to tho land of piaohea and pumpkins at thu lowowt pnssihlo ratoH, leaflets from private gentUunen who want* d to lend any dum of money from iJ5 to Lrji),oiH) on no security what ever, trif-'elhoi wit li nitvho, hjmpatby and tftmiX wishes em ut^Ii to hihl, a family a hutulrud years Loudon I'umo H\m\iion AitMY. t'apt Hiuith and T Imit. I'liyion in cmmnuiicl. Hulvutlon mnntlncFi Wd- iii iidiiy/lhininhiv nnd miiidnv vfjulni;i,IV(i mid Iainy/nilindiLy ovonluii u p m Hmwlnv Hull iidf ii iiKKiLiui" fo> chriiitiiitii. I i iilny o urn inf.; utnl 11 ii ui Hinulny, Knoo Dilll 7 n in ovmy himday. All uro woloomo. JLECAL. I?i A. wrSMKIl, Iliirrintnr, Holloitnr, Notnr J< X'ublii! Ao Mojioy to loan. Olllcm, Dm utau Illot k, up-iitiiliii, Ihmox 1-1 v A rjuukflv I'lim Tlmr Hntrlt\ovn Iltiuih of 1 lmiiMimdH a V*<>iir. Thcni iq ptohably not nuolhor ImsP iHfiH llrm in thn Unitid ht.ih m, or, foi Unit in.ittu', m any oiher ((uintry in tin) world, Ibat nnmi.illy suciiilci h hundiulu of thous.j ds ol rldllitiH oL trado hiinply tf) in.i il im a principle, nt Whitull, Till win Ar (Jo , lh" (tUialai kKpw iimiui f.u tun n uf Phihifh Ijihia, do anrl have dono for jiomlv 7 i m an. Tlio firm Was < d m thn rally ]iai t of thn cintui}, and its i'oumh in ww stint and consisiint im nihi ih fif tho t-> (ii ty of Kniiidh 'liny did not I"Lmi inwai'i noi in litigation, ma' in tlio in iimf,i"tuii' 01 sah of liitDMcutui^' liquoi -, ,\\u\ t hey i M ibhshi d a ruh winch iiasniwi hfin violated I * ' Coninwlor at law, Hollritni m Cliniicorv. t,,i . ,, , A I,, , i I'mrtor In Ail mil alt j, l'utcmt hulii itcn, Oijlcu, VVIntill, latum i\; (o in V( r I Ni u|(( ny Hni ilina, cor (.ransuhl ami lnuuml made a ^\ )n- ,v lhi-k, nor any soi t or illtl1 i)(,t,,n^, Mi> u ,, , , , i ,, i , I i * . (Ciiiiinliiin c iiiniii ti[ nitiHt poihoini in tlio ihsi' ll r | bfillh l,il. lldldtoeniltam! (Jintn.l Htidi^ rnllw trtil I Itiifuii neoiu JmiitMial ilunk Khuox.Ont, ARCHITECTS. JOHN A. .MAYfJOCK,, .to,, Itfioni ID nnd II, I loinliiK liuJldliijf, riio2i WIndHor, Otil SOCIETIES f O. O. J'\-KVTKUIMtIttr, I ninotiuwori liOdfin No 218 Jlhtlly rooolvml MtiJiljiirnorniiboriUniitolo^ >' ifi ]url.llulloii, liivitml to JIANNAN, O P.. (J J'.HIUi.Huo. Join, J^HKliX I'lHII IIUKiADn. MIHITH IfiVr lj J ridity ovt iiiiiu in iim PlrmnmrH rooa I in, "'?"" '""hlintf. Jim. MoMurruv, C itobt PurUoi-, Captain, A, Iim uluim, Vdo nnt.P.DIlHo, Hue rotary, J'md ullynU/Xrdiii Chioi uton- rdiiburez. T h I'ilTJJtK UanlHtoi, Holloltor, Notuj Vf Puhliii Mnnoy to IjOiin. Ulliuo ovi htrutliorii' itiink IIbhhx ( outro ru.AitM:, iiAiiiwrr & kmiti.i.i, narrii V tout, ntc Olttu ii, Ale dbuiy Jilod , WfndiiQ l'l is ate tlinilh tn iriiiii <\ 11 (TAIlKl , h L ]). K. A A It lUtiiTi i, 11 A IiAiiri>i i TlfT.MlY ( WAI/li;itH Til-.Ii, \Uornoy nnd 1 I Conn An %MTi rtlie Vlieinmi'H t'p. T)ie ino-.t eftiu tivo fli'i'nian'H cup over known has been invented by a womnn It is nindu ol tine ' trips of asbestos mold ed to tbo shape of tho hoad It I*, held fast in plai e hy a hand composed of rub- he r and asbi stos, which makes it alr- tl^ht It ut if<hs only 10 ounces, and cm be can ltd on a person's arm without In- lonunioiieo J'erfci t protection to tho e>n without interfi rlny with the ^^^w of suirounding obji cts Ik insurnd by plates of mil a lienip: placed 111 the pyti- lioltn. A silk K|imir;L', through which no smoke can enter, but which permits the plintiful liiKn-.s of ail, illls an anerturo for tin mouth, and the ia|> Is nbnply ad- justeil In iinriiit test a fireman it- temptid, without it, to enter a ^moke- li'iu^.' A ltd* (ij,'ht t-ufiitls be had to nturn, b '111^ half milled,and f^aspin^ for breath lie thin put, on tin a-ilii ->\n^ eap and wi nt hai Iv and n m nni d tin ty-fUi mln- utis la tho thii U sincike, wiiii no po-sl- hh elllllHC of fetnti)^ air fmm outside. It is (l.ilniLil that this Iliad coMidn^ will rnaiili a man t<> r< in tin in i stifling at mcispherc tor an Imur, without thesU^lit- est fear of hulmi it inn ( iilu 1 m. It, \ 111 ous 01 spn it uc ins hijiiois. llus uk hull s tin hiimll vials c.ilh d *'s."i;I- ," " hi( li juo similar to thosi iu ale to 'li '* V s*mpl( 10I llluiuiiuitliu; 111 ui i'i' m .11 iii;_r o'ls ,^lmulrl an inn 11 d- lu*,' ti','fdt.i-u' ask lor oil "samph ," nnd s ytliivv.Mi tohousi ilfor whisky, Im 1 alu not bio the m at any pric-i, Tl.f u:ii\ and navy dipaitimntH ol I.tiH ll,i\e f-ou^lit w , . . --w am fiom tho firm, * . ' lias niviinahly In en , ounil that" the lurniflh- in^ 1 I !,ny *-< 11 if supply* for tho aid or conitoi t ( I ] f-ons t ngu(4( d in war or ld.mii.tiiiiji p .11' hy forci of arum was con'., ny 10 tu( n uetH of thn Society (if l"i 11 us, and tlunloie could not hu < t t a < id. The si 11101* member of Ihn ntly dnia'Jerl, wiiH a typical -i 1 man of htawii andhriuu, and s 111 11-1 fin* a plo sit al ( ondition 1 > 1 who luvi h d a tempeiatd . t t tin f ovi r the untimely 1 In i-i.ii, 11 umjiK man f)f yreut .) Ii. I'otmn, I iicj,, tu , J.hho\. Out Ik A. Wiiiimir, ].()., Unii Inter, otc , I letox, Out the bi.ii ii , tunc s it i ' but I1' ui..' il on i luni, m Qua'-, i at ti."i vas i 1 Ij'i an m I. i MEDICAL. "|\KH. IHtlFON A IIHII.N. Tun Ilrlim, M I) , Ij H.O I'. H, umiluato of Quenn'ii UnhorHltv, KiiiUHtnn, inmnlior of Col- l(if'fi of riiwiieiiLiin uml Hiir^oonn.Oiitiuio Grinl- untn of Now York. Pont (Jiiidimto Modical fJol- h Ko -J. W. llrlnn, M D , C M 1'. T U. 0. Honor Rriiduiito of Trinitv M"dicnl f'ol1*iL,n. Honor i.'iioiiuitft of Tifmty Univiii'dty Momborof thu Colldjjoof l'liyiilcfnini and Hurnooim, Out (trnd- uiitfi of iNmv York Pout (jrndimto AIuUIcilI Collofjo Ofilcnovor IJhhox Modfeal Ifiill 'Inn* ntoio. Oomniltiitioii roomii, both on (,'roimdlloor unci llriil llut uliovo Tiili-plioiio in botti olllcu nivruidilduro All calhi iittniiilnd tn fiom oMleu, cliUf! Rtnro, o\ rani lonm KoiiulMncii, 'Iiillint iitront, front of fail m-otuirlii. COUUT KOY\r.1 NO. 2iy. I O. V Mont ii mt nnd and fourth TiiouiIkv'h la eao" VlhUini: brotliem will |,o |{fvoi) H fraU.ruiif wel- m "jrw.'Bioi'ffl'itisi-i?." - A OKNTH wnnthiK profUiibln omploymonb / V t iirju^li tlio miiriinoroilll Uml it with h u i uo liiLVD nowi.Ht Kiiimiun vurlntlort of Kurnorv mock ami un\v Hood Potntooit Hiilm y or ooto- iiilHiiion. Write mi riLouco for torrltorv. HAM NUUSKUY CO , Toronto, Ont. ' atH3t; D IIS McKKNyin &, .JI.NNllU How lo \voI(l < cmsimipl (on. I Do not Ihc m a d imp lo. iliry, In a damp hoiisi , nor m i house with damp nr foul c-idlar or siirruimdlu^-i J J Jo nut ll\i m a Imuse with dofec- tl\< plumbing or had di.linage .{. I)i not fu ipient i rowded or badly \ontilatid assembly inonih, nor Hlcep iii (Jose apart ments. 1 Adopt an out-of-doors ion, so a-> to Ih.e in tho open air ft A\t>id as much i-. jkhsUiIo e\s ry- thin^tlial 11 mis to d(pn-.s( all e\{ esses should be a\oi(lcd, and ki i p free from ans.ii tv and mental anil jjliysnal over- \\ i irk Tin se causi s, by placing tho system hi law jiar n nder I he pel son-, h s-, c ip ibln of ii -Ut in/,' tin di-i a-^o (Hi ^pn id to the f/i i jiis; in mui li a way as to biin-< about tin (!e\i Inpmi nt of consumption. .An mils of Hv^ii no I * '..i , v i the pm iary cinin of Mr. 11* ,d. Lih Kcw York Mail and lb Jill St Vary C n 1 iibIm^. An "ii'i'1 *iound" ti am from White- chup 1 \, i I uiidhitK aloiifj tluou^li Ihe (htv <"" ' ". .LJirl fo^'ey day. An old Iiishl.d' iias a paw iitfor, who was (Vidiith. looufit; in r "Iiome," tn d up niiii i il did ijioii, fiiiin mi ( uMi i ii m.i\i " . u "i'i -s housi M "How in v.iUOt! u to ^.i w id thiK?" Him usj i d . lilh ..' lie- i i.t'er, tliiiiHtiu^ liei ' l i lo hi rJ be ah able man put u . v I i. ' "]j ttij'i1 i___U' -d, in! . t \tioiiH t.nilui* on." old 1 ily ninitul nieiednlously. Sunn JiiiTiut tp.'-itu, dining winch the old h.dy nt --id oi do/id and took no til m/ht of ( I'l'd^'i >-. Tin ii s]k iousl d In j - li and adui. id tin -am qm stum to uuotlai pa MU ti "J'^iur statioiiH on, " uiuhi :i d this (,n bnelly T o Iiish (! imk sinihdbitt i ly, bur ki pt hi r ow n ( uiitM't ioi aw hilt1 Then t-hu hiul- dinly tiniinl upon a trivckrot'her own hev "Now will yi/. tell me, ma'am, how far am Oi iiom thi.istation?" "It'n th^ next htiitiOM ot all," said tho othei Hiuiliiitly. Iho Irish woman cast mound u tfhuico of indignant hcorn. "An winch of ye/ uniOi to buliovm1 Sure ye all t*ll u diften at talel ' riousehold Woids of I <* O't lll.l' Th ("I MrKru/m, M D-C M , Trinity Univernfty, mombci of Colleen Piiy icfiirni ftiid Kurijoomi, Ontirb (jinfluiito nf Now \ orlc i'tu.t rimdimto Medical Ccllofji, t'oronoi foi thu County of I3Kt.uv HfsuKmeo, Tnliiot iitifjot north of rail- wuj, laiHox. J. I'arlo Toinitr, M 1> O M. Trinity I nivor- nit>,M 0 V anil h Oiitnrio, Lie Hoynl L'olloijo TiiyHleiaiih, Loiiilnn, 1 nt* , int hiholnrnhip nnd ((Old Mcdnliut, 'IriniLy Colli i;c, IKt I, anjiolntrd Houho 1 LtyHiciim ii ml buifioon, Toronto Gcmornl llohpita) and Keiaclcnt AcgoiicIkui liuiiitdito hviif/iii rtoiipltnl, Toionio, JbHl bpi cliiltv, dm t (i-Hc a of wonnui uii'l child) ol. ltciijilonco, hoiinn liitoly occupied by Dr. Dnwai, Tidliot nt, I'aisi Olfici in 1 iiiporjfil ISauk PUx It, (Ot.uud Moor, opiioutd llioinii'ii diiif; nloio McdnilniH ilffl- p* iih.mI in t bn ollli m 'i tduphom connoction uith I nth oliicu 'uid rciiulein i i Prhuto tuln ll no botwtion Uvril I'licpiiitln'a homo and Hun huiiiJiHly't) hou iu uml ollice NiKht cull i iLttcunlfld to nt ottii'o (Sr lehideneo. DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, 1) D.h.L i). U (.lii.Ututo in Doi.tintry, lto\ d Colli f-i ot Dontid Siu^oDiiH, O itailo, mid Unl\< ihitj oi Toionio t'hiiri;oii,moiloriLto. OJlloo, n\oi Uricu & Co t- dru_' ntoiu, lH-lv 'She Nuiyara Falls fiouitS OOISO l!iHT Takitifj oiloct Juno Jin1, ihdo. Detroit.. Uindnoi ., . I'uHon...... lUtuilfitouoo Mil El I X Woodidoo. , I hi comb , t'oniboi Uidt;utf)wn.. Itodiiuy. Ht. Thomufi r.ondon , Mt. 'Ihomiifi . Tlodnry Uirl|(otoivn Conihur liUttLOllll). WoodHltM! KliHf'X Muiilntono Cr I'olton \V md'ior 1.H troit i- t . Loam a iu n, m p m. n. m, 0 20 (j 50 0.4(1 10.10 Midi vjo .~. r,d IHIH fi l'l fi !7 i. II. UM 7o7 KJ) fi l'l 'l';U 10 00 1.0% ClOINfl ^JJHT, 7^o io a% ^ 17 11 (ii 1 10 6 01 n.w fi aa b.:j7 b m r. an 0 05 v 10 7118 H ifl 7.U0 7M 7.31 H,ir> V ui. Id 10 > in i K l'7 f) Js fi 10 fi -so ti.ot I. It 0 Jl (l Ifi 7 10 ii m. (I JO 10 20 11,11 13 01 12.10 Windsor imuom ft m tt m .0.1.'. om 7 58 OQ'l oai on 10 O'J 10.12 10.BD fl.10 18 (125 (1.87 11.47 (1B0 7.1& Amhcruilnii'L; Local Trulim, VETERINARY. yon, rconnn iilihiimiiu f11 nth ' Xh whut \ou can u ly ou putting wl on you buy from uh Oar wa^on yoci to all parta of tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant iitul nicer, frenhor, ornwetW or hi tho country All kmdh of Fancy Ciiltos tin il .Tolly KoIIh. Fresh Taffy and Candies civcry day. Wo aoll uothiiifj; Htaloor dry. Leave Your Order ami you can roly on prempb dc- livory. FRANK FOSS. Oppoulto xluok t&.FritnolK, Kiaex Uuiilhuoilli i imI thu Ituby. .Mis HoiiHton I i. member, Yv'hun AVi nls,\ui th, Ho-i i , nnd Ihillninn once dijud with hir inthi r at iruiupton Court, v,u>*, woininlikc, .imiiwliul dlsup))olntt d 1>V tin pmt -, iipp' nunc i, c oiwldcriiif,' him tin Urdu si dt tiio p.iity, uml wi 11- ni^h \.c|ihi^ omv his bitf now; and wliut hhc i it hi r uncJuirhuhly called tho "rcii- i ' il ' i u'siikss"o1 Ins appi uniu c Hut -io \. is nun h Ihitti ml nnd tniu bed Mhcn Wonl^Minh uisisLi-d that lici Httjo loth, rli bii> hould he 1>imi{ht to hhn, ahhoii^b ui,m the mite put up bis Up, as chihUiu \m11, tho pniM, t,imi ^i ntly, in slow, lepni.ii hlul in oi nt-. "What, jimLc sin li ,i face as that at an old man nnd a pm t-" (iontUinan. llwliiliVUl Sfllll ( I'H of ltOVIMMir, One of thu must norabh* of thoso dourcc was tho .Tews, who during tlio Middli' Af,'i s hud im rights id i it l/eindiip In Chiwtl.nil/id Jhnopo, and won hold, In respect to theh pi isonq, ^oods, wi\cs nnd childiV'ti ai the .'bvdub' disposal of tin chief of th > htnti, th bo t i\od ami despoiled, bj hlui at bis ph-asuic. This utih/ulinn of the .h-us as smuttq (tf rov- enue vtxti far moio thnuui'dily mid sys tcniatlcally (tirHul out in J'hij.dnnd than in nny dtlnr country. They \v< n In fact, the i>rivati propoity of thn km^, li\inj.j InstrniiuMits of his H\enue Hi. still, Sum!I X'<il(c. Tlioro i- a udoi, unheald by tbo imt "mul car, ^hnb hjoaK, to huinnn holiiKH louder than lln- tumult ot (ho market place, or i\en thu ronr of cannon in hut- tic. It Is a \oue whhhtho deal can hour, and uliieh the istroii^t st nf men onnnot dchtroy. Tt is called "Lho Mill, rnmll Mtlte," but its stlllucsH nnd smnllnois arc ruiillj tho clcincnu of Its [rciitiu'HH and jKrtMir All men lia\o Ijuaul it, though all havo not uiulorstuotl H nor yielded to its itomaiKln. In Ktouton. "Is Mi-n Ilnrhiimat hoinor" aHkwl tho nil lor. "PhyHlcnUy, ijiudam," ropllcd tho Boh- ton hutlor, "hIio hi. An an uhMraot quoH- tlon tho fact cjumofc bo iloJoil. But, In solution to your doidrn to kuo her, X can- inot Hay doflnltoly until I hnvo tw,cor- fculnod Mm. Hnrklim1 wIhIioh In thn tuat- tfir. !*** ho Boatod uafcll I hnvo rooolved stytf$& trots, above." MinniH<'iI|it t;oH[iflM round. Jt ih repented fiom Ccmslantinoplc that iin ancli nf and bi/iutiful in.iinwript ( npr of tho C.osp^K, dating biu k to the M\ih fi ntury, has nci'iitly been found in Asia Minor. If. Is A\ntti n on thu IlncKt and thhunst of m Hum, v HuJi Isdynl purpk, and this lithrsare m hilver.'ccci pt tnu iihhro\intloiis and micron nnniofi, whiqh aro in jrold. HcproficntntlvcH of Knndish anil Amcilcan univcrsltlns' liavo uiihiio- ecssfully sought to obtain possession of tho Uml, whloh hns boon fincnrcrl hy Uiihsla. INHutous Under Trial. Uf 58 kmdfl of potatoi s on trial thin Boiihon on tho grounds of Rural Now ,Yorker, ritilsjcr's hJarliust proved to he the earliest At any rah), tho vim h \V( re the first to (ho July 1 The yield was ut tho into of th i bushels to tlio nci c, mostly*of unmarketablehizo. Thepntato robombles LHsV Triumph, bfiiiK romul unci of n reddish color, like the < arly Bmnudn iiot.ifooh, Tho flesh is white and the quality veiy guod. Tho next vines to dio woo thosi, (d I'udo of the South. Thovuics wire dead July 8. Tho yicilcl was nt the latoof Ifll bushol" to the ncio, a laif,'o proportion too hinall for m.nket. It is u lound tuhi r, bull hkm, pink oyes. WU HlflJAUnSON, M MIIitWItY SUK * fillON Iloiioniiv j'linlii.iii) nf Onfiuio \iiteiiu.Liy Colh no, lorouto, niiiiilmi of On titiio Viterlnarv Mcihcal i^ciiioti, Diplomist in U( ntistry, tronth all (Uhoiis'ih of iloint HthmtiMl unuiiitlH, cn tthi clohornuil )i\ tin*liLtost iiopro\cid 11 u\ itt clfpjtur 1'nlI by tele plioi o or tcilu- Ri'ipri nio/nptlj iLttfinicct tr> ItiHl.Uim c.tliif it tli-K-xs nitHt nf fi'11' "lib otfieii in pr nt oftiLii l)iiilcliu(!, nillriniirj. diiicth onpofutr*. LAND SURVEYOR. TAMKh R. TiAUtD, I'lOvnTOnrrrTiTiicl Snuoyo* i? mul ( ounty I'.ir-.lncci, ICiibo\ Contic, Out Otlici', Diitistnu lilocli, ui Htuiiii li in ij.e. nii (. L!l f. lii 0 Ki AH SI IL 111 11 10 11 ft J lii < 0 l'.S 11 li 11 u to IL 11) Ml H Pi H ii fiii n a. io KAUT ii m, il tn. p.ta hh-Hix oita 0 60 c,yo r riff mm (1^7 0.JI) u,io Ij 1-A U IIMijk .21 1) W 4 5? TtU'Ci -ORor fi'iO ft.:io 4fi5 oonlon li()' 010 1 Hb Amhustiuud H,(J0 ttOS 4%q Ainiiuiifi mo union cnntnil fitiuithml time, which in Mxty iiiinutrH nlov,or than IlnBax time 1 oi lurcnnuulim ai.d ruiuii to oolon- lsttiionwun nu.L nppl) to John (Y La von. Van. ...iiKoi A unt, ht. 'lliouimi.O W. ItUffdloH, Oou- orul PafiHoiiKu iinciTIckot Aptnt. Cliiooco. Ill orA.O Htinicirs Aumit. htmov. ' L. E, & D. R, Ry- 'XIMV, T VI1LI-; NO. |, tiildiu; MToct Momlttj. .riiiio X, \h>iC, Trniii-o m by Fiu.torn Htniid- ilk! Tinii) Diill\ Licopt hiiiidfiv ^1 AUCTIONEERS. piomjitU iittundnil to Auctlnncci. h n I n h . ..... -- Aildrofii. Soutl Wo fi diih a, Out ]nn oni tlcnii inn to i<c ( me mt limy bn vo woiil nt tlio 1 iiv l- Pin (is elilni tf il Hi DttlCh i H o . 'A li 111 I). MNChAIK, UCI NSLU AUCTIONKhH for the Count\ of I.n*o\. 1 mliirof blKhth IMvuiioii Couit All kindti of Kitim nnd otlu i hjiloB crmdnctcd jnnjnptly Ilntofi ioa?nnab!o luaHiniii'du'd on aiipliciition lliKjttiiuiti may npnlj ut \V D ItiiFiumn'R nfMci1 oi at tlio ofllco ofDlvIhloii Couit Tli ilt,Mi..7olin Milim AiU illslni; liy Tdli'irrunli. A London tradohman t,ont to fiovoral thniiKand proniimmt IihIIph In England \dlHpatoh to thn plTccfc that a ^ront riiJo wiw in proj^rchs. Tho hidlcH havo butm neciifitoinocl to looking at tolc^raniH a u tnnttor nf Inipnrtunao, uml thoy wcro ouo nnd all annoyed. Wlion tho raorohnnt Kot fcluonuh apnlofflaslnpf and hurt pnltl for tho Innorfchm of npnloglun In tho howh- puiiopti, lw JhuI miulo up IiIh mind that no\VRiHi])or ndvortlhomontq wore thn bent aftor all. EXT. OF TOTIN (lOKMhhY, 73 LICLhsKU AUCTIONIlhlt for tho County of hhhox. All InmUi ot farm utoti: nftlou, oto , comluutnd piomptly and on Hhort notice, UiUoh iohhoi ubl* I'owouri deniable! to nuatifio Hftlori iu'i\ lofio by cullhif, ut tbo l'm.r I'm mi olllco oi bj* npiiljintj to -1 J. GOItMLUY, P. <). 1io\ 1*35 J-hi,o\, Out fOKANK McCLOHKKY, HuldBtono, thirty- l iiovonyoinii'oxiioiiooco cin im inictionconn lipCouuty f Kfluox Kaloucouductci promptly, vtHl on lo'unomible toiiar,. Farrloh doHuiu^ to n\ tho (Into foi ft nalo can bu\o thtiiiifioKits a thiiTfl by ralhitfj at tlio 1 n}<V PHrwi ollicn. We hnvo lULtuniod w ith Mr. MoClonlwy nnd ulll IK the diitoH for salon b> toli'cjrnpli.cntiroly fioo of ill cliiLrgolo tlio noihon lioldiiiR tho imlo. Ad- ihouo Fruul "cGlonlnn iSIftulfitcnic Cioim Ont, it; 5 'i in isoo 0 17 12 m '115 li 10 'I '.0 li 11' I, ll) in OB iif) i i, 17 I) hi 1 111 llM 1 ] > (,CJ> l in 7 in 1 5U 7 17 Q,() [ 7 117 i> 'il 7%t7 'iM ', II H.fS 7fil 1 :<) Ht'l, I lil.ri 37 1 10 Mii C(S' Hlli fi'J't HW fi li1 ft 17 'idlJH.Vi Oil.') 0 00 HlAriONH. 1' M u it) Hop wiiI]>rr'lo Ar ii^AVulltfrvillo .June lo lb, lo i'i 10 .ii 10 ri 10 r>i HI fi" 11 10 U -il 11,11. 11 :it> 11.11 11 rii 11 (7)1 11! 01; Polton . jH 57 . t OlikiintUi u fi!i I Paquotto H 17 McOlUfior . H W I how Caiman,,, ft 'Ifl M w 4 9. -C rf*S 0 'A 0 'A A M 10 ii Mi A M 0.(10 fUO el . S3 I Mmnlillold tliiriow .. .. + Amen . KhipnviHo. Ibithvon .. I fmminijton Wiicntii y .. I Ilomviclc . L'outmvoitli 1 GViuwouil IMcrlln..... i Hn\toii hniuiUion .. ircdiir BprlrRH,.. fl 20 ft <2i ft 11 ft CI 7 Gl 7 40 7 21 7 IC IS. 17 fifH WW -t.-lfl 1.1)11 t'J5 1(10 !HB D.lfl -MO l.M l.ltf 7 10] 1.1S, ().W 7 (MlljSIiU 7 013 ...|li BJ|J2!JI' 7,10 nt. I.S5 Wi coo G07 C10 RBI 52B fi35 Mfl 8,8l 600 0J8 0.30 0.4a 0 lii 10 1 'I 7.17 liMUl fin' ')U7 WouUim Junot'41 iiii I ii:ir) ii 11 11! I0i 7 00 ll 10 0 81 O'il 0 'i'i fi 10 !>.Vi . . Hlonlip'jii 0 20 . . . '.) il Ai IiIdf,otDwuPi)|n OOljO.UO, 7.50 t1 v ___ U.v. |i', ar, t.. iiifla 7.2a' 7.W ll.'iq 7.3S 11.1c, 7,37 30.1O 7.4tt 1 I'hifj htiitlona. Tiriiiumtop ouly wliou ihoH uro imHHi'URuru at 01 foi tlinno iitatiojiH. &I1xq(1 trahm aro at nl timon iiiihjoot to bo oanoolled WU WOOLIiATT. Goiiorol BuporJntondent Till*, oldont bufiluonii in town, hutabllnho I37(i. FIiHt-olanii broad and oalion of al .tiudii. WoildinfioukoH il npooiiLlity. OrooorioB luoviiilonii.lloiir,food, anlt uad pnrh, Coufoo* tlouoiy.croolroiy.rihumwaiui. Gnmiori fruitu ami vorjotublouof all Ictmhi Ooodii promptly <iu Uvorodtoall vartfiof tho town. .7. M. H10KH, 101 tf To I>rivo iiiiywhoio, if bo, you wiuit a Oooil __ - - - .....aud tho plaou to Ret it in lit JOHN McDOUGALL'S rh la No Cmtt Iloforo. "Man," who bitterly nxotiilmod," Jttinlnutfld by the almighty dollar." "And woman/* he rejoined with spirit, 'by th* almlgl 4y nlnety-ceuts." HAS A RECORD 40YEAR50F5UCCES5 IT 15 A SURE CURE UlARftHcEA . DYSElNYERV Oolic H Cramps fc Cholera Infantum ouMMtR Complaints jk <SKildrci\ or Adults. cAND AND LOAN AGENTS GEOltGK .T. vnOMAR, Convovaiioor, Com- wluinouor.ln tlgh Court of JuHtioo;ilon)or in Houl ISntato anil lilortituijoB. Mopoy to lour* atthelowoBt vato of intorodfc. Fiumtt boiiflht unauolct. lumiranootalconmtlio wontroMablo aorapaiiloH. Driiwlnol clooclit, inortftnffOR unci loanuH a. npciolalty, OhurgoB uiodomto and nil biinlwoHD uiouitUly attondml to. Call at the Ooutral ToloTthonn ofllo*., BnaoaiCloutrd. KU-lv price: as c Place iu tho world for youuu uinu nndv/ouiou to somira a HuHlnt'fifJ Education,Shorthand,oto., Iw tbo Detroit Buflinoea Uuivorslty. De troit, Ml cb Itlnflfcratod cataloputi Froe. Roforonoeo: All Detroit, P. JBWFIjIj Pwb. P. E. 8PEN0EK, Beo. Best Livery, Sale & Feed Stables) GoodlllofiUoru lu uttoniUuco diiy aid uigh^t, ^ r it HORSE-SHOEING..........if Tu thin branch of our tniBhiQBS Tvehavaiirstr^ olua Worlimon and will gimmntoa satlafaotlanl^' in Hhooiaif Horflod thuthiturfuro. Ovor-Beftftffi nr havo Corns or Ooatraotod J?eot. Waiuakivsii Hpoolnlty of Bbooiuf* Itotid aufl Traok HorBe'f^S C5E- Tnlvphoue Gontwotion. - - & Sh * 'km. &A:or..> to^a*i ^^4i>s^i^^ i?l^Lfo&iJAa$ WANTED SragfftfsSS nosa In this and adjoining Countioa. Apply1^ refcronueo. . - ,r , ^&- a$ Riobmona fit, Weei ToximtoM ___ 1 't(;'#89 rf 27

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