Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 18, 1896, page 3

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KW v.' fiW J-n , . ..^ -I1 AvA.A ,. CERTAIN;* <^ Till*. C.'XAT rarrJly Medicine of the Age. Ti'l'tn iittci'^ally, It Cures ," ti'; !, Chimp, unci Pttin in the ... i;a. 'i, fie.-} Ihroctt, Sudden Cokia, . .' - , /-'-. '-Jeternally, H Cures Pf,n, Burnt, Scnlda, Sprains, } ti'iii in ilw Face., Neuralgia, f.m.uiiuUiiini, i lostiu/ Feat. '. ih.> il l.. sn< )i mill iniiJr | ;i 'it : ii >. i ii h ii t II 'II )l II" in u'l * I > i.'.n.i il in 1 .i ii \;<> ii y (if tin* I".iin- In h.intMii.' Il.ii urtlilo - l i/irui- Tilt, Urluli i' v i. i' ; in. nil ii.iO /.....Ii a. .. 1 Dm I'liln-Uillrr, will. Il I'l II ') I J ,.\.U.l..lli.- I I 111 11 j "" ill III" II" W 111 UHU '/> lllll-Jliil O'ljini. Il li l mil Hi' rll : M. u pii iiir if r<-ru<[' |mln. no im'iIIi ii. li.r in 11*1111.1 i H-ji.n tii'iii i ijujI in -'Miry Juviii" l',.\r : il'l.-.V. ;;/ .'.. u,t, II- ".in- i-iiiiliin "Pi:illll* H-'.v: ,. ' ftuM iiM'iii,'! , I ii i Ih.til, ,'.;,_ Vii i l.iu; 11 i'-s'.. . ."in. SPECIAL OFFER. Wo avo bound to largely in- cretiso tlio circulation of tlio Pukk Pjiess and t) do ao will givo tho papor to now anbocrih- orH, who pay in advance, to Dc- combor Slsfc, lttOG, for -io conta. All subscriptions to tho Fukk Piiichh unpaid prior to tho 2nd of May and all unpaid at tho proaont time a 1*0 to bo paid and eolloc'od by uh and wo will Fulfill all subscriptions paid prior to the lorraor tlato to thn expiration, of the timo for which sumo was paid. _ Subscribe now. Address all communications to 1. BllKTT & Aui.D, Publishers, Egsox, Out. POTATO ROT. When t< VMk tlm Tubo-rt4-~ Attur Trtml.- incut SloWi^f In Nlmllow HI tin. The, qtioHtion invariably nriweH innca- Hohu'vhou rot in indirnieil, "Shall the potutoWri ho dntf at. owe or loft in tin Hoil?*' VariouH replieH urn pivon to thu qnery. Horn iH what Country(lentlo- man miyn on the Hiibject; If the, tubi'va huvn be^mi to tihnw the diwoloralionof tlm potato rot, it ih bet tor to (\\f* them nt onne. If theviner- lire dead, or nearly ko, tin* tnhevH will not Krow any more, and by leaving then: in the p;i'niiiul the mmnd niiew \v\\\ h< liahU- to l)o inferred by tlinHpon-Mof tlif iURING SEED LEAF TOBACCO l>i*lHIK'ttii VtHiillniliiii 'r<b(Mio HuriiM. After tlu.1 erop in Hiifnly liouwxl conrinn tho mncinuH work of nuririK it projiorly. Tlnoufihi>t the weedhMif m*o(;iortH thiH In Htill doiwi by air ourin^ uloiui/ whioli in iw*ooniplinluid by miniating tin; air and lunifHuro by opoitinK or oIohIji^ dtvorK or Hhuttoi-H In tho barn. Tho prootwa him b(*on improvod by uroate^ oaio in the coiiHtruotion of banm, but it ih at bont n ctudn and lmp<irfo(it method. With a viow to afford 1 Uf{ awintutici! in hero re- prndtmod from Ainreioun AgvioiilturiHt tho following advioo: This iivHt. point to avoid in tbo toe rapid dr-yinj* of iho loaf. DryhiK in not curing, and tho terniw are in. no way HynonymouH. Tho clumfto of Rolor and. oondition in tho loaf in largely duo to 11 proceiiH of fermentation whieh talcee plaro in tho Juniphttf tobunoo, and for which a certain amount ui inuUturo in tho leaf in neoeHuary. If the loaf in dried fAinjruri which are yrL in or on fhr ground, but M'hieh HueeeeduiK rani?' too vapidly, tlii-H fennontation ih oithei Will wash down into the nml and brinp | prr,Vented altogether or cheeked to nome into contact, with the tubem, where they, oxt(.nti thereby uft'cotixiK tho vohiiU cIih- will do tlieiv hateful work. If tho tupf- j ttqtrouHly. are not yet dead, they will only nervi | Ah j-llt. llH poHHibln th< air in tlio nhod to inorouKO the crop of spoien, whieh during tho wholo curing procoHH Hhould droj) from them to fho ground and which ] |J(. itcpt in mich condition that tho to by tlin next Koakinp: rain will probably; baooo will never herojnn quito dry and brittle. It Hhould never crumble whon handled. To thw end, after the find twe wcoIch following tho hanpinig, tho hIhmIh nhoxild he kept tightly nhwed during dry weather, and if opened it Hhould be at nitfht or for awliile>upon damp and niinty dayri. If tho Imildio^M are kept, ohme, tho ^roat amount of moisture ovaporat- ofl from the tobacco will keep tlm aii unfllciontly damp even in dry weather. The Heeoiul principle is to keep the nil In tho tfhed from cxoeKHive dampneMH, which, with heat, cannon a dentruotivi fernuntation, or rotting, which in entire ly flitYerent from the fcrmontation of ........ -- . tho ourinK prooiiHH, For thi** roafion tin tin-fundus iH in Huch an early staK? of huildinK Hhould bo kept well opened CHURCH DIRECTORY Mktikiwm. III*. P'mi'.m, Vwtr.i. Hnrvif( avuryHuiiflio nt 11 ii. in. .iimI 7 . 1". Htiiii-no Hohoolat'J:- ' p. n . U. T. Niiyn-f, ^m'ut"t'" " nut of Holioi 'll'. X'tiuH'lay kv. iitH o'< m-. 'li-ii -1 Vu-yfi matithifjott 1 Inifiiiluynv. nhii,. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1,. VAUK IHHUI'.U OV MAUKIAOV LI- rminoH, )Ualiaf<1tml) Jl)kM ICuuux, Out. ..... - -, In Hit oi- at Mror/*ffo LlaonMB (iiiii'iinnlornr I11 0 .J., uto. liaaUi, Ont \1 v. IV to :lr by be carriod thnvu and brought in contaot with tlm tubers, thus incrca^iiiK tin11 dentructivo work. If tho top^ are not ( dead and we cmiM bo huio of no morr j rain for a few weeks, it would perhaps j do to leave the tubers in tlio ground, but thiH iM net 11 eertiiinty, nor in it doKirablo. If tho tubers are dutf and only tlu unund onew stored in ;i onol, dark, dry cellar, tho Hurfare having first been dried, they will not be likely to rot. SomotimoK, however, the rot continues to develop after the tubers are Htoivd. Tins is broiifjrhti about in two or thru wavH. Tlio tuber may be alVeotod, but OlCOnciJ 01' J'lNfOiAHI) Jtov. A.n.Itnv<irly, In oumlumt, Ht. 1'iuilii, lliiititx, Oivuioiutrvloo it very h'u ncl y nt 7 n'elo"lf, *, m Htuidny liulioo! r.t 1(1 u. in. TWttitv Cliiiroh, North JUil((< Hlin 1'iyHohool nt Uirip. m. Thu puMIo. uru cor- l.ully hivitod. IMooiavi i'.iuan, W. M.KhnnInu, Tiuitor' f-*i** vlonuon Kiililiiit)) nt 11 a. in, mid 7 Mti n. in Hah' 'lutli H(!hfjol ut'J:'iO p. rn. I'ruyor an Udr and I'uiltoi'ii lilldo til nun ou Tuoidiiy aL7.ii(J p. m> Hnnlnl Union on Wii'liiomlav at H.ldp. HjU'Tiht (.'ncitcn. ltov.M. P. Oainplndl, I'ait- tor iTviiniH orioh HilIiIhlUi at 11 n. in. utnl " p .1. Prayur tiii-ntiui; nn 'I'luuinlay itvirdoii lv \<f II Villi KT'l vv. I>. UKAM.iM, 1 Immor of Mio-rlii^d TjIcoiiHi.'ft. Iimuruuco agoat* Nlfflit oJilcn nt Pw.dllnit TAMIOT HTUKl'/r, MHHWX, nt ft o'clock conunl. riuiitu friiti. AH am cnnlially wol- develo])Uient tlidt it ban not yet produc ed a suilUuont riiwolorat ion to bo noticed. The rot. in Huch casen will bo likely to d'-volnp and make itsproKoneo kurnyn in due time. Atfain, theiv may honporof in contact with tho surface of the potato, but whieh have not yet went their (;or- miiial throadH into it.i flesh. and ventilated tho first week or two aft er hangmKi that, tliu fresh ourrentH oi air may carry off the largo iLinrmut n!; Vn^/py, if Muinll I moisture evaporating from tho tobacc and ulpo ohook uny tenrlency to cxcohh- Ivo heating. During tin* wholo time oi curing, after any protracted time of or warm, mu^Ky wouthcr, tlu ^ Jut to Route an Amy of ForaiiflaWo Tres passers. CoiiMtll>atl<nf I>lyzliioNu, I'aln iiml^r thoBlioiiIdi'i* Itlnd^H, Sir It SIt'ndaclie JO)i>rcMi'd froiiiiu, llloailnir ultui- ISntlu'^ I>r!tlllty mid Iimoiunla, rr- NUltfrom an Inactive- Mvcr, Dr. Agnow'fi Livor Pills, 10 littlo Kcd- CDatH at a coat ot 10 cents will sot yon Vtght in abort ordor. Filed of tcntimony to provo it. Vtfanted-An Idea Wti<> i'hm '"0: (if nuii. tliiritftt>L>uiL-nf and ESSEX IIoadqiiarcoi'H tor Kcbnol liuolui, Hclinol finriphe^. Nolo I'apci-J'hivchjprH, Ink>, Writing Tablets and oliico SLationerj. - ( damp If tho potatoes nro_x>ut_ in tlio cellar' rihedH should bo oponed until tbo tobac liile yet moist or with Tnoist lumps of j Co is partially dried off. To carry out earth adhering to them, tho dampiie.sH [ both thoso principlm the shod should will cause tlieso spores to germinate, bo ko constructed an to jicrmin of itH be- and tho potato will in duo time show i,,B lightly closed and also of its being oponed and thoroughly ventilated. Li^bt Hhould be carefully excluded dur ing tho curing proeeHH, osjieoially in itn later Htages, a it in found that Ktronu, light lias an injurious nfl'eot upon tin color of tho leaf. Tho tohacco burn in commonly yen* spr pi b HigiiH of rot. In tho third place, an uflVotcd tulicr may communioate the disease to u Found ono with whioh it is in eontiu'.t. It is desiralilothereforo that they ho stored in crates or iii nhallosv bins, ko that they can bo more windy kept dry and moro easily examined and case jh fhU'oicitt. AgfihiHt Hi-Minx 11 ay. .&. DTSI'KNBINfl AND FAMILY imiUJUIST. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wilfion Ave., next Aberdeen Hotel any affected ones that may appear b | tilated by opening doors running the quickly taken out. Moist uru is tho j full lmigth of the sides. Jacob Zimmcr, friend of tlio rot, dryness its enemy, j an authority on this crop in tho Miami Last housoii tlioro was little or no rot | valley, says a butter plan is to have tho There was not rain enough to carry, tobacco barn as airtight as possible by what spores may havo been produced! milling strips over all eracks, excep't into tho ground deep enough to eomo in | to out away six inches l.-ngthwiso at contact with tin- tubers. This season the j bottom to admit fresh air and leave an opon Hp.ioo at top under, tho eaves, thus providing constant circulation of air. Screen space at bottom with wire not- Many of tin- farmers of Mam.i have j ung to k.rp out, vermin. If the wouthcr in tho past been in tlin habit of sidling , jH V(Ty (hy w]u.u tho tuhuomis harvest- morn or less bay, which does not nhuw j ,.(1( Mr< yjimmiiY Would wet it before the hi-st, of judgment if eonrmued to ]mnf,ing in sueli ;i barn. IMhe Wiethe* excess, according to a corrnspondejit <,f ^ bec-omi'M very wet with dense fogs and Tlin New England Homestead, who JUU<,h rain, so that tho erop may rot in- writes as follows on the subject : stead of cure, put in small ena! stoves If the fertility of the farm is to be | (,V(,ry .J() iV,lf (lt lll1; j,.I1(,th 0f the house, kept up, we should feed all (air hay and | with ^^ thn.ugh tlu roof. Keep up ;, many otliir product grown upon tho gentle heat to dry the air somewhat, farm. This, practiced with j.rudenco | but admit enou-b fresii air to maintain and eeonoiiiy, will insni'o kuoccss in, its free circuhitiou.' most eaes. It is not every so called farmer that know,- what a ton of t Protection Krom Karly FrnHt, worth to feed o. our domestic animals, , Xn disim-ls in Japan where fruit,- for the very reason it i.s dom in a slip- _ aiui vcgetallle.s am liabh* to suffer fmm sliod manner. Vust study tho animal ' (.iirly spring frostn or, to speak mere- ami then tin: feed best adapted to ue- , orologieally, late hpnng fronts they complish the rcsulth, whetlierit be beef, carefully pros.-rvo all tho primings of pork, mutton, poultry or milk. Kvery their trees and makn heaps of them in ton of hay uirro d from tin- farm repri- : variou,-, outlying portions of the or- sents a roriuMiniiujuiitof fertility. Hay , (!h:iI,i,. Whn\he fro.t likely to do injury j (VHt ()f 1Hineral matter. Tho am- properly i.,1 to milk cows utthe price 1S imminent, they start on, of thrs.Mnml lun(l roilniM. d olueily of insects, of milk and us nianuiaetured prorluets , brush tin s in the dnvction irnm which | hi(.u C(jrilll.a .Jr, r f((. r of t,Ml (.IlUn, at tho profit time giv h the farmer a , tin- wind comes. They only make _ tin j f()()(1 of thf, yt>ar_ B(lutU.Hi KriWshopiicrs and catorpillars wore chiefly eaten, al- MIXING FERTILIZERS. (low Sop irate r-if-r * f 11 il I ^* >J:iy U" Mlxml Ht Home Hi-lpJul MilxuhUihih, Not a few fanner-, purchase unmixed ingredients and u\..\ these at home. The conveniences needed t(> do one's own mixing ari as follow^: A tight hum (loor or cart li floor that in hard, smooth, dry and under cover, platform scales, shovel, iron hand ml:" or hoe and a sand screen. In a bulb'tin Untied from lb'1 Now York Mat ion farmeiN are ud- vi- d v.dien tliey do their own mixing not to attempt to liear atones or rook with Miljcmno aenl (oil ot viiriolj, bat to pm'-!ia o their imporpho^phatc from tie* n unil'aet or-r. ( dher lielpful sug- ge -tions ;,]\- ;t-, lollows: It on" li.:-- }iureha-ed the different materials in the ri^ht weights, sucli as lie wants to u-io lor. mixing, iheuno weiglang i^ necessary, ,is he 1ms simply to nil\ all t!c materials Im has. If he Make-, diT rent mixlures, then the diil't rt at mat'-rials hhould be weighed jtee\iraie]y. If the material is at all ie sii'tefi with a sand st en, the lmuos ^"m-mri'd and then pulveri/.ed luto'-c li nig added to tho pile f>f line matt rial. When the materials have lieen thus pr. pared, the uio-r, bulky mati'rial is I o'..t upon the floor in an oblong |e t! v.uies from i\ to 10 inches in d"otli. The top is leveled oil'and then a layer of the nexr material is put on, not([uiteFo rimd;, and so on until tho different rnn.ditueiiJs lniv" been added In tin* pile, c,i:c lirijig taken to make such ma'( vial coyer the onu under it evenly over tin' whole Hurfare. Then one .should coiune'iion at. one ond and shovel over the pile, reaching clear to th ' bottom every lime, After mixing welhtli-' i:.i\< d portion is passed be hind. \Y!i"ii the whole pile has boon tronied o.iee nt I his Way, then the mixed pi!n i i 1- v 1 d, swept up around the edges and again treated in tho same manner. Th.s proei s-; 'houhl be repeated threo' nr four tinu *. Any lumps notici-d at any f ime Mio-ild b'1 thoroughly broken up Jf gr-ati r t (loiougliness i.s desired, tho n.i:;hn'o may be sifted or hcreened bi fVife sr'k'ing. It is convenient to weigh into backs winch will hold from 100 in 1,'iU pounds. < )nn should take gi'T.i pallia to pureita.-" his materials in lim iy ] <\\.. ii d and perfectly dry cnt.i- dith n if he plans to mix tho materials a'- hum' . <;ni'.i' . ,i<'UtinlM. A ion liom I ho agricultural deoaitmeid .' Washington enntaius ob- se]*vtu ii in:-, o i the dit i of the crow black birds by ti Id oijvrversm illllereiit parts of tins ciuiutiy. In t be I'DiirMi of tho mvi stigatnm.s thero were rxumined the cmitents of the stomachs of ^,J.">h blackbirds from the I'a-itein and eonfral portjon of tho tTuiteil Stales and from Florida. The food w;ii found to show -IS per emit of animal, -IH percent of vegetable and -1 Uoman Cai'homc Fr. fJ. K. Muddn, t'liutov. HrV:o( ovnry othnr Huniliiy (itH.ilOji. in. Kaiuliiy Sclinol at.( n. in. MuWi'Ionh -Hi.'ili iiiiifin und imrinfni at lO.IJl) a. in., cuteoliuiiii ut, 'J |i. m , hantmiii nt, :s p. ai., vi'Hpnin iilid lirlierlictinii nt 7,11. in. 0. K. M (io(.,_r. r.___'I'Ion Aasiv.-Citpt. Bndtli and TdcaiL. Piytou in eiuiiiinonl. Hnlvution miintln^fi Wed- iii'iulay.'I'litiiiuliii and Ktunlav (iveuliiii(i;Fr(](i and I'jiiiy.haturday evnnini; anil il ]' in. Hunday; Holt noun iiujotinr,'!. for chi'lhUuitS triilny ovminut ami 11 a.m. Kiindiiy; Kikki Drill 7 u hi. uvory Hiutday. A.I1 nro Wdlctmio. UNDERTAKING. HPMJMMH -11, VwlavUiUuY u.irt Viimltave I Mid or. '(lollliifi, lioaio ntul factory uirJa from S;) to *lto. MROrofjor.Op* ARCHITECTS. _ JOHN A. MAYCOCK, AHCIU'tKOT, Ao., Kotim 10 ami 11, Flemiiif( liuiUlluK, Wliuliior, Out Plioun 21. i: LEGAL. T^ A. WIKMKH, DarrlHtur, HMIcltor. Notiu. Vj rid)li (to, Mtuuiy to loan. OHlcnFt, Dm ntiin Idoclc, un-HtairH, Khimx. -1-1 v I'KTMltK Itftvrlntor, Holioitov, Notat Otlico uv( ttrutliorti' ituidt. ft fin ox f-ontro, Y" L. I'KTftltH Itfti 9 * lMiblic Monuy to IjOhii. fU.WlKK, HAUTbKT & II UlTLKT, Hurrii KJ torn, ntc. Olllcen, Mi dbnrv lUocli. Wllnl'ir. Private fumlii to loan. A. II. Ci.Aiucn, L L. II. N, A. 1Uhtm:i A. It. IlAltil.IiT. If. A. TjfftNHV" C. WAhTKHH, J-.D.II., Attormiy ami .L C'oniifii-lor at law. Koludtor m (.'hancerv, .Proctor in Ailnnralty^ I'atent Kolicitor, Utlico, Nnwlicrry llunduiu, cor, Oriiiuuld ami Larmul iilri, Detroit, Midi. (Canatlian ululrmt uijiiniitt. inirHomi in tliu UlltU'il StateH collet ted.) ltofr()nconi Iiiiiierifi] Hunk, ftm-ex, Out, J. D. I'oLfJii, l.i(j , Hurt-inter, utc, Kunex, Ont K.A. Wmtiiur, l-,h(|., liiuilHtur, otc, Ihmox, Out SOCIETIES O. O. F.-KNTKItPItIHK Lodijo No Slid monttinvnry Thnniday, ftvonln/j at 7.l,',. Odd fullowii I lull, In third ntory Diniutan M Vlidtiiiffniomboni uf othor lodfioiiwill vnof'A frntorniil wolcomn. W. CIIATTKllTON, I UIONTHAIj KNOAMPMKNT, No. (10, met Oildfolluwu' nall.DiniHtarjIii Illoclt, on tlu 1 fcnd tliinl Ttioudiiy iminoli month. Vlnlt/irff dlally roceivoil. Minnborii of Hubordluiituki' in tlio Jurlndiotioii, invttud to Joih., HANNAN, O. P., a. J-\ lllhlj, Uua. t.^BKICX KIRK 11KIOADM. MKETH MVi J J Friday ovuiuni,' In tho Flrnninn'ii rooii t tlin Htono bufldinj;. Jan. MoMumiv, Gtnui Itobt. I'lirltnr.Caiitaui; A. JJiirnlnim, r.ioiitoii- ant; P. Diifin, Socrotary; rntii.Utyntt.'J.'roamiroif. rtotiHT icoyAb, no. aw. r. o. f. v_-* JI)i)t.n Hcrond and fourth Tinmdav'H lu Qua', month in 1. (>. O. V. Hull at H o'clock a. do, Vihitna; lircthern will b(t j;ivon a fniti-.rnal v'rl conio. ft. McCauidanil, C. H., W. C. fihaw, Boofl M. J. Wiclo.C.JJ. II. a H. A G ft NTH wan tine profitable omployuiont iV tlinni|jli tbo mminmr can find ft with uh, an wu Iiilvo nowont Huiuiiaii vartotloii of Nuniory muck and now Bood PotatooH. Hillary or coin- inifidion. Writo uh at onuu for turritory. Pftb- 1IA.M NUHHKUY CO., Toronto, Out. 2IMU6 MEDICAL. I^HH. PltlftN (t ItltlHN. .Titit. Prion. St. I)., L. It . (!. P. .'i, Kmriuntu of Quoon'K tJnivoniitv, Kinciiton, intimbur of Col- Iiifto of rbysiciioiH and Mur^oonh,Ontario, (irad- natn ot Now York. Post (Jradnato Mudicnl Col- 1OK0. J. W. Urlnn. M. D., f!. M., V. T. M. CI. Honor (^rinluato of Trinity MiUcid tJnlln(;n. Honor uruduatL' of Trinity UnlveiHlty. Mfanimr of tlio ('ollo^fi of PnyHiciiin i and Snrneonti, Out. (Irail- uatn of New York. Punt Ortnlmito Alodioul Collo/[o. Oillooovor ftiiflnx Mndicid Hall dni fitore. Continuation rounpi, bolh on ground linor and tlrat Hat above. Tnlcpliono in iioth olliuii and rofiidonco, All callrt attund'id tn from olll<;(j, dnifi Htoro, or rehidonci). Ituiiiiltinco, Talbot utroot, front of fair (jrouad'j. DENTAL. H- P. MAUTIN, D. I). H., Tj. D. K. (Jraduuto in DtaitHtry, Iioval ColIcKf of Dnntal Snr^nons, Ontario, anil Univoruity ot Toronto fluirHPH, niodorato. OIllco, ovor Prion <k Cop lnm utoro, . lB-lv *^'.^.,'.' ^s^V'V "The Niagara Fallxliouie." OOINfJ ISAbT raUini! olfoct .Juno =21^, 1H30. Loam Kxp. Aocotn ncooia VETERINARY. WH, ItKJHAHDSON, VKVftltlNAItV HUH (IKON. Iiouoniry ni'iidiiiite of Ontaiio Veterinary tlolte^o, Toronto; nioinber of On tario Veterinary Medical Hoi'ioty; Diplnndst in Deutidtry; troats all dKtumi'fi of donmraicatiMl iiiiimidii; cuttlo dehorned by the latent, iinjiroved l.eavitt clip pel ('all ii by telephone or teUi- i;raph promptly nttniidcd to. KeKi.leueo,tbre(- (Ifioru tiitHt (d nid null; office in pout, otficd biiildini;; iiitlrin.trj . directly opiKiHito. LAND SURVEYOR. I AM ft K K. IjAIltD, Provincial Land Hurvovo! and County Knjdiu-oi, fti.nox (,'untro, Out Oillce, Dunutan Hluii'., np'didrH. AUCTIONEERS. I TftNUY HKDK1CK, Auction, et. 1 1 promptly utti tided to. A'irlrce Salop . Smith Wooiihlee, Out. Peit>nii" di-sil iri|* to heciiro nic may leave word at tlio ftlll.i; PltllhK ollicu. ti II. HftDKICK llotroit....... Windhor .... Pelton........ Maidtitounc ftHflUX..... Woodnleo.,. Ituncouib ,,. Cond;or...... Kfdflctown,. Kodnoy...... Ht. Tlioinan London....... ut. ThoinuK... Hodnoy........ Itidtfotnwu..... Comber ..'" '. HuHcoinb...... Woodhl( u...... Khm'X ......... Manifitdno Cr I'.dtou ......... Windhor........ Detroit........... Mall a.m. z>;n .i-ffi (5(jH ij.ia (...17 ll. Hi ii r.:j 7.i" H.'Jfl a..Mi Kxp. a.m. a, in, run 10.10 jo lo.a.'i b.I7 11 .M 1.05 fioiso wi:ht. p.m. 110 ft oi fj.ll) B.:i7 C.50 fi.flti C.05 7 10 i.m a. rn. 7.:m 7.15 * 7.51 S,01 H15 H.^l u:.a p.m. 1-2.10 ii. In a.1!* in? fi. si- IVlO o.O.I *; it li. l-p 7.1U a m. 1I.U0 1(1 2ii ll.;n la.os a a.-io WJndiior uc com ii. m fi.14 0.x 7.;n 7.B8 o.'ja ',0.11 .w in.Kl 10. VJ KMIO 10.50 v>W 1125 OJW 0.17 0 50 7.1ft Amhei'Hl hurir Ifjot'nl Trulnu. i:abt a.m. p.lll fthfiex b.lir> D.KU fi.aO ftdftarn II 17 0. HI fj.10 I- ft A- D HXhitf H.i!l !;ia 4JI7 MuG-euor li.'JO 0.:H) i.m Durdon 0(1.1 o 10 Uf> Ainhoi-htbui-B 0,00 0.05 <UI) ^vl:'lT [i in. a.m. a.m. r.i,.,i h.or. o.u u.i;:i air. li.21 1*2.(0 h-22 (i -J.1 P2 l.i h.ii." ii- io i2:r> h.n li.15 KMIi H.Cu All truiiifi aro run on central Htandard timo, whieh ia hixty inimUea nlower than ftuuox time. For iutmnifitiou ami niton to oolon- ihta moving wopl .lobn (i. T.uvon, Pan- hoii^'er Acuut, ht. 'I noiniih, (). W. Kuunloi,, G(m- oral Pahfien^'or and Ticket Afjout, Chlcfifio, 111 or A, O. HtimorH, Atidiit. Khrux. L- E. & D-R. Ry, TIAIi". TVHLK NO. 21, taking oifocL Monday, .June -i">, lh'.iti. Trai'iH run hy Kiihtorn Htand- nr4.1 Time. Dnilv except Kuiiday K"('d mitrgiii nn tlie outlay. A lui^e t-nou^li to niako u Hinoke, us i-xpliiined IHirtuiuoi t'nru^o ci-dps Hhould he (Us- in ^rrelnui'M Mnntlily. To iniikn n lire poM-d c* on the farm and all the iVrti- ] }VA^ :i t.Midcney to hriiin the cnld into li/Hitf material well cured i'or and prop- | th,. oirhai'd ratiuu* th.ui to keep it out. Ileal rarcliesor li^itciiH the atmosphere, and (he cold or heavier air pjvnrteH i'or- wnrd unto tile v.ieunin made by th** heat expand* -<1. They depend on t hr snioko and not the heat for protection. erly di-.trihuteil. The mon manure, the more hay; the morn hay, t lie more | tdoek; tin* more of the riK'hl kinds of dork, the morn the piotit. Curo f Smi'iI l*otatocn. Kvery jiotato ^rown- -should have Un seed potatoes i'or Ids next c.rojt Mavet Th<e Army Worm, The army worm has mino and j^one. The latent improved Ii*onm|2. CJolJai'H mid Cult-. or. broiili wine,. iriiuihini'iy tar Will nol crack while diKtfine; tho present one. In tin.-, ] The oaterpillnr.s tlud. did m mueh dam- he can ehoiKe tubers from the hills Family work elm ip. and dolivorcd. L'urcih cdl -d lor way Hint hnve ^tr'^uL^ vi/jiinuih growth and can he dej.ended on ta fnifr-;:it this ten dency. iMneh depends (ui keeping the ii i'd from premature hproutin^. Here i.i what The American I hill ivaloj' say> on the Sillljeid : V Pb /', i l'lotiHc d'tll and try. HO chartio will he made. f uiu no you, rocom-noiul uh tn your hre-nd-.. ft. K- <'v... n^e are now sli'dtered uniler Htnnes, jioards, f^russ or rutdiish alun^' i'eiu-e.- or burrowed in the ground, passing through the j)iipa sta^e. In this eoniiee- th in, Kami New Yorker says: "We net d not fear lliein a^nm thi.i neaMJii, hut \\c may prevent future broods by killing all Olie Of the hl'ht iireventJVeH of this IS wt. rui, (,f tnjN y,,,ir'H (,r,,]lt Wherever il It UGt .,iLtitif[iMory j to expire the potatoes to li^-ht and air , jH pn-.sible, burn over tin* Krass or ^nun rk riuitn I ns-nuir-li iisji'i-Hihle. This may turn tin* (udds where the worm.-- were seen, hkin Kieon and spoil the potntot k i'or t Bum iilim^' the i'eiie, .s and el. :iu up the , hut make:-,-tin m better for seed. Until really cold feather conies the pdtutoe.s nM'd not be put in pit*, hut I hey sliimld he just about the time that the ground i'rec/.es. They will keep ei V ,f Iii what you can rely on putting when you buy from uh. Our wn^on ^ous to all parta of the towu. i Buns, Uakes and Pastries, You cant find incur, freaher, nr Hweot- or in tho country. All kindb of I'unoy Cukob and Jolly BoIIf. Fresh Taffy and Candies every duy. Wu eoll iiotUiufi ntalo or dry. Leave Your Order and you oim ro!y on prtra t do- livery. FRANK FOSS. Oppoolto Bmolt & Franc In, S?ox ruhliish. A heavy rnllor on level ticlds will kill of the wunie, Where furrows were made to stop the worms, tlm p;nisH and rubbish left at the sides should he carefully burned or n moved, though ins:eets of other orders as well us spiders and myriapods worn niprn- H(!iitod. Tlio VDtfOtalilu food was i'ound_to con sist cldidl}' of grain und fruit. (Jorn was eaten to the e;],-at<^t extt at. Wheat was also eaten to n small extent. JAuH ap]ie.u-i d to be an important dietary ele ment and consisted chiefly of wild va rieties. A considerable quantity of mfx- ious weed seed wari found in the Htuin- a<;Jiri ('ol'leeti d durin the winter and sjiring months. Jt i.s the belief that though Ihe crow blaekbirds may cause considerable injury al times when thuy culhut in large Hocks the damage in more than balanced by their destruction of injurious insi cts, and t hut they should not, he indiscriminately destroy ed. "I \ SINCIiAlU, TdCKNSKD AUOTIONKKH 1 '. lor tlio Cnimtv of*\. Hiulilf of Inyhtli 1'ivit.iou Pourt. All kiiidri of Farm and other Sale-i eolidueli-il' piowptl v. Hut en rea-oimljle and luiniidied on itnplifntinn. I!iniuii'Lr'i niav iijinly at W. I> JteiniiiLU'o nlhcn, or ai tlio otlice ot Division Court Clei k, Mr. .loliu Milne I (iHN (iOliMLHV. f) I.IULN'KKH At'CTlONHKP lor the County rd Km,o\. All Kliidtj ol tarin htm;k htd(-s, t-lc., i-inidiicted piomjith and on nhort notice. U.Ltcs letittoeaWo l'ri.ioi:H de,*iraldi' lo anitni-e ^*dei' may io so ly eaUinj; ut the Pnii: I'iu'.hs ollicu or by applyiiifj to 4 J.tiOKMkKV, P (l. Pox lrr. i'.t-.-iex, Ont. A~ H'l'ATIONH. A M A M 1' M IA J'. A m iMr. 4,na '.l 10 P-MlO ii ill pop Widhery'le Ar '.) 1" li.DO, 'J..'lo 11.17 i-J.:m ti.'^'SVulkervillo n:i e.-lO, -M5 w c:< VI ur t;;,.....Pelton . ... S f.7 &.:iS 4.fiG much better in a pit than in cellars , for in such places arc tlio worms likely which aro always kept at too high and ! to hi* found." uneven a temperature. Jf the potatoes are exposed to htinbght until nearly (,'reeti in the fall and then buried in pits, they will lie free from sprouts in April, winn they should be again got out and exposed to sunlight hi fore be ing planted. Potatoes treated thus make much more vigorous growth and pro duce nn earlier urop than thoso manag ed in the usual way. I**cnco I-uw In Nw York. The law of the state of Now York U that every mim shall maintain hiB lino fenoo fio uh to turn hogB, shoop imd cut tlo. and ho is not allowed to eroct barbed wivo without tho cunaont'of the adjoin ing noighbor. If he. piuituroo hia ivoodH oi* his noighbor has u piiBturo adjoining, tho fonoo must bo orootod. Baoh party must maniutaiu half the Eouoa Nltrouoii In Cottonneod Meal. Tho Oonneeumit station exporimont.H have (Uuiionstrateil that the nitrogen in cottonseed meal and linseod meal in fully us available as that in driod blond und more ho than in tnnkago. Nitrate i>f soda and cottonseed meal will give, the desired combination of niinoral and ifcrgunio nitrogen >ut least cost. Tho more iiitolligont furnuira soem to understand this, for inimunso quantities of cottonseed moul have focon used in bone mixtures this year. The bright, yellow inoal ntiould alwuyu ho uHod. Tlio darlc, unhullod meal ih coHtly at miy prico at wltioh it 1h uow offorotl. In oh- timatinpf tho coHfc.of potiuih in tho aamo wtiy 1t Jitw boon found that umviato in by fur tho ohouponfc aonroo, in Homo lavgo lotu falling Ixilow ^oenta a pound lu prioo. EXT. OF Ij^JtANK M< CLOSKK\ , Miudfitone, thlrty- 1 hcvon yearn' uxpnuuiuo it:) nn auutioiKjerin the County M Kbm-\. SUui comltioted promptly, 'Ltnl to 1\\ the duto for a hale ran haw) tlienihttlvt k a dii*o hy rallimj at tho I'iti:r Purs1* ollice Wn ! ave anani;ed with Mr MeL'lo'iliey and will lo. tl.i- diLteb tor Male;, hy tule^rupli, mitiroly Ireo of nil cliai'i'e 10 11.(i pel' on hold.l.fl the Hale. Ad- drcrtb 1 laiilc McCloiki*v,.Miiidntone CrotiH, Out, H3f. BAKER. J1K nldetit liuaineu-) m town, t'lhtublii'ttu - , Lb7ii. Firt.t-cliih'- broad and cakeh ol al Kindn. WodiPup (iiihc-H it '(iiociulitj . Qroeorinn nrevibioiiH, llonr. tet d, unit in;d perk. Contuo lionet Y. eroel:erv.!:litHH\vioe. ClUlia'd It'll it ham! 'ejadtibloH of "I! kuidb. (londh promptly de T, Ihurtjd to all inirtn ot tho town liU-tt J. M. UlCKb, LAND AND LOAN AGENTS GKiHUiK .1. T1IOMAH, C&nvevaneer, Cone iniHRioner, in iliqli Court of Jinitl.'t-; dealer 'U Kelil r,ntute und Moit^'iiROR,. ^ioeoy to loati ut the lowtnt vutu cd inU-rtibt. Karnni honeld '.nd bold. IiiHnvHiieo talcen in the niont relfabii lOinpitiiieH. priiwmf* nt doedfi, niortfjiijitifi and 't'iiPf*Fi a fipucifdtv. Chur^ufi modttiutc and all k;nhincim nroniptly iLltc-udert to. Call at tlic "*entrivl Teh i mm othui'. KfiHfxCoutre. BO-lv Plaee in thy world for yomiR mon and wuinuu to Hooure a HuhinuEia EduL'iition.KliortliaiHl.etc, in the Detroit niuiiueHii LTnivrirnitv. Uo- troit, Midi Illiiiitrutudoutiilointo Fnto. Itefornnepo ; All Detroit, 1<\ .TKWKLn Pren. P. H. BPKNCKK, Ron. Evjry oryinp; ovil flhould ho promptly removed. Biclt hondaoho ih ii crying ovil ufffoting thriifiandH of Cfitmdiana, which a an <janily bo removed by tho uno oC Bur- doak Blood Bitters, tho bout known iKoimiah, livor and bowol ronnlfttor and euro for Hick hoadaoho from whatever oauBo ariolng. Far Cholera IVIorbup, Choloni Infantum, Crnmpp, Oolio, Dlarrhwa, Dysoutory and Suramor Complaint, Dr. Fowlor'ii Exttaot of Wild Strawberry ilia prompt, nafo and Hiiro euro that ban boon a popular favorite for nearly GO years. !*: .) liM.-iliun kjMi I'jr.n { , i7 U).i:i titii l.JU ll/i'J l.:k) 7.1H i ;u r.n 1 :i"i 7.37 -i t WA'i 7M 1 i" h !'.>! 1-J."eri.l7 1 id s-J-J r, is h.:,J (j.iiU H.-Ki 10. M lu UK'.il lll.l-J 10 Vi nt.w 11.11) 11."-M 11 !'I ii.:tii 11.11 11..Vi t Ol.lcustle. IS CM I Taquettn.. ^ 17 MeC.rej^oi- .. .. ,H 4'J I New I'liniuni... 'H Mil . i lliivnhllold Harrow ... ..... | Arner..... Kini;"Ville .. Huthvi'ii .. . Li'iiiitmiitun Wlii'iLtifiy .. ( Keuu ick .. .., ( OlithWOltll ... i (ih'llWOOd.. Moriiu 11 .VJ 1*2 01 t> I'J '-IT h 2-J .'H 11 . h it . 7 r,i .,7 -10 .7 lM .|7 in .17 10 1JS 11,63 . 7 no liiijy 7.(i:i .ill ft-JlTJ.21 7.1U ! -ir ii:.r. U7 Ktimhbon ......'H -1(1 1'JCfi 7.23 n.i7 5.( H1 fi.0U 1,115 l.MH 4 .'-'5 1,00 :i 15 IMS j.-lii l.."t l.:js 5.00 fitvr n.ns !i!iS ri.iin run fi fit (i.iiti n.ia r.:!d fi.42 l_ i) i n.iiii r.;iii ...... ,-iiuiuibuii ...... " .".-'" . - li!.H! (J.ur, (mju ...ICcdurKpriiiRH...,!'. :u'll?H 7.27 W1H f.. 1 r> ii (,7 Pdt'nheiiu Juuct'u (1 21 il.SIl t,d>l V2-11 n:tf. il.l-J .....nienhe'JU .....Jli 2H.ll.lfl 7.37 i-;:m fi.t:.' id io.ifi, 7.<: 1-J.-1D 7.01) *).:il Arliideetowu Don li OQdO.UO oCU V M. 1-. M. r M |A.M.'l'.3l. I'.M. i Pint; Htittioni.. Train" only when tboro aro pttbhonceri nt or for tliL'Ro iitatleuH. Misoil triuitii itro tit id timeb nihjoct to ho cancelled WM WOOLLATT. Gouoral Bunorlntomlont. To Jiiivu iiiiywiioio, it no, you want It Good , .. ...and tho place to fiut it id at JOHN McDOUGAlt'S Livary, Sale & Feed Siables (iood.TIontlorn in tittuudanco day nud nifdit, HORSE-SHOEING In thin brunch of our bunlnoBH wo bava Ijjat- oIu"worUmoii and will ijimrantoo Batl-afaotloii in Bhooinu IIqmob that Intorfnro, Ovor-lloaoh or- havo ConiHor Ooiitrnototl ffoflt. Woniako a BpooIaHy ol Bhooliig Head ana Tiraalt HoronB. tse" Tdephom' OonwcUon, . vx-t a xTOTtTl^irt HovomlUratolaBaoioma W A JN 1 T* LI to attond to on>- bual- uobb in tlilB and ailjoInI Oountioa Apply with y%niBB)ur.isy-GtAnitnTflOKOo-. Ltd.,, illlaliiaond St. Woab( Toronto, Out. .W 9918

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