Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 2, 1896, page 1

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PJPJJ^ I: $ : rag Essex /: VOL XII. No 40. ft:. &: I' w Ki'-.," '# I*./. Anderson & Co,, If:! '- -* ;^ 'iy Leading Store of Essex. IllWe Want. Your Trade. 0'- JV* Si;"1' $'-.' ' SI ESSEX. ONT., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1890 WHOLE No. 312 . # Strayed- TIUYED tfllOM TI1W 1KMMIHB OV DuuIH Marontntto.Norfcli Woodh1 do,on Hiitiir- riity.HopUimuor 10th, ono yotn Hclfor.oiio will to Htoor, ono Byoltoil ro<l ami whlUi Jiulfor imil two mil Holfutti with whito spots. A lilwval * wiml will ha clvoii for information that will loud to tliulf rooovory. ,!J S Card of Thanks. ' Ebhox, Ont., to])t, B4th, IftOfl. To Thou. Jtunli, Trnwuirnrof KanoX Oomioll, No, 04tOitiiiulliiiiOriloraf Olionan J-VlomlM. 1ah Hm Wo donlrii to thank your Couuoll for tlio ohofnin of Ot*o Thommml Dollar m. himo- floliiry of our Into bulovml daughter, MIhh Do- horali .T- 1'orkliiB. WowUh ajno to eximnfl our amiroolntloa or tho kinuuttHW and nroniptlludi) of tho <v \r umHrunt iU upborn of UHafiiltiomi may continue to extend, unit that inmiymoro may t>lnao thomnulvn uudor its promotion. Wo aro, aluaoruly youra, HIOHAUD PHBKINB. KLIZAHKTU .TANK PMBKINB. Ditching- Township of Maidstone. a^UK UNDEIlBUJNED WILL BKIiL B* . Public Auction, on Tuesdny, the 6th day of October, '96, At Q o'clock p. in., tho WilJionQuliilau-Winmor Drillu, flmo to tulm piano uti tho nliloroau bo- twoon lotufl and 1, Centre lino. JAMI58 8. LAIltD, Com.. ICniiox. KiUflX, October Jut, lMM. _______ NOTICE. TOWN OF ESSEX- A COURT OF ItEVIBIDN FOR TIJJ3 nKAR- (nl( and trial of Appoaln acainut tho Proht- iijio Moanuroinoiitt) or any part of By-Law No. 21'.t, for tho layuiR down of a four foot Pino Plunk Bidowtild on tho North hUIo of Irwin Avonuo, from Lot tl, Plan -203, to tlio wont nldo of Arthur Avo., will bo hold at tho Town Hall, at 8o'clock, p.m.,on Tuesday, the 6th day of Oct, 1896, A Bchodulo of Haiti Lotn oan ho ocn at tho Olork'H Olllco. JOHN WALTKIia, Clork of Town of Kbhox, Datod tlio 22nd uay of H))tomhor, KiOfl. NOTICE. All accounts due me for Bin der Twine, must be settled before September 25th. J. E. STONE. \k/ Fall /F Millinery *** Opening # HISS THORNTON, Winhfjn to cxtond a cordial invitation ^,- to tlio liidimi or Rfiunx mid vicinity to attond hor Millinory UponlUK of Purl a and Now York 1'attorn Hutu and Hon- sfc nutii, on Saturdny, Atontlay and Tuesday, SEPT., 26th, 3HU1 nnil aotlf, At licr filiuw itfiDnm, Kuott'a Illook, iu'.\t door to J, II. Wifjlo'H Htoro, Khhux. XL O i o 71 ft* ^ o rr) -4-3 o . ; w 0^ to x _, -^ en d > cfi O ^2 ^ en -u r^PM si p a O i t CO P^ r-l O XJ r H cd 1-* O <1> ^ O^ C3 O LL O ft O a* cu a. -1 LU S <3 S H O a D S : BARGAINS: AT ..H. M. FAUL'5.. Must to Cleared Oat in Four Wooks: 1 KvaiiH Piano, new, - - JpoOU 1 IGvniiH IMnno, iionrly now, JLOU 50 125 1 ICnmi I'liinauciiuo Ortruu, txooti uu now, K*hoiiouniili, nearly now, Olllllt <Uklll|>l0t(>, Now NtniHlartl Nrwintr Win- O /X I'lilne, Uotary, Ou Now Nciiiiriuru Motviiic: (Tin" e hi no, Nliuuie, { "drawer Now tvilllnifut.* sew ' lntr iTinrliliuii nearly nctv, OuolIluKluu: ^inrn-, 25 20 15 WVumlolIii, - - * D Oultui'M. ViOllktu, ulo.t und a uumbnr ol*uo<!Oiiitlwliniiil niuohlnoN At a Bargain- h. n. PAUL, Bolo Acfoatfor Karn'lMauoij, Kara Otun-aa, Blug- er BowiuR Uaoblaoa. oto. liDPAIUUVa NBATI/Y DONE. Largo (irauito wator paita for 50 otB. at Orawford'H, lMlbury. William Uuokland had hla rlhb 'lt> badly out on Tnonday of hint wook by a oorn outtur. ... m--------------------------- NOllrll WOOlNlilK. Mint* Ilaunan.ol Wont Bay Oity, MIoh., iU viuitin^ ari tho. roHldonuoof hor oouaiut J. ,1. Koatintf. MiHaKoatiriK, toaohor of H. S. No. 10, MaidHtono, an3 Mihh O'Connor, tonalior of S. B. No. 8, Maiddtonc, vlnitod lanfc wook at thoformot'H liorao nour lioro. Wo ara jjlad-ta report tliut Mr. Kotr ody in improving. .John Molo in having a moo frame bouno built on Inn farm. W. Footham, of Ehhox, oounpiod tbo pul pit horo on Ban day butt, Stopbon Butt and wifo, of Windwor, bavo boon viaitiuf/ tbolr friondu in GoHto. A. A.. Dlif(htt of Bnffalo, N. Y., ban boon yinitintj in tbo villago with rolativofl and fricmdn. ' -. ' *"-~ MIltOOKICIK. J. Littlowood in moving down noar Com- bor, TbronbiuK iobn aro gotfcin Aparoo and tlio work at homo Rtwa on butter. Mr. ./olloy 'lotondu taking up Public Bohool Loavina work iri Ootobor. On account of tbo Great fiouth Wontorn no prayor oicoting wan hold in tbo Baptint Church on Wodnonday, For tbo pant month, Burton Bpooohloy hn boon aufforing with a bif| cut in hi foot caudod by a com oioklo. ___ ' MAIDRVONVS. ......._____ MinH GouttH, of tho Puoo, baH roturnod to Chatham to ronnmo hor ntudioa in tbo Bhorthand dopartmont of tbo Canada Biinincmi CoUoro. Thomnft MoPharlin and Mian Robo Mc- Pharlin, both of Maidntouo, wore married on Mpnday. Thoy loft Ehhox tho namo ovoninn for tboir bouoymooti iu Toronto. Rov. Fatbor McGoo Io vbry ill with in. flummatiou of tho lun^a. A nurflo from Bt. fllary'H Uoflpitnl, Dotroit, and Dr. .T.W. Brion aro in attouOanco on him. Pr. Briou bold a ooniuiUiition on Tuciiday with' Dr. Itttaumo, of WindHor. noiitii uin^i: nilioro wan a contimiouH down poor of rn;n lant TuoHday, all duv and night. Mr. Sukor, wifo and family, of Dotroit, wore liueatfi at Mrn. E, Colouutt'u bint Sunday. Unolo Jimmy found Havoral doad oata in bin woll butt Bundav. Thoy woro in a badly- docornpOHod condition. Thoy luuat have boeu put thoro by sorao miHcraabt, aw tlio woll in covorod nocuroly. Snob oon- tomptihlo doiiiKQ doHervo nevoro puninh- mont. Walter W, Smith haft returned to hit homo from Windsor, wboro ho waa for Heyortil weekfl ^ottin^ modical troatraont by Ur. SatnBon. Ho in noino bottur but far from boing complotoly recovorod. Ho purpOHOH bavmpf a Halo next Monday to diHpOHO of hia Htock, agricultural imple- moutH and corn. He will rntiro from active farming for awhile. GICKUCNl'MCB^B*. J. Leak and family visited with Mr. aud Rlra. It. Taylor tlii>! wo. k. Alias* D*>l!y Ilouf't r.fcnnn*cl laflt Satur day from a viuit to hor homo in Fotrolia. Mian Ada, daughter of Wm. Taylor, of Birmingham, Mioh.. in on a viaic at her #randfathor'n, J. Taylor'tt, A. Wilson in vury buny in Hor^hum- making. , Thero aro ntaoka of caue in hiti yard now, twe-nty-iivo ' loadu boing takon in two davH lant week. TboBO two men who wore raoiug ou Talbot road lunt 6nnday oufjbt to bo eovoroly dealt with, , Hhouting and run ning thoir horacn at a furionn rate ou- dauKoro tho Iivoh of othor travollorH. A. Koano and It. Wilo took a run to WindHor and Bollo Icdo on Saturday laafc. Thoy woro detained in tbo oity nutil mormtiR, and boniK rat'hor tirod, did not rotnrn until tho full light of another nun, Thoro aro a numborof diphtheria oatioti in town and already threo doathn aro ronortod from it. Loouard Bray roturnod to Toronto on Wodnoaday to roaumo Iuh ottidioB in a col- logo thoro. Tho 11-montho-old child of, Louio Giror- din died ou Tueuday froni whooping cough and brain favor, Tbo raiirrinpo of II. A. B. Aikmau, of Winduor, and Mint! Alice Park, youngoHt daughtor of J. K.Park, of thifl town, in announced to tako plaoo next Tuonday. MiuHOH Joaiuo and Mary, danqhtortt of the lato lion. W. H. Balfour, loffc on Wod- nonday morniuft for Niagara FallH, wboro thoy will attond High Bohool. Mrn. Bab four will move to Toronto with tho roafc of bor family. Mr. Mary InnoH diod at tho homo'of bor daughter, Mra, .loliu Bratt, on Satur day iant, aud wan burled iu tho AmhorBt- hxwti oomotery on Monday. Boooaaod wan 97 yoara of ago and Utu, Bmtt aud Cupt, XntiOB, of Winduor, aro Burviving children. Miss Anuio M. Smith,, who wont to MnohyHIa, Shelby Co., Ky,, a few weeks mnoe, hae paaeed ber examlnatioo and roooivod a iirwt olaHH toaohor'a oorfcifluato and ih now tna^hing a Dohool of 7t> Hohol- larn. MIhb Smith iu a daughter of Capfc. damou A. Smith, of thin town. In the guouHing oontoHt of S. Davis & Soiih, cigur manufaotufors, Max JUopoar, Amboratburg, won two prizon of #25 and Bfi. Tho contest cotmibtud in guoiiaiug tbo total numborof votoi* at tho laHt gonoral olootiou. Tho total vote waa BDU.Oll and Lupoar'u flrnt guohH waa 8M.418, and bin aooond BOU.Sflfi.1 Tlio tioaront kuouh wiih 802,07'i. OOliCVIKHTICIl NOIlTIl. Mibb Anmo Jarlott ban roturnod to hor homo at Now Oauuuu alter a viuit of noy oral wookH with Maldon rolativon. Sho in oouHidorably improvod in health. On Saturday lant while working at n woll at ChuH. Totton'ii, tho ropo that ho waa uningoaught Wm. Martin and drow him to tho roller windiw: tbo ropo around biB nook, arm and body boforo tho maohino could bo Htoppod. Ho wa bruiHod oonaid- orably but no honoH woro brokon. UKt.lsti UVVVEU. Alborfc Parontia uoeiouHly ill with typhoid foyor. MioD Bridgot Dooairo hau rooovorcd from hor'rocout illnoaa. WigloBron., ofRuthvon, bavo opouod a photograph gallery horo. Crawford, of Tilbury, hi tho '-King of tbo Woafc" for low pricoB for hardwarb, hIovoh and honuo fnrmturo. Mm. Duroohor, having rbouivod nown of tho illuo&H of hor daughter at Bay City, ban i-jono to hor bodtiido. __Oa_MQudu,y_jiiorning, Judge Horno paMj- od Kontonco on tbo oattlc tbiovon. Loon Lavoio ho gave C yearn, Jon. Oook -i yoara, William nurrioon 4 youra and Harvoy Har- rinon 2 yearn. Tho ohortnodti of tho aon- tonco in tho cunoof tbo lnot wa in conoid oration of hia youth. In pnaniug oontonco, Hih Honor Maid Iiq fogrottod tbo novority of tho pomillion, hut naid tUoy woro mooch- no,ry for tho protootion of tho farmora of tho district and tho roputatiou of tho county. A bttlo aon of Joseph Rouand is uuffor- ing intonnoly, tbo ronult of a singular aooi- dont. Whilo a wont-boand freight train waa 'wn tori tig at tho G. T. R. tank, ono of tho trainmen ohHorvt-d nmoko iaiming out of a car, and on foruing tbo door opou it ruahod out ao donuoly an to koop anyouo from approaching and wator Hoomod to have uo offeot. After bursting .opon the oppohito door tho attendants woro ablo to tumbloout a nnrabor_of_cann, which prov- ed to contain phonphorua which wan scat tered aloug tho track. Boyw happoned along, and young Ronaud picked up aomo of thobluo atonos and lilled bin pocketa, IIo bad gono but a oliort diutauco whon bo wan fouud all on firu aud obaervora had to atrip him of hin clothoa to oavo hia life, Ao it in, ho ia terribly burned from tho hip down to ono of bin foot and it may bo nooenHary to amputato four fingorH from hia loft baud. CONI'IKM) NOKTIX. G. E. Nawman is laid up with an abaceus on hin wrist.' Johu Queen and D. Noblo took iu tho London fair. Road Crawford'a advertisement on pago 5,it will pay yon, A. Louimberry has louacd bin farm ou tbo 10th con. Mth. R, Brady ban returned from visit" ing frioirJa in Michigan, MihHOfl Vena and Emma Armstrong aro visiting friondu on tlio inland. JEuoob N'iehol, our popular choooo maker, wants to buy a horse or oyalo, as the journoy is too long to go on foot. Rev, J. G. FalliH, of Point Edward, will occupy tlio pulpit of the Bollo liiyor road Methodist church next Sunday, 4th iiiHt., morning and ovouiug, and will bo present at tho Monday evening entertainment. Our irlond, Alox.Cookbnrn, rocoiyod thio week a duplicate copy of a will mado by his unolo bequeathing him something liko two thousand pounds, ntorliug, wbioh will un doubtedly make our townsman fool proud. Wo toudor our oougrutnlatioua. G.V.DoLong.ubuono buyer for R. J, Gra ham, Bollovillo, ahipped on Tuosday tho Urst half of Maidstono.Cnttam and Blythou- wood September ohoeiio to Bristol, Bag. Mr. Ooliong ohippod Inst wook tbo first half of tbo satno month's nauko of tho Crow factory and tho Wheatloy and Walker road factories to tho oamo plaoo. Ho has contracted for Hovoral factories for tho bal- anon of season's inako to bo qlnppod fort nightly as thoy booomo roady foL' oxport, Tho prieo rangos from 8J to 9^- ocntfi por pound. Air. DoLong is an oxporionood bund in tho ohoono businoHn/and knows all about tbo industry. Harvest Homo porvicoB in counootion with tho Bollo Rivor. Road Motbodmb church, will ho hold next Sunday and Monday, October 4th and titb. Tbo sor- viooa on Sunday at 10:S0 a. m. uud 7 p. m. will bo oonduotod by Rov. J. Q, Falliu, J*h, B-, of Point lildwurd, formerly in ohtirgo of thoCottam Circuit. An oxceHant ropast will bo presented ou Monday oyoning with intiHiu and addrossos. Tho following gen* tlomou aro oxpootod to addrolstbo mooting Roys. J. G. Falliu, W. Ay res, E. Modd and J, Her. Poors opened at 6 p. m. AdraisBiou, 25 cents. Rev, W- H. Shaw, Pastor. " -"' 32 to I STANDARD OP SILVER TO dOLD AT )#j #*'|^' c:,The Couty 2f;^^_Jeweler: Ph 75c, to $2 each Of! $6.25 doz"; c3> m m '*.& m left 3i* Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, $0 doa. u ." Coffee " 5 " u a Souvenir Spoons, 1847 Rogers Tea Sp6ons,.$4" doz. 1847 " (t Porks, $6.25 doz. u Knivee, JJ5 doz.' .Deasert Forks and Spoons^ Berry Spoons, Jelly Spoons, Fruit Knives. Meriden Nickle Tea, Deasort and Table Spoons and Forks, from 76c, per doz, up. maS" Issuer of Marriage Liooiiaoa. E. L. PARK, IticlirmlHon Jiloclc, -Ehhox. 1847 iC 1847 .< 1847 a 1847 i( 1847 a ;iv i Tho loas onatainod by Alox. McOoo by tho loan of hia hogs lust wook from hog oholora will amount to nearly ftl.OOO. Dr. Wilson placed a valuation of 8750 on tho auimabi destroyed by bis ordor and for thoflo Mr, McGeo will rocoivo 5250 from tho Dominion Government. WVNONOIK. Fonndhoopor Evano io in trouble again, Flo impounded a horuo and flutdly advor- tiuod that it would be wold fiopt. 2(Jth. By sorao iuadvortonco he put tho animal up at auction on tho '21th and it wan nold to hia daughter for 97. He charged $-1.50 for its board and kept the 82.50 Tor its owner. A motion will bo mado at noxt council mooting for his discharge. The Shuell base ball club have boon mooting with groat hucochs this soaHon having won ten gurnos in an many ployed. On tho 18th uft., they defeated tho Harrow team at Harrow by a hcoio of 10 to 8 not withstanding that Harrow club was aided by Suidor and Ilartford of tho Learning- tons. On Saturday laht.thty administered a orunhiug defeat to Cottum team by a score of 22 to 2. Tbo iionato has panaod a resolution ron-'- tnoting tho aao of tho rootauranfc to mom- bora of tbo Sonato. This will provonfc Coramonors from gotting drinlm in tho building. A Stratford raorohant, named Robinson, flconrorf a verdict of 925 against the Dunn Mercantile Agoncy for insuing a utatomont .._... to its customers that Robinson waa in fin ancial straits. ThodoEith oontonco ou John Koarnoyf tbo Lindway mnrdoror, lias boon ohan^od to. imprisonment for Iifo. Koarnoy is only lfi yearn of ago; Tho oxocntion waa to have takon plaoo on Oct. lat. Mrs. Robort Carpenter, 22 yoare of age and raurriod but a month, died at Hagors- yillo on Thursday morning of laab wook andastho roault of a ponb mortom oxami* uation hor husband is under arroat. GoiHiral* Seven mou wero loht from tho British cruiser Satollito in a Dntub harbor during a uovoro storm. Since January last, ovor eight thousand . Canadian horsea hava-boon-importod into England and sold, averaging fair prioos. ' A Loudon uowspupor reports that a sat isfactory settlement of tho Vonczuola div puto'between Great Britain and tho Unitod States bus beou reached. A fire and panic took 'place in tbo poo- plo'u Palace Theatre in Abordoou, Boot- land. Forty persons wore iujurod in tho crush, four of them fatally. Quoou Victoria now rules 207,000,000- pooplo, a greator numbDr than haH ovor boforo acknowledged tho sovoroignty of either king, quoGn or omporor. It is reported from Victoria that the British cruiser Wild Swan struck' a sub- " merged rock in Calluo harbor whilo moving at full speed. Eor futo id not known. Trance baa concluded a treaty with Aus tria nnd Italy in rogard to Tunis,-aud uow England'o rofqoal to ronounoo hor most- favorod-nation righto alono provonts Tunis. from becoming absolutely French territory,, A great fire, broke out at Jacraol. Hayti/ on Sept. 30, and dootroyod two-thirds of' tbo towu and waa ntiM burning on Soptorq- " ber 22. Buniuoas was at a standstill and 2000 pooplo wore rendered bomoloss, Lord Rosomoad, Governor of tbo 0 ape Colony, cabled on Wednesday,, from Capo Town that tho patrol uudor command of Major Baden-Powell has oloarod the Mata. bole forest of robeln to tlio junation of the Gwolo and Shanghai Rivers. Captain Kokowiok'patrol has dofoatod tbo robela, afc Lion's Kopje, killing twenty of tho onomy. ------------- 40+ *--------------- Amoriotti*. A'draymau named Eoyd was shot in a Detroit saloon on .Tuesday, by tho pro-,- priotor, A. L. Gnrrio. Four Iivob woro lost by tho foundering^"v'ij of tho barge Samatra at Milwaukee.. r.'::.-::W- Goorgia'wan visited by a oyolone which .$$ oausod extonsivo loss of life and property."?$$ Tho City of Savannah nuiTorod hoavily. 'k1'.:"'^^ ;I Canailaii. John Wallaco, of Crosshind, waa thrown oat of ii waggon and kiokod to death by a horse. Thomas Irwin, of Belleville, and his aon William woro drowned on their way to thoir finning grounds in tho bay. Mr. Martin,.barrister, of Chatham, has dcou sent for trial o.i a obargo of crimin ally libolliug ox-Polioo Cuuntaolo McDon ald. ' A vordict of occidental death waa ron- dored in tbo caso of John Boyle, who waa ran over by bin waggon on tho way homo from Chatham. A collision between two C.P.R. froiehb trainnocourrod at Norwood Wedneodayasa rcanlt of tho telegraphers' atrilco. No livoa woro lost. Tho Winnipeg Tnbuno figuroa out that Govornmout Hoaue, Manitoba, has coat Binco 187& tho sum of 3649,283.22, and ad- voaatoa its pormauont clooing. Tho oupplcmoiitury estimates provide 82,000 for tho broakwator at Port Stanley and 83,000 for oxpounefl of transportation of Li Hung Chang through Canadn. Mr. Tarto annouuoos that tho ostiuaatod coat of tho improvomonts to Collingwood harbor is 8200,000. Tho grant of 820,000 will bo offorod ou tho main work, which, howovor, ho' hopoa to oompleto for lo&u than tho ostimato. A roturnod explorer aaaortsthat in tho now mining town of Ronalaud thoro aro to day 27 hotcld, all of which are oro'wdod, and hoard ooatB 817.50 per wook. Of thorn, as of most hotols iu tbo interior, it may bo said that thefood is oxoollont and woll proparod, aud the bods arid rooms clean. Throo hundred operators ou tho 0.1?, R. wont out on a strike on 'l'uqsday. Tho gnovancoa of tho mon aro-two-fold. In ... , tbo firat place tliby demand au inoroaso of ' A1ffa Sootfc' W0li W> died last night afr;., ^ nalary of from 10 percent, upwards, and fll< C^mona, of o^hhWg -0tKaUe Bmofe,^ secondly, they objeob to some of tho duties *' Wttrna ui^ *>ikhew before. he,^ uow imposed upou thorn, whiobthoy claim ffld to h the aeductivo lmbit-.,He wag^| aro "infra dig" :'formerly advanoo agon* for the $ In Petroloa^wator has . hitherto boon ,'ftmily oiiroaa. . ' JC^ brought from a die*tanoo in oarktaukd, aud ,* ti? aold for a oout a pail.. But tho water- works uow noaring complotlou will glvo Petroloa an ample supply of water for domestic and tiro purposes. Tho water will be brought from Lake Huron, a mile or two above Sarnia, and its quality will be high. Tho d'sbanoo from the lake to tee town ia about eleven miles. >-*-lr- ,'IIP Heart l>lsotwc ItcHeved In 30 %i lrtInutes. for $0$ Heart gives perfect relief in all aaBeB.kofv Organic or Sympathetic Hearo ;X)is^a8e*;\'in^ ItO minutes, and speedily effeotB a onrev\It?| Jh a peerlesa remedy f^^l^lpitation^BJjiir nesa of Breath,. Smothering; Spella.'Ef u Left'Side aa'd; .al|/.:^^pl^fr':^;rfKta eneed Heartk ^Ouo dapii}$#jani^$l M

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