Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 25, 1896, page 4

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yffa"1' .....v'; ' rn-^iil J.-CO'V.':' ! Pfrtf Rnhnrtunn Tliimin^n Dull**/ Pnm. _ _____ ' ,' r-"vi'.'^ A..H. iV.. ^i sy*', fc->! i'1 &V' &Oo. WE SELL- . Tea, Coffoo, Sugar, Flour, EaimnB, OurrantH, PruneH, Ap ricots, Soaps, Vinegars, Syrups, Oatmeal, Gommeal and ii full lino of Ohriatio, Brown & Oo.'h fancy and plain Biscuits. Wo have for CAMPING AND PIG-NIGS- Potted Cluclcon, Turkey, Ham, Tongno, Chipped Boof, Corn Boof* Boston Baited Bouiih, Sardinoa, Salroon, Mackerel, Hadiiio. .. Bomombor we hnvo the largowt aHBortmont of Crockery, China mid Glaaswaro in tho Town. Call and examine our stock. Frosh Fruits, Vegetables, etc., iu fioaBon, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE- A. H- SCARFF <fc Co. GOODS DELIVERED PHOMPTL^- The Essex Free Press, t=r= BRETT A AULD, PROPRIETORS. FlUDAY. BEPTEMBEK26, 189(1. Tub South Eiwkx Coimorvativo conven tion will bo hold at tbo Town Hull, Loam- mf-tou, on Monday noxt, at 1 p. m., to cIigopo a candidate for tho coming byo- olootiou. _____________ Tub A-mismwan Exproun Company flooraB to have a^ain changed itu mind and now Amorioan mouoy m takon at thoir often in Canada at a diuaonnt. A. inmilar order wan tonncd aomo woolen ago but it wan uoon cancelled. Canadian monoy i" takon at par. Tho different n^cuta are alno m- .Btraotouto purohiiHo American currency at tho provaling rate of dinoount. In "other wordri tho oxproan company lfi Konig into tho hrokoratfa buainona. Tiik Toronto Nowo Hayn: "Thin Pro vince oan woll afford to recognize the good work done by tho lato lion. W. D. Balfour by making a grant towardo tho mipport of hiH widow, Thoro w'lo not a man in tho Xioginlatnro who fonght oo valiantlj for tho poaplo'H intorootR when thcno woro at' tacked by largo and powerful corporations. Ho wan a torror to oyd-cloora of tho corpor- ato variety, and bio only return wan tho .oouHoiauouonn of his own integrity. After an exceptionally active and induBtnoua lifo, ho baa loft but a amall huiu for tho maintenance of thoHo who dopourtod npou him. Iu viow of thin fa'ot, and iu recogni tion of hit* valuable HorviooH to tho canao of good government, it is iUting that tho pro poned grant ohould be made. So long, an tho amount in kept within reiiROiiablo lim- itH there will bo no carping from .the prow of either aide of politicH." Tho opinion of tho Nowh meotu with tho approval of all tho, nownpaperw and tho great majority of [tho Hon. B. A. Fisher, Dominion' Mininter tho pooplo in tho Province At tho Liber- i 0f Agriculture, will arrivo at Enaer on the THE COMING FAIR. Promhto*; of a Lnrgc Exhibition. Attraction* Provided The Unvernnr Oencrut nut! Dominion Milliliter ol Airrlctilturi- on Wethtescluy Speeding In the tine on Wed- iiesdny uml ThurBiliiy Sports of vurloim klnds Numcrouii Entries In nil Depart- jnenLs. Tho coming annual exhibition of Eaaox County next TnoHday, WeihioHday and Thuraday, Sep tember aotli and .'JOth and October lat hart overy proniino of boing, by long oddn, tho vory bout fair oyor held in tho cnuuty. Bpouial effort linn boon, and in being mado to attain thia ond. All tho officer a and diroctora are Htrainiug every nerve to make -thin exhibition in eyery way worthy of the liberal putronago that ia uuro to bu accordod to it, whilo tho corporation and poople of Entiex Town are doing their part to make it a micuohji. Tho lndicatioiiH for n flrHt-cluHEi diaplay in tho more nolid dopartraentH aro of tho moot oncouragiti^ character, already a largenumhnrof Htttlhi for outtlo having been oncugod. Tho morchanto and buuinonn mon of Ehhox will all havo haudfiomo ex- hibita i'j tljo main building, where tho floral, horticulmral and ladiea oxhibitH will bo plucotl. Tlio Qpecial prizeii oflured- by Hiram Walker & Soon for imorUiorn and dairy herda and for corn in the- ear uud in tho atulkan well an tho very largo lint of other Hpeciul prizoB promibcu to groatly moreaue tho number of oxhibita in the flpooial claHtiea exhibited. Tho dat of Hpecial prison iu tho largowt and moat valuable ever offered an any exhibition m the Houthwentorn pcaiuBula. Tho grounds aro boing put in fir^t-olan condition, a new poultry Iiouho has beon erected while the track will he in oplondid order for the triaU of Hpeed and otrcr arausemoota, The Governor-Goneial of Canada and _rOf. RobortBop, Dominion Dairy Com miaitooor, will ivo an addroen on Dairy ing on one of tho aftornoona of tho fair. Those interoHtad in thia industry ahould mako it a point to hoar tho Profoanor, who is an able speaker and will givo muoh vul- anblo mformatloti. B, U. 1'almfjr, diutriet puHHongur ugent of Uiu M.C.K,, wan in town on Friday lant arranuiug for an uxduruiou to bo run oVtir Slioir hue to Emtox on Wodnouday noxt, on tho oaouHion of the visit of tho Governor Oonural to tho fall fairhore, A upooiM lato will bu given on all ntntloim woHt of Sb. ThonmH. The hiicoohh of thoiio oxhibitioiiH depondtt hirgoly on tlio intenmt tuhun in thum by tho people. It idiould be borne in mind that tho.principal objoot thono uhowu are moatit to tieryo, id to uuoourago tho raining of bettor Htook or hotter farm prodnoo. Tho exhibition hhould be il time for ox* changing Moan a:id gaining information, partioularly on ugrieultural io]iiom. Tho Kntertainmont Oonimitteo in cOm- poHcd of tho fullowiMg ludioH: Mrti. (Dr.) Dowar, Mm. XI. W. Allan, Mru. (Dr.) Hriun, Mrn. 0. Whitu, MfH. C. E.-Kaylor, Mrri. W. M. DoCdw, Mrti. C. J. Tliomau, Mr. W, M, I'Moming, Mm. A. L. Ilevorly, Mr. M. V. Campbell, Mr. ,1. h, Petorit, Mm. E. A, Wiumar, Mr. W. D. Ronmiin, MrH, .7. D. AndurHoh, MrH. O. II. Briokor and Mm. E, L.Park. Tlio Spocial Attraction!) Committee aro offering oxoollont puraon for tho triaU of Hpood on \Vadnenday and Thurnduy aftor- nnotiH. On Wodnonday, thoro will bo a trial for furmeru' honuui that novor won money iu a raoo for wlncli a purno of 810 m offurod and a trial for homou not having a lower reooidthan 3.-10, tho punio for which in 8H0. On Thuraday thoro will bo throe trialii of ttpeod.tho finit for y-rcinufo horHen, tho Hecoiid for 2.1!) liornefi and tho third for running homun, tho purlieu bomp; 7r>, fi80 and 850. Are You in Need # Of anything- in the way of Foot wear ? Wehave^ already recoivod and passed into stock several large consignments of Boots and Shoe* for tho fall trade, bought diroct from the best Manufacturers in the Dominion, and We Can Supply Your Wants. We make a Specialty of Hand-made Long Boots/^-**^ If you contemplate* purchasing a Suit of Olothea, an Overcoat, a suit of Undor-wear, a Stylish Hat, or anything else in the lino of Men's JTurnishinga, it will pay you to call on us .as........ .. .. <* .(,-t /',- We are the Clothiers of Essex. We have also an extra fine line of Ladies' Under-wear, Hose, Gloves, etc., and Special VrIuoh in Flannels, Yams, Shootings and blankots. Our Grocery Department--^s^ As usual, is well stocked with choice, fresh Goods. Remem ber we import our Teas direct,'hence thoir exceptional values. Visitors to the Exhibition *^ Are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods and get our prices, ' iii ,i YOURS FOR BARGAIN'S, .' (' ?"! al convention at KiugHvillu yoHterdny (Thurnday) a achomo wan originated which will realize a comfortahlo stun for the hon- ofic of IVIth. Balfour und family. A ..Notable Success. Tho Family Herald and Weekly Star 01 Montreal in away high up amongst tho groat newnpapor BuoceHHf-b jf the proHtmt century. Ji'or farmers and farmer^' funi- ihoH tho Family Herald und Weekly Star ocemH iiimply inditipcnfiiblo, und judging from tho enormous numbr:r of farmers who take it we Hhould think mont wide awako farmorH are alive to the (jxtraordiu. ary vulao of tho paper, But tho Family Horald'u pa^oH will bear closo ncrutiny, and will bo found to lie chuck full of amazing uitoreHt for everybody. Amount t'.iin^H Canadian that uro remarked by nhrowd faroi^'uoru the Funiily Ut-rald and Weekly Star certainly cornea in for a large Bharo of notice. NANJDWICII H'KNT. Mrs. Ilcnry Cote, of l'otite C!oto, dropped doad Thnrnday aftornoon of lant week at hor homo. 'X'ho deceuHud whh BU yoara of 'ITII.IKl ItV WIJST, At tho last mooting of Tilbury Woat Council,tho following raten wore Htrcck : County rate, 14 rnilld; Towiihhip rate, 1 miUo ; road drainage 1 1-5 ijjiUh; general itchool, 2 millB makinfi a total rate of 8 7-10 millH in tho 8. NANUUKIl SOUTH. The townohip council aro ankm for tondoru for tho buildinj' of u frame or brick town hall at Oldeuutlo, t^ndoro to bo in by Op. in. on Monday-next. 1'iaiin and ^pocilioatiouf oan bo Heon at A.J.Halforcl'n oifioo iu Wihduor. WJfNIOSOU. Col. Boattin, of the Twonty-ilrnt Bat- tali on', mado an appointment with Gon. GaFuioigno with roRard to haviup; a bat-' talion for Windnor. Ho explained to tho HonoroJ that'thoro woro ouflioiont men to form ttoity battalion. If thoro wore throe ruoro oompanlofl formed in tho oity, with tho two at Leamington and Eiiaox, it would muko tbo ilnofit rcghuotHof railitia i Canada. Gon, GaHooigno a^roed with tho colonel about tho noooHoity of having a city battalion, and Haul ho would report iu favor of tho aobemo. Ho had no doubt that tlio Uovornmont would grant tho favor. 10:5*J {fat time) train from St. Thoman and will be recoivod bythCieoeptiDii com mittee, an uHoort from Kin^Hvillo Cavalry and the Ehhox BraaH Band. Aftor luncheon with tlio other invited gneuta in tno Socioty'H tent on the ^ronndu at 1'2:30 ad- dreBHOH will be delivered from tlto band Htand ut 1 p. in., by tho Governor General, Mr. Fiiiher and otberfi. After thin there will be a trial of Hpoed for farmers' horHen a docoiid trial of speed for other borneo and other iitnuHoruitutH. On ThnrHduy there will bo quita a num. bur of upocial events, including oonteutH at HpoidiriH in tbe rint,-. football match ana other hports. Exlubitora abould bc^in preparutioiiB on Monday and have everything in poaition for the judged by noon on Tutwday wlnle livo stock and poultry previouHly entered may bo brought in till 10 a.m. the second (\a.y. Ah many auirnalH Ub poyaible Hhould be ou tho grounds the lirnt aftornoon. W. D. Beauian, J'^.shl'X, is the Seorotaiy and any information wanted will be (jivcii by bini, from whom also prize liuiti may bo obtained. Tlio M. O. K unci tlio Fnlt-fl. For Groat Southwentorn Fair at Ennox> tho M. C, U. will uell tiokotn at iiinglo faro for tho round trip ; e;ood uoiuji Hoptember 20th and .lOtli and Ootobor 1st; good to return up to 'Jctobor *2nd. For Howard Agricultural" Fair~Ridgo- town, the M. C. Ii. will soil tickotfl at one faro for round trip ; uood Hoinft Ootobor 5th fjth iLiid7th; fjood to roturn up to Ootobor ath* For FoniaHular Fair, Chatham, on Sop- tombofidth to Ootobor 1st, tho M. C. B. will noil tickotH at one faro for round trip ; i^ood tfoinp; Huptcmbtir 2ULh, 30th and Octobor lot (jood to roturn October 2nd. I'Inhox Fmr Notes. Bememhor the dates Septeinljer aOrh and :j()ih and Uctobor lat. Tlio merchant* will clone thoir HtoreH from V2 to 5 p, m. on tho aocond day of thn fair. Jndin by the lar^o nnmbar of "ontriCH already in tho entry lint will exceed that of any previous year. A lar^n exhibit will do much towards advertising tho roBourcoa of thin Hcotiou and briuftiuK it more before tho pooplo. LiHuugChaug willnotboat our oxhi- bitiou noxt week but thoro in to bo a liuo display of grain, fruit, vegetables, horsea, oattlo, eto. Tho Ruooption Comraittoo are loavinji no Htono unturned to tjiye His FIxoollouoy huoh a rocoptiou ou Wodnosday noxt au will do honor to the town and tho aouufcy of FjHHOX. A littlo monoy apout in doooratinR tho town duriug fair clayn, in flaga, bunting, and illnmination, will bo money woll laid out. Let uii put on gala attiro, and umilo at out vioitorn and at oaoh othor. Kntrionaro ppuririff in to tho Soorotary muoh ranter than in provioua yoarB, and all aro urged to hand iu thoir entry Hats an oarly aa poHmblo that tho Soorotary may bo ablo to attend promptly to thoso who oomo.froui a diatauoo ou ahow day, - - itlaiaNtonc <vOiiucil. Saturday, Soptombor 10th. Council met thia day, purmiant to ad* joununent, iu Court of Boviaion on tho WilHon-Quinlan-WiKmor Draiu. Each of tho momborB mado and (uibnoribod bin dec laration of office aa member of mud Court and took bin Heat at tho Council Board. On motion ef Meanra. Brioo and Plant, tlio Reevo was appointed chairman of aaid Court. The clerk reported tho following appualH against tho aHHeaHmoiUo for tho said drain; Cameron (mtate, claiming that lotH *H and 25, in tlio 8th con., wero rh- aohaed too high; J. McPhurlin, claiming that lot 11, north half, B. Al. B., waa im- auuficd too hndi, and that lot {, ai. 11. Ilango, north and. nouth, and lota 17, 18 and 10, in the 8th eon,, were wrongfully omitted by the engineer when making tho iiflnefjumont for said ihruin; from Mrs. Howe, claiming that the drainage of lot 10, north ], s.M.K , would deprive tho lot of itH fertilizer and would therefore bo an injury to it ; and from B. Allan, claiming that the engineer when making tho a- acHHiiicnt did not ulluw for hia private ditch which would be incorporated in tho pro poned dnuii, tliat he nhould be paid for dumago to hia landa and crcpfi, that lot 2H7,.north j, N. T.-Ti., a'i, w ^, in 7th con,, and lot No, 0, eant J, S.M.B., wero anHOHHed too low and that all Hpecial ratopayora to 8th Con. and Weat Townline Draiuii Hhould be uHHL-nfiuil for the Wilhon-Quiulan-Wintnor Drain, aa the latter drain ivould oarry away much of tho water which at present must find an outlet in tho forrhor two drains. Aftor hearing tho evidence of tho appellants preBUH und of tho (mgmeor who made the iiHftenhment, it wua moved by Mr. Price, noeondtd by Mr. Potter, that the a.4HGnnmcnt for the WilHon-Quinhiu- Wimner Drain, an made by tho eiigineor, he ooniirmed without change. Carried, Ou motion of IVloHBra. Price and Plant, the Court of Revision thtjn rone and the oouu- ^il Hat for general bUfiineHH. Minutes of [ho previouB meeting wero road and on motion of MeSBi'H. Prico and Damui, adopted au read and aigned. The clerk read a communication from the Truatees of tlio Cameron ostato, re tho gravelling of a portion of tho road on the oast aide of Pike Crook. Movod by Mr. Prico, second ed by Mr. Plant, that tho dork bo in- atruotod to writo the Trustees of tho Cam eron estate, that it is tlio wiali and inten tion of tho council to carry but tho oorpor- ation'w part of tho agroomont roforrod to as noon an poBoiblo. Carriod. Tho Moanra. Winternuto and othora notified the oounail that tho Overnoor of Highwaya for ltoad Di-jiiuon No. 17 had enlarged tho ditch ou tho wont mdo of tho Rouaud Lino, from tho King tap northward, and that tho en larging of the aaid ditqh would ronnlfc in tho .damaging by wator of tho lands in thia locality and requested tho council to aacortain tho coat of putting tho King tap iu a proper sin to of ropair, and also tho cost of a drain of imfnoient dimonmous to oarry tho wator from tho Kioj; tap to Lake St. Clair. Movod by Mr. Prioo, aaoondod by Mr. Datum, that tho olark bo iniitruotod to notify tho onginoor to report to couuoil A'\A' A riA-V' DtrirsTiii^r BLoas- esses at noxt mootingon thonoticoof the Meanra. Wintcmuto and othora. Carried. On mo tion of Moaara. Prico and Damm, JoHoph Cada waa paid 8'20 for tho work of laying drain tilos from tho Puco road woutward -between lota V2 and IU. Ou motion of Moaara. Plant and Price, Philip Wray waa paid 810, iu full for damage to bin bridgo and fences by tho high wator in tho Puco, aua Patrick Moran waa paid Sl2.ij0, in full for damage to hia property from name ciiuno at Hamo timo. On motion of Mensrs. Plant and Prico, Mrs. JaoiCHon waa paid $J1, tlio balance in full for board of Laurie,' indigout. Moved by Mr. Plant, Boconded ny Mr. Pricu.that tho council reaolvo itself into Committee of tho Wholo for tho aec- ond roadingoftho Wilaon-Quiulan-Wiamer Drain By-law. Carried. Tho Boove named Mr. Plant chairman, Said by-law was read cluuuo by clanao and on motiou adopted. Ou motion of Messrs. Prico and Corbott, council resumed and aaid by-law waa road a third timo and pasned. Moved by Mr, Plant, acaonded by Mr. Prico, that tho council go intoCommittooof the Wholo for tho second reading of the Fiitimates By-law, Mr. Prico in the chair. Said by law waa read a Hecond and third timo aud paaaod. Tbe engmeor'H roport on tho Lit tlo Crook Drain waa read. Movod by Mr. Plant, Booondod by Mr. Prico, that the clerk bo iuHtructod to notify all aaseHHcd (jartJOH for the Littlo Creek Dram that the- onginepr'a roport thereon will bo road and couhiderud oytho council at ita meeting to bo hold at tlio Towu Hall, Maidstouo, ou Friday, tho 0th day ot October next, at 10 o'clock a. m. Carried Moved by MesarH. Prico and Potter, that Alox. Rouaud and Philip Sequin bo paid $2 and $3 res pectively, rofunda of Htatute labor for I8O0 ou lotd li, south-Gust J, in tho 5th con.,and M, oast 4, in the Oth cou. Carried. On motion of Meusru. Prioo aud Damm, Fjd ward McPlmrlin waa paid S3 for cleaning bruah and rubbish out of the River Puce. By-laws 100 aud 410, tho former for pro viding for tlio borrowing at tbe Imperial Bank, Easex, of the sum of 31,500; to de fray the towualnp's expenditure ou cur- re.H account tilt the taxoa aro collected, and the hitter to confirm tbo appointment of a collector of taxoa for 1800, woro each put through tho usual roadiugaaud paHsod. Tho iu blank tho latter by-law waa, on mo tion of Messrs, Plaut and Prico, filled with the namo of Edward Jonoa, cullootor, at a salary of 9115. On motion of Mounts. Pot ter and Plant, tho olork waa paid $0 for serving tho noticed of appeal in thoWilsou- Quiulau-Wiamor Drain aasesument. On motion of Messrs. Potter and Damm,.lohu Liekmau aud Alox. Hopgood woro paid $1 aud 30 respectively for statute labor re- funda-for 181)0. Moaara. Jouiah Williams, Samnol Jonkiuo, J..W. Vanattor, George Woltz, Albx. Gunn and R, F. Seymour petitioned tho eouuoil, 1st, that tkoy havo been groatly ohargod and opoohilly asooaaod for tho wholo cost of tho construction of the Soymoar Drain; 2ud, that aaid drain in auilicieutly largo for their uso and for tho purpoaos of lto ooootraation; Urd, that it wan novor uo intou.dod to bo an outlet for tho M.C.B. JraiuB nor for any draiuu Houth of said railroad; '1th, that thoir oonaont was novor obtaiuod for it to bo uuod aa an outlet for othor draina; and prajiug that tho drain bo allowod to remain an origin ally intended, waa proaontod and road. On motion of Moiisirs, Plant and Prioo, aaid potition wan tiled. On motion of Mcsuru. Plant and Prioo, tho oouucil ndjouruod to moot again on Friday, Ootobor Oth. A SALE OF DRY GOODS For Next 3o=days ^FRANCIS.' Straw and Felt Hat at Cost. Boots and Shoes to = : at A Price. Prints as Low-as 5c Fast Colors. Ginghams, u 6c " . * ....GROCERIES Always 25c. TEA Best in tho Msirkor,. O BAItS " Kcliiwc" Soap for '25c. " 'OomCort" " U5<!. 12 ' " Our Own Electrifi," for 25c. AGENT for...... Highest Price Paid for Pro<lu*no, Vando'H OUl Standi, IShhcx. . J. A. FRANCIS. 200 Ludieii' new shirt waists, rogular pnoe i? 1.a5 und 91.50, ehoico.of tho lot, for -liJcoaeh at Diobol &, Briokor'p. waa Mayor Callary, of Oollingwood, found doad iu bod. Enginoor Jamos Faoor and Flroman George Johuaou woro killod by thoir train tunning into an opou awitoh T. H, & B,, at Hamilton. Jilrths- FosTrcn In fionth Wneatiloo, on Thurfitlay Hoptembor 17th, to Mr. and IVIru. Philoiu eno Fontor, a duehIitor, McCAr.Lcir m Colchontor North, on Monday, 8t>*Jtuiubor iilBt, to Mr. und Mm. MuCuUuin, a fion. WiOLn -In IJnyno City, Mich., thu wlfo at Mr. S. ,J. Wiglu, formerly of Kunti, of a. ron. , Marrlatxcn'. Shkuiun At tho homo of tlio brido'a piironts, tiiielph, on Wodnefldav, 8o]>t(mibor iard.llr. G. A. Shorrln, of Knoox, to Miss L. Oartor, of Guolpb Graham At tlio It.c. church I Wootl- nleo, en Tuootlay, Hoptombor 23ii(l, by Jtov( Fathor Hodfikhiiiou, Mr Jonopb Grahnm, o! Koohontor, to Mngfilo, dau^htor of Mr. Dom- iuiqmt fJiuifjhiiu, of AliUdiitono. SaloItetrlHtcr. Auction Sale of farm stock and implo monlB on lot 8, con. 10, Goafield North, 1 p, ra, on Monday, October 5th. Waltor W. Smith, propriotor; Frank McCloaltoy, Auotioueor.. C: -------= Khmo.v Market. Wboat radpor bushel,. ,.S B5 to 55 Wheat, whito .... fiG Corn .... 25 Oata .... Iii to 15 Timothy Sood .... 1 30 Olovor flood .... 4 00 to 4 00 Hay por ton-............ 8 00 to 8 00 Aloiko .... 3 to 3 00 Boof per owfc............ 4. GO to 5 00 Pork Livo woight......... 3 OOto 3 00 Mutton ............ 5 00 to 500 Hidoa............ 250 Chiokomi por lb.......... 7' 8 Buttor .......... 13 12 Lavd ;......... 8 8 EtiRHi por Aq-z .......... 12 Potatoaa, por bashol .... 4Uto 40 Onions .... 50 to GO Apploa .... 20 to 20 Turnips .... . fito 25 Carrotu .... 40 Turltoya por lb....,,,... 8to 0 Ducks .......... 7 Oolery por don ........,, 1 00 Wool .......... 18 to 10 Grain bay a, $1,05 por dozen', at Dmith's, special BARGAINS: AT H. PAUL'S.. ost bo Cleared Out in Four Weeks; ICvnuu MMuiks now, - - tpoOQ. VSVanuPliiiio, nenrly now,' lOU 50 125 35 25 20 15 Itfuiidolln, u , _ u w q <;iii(ui'H, VioiiiiN, etc., und a number ofNtH-oiKl-lmnd MiitiliiucM . Kara XMimofcnNO Orirun, ^oofl au now, l>Iioiiofrrnt)h, lniiflv now. ou Kit comnlflttt, New Ktiiiuiuril sewlni; Mii (IIIno, Uoiury, Now Sfamlar*! Nowure Jrtu- C-ltlltC, NlltltllO, 5-drawer Now William*' Sow lnurrtliitliikio, neurlj new, <)u<'lllatliii>- Silnuor, At a Bargain H. n. FAUC, Solo Ajjont for Kara nation, Kara Organs, BIna- .M-vwif or Sowing Maolilnou. oto, ,; ')\'!i% RKPAIUINO NEAlVtiv D0NH, . '.. Tho roi^u of HorMajoaty tho Queen jflVv^ki lonpjor than tho roiu of any obhor BoVai^:V^J0 aian whoovoraatonthoBrltiab throne.Thofy^ loDKoafc provlouB roiyu waa that ot George^$T III, who reitfnod 59 years and 110 dayB^^|| though for tho laat nina or teu years of hW'.M roi^u ho waa moapaoitated by inaanity^yP and tho throuo waa really oooupiod by'hiBwi BonthoPrlnco Bigent. Today, Septflkni^ hor aCth, Hor MujeHty has reigned 6*9.yeftti'f and 118 flayi*. May she be spared ,\t6t' maoy a day more. V'.^,'!^^ti Mm 'foil

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