Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 18, 1896, page 2

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DR. SUNSHINE. * b^ain, phvlus. With IToaltb tho World ia it World of Sunulimo vVHh Dificauo. a dark, Gloomy, Prifion-Lilto Abouo Tho Grout South American UumudioH Uavo Brought. Buck tho Huimhino to'Many a Lifo. Rhoumatmrn What joyful iiowk to the .Bnffror from ohi'ouio rhuuumliiHrc or nonr- .algiu 1 That hulanl relief and un aliHoluto onro ean ho hud in from mm to three days by UHiiiU tho (Iront Honth Amiirienn Uhcu matiu Onro ni>cjmn inoroditahli!, but tliouu- andBHiiy it'u it fuot, ami bore in tho totUi- niony of om> : "For thro,; yimrii T nattered untold mhwry in my loga, for hx montlm I wan confined to my bod.- 1 mini all tin* ordinary rumodieii I could lay inj hiindn on. Month American Uheumatio (hire be ing brought to my notice, I procured a boUln and it gayo mo inntant relief. A ( few bntt'.L-H completely cured mo." Uforgo 1 Donham, drugged, Pctroloa. I ------------- KldimyH HpuiUanuouH, uuuobcitcl, ton- timony n. the highest recommend that I "It Was ahnoM enough tonra'/,e a bo given tho Omit South .Ynmrican Kid- I man outright," .-aid tin1 old diver. imy Ouro. What it ban done it can do | "Ave, it was a tight fix that in tho **!Wty Phylllii." Hiilfl I, "truly You liuvu ehuatml inn unduly." "How, I prythnti?" Hidil alto to iiiii, "I hnvrt only what in duo nin."1 "You luivn more," ludd, I, Iwitfullliitf Grotty rhyllln with my umllhitf. t tiAVv, j[)vi-u you u huixlrml Chiinena to uiy"Yiih,' and wondered "Why you Imvn not mdd it. Won't ynu Hay it uowV" Bhd uniiworud, "Don't you- "Thlnlc my 'Yen' or creator valuo? Lut init Ji-tlt yuu ono thing, 'Hindi you Htopyour i^lvlni;?' IT I thought *o, Then imrhiiiH 'YeV mtghfc li" bought "o; Hut It 11 mi fiwi-i-t. tn hmir ynu Uivine me tin- nhunnj I feiir you" "Held!" iTH'il I. "You do but. bimb'r, And I eli.-. -1 the deal heitimt it." W. .1. Liuupt'in in New York Hun. m niK DRAMA. nny Onro. what it Han done 11 can no *'A\v, H wus iuij,'lil nx tliat ill nio agam. It ii a kidney hpeeifu; given quick Onunueror. She wascoming in from tlm roliof in all kidney dim.idem, I mala und j jM(.1iit(>rv,vnrilI1 ufri-r a Huvu years' Htronglheim. AIioluielM^IullcMi CdRMdey, . , , .1|li(Vli . Ult(l W(. , Out., writeii: "I had been. troubK d with ,........., . ... .ut ... gruvol and kidney dincat.n for oight yo-irn. 'HomodicH' and doctora could not lie -.'ovii or remain in ono pohiiion any time. J pro down in a Kale in sight, of home with v\<ry .-'ml on board. T whs yimiij; tin n and anxious to lie tin- Ih'M ><nt down cured a bot&lo of South American Kidn. v into ln-r l'or llic Hakl of Hie ripulation Cuvo, tooli it acuordin^ to tlio diriciann*. ! \x> would \$\\'* me, for reputation meant I l*ot inntant rulicf.tho HoruiiLSHuU left liu*. I ,u n,.V| and nnui'-v, you .n>, was the. and to-day I mn cured of tin. dan^rmih (mW ;,i;il.((M whv n; u:u. an(l X Weiv d<- trnubb and reconnm-n. tliw wonderful. - u^vUli,^ romody to at .-.imi arl> ulic'uted. n H . Tho nerven_Wo live in a hurry and1 "*I !..- M-a was rmiiiin lu^-h as hvim nino-tanthhoF our admuuis are due to , rarrn-n down in my heavy armor from norvomi cxhauntion, i>i]p(jvi,riidiud blond <u the d elc of tlie -loanier to tin- float bad di^eelion. Honth Auu-rican Nervim-' ulnn^.Mde, wheri- til" n ]ji-s by which to in a blood.builder ;'ir imn'i tlu. m-r\t' and \)nu\ ,,,,. U[, ,i^ain w m faslen. d on. ntimuliLteii di^esUion. 'Ihnu^andH whone ji1(. j.,,1,^ n.p| _'h wliieb 1 liven wnro a burden to tbem ar: to-.b.y in ,uPpln d wilh air, was ad- excolh-nt. lu-alth befiiuiM> they have to-ited ; ' ita miirvolloiiH powor. W. U. Hlmrnuu:, of ^\l'y' ... f . , MorrisbuiK, wriush : "1 w,u eomp|0t.d> I ' "Nw, dear boy, said my Md fn.-nd inn down h Mmd in-tructor, l-on, the lamniis der ]i and ncrvoiiH troublert. Tried evury uu-di | m';i diver, wlio e one forward to edo--e cino ia the- mark 11 with littlu or no lehef. r]t,, ]nile j<la-s window in my lad met, I obtained a bnttlc of South Auiericiu: ',;Li;i-j^o-.d o.iro of youi'^eit' and don't Norvino. Uofor.-hall of U win, liken i ' Mliv |n H Udow. Tho ciirrents alo lmd deriVL'd ".real brmdit. ^ix hollies , from nut, but itn iron rlvutn hold mo flLSt, I Hhoilted pitOOUHly, AlHOlCHHly. "1 foil upon tho dcok at hint;, oxhiiUHt- wl a mtUon d- tjpuij1 .anil dank lulo unoonnoiouHnnHH. Wlu-n I recoyeu-d I whk oalni pniynr minio to my lipn. "I tdoHi'd my <y?H fpiieily and w.nitcd for tho (hmth I \va pnwmdeHri to dniYr; waitod for it with my head laid on my arms i\n I iifjod to nleop in thndeuv rdd day'4 at homo; wuiled quietly for ir ooiuiiiK. praying find 1 hut. it mi^lit tomo upon inn #oiit ly. "Wurt J cnr/i'd? Was T mad, nr wiw this a new tortnrn l'ra* mo m my last, moment? J had lain quiet but a mo ment, when 1 .started up in terror, u(- torhq,' a cry, a weak, miserahle nvy, whieli died on my litis as J Hank aRain | on tho diMilc and eJn^-eil my eyos to a t< r- I rihle sijj;ht before me, 1 "I bad bit tlie cabin door open and 1 freed tin- imprisom d ilead men. Ono of the- dead hailor.T hart lb tub d up to tin* I detdt, and, by some horrible ebance, I tho tide horn him direoily toward ine. I Was I lo die s-urruunded oiu-o more by I thoM- ghastly sent im 1- aJ a death wat' h'* "lie was borne Mowly ainnj^ on ibo current, lii^ eyos wide open in an awful stare, his arms utit.suvtehi'd as though lo embraee nu-, weleominu; mo to rln* unknown world. I fell pi oMi ate on tie- cb ek in inv toiror, but he ibjiit<:11 on L* -ill lie: cloj^jr^K n . wmucof the Bov/ols, Kldnoys and LIvor, c.irt^ m;' oil' *.;radii.dly, widaaa v.i. ikrni:i[f the \y:iun, till lie- ini|,uri- tic. and foul humor, of die inaction. ; !ii On: r.atiie time Conrcot- Ing Acidity oi' tho StomachrcurlaK lilll ousnoss, Dyspopsla, I!oadachos,Uizzinossf Hoitrtbiirn,Constipa tion, Dryness of tho $fj & * jtcMco, Salt llhcL.m, ^VjEry&lpolas, Scrofula, Fluttering of tho i(m,*,,- **-Hwi7J .malar m.:-, yit.U] ^ ^ ,.0 *?*; H W7>/!)M'-r nunnocK blood V] -i ii-v% ^3 y"!,,r L'"' l,t!i"i:""' ,^. -. J'li - Apple Hiiuro Tbal Will ICcc;, ThiH is (is ;^r(-at a convenieniv hh pre ' civt'H, the prepanUKUi of ujij b--i fot hhii-v ool beine ah'.,iy- i;n;i'i ne i,t for ilo l.u-^ shiwly, the tide fasting him up a^'ain-T; lio l-^uki rnfi-nor upplen ma\ bo uneu me, when he t'fd! at my sole, "i tlmi way and tin; windfall)* ot eurU "f eau^'lit him in my dr operation, to aniutno, wIm-ii on.- n fr^rtnaate i-noiu.di lo tliuj; him from un , bin hi - aim- > b.-^d ,)W lend, -.all I f- und <nnte i-. il tij-dit about nio in an iron emhraer, aim 1111) faee \vas (dose lo mine ihr luee uf old I jui i, the di\ er, wln had eon ir dow n thrna;;h tin- wab v.- to save lac, and ill wliu-e ."stoiii arniT I wa- home up and, rained ln^miMihle to the boats aliovo. "'We siw what w,t-> wrrjiiu' ri'dit a'nl", 'III", ^ji,,;,, | i,. ].*()( 1, i;).-t -ii.d freed fi'oiu e\er\ bleun.di, then cut up m quite small piect s, A btree i-iullnii ] ti with it (fver 'hfjuldl'e r. nd\ to ti,'i.]\i t ii-tn. lute this put hi--it a libi ral ^pniiit | re, of -u^iir. wi'li i inioiuioii t>. t \ it*-, tie n mo ail o me mv dd nelf ajrain. I rwoin. ruond it tn everybody im idibcted, and ehoorfnlly j.mvo it my te^thuouj." Hold by A. Tbotiiif. Don't Vf Ilt IroiiH on Vninlliilr. Yomif,' jjirlfi hat in lo havu only two modo.'i of arrau^m thu hair from wbicdi to chooKo. It is unwi.ic lo uac tho iron or swift.' "I dro]i])!d into the wnvi.s M'lth a splash, ^inhm^' w ift ly rlowa through the brilliant Mini it waters, whieli, though rou;,'ii and boisterous at ti:' ir surfaee, .-udili nly (,'i'ew calm as i pa1---' d below. I tilaaci-d up at ihoHim, \viiith appeari'd as a ^n at Ud'l of five, but, ^rrnviitK >in.illi-r and smaller as I Hank lowi*i', it. imally f-eeiiad like the liny I away,' In' said to nu- alier\'.aid, 'win n it i}n" oi :L[i|)l.-i, tb* . m>- oiuiir at.ii , tin- r.i^,",'( d ' u( your rope floated i<j i cinnamon, and -'n on till the pi:- Oi fud i I he Mirf.ieo. There W.'l" O'llv Olie Way of , ;i'|,,. .. ,^ | reachni-you, old fellow. mil I cm tell ' tll flu. lFlltli..^ o[ ihu uppie^, irom a quar- 1 you wo dew around tiun k. \Ve had no i , . , ,!. i r , i ]J ; t 'I' to -1 h'lli Uullllil I.a oil' jlOllllri ul !i|J|'l L "hell" to tfo down to vou in, "O \\r . . . . ,.,, . ... . , , , t , , h'inji ' hr.' itilc. J lie iur should la: pine i i lu-1 fast-ned Miiiii- wiijhri to mv b t ' . ' . and rop-s tmiiv arm-. I look a nibb.-r i II1 thl' h'u;k ' f tlH' lnl]-r il,,li llu' lnll, '" " 1 mouthpiee.. betw.rii my t. - tli and r]n ]< I I'nd i^eiith sm.inerm.' tbronLd, tin lied dvi ihoanl. Tin- wafr opjn-. -d i fl i\. U -diurdd ' In n b - m-i iumVh 'oil me l'earfullv, and I couldn't liave sb-ed ' "'i ' 'be -ppi'- i'il*'-n out oi lv '.- IIm-\ -v ii more than a f<'w miiiiite-,, In that ; needed f(,r .Tiucf- ' r d'-'-eir^. 11'o.ii-L' mi fi-w liimuti WiltLr u.ixed w.tb :h n., ..pphs jr. pi-, i my anus and signaled to ih.-m in haul! in Uu-, way are y, ry ab!-. - ^epien.b, , us up pre.ty quick It was killing mo. ' ^.^ I[o!m. , ^.^ ' I took in-, dear, hamls m mine, and tho crimping pin on tlm hair ot tfruwinu' rrtl spark of a candle and then faded fdrlH'; tlu; moat hu hiontdjlo women under- from si^ht. Htand thin, and ihm1 that, until the debut) "I cleared a bank of thick seawer d ban bean made, a tdd mint woar her hair "* ^""ll -1 ]:l^ upon tho bright sandy in opo of thutwo sivlos ; It may he purU d I hottoin. ii -7i- i uronnd a reef of rooks Tati- and bruuled m t\yo phuhi tied with a nai-. tt ..,,.,. cifnllv li'iiievconihi d, L caino upon a roWnbbo.iior!.m^,.ijMss-nf ^^ ^.^ .^ ^ f|.w br.aidtid in one plan, looped and titU will. ^^ i,r(lllK|a mi. t ,jl0 1Uaii-oi'-war a bbiuk nbbun after the CiUof'iui f.^bi^.. u,^ ]> wh, lr ^u. pry'fm he sand r. .._. . .1. ._ T ...1: ..< IT. ..,; I..........1 I ... , . ' I . T looked into his k'nod, lioin^t eye-'. With a f-'w"lliii^ In-art f tohl Imu. in >\\rh wonN as I (oulil, of my fjratiiude for hi4 heroic euVii'is v, hi n tie caine down throimh lie- waters at the vis I; of his own life to sav" uiiii'-. . "Ilott ie and f Were inavih Inter. " (JhicaL-o TrilaiiH-. -September Ladies' Home Journal. "Ureal cant ion w.ts hec* <i.-,ary h-t I should become entangled amon^ the 1 ropes or caught uuih-r tho shifting tim- The Dutch In .lupan, Ul to. The. JJuu hnn n w, re comili' d williiil the narrow bound-id tin ir island prison e by I'oii ml al I. ji - i, A b vi i pill in a i- hinn 11 'in i .-ine, t b-ii i *!i HMjtl_\, i|uuJ.U una ll.ui ai^'n v, li.nt '.' i ' not hi ip'. J,k.\il l,iv<r l':lls |.o--i--i tnl"'iO||lu:'|i:il i t u^ e< mponed f.i h!| let I v a month! vteet'ddi' !a>.aiive ana n\i:r m-'dieme-. ] und ure ; . ciu'e em e foi Ijo'i' ("oniplnint, <J ueuili ulon, Sl'd. Ifeiuho nc, r,'te. st> llsh Am iinin Cltfl I) Frock. A \ * r\ ftu'iri a n tu n i o i,el. i- ii. n l<: ol ii "his own nie;tarine jlpi paces b im,' by s*J ] suioiali-r-ui met. i doth that, nh i,1.-. u .tovt paii ^iHldcnlv A ItMeUfd, i.o|ii-.i vu iiiu^m uiiui'i im j tj 111 i iii^ 11 ii t * Children are often attacked suddenly by p,.rS| ann making my way slowly to tin liniul and dtuuu-roiiH ('olic, Cramps, compauionway i sent up ihe signals: Diarrlue'i, Dysentery, (Jiiolcru Morbus,! " 'I am abour to oniju- liie Vessel' '1 Cholera Tnfantnm, etc. I>r. Fowler's I-:x , hnll be in danger' -' Play out rope free- tract of Wild Strawberry in a irompt and! 13*. u,1(l K1Vl' ,m' I,Jrllf.V "fair.' Biiro cure which should always bo kept in "\ "u11, '"^'^ '" lfh,t ln^'r <]*'}* and found mvself in the forward cabin, tlle h0Uflc'_________^_________ ! I groped about for the doorway, know AiiiioimoiiiiS niT~r?^b7;s Ittrtli.: i"Kthatoneo in tho main mli,.n the ____ deck lights would enable me tosee more In y ending announce in'jut cards of a distinctly, buby'h birth ihu biib\'H tuwiio i.-^ printed in , "Clearing tho rubbish and drifted full on a Biuall card dnch is inclosed wi h' *w] *"in nlimiL the doonvay, I put my the punuiU' card. If desited it b. ^""M'* l(' th" aooV, sbov.-d it back ,....,,, , , , , against the waieis and resolutely en- attauln.d to the larger card by a bow of K , ,. , .. J tired. Ail awful silence was upon every- very narrow, wlm* ,iuiu ribbon, or silver -- fa-^^ m1i M(l(l lis of (U>llth, t ,V:|, oord. The date of tin- birth m added, bun !lU)IJllj jU rh(l h()tr(im ()f the sea, in the noi. tho weight of the. baby, nor any othei saloon of tlie C'oiapieror, and (dose about I articnlarn of any soit whatever. Augunt me were jjostured, like grim sentinels Ladiuh' Ilniiiu .lournal. I set to watch me in mywork, tho o flic u is ------------- and crew of MHi| A \V.mi.a'UH(!Hi'i i .V'(lS| then-wero tho i.U fatfd men Derangement of tbe lie.irt and nerves- in i aH tiny Hto.,d when death overtook them woniitn iy followed by vanoiiH ner.oun' oil that awful night, wlnm they wire disorders, Mich an llysturbi, Mohtuchuhu, ' sinking. Uefori tJiey could roach the Neuralgia. ShcploBsni hs, I'uli nation and stairway the mighty wafer had rushed Puina und Aches m varicus partH of the "i "P"" them and they died where it body. lu suich ease* strengthen ihe bcart lmi1 lllut lhl',n- nl' l1"' threshohb ,,,,,. , in "The C'ddying waters enrried thorn and build up lha nervous system by the , , , ' , , , . , , ,, , ' , ,. , vr tl ,, ' horunnd tlie-n" thrnugii tho cabin, but nac of Milburn'a Heart auu N,rvo Pilln. j ^^ f ,__________--------------- * that 1 had to part Uir-m now and thou to reach tiio nfivr oabrn, \\\m\ morn than ona turned, un I nlnwly pa^ert aloiq^ paces broad and shul in by a high pal- | i^admg uqjpi'd wiih sinkcs, A un-ro lUOUOtoIliHl- e.\lsO Hec could SCaiCely in j con eel veil. Ill the fill lb V dilVs *-i me halt I dozen sliipt \\ otild airive iluring t lie ! year, but from tin- beginning of the ! eighteenth century not moi'i; tlian one or two annually generally about Sep- ^' durk blue tin.'. (r.iing i',. The Murt t.- mo loraiels ' .ia<'. Lilt.- iqipurp'Ui beiijo fittut clo-ely lo tlit- l.iuiurt , tiio'u:;h die !ow--r l.i- a dei-mid fl ire. The bo hce i- t li* tt-d :oat ha\ in^ a A'aisicoat, of blue elotli ir utelun^ tin bii.i. sti'li-e fic-t 111 tlm Itout, and latLtotivd uowii I tember. Tin V had seuieely aiiidion d ( on eitob side with inmll silver buttons. I when tlie resident, with hi-, retinue, had j Toe collar n a lii^b, pKm one ot blm ! to sit <aa on hi- long ami cosily journey j riaj||t Wllh oW.rUppnil, Pomlll uf Lh(, 1)illt | toTokyo toadivirtliei-u-tom.oy pn s- , ^Uu (ml,lm WJlh !L M,VV[. ^^ T|n I fills lo the shoguii. Jne hiuuillatn .I/i ' . i . i i o i ! . 7 ii i alec vod aru model ati.-h full, tibit oed in to 1.1 the-'1 p< or Dutehmen Wi l'e ci mpe]l"d to j i umbrgoave well de-crib, dbv K.-iupbr I l,u",,l,nh ,iu,lhi,v,: l,,,1,llh of 1,],,t' h,,l"; ; in- his immortal history : \ Ur-jer, but the Mom; nhH v as dm'-o on ib- i "A^ -en!i as licoii'] K^idenr Van i dollar, turning Uwk ,n cum fii.-,hiuu on tin ! Jh'UteniK'ini in l'itM j came into the cm- iln-.ver part of i usih ilo Vf, und beniu IlnrvcHl Fxciirslonh. In order to givo everyoi.e an opportunn> . t to wo the crand cropu in dm Western imd fuMowed in tlm wake J made bohiuil MtatuH ai.d,nabletbe Hutilcr to <-.. Their taeeM were often el, y a-amst , ,., ., . . mv ludmef, and it bonified nm to notice HtOUre a liome. Uiu (.meitgj, Milwaukee A - ' , that they nil wore s'till upon their facts Bt. lVul.K y ban arramv d to run a norma th(. j,^^.^ ((f tll(l t(T,rrop Ul!l| ,iail [,(,ni(; of harvertt e\fiirhioiis to S iutb und "North u, ath. Dakota, ami lo otlmr stale', in lb cj We^t, "A laoinciit pa.s-i..I and 1 wa-, tew ifb-1 NorvliT.-tat and Southwi-st on the followu ut n-ccivmg no vipoma* from a hecond dates : July 21, August 1 ami Is Si pti.-m- or third si'gual! btr 1, 10 21) and October f, und 'JO, at iW "1 p.ulleiiiho ropn again violently pe-ior'.s prt M'ljfv tin* ciiiuiiUssiiJiters em ,1 (an, "(Jianda Kapitam.' * * * Aecoul- ingly, iio trawled on his hands and knees to a place between the- presents and theempt ror. * ^ * Thou, kneeling, ho bowed Ins forehead quite down to tlm giound, and so crawhd backward like a crab, without utiering ono single. word. So mean and short a llung is tho auilaeueo v,' have of thin mighty mon arch. " In tin- following year, Jdiej, tlie ii"iv residt nt, \'au (JiuJinniu, v:as subjected lu even gicaP-i indignity. "We were cummanded, " write.-, ICaeuipfer, "lo sit tip] ight, taku otf our cloak-*, stand up, Wa'lk, I urn about, sing non^'S ci.nipli- mrnt. oik- another, bo angry, i-tt). , lo jump, dtanei", olay g.u.iljol.i, tc., " tuid evi n "t> ki-s i-ne am lie'i' like man and btslLueU to pluee by a .siU,.-r buiton on -dn cNtrOnie of eadi point. The Imt is a soft lit ay felt v, itb a b'Uid of gray aOcut ith crown, and a bunch of bluu leathern at one r-i it\ Tlu ulee-c^ Hi'e ersy undri-SHed lnl. - Ladieh' Homo douruul, GREENS FOR AUTUMN. Diamond Dvch Give the Hicli- est Colors. The munuhu'turers ot tlie justly poprdai Diamond I jyes consniiit lv uvail tluniHoIvt-s of LVerv impruveiiK'Ht in the m-mufficum of dyent nil -, tbiln ^u ing to lioine-dj erh 'ill ivt.r tin; world cadi and e\ery advunta^t- Wile, "'\lni'!i tli.- ladn s of tlie eouir |joi,'k-;i-o I 1)\ tin- liu'gijit im'UjUI usurers oi. ,'diow, d part\ ly th,ir lauuditer | ,.(l[iiI( they ^evo well pLea-'e<l with." ht. Dmmui.d Uye yt^ n'-U1"" -_ ___- | Hi! J'. (fruL'i), Dje Taut Oh v. lowrutt ot two dallies mote I im.ii o u fare for the round trip. Tnlut-, will i e good for return on any '1 ur-nda\ oi Vci \ y within twenty ono days irt'in dute i f ssib , For ratcH, t ime of n-'uns and fnrthur de tail*! upplv to any coupon tiel'ct ai.ent n tho I'^asl or Honth, or uddre-ei A J. 'I 'i\'or, Canadian pas'H'iiger KL*f et, 'J. King an m l l'j., Toronto, Out. fc*ifrii "n I rriTTi ~r ""~ i"U3if wi ^VW^TWrrrrTTTTTrTTTTTTi-iTTTTT'lTtrTTT-rrr T TY I ^ Kmulsmn -3 X Is invaluable, if you ara run : a medicine. ; Tho K*0 Ct l-a EnruBteiora : Will bixUUl yon ui d your vm- i>J b*-.mii ij : - iiupMircib \ Tho 1>. l L. Emulsion : It Uia l>tbt tin'l m.^l') jin-p-iwliuii of : Cod UwrOH.ttiiretiHK wU ihr moU.lyh oato stoiTiricha. : Tho O. 6t L. Emulsion :iaptoac*ibotl by ilia lcidini; phj^icKm-af rnill Tho D. U L. Emulsioin j : la a inwvoHntw flcah produaer and will clvu : yoa an ."ipptitko. Boe- &, 1 por Bottlo : Be sum you Hot I DAVID & UWI1EHCE 00., LTD. j : tho (jonulno | momthcal fj.ijijuiuiini'"1""1"'^1^11^11""1"11 wailert stid) no reply. "I riv-at bi-avca.s! What did it all mean* I kid t-ia-y fov;^oiten me* \Vcjn Uj( v t*o h*u\ , me tdu re iif Ihe boirom id' I he sea with that awful ciew",' J. no ^ooiu.-r ri'-ab/.of[ niy li'd^IfMsno^s than an miL'O.'Ua'iil kib'ii* teiror took po-.sossion ot me. J^ur, iy tiny would not, devrt, urn! Sou ly tdiey bad not i'; r.qniteii me I I pulli d mad.Iy at th<*- cord once mole, and glancing up poweivul thu-t liicro v.-is s uneiinng-.ft idily icsisting my elXorr-: from the nnHthoud a'h(, -e. "Was i.| some uuuimw who was plav- ing with my rope ,-ouie gncit h-h '.hat wu^i holding ibiu Ins jaw-3? kn my des- jier.ujon 1 threw my whole ^vlgh-t, i n il, and i'l ga-vo wuy and fell slowly, s'ilbnt'ky, on tho decj{ at my feel,, q'iio ragg' ii, frayed viids, which bad become 1 eii'tangli'd in tin: i'ig:;>ng, were in my bands and tho upper half of Llic ropes had fLoafed a">v;iy wii'h t-ho tide. ' "1 was itfunu af, rfir- bottom of tho so a, wM.h in) menus of signnjl'hng my, dis- ' hvis! 'Uhn hidia rubber lulus wbich ' ivuh my only mt'iina of breath ring, was ' y,-t Dut-n t'b nio, I'jivt \w tdion as they tih^nld bo^in lo w.ind m Hut ropes and tube, on H(^uV) Hii']tpO'*nd siginiJ fhjm nio, ' H would t.n-<rp ioi two um\ th wu^etcj W-iiiJil corao in upon nip. *"My tt'iu'ur grow wilder. I know tho mon wnwi dos/i to my 1U) yards above mo yot ,1 lu.u'Htv' d'iu bfcoauso I could uotiwauh thorn. I"*i'avud liko a mutbuim and tried to tear my armor Somcthin; I.H-i" I'etl Tiipn. It i- .-.rat'-il thai an t pi-rati^ star of Homo in ,t i' comu e'o d wuli one of tho prineipe. 1 J\r<p-eiev t healei-1*, widiing to niako a short o^.cuJmou inUttho country, wear to g, t hi r pa--'-;)ort' counicr^igia-d by tin- loeal autl'iot it ies. The pri-uling otticial r<:n lved )|. i ]iiiljtelv, uiuh hav ing l'onrmd In r bu-Jiu-.-:, inquired for lier ' * wi dun pet'ttion. " dii'Lii, ui.d i>aunend J Me l'\iht lioLtl, (jiteii .' loir tlie being uf ^'ool and Sdl goodh, these1 (Jreeiis inu certainly triumph- jf r-CMI tlffi. I'ur the cuu un ^ Autumn, the ahoM O rt c-iis with their vn ned ^luidos Hunt* r - Ci l'e -a, Myille (liii-n, lironse (iictn, Uu- sian flreen, and fdd Grt.-cii will b<j all tli i a .a* for ladii-n' nuits and ilrt -jsc.j. 1"-, "My wniim pet mien!" cri, d the |(Jnlj the ' Unwound," and yoa v.dl suieK 1,11(1,". "I have noii, . I m vi r knew that i tiui I hing t I I he l:inn' \va^ r< quiied. " 1 " N, it r. ouiii ,i. man a a? ( )n t he eon- | tiury, imthiag c.n be doijo withtmt it " What .illl i to do, tllellV" "Nolhmg t-a-ii-r. Iji good i nongji to take .sin ul id ]ja}x r and \\ ri'e ac- coiding to my ai< tanon. " 'J'ho applicant obi1} f-tl, and traiiscribi d word for word a louiuil pctdv-ii r- qued - ing leave of aleeuci from the city for w- ,i'at(d triino, which was tin udnlysigmd, folded and m abtl. "And now, "quoth the man in oiUeo, "you have oulv to didivor it. " "To whom, pray?" "To whomV etdioed the ofiieial, wtb ii Filij^vr Hm.ilo at tiho jdjsurdiiry ol' tin. qucKi'ioH. "^To me, of (smuse, " TquHtoeume-nt was accordingly hayiled aro.sw the table. The great imtu adjar- ol! I'vJb HiKctacdes, broke Lhcseal, m'aYciy rend over Uih own compos-iiion from bi> ginniii^ to end, folded it and docketed ft wit'h Jiiotluulioal Klowut^s, and then, trtirnjug to tho impatient artist, wakl, with ifii irir c>f ollicinl Kidemuil'y: "Murlrami I have read your .petition, and regret to toll you that I inn unable to grant it. " Moscow Correspondenco. I the he-' t iv -iiuiH ,ui i eoloi- Serojiila f:iic-e*l. Oi ,u Sius, Af'er 1 bad do,:tontl i< r tw > \0Lns for ticrnfula ail over my htey and rec-jived no butmtil, 1 tried a but'hi <f Bin dock ]J!ood Hut-1 a, v.*Inch gavu n e relief very quickly, aud after mmiij six b'o.ithrtl wiih completely cured. T cun lecDinint'ud 31, li. 11. very liiulily. .Mas. A. I-'uitn, Tnro -to, Our. Sin; On^lit lo Know. Having noud Uurdock Iiitter for 15 yt<urs T ciL.uiot lu*Gp from reconnmmdiu^ it to othora, 1 have sold huudredd of bottles from my ntore, and aa I Injep otbor mcdi chief] I ou^htj to know which helln beat. It i-i a wonderful medicine. Yutira vory Hiuourely, AlllS. iJON'.M.l) IVKNSJ'.UY, Box 110, Caledonia, Onfc. - Purify your blood wall Hood'n HarBap- arilln, whioli will give you uu appotite, toao your Qtonnch aud stren^thon your norvoa. THE LAKE. Dy tho ntinwiurtr-t that tho lllleii love, Wlicr.i willown droop and tall elm tI'neMnhnd* While tlio Krent tain lllh d nil t hn luau'otiahov I ilowu nm hint. I heiird tho twltti'idnir of tho mating blrdH, I h> nnl tlm want',11 t'l'i n/ii i.teiil down tli* hri'idf, Sli;h to tlm leave-1' auTt tluiu^litti too nwiiot for Wul'llM And In <* the lain-. And hern, when lltn w.i \ y.nuiK lllld hope \wiH ^ h'l.'h, On Mi'li n nuiiuuor ilaj 1 luiU ino down Aial (i]".un' of luvo nml utrir.i und vl't',ry Ami hi^h i now n. A lot In I',- im'*-oi I l'iv oi" 'l'."'a nml ili'i 'im. Tlm us in iiie.'lil .i-tli a. Hie liinl-oei t,'iiy, Btill o.i Hi" Li I. I in v. .iii r hln-i uleuin In rich array. Tho world') on yon nt,' in i vit| What am I? W. "iy with yoni'-o v, oary with Pn'tum/H ipn -.t, W'-ary wltli sorrow, my 'iou1 hi no to ilin Ami rlii ii to i *. iu':i/lim. HIS NERVE WAS'THERE. Thlu Sort of Onllpi'il W.m IlartnlrsM, )mt JIo ItiUu'i l\ now 11. 'i he J [aw ,ii ma Khani.i are alnio-t as well otl" ;i- 11 'land. St. J'al rick drove all I la* vnomons in.-er*ts and repiih s om ot ihe * 11ecu Kb-, but tin Hawaiians tda'in the rej lib , and iiihocts left oil All. U"b 'i domain ar, in nosenie of tin- \\'i id poisniiou--. People \vho hav pari ieular ,h alings wiili '. nounhi-, in.-1 , t* import, d from tlv i-1 oid-- iini've i ho .ann-chain. A lo- . 'lull .nq.nt i^t -a.d ; " V, i*y f" qin nt Iy we r, ei ive consign- ment- , 1' b-uianai and pan app'u - p;i<-k- f d in dri1 o ;:ra-- .un! h av -. In inking '1 .- t iu: t 1 '. ia rla box' - n i- in t liucnm- u:oii to lino a idg ,-uiip, d oiav/hng ah ng tie- ^lalk I ' t u i ii t h" banana--, d itlll,' Il H ! -t I" get 11-ed to tin ( 'ull- loi'ii ia < hinali . "< im- at ti-rnoon 1 was opening a Pox of banana^ and plight d :uy band ilirough Mi" .-li aw b i i ai the 'i felt ar .iiii'l b r a t- w - coiuU and tjiought I could led -nun thing moving around on tin' back oi ni1.' ban,i. I bad ofn u heard .i' i lie pi > -..nci. oi' c. nii]edi in fruit ,~.i.punMit-, -o i i un Tally withdrew my ham,, -o .is to mai.o a~> Iii lie < ointnnt ion as jaV-ild". I'liai'im- in.-' i-,u,]iri-e and ala: :n 'o - a I:' inch < , imped -dow- Iv ' lltn' oc' no mv ,o :. I v, ,n ,i! out to miiu<: it \, .p-n u 11 nit p.u k'i r .-landing near by \', an led nio t" make no at t nipt to get ml ol it, but in b-t it crawl utl at its lej-iii". 1 had h.rgutton ihe tact that tin v wi r-' not poi-Mimi-, and I know I g< it a* wh'te a- a .sin '-I, believing i vt ry moment that it would sink U- claws into im- and .m-iiiI il - p.,\ ,-i i'nl poi-on through my blond "I lock'd .a it with h-ir and ttem- bling, but dnl nor darn tu mo\e a mm-- de. Ji lifted its head and s* enicd per fectly -at idled to.r, mam win re it was. if i.aid baldly iv-nam my-elf from mal-ing u quick motion and shaking it oti', but my cuiup.miujj warned inciigain and again lo kc ji ipm :. All 1 coiiltl fe.-l v, as a rndding M'ti-ation. The t ic- kiing im-i'i a-, d, :.'ul 1 wa-1 aimo-.r n ady li) .'a I III Willi Mippte^ed - .\en. llielit. l*'iiially the iv utipei' looked up at my sli:*'Yu aud slowly made tor u, moving all ihe Jogs in unison. Tin* ion by this time wasuni), arable, and 1 fear ed 1 would be uuablo to ri main calm until tie- thuig got i ntirul}' oil'. ' '.My tledi s, ejin d to -hraik away lis tin- horrible ir, ature proee-did, but in a i'i w no ,re -econds, i-\ ei y one of which scone d an hour, it had set ih d it-elf com- li.rlably on i be !ahi ie of my ,, and Willi u motion quicker than f was* ev,T known to malm b< loic i routed it with a Mick and .s.u down, per-pa ing iiniu head oj foot. I1, wiiidli'1 iiast thrilling experience I ever figund m, and it, nn- sick' tin- rest tit ihe day. "iMy companion began to laugh as though he would die of merriment, bu-t I -aw nothing particuhu ly humorous in tho situation. " 'Vou nio crazy,' lut said, 'Lo get fright-ned over a little thing like. that. Do you know that Hawaiian Iduud c u- lipi'tis arc nut pui.soiious'r 1 told v.m tu kcip quiet ,) to see how long ytuir' ncn'.' 'lUitihi last. If the thing had sunk cveiy claw it had into your tb-sh, it would have only caused a little swell ing and nothing moic. I have had sev eral oi tbim .strike me, and I apply a lit lie ainnu nm, or salt water and * ure it; up m half au hour.' " -San l'Tam e.isL'O Call. Kind Words Come From Public Institutions. As Woll As From Private Individuals, All Classos And Croods Praise Paino's Colory Compound. I'ublio iniititutioiiH throudliout* Canada are an ready to uolcnowbalgfj tho mar vol- loud virtueii of I'aino'n Celery Compotmd an in e private iodivnluuhi. For many yearu, a larp^o nmnbor of out public, benevolent and roliejuuu oorpom- tioiiH have lined I^uue'n Colory Compound for the benefit of old and young,.ami if it were jioin-ihlo to puhlbih all the ftatoiriontM iniulo by Ihe ininnLeii, huoreii ol the lutfcora would prove lutorcHtnig and entertaining, In mstitutionii hku thone referred to, where huiidredn are eared for every year, all the common din and diiioaueu of ovory day hfu are found, anil many hundrodH have been made well and iitrong by Paiuo'a (lelm-y Compound that the phyniuianH oE tliese institutioiai were unable to onro by the ordinary meant). To-day, thin grand curing work in Btill gome; on in many of tlie JurgctiL and raoufc prominent of our public plitoen( und no other medicine, will bo tolerated but I'amo'H Celciy Con.pound which hhown tho outoem and conJidence in which the medicine in bold, One of thene noted ini.tituiiuni' that Iiuh gn en testiinony for lathuYV Celery Com- pound ih tlie unmeuHe conventual educa tional houiio on tho St. Lawrence, near Montieal, and known as tlio "Convent of Holy Names." The ladies of thin hotifto write, u follows : "Wu feel it a duty to add our tehtimony m tavor of your 'wonder-working' Paiuo'fl (.elory Compouiul. JIany sisteni, suffor- iug from debility, dyspuphia, aleeplenaueaH and mdif/oBtion, have been completely re lieved aftui taking it. "We nhall s-tiongl} recommoul itfi uae in all our hoiihcs an the beit medicine to rufl- t'ji'e health, and give tune and vigor to tho WHtem." II<> MeanL Will. Tlmstory of tlm Irishman who vrroto hi.s I'm-fui, saying, "Teh-graph me if ynu ih.u'l get this \> tier," was i qualed in a local busijiL^s luaise. (hie of tho oihec luea ranie tlown and lound that in- had ielt hi.-, keys behind. He H-ut to lu.t wife for them, and the iness< nger l'oiurned with tlm information thai tins ki.\.s\vere noc riiere. At this juncture (.reiage------, a fellow (dork, said, " Why, I lound your kcV.s. " "Win ro are they':" Maid tho brat clerk. "X have them in my pocket," said (Jeoige. "[pushed a note through (he slit of your desk telling you thai 1 liqd them." "Well, yon idiot," Haid the liist, "how was I lo gi t thu novo whe:\ tho desk w.o IouUkIV" New Orloiuw Thm-s--Ui.iiioerar. He Sure Vou lire Ulctlt. And then go ahead. If your blood ia im- |Uro, your appetite lidlmg, your notvofl weak, you may be Hiiru that Itood'n Sar- Haparilbi in what you neeil. Then take uo siiibiititute, Iiihist upon Ilood'u and only llonillii, Tliidjs the medicine which baa tho largest Hulea Hi tho world, tlrod'fl HaiHaparilla iu the one Lruo blood purifier. Hood'o X^illn ure prompt, eflicieut, alwayn reliable, oa'-y to take, eiir-y to aporato. Now tityle ol'DritHHintrtlio Hair. Writing on dressing tho hair, Inabel A, Mnllon, m September Ludiea' Ilomo Journal, imyH that "u pretty and ubsolntoly new coiffuro ih the ouu that, while it rather tdvca the blouwe tlk-ct, really cuuHiata ol! Llnee deep waves that turn back, and wtaioh are, of course, made by the iron. At tbo hack thu hair ii arranged in a doublo eight twdi-t that hIiowh well at the sideH, hub doDH not i ise above the top of the head. Women who have veiy little Inur can tie it closo to the head, funtein,lbu hwitch on by a ntnnc; druwn through ittt loop, which iutho bent way, and then, pinning down their own h ttr close to the bend, anaujjo tlio nwitob to foim the double eight. Klderly ladioo, especially thotio whono hair bim grown ou- tiroly white, wear it ofteuoHt in a Pompa dour roll, which rcrpureq a small pad under, it, and then in the back have a pjaitod hwitch carefully piunul to tbo hair in a loop-like fashion. Many ladies who have reached middle ago or passed it adticro to the eoifl'tno noleoted as becoming whon the/ were young, and it must bo coufefmed that, there to a certum dignity about thin." Thi) llnn^uriaii Crown, Tbo Hungarian crown, the royal hcadiln s\s worn at their au'.ossiou by all tlio Ati-tiian cmperiirH, is the Identical one nuult lov rii, plu-n aud used by him at the Unie of bis cotonation, more than Htlll yearn ago. It is of pure gold and Weighs SJ marlw und (i omavii (abuul 14 pounds uvoirdiqH-UH). It in iid(irru*il tvifh no1 happliirefl, fVO rubies, 1 emerald ,md 1W8 peavls, lint no diamonds, it be ing a notion of the royal Stuphon that diamonds were uwlnoky. School Coimiilttno Womon. The Jvcnnebi-c: Journnl of Aa^'ustia, Me., tOKt.ilios to the t lllciuiicy of. -sohp'ol comniilUe woaien as folloWM: '"It in Hiiid tba,t thcro avo over 80 womeji nerv ing on tho school hoards, but wo huvo yet to hear that one of them is roinisa in her ottloiul duties." FOUR _KINGS. Dr. Auucw'b Four Great Curos Never Fail in Their mission There ia No "Heyoiid nope" Point With Them They Cure and Physicians Prescribe Them Holioi comoa in Thirty Minutes. lloiu-t drjeat-e If the heart palpitaton, iluueru, tii-L-a easily, it indicuteu cUsjiujo ii, day's ui'glLot may itivuvt death. Dr. Agn.-w'a (Jure for the Heart b rogardori by phy.-lciaiiH us the gmaioHt known rouiedy lor the heart. Cieorge CritoH, Cnstomu bouse oftiner, Cornwall, auyn; of [m(^ ' er.te beait trouble tor a number of yourd, I wiia unublu to utter.d to busiucsH. Tho '.oghteat cxtrtion proved very futiguintf. .\\y pbyfician recommoiided J Jr. Agnew's (Jnro for tho Hearl. 'lo-day I am uh well us- ever, atvl ahlo to attend to brjHinCHi}/' Caturrh -This dmgu.)ting minnbranooaB inlhtmmiaionefie'jtiiJt,'tlie throat aud DonBi- tiye eavitii-a of the bead, was at tmo tiuib regarded ii a incurable, und oould only bo eh'.qued in it ^xteriaion by tlio uao of red- hot, ironn aud the ntiongont of acid spruyo. T-o fallacy of such dra-itio truatrnuni haw been eoueliiHiyoiy (xpofiod iu tbo npplianaa ia Ur. AgiHiw's Catarrhal I^owcbir. It will i.ure theriiont Btuhboru caaen m ubnoIutely n.'dnhiBM, and ia yatnly applied. It. W. b'mnois, of tho G. N.*\V. Tolegraph Oo. niumpton, miyh: "I wuh u martyr to catarrh in the b >ad for teu yuuvfi. I tried every remody I could proonro, with little ui no hem ad. I got u tmmple bottle of Dr. .\gnow-B jWder. It gavo mo groat robot, ind uftoruaing four bottku I wrh com pletely cured." LjUlh Dr. Agnew's OiiitmonfcroliovQBatail uures till formu of pilu |n from turoe fco -ix nights. Comiort in ono application. :i.1 eeniH. Dr. AgiiGw'b Livor Ptllu euro oonBtipa' tion, hilimi3iiemi and aiok beadacbo. Novet iipe. KUnynnd ploaaunt. Forty down 10 ncntfi. ' ( Bold by J. Tlinrno, "'f 5 96

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