Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 18, 1896, page 4

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8?;e= If AH. ScarfT. & Co. WE SELL- Toa, Coffee, Sugar, Flour, RuimnH, Cumin tH, Prunes, A.p- viootH, Soapn, YinogiM'fl, Kyrupa, Ontnioiil, Gornmoal and a full lino of Christie, Brown & Co.'w fancy and plain Biscuits. Wo havo for CAMPING AND PIC-NICS Pottotl Cluclcon, Tnrlfoy, Hum, Tongue, Chipped Fienf, Corn lieul* BoBion 1 Juiced Bc-tinn, Savdinon, Baboon, jNlachurol, Hadilio. .licmionihor wo liavo (ho liivgont iiHtforiimMH of (Yoekory, China and CilaflHwarc in the Town. Cull mid nxiuiiino ouratook. Frosih Kvuiu, VngoUiblofi, etc, in swipou, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A, H- SCABFF & Co. GOODS DELIVERED FnOMIPTILiTr. MalJntuDc, nnd w^nM liny** bp#m 20 yearn old on tho 7ili of .next paoeiiibor. Ho waH married to Mary Btjlor, of thiti towti.aovon yourn 11^0 and h)iu HtiryivoH liim alonj; with IJ uhlldron onu j^irl unci two Hnyw, Tho body wan tukun to Ida homo hi town and thu funeral took pluco on Bunday uftur- ttoon, iturviouN hohijj; aondiiolud at thu hoiiHo by Jlov W. K.'Puhooo mid tint intor- in(jiit taking pluou nt Not'th Itid[ji cemo- ttiry. Tho pall boaroiii woro liaviti Wug- nor, Win, Thotnpnouy .'John Btacoy, John (Junnhifdiam, Jamon Cordon and Thomiui rullard. The Essex. Free. Press, BRETT K AULD, P11OPRIETORS. FRIDAY, HKFTKMIJKK 1H, |Ntni. Ai'i'i.ns are Hf.-llinn id -"it units, a barrel -wlnlo thcj frciyhl ii *'l nun In a barrel from IijfiK(.'X to Montreal. Tnn intiiH'it ni'-'.t i'Jiit '1 ilk f'nuvty O-tiri. Ciiliijiti Fur No. 7 itivi.-i'.r" i;i Ka\.->. (." nm.y, which ciotihirttu <>l Hamlwidi Katd, Hand- wioli Wont and Sandwich: Town, arc; II. Muilloiix, DeiiM lbjeheh-aii, Alex, Keaume, don. Pnrochor ujid J: 11. U -u.diieuu, Pnor. Kohiih i.-r.:., I'ruvincinl ibLiry Com mifiHionor, .\\\\] -r.-E1 an aildrc-s of half an hour on onu oi tin: afterneoiia oi tho tireut South YVest.evn Fair, The Pror't^or i^ an able apeid^er nnd his addi'ie-* will, no doiibt, bfi eidui'tai'iinir a::.I iMdiueti\ e to tho-ii: in- tcreuited in dairum,;. At tiik nicL-t intJ if lie.- K::< ;;utiv.- ef tin* South Khhi.-xOonsorvitLivu AuMii-i\tinn held here yetsterduy (d'uuri-duN j afl :-rin.oi:, it wuh (l-.'cith.-d tu Imlil a eoiiveuunu at the Town Hall, Ji*:.iiniii^!oii, ('ii Muh.l'v.v,. Hup. temher lisUi, at 1 p. tu. bu* tin- pirp^e of clioohin^ a eandidnte t(. eMilesd the Hiding for t!'u Lucal J^L'^i:;latui'Lj. I'., i-) t-aid tlinl tlio name nucit promituMilly in en tinned now in that of Jleevo Serutch, of .\Ur,-(.',i. xVr a :ii:i.ti\'. oi th-. J^.rciHivt' Omn i"jiittr:c: of the I'atront- of riidu.-.iry at 1'at- I'OLib' 11 all, 01 mil.a, on Sal unlay i-votiin^ laht, l.'i.'ter Tiinniii, nf (,'i,t!ai;:, wns .-u.-li- -11- 1 aii flUinclnrddj<..Mtri;r for thu p:u"ty in tij upproachin^liye-L'lrotion for tin- Local I.ey- itiluture. T. O. (liurii.', ui Sttathroy, tin- Grand Pri'sulfiit of the 3i\U.r, iiad htn.-n in- vxted to atluitd but' ilid no! .'iIm.>',v. up nor naudjany word. Nn oiiPudfT.-s wi-t*i: iin-i.ent uticl ah adjoniM'.iMLUt wun lnui rill Sat nrdav eycniut; of next wi.elv at thi- <-aiiit.* placf. lilr. 1 inn an j.-!iy.i Lewi:! n.-niain in thrj ['. |l]. At a .'.rr.KTiNo of tlio ( M-in-ni! ('::i(jfri, \'ic;,- i'refiideriLS' mid J)i;)tiii:t chuirij^.-ii i..f i|i. Bouth J'^dtiux I,il"!*al Ah-ociatic.'ii lidil m Iihhex ou Tuei:i.iay niofnin^ ii w;Lri d.cin.ii to Jjuld a cniiyetilion at Kin^villc, i,n Thursday (*t ncNt wci-k, to dmon..- a htand- ai-ddiearur for Hi" party to ii!l I lie vac:uu:v catii-ed l)y the death of tin; hue lion. \V D. Balfour. A mettiuL'of tin- ICxecutivi: will be. liehl at H a. m. the Hum,, day. IIol. K. llare-'Urt, JVovinciul TretisuiL-r, will be pr;;.euL. Tin; con yi ntiou proini:,.^ Id l.c one of the^i.-^t e\i-r ludd h\' .South KhhOX Llhendr; ft!..'. Et soi/ni. I\h'H. .hunei' Jlrutl, t>i jI:ii*row, it: daiiL'er- oUBly ill, Samuel l>a\ him h-jeii appointed a:i isihuer ui marriiiio.' licence:'. .Fred. C. Aru.:r who is hos-piial n.-r^eaut of the.21st I'.attaliou now in eump at Lon don, will take u cour-'e at the I.i.'tioit Pharmacy C'elle^e, h..-nii)iiin: in Ot.-toh.-r. The meinbiirti of Harrow L.od^c, No.IiUli, I.O.O,!*'., held their anniversary .' ervine^ On Bunday afternoon hiht, and tliey woo.' attended by viititin^ brethren from (Vru- herbthury, Kin^nyillu and lihvcx The ujot'nbfTH inut n.L th-ir !od;jo roomn in tb<- Drumniond Bloek, at '1 p. n;,( and fnrunal in proceiJiiion tn tint nuiuh-i;- uf IPO, llisio.1- ed by tlio Harrow hand, tli<-y niarfdnal tu the Town J ltd], whore. hervictH wure eon- ducted by tho ilev. .7. V. .McLaren, of Blenheim. The hall ln.-t-n appropri-ilc- ly decorated for the occruiiun, with llowet'M, the pulpit beiu^ encircled with tin.' tipeciineua. J^very neat in the hair wuh occupied u'liii'ij the upend.'; ode of tho order opuiied the proei:tr:liti^, nftec which .Mr. ATcLarLii rend the l.'ith eliapLer of I. Cor- iutbi'iiih. Tliih wan followed Ly an autheiri by the PiXHin tetinu choir, under the leai!- or/filiip of I. Ii. Webnter, and with Mm. Gurrott tin orf' when Air. iMchareu preached an oiufiuant norm on from I. (lur- lUlhltUlH, llJth Cluiptef, Litll VurH(!,BllOwi"^ tile un'atable Ihinp;H in thui world. The KsriiiOn wuh an lixcellont one and ,vtm f^routly enjoyed by the coii^reyaLion. After the Horvice.u the metuberH ic-f'ormed in pro- co.j;>ion and roturntd ro tboir lod^u ruoiui. -, O'jcupied tho chair and hbort ad- drebseH woru t^iyeu by Broa. J. A. Auld, M. ,7, .Walsh, JaineH iDWuet, Levi Palmer, B. iMtiUou, It. U. Brett, 1. J5, Wobater, 8. C. Zimainrinuu, Dr. Park and F. 0. Manning. ArotoB oi Llmnliii wuro pahiiud to Ho v. Mr, iiloLuren ami tlio vjujuug brethren. THE COMING FAIR. Promises of n Lar^e F:x'liililtIon. Attrctltn.i lnviik'J I he liovt-rnnr (JL-ncral and Dominion Minister of Agriculture on \\'i*ilniMiilny-?|it'oilin^ in tlu*^hin "" Wtal- ncsilny (ind !luir*sdiiy -Sports oi various kind's -Numcrntiii l:iitrios (n all Dcpart- tiK-nts. 'L'he comitin* itisnual exhibition of Ivi^itx County the (in at. S-unh \V< iri'ii- - on Tiie^lav, \V'liieviay 'md 'I'liUi'i-idi'-V. S'-p- Umiber 'J'.'th an I ;;ij: 11 and October lid liafi evijry promise of tadiiL,', by Ion;; odds, the wry l)e.--t fair eyei* h-d 1 in the e/tiuty. Sut'Ciil efl'orl ha-1 been, and ih b'-in^ ma h: to attain thi-n end, Alt the odicern and directors are 'draining every nerve to rri'die this i stiibition ir. eyerj way wortij' of the liberal putrotniLie thu!. i* sure tu b:* a.:eor.b-d to it, '.vbile 111" corporation and people of L'iuex Town, are doiu^ their par'. to it a cHCCes.-S. The iii.lications for a (irht-claF.a dir*[day in the iiuiiT! oli(l ilepartuieutH are of the inoiit eccouraijinji cliaracter, already a larneniimlaT of hi a 1 In lor cattle having be.ui eiit.aj;ed. Tl:e lueruhanth and hn^ii)"'-^ men of Jv-ise.x will all have hatuhiotnt- <. :- hiliitH in tiie mam huildiu^, win re alho tin; fh'Wer, horticultural aud ladiea exhibit-i '.vill bo placid. The iijieeial pn/en o'if rt d by Hiram W:iIht-r iV Soih 'or idiorthorn and dairy herd;: and for enrii in the ear and in the atidk an well tin the very lar;:e lit-tof othi,-r hpeutal prii'.e.H ,promi-.e^ tu /re'atly increase the Miiuher ui exliibilti in ti:e h|)< cial eian-aai exhibited. The .b>t oi rii.-eial pri ::<.-.-i is tii ;. larjreMt anil mo-.t vduiLl'lu ever offereii hi any exlnbitn.ti in the houthweHU-ru penic.-iuia. Tlie grouudh art! heinn put m 'brut c!a*n coinliiiou, a new poultry lio'.in'- hai* been erected wlubj tln- ttacli will L- in sip lend id order for i he trialrt of hperil mal ntrei- anni-i nn.-ut.:;. Tlie fjovti'iini' (I i-n t :al ui < 'utiada and the lion, S. A. Fisdier, JJominion Mini-tor of Agriculture, will iutiw at J-!.--ex on the' 10:.V_ (fud tinir) train from Sr. Th.ouiah and -a i!: l'i- ; :i pttrjn ,:nin- mil tee, ;l : i i .-col t frori. K ::. ;-:vdb- f .'a .airy and tlie I'^-.-ox lbu-,i Land. After luuche^ij will; tin- oih'T united ;,rn.:'iti in the Si.i:ii-t\ 'ii ten' on li.i jsi'ftiii, Ir: nt 1 *-}:' 1 ft, a '- drn'-es wiil be delivered fp.m the hand .stand al 1 p, it.., by the Governor General, Mr. l-'irher and otlu-rtt. Afier this there will bi: a trial id hpoed lor farnii-rs' hor.-e^, a second trial ef hp';ed foe other hor.sen and oilier'ineiilri. On Thursday, there wilJ be ipiite u lunn- her oi's[iecial events, ineluuino c(jute.ith at ^p'-edin^ in the rii:*^, football match and ether Hpnrtu. I'.xhihitorii slionhl ru-^in pfeparu.* ions on Monday and have everythino in p^nition for tin. jnd^eH by neon (Ui 'jJiohiht.y while I!.*/,, i,tor;k and poultry preVrjiiriiy entered nriy he brought in till 'Id a, m. tlie Second ilay, An many unimalu 101 poMrtibli,. should be on tlie prrniindtj Die iirrft atLernomi. W. I), li-.-aman, LntJeX, i^, th'; Scmu'tary and any inforiuation wautel will be cdveti by him, from whom nhio [^ri/.e li-its imi) be oijlaiiu d. A Fatal A<H*i(H lit. A ternl le itceidifiit occurred aL ('. l'b Xiivlnr'f- htave mill in this l.ewn on Fri day 'tfiernoun laht, which runulted in the deulli uf lOhjali Wirtiner. Mr, Wininor war- lits'^a-'jal at the ei|uah/erh cuttiii^ bi.illri .d.t-ii the aicuh ut happcnt:'J at o:lo and at Tiilnlie wan dead, 1 he efjuuii/erti ni'i; two psirallel ciroularn auwri anil tlio b.dt that Mr. NVif.-.ier pbic.-d on tin: fni.rnn and both otidn of winch were to he sawed off Wan larger at one end than at tlio other. In cutting thu bolt, Mr. Wimuer hhovtid quiLo hard on the frame with tho yoiiheijuejiue tlud when the umall end' wnn hu\ved off the left end of the frumo was shoved paht the imw and Mr. WtHmer wan turned half around and thrown on his ietl f.idu on tho revolving Haw which nxilioted a deep f^aub from .pint below the hip bone, up tti the arm pit. HemdcH cutting the hip bo.u1, Bonio of the ribu, tho liidneyn and other orgaiiH were nevored. Ah all tho other worlcinun wure at their tvork no one saw the accident, but they were attracted to the epot very -shortly by Mr, Wiamer'a crtftH. Dm. Brien and ,1 miner were at oner', hmninound and they did what wan poirfihlo to alleviate tho poor mau'e buffer- ingn but ho died wlulu they were working over him, retamintj coiifcciousueHo to the but. Doaoaned wuo a bou of K. E. WiBraer, o STRANG Kll THAN FICTION Fl.STHE TRUTJ-f CONCEKNING JOHN GIBBONS, OF LONDON. lie U'iin 'l'orl ure*i With llic I'alnu or s,<-1utic Itlit'iiiiiiKlHiki 'I'rld'ol liiicloi'M, III) Nol'lM ill IlllMllrlllt' UIHl Wont to Mm XtfoNiUtul III liiliiHe. WIIMiiikiM) j'iiiu I'lll- eno'il itliti U bin .til V.}m IKud I'nlb'd. I'i'otii tho l.oiiilon A-lverti-M-r. Thore art: two thin;,'H m tluii v.-orld v/hiel i\fr. .loliri Gihh'iiiH, a reiudent of Oueeu'ii Avenue Last, will henceforth place implicit confidence in. Oin hi tho judgment of bin wife and the other (he . cunttivo i[Ualititt(' of J Jr. Wiiliama' i.'ink J.hlhi. In liin cano the two wenl hand in hand, Mm, Gibhona thought of the remedy, tlie pilln did the re,-t, and to day Mr. Gibboim isi a '.'.ell man where lied, hill lie Wiu virtually a cripple. Ai. Advertmer reporter calbal-at the bourns tin; other cvoninfi and wan met at ihti door by Mr, fiihbnns, to whom he told tho oh- j'et of hi-' vihit, and wuh enrdiiilly invited ; in. The repoiter had no nooiier got coni' i fortably si'.'ated '.vhen M.r. Gildjona wont nit" an adjoining loom. This hound of clinKini; hott|en lloati.-ii thronph tie.' half ! open door :oid v.l.oi "Mr. GiMioi,- r--ap- p' he had in iii.n ai'in^ a whole Paihet of bottlen all ho baa to hhow for many an 1 many a hard earned dollar hpont in j iw-ltnn dr'ijjH, A.-; Mr. Gibhona was hm<y i s-liowin^ 'In: bottlen and deH:aiituij.{ upon j the impotent;}' of the medicines- they had . enniained, the reporter had abundant op ' p^irtunity cd marl'.imi the pergonal a,|i|iear- ! aiice of tlio ina'i. Hir- n}ii:'ech betrays bin Mn^linh birth and bin I'aco Htdl he-artt the rn.i'-Li of-^ulf'.rii:j,', but hiti frame in er.-et, bin s-tt'P li^ht and ilaatic, and when he \ it-llH yiju that he can work, run, or jump ] with any man, yon cannot help but belie\e j him. He in 'J'.i yourn of iiijo and washoris 1 in Low Lua'd, Hti-atbird. Ln^hind. II" I ("line io Gtinada :n ]*-"-'2 and located a'. Cbdt, where hf is. Wed! and fayorabi'known. He worked tor the Hun. Air. Vouiijj, meinla-r of l'aididment, for a buii; time and heven yearn tu,o he married Mi.^i | Alice Mann, alho (ii Gait. After Mr. Glb- ; bi.n'j reir.cved to London he settled down I tn-'ir the car ahops and did very well, I .-ilwir/h having jileuty of wotk and, always ! th- .itr.iiii!lli to do it. II-.- can.-d notliinn : about a Wetting until cue dav a year a;.'o Ii... tool': an ,v:ute attack of hoiaiic rheunia. tinn following we.t f- et: "T lay down on tbi- :1c: r,'1 said M r. 'Gibbous, in tell in his i-'-iry, "nhdil and tbiy s-ulVerin^ terrilde ! a^ony. [ cetild not pod up a ntcp uud my ! '.' ifi- In l *o lujp nio uV' from the doer. I , rr-11. tin: pam in my back lir-d. it then up. j tir. utly li.-:* my haci; and <.;ot. into i,,e j J.ip.i. 1 l.iCtul'.i ttillit: here to riC.i? ttli!. TheV , me picf-ci'ipt ion.-, lint none of tlieni ir'-emed to do me all}' '/Odd. Tilt liei:'.)ilMr.: could henr me all river Giieui"; Avi-nui: wlii'ii l wi.iit'l s_"'t an atla.-l: of the pan.-i ha-'t fall I v'vi taken cut or thi-i pUn- in a h:o:f: insd t.sikcn t'i t):e 'lO-pit;:]. I l-rtnal'i'Ml J he re nij'mt three v,'<:ei^H and the di'a;tors did wluit they c uld for me but could not oive me any relief. At the end of thrre weekn I canie liou.e a^a:u euliurmj.; u-i much a.s ever. My wife ^ot hohd of a pamphlet winch told of a number of remarkable curen by t-lie ntie of Ut. William;'* Pink Pilla, and we determined to try them. I took about, three b^xea and felt myself e;ot- tiri',' a liHle easier. I V>o\<. thirle-n Loxen dt.i^elher, and it. is-i over two tnontbH eincc I felt the K-arit (.UL^c-htiou of pain.'1 "Ho JuU feel that you arc enliifdy cured '. "' asked the reporter. "Ved, nil-, I can oo out and do a day'.s worl; j;int an well ah ever 1 could. 1 feel perfectly htronc; and have a u'ood upi'etite." "N'i, I don't want another attack of Mckm-Htj Iilet?' mud Mr- (iibboiih, an he- lighted Lh'j reporter to tin- door. Mrn. Gibhona wuh not at home on the oeciHiou of the reporter'^ lirnt vi:jit. Sub- Hi.ijueiitly lit; culh.'d on her and received an entire coutirruiitioti of Mr. Gibbom' htory' "lie v/ah homo all lant Hiiuiujei'," mud Mr^. (ii'iibenn, "ain.l lat't Au^ui-t the painn v,ere no hi vi.-re ais to bni.f.' him dov/u. on Lit* l-.uei y, and to t-etA'e himself he cuild ijot ^eL u\. I. had to lift him elf the lh)nr many a time. Lie doomed almont. | oweid* hh. The hotth-n be Bho.ved you liad almoht all of thein been repeatedly tilled s-e that the number of Unties in no criterion of the utnouut ot rnedicine taken, lij.-to^i; he took the pille," ijoneluded Mrn. GibhoiiH, "I thotijiht my hutib.-uiri wfjuld never be able lo htaud up right again. Hut now," Mie- added m purtmjj;, ."hodsi as- well aa ever he wim." 1'Jr. WiUiamH* I'inl: Tillfi cjreate new bloofl, build up the ncrvcH, and thin drive dihoaho from the Hyiitem, In htuulredn of cahen they have cured after all other medi cines hud tailed, time et-.tublinhin^ the claim thai thoy aro a marvel uinong the triumphs! of modern medical y^ienco. The Pennine rink Tillii are noli! only in boxen, bearing tliu'full trade mark, "Dr. Will laiua' Link Pille-for VaU\ People." Pro tect yourself from impouition by reftiohip any pill thai doo not bear tha-rugidtorcd trade murk urouiul the box. (S H ZL Days WE WILL GIVE pecial Barg-ains I Gash On All Lines of Summer Goods. Space will not permit us! to enumerate. Come and see for yourself. Yours for Bargains, si J; uhwx Ssi-A*' -i.: fiT'ki'.-.Tvc *m D-ffsrswiLasr block, esse^. Good towilini! for Ictn a yd, at .1. A. Francis'. i'>hlhs. I'llII.1.11". Ill Muid-.tolift. en l-j'idiiv, Heptfjlutior lllli, to .Mr. and Mi-h. soliii I'lullipi,, a ,;uu. (jeNW.fv-In Tditid.'itoin!, (tu ?Pinday, Sept eadau 1 Ub. to Mr. a: d Miv:- bmulii'd ('ouwity, it ii:ni:'!i'.er. Mn.noi. P: (insjii'ld Nortli, en 'I'ue ulnv, Hep t.-mt.i r P'-tli. ii) Mr. Mi --, n dun..'Ittef. lilio,,.v- -In AnslnMctljin i;, ui. Tlnirn-lny, S- p- ti.-iiibi-r, tu Ke\'. Mr. mid Mm. (.', W, 1'.nnv ii, a >l,Lii::!itiT. MiilTlil^CS. D.WfutN H inn I Mi - d.i M aid h tone, on Wednesi diiy, Heptrjinin-r loji, Py itiiv. A. Tninuti- deii::, >l r, A b;\,il)diT ))aw-(.n, to Mirni .Iphe- [dibie 111:_:; i*iit. ail ui SitiithvK'li ri'itou:.'i'o>;--l-'m TiiA".: -At tlie rn'ddenise of tla- tu'ide'n pit rent i,, II^ux, im Weuirnhdit",, Sep- teuiliiir ;t'i!,b, by Ilev. A. Ij. lltivnrly, My. ('iili,ei'i,n Seett TliufJiti.u, at' liicilbid Nnl'tli, to Mlns' Mary Man I, eldest diuif^litur ot Mr. \V. l"eullULlil. I>catlis. \\'i :,:.n. it :<, uv. Friday, He] it ember Ktii, ) > Vi-iirti, i iijoutbi'. I'il.l.e?: nr, on Tuehdiiv, hiipto inher Mlt, Nuuli iollou, iii^eil i',-l yciLl!- mid "JS dav.'!. Wanted. CF.ItVANT fWl'l, \VANT]-:i)-N() WASiilNfi, O A]>]"y to MRS. i I'Ht:> -I 1-',. .rKNNKIt, Ki,--(.\. o SALE OF DRY GOODS For Next 36=days OI Br^BK^rwaaiasTG aw-oosti Wcinted ! I'Vtr i-a-msr IllH. \V. II. For Sale. / Mill. WAN I'ld) For i^i'iuind l! mli. 1 1 Apply U.Muh. \V. II. 111.i.i.i.M-t, Kiii|.":viilii. ( > ACIIKS OI" lidoii roltN IN KUOCK. A 1'. I- ply :.) V.'AI.'I'I'.i: W. S.MITJ1, Nortli lddo.i-. Or^im or Puino Wanted, XVANTKIl T'i Itl'lNT (lit ITJICHAKK A * tinij i > Di't-l.anl l'liLiut'tr Oi'-ani. Ap ply te lUlA lei, j;:>t;\. ii'l Wanted. 1!HP Full (iKNKUAh JKJl'SFAVOUK, NO :r fi.lHli Foil ( \J v.'i.iddiup Apph Lo 'Mlta H. M. (illF.FN, Kt'r.ns. Thk GovernmiiUt anuouuce thoy will oudr-avor to have parliament proro^uo bo foiu tLio lat'of October. Strayed. JVfO MY I'ltFMlHKS, Till-; MMDHTONK J Hotel, at Mnidhtiuu) CiihH, on t.r ulidtu tho iiid dny <tl SepO-niln;!', ti Pn,y i a lire, hIjouT u yearn old, villi near on teit hind ]i!i;, and-, triiuinod fondop. Owner in i-E'i|ue.nt.ed to cull, provo ]!-n- I'ci't.y, pay udiarijes mid t:i!{e hiuno away, utlier- wise' the nanit! will he ;>nld ina'<trdllii; to law. HAHJtV NOHTII, *J7-:it MiiidHiouo I*. 0, NOTICE. All accounts due me for Hin der Twine, must be settled before September 25th. J. E. STONE. '"^//" Fall" /N Millinery ., *, Opening % HISS THORNTON, WiHben to t:-.tei]d a isordiid invitation X' tu the belies et Kniie:L ami Vie'iiity to iitlund lior Millinery Otieniuii of Tarifi anil New York Pattern Hutu Hon- jK- nets, im Saturday, Alonday and Tuesday, -SEPT., 20th, 2th and agth, Al iinr Hliow Hoiinis, Suott'ii liloidi, nuxtdoor to.l. U. W'k'.Ij'ri .Storu, Fififio.x. Tenders Wanted. V'KATd-'.n Ti-iNltKIttS Wl'lili lift TtFCKIVFd) ( i by the undersitpiod ii|> till ii o'clock, p.m., on Saturday, September the 26th, 1896, For the emldhif-IM alU-idiai acrowu tlio Canard Hiver, South ot tlio Villain ut (iunto, in Colobou- toi* North. Tho VlanH and Kp(!i.!illcationn can bo noon ut tho tllerk'a omen, (loHto, on und after Monday, S-iptinnbor *ilst., Knob tenderer niiifit furniith tho nanionof two [;0;id ami HatlnfueLory miretioii, Tito lowent or any tender not tHicuBHtU'Jly iiq- oopted. lly order ol! tho Coiuiull. ,1". A. aour/TKK, Townnhlp Clotlt. Gdato, Soptouibitr Kith, JS'JU. a Straw and Felt'Hat at Cost. Boots and Shoes to '- . at A Price. Prints as 'Low as 5c Fast Colors. G-ingliams, u 6c " .. .. (n^OCICr^I ICW AIwmvs I'rresli.. ti5c. li:A lies! in tlio .Uiulcor. \JV T> IJAHS u Krhpse" Sojip Tor "25*;. ^fr^L <; * ,,';nmrr.t" *' 12 .">< . */ V11> ' "Our Ownl'lleclrie," lor 2,"(!. ' AGENT ' i;OE...... Salada -$-Teaf 11 imlK'.sc Price Paid for Produce. VniK-e's <Jlil Sliind, I0sse\. J. A. FRANCIS. Strayed. C'nt.VVFD I'KOMT'IF, PbK.MIHFS OF TIIK ^ llllrlt:r;ji!',IH d, hot 'Jtlf). N.I'.lt.. Oo.-./ield Nortn, tlirtju Ytiarum; lloifet'tt ; two nil red an I oiia-r vtul v. itli wliit..* t;tar in 'ore! ea-l. nnd while hind feet; all have leit ear uplit, undone ot rial heifer* baa mm eve In j tired. Kowurd will he paid fur iuferiiuitiou that will lead to ttieir rueovery, WM.MOOUK, Cettaiu. C'ottiun, So:.t. 17th, IF'.HS :ib-o:j Voters* Lisr., 1896. Municipality of Colchester North, County of E;iscx. BARGAINS: AT VIOTieK I.KHKUKI1V (iiVJON THAT I U\V\', i N 'ruitHUiitted or i In liver ed to the pen-iani laentioiHid iu siuctionn Ti and 0, of tlio Ontario Voturs' Lint AoL, lh)'li, t.liu cepioH roquinid hy ;-iiid Soetiona to he trimmuitttnl or didivei'ed, of the litit liiudi) piu'Hliant to. haul net of all partion apiaiarinn ly the la.-il revi.-ieil n~aL-:i.',iiieiil rol1 ui tho naid jMuuiidptility to ho entitled tu vote in thu nahl muiiicipiLlity at eloet'.OU'i for ui.'in- 1 ji rn id the IjL.'Ki'.dati\o Ari^euildy ami at nituii- ciiuil tjli'ct.i'jiiii iini'l that, nuid li^t v.'uti ilrsr. |H>hL t.'d up at my elllcu on the 1 1th day of Supteniher, iMio, and riuiiaiim tlierc for inniiectiun. F(Iuotorn are called upon to e;:ii.nihie the liiiid li.'it i ml if imy nminmrmH nr iiuy other er- rora are found therein to talai tmiueili.i'-u pio- caslini;a lo liavo the urrorti orroeU:d aeeerdii!^ to law. J. A. COL'IYJT.K, Jlork. ot Colchester North. Dated tho lltli day of September, IM.ui. Court of Revision On the Voters:' List of the Muni- __cipadity of Maidatono 189G. NOTICK IS HKltFdlV G1VKN THAT A Court will be hidd, iniv.'.uant to The Ontario VobjlV hist Act, lf-m, by Kin Honor the .lud^'o of thu Ceunt/Crairt of tho L'ountv ol' F.H^e v, at the Couttii' Htoro, op Ijot No. 1, l-hint of Kiver l'uce, in Liio Tuwunbip of Maidiitonu, on tlio joth DAV OF SEPTEMBER, 1896, At 1J o'oloolt, noon, to lu*ar and dotermuio tho iiovcral ooinnlalntii jfJ'Ji'rorii and OniniMo;:!] in tuoVotera' hint of tlio Municipality of Maid- ntono tor IBM!. All pGi'Hann luiviut* huaiuQs.ii ut thu Court aro leipiivod tu iittoud at tadd timo anil jilaeo. At. Moinmir. eiort, MuulclpiLlityiof Maidiitouo, and couiititutod Olorlt of 1'iild (Jonrt. Dutod at Wnoduloo, lu tlio Comity of F.tircox, thin nth day ol Soptomuor, Jb'Jib . M. PAUL'S.. Must be Bleared Out in Four Woeks: 1 E-;vaiiN BMauo, now, - - tp/CjOU I s:ymiM fliaiK, nc:irly nfsiv , IOU 1 Iturn IMaimi-cnNi; Or^uu, f-vO zooii an Jie^v, tJVJ l*liuo::i nph, nnirly new,' i Q-X <mili oiii]>ien', XOO \e-tv Si;t tului'd Nd-iTin*; itla- QK ehlne, Ttoliu-y, 0_) \\v SlJindaril Snvhrs iflu- O iX el) llie, MillUJe, Ou ,".-(lr:uvt'i'!Mi'W Williams' Sisiv- O-TA lue. .'iiai lune, ueuriy iu\i', (0\J j>n illKtin- Sliicttr - - - 15 Munilolln, .---- O i^ititiu-N. VIoIIiim, tiie, and n mimiliof <>i Hecoiul-lmntl IfEnclilucM At a Bargain. Ii. H. PAUL, HOie A^i-'it lev Kiiru i'iaiion, Kuru OrKanu; tilntf tu- S.swin-: M.ichiuoH, utu. HIM'AlUlN'f NKATLY DONE. V.'Jiile lorin-.; for wutur, Win, ICoibh, lot 13, mm. ih Tilbury North, about throe miles* from Coinhor, Ht'rucK u tlovv of oi|, Tlie oil if* of it fiuo quality, i'bo woll is only 170 fuel; doc-p and 30 foot in thu roak U in rumored on ood authority'thufc tho', Ontario Cahiuet Iiilh decided to mako no appointment to the pooitiou of Draiua^o Ueteiuo, rondortal vaoimt by tlio aocoptanoa by Mr. Britton, Q.O., or a Ruafc iu tho House of (JommouH. It in intomlod topurHuethid policy unlocifi tho .work of tlio offlco in- orouueo fantor than it hafl boou lately. J . . "l'm -1 ^^^^B^r; 'r'-'a'--'-' *>'\". J"'"' ialtlB^JltB^Ki^ N.. M$M " .r. i^sgai^^

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