Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 11, 1896, page 3

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m^k-.-^"-"' -: -: '< '. K ':; V ^fll? --H-* m ft*':'-' . . ________. * FVERY FAMI SHOULD KNOW THAT LY lfila n. vory romarltabln uiminty, both for IK- TJOIINAI, und MX'i'MIWAIi linn, and won derful lu ltn tjulclc action to ruUuvo dhitrouu, w" ClilllUf KHmrliii'U, Oy-nulery, Cl-iiltilH, ClKtl^k'iii amlull IniwitlCoiiiiiliiliilu, - 1 All! 1V1Ls.L>JU1\. .,jy tnr.wii i..r H-iiw SfdUiifMH, Hlrli lleitiliulic, INilu in Mm Iiiellor Hltlo. tticniimtlum ami Ncm'tilulit, " PAIR-KILLER .fcis^ffi'Sfi.^ MAltl!. It lirliii-u liri'.nV AMI rUHMAM-NT Ur.Urv In nil ettum at UvuttiV-H, i'.ltttt, H|>t*uhju, HoVitro lluniMd v.tiu PATN-TfTTTPfr '" ,ho w,, ,r"' * "* JT/illl 1\.1L<.L'JL<IY LrlhlrI| iviniil of thn fciWlintito M'ltvtiii'k', Winner, Knllor, and In fartull clMui'tf wimtltiK a 1U4-4IJ<*ttlO iilwnys nt huml, lutcrnuily or cxturuiilly vidi caibdiiiy nfndlrf. lirtWiihi in* ImllAtlmiN. T^kc mum tint lint CL'itulim , *'Puv Uavui." HuM . vrrywInTii i 'ic. Ulj tot(J. V.ury Ijruu lioltU, liuc. p.- SPECIAL OFFER. Wo arc bound t.i largely in crease tlio circulation of tho Fit be 1'iiksh and to do sc will fjivo tho papur in now Hiibscril)- ors, who pay in advance to I)c- cciubor 31st, 1H!)i>, for -J/j cents. All subscriptions to tho Fni-:i: Fiikkh unpaid prior to the 'Jnd of May and all unpaid at, tlio prt'scjnt, Lima aro to bo paid and colloc'cd by us and we will Fulfill all subscriptions paid prior to the former date to the expiration of the time for which same was paiil. Subscribe mow, Address all commimk-ationa to Uhktt & Ai.tji, Publishers, Kasex, Ont. A If The Stomach is not Eighl, Im tliotv Nnuucu t Iw ilior-n CoumiI ini tio n f Iw tlio Toiikiio Coatml * Arc you Ihf^tn KKcHtii-ri f Do you liave hlclc IVi-mlnolicH I Any uml nil ol ilirwu iU'ii<it<i Ntoiuut-li uud Edvor SMumritcr Dr, A^uow'n r.iv/M' 1'illsi net. quickly uud will curt* tnotit Htubb'jrn uii.t chronic cittcti No unplciLniintin!-iH. Nn uripini^. Tin Ht- little pilln urn liirlt- woinior wr>i'.kf:rfi uml aro fiii'-t'uiu;.!. -10 in a viitl fur ID coiiIh. Wanted-Hn Idea s wi..-. Lliliirf to pux-ir. Protect ymir liloni; tli^v rimy brliiK v"u ut.iiitn Wrlt JOHN WKUOKItlllJHN ft CO I';.i,nr Al.ti.i-. noyn, WiuililiiRt'tn, ]> r*., f..,r ttu'lr ftl/.M |,ri:-.o (jIVul- ami J lu t nr two liumlrcit lnv<>ntloiJM wuiuisl ESSEX Hoad(inurt.i;rH Hupplu- lot Nolo Sf-'ll i'upijr, r^ivclupi-ii, Ji.liK, Writing TiLhIi.-t.'i mill nttitu Stittioiurry, ' iJ^Li, iJZ*S\ iTUf j^Tw.iidi 4iM DISPKNHINCi AN!) Jr'AAIHA" I>Ktu.;(.;isT. SING- LEE. !A ELEPHANT -STORIES. THEY GO TO SHOW THAT THE GREAT DEA3TS CAN-REASON. .. IHniHtill' itt Uin Kkiii-iihh of u Illpiinitotu- miiH 'i.'lu>munlvuu lTruni An- Sn my opinion ihn oloplmnt i^i tho miwt iiitelliK"iHi o(! nil nniiiuils. 1I(^ thinltsi for ]]ininolf, and no mutter in what p< wit ion lio imiy ho platst'd, nr what; imini'HniKjfoH hu may Imfiiilli'd up on to moot, lin HooniH to bo ondnswd .with i'iioui^li ('omnutu fimiho to bn ('(jiml to all occasioiiH, lio lian ulnn ii Htmii^ HoiiHo of Inimor, which al timcH in mi nmrlcod ilh to bu almost human. TIuh HfiiHo of tlio humoroiiH wiih un- ufluully Well developed in un olcjihaiit; I know in tho Jurdin di-H PlantoN in l.'ar- ih, Ilowas Jcept iii a ^veut indosuro null in tho (i])ou air, ho Unit ho had plenty of mom to mum about. In tin- name iu- elosuro wan a very liirtfo l]i]jp{t]>or:iinus, for whoso comfort and inniisi'iin'iit a parent Htoun basin had hi.-eii built; and filled with water, andtho hippopotamuF in turn i'uvniHliod auiuscim.'iit. for tho elephant. It wus miiti' early nno morn ing befovo tho liour fur admitting tlio publio to tint tfurdi-n when J lmtirod tho e]c]ili,'iiit. walking around on tho stonti imI^'ooI' tin: basin, curiously watch ing tho hippopotamus. Tomnship ofSanduiich South. by-law no.............. A IlV-IiiVW t> |iinvi;lo ttir ilniinu^) work in ihu Tuwtitihip ol KnuiUviuh Kouth, in tho Cniinty of Khhhx, ami for bor rowing on tint crudit of thy umnioi]Mil. ily tliu tMim.of Huvon Ilmulruri uud Vilty Doll urn for nipiLinnix and im proving: pmtioiniof thn Q'Connull and Houlli ltciir lloarl Drain. I'vovlHicjunlly luloptdil llui Ifita day of Aiiitunt, A.O. Id'.HJ. Wtir.itiMfi, Wm. D.D'Noll uml otlmrii, Int.drnnf- >i 1 iinrtioii, Iiilvii rioLilbiil Urn (If)ioioil or (hn miiil Municipality nf (-imul winh Krtuth that tlio O'Oon- ni-ll uml Hcutli Uiiiir Uoii'l Dniiu. Wiiu no badly out of rfspiilr mi Oi Rimini tliimui!" to tlinli* IhikU.. vU;n Wlll'.io'.VH, tlui unU\ drub) linn UjHuana IHlacl up, ohiitnic.titd uiil out nf vujuiir un It m iHiitrntHiiry to {tli-itu fJUt, vopiili* (mil Uuprnvii Ltin mime, i;n mi In jiroparlv maintain tlio (mmo uml nilitltln It to ciLii-y "H' tlifi waUirn It wan (\rhlilial- ly ilotil|iinil to curry nil'mid to pro von t diiiiiiL|;oii in tho udjiKiont hoidn. Ami WiiruiiUH,. Oi^ri'iipon . tho iiuld council Iiiik procilinil ail nxiiiii uml Ion to im nmil.Tl>y a .if- Unlfui-ilJMj.H.hiiiiu,'!! pni'iion (tniiipotant for Hindi jiiii|ioni', u( tho if n Id i * ( ii. iir'ipniiiiii to I j (i drained ninl (Ins iiioiinii hui'dffdfiil for tlio druinni;n lliun r>f, ii nil nf otlmr lnildH and rrtinln !I(l1)1ij to iLhM'HHinmit innh'l' tiiin Act and lun< til no )>rn- (Mi i (id iilansi ,ii])i'(-innatioii)l nod uiJi limUni of tho dnilinuin worlt to lin nuidn h/ Itio mild A. .1. Hnllotil, aiiiliin iii-Ht'Fhiiinnt to ha niioio l>\ hftn of th" landu and rmulii u; \m Iji'in-llttod ly mich driiiniiL;n work and of otliN'.lnu'lH ami roa'ln Ii nlilii fnr i:outribulton Oinndi), iihitlai.', mi niHirly iin Im can, tlio proportion of lann-Ht, oiitlnt Ha bilit.y mid injiirinii liuliility, uliich, in liin npiii' Inn, will ho (luriviiil or incnirod in cniisiujintnci) uf Hindi dnihmi.'ii wnrli.liy every rand iimI hilar pari ion nf lot, thn wiid atii-ufinnnnit nr> mudo hi-. in;.'thti uiiMMiHnii-nl liciciniifter by thin by-law i-iaictdd to ho iihti""""d and lovifld 11 pem the loml'j ntid Inls or purls of loin li'indnaf'tnr in and uftor llio iPin.] i'iimdij(( thoroof, ami may ho oMcil Mm "lltliljInilOutlot Ily law." JOHN MOVNAHAN. AtHUHAM (JOTjK, Clat'U. . KodVo. iFKKKliv riTilfy tlmt thn fni'(U(nln'( In n triin ' ! a I hiu prin i.iiiiinlly ".inptud by tlu< t'liiilaipul c iii-ilnl r. n Haiti r|n'.vi)Hhi[) at Hun-wldh ilr.ui;,, L.:n th<> h'ni day or Auitunt, A. I). U'iltl, IOIIN .MOVSAIiAN', (,'lorU of ^fnuicipuhty uf huiidwlnli Houtb. I t Ih.a h.Ouill' (lipi'i-hilly iict frith and d'i-<:ribi.-il, I iVlt iniito HurO that thoeleiihunt WUH | mid thn rupm-i of thn uaid A.-I. If ii Hard in rcn- pect tlii-n.-of und rd'tin; i-uiid driiiuiiijft work b:.-- iiii; nil lollnws: (il'.NThr.MKN. Ill (infill,! I linen with liiiitrilf:- tionh from \ntir llononlhl(^ body ] Imvn iniiiln mi (ixruiiiiiutif n nf tint imrtion nT tlio < i'(!oinn-ll Crmdt drain, Hfiiltli ol thn South Tulbnt Jtond n ml In-;; hiayn to ropnrt -tlini'DOn: 1 tlud thin portion of druiii vtiW badly out of repair ami mdlndy Jnitullluiotit to drain tho Inculity (t, wau dchljtiit'il to liuindlt. Thn fall from thn'himd af t, ho * li-'Li ii inn Mmily I'M rodri i but - f>-ut ptr lijihi. Thn jjiim-rii! full of tho land in MiIh Ideal- j rose to take, breath the olephunt wtmltl' iiv i* I font |uir inilo. iii ordnr to mnko thin ivouiumcnao bin antitw. Around aml| ^j'"f, ! rV",)'1"li!,;1,(" VX* * rla * * t ^lx ^"s a * ^ ^-'=* * ^ i/- i*> ( ii-ll lotti a iii;]Jtli rf 1 lent 1 Ilmhon, >iV a dojnli at. around thn bennt. M'ouhl ^'o, kecptu^ a I Hm ccutroid'the Talbot koad lotn <>t h fcut l up lo.somo jiriudc, and 1 was not miHtuk- en; for, jusl a^ soon tin tJioearsof t-lm hippopotamus oame into view, the eht- phant (piiekly si-i/.ed ono of them with his trunk and tfavn it u midden pull. Tho enraged hi. pojiolatims lifu-tl bin ponderous heml eh-ar of thowada' and Hnorted and blew, but every (imo lie NOTICK in h'-rnhv jdvon that a Oouir-tof lin- vliilon hold pin-iiuant to tlio prnvbilouii of tlio l)ruiniij;o Ant, in;u. for tlio lmarinit uml trial of nppmihi nuidn iiifiilniit t,lm ahnvn ali!Umnnii>:it, nr any part tiinmnr, will hold itu Ornt, nitLlni.'it at tlui't'iiwu 11 ii 11, H i l i j c 1 \v J o 11 Houthhfjii Hatuidaydlin 10th day of Hiiptmnhar, IH'Hi, at thn hour nf ton u'ulock in tlio foronooii, ninl that any ponitu iutondlni; I" iijipoiil a|(ainnt thn aliovo iintiaiifi- tiMint, or any part thoroof, inurtt,, not later tluni ton i lay ti hiiforo t hot lino Ii xnd for tlut linhllm: of liaid Court, [ti-rvo on thn {.'lorlc of Uilfi Munici pality, ii wiittou untied of iun:h uppoal, urotlHir- wino lu: will by too J ii to to lin hoard In that holialf. y\nd furtlinr iiotlim in boroby i;Ivan that nily pm-Hoii Inti'itdiui; in bavo nuch Hy-law, or any part thiTiiof, i|uaii]iiid, in mil. tint hilar than t.cii duyii after thn Muni piLhsiiii; tlioi'fiof, Hi'rvo u untied in writlnjj, unnu thn Itoovn nr nthor linad idllcnr, and upon tlio ('lurk nt Ilia Munlcjpnlity Of Haiidwich Sonth, of hhi inOnit ion to i.iii kn up plleation tor Mini pul point, lit thn lliilh Court nt Torantu, diirinij ti'i- >,iv w()ii]:n noxt (nn-ilill(' thn ibinl I'ti^-.i.ui of tlil'i Ii y law. -JOHN MOVNAHAN', Towrmhip t'lorli. CHURCH DIRECTORY MiiTKnoi'.; . hi*. J'hmc.'jo, P'vtlnr. lUf'r.r Btfury Hillidnv at, I I M.ui. i.ud 7 n. in. Habhutr- Mohnnl nt Li::' lun. u. i:. Nayh,,-, Hupnrhf m a- DUt Of Koli/H !!;awiUl, liH.-liilltipl-iiV C,c tin, TUdflday nvi uLli ii>Um\ (inn. .al piayi.) lUnc.tlniion ' tnnlavov. ujni;. MARRIAGE LICENSES. L. I'AI'K IHHUV.H Ob' MAKItfAaH Iii-' L'linni,,,, Ufuliiivdimh Illk,, Khhox, Ont. E. \f l\.\ Kl '"IT, iiuiwtr nt MarrUdo laoonsaB vfl I'Kiloilnrlu O..T.,uto. <JBU>,Out Cnmieii r,v KNm.AMi Kov. A.l-.Uovtniy, lu ouinlntnt, Hi. I'milu, ICiimix, DlviiHoiarvici: ovury Holiday nt 7 n'cloulc, p m Hunday Hohoni ut ](I u. in. t'ritiltv Chimdi, Nnrtli llid|{c Hun lay Holuiul.iit. l.-ijy. ia. Thn public, urn anr- lliilly invilod.- ---------------------- I \\* |i. IIKAMA^J, Um.-.-Ici, School ! t u* !L.CM "Wilson Ave., next Aln-rdi'L-n lloti-l. The 1'i'n-t ii'ipr-iv- .Xtuuiii^', Colturn uud Cliiil or break tao win;.;. un ' y to: Will no'. i.TanK Farndy work chu.ip. und dciivt.-rud. Par (1 Ii PltuMu call ami try. It not ;-.:ii.ii-'oniory nodr-^o will l) iiuih:. i" .!- v.ork nuiti- you, rfcunmiiiciul us to ynur n-iuiid-,. Hharij lookntil for tlie little (-ar.s of tho hii)])opotamu.s, wJiie.h lie woiihi-seize. tho liiomeut they aj)]ieared. His evident do- li^ht; in teasinK his hu/^o nei^lilmr was very eomieal, and tliero could be no doubt, that ho thoroughly enjoyed it. A^ain, ono day tlio keeper pkired Koine food for th(! hippoiiotiunu.s in a coriict of the intdosure, and at oueo tlio hippopotamus la-^an to leave (lie water to Krt it, but the olepliant slowly am bled over to tint ^aiiie eornor, and arriv ing there Jirst he plaenl Jiin four feet over tho favorite food in suoha wuy that the hippopotamus could not j^et at it, gently HWayed his trunk back and forth and noted altogether un though ho were there tpiite iieeidentally, until tho gar den was thrown open to'tho public and he went, forward to rreejve the daily contributions of bread, cake, pie, etc., whieh were alwayH oil'cred him by hi.i hosts of admirers, Klt-phaiils appear to take much enjoy ment in lift; and exhibit a good natur.-d Hpiril. even while at work. In the ani mals' tpiartors at Ilridtfcpnrt, Hmaetini" ,ixu, two little elephants showd evi dent pli-it.-uire in the tasks that wen- .vt foi- tlmm. Kven in their stahh;, wln-n no trainer was about, one liftU: elephant would stand on its head just, it was used to lining in the oin-us and tin- olln-r would look anxiously on until its own turn eaiae to sfaud on its head and be admired by the othnr. In his native elimo, during thi-ho| hours of tin- day, rhe rlepliant usually seeks tlie friendly hhado of a f^rove o| trei-s so as to idiiehl hiiusi'lf fiomtl.'- burning rays of lin- hiiii. riiuiio I inn; a^i i in (Central park' the elephants in sum- nior wto kopt in an open in<dosui> wlu-rc there wi-ro no trees or rdtaih- ol' any kind, aiui during ihe hot days, whon tin- un n-ury was wd] uj) in tln- niiu-lle.^, tin- bent ^vas nhno.^t. un'U-nr- abh-. 1 nti*i11ly watching tho eh-phant.i tln-re wen- nhvays many pei"-ons carry- ' iiif-T --'inishadi'S or umluvlhis to])rolri-i ' ient--o!ves from tin- sun's rays. i J wonder how many ol th>-He ouloo!:- j ers reali/j-il that the i-jt-phanls wore i carrying sunyliadi a, too, for surh was] really tho r^-,*-, (i. the v. ry hot, days the tcn-at; iiuadrupcds would taketi-n| hay thai; w;.--' };l\'-n tiunt, or, wla-n tiny j could K"t i' tin: m-wly mown ^ras-', ami | etdiijilrbdy lhalidi I licit- backs witli it : to ,-hii Id [\\\ msclvesfroiH tin-sun. Tin-y ' will soiiu-i inic.4 do ihis hiiim- tiling in : Ily time to ]iroti*cf tlirmsdvcs from be. i itiK hittt-n, for, strange as it may seem, ! tie- ' b pbant's skin in very sen>it ivo. i In Africa ih-'n- grows a tree called the 1, old; ll'ee, wllieh heaf-S i'ruit ' kniiwn by the of hdobes. Now t In- ' elephant is \i-ry fend of IoIoIj.-h, luii the truit gruws .-o high up as in be ipaic ! out id' the animal's reach. Of 'course tha; d v\ not (bb-r the elephuut from ; try:ie: in pi it. True, be cannot climb! a tret-, hut lu- unity and ve fp-l.-J i In* I i-iol Sir Hamti. 1 lra\'eb r, \v;n to .- ci i Ii. ,| ting the fruit, tire a short i.i tin n i ledi iii iin-h. Iii vinu- of t.liiM faL I Inoliod for a new (ititlL-t. Tliin I found itu thn linn m tin* i.-ontro of Inl I, riiiitilny went, t'rnm tho point wliorn tin; O'L'oniud] Cri'clt I iruin I uniu north, wont, to tint Stli noii. Wn liavo n full of 1 feet with a r/>//d eutlrt to tint hiimlIi. I would, tlinruforo, r.icnin lniMid I hut tho <! im in bo i-ill ii r^oil on tin* con. roiul to tint cotiM-u of lot I, and bo coiitliiui'd w -tit on ficiitro of !'tt I in htb con, rn-id, hi nc cordaiinn with t.h miiiuinpiLUS inc phui.s and- fipvcillcution:,. - An tlio poll inn nf tint Son tli Iteiir Itoucl Urn in 1 wan iiiHtructod to o.MUMliio in a portion uf thi:i dniiimqi; livntnin. I Imvi- iindinh-d tlni cost nt it in thin lopiirl. Tim wnrl; hei;iii:i at thn v,-e<it mid of thn Mal-lin Kind tiriiin and oxtitndi; \wA nrid"rt t!o Kidly hill m the Hili con. ru.ul. 'In o.nry all tin- widi-r.i lo thn wos-t will rcijiiirii tin- di'Liniiiin^ of tins (Iruin iicroHii Um hill 'J.', iiK;lnt!i, Hy ho duii.e, nil tlio ; oath watnr will Im nut nit' from tho o'Cnnindl Criii k ti; tlio north 1. would riciiulnuujil that tlio nulvurt am-oiiH tho K nth Tiilhci!] tin; O'] (!|-i-fik hu clfn-ml U]i. My r-htinnitit nf tho i;nut el* Llio wnrl; do-*- i-iinnd iiiinvi.*, nil oxpniit-in JnRludnd, in .-";"(). (if this anioiinl I bavu idinrKud uiiiHt tlm hiudii in Hiindv.-jcli Seiitb Mint will lm binirdir.ti'd ii_v tin: wi/ili. Tlio Imlitiico ol tlui cHtnmdo, ?:ji',:i 1 iiavn char^D'l luniim-t tho Towiniliip of hund- wii'h Hon tli'lor bum lit to roudii. AiruonipHiiyiii : nro pIriih, lipocilltsatiinin and cMiiiniLtiiS lor jotiriniidanoti tn ih coiihtiuotinn ot hntd drain, . Ki'-.pind.fiillv yours, A. .1. lbill'oi-d, Ano Wiu-.Jtr.A^, lilts mi id c-otinnil is ot opininn .tlmt tho drainuno id tho hlvilk di'sci'ibi'd is di:- nirnhlc; Thorn Com. tlio nuid 31unit*lpii) Cfjiiiicil at thn i.aid TownVhi)! of Snii'Uvich Kuiitli, ]tii ciuiiil, In tlii! i>rovihiniH oi' the Draiiiano A tit, h'-'.il, i'iuini.!i .cj (oIIoWt: Int.. 'l'hc hiiid i iipm (,, plans. iipoi:ifii:aiioii!i, ij.ii- -o^-imnitit ii Mil liiitiiiii.t 'i inn luTfby a 'i.ptod and tin; draining' work in* thondn itidiciLtod atni :-'-t lortii lih.djjd- in. tic ;:.nd coii!iti'Ucti.d in m;- omdiinci' tht-fuwil li. iind. 'l'hc lb-eve of tin- h-iid tn'.'/n-iliip nniv Ijorrow on tliu i-i'i iiit uf the oorpoiiil ion nf ii.inl Town hip ol S.oi.iv, :idl South, Hie :,iuu (,; -Trill, Iii*ii.L* tins Inc'l-i iiiM-r-.inrv for l !m vnrl;, i ne. i m.y i' -n.c do .riiL-in-ii i >| t J j i - ijoi p<u-i.t:-i:i to Mint ill MOI lilt 111 ..Ul DM Ot HOI. lo! :, Mi un - .", I fuel], it ii i paym.h. v.ithin livn ;. t;in:. I mm Ibo dull' Ihei-r-ol v.ilh n:tv:-i .-t ut' tie! ruin ol livi!p.r ( iiituin pi-r miuiini, tlmt nt I, Miy in llvn i I pi n I lllntJllU-I.t:., Mini' Ul. ht'li I H."**-l*J-Lu^|iliy .li'le i-.t thn lliuil: ..-i t'iMU'.iiri.i- m Wi'o l-io'r. :inl. Fur puylii,1; the uum ol ), tin- a in n l id in > i;.-d ui;nln:.t t lui Hiiid hnohi and inn 1:- for lieuo!\|.,i'i]nii I, ti oiu till; lnin.l.-t ulid roiuh Ix-Iomrhi.'! to nr cii!dr(dl<*d by inn nuance p.Uit.y, und tui coim-iun in(ro-:,t liiereon (or ir.o >cur:, at ibe rate of tivepi'i- U'-muni per nun u in; I. :ie to l,i i ^,pi-i'i,ii r ite nvi-i mil .lI.ovo nil other l-'il,'::, :dl:ill bo n :-.: i I, I Vl"ii (tint Ci,i- ! I ' i'i tin: hiu iii) um it ii<-r i. i.i t ii l i he. .nun1 l.iui- i;> ntner iuM'i, i- n, byifd und uoller;o"l >, upon ninl li-tiin '.he i-iiderun nliom d lot; and ' on in" el l In- Mild I ot e 1 to.i oiul ralir.i iind' inten.'i-t idw.ll lie <li- mill pari .-un i 1 he in-st n.-i-il, ieVii-d a ml e.( illect >d hh almi- 'ninl :ii etich v ii i lor ti ve \ eu rM in let- i Im imul IJni:F!iiVTi:KrAH.-\V. M. J-'Innidii:, IVnor Hor- vlntui nil Kidtbuth nt ll'ii. )n, ninl 7 ,'M\ p. in Hub- ttuth ;-i(duad atj;'!0p. m, JMa-.i-r im id i net ami I'H'itnv'n bihlu chii'H on TtiM'-dny iit7.:i(J p in. Hnuiul toiiun nn Wi.ilninulav at H.lftp. HAl'TtK- (atoiiou. Itev.M. V. (Iinniihrdl, I'an- tOK. ei vicoi, inicii .Snlibatli ii.l. 11 a. in. itiul.T p -.:. 1'rayer luei'tliii; on Ttuiridav evnuli.i; at Ho'cilnck.' riitatM Iron. All am unriimlly wii- COIuod. JtOMAJi CATiioiac. Fr. (!. [-:. MuCiun 1'iir.tor. Hni'hi. nvorv othor Hundiiy nt H.'Mi ji. mi. Hunday tJcIiooI at il p. in. jMAiDh'co.NU IIi(;h inaiiH und liurniou at 1(1.:) a. in., eiiteiiliihiu at -J p. m , ut :i [i. in., vi-Hpni!! und neiimlietioii n t V ji. m. (;, I',. Mm (i"i , p. J'. An.Mi. Citpt.- Hinith uml bieui, I'lytou in uiiiiniirtiid. Sul vnt ioTi nun-tiimii \\*od- m-Hihiy.Tliunuliiy mid Hlimlnv nve'iiiij^il-'ren inel l':iiiiy,Luihirflii\ o'-..iniiin uud :i ji in. HnmliLv; nofiti nirelhu;>- [nr idiri'itmi,'! Frid.ty eveinni: and 11 Hi i mln ',; Knoo I'rill 7 nin. nvery Ma inlay, All are Welcome, Iiniuur of' Marriiiiui JAr.(\nnnti. Inmimnon aflnt. NlijutollhiMiU tiwiUlnu. TAbllOT HTItlflMr, KHHKX, UWDERTAKIMC. TI J'^UMMK .11, Uiidtirtakni- add Ji'ui-uituto . " A,'>nnl(tr. fioilliui, linuin anil factorv mrtlo from $:t tn *:io. Mcnm([f,r,Oi>^ ARCHITECTS. JOHN A. MAYmcK, Ai:cniTi;cT, &c. Jtooin Maud II, lieiidiii: llliililluj,', I'honu \ll'.t, Wlndiwr, Out SOCIETIES T :..(.>"1.J',"-KN.7.,.K,{l,.ItIK Lni'u/o no'am" LEGAL. 1? A. VIKMF.U, piirrihtnr, Kolicitnr, Nntnf J J I'll i die iVn, Mnnuy to I nun. OliicrM, I Mil tau IMoeK, up-htairn, lv ^ok. ! v d. Jj. I'F.Ti-'.KS Man-inter, Solicitor. Nntu; I'tibliu Moimy to T.oun. (niico nvr "-iLrntlier-r Jtiiulo lihm-x f^oiltro, Wsai*s!>i:-:*jw,. lilt' : .'l.-b. II.;! el -oLur. i thlr, In.-. b.i b : I :i i UI1. dnrinj; wlm-b 1 ho mih *A Tl ^> ~ I" =; ^ l has li Iii/* hump of jijk"- lnny i, si n.-Hsured tlml In- I \iy :-en,e menus or (d lu-r, I J.iM-r, tin- |.M,|.;iI Afrienn ; h i: uji;i;o em uiv'h i,:n- ;;,. v : unit in Ihe very uei. < d' j.o (- The eh'piuuit won hi r. - j ::iiee I'j'oin t In- tn e ;unl j e lutn): ;it t nil spei-i',, ! :i In -I ; vj <\r t. \: iji v/ p't , \v pi e.1, n u q i":; n ' i s In 1 m -i > . .|r ,1 n .jr , 1', ! [ e I'i li 'tjll il) inn li)') r.(i :Tll I'D ;;*, oo j'. no i*j mi i " on Hi Oil L'l 1 1.10 hi) I'D oil (](.' lo 111) In HU :U) do 111 Ho :i hi :: s? i; r,i j :i:i ;i lu ;.( H. 7 l-'i 7 7n !^il h; is ."1 17 :ir: S.i itt '>:\ m ".7 7:. ;'t7 7"j 17 .Ti 17 :;: * :ti I,". 'I'-ditl on bin K :i^7 l hi A! imicip'ty | for rnnil'i. I '.'t!i (.'on. lloiul J*'"ii .. 1 II,,-ul i"i TiUinM. 1 [ ,-i i Ti-r..', I,', y r |, 7 mi Mii 1 H ()!l ;"i 77 ;i to \i 17 -1 \)-> l ii'J II "m 11 ;,:, A .17 : iv e, ii:t '<*) -I Curiously \Vorl!*l. C'lirioiirily wonleri lulvfirtpii.-mdiita, which am funny without intent, urn common in tin; Ijot.nlon puperii, it -vould Huv.rn. An ICn^liMh porinifuiu] fift'urctl a prizo tlio other tiny fnr thn ln-iit collection of htich itu. ijoinicMiincnti', uijil the following in the rn- milt : 'Annual hhIc iio'.y nn I'Vn't i^o ehto- ;v!iuro tn hiych.'^Lle'l linro.' 'A hnly witnts to ii-.-H her .piano, as who is lining itbr.nifl, in n lifrnnf.' iron inline.' ' Furuiniiu.l iL);iir true nbs, biiiiiiblo for eunthdnuii with tohhiio ilnora.' 'Wanted, n room by twj^untlomeii about thirty f<;i:L I(jiil{ ami twenty foul, broad.' ljO;it, a et'llie ii t; 'ny u rmm on Saturday aiiKWerin;.! to .Jim, with a hratin collar round he, imnlc and it t:.'.:z/.lu. ' Wanti'd by a rcHpi/oLablu tprl. her pini- Hairn to New V irk ; .villm-.; t-> t.ikn caru of children and a nooil leiiloi'.' *Ke.'per t.i bl.; '.','lllu.V \', 'Ul'.-i Tun--!,/..' niteuid-.iu \', itli eurvi; I le!.rn.' 'Mr, le'.n.' ;i . 'ip nor, LH'^s that In- U'ili m e. - :;) ;';. w t.-mio;; f' tie: property nf antioiincn ' ip-H, etc,, i.Wll si III. op- It oy.ti th .I'i! nyt! v to blow for 1 idle:: ,,n: f)f l! A. b'ty -.'.Miit cd wln.i c.i: Willi r'-h'iv-:, i .' will Very f.,mi ' 1' cluiili'eij.' ' W'inied An .or-viiii-it m rll*1 trime. ' 'Wanted -A boy to Im jeirily outiiidn ami finrtly b'iiiml Mm e lUe.'-iM".' 'Wanted for i J i - vi-nni'T, a CoU-t^o for a 'M'i ilnuiiaei..' 1 i T Hiiiiill f'lin:!; ' iH'Oll l U Im: hunt I -li :.' . With ii* II':. iy, an um. :' i 111 -I 11 W i' 1 I I in n Hi'.f'i-JT n:;i!i 'IV,. Wihle "hi i " 11 prep.:- I V o head' i'-.-- The la- pa' uo-m i i in K'-n1 ' i; i\Vh' ip-'n i tail will '.. l : r Pl't I'/'e C'l.AbK!-:, li.MLTPKT A: li Mt'l'bF'i-, llairh ' tern, etc. Olliui ti, Mi.dhury lilijui-:, Wiudac Pl'iVllte flllill", to )l>|i]j. A. IF Cl.AIlliK, b. b. ](. N. A. ItAllTM-'I -\. I'.. I'.Ah i i,i;t, Ji, A. .,A!torneyami 11 Cfum-iidor id law. Sidieitiir in Fhnticorv, l'vor:tor in Admii nity, Patent. Solicitor, Ollioe, Newberry pu i'd im.1, cor. fi r.s^oM and Famnd !,t;; , Jjftl-oit, Mien. iCiiuitdiaii clniisej a'.'nimd per- oin' in the I,'niteil St fi 11 -= collet toil.i Keforeiiee,;: hupeiial Pniil:, li-s ,t;v, f int. . etc., I'Xiex, Out I'i.A. Wthiin-r, 1 ,ni\,,, nt,:., Fmi-o.\, Out MEDICAL. JAItK. HIMKS ^ lilMF.N. ., fjradtiat.n rjf IJimi'!:'1! ('ne-oe-i'.y, Kin^'dou, ineinher of Fob ^1-1,'n of I'll>:iioInnh ,i nd Siiv^'M)[i!i,Oiitiu-in, riracl- Until nf Nov, Ytirlc. I'o.Ht CirndtULto Mmlieal (Job lee. J. \V. Biimi.M. !>., ('. ^r., I*. T. M. (J. Honor cnuluato id 'J'ri nit,- M-*.|icul (Jolln^t. IFonor [,'raduiiti) of Trinity Univiir^ity. Mimiber of th" Follei;e uf I'll vinciatt.-i and Kui^i:ruiH, (Jut. (rrad- uatn or ^.l!^v York. Po.a (rraduaiu Misdica 1 Crdleil". Ollhmovor l-;(,scx .'dcdieal Jfnll dru^ (itoro, (loiijiultaliim roonm. hntli no ijroinrl lloor. and tlr'it JliLt iihuve, T'd,.-jdiono in both oll'ino and rcaldemm. A'l cilU attuinlod t'i from <dl)nn, drni; idorc, or reddenee. Kciiidem-o. '1'alhnt iitrunt, /run!. o( i:11 r ^nuiudfi. DENTAL. T.[ l\ MAKTJN*, n.T>. R., T.. 1). W, Mra-luato '. 1 in Jhnitiidry, Kovnl Collmn: of l'mital ' lr^rruni. f):Mnrin, and Unlvi*n;ity of Tnvontn '.'harneii, rnoduratii. Ollicn, nvnr 'brimi it Cot Iru;: atore, Ih-1 v VETERINARY........... \\Z h. iip'iiAiinsoN, vj-;vi-;itiNAitv suit V ._ (;j-;o.\. Ilfinorarv L'rad'ualu ol Ontario Yoterrnriry ('id! cue, To rot i to; tuoi ii}mt of On tnrlo Yiit.iirinurv Medical Hoeiiuy; J)i|doinist in Jh'iit islry; trnats all diriijaHiiH (it dniiin.htiiuitiid' loiiinuli; (inttln iluhnriaal l>v the lit lent Improved beuvitl, clipner Oalhl by tch plioiio or toln- uriiph nrmilptly ntienderl' to. Heiiidence.i lireo door.i eiivt of e^riiit uiill; nlfice in pniit (dtie.i b-.i:ldiri|i; iii/Unen>. dirot.-tly onpor.ile. LAND SURVEYOR. TAJIKS H. hAIKIi, I'mviinmil band Survnyo' r* end I'onnty Kimim-m*, Kh.-ex t'ontln, I en Olllne, Ihnifitin/ Kh.oN, njn-laii'ii, AUCTIONEERS. mi. third lumidiiv unwell mnnth. Vlaitorri .bally ri' Men.horn of mibordiiiiitolen HAINAN, C,l'., (i.WUlhh, Huo. |< HKKX ITIlK PlMdADK. MKMTK KV1 1J l;ridity evimm; In tho Fironiun'H romi i ,(t hone laiddin,;. .Jan. Mc.Mnrr.iy, Uunn ,V, i r,r!,:rv-'Ll'toi; A. Jmrnhn.n, bbnitnl.. ant, I*. Odiio, Siscrittarv: I*YerUIf.vatt.Trgavir^. / lOl'JIT ItOVAb, NO. up. I (, ],. *-> Muidii necoini and fourth TiiOHduv'ii iQ cut' monti, i i.o. (,. p. ,,,,11 at m o'elook p. n" \ IhiLnifj br.itie-rii will in. !;iven a fratemaf wm'- Ttx-kKff::'. -i w,?: 0'B'w.8, A OK NTH waiitnu; prnlitahln umplnyiiiout n-oii^l, the HinniiK.-i-can 11ml it with inj it liayn ihiwoni Hm.diaii vn rlutimi nf Niinidrv : iiiHliiftw Hoed I'otutfiiiH. Kiilary or com- AM MMtSKKY (JO., Toronto, Ont. 2iid:i't u'i ^^ l1 mot lIliMiUlIl. H ^UlSTEaS "Ihe Maj;ara Falls Routs." OOINO KAKT raiting clfL-ct iIuih: ;:! /,, \r,'M\, Dotrnii....... Wiiiilfinr .... PellOi)........ Maidhtono c V,n<,r-x....... WooiIkIou... ltiin-rnnb ... (Join her...... Hidimtiiwii,. Hodm y....... St. TholiiiiH i.omlon .... , . wr,. T'hoinuK... Itodnoy......... i'.idejidown..... Ooinlmr........., ItUt-eoinh....... Woijihdi'H....... Kkm-x......... M.n intonn I'ldttm...... Wiiuliior... i etvuit... Mm] bxp. Kxu. Aeoom iiccom a.m. , m, j,.m< fi.-0 !).|(i i:..r.O 10.IU ri.ud fi.ef- i;.i'.i i;..a7 *i -id ',.;.( r.f't t-. !* > it) a. m. ,'fi irj.:t.i H 17 ii.:, i r.:in 7.10 1. ft I 9.01 tar, fifilNO WIl.ST. fl i-j. 10 j.-in s I (-7 ,r) ' ! ~ ,1 ii.n:{ 0 11 d.-'t li 1,1 .7..' i a.m. !i.;J0 10.-2*1 11. Ml l-J.t)-"t 1-2.-HJ Tit) .i.n.i >:in 5.:i7 C.50 .i/,ii n.[,5 7 10 7.:w Wlutlnoif Kc:uUl 'bin .t\.,m r>.\r, ij.:i5 7,;tl 7.f.H H.-ll !> id K'.fl.'i 10.12 (UN (i 25 IJ37 t.-17 >1 .'ill ll'.litl. 7.15- ni.r.ii Aiiuinruilnir" r>o<-nI TrnJiiN. V.T.:/1- 1-Afi'X1 p ui. a.m. ii. .ri 1!. Hi f-.iio i; J i i!.;.:{> i;.-ji i-i.M) f.,-.^ ti J ii: is \-r>- ti-it. u :i-;. - \r, ! m p.M'i ji.r.0 [ [J'lNKY liKMK'LCK, Aim i I pritinptlv id tended to. U'rjodrilee, >M, uiav Ita- vn W.uv t i ctiom-i-r. K n 1 n b AiiitreH:; Snnll'. l'er:-oi;!> deidi ini, to iveaiu on at tho Kimi. I. r.i::." otl'me. II. UKDKieK 1). .1 -d. I < i I'I id ; j. .. j. .1 li I. -: 1 v ui iV an t he t: iKi' or , i I" iii-e 11 Pniii -Cake V'tlU !' lining , nulls I one t- rumnm, nf ottr ; cm: - ii OVt'l! , Ot e n i < f no | '. ill! ' I ' ' ,-i pi. bi of llfi i 1111 1 til r. i At ' c.n m-r r in, i' |nn:i ni i ii hi- r' li-l-" H..o l ul n >> uf '. t r'-M', ! ot ,, d ven, o\^ In what you cub rnly on eettintr when you buy from un. Our wu.ui: ^h-k to till vii-i'tii nf ihe town. Buns, Gakes and Pastries, . You L'ant find nicnr, ft'eidm-r, or nwoot- or in tho country. AH kiudb uf l'"uncy CuifOM u-ud Jully KoIIh. HtnUin^ Ids lu-iid it^uiii.-t it. v.-ith mikIi tnree. as to lu.iki- 11-m t rt'-e In-mlile in every liinli and s< sliakn ih i\vn tin- t'rii; i, ri-]n:itine the rliureri! n^iMiijiiid m-nin inif i! eiKuiph liilubes Iind f alien in -,.i;i.- l'y his upprtite, ( hu- Animal Friends. . I di" pa \ | M .^aiin! t i-d'idit v, an i , at A Trlile I'arMonlar. StraiiKcv ip New York, I SO" Vuu'vi' jjst, about KU'iiek it. IS Fresh Taffy and" Gaeitiie evory'Uuy. Wo aoll nothine; utaloor dry. Leave Your Order and you oan roly on prtmpt tle- livory. FRANK FOSS. OpnoBltoBtlo'c ife FvauoU, JfluBOi*. Jjiinko I-'iinnei*. b'efc^ll! ' iJtinkn Tlmt "s wJiut I thimolii. Kow, let ihe ejvi. yOU a '.strei1. " Fariimi- Aluoh ohleeeed, |mt. .I'm Hayther hni^ im steers. J'Jl'you )cin ihal.e it ii (*i>uple o' young milk cowy, J'U ftiku 'fin, h'f^rish. Hoinervillo .louriial. tl e h,iii'! t f :y-\>.;i, I i ,. i.mount In iiind I'n.'/I:, ii i.d iiim!'. (il the lor CoVi i'i. ;; iniil n.,( thorn; :i o>r li-l' vein;, at the iitti- i,j its,i per i.-oiiLinn pei imuiiiii, ii i.petnnl ri.t'.1 on Un- dollar, Mili'e eii-nl ICi r i'i id nee lie i --ip: 1; ed \ .arl v i-.jr.oimt t Ili-lVlCl', idnth, ijvui' i l.oVo 1.11 ill Inr nit',-K, lie lovmd i't.d' i.-nlU'cii- I (Iii thi- ;,:uno nninnei ;o d u' i Im tamo tune tm taxi;, are Invlml ami eolltmtutll, ni'im nmt from tint whnht nttahlc, PMiperty in i;iiid To-.vmliip of Hami'-^ieh Hnutli, in yi'iir I'er live ynai'H afmr tlm Unal pahi.- ne id Lhih hydaw, during ulilob the mdd dubum turuH haye to inn. filli. Tlui I A.. .J. Halffiid and Ktl. J. O'Noil ni'D iierehv appoiiltiiil Couiinii,nJouiirii to Int thu con- I met for tlm naii.1 dmin und worlin couuunted pit idle n nut luu or ti'inlurtn tho low- eiii. hidtlon not o\e:t!odin;{ tlio efdiniat.u)]iut rtvorv itimh coiitl tictftr, wiih two r-ood ami t-'n-tibl' .ntory hiir^tU-ti. Khali liu roij'niriiil foriliwlth to entnr ii to IiouiIk for tho diio inrfoniuuien and eoiu- plotiou oltlio oontrnot. uooonUiig to ontd pluim aud HpeedluntionB ami within tliu fcimo limu tinned within Hiifih bond, nnloBH .othorwirm oiilnvi'd Ijy tlio CounutI ; and it uhalt tm tho duty of Rimli cnnuniiiiiimmrH tn uiuirto uaid iruin and Viorlm eonnoctOLl tluirowttli, to bo niiuli1 ami oouiitiuotnd in aeooidancu with rnioh plana and npt'olfloationn. uml to nvant cortilloat"a to tlm ttoevn tram tltuo to timn, to oau)> cuijtviiotor, kiiiii-it! por cunt, of tho unioiintdiui, until thu contract in fully oomplutod and duly noooptnil. 7th. TldH by-law uliiill bo pnbliiihod onoo In mwn icitl* n I.lw' nnaunri iti tORf nwl U,% WW WOflU, for f jUlf OOllflOOlltlVO WOOkll, ill tllO UHCQ Wlf-n n, luw piuwocl i 1*57, und itH I j.ibrcx Who Pbh, uownnunor, -publloliotl hi Urn Town o(Kflaiix, mu\ Hindi oomo Juto fofcoupon Kli Terry, tho wooden rlrek genius, wH tJin lirnt Aiin-ritum di-unmier or cnnmierriul truvoler, hijiiifj obliyrtl. to timko roKiilar tripH from Jiia homo in nonncoliout over into New York to JiflptJHU of 1iin wurcH. This in 1700. (101 Tlio broniM emit, wiih iflsuudin nccord- with n. luw piiRHOtl in 1 rn wuij beuim in 1804, fC=wwoC3) SlNUliUli, i,U.*J-'..\'SKl) AULTIONKKH lor thn t;oimt y of KsimjX. I'i'ilili'of I'ifehth Iivi:don Court. All kind.i ol' l-'arm and otln-r >-iile:', conducti*iI promptly. Katetl rea.iaiiable. :i'.id fiitnh'hml on iLnplic,t:on. t'lupiiren- may iipplv ii L \V. 11. 1 Scan in n"i o (licit, or lit t ho oltbm oi Divirdou l.'etii't Cli i k, .Mr. .iohti Milno r dun (ioitMijKY, ^J IdCKNSKii AU(.'TIONKKU 1'nr tint Cimnl.v of K:,-;nv. All kind,; of farm w lei;, etc, eonducted promptly and on i.hort untici.t. lliitmi n.-.oiomiblo Poi'Miiei di^ii'iihl" to tirriinc'* Milett m.iv In so by cut line nt t!m l'ui:i' I'm.' n oil Ice or by e.ppl) im; to I ,i. n<m.Mi.i-:v, 1*. n. lin-x ITi'i l'.KMi'X. Out. 'I^KAN'K Mi Cl.OHKKV, Middr.iiir.e, thirty-' 4. m-vi n yuai'K1 t-xpmdeuee r:. nn aiiutiniieyriii '.he t.'onnty "f. MHiio:-:. Sub.n conducted promptly, on rciiHnunlde tonus, l'nrrlen dehirin^ t"o lix thn date :or ;i nnlo cmi iinvu tlmuiimlvt^ (i drt/i' by rnjlum 'it tiie ! - have an ..need v.'iUj Mr. MeCiniiio-y and %vill lir. ilnU'H lor Mibui by teh-^ritph, (intiridv Jrne ol nil tduu-im n> the Puimim hold in;! I hn .kIij. Ad- Jruiiri I-'rank ileOlosKoy .Maidi.tom. I 'ro.-t.. Out, I lift BAKE!?. p-JU-'i oldest hiudnei'!! m town. I'-iitatjiihiii.' '-^crr*-*':" A I. lH?ii. Firnt-clio- s brnnd and enke.s of r.l l: nn hi. \VmM'ii(,*nii.l;tni v. i;pt(.'ii-.lil y. tii-oeoriui, prov-idnim, I'-nir, feed, lilII ucil pork, Cdiiluc- ticmery, frneluirv,tdioiiiwnio. C;iiiiii-d Irnitii and v'i;,\ilahlun of all kimhi. CloodH promptly nv I;vt'r>.-d toaUp.-irtnql'the town. J. ;,[. JIlCKh, hll-tt lANO AND LOAN AGENTS /'" K.'IKCiK .1., Conveyum-er, Com* * dealer h IP.:fil Kfttntr r.nrl Mortf;iij:nn. Mouev to ]orr. ntLholowr.Kt rate ot intermit, -rnrnm boufj'nl ami fold. Tniii'.vaucit tidom in t!m uiof-t reliable "iompaniiih, Ina'ivinp of doeihi, mnytf,'Kon and !*inn:Fa f'prrinlty. , {'liarj.;e'i moilernto and id J hntiiiii:,:,.| nrornvtlv tn. Cull at the 'Vintrii.l Ti'i'i.l'oiiii olllnn. l-lffn yCentro. bO-ly in in i wr *-' ""t-^il n in in I rimm in tlio world for ynur.^' men ti ml women to fu-Riive a lluinumiK IOiliioutInii,Kliorthand,ete., is tlio IVtvoit HiihifiifHii IfnivorHitv. Do- truit, Midi Illmitriiteit cut.-douun I-'roti. KidumnepH : All Detroit, r. -IKWiad. Pron. ]'. It. Kl'F.NCFdt, Bto. a.m. a.m. \:!\HUX n.:in ;1,*(1 fi 30 I'Mfno-M r,ii7 '.i.W ,7 in i. ! ,o ^^ M<;(i-m:or li.'jn ;i,:i(j ^^ 'iill-'liHI (} Dfj '.) 1(1 -J ;)> Ainlien.tbitr;," i,()0- 11.(1,1 .(.;j() All traiiiH are run on ee'ntrnl idamlard timo. whieh in hixty tniuutt::. idowtir titan Kkekix Uiue, I'm- intnvinamui uml rat en to colon* i-.t:i luovme Wc:,t applv to .ltd.n (i. Ltivon, Pan- >-. np-cr Aii.oit, Ht. 'rhonintf. (,). W. Itii^doi., Gou- ei-ai l'aHHer.(,'in* nn t J'lcl.ei. Auent, tdittuifn, HI or A. O, Ktinmrn. Aimn!,. j-Ic-n-x. L- E. & D. R. Ry. '1M1-; TApld-: NO. -ii, taldiiK olfect Monday, -Iinm '^(| isiij. rrrnitih run by Pimutrn Ktund- tu'd 'L'iuu'. Imily except Huiuliiv i'tA'l IONH. . -. O y, A M A M y, : O. 'A IS * S3 1' M \\ V.'x U I' M. n.tii, 4.m !i'.i;i In Oo H .:! .'. I'l.lL' in ->-j. hk.v.' II in 11 '-'1 11.;-. i l.iu nr.! l.!'. UP.! I :m v in 1 fin 7.17 .:.7:J 0 in pj.dii- tiiju'lmp \V,U!;im y'lo Ar'H K '.'ITJL'IJI) ti.uV'Wall.iirville Junc.i'i CI. ft.,|l); .{'.{ti USk, 1-2 'Ul, *i.;;ii, ....... I'elimi......... H 57' f,.: 4,fiS !<fi!i"': li.ld ...\ Oldemdh:..... -H tM r,17 ft.00 lu.t'ii.PJ.fa U-17 ..... I Ti.qnette...... ; 5,07 :'h:liiu;-'or ...... X AS fi.CU; D.KI New (unniui... H -Hi -idti; fl.'.U I Miu-hlillrld .., S :!! -i.jiU ft*J9 . Harrow ..... H 'J'-', 1 <J,rn ri.IWl .,..! Arnnr......... H 11. .l.lSOj n.-lll . KitiiwiiUt......n c:i :i..irytitn, m .v \bntir.on ......:rr>i .<).k>, ,oo ^ rfl r I'liiuii ;;ton ... 7 *!U y.-KlJ flJB r.i i. 11.11 ll.-i'J 11.','. I 1'Jll! e m :t.i'i 1 111 1 "J.") 1 .10 f. i H .:;-i m-jn h,]\i r. -iy m: <;.li:'i 'Mil ri,17 ,'l.'v"J . \Vh-utU^ ...... 7 Hi' I.M! ll.JiO I Hr i.wick ......;7 l-'i, l.:iMl>n.<12 < oc.o.wiiitli ...7 10 1.1.V I1.C2 t ('. ...Mwood...... 7 HO'jaiiO 7,03 .., ii n-j'pj"! .......M< rlili .. .1 llu.vl.on......... 11 l.'.ll^.lvi .... humiinoii ...... II .ill1 pjfi.y .ir.nhir S]rii';.'H... ii :Jl. 11 .*_***: 7.W 7.17 7.S3 7.W ii7 lik-nhidui .Jnimt'u U -J. I i].W- 7.38 Ili.'JJ ti.:i;V 5I.PJ ...... l'.lonhe;ni ......-(1 2n'i1.]p 7.U7 ' ti n.i.V ',ejii........iwdl.m.........jild ni.iS. 7.-t:i l-J.-Ui, 7M> idJl.Ar Kiili:towii Ue]i 11 (10.10.tH) 7.B0 1^J\n P.^I.I'.M _^ Ia.M.^'.M. T'.M. t Fine siiiuou,;. 'iniii.K f,tr-i' only when thoro urn paiiKeijfier-i at or for llmue i,rationn. Mlxuil traiiiH 1110 ut nl tiunh subject to lai eimccllod WM 'VOOLLATT. Gmiurid Riiporliitnndnnt. ! 1 -'^3, si To Drive 11 nywhore, if ijo, you \\-ant a flood WILL OURBJ Oil IIKUEVtt 1NDI0KSTI0M, rLUWHRlNQ 0P:tIU| JAUNmcir,. nEAirti ^EIIYSIPEUS, ACIDIV* OP TBB SALT I1HEUH, STOMACH. piEAItTDUnN, 0nVNES"S OJ'tttU HEADACHE. 'SKIN. MUOUSNESS, DftaWKSl JVSPEPSIA,^ DR0P$Y, kAud *V*v bt>MiM of 4l*u. i^ Iwhh, Kibwruve, titotttioa; aowKLB <m Toronto, A Crying HCvIl Kvriry crying ovil should ijo promptly romovod. Kick lioadaeho in a'.crying ovil nffouting thciiHiindn of CiliuuIiuuh, which oan eiinily bn rumoved by tho uan ot ]Jnr- dooU Blood Bittern, tho boot known aconuKsli, livor aiul bowol romdntov. and euro for melt headache from . wlmtovor oauBO ariuint*. For Cholera Morbup, Cholera Infantum, Crampp, Colia, Dlarrhfoii, Dyfloutory and Summor Complaint, JJr,-Fowlor'H Kxtraot of Wifd Strawberry Ir a-prompfa, anfo and euro euro tlmt hati hcon a popular favorite tot nearly fit) yoatH< ........ami tlio plaou tn net it it at S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Oood^IIontlors in littcndanco divy and ulfihfc, HORSE-SHOEING In thli* brunch of ouv ImiilnodH wqIiilvb flrat- claiio Worknion and will curti-antoo Hatinfaatiou in Shooing Hovhoh that futovfovo, Qvor- Hoaoh nr liavo Corim or Ooutraotoil Ii'oot. Womakoa ypoclaity of hooinn Koad mid 'IraoK Horace. VST Telephone C'onmotian. IH W iVIN 1 X^U to attoiid'to.onr buBt- %& noaalu this und adjoining Ooiintlon Apply with.' ;'!ct iroforonoLa. , , 'fyM Tiim BnAnHY-OA(utKTaoN Oo .Ltd., . '-..ri^r*"*Bj to KiohmODd Bt. Wost, Tornntn.'Oni^W^ ifti^te 4728 95 3821

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