Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 11, 1896, page 6

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^^^mw^^^^y^^W^^ ^^^fmww^w^W^^W^ w 5* K ;, ft'1 ^. / # NOT SOMETIMES, BUT ALWAYS Tho Groat South Amoritinn rmnodioN aro Bpeoilicfl that Curo Alwayu A . Morriokvillo Lumborman Pron- tralod with NorvouH Debility, Ho- gaina JiiftQld Strength by tho uo . of South Amovican Horvino Mm. .7. Hulhim, of Berlin, Out., Curort of Kidney IMaoaiin of TCightonn Monthu' Standing by South Amori- can Kulijoy Cnro Bodiiddon for Fivo MontliH, South Amorican Rheumatic Cnro Efl'celfi a Oom- ploto Ouro. With tho urnnt, Boiitli Amorionn Item edwi'j it iii nnt tlio cano of occiuimindly hit- tinii lho nmrlc. Tlintio vomrduMi urn flrt*ifio(i (or lndinofttion and ncrvomi pnm- tr&tinn, kidney trouble and ihoiiinulinm, And inlcii hy ihnua iniff.'rmi; in Md'i miui- tanr arc mirn lo cnro. NKUVOTIKDKnTTJTY-Mr. "R. Mrr- fltlJiimbpjMnui_oh.ini and mill owm.r_nfj Hannibal, J.-1i-r tlio timut, Widlmgl.m " CHINES^DUCATION. hrbi Mtamiiit-d itn* ti hit ii (rod lmt IMtln in They havi' no ronri'-nllnn of leuriiiiiK an undniKlonrt In tlio wt'Ht of mutho- ninticH, chemiHty, gnoln^y cr kindred. Bclcmi'H aiirl nC xtnivovnul hinlory, fn- il(ul I hay imvu a V<Ty hupm-n-ofc Imowl- udgn of n'-'Waphy. Their nu'rimilum of ntudy fnihriuM'M tin- ChiiK'no rdiiH'drB mid philoftopliy (a voluiiiinouH rnmpilulion, OHpfciiilly hohliiiK in imiinenco tho tourhiiiK'i of Conl'iuiiuH), (ho (henry of government mid Ohineno pootiy and hiHtovy. It. iH thu utandnvd fixed a,000 yearn uro and lni4 uudnrgono littdo eliangr in tlm Huoeei'dhig rcuturiPH. Ono of our diplnmatio roprewutativeH telln of a convorKarion hud with ono of tho nioHt diHtiuKiiiHlu'd hchnlaxu and highest, nttleiTK in tho empire, in whioli they canvassed their rchpectivo wyst< ins of edueation, and ho reporth bin < l'rii'iul had never heard of IIo- m< v, Virgil or ShnkeHpcnrn; knewnnine- Uung of Alc.MiiidiT having crowd tho IndiiH, had a vague knowledge of (Jiesar and Najioli on, hut nonowhativer of By-Law No. TOWNSHIP OF MAIDSTONE. flavin lepliid: "That is your rivili/.a- tion and you learn it. We have ours and wo learn it. Fur centuries we have gonn on hat l-li' d to know what, wo kimw. Wiry nliould wo caie to know what you know?" Vel it. must ho conceded that OhincKn Hcludiirs and oflieiuls aie usually men of dieided iiitelh clual ubilit}', and tiny cannot In-Md down an iiuedueated he- oauso they liavo not, followed the eurrie- uluin ol* study marked out liy JJurupeim civih/.aiioii. It N ;i source oi'natural jnide that they ikK'-cj-s a litei.ituio nnil hon^f,. Rhn ayH : "I dnctorod, and in faot j philosophy older than any hinnlar leani- hHod ovct vihint:, but nntlunr,' Bcemnd toj in^' of t lie w est, and whi< h I'U'ii at this dceidfrl tn L'iv" it a triid nnd T can truth iullynuv thiLi I hurl not tulu'ii half a bottle bofnro T found ijcncfirial effect h. He fore tuition it I hud not only In frivc up bntu'. nen hut T could not hiu'o my own name, oithor with a pen nr pencil, mv nervmiH fiydlcm wtiR nn hudly out of ltilter. To- d(iy, after ttddni! two bottlen, I am nn utront' nod hwihliv en ever " KTDNIIY T)TKKARK-l'Vw wornn chcm (if Uidnny diHotut" aro on record than that of Mrn. .7. nllam, wife of a well known ilour and feet] merchant, of Hcrlin, Out At tiniOH the pain miffered wiih ho int inn- an to produce faiatiim f-pelln, nnd iL wi^ dfttit*eroiifi to hu\o her left alone in the A By-tjAW to provide for drama^n v/ork in tlui Towrmhip of Mitidnttnio, in the flounty of 1'jhhox, and for borrowing ontnooKidit of tho pinnitnpality the mini of Ouo ThoiiHHiul Nine Jlnndrml and l*"ourtoon Uolluni and Bijvunty- flvo Oenln. l*ro\InlojiifiHv niloptnd tlio 22nd day of Aui'iifit, A. D. W)iWinuti'Aii, a mninrlty In numltor of tlin vrni'- il'Mil. mill iion ) imiilitnl ou'imrii O^clnufvft of fiirninrn' f'Onn nol uctunl nv/nnrii) mi uIidwu by (lie litnt rovltioil iLMiiniiiiinniM, tlio iirojuirtv hornlimftd)- not forth, to tin lnniotutnil hv (liiiliMi"o work, luivu pntlllound lho cininoll of tlm 'I'nwnnhlp of Mafilii'omi, ]irn\ loi,- tlmt It \W)iiM ilniln umlcr tlio pinviiilniiti of tlm Dniln- "t:<t Act, llio fnlkuvtru: luiiili-: I.ota "Sim L'^-'l ami 3'(7, iimth pin-In, N 'J'H; tlio wo'it part 11 of lot'i Nnt( ii iiinl(>V [n Vlli con; lot 7, ie nth luo-r, H "M II; 0. notiHi qiiiirtcr. K M It; II. nni th lntlf iioiitli at tlin rriful, ti) I'oiu- of tho 'J'nlljot ioikI loin nni tii iiloiut tho Mint fildo ot Lho Uth con ioai] In tlm illlcli on lho unlit Ii iililo of tho MnMop rninl, tlioimo (unit to tho iililo roiul liotwonn loin i; mirl 7. tlionco nortli on tlio wont iililo of tho imiij nMo loml to tho conLro Utin of tlio lotn itmitk of tl.rt Ml'lillr- voail, tlionco oiuiL aloni; Ok* "aid nontro lino In tho Htvor I'mio, AIko il ditch on llm lino hotwooii loin H und II from tho MiUdon iond to llm niifil cnutro lino, (Ikiiioh iiant. to tlm Allon iiidiiroiiil. T llnd that. th* fatd dlloli will rout,nil oxponnim Includod. ^1,;il5(l0. Of thin innniinr, I hiiv.n tuvod tlio 'I'owinihi p nf AlaldfiLono for biitiellt to roiMld, with SiOD'Jl, Tho ioiiiidiiliii;*l.ill l.7fi, I hitvo nnne/i(,(id-4in,ihifit tlio loin and pm tu of Ir-ln that will in iniVj\^iiy*hn alfoctoil hy mild dltidii'it, I liiLViML'iiiotuiod Dim ill for tionullt uith t l.l'.ih V.ri, und foi oiitloL with J 170 00. Thin diiiin tihull ho Itopt in ropiur l>y a tuv on tlio laiidn and rciodii now iimmnned, I lni\o tho honor to ho, ijontlotncn, Your oboiiliMit iicrvant. -IAMKB H. hAlUD, 1* h.H. und C. K, Biliousness in cuii'aiil by torpid liver, whloh irvwiit (IIkH' tlonaad imnnlts food to formont ami putrlfy lit LhnHtoinnoh. TUoii follow dlzzliiona, licadachu, lmlf, R Mil; ('.. nortli-cimt nl|hth K M H, iind hd No 21. in tho HtIt con. Ah-o lntn No'i 7, , 0, ' |,*((,j,llt July l(>th lh'm 10 and 11, unuth of Hio Miildlo Itoad, in fiaid I , ' ,, .. ' ,, Tow.ii.hipnf Middntono. Ano \\ inn'IN. tho n-iid cnunod is of opni Ion '. ' , ., .. tlmt tho ilndnuco tjf tlio iiroii'i dctwnih< d hi ilo- AM) \\ m*iM-\n, UmrMipon "e* iiaiil council ,druhln liafl piocurod an cxoiiiliiaLioii lr> ln nludn h\ , , , ,, .Iitiiii m H hn-ird, Kn|.. lioinc [i Iwiimiii ii'impnt- 'I irrrfoio thr. oahl inuiiioipal coumcII of tlio out formica puipoim, of tlio Rnld n i -a iirnpnno.1 H'1"1 l"wnhhip of Mniddtonn, puiHiiniil to lho to ho drained und tlio iiioiiiim Hiiiji'itoil for tlio | l'V.,v,,t ,l"'1 ' tll,! I^aniiijio Act, pen, miiiiM.) an Insuiiiltui, iiurviamaiMin, aud, If not rtdloviul, hllloun fovur or hlnod pnlunnln[{. hood't* 1'lllu idlninlato tliti ntoniuch, ronuu tlm llvur, euro luad.iclio.dliiliicflu, con- Htlliatleu, ehi. %'t crnt'i. Hold My all dru^fflHtu. U'lioouly I'll 1st to talio with Hood's Baraaparllla. Pills 1) UK MeKKNXIi; tV .JKNNKH. hinniieo tlioicinl, and nfotlim' landH and rondo lluldo to iiHhou mont uililcr tliln Act, and ban alhii piocurcd idanii, iipocltVat lonn and ohtini- utoii of tho dwilnnjjo woilv to ho inado liy tin* iml'l .OnitiM- H. hninl. and an inni'iihinoiil to Ito Hindi* 1>\ him of tlio ]mn 11m ami rondii to ho hi'ii clUtod hv Midi dr/iinu^o u m k irul of oihoi iollowir 1st Tlio ii i id repoi I, piano, i>pit(dl)uati<niH. mi ni hiiiiioiitu in id out inialoit aro limnliv udopti d and Lho diuiniu;u u oik uh liorom Indlt uti i[ otol not forth )<IhiH ho mado and cotntructud in m-- conhinon tlunov. ith. '2nd. Tlm Itoovn of itald lowii'ilnp inn\ hnnow roliovc m" for unv length of time. T mtw Ronth Amorican Kidney ("'am adv^rtinid, and pnreliaped a bottle llelief came in a few dfiVH, and tho Hccninl bottle cured me Of (ill kid'inv tfnilhlo " BUKriMATIKM At 120 Church-Htrfd, Toronto, thru.'lo'ddfi .Air. W. I. Trncie, wlio wiih a urrat, i-nffernr from rhcumiihcm for rnany yearn, and was entiiely Ix-d- rifldr-n for tivn months No'Iiuilt did him anv tood until fsonli \mencon Hheuma tic Ctiro was talu'ii. Ili-i words on* these ; "You dn nnt kno'v hnw tlvui'.ful T itm for having tried Routb Amet-icnn lilieinnatie Cora. For vcus I had hiiifereil. Fiuflrroil itttonMcly and could tret no ichef, until T Wna inllucnced to i^n thi.i reined". How great a nofteinrlwii ih known to hniulre.lh day are not olif-oleto, InU ex'-rci'-o an eh \aiintf nioial and_ intellectual mtlu- enci- on a vast multitudo of the human family. 11ui. no one -of hin race more than Li IluiiK UllaiiK I'cco^ni/.rs- the deficts of tlu national sy.stem of edueation. Larj;< ly tJnou^h hia influence, the. em- prror Inn ah lulled at J'ekllig a eolle^o with n full faculty nf fnrniHn proh .>>or.s for tho uisinictini] of chosen Chini'so youths in the Juiro])ean lan^uaKes ami modern .sciences, with a view to train ing the'm for the diplomatic service. Ho J hr has uKo i stablihlied at Tieji-tsju, for tlie lio yeiii'MhiH viceregal rohidenco, Irmd.iand roudn lluhht fro omitrlhlltif>n thereto , nn Ul(1 (.1(])j|I fnwiihlni. of ' Htntlmi, imiroiirlvnn ho run tlio pi npoi oon of , MaLeanno, tlio mini of -1 ,'JI 1.7.'., honu; tlm hoiietlt oullot 11-Lhility mid iniurlni: linhilltv. jlinion ,, .,ilul for cnnntiuetlu tlm-mnl ilnun. I uhloh.iii hm oiiinlon, will h ; dm i /rd or incurred l Mul wny j,ibl|() (|,doiiturou of tho corpnrntmii u.! In cniiioi|iioilpnof mich doimiuio wm K hy ovoi \ ||mt imiciiijit ill nurnanr not, ho.o Llum - ,d ca"h. I load and lot. oi pnrtuin oMot, tln< miirl hhhp w- jfLIlll jn.yuhio within ton j eai i< fiom llm ditto moid so iniidft lioiimthtipmheuHiiinnt lioreiniittnr Ul) ln(jf uith intorenl at tho ratoofau parent hv Hd"hv liiwrniiftodtn IniaHiiiHhcd nnd Io\in.l , alumni, that. i'i to nay in ton emm] In- npmi IlioreadHiind lots nr Hurts of loth hero HtiilincM-,, imch dohcntiiron tu hn payahh. at th- nif.ftoi hi that holialf onpodally t,ot forth nnd [,ii|nrml ihoik nt Dim Tmvn of l\h, \ and io rloHcilhod, nnd tint loport of tho (uthl .rani. h. l||tu. n,|,1(.il(,(1 tl, t|mm cmi|oii,n for t ho pny haird in ronpi el ther'iof icid of tho said drain- m ut, nf mturtnit iil'o work hi) ui; iui rullown: ., ' ,, ,, , ,. ! ^, I*or paying tlio mini of -l.rid .il), tlm lo the Itooye, "'M'Utv-K.ann and Muiiioipii 1 |Iim lint (.|litri!n(l unilllht tho fiail Und't und Con.udlloHiof tlm Towieihip of MaiilHKmo, i,,, i.( ft), hmiollt, and tho tiuiii of - |?h (in, tlm in imiiH-il iif.'H.iiili]iid. ai:]Ht lho -mid landn and Oi ni i,i \ii,S. ln iH'cordniico u nil mntnic- romls tor oullot I in In lily, and tlm hum of s tionn from \tnir houonililo lnnly, I liavo In ken Mh" u tnonnt chnri'od iii'anmt tlm imid hinds nnd Mic I we pulitioim, eno i[,'in il liy Arthiii WiIhoii, - rrmrln Un injuring I in lulity, apiu t fiOm tho hind . I'wi| , nthor'i, nnd the otlmr hif;in d hy K H. 1 and ro \>i'\ nrlniitjinj:; to nr conti idled h\ tlm Wotiif i, I'juj., and nlln r1, " 'id h t\ i hiid oul I Im j iminiclpiihty, und for c/ivni ini,r irdoneit tlifinon diuiu f-n an to mi it hotli ]i'itilioii'f, ami lmt; to ro for I tin yean, at tlio ratu of ih\ jior ci utimi ]icr pint th.iri-oti n i foIlf'W'i.-.[ii oxamtninc th* locnl- j iiiiinnu, tlm total iipocial rate, over ami ulxivi- ity dehoiihod in tile llrnt mi'iitioned ]*ti tif'ii. I iill other raton,-idiall ho at-'mhuod, hnjtd aii'l llud tlmt tho I-111 con road and part of tlio "M it 1- j collected On tlio 4/mio manner nnd at tlm mi inn den mud nnd tlm lundn inljoiniiH! i hem are vim y . tmio an oLlmr tux en -no lovu d ami col loci' <\i poi.rlv draiiiod, nnd u ill have to ohtain n ht 'upon and from tho undermentioned lots ami O-r out lot llum they liavo a L po MMit. m K>me [ ]>ui la of lotis, and road i, and tin* amount ,,f tlm dncction oi another On tho lino ol ditch indted [ mud total npocuil raton and interest nhnll ho iii- l/n in tho H.iond ])otition tho I ntrht adjoimiiL! \ vidad into tan enual pm tu, and unn mi! h put tm) very much in imod of driuimtjo I would i shall Im a',ame-ial, levied nnd oollccti'd as afore- tln lefnrri rccmnniend I hat a diti h he i nnsLi net- daid, in each y oar for ton years aft. i tho Una I cd in iiecoidancii with tlm anno pi on leu nnd j pao'diij.; ot this hy-lav,, during nhlcli tho hind .pi'citW- ttious finin the il it cli on the mnilli side | dcliontun n lia\e to run. of citiV-eiih in Toronto Von are at liberty! holmnls far military, naval and niedicitl L_------- .. to u^e mv name in anv way you like. Bold by .7. Thorne. KINOSVII.MK. Tho colored BaptistH hold a meet ing in tho Tuberti .clc, Par.idiKo Grove ' n Sunday higt. Mini Mulhern ban reiurnud fiom an o\- touded vi-it. with friends m the eaft. HnnilrolH lnioil th< hcieii Siurda> , Goth ui'., tu witnt -' the ^ n ht r.u-e. Tl'e follownif.; bn,its c jnt<-->i' 1 : I). M-Cor- mink'- "Lioh'nuit H'v- \> , \b "Mnlmt KlLi^'K l']0, "I IlUil'I t r , Mi 11 >\ up on, Le.uinn;:: jh, "C'l.iti i ' u. . tin -Mi t'u- WUH ('III li)llt. '.\'tr<. '(/I iil|Llv'-l 1 it (.al ;iLll oil lt pi i/.i, a >.i Ah dulo; t( i k -'ml tWoney. Tno up-) elm i-Ts in to" iVn all ton tribult'd 1:1)." tl'\ Ihvm 1 He ]i: / ' , a!^e the Mi tl aw a1- lmi t-. Ainoricaii, Tin di i rt ci. in lh 1 mtt (1 States If- bcv'iii'.ni Lr t'i 1" ' 1 1 Hi. )\ fi '., t'\ er\ dn> a !)llii;hei- ui I. Out -i In '. , i p . ml Mr.. ( >. II. Sn 1 ! -, \ 1 1 Lim-r on C'Irj l.o u A 11 ill jicL i.i i : oi Kli atf' rd, Conn., Ii i ;n , t .. tin u. I., inur -liildr. n. tbi*i-L LOL Is ai. 1 i M 'il; h. 1 X' L CI. l.n HGVIJ! |> Uiid-% . J j I til*. .1*1 ih * i !h' . i nd the \\< e 1. i i ih i|ii : k i: i ' * i i > - 1 pound-. A I ti. tu tii 1 n i.m i V. || pioli- ably h\ < . 'iio s'i !.li i w 11 11 I'll h to (Pi'n.11 V t liii [i i i. I ,'. i i! f y h no lie tWll.s education, manned hy lCurojiean m- htnielor.-, and his examjile lias hm n lol- owed by other viceroys. John \V. Foster m L'i iduiy, A SCARED TIGER'S LEAP. A SIIOKT TALK. Oil A *H. I lit tl *" |L I- j I 4 I I I r. Mil I I UI A In ) nl i. i i' i r \M)ii n in l i in I' i : .V i I Tl i I . lie ' t a 1 < i in !i p i " * It 1 lii n.i i1 in 11 i I i ii ii i '\ -I A nd c ,u i - rl n.i. 11 i i i I ii at 1m .i.i 1 >' \ t' n 'lin v i k t [ i In i.nil i ] i 11 i j i o\. > in '1 1 ' I ] t {.I I - \. 'Jl V II 1 V. M 1 !. i| 11 - Ivl.niiiln On ih J;( ili , Til " li< Ii 11-. Tin } i Ui i all I i i.< ^ 11' ii ( lllL' lli' i i i culi .' o 'M: -].....* * t 4 , E -p h * (Ii. t - . i\ in'.' 1-1; I'lin- . >'!' ,' u. \ II.. Ji I'D l.I ! .' ' 1 i '. 1 ' dm, ti i . ,\ \ i . . ' nil Hi li' i ' i I I ^ i ' K'Ve) I'HU' al^ir p .ii i )i IJfie', sh i I'l' I.OLK : 11, i. lll'i III *} ^ f idiorUiLi.i! of Im nih, i ti. 1 MaiiV a HlL'ld 1 ' ' i 'i W'J 1 .id that L i' <rt 'i tut lie do., n, aiiii as a 11.(1,11- r oi 1 net I u n - Ju a tei ribiu cm.o He m, eoiupli ul> worn out, and ii' bilitt-u d. "1 coiTiineaucd tliL u-e id JJohii'h Kidoe1MN v lnc.ii t e,ol frem .Mr. Slmrrin'ri dnic Htoie, and cm huy that tLty arc a ureal Uahipy iii.e. In art, im diein ', us w.d( im an t'XOGllenti tonic. HI liavo Noil putting better e\ei tanoo 1 bo^iin lij 'alto litem two moiithn atro, und to-day have no back or urinary tioubluH. Xhoy have alao rouiovod all tho hull tit trouhL'ii from ubioh I miffr-rocl, and I hciirtt'y i-K'nnimond thiB valuahlo modi* Ohio ai 'i- p' 0"iiu fl11' l ! fo,nln of l'*Jny coDoplniut." \'. illy. . 11. ,'1 1 i anV 'ur h1 tl 1.1*1 Ml" (1 UI Tl.< (1 11 l! ID I.I ( 1 , . , \ It In id ; '/ f the In . CatiRht In n NurruH (Jnlly, It Vainly Tried Tor lOsrapo In u ]li(; Tree. Scarul aninuih Jea]j dihtancts and liej^'ht- thai mast surpri-r tlienm-^ at line f, jtist, ;i^ men in a i-Iare ot e\- ciiemi ni do things thai ip-toni^li iheiu win it t hi y cool down and In Khi to think' about v hat lie v have drum. Wli"ii a man nii'kis it louj,' .lump up m tie- Adirond.iekx In ^'. I iici'us^ a blook lie Ii said In hav "jllJilpiil like a tteei," lull- hhould the man have made a leap, a-> ovi r a hud i it'lice or aei <) -.-> a lu-oad brook. I'l'iu;.' at the time in a M ito of i .\eih mi ni, a-i liavinu,' a bull clon- alt. i him, In jui!i]>'- I Ik n "like a mmh d det r, " m an tl deer making junj]js Ihe uijalarmi d one eon Id not make. I Ti",' i - do not oidinarily take to trees, j but the\ Lac In i u known to humi when haf 11 .> 'I'.iinl at la iu^ cln-i pnsiil. {.'aiil.uu S. D. lirosMie n IKnl an Indian \\'/< i\ bap I hat land* d it m a Tree Iojk Tin r.iptain was waitni',' lor tin- In liters ! lodii\i a liK'* l'1^ way, when one ol' tin 1'i^c < als ,[\ ] i ,i! t d ut tlie tip of a Miip, '-tony i.ivine clo-t al h md Tho lu^' bullii finin tin- i-u]il;un\ riitc km ic'o d I he t l^'i r head 11vi r bet Ls (low n lb' Ku'ly hank- ll ietclieil up ji^'ain-1 the b'diom on i --lii!. Tin n it made a , f lain .e il adi aeii i s I he ra\ urn hoi loin to i a ln_i . The '-id. -, iif t bo foully \\ i ie loo i sh i p 1 in* i-\ i ii a cat to dim i, and uji and dow ii t! i n win im n n .uly tor it. I 'In- buiih d i.;;<f had but a sini^h c ba:n i , .si .ai t hoiijdi it Viis Tin tn t at ! v. hn h it d..^ln d jin^ht < ono a I 11 [ Inci 1 le liiniti I--, . nd up il jui'ip' d, land.11,' ani' i1,,' I Ie* I i am hi s o\ i ] ,"> h . I ah \ ih { n iiinl A ii w m< i a ni-, hit. i , anoiln r I hi Hi tl it. >u w York Sun. 'I hi Sweet itliil Sen! intent al M itrtlcrtir. Tin ] ii a ki >.} thai tin uio-.i 1.i- 1 nion > ni a] 1 .lapani *-i* if bheri, I blk; w a tu.' n li ii, i in o by in^ht i nt ei in;; a h( in.-e I ti. Ui 11 .: i d .d w ,ei i Jan nn d by the Minli ( I a b.iliy wlm h rt j in d out lund-i in him, heiiinamed play- l(! _,' n.mIi t/ht litib u-oiluh' until all chain" i i oiii\iiir: mil lii-i pin i u-e w ;i.i bi-i It l iii I baul lo In In vi t bis hi ni y. K\ l *. ^ .1 l!> ]ndlee 11 i on i (ill ot ' i < n 1 a-- i di , In \mi lo child: i n by pm h ' ^ in-, i! ( i iiiiimd.-. J-'o'ia en uit lis u.S'o a ti i ' 11 b i urd' i i a-v x,,. i ii pt i h a i:i thi local p i] ' j------the j r ot a Iioiim - h ihl li'" 11 .nit i'.- S' vi u ]n i -oi ) had Ijm n hi rally lawn in pn < i ., v. lulc :e-h i p, bat lin ]'olli"i' ui-ui\(i(d a little hoy ipiili iinhai ineil, i lyiii'- .done m a pool i ol blood, and tin y found evidence mi- i niistak.dde thai the nii'ii wh'e-li w nue.t h,i\e taki u .'ri-at care nol to hurt the I tluld. Jjalcadto Hi .mi. [ Nut luvlthic Morn <'olliHloiin. j "Nn, dr," haul the man wdio had wtiyt red "I won't learn lo ride,a bicy- < le. I had thniij^htri of trying it, but, i I have junt, h' ard of n peculiar trait in tint inaciiine that ctiuflcd mo to chnngn niy mind, M "Whai'fi that?" "I understand tlmt \vhenyou llrnt try to ride, .if you neo anything you onpe- oinlly wish to nvoid, you'ro ulmoHt cur tain to run into it." "Thoro'H a good deal of truth in it. " "Well, that RottlcH tho whcol for mo. t liavo enough trouble with bill colleot- kb us it in." ^Wttflhiugtou Star. o X T Ii Sill S M 11 c o t-J L'^a .i '.V 41* hf Jsil v,' hf 217 u <ir 2S7 9 hf n hf Jh7 'i ht 2hh nqr 'I > w hi 1\ a nt w hi ^*i n pt ^1 11 w 1 t '2 I e hf ." ti \: qr ," (i'e ip" ."i a e ipr 0 11 W i|l" I. 11 l i) \v lil 11 1* i|r (. 11 hf s bl t;^,,r 7 n w o,r 7 11 hi h hf 7 h 1 r 7 11 e ijr s n f .jr " n v, qr s h v; ' j r s h m e ijr '.) 1 w qr 'J 11 hi 1(1 H i|P 11. II lit" 1(1 11 hi 11 1 qr 11 11 hf 1 I ti v: qr 11 n c (|f lif hf !(J0 KM I V) ro mo ;aI'm 1 I 2 r,di 7 l"i 1 h.~, "id ;.u ."(i .",0 ".II .".!) "ill ."dl ."(() :n ."0 ."iii ",n "di ."0 lilt) "<l r>0 10(1 "(I 50 r.i 13 00 2:, 00 0 ()u 2 00 1:1 no 11 no 1 00 -1 03 ^ 1; 00 IM .10 If) .10 'J< no > on 1:. 00 'J, 2 01) ;u 00 c 00 j (K) ^ 00 z "T* o-3 ovJ _ =1 # ^ - r - - ^3 > ^ r zt =** cq ^ -~ -> *o "^ H.c " o a S* (i Mf:Koii/it), M II (' .M.Tiinlty todvernity, iiHiinhcr nf (JuUc;m I'hv icniini and Kiirmieim, Ontiii In, (Iiiirhuitfi nf Si v. Ynrk I'n-it finnhiute "Mcilicul r,olht,;; (ionium* for the Ceiiitty nf Kh ii x Itr ndencn, Tullmt t.trtii.t, nurlli nf mil - wiij, Kmifix. , .1. Kinlii.nnn'i r, SI n.C M., Trinity Ihilvi r Hit J, M. CJ. I* ii'lil h Out ill.), Idi- U'mH] (;lh('e IMiM.irlnni., I.nn dim, Y.wv , I t hi ln]ui ftl up ami (Jold -Vii dnlii.1, Trinitv ""lli'i'ii, ItiH 1, anpnintiid Httlitie I'll Mnii, 'J'(i)vui('J 'e ihtiiI Ho pit 111 mid Rhi.idmit Ai-i hiiulniiu' hnrieade l,\ iiij: in Iliopit il, Tin onii 1. \-\^\ Sp.'citiltv. ni 1 ion", (il wiiiikmi 11 nd clnl lien, Untiidi'iii'f', ImiiMit lately nc ujm .1 lij Do Innwi,, 'iiLllifit Ht., Mnl >-Oihrii In I it 1 pei iitl II.Liilt I'.luelt, ground Ileor, itp)M> ato Tlini itn'ii lint;: store .MuilndniKi dlh pen H'd in tin nllit'ii. 'I el up hone runneet luti \\itli liolh eld,-n md ri 'ildenci-H I'livuta telti pit .uti linn In tw< i>n Oynl I'lUjinitto" 1 In.ti ii) 101 I Jinn Kiinrd>'ti Iifiti 'n an I rdllco. Ni^lit cull 1 iittI'lidml to 111 npirii 01 r<"ii lum 1 . 'W^A-WTSU h'llnlan'en to'liandll- uiii H.11 . j* ' 'anndliin (it nivti NuiHtry St'ick. \\l*iic 11 itm! hiiti'ifmMifiii tn vi priMiiiitut i\n 1 and eiiit inmii, ( ill nuo'ent'ii ili n tlm lui'i'unt 1 tlm Dniiuiilnii, e\ in* 'am aei i-i, .N' nutciiitin ion In fii-dnni i,\(dii'.i\ii tm 1 i'oi-y mul liljund torni't tu wliolo or part t nun urjfiif i Wntii in h'lOM. A \W-'hblN(i I'HN, (ITr ud 1 tllci'i Tinoiito, Out /Tlm enly nill IjI'> in CiuiiLiln luivnil^ te'tlne; ua liui'tl ,1 II .llll CAIjTj at Bazaar," l-'0lt Abb KINDH HK Contractor ni via ai 1*1 - o H m o H ] :j3 27> III) ,"i0 (10 00 00 00 00 -1 -** ::i ."'0 ];t .70 t;o 00 no no j"t no \M HO ;j7 no 27 0( >! DO 21 do ". ) .70 ('.) 70 ;^ do 7n no M) .70 dh uo 7^ (ni Ml J .70 ;r nt) vo 00 a) 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 17 cu 1 1 ,70 .70 70 ,70 I ! 11 11 K -70 .70 1'. (10 I. 00 1 oi.h ____1 l.n; .70 -17s 00 Total Total "li lo'tiK........ -i00 '27, 9 i; 00 10 .70 I'.) aO ;i7 00 27, 1)0 1.7 00 'J-j 00 (70 00 VJ 00 ;s 00 i! 00 11 00 7, 00 7:t no '27, 7,() 77 00 21 00 ^7 00 \'.\ ni].l Til) 77 f)0 77 00 il no .71 (10 .7 1 00 21 fill ^7 00 21 no .7 1 (10 .7 I 00 CO ,70 (17 -7o SO .70 In .70 NO .70 hO .70 l> 00 II 00 'JO 00 20 (10 101 1 .70 :nn\ '27} ^ 'J Iii U h in S 17 H'> (17 M 17 Hl> i;j :\2 li 00 I (J '20 1 \\-> 20 10 I ;hi 1 OM II 70 ;i m; I M> 2W 2H II ]H 07 '-V2 .70 ;i2 :u (jo 1.1 '20 JO \)'l 70 10 u; ;{*- 1 OS r>r, 70 11 im; 0 so '.)'.) L'M ;n oh '21 1-2 1(11 1'2 ii 12 ;n; Tl ii 1-i :iti 7^i 1 hi; is ui" 1 ho is do 21 l'> 101 7'J 21 11 101 12 ;}<; 1-2 7:1 11 7.i 11 ;ii; ri ;n; 72 ;ni 72 7:1 11 7d I I !U .72 HI M) l()(.l IS 0;; 21 117 01 li) 'II in 11 ii 72 il 72 !) 72 111 U hi 11 2,7 02 sh 2H iH Hi 71 \\\ 1-1 2S il*J KM) is 2 10 H 10 1 1 70 (7.7 70 7 2d 27 20 7 20 27 20 -7Ml 22 210,7 72 IDS Oil .]0,s ;'i HI (i 7;i (J 7:i n o.i ;i -jo 0 12 2 id) 7 01 1 \,'.i In r, .77 1 10 I'iH i) H2 :j 10 10 17 :t 07 ;j 07 1 h;j 1 s.i 10 17 10 17 :i .,7 7 ;n 7 .(1 ;i 07 ;i 07 ;i 07 7 ;ii 7 u 1 '.1 1,7 '.I IM 10 HI r. ;t2 11 70 10 ill HI 7) ,77 2 72 2 72 ! 10 r>7 10 H.'i British Columbia Pine ShiajlBS, $1-00 Up. All Kinds of Building Mafi .V.-/S7/, JhniA'S, Window BlindH awny down Oliinawnro, Bric-ii-Brac, Fancy Goodn, NovclticH, liookrt nnd Hiationory, pcliool Hiipplies, Toys ofal] kinds, Berlin WooIh nnd Fingering YnriiM, Now Stock of late Wall Paper. TH3 ESSEX Holler \ Milts." flAMES NAYLOIt Tidn 'i Dni ( i|inrltinit\ nf iinnonii(dii[[ to tho imni'li) ui oi" I n und Cnutir.v ot 10 unit, tllilt iui linii n iik , i 1 tlio Kn 'ot It ill or Millil 110- c()| ihtij; in | I,..tin nriiiiiiri-il lv li. J.' I'rico, of HL. 'I I mini i, mul ni i i 'iim tn, d tlm lurvicmi (if It diorf, Stoudmii, mi ( \pnruj)H!oil mid tlioninjjlily onm- potiint inillnr. 'I ImnJdiifi lint "pooplo ol tlm town iindooniity Im On) )m.tiirm[;i' Ih-iIj .oil ujkjii Uirri In Lliu pii'it, will iiimiiinlou 'iiitn.diction in Uio fntnro Gristing and Chopping a Specialty- /-'. ( (/'i<fti ol f!i>tt>\ lu'al and ii' h<p> if .iti.ii/ and soUl tit t\i\*ht Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats. 1^~ Th< /'il . IN /, / nr iw./ /.'.//wV // *l//.'/i/l', tS.**" Sutlslacilou diiarit ntt-i'tl, Opp. Wiitor Works, t Kssox. And ntlH-rn follow iii|1i:t boliind. The Wall I'lijrfjr nu:y is mm", wind or no wind. I will <ituy in tin- riu-n und novGi* withdraw, Wliy hhoiild I ? Victory in alvvayo and cimiIy mini;, \Mth tho "timplo'i of a MtooU ot '100,000 rulln in .700 ditforouc doHiuno from ,'J ccntti to .7(1 edits a roll. No ouo can pi ^tibly f:ul to timl tho quality of )nijmr and the \i;iy idonticul ptittnrn that will hf iip| ropriuto (o nny ponnibln room. (U rt iti ii 1 v ii crmicf cn'ilrl not bo ca-Hior than nt my -dore. It will nave yon from 15 to- 'i" pi r ccrrt. D.J. WHITNEY, t- HATTKIl AND iaiRNrHnER. Ti lid up. hunU nn 1 roiuh..., 1430 7.7 17-: 00 II 1 / ) osii :i; 00 I Oi t ji 10 tin- L-itid thu "Wil'iou (,'md,ui-Wu uni Inula l!\- i___ " I'llTl'JK COUlilITT, Id - \d II, I'oi i n lii^ lliu Mini id t Ji*() r>, ni nn ol in *.( t %i (1 iii'iiini'l, tlm ml ni l o.i i It. ud | law.' , ml', ot tin. lmimi ipulily, nnd lur cm m mi; m jj jfcjjifMi mul Hit imlni li ii H"ii "L lOu rtil i'- ni ki\ | ' ' '('liTf 1 . 11 pi r uiiiitnn, il on cn.l i iitc on thi1 ' .'iilli ) , fcilflli-li'li* Ui ponlni'H till' liiipllrt'd > oin lv ' I'udiil.t l In i' !ui\ idiit 11.'i' unn iihuvo all titht'i* j ih'. In h \ i" i i nd colUrtid nn lmi hiinic in oi- "ll "".*) i tn 1 liy thiLt thu Iui f{;ni'n; is a tine iif i t nd nt tlm fi niif Illiu iii til\t ,Ii.hO I h\ tlio uiii' 11" i * ii. i upon a iui li i m i tin- \miu1o ra laid a I "' mile mul ('oniiril ul the Hind 'Vu\. ilnnip ut ni, I i 11\ , in Hit' hit id '1 im ii *ln|i f MitaN' nn , Id i ' O-i I iluno, on tin- -J'"id dny ol Aiiijiim, i, li o loi ti n \ i ,ir i alto i (In liiuil puhsin^ of 0-fii t \ i 1., Ln"., diiriiii; u liici. Oil nam iliiln .itnni t M, MilO'dll, htiM In i mi, , Clm-l; of tlm MnnicipitliU ol Miudilonc. Ttli '1 I nit ! inn i!- I j nit I n In. i. 1 > v hi ii > inti-d ' ________ r ollllll 1 ihlll It 1 III N t fill' l niltll Ul If)I OKI l'(Ml- I t nn 11 in ol l '.i- , i 1 iIri.ui mid hoi In, c'Diinct'tfil li,no..!l , 1)\ jiilldiu rain, In tlm lOHri.l I'lJiiiT ni i^i'i i'iI.ii" op ( itininti'l, lmt cvi'i'V hiicli i" in It ,'i'ti.r, v, i 111 t\. o !,ond a id vl( ltd Li'tui'y Hiir otu i., nl mi 11 In- ii 11 nn d In tli .\ i' i tn i-nlri i a to I on11- lin nm dun Hm Itu itianrn iiinl n inoli-noii nl 10 ' o-iii'iu !, .ii ci ii. In i;; to s. a nl pint, and i fill 'nt ,niji mul Mitliui tin- i.iont iiinud > idlii'i'Wt hi urdi'itid b*> I urn.....i; im t n iliill Jjo tho linn oi hiicli ['limn ii .in ii to c ;l i i ,. h Lid 11 ri' in (i ml u "I k'i , ui in i I u liii'.-i U l! ll.l > It" liiadu and ( Ui.'.li'lirt i in ai'i'oin, i Packed with Goo d Furniture o Every Description. A fine Parlor Sraits Oak fra ucie, Good. Plush, Wo never \. jh- i-f# well pn tmi i d to dn 'country, busimm, r^ntM ul jnodn md piii'-i ri^h' Il will j .iy yon t. i',\w ns ;t cull tind Linodtj and ^ot pricori. Wn mo plo'iitd ipmto pririM to ni v \/ii<i need t'ni 'ii1 Wo ImVi' !) ' ii domd u ^ucjil Htt'iidy li iiuhu now tor nbotd li'i v-nirh unt'l wo \ , to 11,'ml or our tlmnKrt to tho public ^on- '_; lor thovoiv li horn I p-iti onn^ti \vr lnivt, ccivd ol thon, lUinn^ tin'10 \ fiir that lnivt* hi') n <n btiiini'^'1 in lho now Tovvi Several hciuy tooms lo truck logs; also buyers Tor several Ilouifs and Lots in Lho' Town of JOsscx, and a loL of wild Kinds in tho surrounding Phchc pLopui tics itru oflfor- cd ut u ^iparitifjo. AL-o a hirgo quantity of coarso dry liiunbcr fur diilo. It may bg seen at tho Colchester milld. UMDERTfiKIf36firAPEG!flLl J. a, HICKS Ei ga., Essex or to Apply Lo T. H. DEOEW, :w. M. DEOEW, NOTICE. NO'I I * * I j i.i Imrt hv .'.nmi LliiLt n < 'onvt ol ltn- \ I'linn, licld ouiMiiint to Ilin jnoVl'iinnh ot llit l)niiiui|;n Atl. lh'il, tor tin' licioin,, mid 11 in 1 td appoti In ni it dn ii'iiiniiil. tlm uliovn niiniisli ii i ( nt, nr ill)',' pm l 111"ond, will hold lis In HI l.iL- I iui' . ut lin Tm, ii H.ill, Mnid'i! oiiD.u'i Sut u it lay, lin Il'lli day ol S pti'inliui* IMHi, ill the hour ot Willi iind) phoih nn 1 hpeeilhM- ' ll' "'flock nt Dm forenuon, und ih at unv lieit.ou Hi]., nol 1 ili-l ll.U l thn Ihl dul "I Kiv'i.nilii-1 i inU'liilin^ tu llppoal t |,'uiiiht ll,e iilnvti hmus ,- \ I, ih.|,, niiili"--! tiLhri -.MMt miluml b\ tho in^i.t, <n nny purt tni'li'of, um-,1, not lutur Limn r. inicill mid in L'.uiit rurtillMtii! ro tlio It( i'V h'H i u\H hi'Iotn tho tllin) lo.nd 'or the holtlin- ,,, nun f" titui ro , ntdi (.'oi Ii ii.:ioi', l.'ss ,ill id oiid (luui t, hurve on tho Clfilc of lliu nniin.j- ! , i ,, nt of Mi" mm nuiir iim', until llm 'oiitoiut I Ipulily, a uiitti-n notn'o of i lion iippcul. oi i nil', i-oiiip i ii 11 -i"d dub uci:' plod, and tut - (din r\\ Hie lie wl\ )n toil Jute lo hn hmilil in llnU J. GOTOIAY & SON, ESSEX. OHT, - ty . \ : r~", t ^Mr j f, '^ ^r-v- FT' V-'^l'i" ^-ji .- I.. u..' -'i'i.' * V < TTP" .'.. in liii pi i lot iii on'd ol thin i und ii d other did li*, - . riii,] ni -mi ft Mm ^niil ( ninini itnoni'i Ahllll III OttllMttl tO II-O'IO- IL CO UlllnhlOlI of tlio i) \> i nnt. on tilts t! coif, of the woiK. ht ll. '1 li'it Ihi i o'linilti'iltn u* hn U'lplil'od foilliwith to in ti i into hnndi, in tlu t.nin of - J,t Hi), l"l* tin inn- i tu iph'ti ni rit the w-iiK, lie- toi'diiii: to plum uid tipeuLlluiihoiiM, und within till) til tit pt'i .ln-il in i tuih hoiid. 7th. 'J he. hi-'i.u enull Ijh puhlidiHtl oneo in ove!y wi elf, t'ii fniir eo iM-ciitiVD ueKH, in the 1* i.m*x l'n I'm-'*, m HHpiiptir, imldi-dted m tlm Town oi i.'-ni.'j unu* i hull cimiu into loito upon mid ufti'i ih 11 ul puitMn,; tlii)i'L.'oi, and may l> hi linii \ml fin Mini nolle. itj Imrnhv i;i\iui tlm I unj poi'on inu'iiditr: to hu\o iiindi hydnv, or m1' ot then nf, qui;idled, iniud, not ltdnr tlntil t n duyii ilftoi tin* Until puiolli),' tlreieol', Kin vo fi lint- ii'u in iwitin;,' iijioii the lint vo, or nttitn* Jicnd tjiilcei, nnd iipun tl.o Oleik of tlm Aluuiuijudlty ol MuulHtonu, if lmi lntuntion to n.uku uiiplicu tion for that ))iu*pOMO, to tlm Hltili Ouili't ut To ll uto, limit]',' tlio nix wu'diii nuxt oiuminh' tho llnal puuHinj* ol tliii. by.'aw. lhitod ut Muiditonu.tho '-" day of Aili'iiH M. Mi-OIKIH. Towiifiliii) Clark, k fr%*,.*, -' J^<% A ISouil of Bjiilinuilt} , nieltly people with waaU ljoiirtH mul dtnuij^od tierveH, Mil- burn'u Hcurt und NVrvo l?illu w'll bo found an L-ffiiotu tl iriutliuino. Thi-y rentoro enfeebled, enurvntod, (ixluniuted devualimid or pvorwarked nutu in d women to perfect cionhticittionul power, Weafi and pulo ^ir!n and woniou noon rejuiu vimirnim hoalth. Tulton Ui time Ilood'd SarRiipurilltL pn. vonte BorioiiH dlnt-HH by kocpint.' Mood paro and all tho organs m a lieultliy con- dition. siirr to Win. The people recoj-jnizo und appreoiatr ruul merit. That in why llood'tt Burhiiptirilla hivn tho hir^eat ealon in the world, Morib in medicino mci'iiH tlio powor to ouro. Hrod's SftrHapurUhi curon almolutoly, por- m>inGntly ourew. It in the ono true blood punflor. Itfl Nupnrior merit in un eatab- linhod fuot, and mont wino. riood'o Pilla aro ouuy to ctdce, cany to optirntn. Cure iadi^'ostiou, hotitlaolio. THE TKICJMrn CORN SUBLLKU This Miiohino consiats of a horizcnliiil castoylintlov, with wrought iron bars, with blcoI tooth bolted to Lho cyli jcler so as to bo rovorsiblo whoa the tooth bocomo worn 011 tho front Rido, running in a porforntocl concavo iron -hell, which lho shelled corn paBsos through into a shoot iron ciiro, with a an or cloi'nor attached bolow, which takoa all tho duciiiom tb'o grain. The cheapest bont., most 8imj>lo and dnrnbio Powor Corn bollor in uso; shollfl lorn porioctiy cloau in any condition nholling and oloaning from ono to two housiuid bushols of oara per day, according to powor. Dimbnbionb. Pulley, 10 In. diam-iJ.3 ator, ft in. faco; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions por minute; Weight, 560 lbs;^li EVERY SHELLEREWARRANTED. m J GOURLAY & SONS. 'J&i 82

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