Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 25, 1896, page 5

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' ' "'. .______^ '___________* *~-----_____._:__,______.____!__ .:..l,'_-J_i_i^LJl_^L'):-..~*'A7JiB * .. . t lK' arrr. titt JAS. D. ANDERSON & CoM pfv " BANKERS', ' if- rt Agents for Tho Boyul, The Guardian and * Tho Ijanoaahiro, Tlio boBtlnauranco Oonipiuiiutlhi tho world. WorotiUo a Bpcolulty of limitvhitf Kurm I'ro- party, Motioy ^o Loan at B aud BJil l>o*" oo"t- on Vurm Proporty. Famitrs hmtretww in Gootl JRtliabi<> Ctwijiittiits. AH NOTICE. Accounts duo tho Into 6rm of Dun* Dkwaii & McKknzik arc payable to Dh. Bkwau, Wind sor. A prompt aotfclomont \u roquoBtcd. The Essex Free Press. BRETT 4 AULD, PROPRIETORS. FlUDAV. SEPTKMUKn'jrj, 181)0. tfi. Town and-Vicinity. Euvo you hud in your wmtcr'H fiupply of aol? /.. ftlrti. Thou RobiURoh has boon viwitin^ m polroit with hot dmiKhtor. M. .1.Witilo liuHa vory finopairof yomitf horned, whioh ho iH offorinn for nulo. Vim Ciuda Hallcio ih ou a vinit of about throo wookM with trlondH in Throo Oalui, (Httioh. J. A. PriLiiow in Kiviufi npeoial prioow on ordorod clothing, uall and noe boloro bny- ing. Jamofl Cunningham ban pane to North ern Michipan to npond u month with frioudn. Crawford, of Tilbury, m thb "Kiuc of tlio Wont" for low priooH for hardwaro, atovon and bonao furniture Court of rovlwiou ou tho improvoraont of the Gonfiotd. North and Maidatono town- lino drain will bo liold in tho town hali on Monaay evening noxfc. County Crown Attornoy Clarlco han ro- coivod tho oommianiouo of 10 .7. P.*u for BonthKHFiox.nll.of whom wcro recommend- od by tho lata Mr. Balfour. Mauly Maxwoll, of Amhorntburtf, ban taU>n a situation with Mr, Wat- lord. Manly ban boon a ittudont of Kmiox 1 Hifib School for tho pant fow turran. 1\ W. Fulkmor, kou of Wm. Falkinor, who r&nfcbo Amhorhtlmrg plu^ at ouo timo, is a momhor of tho Dominion Vaudovillo Co. that bIiowb hero 'through tho fair. Owing to huiuf* miKiuforracd about tho chiton of tho fair horo, Sira Fax will uot glvo a ooucort m Poak'a TTall on tho last night of tbo fair, ub provioualy announced- Thoro waa quite ahoavy frcut on Satur day nifiht laat but it cam o too lutein tlio Bouoon to do aoriouB damage. A lot of corn ^wao atill uncut and it will bo damaged for food. Prioatly'H black droon poods aro tlio bont ju tho world. Uaaaro. Diubol & Brickor liavo boon uppoiuted AgentH forEiiwex, and aro oiiowiiiK a full rangp in Velours, Drap do alma, and black figured. There will bo ti ro.union and camp fire of cho Loamiuton Infantry Company and, tho North Ridtfo Riflon that woro_out_anU did Dorvico at tho Funiuu Ihiid in lBlji), bold at Leamington some timo tliU full. . On Monday, John Burton, of tlio Iloyul Hotol, pleaded guilty before 1*. M. Beanmn to Belling liquor without Iicouhg and wan finod 8G0 and coBtn. liaU of tht> lino tfoah to tho mformor and tho hulanuo to the town. The lino waft paid on Wednonduy; Tho Hi^h .Bohool foot bull team baa been organized for thin uoaKon with tho follow- in ofiicerH : Soo. Troab., J.'J. Beuman ; curator, S. Fissor; Captain, E. Bicharduon ; committer of m'ttnuRomout, J. Krnyth, J. Ed^ar and \V. WiRhtma'u. Tho Miobi/^an Ceutral Railroad will hell iolcotH from all fitutionn in Canada oawt of lilflflox to Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Ku^- hiaw, Grand Rupidn, CIuveland, Ciuciunati, St. Paul and Mimioa-pobe on Outobcr lf, 2nd and 3rd, good to return up till October 10th at very low ruteK, tlio round trip iuica from Ebhox beinc an lollown : -To JJ-croit, 7o Otfl.; to Bay City and fen^inuv.-, ^li.T^; to Grand Rapids, 9-4.75 ; to Chinago, iili.7.*,; to' Clovoland, 5X.'25; to Cincinnati, $6.7? Jlftd ^ ^t; aud Minnoapolm, S;i. it'Alox. X-ain^ returned homo on Monday 1from abuainotiH trip eaiit m theinteivhtH of hia Planetarium. While away ho vieited ^; London, fcitraUu-oy, ' lin-imllou,' Oaltvillu, ^ ; Dundao, St.ThomaH aud other pluuuH and tlio roiiultu of hiH trip will, no doubt, ho of a number of bin ooIh in t!iff=e pliiecy. Wherover Mr.,Laing baB been lie han re- ooived high coiuincndatioiiH from leading (jduoatioualiatn who havo no biinitation in pronouncing the Planetarium na tho beht inatrumpnt of ltu kind they havo ever ween. Threoof thoinHtrumentB have been ordered for tho St ThomaH hqIiooIh aud it ib more than likely that one will be placed in every Bohool in Hamilton city. Mr. Laing an- poarod boforo tbo teauherH1 amiomation of fitz/Jfaomao on Saturday morning, tho fol lowing roxiort of which iu taken from tho S^j'Xhoman Journal: "Mr. Laine oxhi- i<Dltod to tho teaoherB hio planoturium.Hhow- ing tbo raotionii at tho heavenly bodion. Tboinutrnmont oxhibitod wao a vory per fect ono, avowing with great potfectiou what it in intended to exhibit. After Mr. Lalnff'o addrcno, tho following rouolution was adopted: "Roaolvod that tho toaahors ol'St. Thornan record thoir appreciation of : Mr.Xaiug'G addrouii on tho movdinontH of. tho1 BOlar nyHtom and thoir opinion that , the instrument for exhibiting tbo various S: ' HC'on by'tho ordering * iuutrunacntH for Hf.hi "./ movomoufcy iu a moc porfoot ono." Roll or blind, complete, for 85ota. at Franoia. Ml on TVIabol Guobh, of Detroit, ih viaitiug frloiids In town. Millinery approntioos wautod at onoo. JToraytho, Andoraon & Co. Mrq, M. Carrie Dingwall had roaumod bor munio.aluHHOfl in town.' MiHa Wu^uor, of Cleveland, O., id tbo Kuoyt of Mrs. John Dowar, ....... R, XtobluHon, of Toronto, Rpout Sunday at tho homo of J. K. Clifton. Tliroad -I oU. a Hpool at Hmith'H. | Coinmunion florvioou in tha FroHhytorian ohuroh noxt Babbath morning. N. A. Ooato, Rouvo of Maiden, ban ro- turned from hia vixit to Kuropo. Con^bor fair will bo hold on Ootohor 9th and 10th and Harrow fair on October llllh and Hth. Tho corn orop thia ytiat prominow to bo an oxcolloufc one though not an uood an lafit year, During tho fair, F. S. Adama will givo upooial prieuii on all olaiiaca of harnoHH and homo itnpplioH. T, B. Adamti aud E. F. Darby, of liar. row, npont Sunday laut iu town with tho formor'fi brother, K. L, Adamii, Novor woro tho wordw "dolioiomi" aud "luaoioun" moro appropnatoly applied to paaohou and poarn than thiH year. A.J. Roycraft in having a fomidiLtion placud under hm reuidouoo occupied by II. W.Allan.Latrifj Bron.aro doing tho work. hadion who purcbauod underwear from '\in hiHt Doafion, were wdl ploaaod; wo have equally moo gooda now. M. J.'Wiglo it Co. Wra. Hood, agont on tho 1J. E. & D. R. R. at MoGrogor Jnnotiou, in viuitinM oant and ia bein(* roliovod by Jud. Until, of Ridgotowu. Tho annual convontion of Iho union of Euhux and Kont nociotion of Chnntian En- doavor will bo hold on Friday, Ootohor Kith, in tho FirHt J'rcubytorian ohuroh, Chatham. Wood wanted in oxohango for dry gooda and clothing. G. E. Smith & Co. Tlio 21hI Ehhox FuHiliorn, tho orack bat talion of tho wont, returned from camp ou Saturday huit, looking well. Whilo in Loudon they received oamplimenta from all tho ofiioialo on tho ^rouudu for thoir ap- poaranco and bohavior. Mm. Geo. Snider, of Blonhoim, aud Mra. G. F. Hi^'f-n anuduuglitor Madgo, of Ridgoi town, who liavo boon vmiting thoir Hiator- i\[r. R. Ferkiun, of tho eleventh, roturuod to thoir homo on Tuouday. Alex. Wallace'ii nalo of houaehold goodti and offoeta on Saturday laut wan well at tended and good priooa woro realized. Mr. Wallace will novor hia connection with W. II. Uichardnou'u Htoro on October, lot. Ladies' nno~wool hoHe, 20c, at Smith'H. A. O. StimerH, M. C. R. agent at Krhcx, ia taking hio vacation and with Mm. Stimeru in viHiting at hia old horao at Brownavillo and with other fnonda- cant, Hia place bore ih being taken by C. A. Yorlc, relieving agent. According to tho Ontario Min'ifitor of Aft- ricnlturo'a ropnrt, tlieroworoin tho County of EtiRex, on January lnt, 181)5, 228 chattel mortgages ajjainut furraora, tiueuring dubtn of SG1.693 and ou Bocomber illHt, lb',)5, there were 352, securing $I01,(J(Ji. Alto-, gethor iu tho county on Docembor iilnt hist wore 512 chuttel mortgaged Heourin^ 5213.-131. It, ia uudorfttood that Tho Chatham Ban- ; nor in to bo Hold, an MoiiHra. IJriorloy it Mcltay will go to Montreal to tuko charge of The Herald. Bro. McKay'u many friendii in Khhox county will regret to learn of hifi removal from the bouthweiitorn pen. iiiHuht and will joiu in winhiug him greater auceeHH in hia enlarged upbore. -Ho ban given tho people of Chatham and Kent comity au excellent paper. Under thu now Public School Aet no provision ia.madejfor County aohool grantn, therefore tliia fund ih cut off. It will, con- neccHuary for townhhip;jcouu- oJIh to ruiao by gunerul ruto 15(J for each hchool, and 810U extra for each additional teauher. Tliia now aotrVJoea uot uffoet the Uttiial LegiulaLiver'GraHto which are diHtri. butud by tho county treawurer to thu towu- bhip treaHUi'er an usual. One of tho attractioua during phe fair will be tho Dominion Vaudovillu Co. iu a number of coniudi^H, with change of bill each night. Thitj company ban for the laat nix neasouH wan praiao aud suceeafi ins au euterLaimuent uutorprine. It in headed by theatrical people of famo who havo ap. poared in all thu prominent citiua, U'bia compntiy in well worth Hoeing and they hboold be groottd by crowded houhen PecK',rtIlall,Hupt.2(J 30 and Oct. l'nt,8 p. m. .1. A. FrauuiH i:i Helling 2 00 and 52.50 meii'a felt Fedora hata for 61.00. Our readoi-H will rotnombor thut on the night of Lhe 2-1 Lb of August' nomo poraon atolo C. K, Naylor'a bicycle from tho ver auduli in front of hia romrlonco. Chief of Police SirfKon hud carda at once aout to the police of the tow no und citiea in tho weatorn part of Ontario giving a description of the wheel and on Saturday robuivud word from Rodney that u wheel umiworiug to tho dea- criptiou given watt being ridden there by a yuuug man. On Sunday, Mr. Siaaori wont aa far aa Ridgetown and rodo oyer to Rodr noy where on RIonday morning ho arreatod and brought to Kaaox, Goor^o Rohiun, to gether with the wheel which Mr.' Maylor at.ouco idontifiod aa hio, though it wan blackonod ovor. In tho aftornoon, Robim waa arruignod before P. M. Beuraan on tho charge of atoaling tho wheel. Ho claimtid that he hud purohaaed tho hiko in Tilbury from a young man, whoao uamo ho didu'c know, for ftlC. Tho P. M. oommit- tod him for trial aud Mr. Bianou took him to Sandwioh Monday ovoumg. Robinaia known in town boing a brother cf MrH. Allan Doan. He loft Ebho? tho day tho whool diaappoarod, Good toweling {or 4ota a yd, ftt J. A. Franoia. . In roady-caade and ordered clothing, M. J. Wiglo & Co. lead tho trade. Miaa I*;lma Kaylor and Miaa A^glo Ma- Ghlo wheeled to Windsor on Wodnead&y. L. Blackburn, of Olaro, Mioh,, ia viflttin^ In town, thogueHt of MiiiH Boujio Hioka, Tho Dominiou Vaudeville Co, hold tho boardu ut Fcok'n Hull the throo mghU of tho fair, Diobel A Urickor'n MUhnory opouiug takan plaoo Friday, Sept. 25th aud follow ing dayH, Tho hilw mill of T. H. DoCew aud the Htavomill of Mouara. Miuoner at Camp Palmer have boon oloaod. Tho crown witnoiiu fooH in the Nolan murdor eaae tried ut the auai/ofi at Baud- wioli recently amountud to 81181, Koott Thornton and bride roturned on Mouday evening from thoir wedding trip oant and havo Mettled down fc-> tho roalitioii of married lifo. Going out of huainoHH. From 5 to Sfi por ooiit. off at Smith'H. Grand Milhnory, Mantlo and Droim Gooda oponiug taken plaoo ut tho Groat Corner.Stern of Dlohol A Briokor thin i^riday, Bopt. 25th, and following daya, Dinnora, Dmuurn, DiutiorH ThoLttdiua1 Aid of tho Methochut ohuroh will aorvo din- nor in thoir largo tonfc on tho Fair grouudu durinor tho fair. Dinnor will bo aorvad from 11 a. m. at 25 eta. ouoh. Word wan received yoatorday (Thursday) that Wm. Coulin, braltoman on tho Am- horutburg brnnoh, had diod that morning at tho Amaita Wood Honpital at St, Tbomau, of typhoid fever. Job lot ladion' flud flhooH, regular 81,CO, now for (JOo. at Bmitli'n. A Loammgtou corroapondont writoa: "Tho Garduor Broa., who are removing their factory hero, havo alroudy recoivod from Goldio & McCnlloch thoir now hoilor and engine, aud arc huny plaoingit. Thoy expect to bo in oporation horo about Doo, Int." A gigatio Juhiloo will bo hold in thb S. A. Barraolui uoxt Wodnoaday ovoning. A [ipocial programme of nonga and ohoruaoa, Salvation "drill, upooial coaturaoa, and muaic will bo tho ordoe of tho evening. LooirouTinr tho riovol proccnaion at 7:110 p. m. Don't miaa thin treat. Ofuooru from aurrounding corpH will bo proBont. Tho Famoiifl Canadian Jubiloo Singoru will appoar in tho Fhsox Baptiat Ghuroh on Tuoaday ovoniug, October Gth,' under tho aunpicoH of that ohuroh. Thin tronpo liaH been well received in all parta of tho country whore thoy havo appeared aud nhould bo groetod by a full houao hero. The admiuaion will bu 25 contaand ticketH aro on nalo at K. L. Fark'o jewelry ntoro and by Harry Willahcr at Jamoa Naylor'a mill. Ladiea' and Gouts' underwear, extra choap, at Smith'fl. Tho membern of Pride of Maidatono Lodgo, I. O. G. T had an "At Homo" in their lodge rooraii, in tho Temperance Hall, on Friday evening hint, at which about 10 of tho members and their friondo woro preaont. M. J. Wiglo occupied thn chair aud a choice programme wao given, includ ing a apooch by C. K. Naylor, and muuic and recitations by the mombora. Refrefih- monta, couoiatiug of poachea . and cream and cake, woro fumiuued and tho entertain* moot waa brought to a close about 10.30. Reports aro being circulated that thiu town in paaajug through au opidemio of typhoid fever. Tho reporta are apread by ilie pajiora, mercbanta and reaidonto of a:";, joiuiug towns whoao objecta ia to injure our town aud try aud draw trade away to thomaulvoH. While there hayo been aomo caflea of feyor horo Una hoiihou thoro haa been no epidemic and the reports circulated are greatly exaggerated. Not a fatal caao haa been reported fiotn tho towu which in mere than can bo Haid of aome of our neighboring towns which olaim to bu no healthy, G. A. Shorriu, of tho Faaox Mudicai Hall, loft bore on Tuesday morning for Guelpli where ou Wodnouday oyenmg at 7 o'clock he was united in marriage to Miaa L. Carter, the cfcremouy being performed at tho home of the bride'a parents ou Liverpool atreot iu that city. The newly- married couple left that city at 9 o'cluck tho same evening for Toronto on a wedding trip but will idao yiait llowmauviilo, Peter- boro and other placets * before returning to lihaex where the many iriouda of the groom will unite with the Fkkb Fbuhu in wiahiim thorn unbounded joy und happiueuH, Thoy aro expected here on Tueaday next. M. J. Wiglo tV Co. havo au irameuue range of hatu and geutu' furniahmga. The audioncu which grooted Albert Perry, in Peek's Hall on Friday ovoning laat though not tia largo ad it ahould havo boon waa veiw appruoiativo. Had the weather boon all right tho number .would undoubtedly hayo beeu much larger. Mr. Perry wai uoaiatod by J. Noil Huyette, violiniht, of'Dot'rnit, and twooboruooa woro given by a choir compound of Alex. Wal lace, Frank Green, C. Krieghoff, Walter Bhaw, Kdiaou, John and Walter O. Latng. The choraueu woro both woll ronderod and duly applauded. Mru. Wm, Laing playod tho aocompanirnouta iu her. uaual manner. Mr. Uuyotto'a uolootionu took vory well while Mr. Perry wao loudly applauded after eaoh appearance. Ho waa particu larly good in Iuh IjVonoh-Canadian piooon having tho dialoot down to a nioofcy,' and waB compelled to roppoud to onooron. Hio imporoonation of an old man and of Shy- look in tho "Morohaut of Vonioo" woro alao well given, Evoryono who attondod| waa ploaaod with tho ovouing'u eutortainmout, and tho proooodu woro oufuoionfc to moro than moot all oxpanHoa, Tho affair waa uudor. tho auanlooa of tho Proabytoriuu Ohuroh Choir; M. 0. Wlgle & Co. have already received several consignments of boots and ehooa for iho fall trade. Tbo next aittingo of tho Divndon Courts in tho County ot Ehhox will bo bold as fol- Iowa: KaBoi, Tuoaday^Ootobor 6th; Amhoratburg, WodnoBday, October 7th; Harrow, Mon day, October lath; KingaviUe, Tuouday, Ootohor lllth; Leamington, Woduouday, Ootohor 14th; Combor, ThurHday, Ootohor, 15th; Hollo River, Monday, Ootohor iiOth; Sandwich, Wodnoaday, October 28fch. Call and got a froo numplo of Halada Tua at J. A. FranoiH. Tho following itom m takon from tho Tacoma, WilbIi., Daily Ledger of Septem ber 10th : ."Fine apooimenn of Waahiug- ton'a matohleua long Jlr timbera aro boing put aboard tho schooner Aida at tho North ern Faolilo dook for uhipmont to Shanghai, Obluti. Tho Aida ban a hold load af lum ber, lu small dimonaionii. Nearly all hor dook oargo in made up of- heavy timbora and uhip'a apara, whioh roaoh nearly tho full longth ot the veiiaol'H available freight apace. Tho mammoth htiolot aro loaded on tho craft by aid of a donkey ongino and a largo orow of men. Thoy attract muoh attention and are objootH of ourioalty even to uativoa Of thin atato. T|io timbora aro out at Ainalio, Lewia county, by tho T. H. DoCow Lumber Manufiioturing company, and brought horo on ourn. The oxtruor- dinary aizo of tho utiokn oan bo hotter com- prohendod when it ia undorntood that three flat oara aro required to oarry aoiuglo atiok. Ouo of tho largoat tirobeni moamiroa 110 foot in length. Tho ordinary lougth ia 95 foot, ouoh stiok being 21 inohoa aquaro throughout." Khhox Public Scliooh Miaa Shaw'H room; Jr Fart Socond clann, marlta pouaiblo ,10 ; ohtainod by highest uino ; Nollio Fleming C>0, Maggie Crow 50, Kva Btottti CO, Frankio Brown 50, W Bamplo 50, A. RhyndroHa 50,. Viiioent Munro 50, F. Hart 15, Kruio Ruck -10. Hitrli School Nocoh. Tho Drat meeting of tho Literary Ho- oioty will be hold thin (Friday) aftornoon at -J.30 o'clock. Tbo program is as fol- lowu . Glioma, arranged by Mijihos Mil lar and Cuuniugham ; the Proa- idont ; nolo, Miaa A. Caelor ; apeoch, Mr Craaawollcr ; violin solo, Jag, Smyth ; ro- citation, Miaa B. Worthy ; oolo, Mibb B. ThomaH ; reading, G, W. McKeo ; Argus, by the Editor ; "God uavo the Quoon." All aro cordially invited to attoud. --------------+^*~---------- AddrcMH uimI JPrcHonlntion. Willjam A. Gardner, having roaiguod tho leadcrBhip of tho Fssox Methodist church ohoir, that body tmrprinod him at hiu homo on the ovoniug ot ThurHday, tho 17th iuat., when an addrotm waa road by the prooident and a proaontation of a himdflomo clock made by the orgauiat. Mr. Garduor responded in a few woll- ohoHon romarka, thanking them for their remembrance of him. ""Music, gam oh aud social oouveraatiou contributed to the ovoniug'a enjoyment ana, lunoheon haying boon partakou of, tho company parted, after having joined in the grand-old aong, "Auld Lang bvuo." Tho following ia tho addreao : To Mr. William Garduor. Dka6 ^i" ami FitiKNii, It ia with feel ings of regret, and yet with a degroo of pleaauro, wo moot with you to-night in thia little nurprme, regret that you should havo seen it your duty to uevor your oon- neetiou aa leader of tho Methodiut church choir. You havo, I liavo no doubt, done your duty au leader for a great many years, done it faithfully and well. Wo hope and truat that Cod will reward you for all the pains and trouble that you havo taken iu loading un, and if not re warded here, then in anoihor and far hap pier olimo beyond tho nkiua. Wo aro de lighted to meet in your homo, to-night aa well aa in many former timos wo have mot aa a ohoir. We havo thought wo could not lot you sever your connoution as leader without allowing you how wo ap preciate yuu and iu what groat roapoot wo hold yuu. And now, Mr. Gardner, wo have thought that we could not do better than present you with this small mom- ouLo, not bo muoh of thu article in ituelf, but more.of ita coming from true and lov ing hearts. When you look at thia time- piece may it bring back to your mind tho pltiasaut Limou you hayo spoilt amoug uk, and wi hope and trust that both yourself and Mrs, Gardner will ever remember ua with the ploaaanteHt mouiorien, and we pray God to blown and speed you wherever you may bo. Signed on behalf, of tho Mothodiat ohuroh choir. John R. McKwan, l'roaiduut. I^sux, Kept. 17th, 1800. -----------------+. _ D. R, Davis lias lately completed a handtsomo now barn on hio farm ou the Maiden road. W~Z. -% Closing Out Prices DRESS GOODS, regular $1.25 line for 890. 1.00 " 69o. " " - :e7o5 t!3: We show the Largest range of 25c. Dress Goods in Essex, special lines reduced from 40c. and 50o. to 25c. These Goods for value have no equal at price quoted. Ladies' Jackets m Latest <t^ (-,-v f U. ............Styles, from *P^*5 UP Heavy Vests fr Ladies, from 18c. to $1.25 Underwear for Men, from 25c. up. Extra Heavy Arctic Blankets, 80c. per pair,, Large Sized W. Wool Blankets, $2.25 Ki Pre Mr. Clothing a! Prices Sure to Suit. Men's Suits from SW.00 up.......Boys' Extra Heavy from $1.60 up,... Ovor Coats at all price, BOOTS a&d 0SSOHS In Great Variety. We make a specialty of this line and guarantee prices and quality right, ___._____ We are'going out of business and stock must be disposed of, regardless of profits. G. E. SMITH & CO. WIirTNUY BJLjOCK, KSSKX. Buy in your own Town That's patriotism. Buy where you can secure the best value for your money. That's business. Never Before Have we been in as good a position to give our customers good value. Never before has our trade been as extensive. Never before have we bnd such enormous stookt. People are realizing bhat by buying from ua the; can save all the way from 10 to 25 per cen- They are coming to u.s from all corners the Counties of Essex and Kent. Beautiful Bedroom Suite with large Bevel Plate Mirro for $8.50. Large Solid Oak Side-boards with Large Bevc Plate Mir ors for $18.00, Bedsteads, for $1.25/ Large Cook Stoves, with Reservoir, for $15. Good Biasc- Cook Stoves, with reservoir, ior ^13.. tWS* Odme and see us it will pay you. The Largest Retail Hardware and Furniture Store in Ganad-. COItlUlCIl. Lnwiij Sauvo, an ouiployoo of Pettit BroH.' Eitavti rind hoadiiifj mill, four niiloa from hero, droppod (loud Friday morning. Ho htul juat piiL'taUun of broukfuut aud moved from tho tablo, wht^n he full dead. Uo wan a2 yoara old, Heart ti-oublo wur tho ouuho oE ddutli. Busi KOOUIGSTBGK, At tho ronidonco ot tlio hftdo'.s aihter, i\Cr. G, Botta, Qt VVhoutloy, by-tho Jtoy, Johu MorriHon, on WodnoHnny of hint wo oil, George K. Kuitor,of Jtochentar, wan murritid to MiHti MimiioE. Plant, of Whuat luy. Tho hrido wan apfiiatod by hot: niuoo, Mihh Rdlth Bottn, whilo Juh. McDonald aotod vlh boot man, Tho youujj oouplo woro ttcivou to tho L. E. <t J). It. ,11. htaliou at Wboutloy wlioro thoy took tho tnun fot ilio oattt, amid nnmoroun oontiratulationa and Hhoworo of rioo, oto. J. B. Stouo hiu> nouio uit; baff!aiub in uoooud-liandouttHand bu/.^iea, Soo thorn. Stock must bo turned into cash. Now is your ohan^ for Groceries cheaper than ever. Come and get priov and I will convince you that you will HayejJollars V buying your Groceries, etc., from me. Parties Indebted to me, m '.. i'H . m 1 !Xff. W By book aooount or note are requested to call and.-setjb.^.;;^ at onco, aud oblige, . ^ . W. E. J, Kvijif^a ::).^mmm .,.-. -;.' ddddMiW

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