Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 2, 1896, page 2

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W^pM^:r"f^:::^<r"\^:' .' ' ^s,^^ 1$/ ' Soars Far Above All Com petitors. ous Eesults Have ^v Broughl it Fame acd IV Renown. ^>: Faine's Celery Compound the Ciioico of v : the Ablest Physicians, It in woll[thut every odd hIioiiU' know ' that Puino'H Celery Compou. d in not an ordinary patent medicine uucli uh thu ' norvinos. BarotLpni'dlau, hiUorn and ottfor liquid coneoetionn now no oxtmiHivoly ad vertised in ovory direction. Puino'H Celery Compound in hh fur hoyond Ihono common proparationH uu tho diamond in uuperior to ohoap glan. i'aino'ri Of luvy Compound poHHouaou ortru- ordinary vlrtueH mid poworHfor health ^iv THE GOOSE FEATHER. [An Amnrluiin Iiirllun Hontr.^ 31uok liikn, liluclc litkn, Thu wild uMii Idd within tlio brnko. Tlii Htrhitt upon my bow full Iouhm, TIim ari-ow Mllppiul mid minnti<l thu kooso. Jin heard my Htup und ilow uwny. I foilm.l n fmither whiiro ho lity. Arrow ill In. arrow tlihi, I Htniiik thu bliiek kouhij feuttmr In. llllink liilf.i, Yiliiidc luktv, A ynnnn liiu (loud wltllhl Mm brake. Thin morn hlu own lilaclc fontlidi* wldrrml And iiped tlin uliarl Dial ldl|ml tlm bird, with fresh dismay, thut thin would also prove a fruitions errand, for thu luHt train toSilkmiiiHtor wan tho B:HO p, m., by whioh, I havo mentioned, tho pont- uuiNtcr uhviiya truvolod, .SilkminHtor, I muwfc mention, Wuh Dourly 150 milert down tho lino. \ Should I waif, till tho morning and telegraph? X remembered that the nlbou did not. open till 8 o'clock. I hud by tliin time vouched tho Htution. Of con run it \vuH all Hhut up, and all tho liffhtH were out; except Uwho in tho nip;- mil lumpa for thu nlf^lit oxpronfioH. It WUH now puHt half pant 11. Wan thorn no hope?, At tliiw moment my eye caught u light in dim Hignul Ij^. about a quarter At tho time of whioh I am writing I \ of u mile up thu lino. I could hod tho wan living in Honhmon in a Hmnl! town Hignnlmun in bin box, tho outlinn of bin uhout Hfi niilo.y north n[ London, t wmm figure Hlaiiding out npfiiinut tho light ongagod in rathnr it largo literary un- within. I lnnL;od at my wutoli, Tim dortuldnp; !j from London wmh almost iiovol. So L'ngroHHod wuh I with my *iu' I would mako.arunh for Hint mg- tiink thut I had no tinto to mad Hovoii mil hox and compol tho ocou])ant to put tho nowNpnpor ilnd wiw quito ignorant tins aignul ugainwt it and Hlnp it It wiw of what was going on in tho world. It a doHporalo huiius but only got; that train was a litllo aflrr H o'clock onn ovoning to Htoj^for an iiiHtant and all would Im in April that 1 ilninhod. tho noennd vol- rigli^. Hy gutting into it; I could mioh' uuio of my work. I put on my hat ami SiikminHior in tho oarly morning, and coat and ntartod oil' for an ovoning what rarod I for any 'notion tho ooin- Htroll. I had no noonor stoppod into-tho puny might tako ii! I mivod my friend's S' IN TIME. HOME iiOOKhlNDING. FOR THE PROTECTION OF ILLUS TRATED PAPERS OF VALUE. Tlio tlnanU May Itn of lu'anllliv or T1ull<)> hi If J'lipur mid <JovnriMl With MumUu, LIiuoi, Silk or Ijuiilliiir Ii*>w t ftfuUm n Ken*, VltixM)l NuwuimtiMt* fc'ilu. I'rnhahly fow umatiMirg will hnaninQ oxperti onough at boolchiwlhig' to bind umgiiziuoH, hut many illuotratod papoi'H cnti hn hound at homo and muko volumo.u which will ho an unfnilhig houico of umuHnnionf/ and ]iro(lt. To rondorH who may dowiro to try ihrnV hnml nfc homo liookbinding or uowHpupoi* binding, hu tho cawo may bo, tho following direc tions from Tho Country Gouflunmn urn roeomniomled: Good lioavy mnnilla papor, or' i( Homothing hot tor in wanted Homo kinds of building pnpor, iuaku9 nuat and Horvioo- &W, as it ih f{oudt aiidin tho only .medicine thai the bcHtmiulioal mm) rcicommnnd with con- iidonuu. ProfoHHor Kdward K. Phnlpu, M. D-i itn dificovtirer, gavo thia marvollouti modioino to bin profuiunon an a pomtivu ouro lorulooploHHiioHH, iiorvouiiMUHH, wanting Btrongth, dyiipcpnia, bilioinmcnH, liver coin- plaint, nouralKia, rhoumatiHm and kidney troublon ; and ainco itn introduction to the puhlio, huudredfi of 'thouoandd on tlun con tinent havo boon raiaed from iiicknoiiH to tbo onjoymont of purfoct health. No other modioino in tho world whh over bo highly -hpiiored uud rocommended, hecaiiHO none . over uccompliwhcd no lunch. To-day, whon the ablciit dootoro are called upon to pronoribu for tho woalc, run down, ovonvorkod and dcliilitated men anil 'women, they invariably udvino the uho ol Faino'n Celery Corimoiind Thounandu of toatimoniulH giviuK proof of aluiunt miru oulouu curoo uomo in overy year from working people, artnuinn, merehants, pro- foflHioual won and people of wealth, all an- Bortinjitttrougly that Paine'o Celery Corn- pound mukoD people noil. Ilavo you mado atrial of Painc'H Coh*rv , Compound, nick frieud ? It not, do not Jo- lay another hour ; proeuru it bottle mid tost tho virtue ol the only modioino that can HUooofiHfully meet' your cuui\ Jin t-.nrc that you got "I'uine'H," tho kind thut curoa. Htnnd; than a boy utwnfltwl mo with u, kou? If tint ^igniilmnn rofustul to put bundlo of pujiors under Ium arm and tho , hack tho Iovoth tlin Htrongtli horn of roqui'Ht, "Buy an m'oning paper, Kir?" dt-sporation would onablo mo to manter I bought ono, put it in my pocket and him and thi'u relax them mywolf. All romuiH'd my walk.. j thia lluHhcd iioitwj me in an instant, and After my rotnrn I op(Mmd my paper ; I olaniberod over tlm railings nn tlm sido IV! others Anilouflly Wntch docllning health of their daughtorH. So many aro out off by consumption In early yuara that thoro 1b real caufio for anxiety. In the oarly ntagos, whon not boyoiul tho r^itoh of mu(llc(not Hood's Sarna- pari Ma will roMtoi-o tho ouality and <juantity of tho blood and thus (flvo good hoaltli. Head tho following letter: "H Ii* btit jUHt to Wrlto about my daughter Com, Htfud 10. flho 'vrnn com pletely run down, duelhilng,had tlmttlrod Un\\\\itf, mm\ frieudM dnld nho would not live over thru a montlm. Him had a bad Cough mid nothing geemod to do hur any good. I ImppGiiud to road about IIooiVh Hnruapa- rllla und had hor glvo It a'trial. From the very rirHt doMo uho began to wt bettor. Aftor tukfng a fow' bottlow h \ya com- plotoly cured und lior hoaltli him been the bout over nlnoo," Mitti. Addiic PjaoBC, 12 Railroad Vlnco, Amntordtmi, N. Y. "I will Bay that my mother ban not itntod my cumu In uh Htroiif; wordu ay I would have domi. . Tlood'ti Birunpartlla linn truly owrd mo and I am now well." Co ha. Pitatt, Amntordam, N. Y. Bu Hure to #Qt Ilood'u, bocitUHO To attach loathor to oardfaoard diHSoIve good gluo Isoftonod by awolllng in wator) with a Iittio turpeutioo and a buuV uionoy of wator in an ordinary glue pofc, and then having made a thick paste with Htaroh In the proportion of two parts, by woiffht of iitaroh power for ovory ono part, . by weight, of dry glue, mix tho compounds and allow Hie -inixtitra to bocomooold be* foro appliuutioii to tho ourd-boucd. To dry-aalt butter, plaeo bnttor on a worker, Int it drain ton to fifteen minutoa, then .work gently till all tho butter cornea together. Place it on the houIoh and weigh j ihen wcljjh lialL ; for u)if;ht Halting, one- fourth onnoo ; medium, ono-half onuoo l heavy Halthiff. threo-qnurterH onnoo to tho pound of butter. Itoll bnttor out ou worker and carefully Hprinldo ttalt ovor the riiirfjico, a little at a time ; roll up and re peat till all in lined. Novor touch tho hut tor with tho IiandH. leisurely nay, lazily. Prcw-ntly my eyo wuh eanght with tho following 'pur-, agrapli hi'iuling, "Impending JCxotrntion of tin- (Jlinl'ohl Murderor, " ThiTu ih a morbid fii.scinatinn for moHt peoplo in an execution', and ho, of the Ktation and 'found, myself on tho lino. Even afl I roaclnid tho railn a Hi'ina- phcti'tt Hignul that. wuh near mo lot fall its arm, and tlm red light wn.s ohaiigod' into a lu'illiiint green. The cxprcHH wa yielding to this folding, I pioeouded to Hignalod! Would tliero bo timel I dashed read tho paragrnpli: | along over liii^ rough nleeperH toward thu^ "The munleror of tho unfortunate ' Hignal box. It was veiy dark, and I Jaiuen Knnfrow will Ik; hanged toinor- Ktnnibh.d over and over again. I had row morning at H o'clock. Tlio wretched cleared half the distance when I heard mail, whosn namn Charles I'cnthurst the oniinouM roar ahead, and in a few is- now in everybody's mouth, still hocoihIh could' distingiiinh tho distant porsistH in Jiis plea of imioeencu. " : glitter of the engine's bond lump .bear- Hero I became deeply interested. Tho : ing toward mo. Tlio train was just over name of Fenihui'Ht wnu most familiar to a mile from me, rushing mi at express me. I hurt formed a deep friendship speed. With a grojni I ejaculated, "Ton with a man of that name. He was a latel" good 15 years my senior and had died | 'At instant my eye "fell upon a about two yearn previously. I knew he ghastly looking stnietm'o by the nido of had a you named Charles, ii young hi- the track, looming grimly through tho low who had emigrated to South Africa j darkness. It__resembled a -ono armed oarly in life and who was'generally gallows with a man hanging from it I Hiippostri to be working at the diamond i Pot* a moment I thought it must hnyo mines. Could this bo tlio namcinan? I j been a fearful fancy conjured up by the road cm. j thought of Fenthurst's dreadful fate, "It will bo remembered that at tlin ; bud immediately I ronmmebreri that this trial tho strongest, .circumstantial evi- i fitrangn looking apparition was nemo donee wan brought to bear upon Font- I other than'a mailbag suspended' from a hurst. The murder took place in a house ; post apparatus hy on the outskirts of the flmall town of which u train going at full speed pieks Olinfold. It was proved that Fenthurst up the mails. Tho express train that, was in the habit -of- fiwp.itnting lien- : wa* coming had a postal onrnttaeheri to frew's premises and that apparently ho 'it. From thu Hide of the ear a strong To prevent iron runting mako a Btrong panto of frohh limo and water, and with a flno brush hmoar it aK thickly aH poBmble | M'us expected there on tho evening in ropn net would ho laid out, catching tbo Ho was seen'near the place bag I saw suspended before me. ovor tho polibhed hiufaee requiring pre- aorvation. By tJiid mmple mcaun, all die gratoa and flroironu in a houftc may be kopfc for months free from hiLrin, without further care or uttimtion. t'oiiutiimtloii nrt.'tl Gento, I wan in very poor health for ovor four yearn ; tho doctor naid it was couiitipation. Not wanting to Hpond too much canh I got three hottlen of B. B. 1J. and took ifc;regularly. I can certify that J. am now iu the vory beat of htaltli and fee; yery (iratoful to a. U. B, Ai.rai:i> Tkhocx, Montreal, Quo. . Artiiioial mile ih room to be muuuiactui'ed at Bheimn and Pisms^ the latter a neigh- boring town situated nineteen inileH weal of tho metropolis of tlies uorLliwoHtern purb of Franco. Thu mention of buildingH for this uew industry ban actually bei n oommonced/ (jiieHtion. soon after tlio crimo. was committed, ; A mad and desperate idea took pes- and several other proofs of a Ktrongly : session of me. Fortunately-1 am a small condemnatory character Were also laid man. Tho bug hung.jmd, over my liead. againsr him. Ho lias pcryi.sied from the I jumped at it, seized it, drew myself first, however, in mainrainiiig that ho np parallel With ir, ludd it/lrmlyat tho was absent from Clinfnlri at tin* very top, where it swung by a hook, and j time the murder.took plane. This was "drew my legs up so as to present as' about 7 o'clock in the evening. At that . small a compass uh possible. Then I hour, he says, he was returning from ; waited. It was but a few seconds, but, London, where lie'had been spending it Seemed hours. I heard tho roar of tho part of the day. Only one witness, he., approaching train. Then the engine says, could prove this, uud that is an dashed past me. There was a whir and ( individual who traveled with him us a rush, and all was dark.- , fur as F~------and entered into eonversn- ; When I eaine to my senses I was ly- tion with him. Advertisements have ing on tho floor of the postal van. Two i been inserted in all the papers by Feat- men in their shirt sleeves were busily hurst's legal advisers for the purpose of engaged in sorting letters at a rack. I riiHcnverThg the individual in question, .felt bruised and still' all over, and I but as no answer has been forthcoming found that my left arm was bound in a h i.-4 generally believed that the whole sling made; out of a handkerchief. _ j story is a myth. At any rate, there , " Where are we?" I aske-d. ' j seems but small chance of the alibi be- They turned around, ing proved at the last moment. The "Uh, you've come to, havo you?" said t murder was committed on Feb. (i. Sinco ono of them. "Is'ow perhaps you'll give j his condemnation the murderer has been nu account of yourself. It's precious j confined in Silkminslcr jail, where tho , lucky you're here at all, let me tell execution will take place. " you, for if you had been a taller man : Astonishment and dismay confronted we should only have got part of you in ' me as 1 laid the paper down. I was the , the net. As it is, you'vo got your col- CI.AMP I'A Wilts IN CLAMP.' nhlo covet;,'. Tho mntoriiilH for doing this work may bo had in nny farmer's workshop. For a clamp take two boards uomo six inehen wide und afoot to a foot and a half long, according to filzo of paper.s.yoii wish tn hind. Through these near eaeh end put a threo-eiglith bolt, three or four inches long, accord ing to thickness of volume. Provide a good long awl and somo heavy twine or waxed end, with harnesfi needles for mowing. You will want glue, or, if you have none, flour paste will do. With your mnnilla for covern and Homo strips of heavy muslin for bucks, yon aro ready for business. Place the papers in tho chimp and fc'crew down tightly. . Then mako holes . with tho awl and sew with tbretid, not drawing too tight, or. tho hook will not, open well. Now round tbo hack and gluo 6ii a piece of mnslin with heart bands at oil her end, if d'-sired, and leave until perfectly dry. In rounding tho buck yon may have to use a heavy hammer, pounding until you get; the desired curve. Try to mako the' edge spread slightly ovor ihe clamp, sti.tkntn rirtgo is formed along its edge into which tlm rover may fit. jUi'.ke tie j covers by cut ring tbo sides, of ma nil la p.iper, slightly larger than iho volume, and then glue In^orner with a piece of muslin or cloth large enough to allow for the baek width of tho book, anil to Jap well over the edges of tho covers. 2sow cover tlm back of tho book wit!} glue, put o:i your cover and place in clamp until dry. If you wish to do your binding in cloth, tako two pieces of "binder's braid" or stiff pasteboard emit tho size for ihn eovt r imd a piece of mus lin largoenougli tunllow for the back of tho book, where it is stiffened with stiff ening paper, and to paste on tho edges of the boards and, fold over at the ends. When your never is finished, fasten into the book by the fl.-ips of muslin which are.left of the pioeo which you paste on tho back, when it is rounded into shapo after sewing. Von euver your boards with anything de-sired, mualin, silk, Sarsapanlla Istlio OnoTrur Tlloml Purttlor. All druKK'sts. $1. Troparoil only hy C, I. flood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ij a r%ti aro purely rlOOd S HlllS UubloiuuluouQflelaLttfe. Anxiomi Motlmr Doctor, I'm afraid this, baby in tjoing to fiavo a very hard time l" t ting his, Dr. Grnmpliy lit! will huve uu 'ii:;ht harder tine: if lie doesn't get them. "1 think That lh'"i (I old burn h ih im ex- <l'e-i*': i ;.-_ '!. uf '.'hut ,m nppreprinte in do M.H." "How J., thut '.'" "Kveryihing hIio wears- la rich and plum, jiibt like hcrhelf.1. An Knglndi r:urrespondent, protestin<' agiiinht the dehtiuello'n at inolr^, MiyH' in tin; iiolda they aro of incalculable In-tie tit to the agricullunst, for not only do they clear the grcimri of v/unnivand gihiir poHtr;, but they drain ii, Xo other Jtind oi root in hu greedily' 0'i'ei, hy ))iga as the h-er. It muy not !iVi: .--u n,uc'u nutrilKjii n,u thu potat.i, bill what it Oils U KWt-et, und tlmndore in pal atuble. Iivt:ii tho htttcning hog-t will i.-ut sonii. i/eeiH every day, and hhauld have theni. But their b...-ht use i.-i \m trr/f.'li futd for howfi that uru giving mi I It. It will in- oreane thtt quuntity greatly. Agrloulturul idiown wore flrt hold in Holland, and wore introduced into Eng land by King William of Orange Ho mado pcpulur in Fuglund tho idoa of a periodical festival, which wan mado large ly agricultural. Tlio idea was followed up and olaljoratod by Sir William Tempi in Kngland, and Doan Bwift in Iroluncl. At thut tunc tlioy had tbroo day uhowa. Tlm flrat wuh for athletioa. Tho young folks wore to run, wrontlo and danoo for pri/.ou. Tho Hocomi day wuh for manufac- tureii, and the third day for Jivo utook. Dr. Fowler'a Extract of Wild Straw- berry curea Biarrlioa, ByHt-ntery, Colic CrampH, Cholera, Cholera In fun turn. Cholera Morbus and all summer com- plaiutaaud iluxesof tho bowels in ehildroul missing witness' they had so vainly ' hir bone broken. We've tied "it up a| oradulta. j Kought."' I distinctly roinembered, early bit. " ; in February, running up to town rather ^ I told them tho motive that had; late in the afternoon, spending just half prompted me to take the. desperate step j an hour there, and returning by the, first ; I had dmie. They piled a quantity of ; train'l could catch. My landlady didn't empty mailbugs on the floor and mado [ even know but that I had been for rather me a rough shakedown* | a longer walk than usual. I had entered ' A little after li we drew up uf. Silk- ; Fariua uud niuny ol the preparations of wheat, ahio gluieau, a new j>repanitiou, arc icuti heating ceroids fur bununcr lee than outnieul. Tliei^e are more tumpting for any hot mormug for luncheon ii turn- od into individual mol.i;, to coul, and m ry-1 iiito convevKation on the return journey ; minster Mat kin. There was a policeman od very cold with cieum. For a whipped cream may occasionally cd with the curea!*. clmiig-: 1)U Hl-1'V The Blyth Htaudard in retipoutuble foi the following : A newly married couplu fitoppea at a Luckuow hotel a few uigliit! .Binco and retired (ihout JO o'clock. Abcm an hour.later tho iinnni- was urougud bacroams and yelln from Ui'-ir room. 'i'l o door wau looked ami onirieicy was i^mudi by aladdor from tlu* -..uliido. The brii.'e and groom were houndly pinned to ti.i bed in a iitrumjlmg conriition by the auto raatio pillow nli;Lm holil<_-r, which le:d Hlippcd a-cog uuft dfiUieiided upon tbi-ir ncokfi. Tho f'prieg !.rr!un;(;me:it liail caught below and there wan no escapf.1 without help. . e:1 Rreah.Up a Cold in Time BY USING m:.'1 P)'-: , '** Tho Qulclc Cure for COUGHS, COITUS, CUOtll*. BRON CHITIS, UOA11SI3N1SS3, tc. MllS. lOGKI'U NOIIWICK,. of 6U Sarauron Ave.,Totonto, writes:, "l*vny-PflctflralliB tifvnr fiilloil to euro my fhmlroii or cniuitnrt<Tftfi)Wiloaua. It riirail myioiroraloiiL'-iiliUiiiitij: cmicb Bftrr uovnr:il iithcr rem.-Oif^n Iiml tutliil. It liuu iilun iirovml in OKwll-.'iit riu:li euro tar my family. I \>t"{>* a t" niiv oOmr uiuuiuIud , fur couglm, cr<np or hoitminejn.' II. O, nAiniDUIt, of Uttlo Kochor, N.n., wrltoo: "A & euf tat giuk1ih Pyny-rocUiral U tlm iHiob MolUuu iiifill^iiolliuvui nty nun. Umm-u w|ll ]iu.V0 nu otlmr," , Xarso Bottle, 3B OU. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., trp; Proialotore, MonthkaC with the- only other oeeupant of my ; on the platform, and I at onee told my coinpartmcnir, u'youug man with awmall story to him, the result being that wo black ban, on which were painted the drove round to the jail and insisted letters "O. F. " I remembered all thin upon neein^' ihn governor, Of course ho distinctly. In order to make suro I j was deeply interested in what I had to snatched up my diary and quickly: tell them awl at once made arran^e- turned to the date of the murder, Feb. ! ments t<> stop the execution. The home G. There was the entry: "Han up to seeroiary was communicated with by town in afternoon. Inquired concerning ' means of special wire. Fortunately ho material for chapter 7. Haw 13-------for happened to bu in town, and after a hall' hour. ' Jhdunn.-d by <i:l;i train." r couple of hours of anxious suspense a The horror of the situation' now j repiyevu was reeeived from him. flashed upon me. A man's life tho ! "Well," said the governor, "I don't life of my old friend's .son depended | know which I ought to eonyratulato upon me.. I looked at' my watch. It j most, JUr. Feuthurnt or yourself, for you wasjusi; II uVdock. Hurriedly I dragged j have both hud a most narrow escape.'* on my hoots, thiukinp, the while what I j Little; remains to be told. I hoou should riij. Jdy first; impulse was to ruhli'i identified ihu condemned man as iho tn tlm iidepji'aph oJllcc. Then, with did- ; person whom I had met in Iho train, may, I remembered that it was shut for ; Ho also turned out to be tho son of my the night after 8 o'clock and that the : old friend, as I had fully expected. postmaster took the S:!10 train to the \ After the duo formalities he was din- largo town of *F~, about flv.o miles 'charged. Suspicion having Htrongly at oll', where he lived, leaving (ho ofllco taehed itself to his name, however, bo for the night in the charge of a care- I \vuu~very miserable, until about u fort- tnker and .returning by an early train ( night afterward the real murderer wuh tlio next morning. discovered and captured. Charles Font- It,was impossible to telegraph. Then hurst imd myself became firm l'riendfl, I thought of going to the polieo (there and although I was fearfully shaken wore just two constables and a sergeant und' upset for some weeks after this ud- in our little town), but what could they do more than 1? Uountry police aro pro verbial for the leisurely *'routine" man ner in whioh they set about an inquiry, and it would never do to trust to thorn. I wan in despair. out. I ran in a meolianical way to the postofnee. Of course it wan Hhut, and ii! I hud nrouHod tho oarotukoi' he oould not have wired. BoBidcs, all our wirott wont first to F--------, and, aH I havo anid, all communication wuh frimt off after 8 o'clock. Thon I nturtod for tlio railway ntatiou. This wuh about ludf n inilu from tho poHtoflloo and woll outHidp the. ronturo I never regretted tho night on Vhich I was picked up with tho mails. Strand Magazine. How It Huriprmtxli Aunt Mary But, toll mo, how did Madly I threw on my hat and rushed 'you happen to marry him? town. Ah.I liumod along I thought, Boa ton TruiiKoripfc.1 Bui* tlm Why, you hco, ovory tiling was ready. Ho hud aakod nio to havo him and I had cowaonted. He had pro- ourocl tho lioenno and engaged tho olorgyinau, and I imd Htutt out ou'rd and ordered dh.o cuke. SO, you hoc, wo thought wo might uh woll go through with it. There, aunt thut in the roa- (ton, an uoar ,ao I can rouaorabor it. - IKSIDE OF CASK VOLIJiilE COMPLKTE. linen or the many kinds of leathers. If thfi foregoing dues not prove Kuffioiciitly plain, tear up an old book and hgo how it is made. Vou will also find ii; vory convenient to rmiko covers for filing your pupem as ro- Delved.' jMako your eovovs ns doserihi-d nbove. Heavy nuiiiillit paper covered with muslin makes a neat and iloxiblo fllo and will last for years. You can fasten tlio papnra by putting a tihoo Oyo- lot 'in near the hack, through which oorriy muy he pur, passing- thorn through, tiolos in tho papers hu \nii in Symyiatliy. Tho Boston Tr'an.'ioript nays that n clergyman was recently tlio guest of a friend who was a collego president. On Sunday morning be m'esm very early and wont out to'tako n walk in tho delight' ful an*. Noh a tfoul wuh atirring at tot, but as tho olergyiuun's litopslod him to ward tho bushier portion of tho village ho noticed a needy looking individual pooring into vurioun shady lesortn in turn. Ho watched him with a mild curiosity, find apparently tho other wan not wholly oblivioiiH of him aud considered that tho doctor of divinity was up for Bomotbing. At last, after tho two. had proceeded nil up and down tho main Htroob in Bohi icon ip any, tho ahubby and' blcur eyed man turned to tho immaculate hiinistur and romarkod, With inflnito huQiiokh and pity in hla ton: " 'Tuin't no uso, potd, All thto places is cloKod up." "Veh," stud the uVi niiiii, aihlrenihng Iu'h young viuitor, "I ::m proud of my ^irln and would like to sec them comfortubly murried, ntni uh 1 huvu nuuiu u little mont-y, they will not od to their husbands penniliihH. There's Mary, )i~) yeara old, and jl real good /{irl. I i;hali give her {Jfj.CO'O wlien hho murnoH. Then__corncn liet, who won't nee H5 again, and I hhall ivo her SIU.HOO; aud tho niitu who tidies I2lizut who in fO, will Imve ^hl.OOO with her. The younij man rejected a moment or ho, and ihen inquired, "You havon'L cue al.otil oO, Inue you ?" Canndinii. Henry Schadul, of Hamiltan, fell in it fit and bruko Iuh neck, dying blatantly, Thu uBHtsHHinent returnH juofc compleied Hhow the population of London to bo IM,. 7114.. Tlio recoiptn of tlio Toronto fair in ]I)C were S76,7fi7,ir), nguinHt S(J8,038.05 for the previous-year. Private ilatton, of the Thirtytlrftt Bat- tulliou, Wiin fatally tsliot whilo marking at the Ki'igura- riLii^t'S. Ben ?tl'u-tin ot ilic St. C. Ji, offices, St. Thomas, foil Irom a train .near Loudon and died from hm injuries. Amotion by Mr. Cruig to prohibit tlie Hale of liquor in tho bvir ot the IIouho of CotnuionH wuh curried. An old man named William Larubart, of Oriuiiornck Township, Out., 1)0 yearn of tige, committed tniiciJe by catting bin throat wit)i a razor. John MacdotmJd wau committed for trial at thu Brantfoni Polios Court on the ahurge of personating at the recent Donv inion edetuion in Houth Brant. KOW IN TI.IK CAMP. Ureulcu ii |> u ilttruly oti tJin Arrival ol tlio Ijlttlo <>'otiiiuei'or. Know what it moann ? A row in tho kidney camp. A dungorouH blocktido. Kidn&yn on a fitriko. ." ^/ Too much work to do, TIilu call on tho oowpuoror of kidnoy ilin. And the kidney strike will bo ovor. Another victory for Uoan'ii Kidnoy ViIIh, Nothing now, they a I way a win. IJaokueho in f|aiokly ourocl. Urinary troublon dioappcar. DiubotOH, kidney rbeumutihin and ovon that droad doHtroyer, Biight'ii JDiuotmo, 'aro romovod* Plenty of proof that tliia m no. .....------- air. J, K. Millar, with Voraytho & An- dernon, tho welbknown dry^oodo houflo of Kshgx, Ont., ntutoH, "For uomo timo I havo hurl kidney and buck troubled, but am glial to hay thut 1 havo beon cured by Doau'ti Kidnoy FiIIr. "I got a box ot them at Shornn'n drug store imd the result w<ih roinurkablo, It is not Raying too ilfuch to Htato that tho euro in complettu, and I fcal it alt tho moro remarkable ilh I litut taken many othor medicines before I had tried Doan'a Kid* nty. Pilln, but receiyed no bonotlt from them, . "I. recommend Boau'a Kidnoy Pills heartily to anyone troubled with back ache or kidney trouble of any kind." Hero ih another, Mr. Fred Gilboo has thifi to nay, "For sovoral yoiira I hayo hud a painful stiffness in my back canned I think by taking cold which affeotod my kidneys. "I alflo suffered from urinary troubles, and felt tired and weary nearly all tho timo. Two months ago I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pilln at Sherrin'u drug store, and thoy have cured mo. I recom mends lieiu highly to any perHoij imffofing from lame back or kidney troublon of any' kind, uh they proved a perfect hpecitlo in my own ctiHe, and I huvu every confidouco in them." Harvest IKxcursloiiH. In order to givo cvoiyouo an opportunity to hgo the i^ruud oropa iu tho Wcotorn Htatefl and enable tho intending nottlor to fiecuro a homo, tho Chicago, Mihvauk'oo &, St. Fiml*H'y bus arranged to rnn a Bonoa of burvoHt oxourniouH to South and North Dakota, und to other Htutea in tho Woat, Northwcot and Sonthwent ba tho following dutcK: July 21, AugUHt i and 18, Septem ber 1, lo 20 and October 0 and 20, at the low rate of two dollars more than one- fare for the roimd trip. Tiokotn will be good tor return ou any Tuesday or Friday within duyti from dido of aalo^ For ratefl, time of trainii and further do- tailn uppiv to uny coupon ticket aont in the K;.Bt or South, or udrtrosH A, J.Taylor," Cimadiau PahHon^'er a^'eut, 2 iCm^j atroot Ii., Toronto, Out. HfH^.-iain tTH.l-TTIH....irr..-if 1- ,-,.1,_ .f.^^.. WWIinwi IVw;." tf ' v'S Unlocks rip P'^tfAWy^.'slj all thcdoR&I^ ^ i;,/-V..',;V.*-',y-"'^,;'"" ."Javertut:5 of the BoWOlS, ,,,_._,......J;1 v..:/1 Kidneys and Liver, i'} '?:i ";T;^'"'-!' "V-V"^""'-' olt ^r-'i,-'Lj;ii,y. fi"") ".\ "' the j'v'! ; ,:'1Sy-^ui, ail tho iir.puri- '" '^:md foul liumura of Vv :-;;;- "' 'JS'.' Ii die sccrciionft : at iho Correct- ^vi.^^KU'iX^'.^'.rjousn^sG. Dy^popsla, g^i^;i^i;,;^|i.-jHoatiachoslDizzinoss, ^^i "V* ^fri": iijU^^ * V-Li ^^ <i a r t b it rn, C o n s 11 p a- X. M r$% jg aation, Dryness of tho Skin, Dropsy, Dim ness of Vision, Jaun- dico, Salt Khenm, Erysipelas, Scrofula, FluttoWng of tho HoaH; NorvouUnoss und&anoralDobillty; all thctic and many other similar.comphiints yield to the Iwppy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEHS. vt juU by UirinurcbU. T.Ml^PURNaCO* Au Vfnll uh Kvor. Di:.ut Siuh, After uufforiiiR for twoyoatH from acute indirection, I tried )i. B, B. I took only three bottlen, whioh mado mo aawell aH over 1 wuh. I highly rocoraJ raond B. B. 13. to all dynpopticu. Mnu. John WnrriB, Atuitin, Mau. .Ii"l !>.' ,;f,;; ."i'.i fl ,', ."1. Xfc * 1 t-, There arc two thmgo whioh pnoplo im agine are funics to the . RqoduoHH of ooffeo,L which am really of no oonsequonoo what- ovor. ..Thoy lire tlio color of tho deoootioo and tho aroma of tho coffoo whon ground, or an it oquapcti from tbo pot iu drawing. The color in duo ahnoHt entirely to the roaritiutf.- Thin is true, uIro of toa. Tbo linoHt colleen and tonu, whon properly :. ruiiHtod and proparod 'to -givb . out their iinudt -Jlovora will color tho wiitot but .(r^-l' httlo. Tlio real oHHouoas whioh fjive' the, ,;'r.;.^ flavor lmve practically no color. '^T'^'SJS m 'taliuvch Blcni't; Muah heart and norvo wouluionu lflcauBed m by uiiduo uho of ton, ooffeu, or tobacco r^W palpitation, ncrvousuoBB, nritnbihfcy, ex-\-yjS oitahility, luolc of cohiidunco, etc, aro Bure tf$m nymp.tornH, aiilburn'.B Hourt uitd-'Norvi""^^ Pilhi bnuif ready roliof, by Readying the'I'vSl norvofl und rognlntiug tho heart, Tfcey.-^OT aro u Iruoheart and norvo food. ""-'^W In tlio Commonwealth, of Massachusetts ,}$$ the titato builds the principal roads; and vj' tho oountioa and townB bear thoooBt ofthei^l branch roads. v,""$$ \^M MBifiWBtiiwitifffiFlBrrlrtifffii'fflMti mfril*('ivWCn'Tim itftwftwW/flnriMf^ 4436

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