Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 11, 1896, page 7

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1$Pj|^^ ^ ^^^^w^m^^^^: /Tj Bank president Isaac Lowis of Stddna, Ohio, is highly -vonpoctutl nil through thai Motion. Ho has livud In Clinton Co, \h years, and bus boen prtwUlont of tiio Snblna Hunk 20 yearn.* Ho gladly testlfioB to tho merit'of Ilood'n Surmi- pnrllhi, und what liu wiyw Ih worthy bttuiltlon. All bruin ^Vorkoro find llood'H SarHHparilla peculiarly adapted io tlioir ncodn. U makes* pure, rich, red blood, and from tbbi comon ncrvi., mental, bodily and di^CHtlve strength. | "I am wind to wty that Ilood'n Siininpii- fllU U ft vory good mod lei no, oripodnlly As a blood purlilor. It linn tlonu inu ^ood ruany tlmua. For Hovorul youru I uutforod gwjfttly with pa Inn of Neuralgia 'in ono oyo und ubout my tomplon, es pecially at nitfht when I hud hech having A httrd duy oiphyidenl mid mini t id In bar. Itookmanyrumtidloii, but found liolponly In JIootl'H BiUKiipiirllhi which cured moo* *houmiitJtim, nounilffla and honducha. taood'tjSimiupnrilln huuprovtnl itiicdiatruo friend. I tdno tnko Hood'n PUIh to Icoop toy bowolM jj-otfidur, nud like tho pillfl Try much." IhAAo Lmwih, Bablnn, Ohio. THE SOUL AND SORROW. Ah. Hlty mo i\u\,, O mirrnw, In April clnyii, Vor whim tlin nldim art* wurm I ruin would ulnu; Whmi Uiniliitii tlin lilunlilriln* imiiK 1, loo, would nt'illun Anil Hfb my Imurl. with ovory living thliK' Tlin wt'h'ht Mkmi hi-lii|,"nt y'mi, turn thy turn uwny . Arid journey from inn yot 11 llttln wlillo, (hit lituvu mo lirii'Ut fiinnil joy In Ajnil'ii ihiy To wander with inn thvouuh t,lm fm-cul uhtl"- Oiiu day, O iiniTmv, will I t;u with Ihon Ami leum thn utrmiiflh Unit thminlonn Klv..l Viui, oiiu (lay thmi I'halt (inniii and call for mo Anil I will wiiUc thy u-ji'y.mirl liturn U} livid (luf. not hi April (liiya whim I would tiinir, When mintli wiudsi mum thu uvnr cnnuilm; earth And joy tunmHumri lit my lieiirfr dofli imrlii(! o'er every wllrtwoixl Ijluuin tlmt npi'hu;:! to birthl - Boidfjii Transcrliit. Sarsapanlla . XlttieOnoTruoIllnoiirurinor. AlMrn^lfiti. |1. treptiroilonlybyC. I. Hood ftf'o., hou-ell, Mass. M,______r*----------------..------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ww * r^-i arc prompt, efllflent and liOOd S IJlllS oiuiy inoHoot. v> eonta. Rv fif,.'-' lii'.v Tljo Iiliiiirr II. 11. Tho dinner bell ha* no' churn;:) im- a dyspeptic or bilious pcrrtun. To I'njiv your looil.avojil dyHpcj^ia cud Imvc licallliy action ol the livt^r, use I,hx,i I.ivur Pilln, tun all, ourit, never i^ripc. ()-.) pill all cr a too-hoarty nicul rtjniovi-1-, nil il!-t li'.-ci.-. Xboy euro indiUi-'Htion and ^ivl j^joiI a[- potito. Kai-Iy tlui other Wed;, all went, merrily at ii vory iuturoiitiuo wi;>blin^ unfil tbo bviilot>ruom wan cal'ud upon to pruduco tbo wuddinjjj rinf^. In vaiu h'j f<-lt u.11 Inn pockotu for tin; iiiirt*>iiif ai'ticlc Notiiin^; 0OU]d lit! foUUli t*X(JC)Jl a lilt i: IN oil" of lli" I tvotiHorh" pf'Oltuts, through *,v;i:cli i In* run; i liud ovidontly lalbiii into bin boot. Wlnl [ wan ho to do ? "Takt; olf yiiiu boot.," sai I ! tho minintur. 'J.'Iid Hit.ipcu.Hi' an.I i ilcncf.- I \vuh painful. Tin; voting iiiau, hittiny ( down, romovud bin lipid. ; tbu iii;^ wa-. ; in tin1 li'.:cl of Ii'h j stocking, wbioli led tin: divmu'to ivmurU ; | "Youn^ rTuCn" it i^ rfuuryoii v;> rt: mar. j riod !" I From ti cuinmunicjutioii rctiri to tin; A;-- . Hocia'ionof llclgmu Ub'Tui.-t.i, n :i-.-. m ( tbut continental Ijakriv-i ai'i in tP.'- Inim of . mixnig fioap with tbi.'ir iIouljIi to malu: I Ibuir bi'tad ami pahtry nice :irul ii;;n'. l^^bo i]uantity of f.otifi u^-ud v^ri^s ^rcitly. " In fancy urlicieK iil:e '.vlil^; mut iritiern [ it iH much larger tluui in br.-n.i. The *na-p | ia diHsoi\c.l in a btjlo wntcr, ti i ! liddeil home od, ami tlic mixtuie. -dit-r i bointf ivt-ll whipped, ni adncd to ttiu Hour. Xlm urunih of Liiti bi uud m un uhu;t lire,I b_thin prncciiH ni f-aid to hi; lighter an 1 more : Hpon^y than thut. nntde in tlie ordinary wuy. _________^_ _ ! ITS UUm ARE iTAYcD.! Tho Mortulity i'rom UcurL J bteiis.-: DccrettHOH SVhr-rovcr Dr Agtiow'.^ Curo for the 1 It-art is Known- ]\h,3.Mari.'Li'et Sinitli'^ Mn .loiiluii- 'Recovery by Thu . .-u of 'rin.- liuiiiedy u- \ K'- I'ominoiul l>r. A<Jlic\/s i.';i!;irinn; I>owdcr--(iro\\in^ 1' u ny loi Dr. AiJUoW's OllJ tlliC-.IlL I'm 1'lU'S illoi Liver RiIIh ibr Liver lib-. JUht as vaccination I.a muailH ol reducing nioiL.o, < in tlmt drmub/d lii.-wt'n-, --ui .:lp '.' . a:i ! : ncioniiii'! ilisiCi'Vi ri.-M : Ii'M^.l1 a i k oftt-ct uu dip hi inoia , "-o tli.- l., c . '. - ! Dr. AHUow'h Cur..- !or t':- li '.i . DOW Jiio to thoiJi.-Mi'l- v, on : 'i\ from lumrt uifv a--..- .n-l i -^c : u--d .b. duldli would cci;in: to ili* in .111;, :^The-cuf-o : Brutioht, Out., u ni ly n ie oi nu.. Ire .h u. Camuia. Sic -i>:- : I w . . an aflcctioiJ .;" tb- h - >; t f'o ' - r iv.< years, r.nd ut tin..- " b (I'M tO COUtlUij li.c I--' i ": itlfj Wllicll tllDOfi HIV :r.i'e. in:: ^ :. pevcro, and "I *vnuM wb-oo-l .Unin with joy. No ph} i.iei -.ii'ii In-ip di i in 'in " COOil, and not until I luuoiiixd a Lol. li- < ' Dr. Aj^ne.v'a < :ure lor H:" lb if: ha-I 1 hope of recovery. I Im.'/-- u -^ i moi I u bottles ami 1 tr-u-it. e./,nf.- ; 1 biw n v. i fult bi'tti'r in my hU. uud .ml my '"d ^> i. Wot only hr-.d Or. \Uiu-w * I*OWdrjL* received tne warn; |i:i < u-.'. n OOiinnondtition of tb< Icadu1.;.' i.l'.-r.-o '. o all donorniiiutiotu>, iroonutu: n.ontl.-r.-i o, Purliiunout, und Wt-ll, cjn/.-ti-; di ; i partH Of tbfl l.Jontlfioii, l>ul Ho- m- Mien proiL-HUon liuv.i bvoi: ipiicU to :-|i 1-1; of ! . ojc&lluiitipiuhtif-'.-i. Ur. (iodhoui.oi il.-u.-, 'Quo,, in ono of inciiy jtby ii-niiiM -ho js. found recoriimoiidin;: tiuti'ivtiu- ly......Takim in the iucipi"ut !,tu<*csof tin tlnv-it->c ii naickly haninho-n uulnrrh, hut it lia^ pr.ivi-n jUDt Uri (duuticiou.-i wliuro lb-- dibci.-,^ Iiil- HHHU.iii'd a oliro'iio Mt'ito, and [pv-m J'.-"- '< ' Iohh of bearing and otliM- i.nudb:n. b if . an 'nxccirdin^ly plo'n^int mu'liciim to tn-e, tt woll an a Mire cure, Tboro i t no doubt whatever of '.lie im- 'mcdilito roliuf tlmti Dr. Atfiiow'H Oin'uuuil giVDH ill CHHert ol pile-:-. (Jnn a [.pli-.-ati.ui b'ringH aomfort, and thin du.cuHe m uuicd in from tlircii t'nix nif;ht.H. It in an ex oollont romody for nil nlun rlibutirt.-h. - For a dinord<!rcd utohiaoh Hick huad- aoho, and hilioumi' hh Uiuro in no remedy BO HUnplc <'iiHy to fike and oertaiu in ith ouro nu Pr. A^:<-w'd Liver PiIIh. Tlmy havo boon pluaud at 10' ceutu a vial 10 donoH. 'Bold by J. Tbornt-. etiquette: in spain. l'liiu't) tho iNiopln.Ant I'liiiotllloiiMiy I'till to ni; All 'I'Iuhih. Spaniard-1! liavn snmc rulnnof c( itpiello tlnil would prnvo KurpriHiiif,' to tbo nv- I'laK" 'usy MoinK American. Take, lor Inslannr, Hut rulcn t;nvrniiiiK visits Whi-n llm first, nail iri niudn by a buly, Klin iH expelled In iirrivn in a cavrin^'c, Mint bcin^Minnsidt'i-ctl u mark of lii^b rn- Hjicct. Should tlio person rnllod upon liu iibscnt. I'rum home, liiu vinilor is exjiiadi'd lo lcavu her curd with on<* wul turin'd river, and in nun minor in to lm written thn initials K. P., inruniiiK on pur.vnnn, ru- in jiei'snn. Uiiou riii^iup; llm brll the visitor is usually Kivnti'd by an unsooii licrmm with the wonlH, "t^uifu vh':" or "Wlin's tbere?" to whieh should Im re plied "finite ile paz, "or peison.s of pi'iicc, MuteritiK', Hie visilnr is conduct ed t> tin- hi .st room in tin- bouse, led up lo u .' 'ol'it and placed to the riyhfc of I lie jpisless. ()n rising in take leave tiio proper funn is to excbiini, in the eusn of a lady, "Seiiora, f jdauu uiy.self at your lVei." She will unsuer in a .sim ilarly li^uiutjvn way by suyine;: "[ ki-s your hand. -May you depart, with bind and coin inue well!" J'Ymiuiim TisitorH ar" saluted with ;t kiss, botli upon tln-ir arrival and d< partum. It; is considored an inipai'tli leible hi each el' ^ond nuui- nei's l'nr u f:ontli']nan to ollV-r to shake biiiiils witli a Spanish lady. Anoiln-r decidedly objectjoiuddo in'oeeedi,!)^, in Hpnnisli * *, is to idVcr u lady one's arm when walking with her. Should a Spanish far forget biin^cli as ni otVer his arm to his wile, ho would be looked upon its lamentably ignorant of the. laws of etiquetto f-'overnin,^' j.;nod soeieiy in the land of Ins birth. Aliolbor not ba-able custom is I hat when wul kin j.' witli a Spaniard in Spain it is eonsidei-ed the height of ill maimers lo walk on the inside, This is the place ut'. honor and Hhould always, be tfiven lo Hie native. When a well bred Spaniard -meets a lady on iho slreei, bo always passes to the outside, tlitis making way J'or.ln-r, hut with men this lulo is nor nbsi-rvod. Whoever ban (he wall on his. ri^'lit band in tin; nar row streets is eiu it Jed to keep it. The.-'* are mu:o- i f t he me-t' imled po- (Uiliai-i; ios of tie- i i;/< reus, rules govern- in;,' Spaniards of polite breeding. They are ]uiH\ti)iouH almost, to Ihe point of aiiHtird-ity in most; t hin.t-'s, lutt. their po liteness is of a kind that; wears woll. .Detroit pYee i'tv>-i. A Stin'y "f Two I'.lf; lUiiuioiid/J. M.tirie ^lawjier of llm (lynrnase has the two lur*,'eM (iiamoiiiis now in i'aris. One day she n.n iv- d iYun her jeweler a telegram asking her to come at once to bis shop. There sin- found a lull wom an, thn-kly veiled, who bold in her bands a ca-e with r.vo supeidj diuiuonds in it. ".Mademoiselle," she said, "-M. K. tells nie tha,t your fancy is to jiossess a pair of except ionally beautilul ear-,!.,'s. Those are all (bat you can desire. Could yi u pay de,\\*ji fi r 1 belli before 5 toiii^'bt the leoyoito francs wliicli I ask for them';" Mine. .Marnier was si art led. "Hum, iiiv;.'(iil woiir.ui, " she said, in a hrc-Mpte manner, "you are very ciad over tli.- mail' r; > on a.-k for |Oo,niMi fraiie-i juM a- > ""U ^voll]d ask for a bushel of r ojoits. " The j.'ve 1 !* put lii.s lingers on hi,-. J ips ami ijmliliil ib prera.t iiifdy. ' i Hi, vi ry will," said.\laniier, "ifslie is a ijitei n. " " . bo is a <pt'i n, " an- S'.Veri d I be bldv J.iolldly, slliHtill^* the e.i-'e '..'ilb a .-nap. JbM. .Marnier had In .-n touched by I he bl;:/.i'of b;;!ii winch had 'jie-t (11. her i \. -, ,-) :.ii" see me. kly : "All i".;;bt. I will ;<> my t.anl.i-r, and in itii l,i.;.r 1 b-ick \-. it a lla- money, in.. :-,ii:- yt.---- r.l I he in" -t ica .< ie- J'-'.V' Is v. lorn - \ t hi J';.ri-, Hut :-b" nevef d.! -fi,\o ivd llie idem ny of t he \ i'. b d v\ oimiii. I'aris Letli r. lm>a.jjpoi:i! i;-.;; 1 n urmal i<ai. * ' i b is lii" [ iok'-t oflie, >" I ;." . [,. t \ ,. \\ llll jo \', I i! I 1 all V.' 1 I 1 1 a lYee like a leimhet mid a voice with nicks in it as idie hurried v.p to the t.'en- traUH ud.-oii ticket. '>viiidow the other mornin;.'. "No, neubim," r sponded the culm ami ii;io r.iirl abb- :,,'i el, '"t his i- a bbiebsxa.: b :,iii;i, and we shoe hordes Iiei'e. Anything in our line we can do for yon tins morning?" "Ve.s,"slie mapptri, "you can t,ive nie a t icb'et for Sehaj-dieoke; thai '.'Mvhut you can do, .Mr. J.tlack.-miilh," and >.be darted a look a! the courteous and ur- biMtn luri'itt which clacked tbo f^lass ill hi-r speuliai-Ji -.. Gtica Observer. J'sho Iini'w tlu I'Vidlnff.' IIuriT iVli" has jiln-d me, and I know J shad die. The disappointment will kill u.e. Aunt Hannah I know Imw ilifiap- lpi.iini.ments id-ect, one, Jlan-y. Ibityou will ^et over ii I frit ;jusi us you do now whiui i set that y<-lb'r b.t-.n on Ui QXKH and only just ^ot (jiic jjoor tihink out of the lot. London Tit-Luis. By=Law No. 248. A fi Y-LA \V to propldt: for drahtbif/ upuH 0/ (ho 'J'tntm <\f .HnNi\r.% hj/ the Jitiprovfitncnf 0/ the- dunJhUd Aorfh and Maidfwit: Townlhw (ir<tht, find/or rainiufj f/10 mim <\f $.:7-'f,loj'oy <:(npli',{'ni(j the tnniir., Provisionally a'dojitcil"-Hu: i^t day of Septem ber, 1 Ho/). WilKai-.AS, coinnl.iint h;is been made by Thoiuaa Irwin anu XV. J. Johnston, owners, us shown by the last, revised assessment roll of the property hereinafter set forth to h ben efitted by tlit: pultini; in better repair of the (iosfield North and Maidstone Townlim: ilrnin, have notilicil tle council of the Town of Ksscx, tlmt tin; said drain was very much out of repair, and requested ihe said munici pal council lo put the said drain in repair as moil as possible. And Wiii.iu'.as, dier.cupim the municipal council of the Town of K-^ex caused an ex amination to be made by Janie., S. Laird, 1', b. s., bciiifj a pei.-ain competent for Mich pur pose of (he said localily proposed to be drain ed l.>y the improvement of ;,aid drain, and has also prncurerl [ilans und estimates.of Hie work lo Ik: made by die .>aid lames S. Laird, and .in a.vse.i.sineiit to be made by him of the real properly lo-he benefitted by the improvement of the said drain, staling, as-nearly as he can, the propoition of, winch, in his opinion, will bo derived m con ,cijui.iiee ol >ueh 1111- priiveinent, by every road or lot, or. portion of lot, ilie said assessment so made beinj; die u-se.-isment by this by-law enacted to be as- ' c-^cd and levied upon the lot, and parts of lots hereinafter especially lorth and des- I'lilx-d, and the h-port ol the said Jaine.', S. ! label is as follow^: To the Mayor and Council of the Toyvn nf l'".s.-.ex, in Council assembled: < iKN i i,i- mkn, In aceoolaiiee with in structions from your honor;ilile body, I have lakell the notices signed by Thuma.s b^\in .un1 \V. J. lohnstfin and have examined the mains complained ol in said notice-, and beg to report thereon as follow.-,: - The drain on the ;,outh side of tin: tounline between C.Oshekl North and Maid-.n me, from the north-uesl an^h. of the Township of (ins- field Noith cahl to the- Puce Tap Drain, I found to be very much out 01 repair and in much need of improvement. The drain on ihe ca.d side <d the li-iwidine between tbctich' \orlli and f'olche-ter North lYun tin: -.aid aitide. soulli to near tlie centre id lot ;\^2 is a bo out of repair and ontdii to be improved. I find the co^t ol pulling the -said drnius in a [mod itale >>f repnir, all ev.|icn-a.'s inchided, to he $4X0.50. Ol ibis amount I have ta\cd the Township of Maidstone lor benefit to roads widi $50. The Towinhip of (io.^fadd North for heiiuiil to mads with $50.50. . The lauds in Coslield North for benefit with $20 and for outlet with $/O.0fJ* Tint land-, in the Town of Iv->-e.\ \yitli $jS.25 for benefit and .'MJO.X5 lor outlet and :lieTo\yn ol Ks:-,e\ lor benefit to loads wilh $07 to and lor outlet .with $jyj>*. Accompanyini; you will find plans, pinl 1 Ion, .>] n.-eilicat mils, estimates, as- sevunerls and all other papers necessary for lpiidance in the conslrii.clion or cLaniuj.; out of the said dr lin.s. Those drains shall lie kept in repair by a tax on the lands and roads in the same proportion as nmv assessed except the engineer in chaise ,,j the repairs deems it to change the preportion. I have the honor to he, gentlemen, ^'uiir obedient .crvant, b S. LAIKU, l'.L.S. Anii W [ir.ui-,\s, the said council are of opinion 1 hat donna^e uf tie; locality de bribed i - de-^iiablc. l!e it therefore enacted by the municipal council of the Town ol kY-uv pursuant to the provisions of tie Consolidated .Municipal Act ol iN.S'5 and amendments dieieto;-- [st. That this report, [dans and e.-.liinates 1 e adopted and Ihe >.aid drain and works con nected therewith be made and cnnMrucied in ncrordance therewilh. ;.nd. That fra the pm pn-e id paying the -ma of * Ho. 10, hemp; the amount as.iessed a;;dn>! the ? aid laiaL -.0 jo he benefitted as :d M'esaid, other than roads belon^itiL; to [lie municipality, the lolluwinu special rale.s, over and all ether rates, siudl be ;is-.i-ss.ed and levied in the :aine in.mnei and at the same lime as t:i\'.-s aie levied, upon ihe undernien- tionrd lots and the amount of die said special tales ;>; alore.,aid .dial I be a-seised and levied ac.iinst each lot and part id lot in the year l>iy6. |,b: of lols and parts of lot-, in the Toyvn of Ksmw ,i>-es-ed for the repairing of Maid- .sloiii- and ( inMU:ld Toyyiiline I )rain from Mi. Nayb'i's mill ead to the Puce out- le' , and :'. l-o t be ol ihe ' o] - ( hosier and I b.-lield To\y idilie 1)rain troiii Mr. Nayltir's mill, across j .,u t o! lot jS_. scrofula Any doctor will teliyoli" that Professor Hare, of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs. In his last work, speaking of the treatment of scrofula, he says: "Tt hi linrdly uceiufiurv to mate that. mddlvrr oUlsthii best n.mcdy of all. 'klie < j I i.liouH bo Kiven In eiiiulsiiiii, so prepared an to bt jmlatahle." He also says* that the hypophosphites should be combined with the oil. Scott's 'Emulsion of cod- livY^r^ITT^vT^ phltes, is precisely such a" preparation. "f ioslield North and Maidstone Toyttdine Urain by-law." f. S. LAIK!), Actini; Mayor. I hereby certify thai the foregone; L a true copy of a hy-law provisionally adouied by tl^e munici|'i;il council of the corporation of the Town of\, on the day of September, 1 Son. JOHN WALTKKS, ('Ink. NOTICK [s I [v.ui'.uv |dven that a Conn of Revision will le hold al the Town Hall, Iv .ex, on ^^ollday, the 2ttlh day of Supteinl-er, ll^oO, at the hour of S o'clock p. in., for the hearinp; and trial of appeals made apaind the lore- luiiuj; a.,scssmeni or any pint thereof, in the manner provided by the .Assessment Act, a notice of such appeal to be served on the Cleik of this uiuuidpality at least ten days before- the meeting ol said court. And further notice is hereby ;.;iven that any one inlendim; m apply to have -uch by-law, or any part thereol, ipia.hed, nnist, within ten days after die final pas-dnj; thereof, -erve a notice in writing upon the Mayor and upon the CI eik of this municipality, ol his intent ion to make application lor thai purpo-e to one of Her Majesty's Superior (Joints of Law at Ton mlo durhif; the six weeks next f-nsuine; the tinal passin;- of this by-law. JOHN WALTKKS, Tnwn Clerb. Dated at Lsst'x, thu 1st day of September, iSoi;. "GIVESME PROFIT!' /, ill l'-o - ' s - s i'-l Printoth and women tiro Konurwhiit id ike in one rc.-ua/el, n.s both hpend a good deal of I heir tinm in makiug up tlieir forms. Portugal hiiH 1,080,000 womon inoro rhmi 17 yoar.s old. 1 : 0 ) Ll..ek72 ', $ :\s 1 to ioS i>' , 1 i, : /, 1: et me .: - .*.o pt IbfJ i .el- 1S 1 11 * _> 11 a. 11 a c jo; 1 io ^o 2SS I L'<t> i i" 15 A' blks ><<\ St, >2 .'J)2 Lots I I.J o llSs I to i; V-" I I" is J^S I I" -I 2.15 S l" !' ;p_* 1 to 7 $0$ 1 to J.( .sO.i :i.S to _i7 \d] ;S to ,)7 Lloe.k o; t C 1 so 1 00 00 7 'i 7 7.S -1 "5 67 2 -15 o 00 a 00 O lo .; ; so I / V - 1 1 .i 7" 1 1 .r-'" 7 5" 7 No 5 .$ r,(-1 oS 00 70 7' 75 70 7S 70 >? 1 I -J .1 "o l 'I" 1 } cjn do S 1 -2 5 00 j in 1 i I 1 I -2 7 '-.i 0 00 I.-) l(j j 00 7 (jo -I -P' I .1.1 .) ! -15 54 ^ 1-2 1 50 55 e pi 5 3 00 S5 W pt I 00 pari lot 2N3 14 1-2 S 70 Streets in Kso-K ' -pi I -; 97 Io 27 Oo psl. Ion- the purpose ol paying tlui sum of $125.00, bieie^ die total amount as1 essed ;ip,aiiul >lreels in die Town of Kssi:*, a sub li.-ienl special rate, over an<l above all other rates, t-hall be levied ui the same manner and at the same time as taxes arc levied, upon I he whole ratable property in the Town of Ksscx in the year 1896. .ph. That llns by-law shall be published once in every week' for four con^ecuiive weeks in the Fssex Free I'rcss, ami shall come into force on and alter the final passing thereof, and shall he known and may be cited as the The Motto uf Those Who Ue- tail Common Package Dyes. There lire utill a few bu.iino^tj men in" Citmida who tuna moru for mynoy profitn titan they du uhout Htttittfying tluur cns> touiern. Them; are. tho bu.iineha men who :e.-ll in- [urioc iLud unittLLion puelui^u dyeu for homo dyein-{.'. They buy thene coinmon dyen iroui the mtdturn two to lliree dolluru lena thiin the .Diamond Lyun eo^t, and then re tail them at full price aiiked for the reliable und ^euuino Diamond. D>un. Thin in dee-option pure and dimple. The women of the country can huoii put il hdop Lo tliib kind of Hwiutiliiii^ bu^in-jiia if they cuittiiiiUiUy iimint u|joii having the Dia mond J.)ye.i. Poor dycH iiiuuu clingy mid tiinutty colofrt'rruTift:'d"^o)iiH '.\.\\t\ lutit tiuio and money. Diamond Dyun uru uany to uhj, and yen alwttyu ^ut ti yruud return fur the hiniill muouiit of money yon expuud. Walkerville in improving it-* water t-ier- v ice- by puUiiii^ 111 a nu\v pump, tivo new nteel hoilei'M and biyiuji a niunber -:,i loaim-. Andrew Mitchell, who lived on the IL A. Walker farm jint ubovo Widk-.-rvdlu, hhot hiiiiHi If a Jew ininut^t, boforu day light TuoHday of best Week. He Irui boon hotut-whttl iudiHpoaud hituly, HiiftL'finjj from a idioht hUUHLroke during the heated term, uid tliiu uv) doubt ulijott-d bin mind. Un camu down to hroakf:trft Hbortly utter 7 o'clock and nut around fur u fc-w luiuuLeu iifter the metil wuh tioisbed. ile dun w ut uphUiini to Ids bedroom u.ul in u few miiuiU-ti the report of n kuhhuol whh le-ard. Ilin wife wont to Inn ruom und was barrditd to find him dead, lb bad ;)hot himself with a Winehehter nllo. Ilo liid rested the biu.t of thu j^in on thu floor in iront uf him and, h-ddin^ ttei inn/, 'de in liin mouth with bi.-i left, baud, had fired it With Ida nyul. The bullet passed clear through bin hc:id mid buried it.stlf in tbo roof above. Coroner Ueaumu wuh notifu-d and impMiielled u jury, who viewed the i-eiiudnij and thou adjourned bo await the result, of a posit mort.'in examination b.dn^ held by Dr:e Poll and Llaare, air. Mitch. ell w.ti oil yeiifs old and in a native of tho hgilU-i of Maine. lb; nor\ed in a Mhbsu* eliuwetrt company during the reb jliiun. in iKi'di, he oiono Wtirtt wiib hiu wife ai.,d .-Kittled in JMiuhi^au and h*i:i b.-aui in tho vicmity ovt-T fduco, llctiidcti hia wife, he .eavoH two nans und a daughter, the 1 ettir ll! yenrs old, Onu nt thu bo is is a travel ler for McAuluy & Co., Detroit, Tho iidmr ia ti dtictur lo(!.atCT' on Itriuuard Wt., thai city. , liidUcu INh-h. Amon^ the many fucw to human houltli mjd huppinuHH Dyupepsia and couHtiputioti urn twin uuemicu ^rtjully to L'Q ' leured. With B. P. P. to drive, thorn out oltho Hyutoin, howuvor, no (Iuucol' need bo antic- iputed, ua uvcry iloao brin^H tho imfforiu- ft loup, litop furtlit'i on the ro id to ptirfect health and ntroniftli, aud a parinuncnt curo tilwayH roiudty. m. T. SIMPSON, ]tfiitiilfunti(rr of Fine ttu'ii Puiitiit I'lilou Artificial Ximbs Ilil.v. Ill liiden O., On trolt, Mlnli. iMiiict'ipLlvo :itlnloK"on and hhinUil for liu. kltn; iipii|l(!ietj(inn for cnvnnmuuit, ordorn for llinlai iiml I iiili'U'fifluf'dli or reiiimiiiiitliiit tlnu'cfor ntW.t ftaw on aiUilieiLtiuii FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. 5 J DUNNS AKING wH^S BEST FRIEND .--4 : r-SAtit in Canada. Are You Building-"? Wo eiu) .supply yon witdiall IuiuIh of Woodon Material, plain and oniitiiK.-iiiiil. I.Miiti, lh.dnloi-k and niitivn Lumhor always f)it lutr.d. Sbin^b'-i, Oodar Posts Doortf Sadh and ('o:tl. ' Important h Farmers.-We havo jus, got in a fu-Ht-ciaaa lino ol" iiiLrn lumber ;U SI2 |Hir M. i't. That wil] l?;,st a Life-time. Laing Bros Jas. JMcMurray IS AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR ,-=^p x ^w^r-^i^^-^iVy.'/'-- -' ii-^r.,^V^}f.*>--.V^,^*^;,^>T"' "- -' - 'I Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills, Hest Plows ii\ H\y Markel, i;Tii-wI-CI 1;-.iws' I'^ari'ii W ei 540 ns, Fanners Should See My Slock Before Purchasing. ALSO DKALKK I>'a.ey-'s Stoves^ ^iaw'are^ Gonornl TinHinithin'j; and 1 iui>airinir uttciulod to. *sr* North of Railway Track, - - Essex. Bgr^nmri*>w 1^ a,9 n T] iumi i ill Ollfc 60 V/ashh^on Ave., DETROIT, MICH. af" M M^mm d Mm Mi Urn km ^ii^^ijUjO vijJ uA-mi (dm. If you arc. Urod nf bei^r^ bunibii^ped and maltreated by quacks and Im postors', consult us, Wc have, nnide tin; treatment of ail chronic diseases th<' sludv of our life. If you ai\> in need of honest treatment wo will Lfive it you.' OurstulV consists of .-.oven eminent specialists, and their combined wisdom it brought to bear in all complicated, difficult or doubtful cases. Cou.sultatiQfl free either at Institute or by mail, . If you cannot call, send stamp qi question blank. Our charges for treatment v:iry from SS to 30 per month either by mall or a,t Institute. Only curable cases are accepted, and a cure is guaranteed in every case undertaken. V. S. Snnd 10 nuntM for our lit tits illu.-dratid biuiklft or. Stfinra Nfbulimtion, shoivhic thuonly tttdaniil iimUiiceeiiHfiil treiitmeutuf Catiirrh.Ciiturrbul-duafnuys, Broncbius,Aathnin.iiml CotimimpHoa,. FOB. TIME SOB PSIMTIMG ~^~' You cannot.clo better than call at M fas ^v m te- /' -':/"' .'.v'i.-.'v-Vt\^-^'v^u'\'.n^-+^^ tf^^:^fc

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