Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 11, 1896, page 4

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ife1."-/ ' m?}-. i '.'. I; i *f ' A. H. Scarff &Oo. WE SELL" Ton, Coflbo, Sugar, Flour, EaiainH, Curranth, Pruncw, Ap- rieota, Soapw, A'imjgare, Syrups, Oatmeal, Cornmoal mid a full lino of Ohris'tio, Brown & Uo.'h fancy mid plain Biscuits, Wg have for CAMPING AND PIG-NIGS- Potted Olnckon, Turkey, Hani, Tongue Ohippiul liccf, Corn] Doof, Boalon Jinked Boimik, SardinoH, Salmon, jWadicrol, Haildio. Roinembor wo have tho largo at assortment of Crockery, China and Glaanwiive in the Town. Call and oxamino our stock, .Fi'cflh.FruitH, Vegetables, etc., in Hun&nn, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A.* xLu SCARFF &> Go. GOODS DELXVEHED PHOMPTLY- Tke Essex Free Press, ! Hi^li School I'yaniiniil ions. E3RETT A AULD, PnOPniETOIT FRIDAY, SKL'TEMBKK 11, IB!)!). How. K. J. "Davis, tho now Provincinl Secretary, wan uteotud by uctdaniutiou (or North York on Tu^nhiy. Jacuii CiAfn.MK, of Onilhi, decided Htuu- bury on" tin: Tlitinn-h cotir^.' in Knudand on Monday for the Hculliutr clvunpiomdnp of tho world unci *l,'J.r.O, A COMT.MfOIUhY Ilnkii "Who ov.-m; tlllF country, anyhow ." "It look* a-i thnii^h it mifdit bo thu l"ndi*rwritorrt' Ahriocmtinn ft 11(3 tlltj O.XprUKri CI)I.:l['Knl(:r-. AN'imi:w ]'.vj rri.i.n-, (A Wuod.-doek, \v;iii ' elected on Monday for .Vmh Ox lord to Hiccoed IIoli. O. Mcwut in tiie Ontario Logmluturo. II h majority ovt.-r I.Ji*. AdanvtH, Indi.-pondeiit, wan 7l->. ^Ir. l'al. tullo i editor of il-e Kcntiiicl-Ki-vicw. Canadians havo won a hcrie^ uf vie tori t.*n of lute. 'In tkL> i'dt-nnitionul yiu'lit ra;e at Toledo, tlit; C'-uutda boat thu Yt'iicfidov, tho Canadian cricket urn v.'mi ihe iuUTiia. 'tional'niiitoli ut Philadelphia and now new." cornea Mint (iau.iuur han brought th,- huulb !n^ cliRiiji ioiif-liip ui the world back :o li.-j I)ominiori. John Kichr.ioi.d, of Colchester South, .fltut'OH that he will enter the eouu-dt i'nr county councillor in No. 2 District m Jan uary next, whib; A. .11. I'V-m , tho pres ent Ueeyo of tlie .-'an;..' tnwiihlup, will tUiro come out. In No. ',\ Ihsdriid, the only names no far incut ionnd an- ibthn 'J'. Brown, TIjok Mcd'ccr. and ('. G. Vux. A MMXTINU Ot I In: K.\i:CllllVi- Of tilt: South Ehh'-x Conner, all vt: A^unhiliui: wan held ul Kin^nvHlc on Tuesday, to aui-idw tlu ml vhabihtv of hniJu'iiii.' out a ctudidute ;n i ; ,i,,i, , ,- , , 1 <nutb toe f'l i rehiucii Tho following are thi! Luloriiturn Scduc* tioim from tho Fouith Header for the Hitih School Kntranco Kxamiiialion in ls'.i7 : Tnin I'Srown, Picturen of iWemory, The Iiarofoot I.Joy, tlu* Vimon of Mirmi, Part I, The Vihion of Mer/.a, I'mt II, On Hiti Own HlindnefiH, I'roni "Tlie Denertetl N'illd^'t:," Plow Gently Sweet Afton, Tho I'.,'11 of Am, Liiriy tlhiri , The Ihrouiu ul Vorcheiv.i, J.nttdin^ tf tliu PilL'ririni, After l><;atli in Araijia, Kula/rt HilniH, 'i'Jie Uido from Glitiiit to Aix, (."mudii and tliu Pint- cd StatoH, National Tdorality and Sceiin froiu"Kin^ dolin." The following are tlit! heU'ciioort tor nieuiuriztitiou : Tlic lit.'llh of Shandon, To iMary in Heaven, Hint! Out Wild lltdlrt, Lady Clare, Lfind, Iviihlly bi^Jit, Pefero Sedan. The Tliree J"i.-,herrf, The Pornakeii Murinan, To A Skylark anil i'Jloiry Written in a Country Church-yanl. Tho Literaturo Hele'ctioim for Public School J^euvin^ are from Llie JJiuli Sehuol Pt.'!iUor and are us ; To Hatiodila, The Hani, To n Uijjhlunrt Girl, Tli'o Well ol St. K'.ryni:, Go Wliero Glory V/uiin Theo, I^L-ttr Ilnrji of My Country, Tlie Cloud, The llnd^o . of Hi&lin, IlnrtttitiH, Th'j Huiiirin^ of tho Chine, Tlie Lord ui Purl'.iL'h aml-Thi: Pl-v.jii^i.'. -* ~t----------. i;. s. \\. HOA.m). A meeting of tliu J:l:.i.(jtUiVe Cominittcu of Lhi.' G:-t.-;i'. Sontli WeMern Kshibition u-a.-j held in IV'dc'i) hull on Saturday uftei- iit-oii la.-t with A"ice I'rL-hiduiit Kllin in the_ chair ami thu iollowin^ present : Secre.- r.iry W. I.1, jieaijian, Tri-H^uri-'i' JM.l.'hud, J jj,.r du-iiKj I.)injccoi>. Win. (;aii:p'lji-li, G<;(.-. Lou];, A. II. W>oilbridge and 1 Iuhcrt Wiprle, and HupL-riLtundL-uth Wn.. .Millon and A. W- (.\ iiOe. I'he Via- l.'rr,-id( nt alluded to [li l<.'.-i.-> b; tin.- Soei-.:ty by tin; lUn.W.O. Uaifour, the^ o lectio ti >->r a r"i-Ju'>.ei.::Lii\'u pi tin: I^obijl Le^n-luiun: to -UL-cced tin- iate W. IX IiutolUr. No lielPiilf ".cliu;: V. :i i ttdOu: | ^j. fliul tll\) K:->cuii\e U'!j"Li;-f,t ,\ tu )i:t.eL :it EhsC'X Town c,t. '1 l.i;[-(-,i:iy ie >:t, :->rp^ n.i>. r 17th. . . TlIK KM-hi..- on i. 1'J lb.! fio:n Toronto to 'J'llbur. hy C. 1'. K., w-.-ur..- to JEbHox by id. C. 11., '}: ent--. j be charge on tin: miuu- \ arei-1 Iroi:. Tmoiito to Windsor by C. T. U., tlu-nei.- to Am- licrntbur^ by htULM-, wi uld hv I'm c* or to Walkerville by G. T. K. ,.-r C. )'. II., and thenco to Kiii^mviINj ly L. I'i- t'. !' L- K,, the name tiinount. And yet tho )eo- plo of JiHrtU\ imiTt {;riu and boar thi:! j'i-. <: .- of irropo-iition. .Tme yuthT divi.'.iGu of the- heo.ion u'art .tttltoirin the Hou:-d of Corninonh ."Mnn.luv ni("ht on tlie motion to ;;o jnt<> Committee k0f F^pjjly on tin.) Ct'ivernnr-Gi.-i.erui'-. wur. iriititH, una '-die Government \vu:> furftniiiocl by a majority of !J-J, tiie \cii<: ben:;.; lbii to CO. John IIohh Itnherthon and all the In- dopOudentH Bill iported the (iovtrnment. M. 1C. Cowan, the member for Smith En- mxt waa paired with A. P. Macl.uren, tlie- member from Perth County. Rktuuninu Offickh Ghi;:,''. lias pub- liBliod the Htateuic-ntu showing the exp^n- a*fl of 11. K. Cowan ami Dr. S. A. Kin# iu the fooont Domiuiou election. 'iVIr.Cowun'n ;, oxponuoa were iih followb : PuiHonul o.\- 1 pcueod, 87.'j& ; tolegrupli account, So. ril ; telepbono, SK7 o*6 ; printing, fi50 {id ; Stc- retary'e fxpoiifleb, $20 ; hteno^rapher, %'.ii> ; ,!" total, 92U7.3C. Dr. Jviuti'n expomieH were : v, , byory accjountb, :J"i 832.50 ; lcjial uorviccu, 97.12 ; tcleniione, 84.60 ; W. II. Uellema, prmtiuK, 8J.S0 ; T. II. Macphernon, printiuR, })fj3 ; hull rout, 816 ; total, . At tun lfiiit meetine; of the town council .; a communication wan read from Mayur Dowfir tendoring bin roBJfruatiou, to talco ftffcct when tho conncil may think fit. He '11,baliovo It to tho winb of the majority of !l tile ratopayerij that no olection ediould bo ^Xjjeld <aow, thus mtviiig tho town tho p.x- g?AMua oouaequont tltoroon. Wore tbo vac- I'/ancy to occur after tho lnt of Novombet J;, the Municipal Aot leavoa it optional with Ijthe oourioil ns to whothor the vacancy v*boul<l bofilled,or oot, No option in left, , however, if tho roHimiatiou ia nocepted pino1* and an eleot(on would havo to bo hold. fc'ThH diifiaulty might bo ovorcomo by tlio ^;pouuoil nr&utiii Hio Worship a loavo of iTab&euoo, . UMil pri,n.l:-o.l to do ill'i UtlilM^L to din- elia.'^i- tiiL1 (hitii-h deVidvinj^ upon him as IlJUt.'f-nui', - TI.l- m;i.i;tf:i or the prevmiir; ineetim.' ,-.-i re ivud and, mi iuoEH'i:. adopted. ?di.'. *-d 1\ A. W. f^lioe, hi bonded b) Wm. !'.! ill"ii, am! ! e.-;oh"tal ; Whereas it Iniri-ple1 ; ! :l the G rt.:,I lie:! er of the I'm- \tr~L- tu r'' h'ciii cur midst oin lam- (Mdcd I'red h -t, Llm Hoi:. W. H. JJalfuur, Wf, the P.\i ciitivi!, Snp'M iuti-'in:lent!i, St'c- rt.tar> and Treasiiii" r id thu Great Suiif h \\'e-i!'.:rn l'.'ii-d id b'l reclonJ, at thi.H, the fir fit Uiteline; held dinct: hid removal, de- dire to place on ret'nid tin; deep feeling of rt^rct'that ban spread over tho menders of tbiil Society as well a:> oyer tiiu len^tJi and bnadtb of tlie country -.on learning that bin tiHofu] eareor had huen cut hhori jni-i. uii be had been f.ppomtcil to an f;jli-:e winch lii^ well known abihi ion fitted liim and in which he (vould unduubtedlv have achieved even nrenter (hsdiuctiou. liy bin removal .Wi- feel that wu have lout a valiud friend, a noble lender, :unl one who hn.-j always taken a deep uitoront iu all thit pertained to the Htiece-i'i of our Hoci- i/ty, while iu nut delib.iratiouii at tlie Pm- rcutive Hoard and at our annual fain: ho will lie midJy miffed. 'J'o Iuh bereaved widow and family we deniro to extend our heurtfult M-mpathy and oondolerme, in IhiH their mul aflliction and pray that the Almighty, who nevar fornaketh the v.ddowH and orphaua, will give them iUre,nth to bt'iir np under their fjreat Iohh. It in further rewoivcd that thin reuolution lie ripread on the minutenand a copy, Binn ed by the Vice Proiiidont and Beorotary, forwarded to tho family of tho deooatjod. Carried unanimouidy. The Committee on the Poultry Houeo reported havine; lot tlui contract for tho building to Johntiton Bros, for 93'J-l and tbnt tho building wan nanrinfj complotiQuJ and would be Qninbod in time. Mr. Millon roportod on tbo li^btiu of the groundu on tho eocond m^lit of tbo fair that it would bt> noooaaary to proouvo 2,000 ft.of wiro for name. Aftor florae di- oauHioti it wuh daoidod tadinpou&o with tho aoncort proponed. Mofifirn. Wi^lo. and Woodbrid|;o wore ap pointed to wait on Oap't. A. H. Kin^, rola- tivo to having a (juard of honor from tho Kinguvillo Cavalry for tho Govoruor-Gon- oral on the Heoond day of tho fair. Tho Saporhifeaudontfi wore appointed to OOOasion and Moourn. Mlllou, Colioo, Plant and IJoaman wore appointed to urrango with the Hpoolul A.ttraoUuiiH canmiittuo. Tliu jtidflen in tliu different olatimm wcro appointed, uflor which tho Oloard lub jouruod. A(l<IitioiiiiT IjOCUIh. Holler hluul, comploto, for 'M'mta, at Kranoiit, In rmuly-mado andordorod olothin^, M. J..WiKloA Co. kmd thotrado. dtiht arriyod, a fine itloclc of oiudimero honu, all uIzok, at Mihuimi Groeuway'u. Mitm Helen Uorko, of South Wondtiloo, ban been vinitiuu iu town tliid week. r .1. A. FriiiiciH in (,'ivin|{ iipccial pricou on ordered olothiii(, cull and noo bolero buy- i"K- Mm. WaHei'C. Lairif,'Iofivoii thin (1<'riday) morning ou a vifiit to her mother'*; homo in London. Mm. It. Wipditmau and daughter, Olive, are viiiitinji at the home of. her brother in law, G. K. Whibtniati, Kchox, Tant innkei' v/antuil at once ; utendoti.ploymont to a firnt clanit band ; no other need upnly. T. Id. M^Klli^utt, Khocx. LadicH who purclmuud unihir-w^ar from uh laHt uuiiHon, wore well plemied ; we have t't|ual!y nice ^ood^inow. M. J. Wi^lo A' Co. There pnimiHefj to be homo fun over the town watonnu: cart between .'John Me- Clintio and tho inerelmntti, tliL- owner.-i of the tank. , Tho choir of the Muthodiwt church will haye their practice thia week on Suturdiiy eventrif,' at H o'clock, instead of Pnilay ovuii- injbowini; to tlie band nocial. See the new veiling :ind drL^jd-triin- ii'jin^h at i\IiHH(;u C/rociiway'H, IVIth, K, .1. Lovelace and tten, Stanley, and Mum |I,illio Whitney, who Itad been upending h month at. Hmney hake, 1'etcr- bui'O county, retitrucii honn: venter day. (Thui'Hday.) ii. A. FranciH in scdlin^ ^,00 and ^'Ji,.~>u rneiiH felt I'Ydora htitu for 5100. We have been credibly informed that an entertainment will be j^iven in tlie hall here on the last ui^ht of the fair, by Sim l-'ax, of London, and Mikh Tren^biiiH SteyeiiHon, <a (jnelph. Theije artifitnare well. and-Javor- ably known, and will no doubt he well appreciated here. Wm. Sinbon is atli'miline; the Arizen 'nt Sandwich thin week ua one t^f iiie County CoiiHtabhiH. The frenbyli:! I .iu ehurcli choir have nlimited Albert II. I'erry, of Detroit aiiHihlod by Mi.-id lihuiclie D-a-rm;!, \i<> lini'-t, and Arthur II. Pa^K-y, tenor, to givu hij uiiturtiiiiirnoiii in l.'eeli'd Hall, mi Priday evening. S--))', l^:h, I'oT further pa rt icu 1 ti tti nee nro;.'rn.n-."i:l-.^ j .Mi:-:, Wherry, Jh.-r c::.r id Lubl.c I Schooln iur l-'eterivoru, 'wl.s dro'-vm-d at j LY'terhnm on;.;.[j.y ni^ht by the up- j hLdtin^ of hi.-i canoi.'. ^ Air. Wherry wan J forme: ly one of : In. Trine;pal of the .ichw. d.s i in WimlHOr ami leaver a wnl^w an>l rft.Vi a j (dlildjoil. lie v:\~, lib-jilt 10, year-j OI aijr, ] Mi'h. .M. (Juri'ie Hinewsill wijl re:iiim(!l in vo,::lI culture in town, on ! i W> diH-ndny )' : t. Old pupi!.*i will com.- at , u.-Ual bour.H. Tlm-ic wisiMUi,' lu infill, can i Ci.itnnunic ito with ht-r at auv liuit- cu j Wf-dhe.idity att'-riiNo'o mm evening, ur - Tli!U":...iay be-tWeei: tile bolii-.T ->( V audi II..'Hi a. ia., nt K.-v A. L. JJevi.-rly'rt. ! Tin.' 'iu-'k rn-'ir-' i;, it.iIhihi I ii-cfinbt r !":!.. ' Tl e i pen ;m tL^o.i fur i.'1'oirn.-, ^hfeetnts, i '"p:"."."1np fnwl oi' | :u'. riP.-e,' lek, Misp.-, ','jvei, or any e Inei watei tow I or ;,arni: ; \i\:d or LhiuiL., nubidiii^ blaci-. or j-r-.-y j MpliireiH and barer, di.L not neLMn till I .-U'o;i'Oil),_-r 1 " Lb :imi uo.N Ui ut.:ijjh.'i' 1'itb. l Tho opt:n i-eu.-t ji. iur ij tiail begins ono i uniitii biter tliitt the other:}, mi (Jctober , hOtn, and emhi t be :ainu dny, Decern ber I If.!.,. j An mi! i- rt'i inineitt i.; i:i 1 rif tho ini- prevemenJ iund of St, P.'.iiI'm Church will be m Viii in the 'J'i wm ] lull on Mnudity oVLiiin^, '2\tii itiht , at ti;[~> o'eloci:, by tho tah.'ided !WooSteJla Slau'Lcn,' ujocutionifit ami huiiionut, wliu in ii,alciej^ a letu* of ^Vl :dern (.'ainida prinr to mtorini( upon 11 r cni-Oi^ementh m thu Ccited Mtite:i. 1 lie folkwin/j i;i u clipping from the Jjond'Jii AdvertiHcr of Saturday,oth inut: "Mina Stella St/mton, of Chicago, ia lii^hly lahmtod. She lh a f/nuiuatit of tliu Phila delphia School oi Oratory, and in the pro gramme hint ui^llt proved hernlf to be very yermttilo. Ilor irnporHonatioiir) were purticulurly e:ood, uud her rendition of ti f-.cuiU) from "Gamillo" wuii an exuinplo of very uuuaual biiitrionio ability, 'f'hu tab- loati, "Nearer, My God, to Theo," pre sented by j\IiHs Stanton, whilo tho hymn wan huii^ by aehoriiB, waa very iinpreHivo. Her poainga woru wnll dono, and included thoaoof Mercury,Attiliuita and IIorctiliuH." Admission, 20 ctQ. JJenpite tbo cool wouther a good nambcr turned out to tho Public Library's- nocial at "DuU'eriu Lod^o," tho romdonco of Dr. Jameu Drien, on Friday oveuiii" lant. thangh bad tho woatlior boon milder tho atteiidunco would have been much lurgor. PuHohcu and cuke wore uorvod on tablan which bad boon couotructod fot* tljo oo- aa&ion, tho huly friendn of tbo Library nct- in au waiters. Aftor tho refronhmoutu had boon partaken af, a programrao waa given, O. Crauowollor acfctu^ ao obaiifmau, and Mim Hall presiding ufc tho piano. A ohoif of oi^ht f,'ontlomou( four tonor and four baaq oiutiprfi, carried tho audionco away with thoir rendition of four cboraaon, while Mr. Dorjt, of England, who io'vimt- ing bio auut, Mra. Carr, in Maidutono, (javo two rooitationn for whioh ho wan loudly applmided. Tho roooipto acaonutod to ovor 820. Tbo London Adyortiaor sayu : "During tho pant fow uaonthi!, Alox. Laicg, of tho wall ltuown firm of Lnintf Bron., buildorn. BARGAINS' For Ten Days c^WE WILL GIVE Special Bargains I Cash On All. Lines of Summer Goods. Space will not permit uslito ennnierate. Come and see for yourself. Yours for Bargains, rjxjr^ST-axT block:, sssEsn "Planetarium,'" a device for the practical demon.-'.ration of antronomy :i:id mat be- in at ical '^eo^raphy. 1'ieint; Himple in itn working; partn. and minutely accurate in i Ihiritrutuig the various pliant-ri of the our Mi1:- end planet' inotionw, the device prnnii-ert to make the uuniy of atitronumy fai' en.-ier and moru popular than formerly- and teiiclier'K are loud in thoir nraiHo.i of it.i vulue tu the Htndcnt, who e.\perie:ic':n litlio duiiiiulty in grasping tin.- pheniunena oi tin- various revoltiiiuiin of tlie eait'n, moon and plaiuUri, Mr, h'UJi^* linn re ceived wordh of hiijli j'rai:i! torjiin "I'lune- tanuin" iron, titieli eminent, i-ilmratiunal uutlu :i Lies an ,1. l)e".rni.->.-, \V. -I. i":vr-i ^:., J-". \V. Murchuiit. d, it. Cainpb>dl 1-^ndou ; I'l. ! Alfn-d linker, M. A., AlTred T. De Lury. 15. A., A, Melmci.-h, \V. J:'. Chapman, Toronto, be- .:bl'. ::i!ti!V otherH v.'ell known iu the ed- in:.'i' lona! worhl in varJKUs: piiit-i nt ( ';ina- dani;d the United SutuH. The maehiue ii;ei been placed tu Toronto Iniverhity, i.t.e 'Nuiinal School, Ti. rc.n'.u, mid (Jtinwa, iV"i;niii;.;lo;i ami WitnutJi* public fcc.'.ouh-, ai.d ofiu-r iichuol buani.-, u:u nf^otiatm^ w itli !Ur. Lain^'." 0 AT SALE OF DRY GOODS For Next 30=days FRANCIS.' M^'BU^TmXMa, A,W OOSS! Straw and. Felt Hat at Cost. Boots and Shoes to ^c at A Price. Prints as Low as 5c Fast Colors. Gringhams, u oc u hod that tho grounds woro pjot in cond*. tlou for tbo exhibition, ,Mr. Wi'rIo was ap. |I3hhox, haa porfGotod and put upon tbo pointod to proauro tho county ikg for thb nin.rkot a wonderful maohiuo oallod a i:ssi:x i*uj;uc school T::' l' !?. o!) . i:.;ii' i more than hal: .it th" I L-r ^v^ ^:y c.vtn.ii.iuion ; Aridiiu", i M. 1 -mmI., N . A e.\'.uuler.) W. A'ibi, \','. (.'n.-.-;v, elirr, 1'". (in:;.tli, (Annie haiiiir, L, Wi^.e, K. In]---, l\ . AHan), II. (.m tiln.-r,' I'. St^e-y, \',. Laird and ~\l. Aub'l. Si.\tr-eii (.tin.-f'i m the chi.-s did not obtain Imif tlie marks. Will p^reil'.H ploa--t; mitice MtnL pnril.H u iiu do no: obtain ball in tho di!:- erei:t f.'la^Hen at tin-hu n'e'kly e.\aiuiini- tioLH uro not duinj: the wr.rl-. of their ularf::*.-.-: tth tlte)' ah'jiild. Tlie Public school oi-ened '.vitli a lur*.;e ut ten dance, twenty new juipiU ha\ iui^ entered biece vacation, Uas Jiall. At, ti:o Agricultural Grounds ou ilnndiiy lu-i,,the Shtmll l.l:tne Hall team defeated Jv-:nt:: by a ticcre of V.) to 11. A:> will bo tiOeu by tho acore below the Emhcx nrj>if hud tlie ^ame well in ban 1 until the last inning when tho SIuicJIh wont to hat witti Ii ruin behind and lliiiHhed witli H runti aliead, nearly everyone oi the phiyerw .aRUCICl-illCS-yVhvays r'rcsl,... <> 15AKS ' McsL in tlu? -Marker. KelJI>.s<*" Hoiip for t*5o. AGENT *'t;omrorl" *' li5c. (t Our OwnlilCL-tric," for U5o. 'OR...... * m * \?Wb ffl.-.-.n-Tmrf* ' --fJli^hosi Vvwiz Paid tor I*ruduro, J. A. FRANCIS. Yimcti's Old Stun*!, lOsse.v. Tin-: Ca.vaI'I \m cricketerH defeated the irnitud. StateH team at Philadelphia thin wed-:, by '10 rmiH, tho Canadiann makini; *7 "una 117 to .'ui a* d 112 by thoir opjo- nentn. IJIll'tllS. Dihlky In EhHt.-x, on Priday, tSoittcmlier -ith, to Mr. Hint Mm. Win. Dibloy, n linn^liter. VireK- In Gouflehl North, on Tuomlav, Kei'tflii:- bor bth, t'J .Mr. mid lira. Ilimry Vailed, ti diiuyhter. To'i'TijM In nnfjtlobl Nortl:, on PiLtunlfiy, Htp- t(unl;or Sth, to Mr. and Urn. Thoniua Totten, ft dinuiht-'r. ldttiiif.; Hafoh. Only two 10=itje.\ pluyer j , .ii/-' i,ii i "i Mm: In Go.Hlield North, on Buturduy, Huntinn- Htriiek out while Gourluy had nearly a .ion. ] bor flthi lo Mr< (U11, i,rH> Alfr0(i ^0> IL [on en fatriko outn to bin credit. The umpinni; wan far from Hatiafuctory, partioularly in the calling of balbi and wtrikes. It ia likoly another j^arao will lie phiyod shortly be- tweou theho two teams. The following iu tbo anore : i BHCKI.I.S KSHHX W. Noble, c......... A.Gourl ty,l f...... - .1. fionrlay, n...... 1 I,. Ktotta, 2 b...... 1 J. Whlto, r (.....- I 0 A. Mulonoy, B a... 1 \V. HtotUi.c: f...... () J. Hutoliiiihuo^b I Ji. o,! it, o. 1 iM.Oouu-ay, 1 /...... I I j 2 l|K. SliuuU p A r f 1 .r. Futirtli W. Blmell.of...... -2 H. O'Noil, 3 b...... 0 J. HtlllUllB.U',0...... 3 T, i'dttymooe 1 b -1 A,J. RUuollriA:p 3. 11 H7\ 19 "7 1 2 :i \ 0 f> 7 8 3 T'l. flUnoll l'J Kbuox-1 3 a ;j i u 0 l o li .. Umplro Mr. EUlotr.of Cottam. -------------r^4------------ Tlio London Y, M. 0. A. will not about 8250 ae a roault of ludieo' day on tho ntroot oarii. E, R, Lftii^'a barn at Langford, Brant Co., wan do&troyod by rtro, autl in ooaoo- quonce of information laid by bitu Wil- haao Roid and non ISd*vard wore nrrootod. Mr. Roid in tho PoMmaator at Lanyford. Emigration gonorally from England de- olinod heavily during Aagunt. Tho; oiiai* ^ration to tho United Staten dooroanod from 20,000 to'10,383, wbilo omiBrafcioD to Canada doohnod from 3,333 to 2.80T. For oip;ht montliH, howovor, omiuration to Canada ban moroattod 1,000 to 17,07C, whilo that to tho Dnitnd Btatoa bait do ohnod 27,000. Tho total oxodua from Bug- laud has declined 18,000. AT aiarrlajje.M. Tkiiiiy In Detroit, on Thtiruthiv, Aufjuitt *J7th, by iliuIio|i Foley, Mr, i> l.'i Torry, of Amberutburn. to Miu'. Kllajt (!aui> puu, of Wiilkor7ilh),- MvuHH At 'Ehuux, ou Monday, 3n(j- | tonibur 7th, by Hov. M. I*. Oumpbcll, Mr. X>avld Mynra to IHiaa Jomiio B. Cowull, both of GoKflukl North. HunuiN-OTOS At Huthvou, on Wod- notiday. Kt]>tuuibor 2nd, by Ittiv. 10. MWld, Mr. Gorton Horrhigtoh to Mfiiu Rduu. Htan- ton, both of KliifjHvlllo. Dewah At tho rotitdonco of tlio nmoni'ii holi, Dr. ?. A- Uowar, In Wludnor, ou Tuta1- Uav. Hojitombor sth, by llev. W.M. l'lonijuu, of Khh'ox, Mr. Goorgo Dowar, of Plymjitou, TinTubtoti County, to Mrn. J, M. X.oy, fir, UflHOX. 'e-.........- :rr.rrT^:.:_u::iv.'=::i Eshcx Market. Wheat rod por buahel .... C Whfiat, wbito . Corn .... Oats .... Timothy Seed .... M. PAUL'S.. Must bo Cleared Out in Four W&oks: $350 150 65 to 55 55 25 15 to 15 l ao Clover Sood .... 1 GO to t 00 Hay por ton............ 8 00 to 8 00 1 EivaiiM IMuuo, new, - I .BCyniiN Pbiao, nearly now, 1 Kntu tt'linio-eiiwo Or^an, U'OOtl UH IIOIV, IMionoirrapli, nearly new, OUlllt I'OItiplOtO, Now Nsuuitiird ShwIuc Dln- clilut!, Motui-y, Now Siiindnrd NvIq: Mn elilne, sbiuile, 5tlra\vor \xv Wlllluiit^* Sow* isiir narlmifl, nonrly new, Ouclllatinir Ninistif, Aloihe Boof per cwt........... Pork Live woight....... Mutton " ........... HidoH.............. Chickens per lb......... Butter ......... Lard .......... Eecu. por doz ......... Potatooa, por buobol ... Onions , ... Ariploo I'uruijifl Carrota ' Turkoyfl pof lb......... DuoIch Celery pot doz ........., Wool........................ j to a (io 1 50 to 5 00 3 00 to IMiO 5 00 to 500 250 8 11 8 0 40 GO 20 25 40 9 7 1 00 10 7 11 8 40 to 50 to 20 to 5 to 6 to 18 to 50 125 35 35 30 15 innmlffllu, ----- 6 (julturw. VioltHH, etc.i nuil it ULimibco* ofNoeoud-Uuiid Mncliluen At a Bargain* ii. n. FAUL, Bole Aft<mt tax Karn Flnnori, Orgajia, Sing er Hu\vhn< Muohiiioii, oto. itiauiuma khatly done. YET*-*. ** JU**. Ji S#voral Uvlgbt yotta^ uw vlohilty. If thoy havo BioyelofloU iho b(*U*r. AUdraiw "AnvKU'i'jjiUii," IlrantforU, Ontario. At Ronton Harbor, IVtioh,, Vore'a opaa bouiio, e. four ntory briulc htruoturo, and : adjoiuinc baildin^a woro burned ooriy Sunday morning, cuuBing tbo deulh of 11 llromen and injury to a number of others, and ontailing a loan of uuout 005,000. Tho I nt o in a 1 Kcouomy Comruitteo of tho Honeo of Commotio have abolished tbo bar, ' "iSl 's$ ' ':M aiii^^^^ B2$A

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