Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 11, 1896, page 2

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;W*lF*Mft^ ," * r t, V)." . /' IK J'l I*1 i tf ' l THE KIDNEYS'AND LIVER. Tliclr Draiiu*'inoiit tlio Hourco of Mucli SunVrlutf. A Urnit tixiturvr (or Tlilrty V'^ui-m Toll- Mow <>I(hIiim1 ii ttim- Wit* Advl. oSlioul.l li> uriUliixiri'rtbyOHii'JrH simllurly Aiill<tMi. J?an" thu CitloOoulii.M. S , (ioU IhlutiU'. Mr. Ooorjjo Uhhiuui. a well known luuuor living ni'ur Nnw Klin, ih loud in liiH pruihn <i( tho b.melitn In- iooeiy< d from tho lino of Dr. Wilhunnt' rink Pillu. Ho- coolly whilu viritin" Inn duub'utor in Hein- ford, ho wuti interviewed by a rnporttir and man, you urti lookup ten ywu-H younger to the nonbo'ii nulututiou, "Well, Mr. Uhl ' tlrm you did two yearn a^n," lie promptly rophod, "yen, t'tid I am feolinu that many yourii younger. I am now m my .ixtv fourth yuur nod urn feeling better - than i did when T.m/ilh thirty-four. It in pretty f-olioially known hwniibeutn that I nuttered lutuiiHuly for upward of thirty yearn from Icidnov ami liver trouble, during which time 1 wan treated by different rtniMorh, and I ouu lnrdly tell how m .ny dilhvent | Ulndii qE patunt nudicineh I tined but cuiil nay "heapn" of it, but I t!ot very little | relief from them. Kventually I be^'m to think my uano incurable. Hut I have1 found a euro und one- which I believe i'< permanent, ami if wm tiro interested 1 am j Willing to toll what il has done for me., While lmviiiH a very b:td upell and nulier- , inn intoiiHuly from the elk-etH of livor ami | kidney trouble-,, 1 nuticed an adverting | mont of i)v. Willhuiiu' Tink Pilhi and thought I would try them. After befnn- niiH their ine I found a gradual improve, nient, and having nuttered at- long and ah Hoyerely uh 1 ilid, you may benure that I (lo term i lied lo continue* tho treatment. ' Very Hluiidily. the improvement wont on, I and aftur a fe.v months treatment v.-iLh , the Pmk Pill.H 1 felt that the lust vuiiM^e | of my trouble had disappeared. New' blood nceined to courfio through my vein-",, aud tho orgaua winch for no many yuur.s J imperfectly performed their funetioiiH now wcrk liko a charm ami give me not the j ulighcct trouble. In addiiion to thut u\\ j Woi^ht harf luaieritLlJ.y-'increii.afd, and I can I utand a da\'rij,vtrtiToii my farm better than 1 have butrfMiblu to do in yours before. Of | courae thm may i,uuud i-uthufihuitiu, hut I | know what. Pink Pills have done for me; and 1 uaturally fetd {-nuttMuh'uid I novorl loHfj an opportunity to *tiy a good word i for Mum grand nmiioiiu*." j The hecret of health, htiength and ITO tivity ihpure blood, mid .wmud nervon. Dr. WilliiLiuh' Tink Pilh maliL* pure, rich, red' blood und . Jtreii^tbon the nervea, and this ] in the t-ecret of the marvellous Huccena with . .wlucli this medicine has; met the- reunon | wViy it curiH when other mudicinen fail Tho lint of diHenue.-j having their origin j in impuie or watery blooil, or a hhattered I condition of the* nerve-i u a long one, but. in uvery caue Dr. Williunn' Pink I'illu will reatoro health and strength if yiveii a lair' trial. The genuine Pink Pillu nro ho Id only ' in boxow, bearing the Tull tmJe murk, "l>r, j Williams* Pink Pillri for Pale People.", Protect >oiiidelt rrum imposition by lefiiri ing any pill that dm .i not bear the lugii- teied tmde luurk uioiaul iIhj hn>.. AN ELECTRIC PLOW. Kt "I'nU*-!* i'.twdk- Tliroili;H u l-'loirltil.i Wiro nmt (UifH Anywli>f*i. Many oxpnriments have boon made with ehiotrio plowtJ,. Am iiiiplu.iue.ilt of thin rIuhh wan irind thi-t Heas-nn on the prairin Chicago and in reported to imve given Hut iHi'iLCtinn. An described in tin1 Now* York Tribune, it i.s a nimpln niiitrivuiice, although the i Hum ration inalaN it appear n nunpliraU'd iiumliine. The inventor in a ("hii'-ngnan. Knur pieties of I hula rare put together to form a horizontal frame, whieh in mounted mi an axle, anil two light, luniid drivim: wheels Two volh'i^ in front serve an guide wheidn and can bo Hh-ererl by a wheel that looks like the brr.ku svht'el of a mil way enr. The (deo- tvie curi'onl eomcM in ihrou^'h one Htraud ami kih'S out thi'oug'li the oiher.oi' a duuldo wire Knonu'h of thin wire to reach across the held is ]mr upon a reel, ami it uiiwi'nl-' uh th" plow gms uwiiy from tin' stniting-place. When the t'lil'- rtOHTlNG M, . '.XL It 1>1|n>-fi of iVell'i i t ' imcill.:^ t n ' .. Tim denirahlity ul' p ' *;;' * '"i t'.e mafkef, fniilM atal vi '.' : :u s'i/.o in no longer (pie.-',- .n-d, u;mii-.o- 'gre:1:-iivo I'ai'iie i.i now kurLtla. -i' p_.-iU:-l.H into various miva H. No small oi1 iim.i1 -n applenf potatoes, or,iiige-4, (te,,.i.. .,!- \i 1 /* -^" .. \i,-. !->-, ,(v How to 3I;ike l5oafsteak lMid- Peefbtei.k pudding .n uiadu by mixing one cupful ot bi:ef ^uut, chopped line, witn two eup.i of il jur, one tetwjioouful of Halt, i mixing tliL-m together with enough wstier to mako a iloujih, eniily handled. PolP out the dough and line a buttered pudding dinh, fill with one pound o! beefnteak and, u beef kidney cut into uniull p]-.-c-iri ; aeithon ' villi Hull and pepptr. Kloiii a puddii.i: clolh and tn: tightly >.\ > r .the top of Liu bowl; in a l-.etth- of briskly bill ing water and ullow lie- pudding lo boil (steadily for fiv m lour lo five hum i. Seivc; very hut. S- [itemhei f^idn-n' Hume Join- Mill. | llurvc*! I*lx<.'tn*slojih. In order lo ^i\- xv< ivui.e an opportunity i to nc-u the grand croprf in the Western ftti'.tos and Lnabhi the intending r-ettlei t' ' Hecure a hfuiu, the ('bn i^u, l\h[wind\( u .'* St. lVul*l!\ bail iiriaiigtd to run a. nerieh of harvorit even rail nib to Soutli and Noi ill Dakota, and to otln r httiteu in the We^t, | Northwest and SoiitliWti-1 on the following I dateii: July 21; August 1 iuhI is, Hi ptmi-| h\it 1, 1;') Jii and Octobei h and liO, at tin I low rate of two dollars mnn* than or ej lure for the round trip. Tickets will lo' poctl for return on any Tuesday or Fri'lay I within twenty-one dayn from dido of nob .j For ruteij, time of trmiiw and further de-j taiU applv to any coupon ticket agent in theKnflt or Ho nth, or addrtny A. .1. Taylor, Canadian Pr-H^enger agent, 'I ivmg Htrcet fi.,'Toronto. Ont uc(,Fi.\:.'i)'s i [.!: 'i t:tc t'l.ow. thost lKdnt ban lieeii re;i(died .wid" tho machine begins to conn' liaeL*. the reel winds i he slack wire all up again auto matically. Out on oni- front coui'-rof the frame is u box having a crank oil top, Tin- box contains the ' 'controller," which is ir,illy the sane- so) t of thing seen on every ttolley e;u. The ohji et of tliis contrivance is to regulate . the amount of current admitted to the ma chine, precisely a-, n valve h-tq in stoani from a boiler to an engine. The amount. of current depends nu how tar mound you move that, crank. After tho electricity passes through the coib-d wire on the- reel it goon into what is called the motor hark o( the driver's seat. There an urmaruiv in m t in rotat'ion by tlji'curretit, and the shaft of the armature drives certain Hearing and tlius compels the two driving w lieelM to revolve. In this manner the wlmie maohino is forced to go ahead. Tim plowsharr: is s< en in the roar, but n hand lever out in front enable!! tho driver to alter the'depth of the cut without stopping or alighting, 'hi hav ing the hi Id he can draw the shun- up clear tif the ground and run hisinaciunu around exactly like a common traction engine ho long as lie has wire enough on tile reel, tn fact, it could he ii-" d lo pull :i f!ini|,' plow, or could ho anchored and made to run a ihrashing; machine. When the Ilogel.uid device was tt-sted lust month, il cut furrows as clean, straight, and deep as any two horse plow. Tli" front wheel* have flangi h, which prevent, slipping sideways, or wabbling. And tin- thing lM-a^ly shov ed. Curieiit was obtained in this exper iment from a trolley line. Tho Witter Trriiicli. A trough or tub of w.itei standing all day undei xhf rays of the Mimmer sun ho- come-, o-ry mi pal.liable for eat - t li . An automui ic iiirin^enient lor . Li eping water 1 cm d b. show n in 1 the ac-ompaiiy- uij: cut 1'roui The Kami Journal. A rovniFlJ \*'A i f ti'lCol'dltdoo-e eoVT is sus pended over the trough by ropes, (Jattle and hoi'j-rs will quie-kly leain to pvcs4 this a^ide and drink, w hen the cover will conio back o\er tl water again. Make the cover li^dit, ai.d support it tivenlv, as show n. k is 'TrrY-frPrTTrTTTTTTITI TTTT-T 11 rTTTrTTTTTTTT-f ITT--TJ ; t r-J..--M.-.ra-r1J....,lPm Is JnvRluable. if you are run: I down, as it Is a food as well as ; ?a medlelrio. \ The iD- & L Er^uSsBon ^Will build you up if juiir ytincrul liuatih it. ; - impabed, i \ Tho, D. &, L. Emulsion i ' : Cod Uvcr Oil, afiroelnu whli tho mobidoll-; : cato stomachs. ) Tho Dm & L. Emulgion ^ :Uproacribeil by ibo luaalnu phyaioiana of ; : Canada, I Tho D. & t- Emulsion j : la a marvUaui flesh producer and will (*ivu ; : you an appetite, "* BOc- & $1 per Bottle : be noco you get I DAVI8 & UWREUOE Co., UD. ~: : tllO KIMUlUe | MONYRfiAU : V Uirif'Q Mill"!'"""""""""" "'""3 Ni Colit saoi-iii.-*' lror CruntjcrricH. .Tu-t. wliat to do with cranberries from (lie time I hey are hai veMcd m late summer unril marketed in tlin autumn months is a pu/./.le to many growi-is wliicdi liai never been Jully ;;atislu d. S]jeeial inquiry made by American Ag among prir.'-'pal growers, Hhipni-rs and dealers regarding the tjcsi metli(,ds of koepiuj< (;ranb"n,!e>1 empha- Hi'/es hojia* factH not generally under ntood, TJiokj spooiah^-ls, with one ac cord, have no ue for cold stuiage in kequug cranbornes ,in oarly autumn, ts^jjecially \\die;-u rhe fruit is nton*l m open Uixes with ic<;, J,t. i.s. a method which hart ziovor been ftdluwi d beyond tho experimental stage. Those hunt postnd liave no faith iu it and adviso .S'toriaj^ tho fruit in a cool, dry bughouse ox collar, maUs'turbod, sidling; bul'uro cold woathev soIh in. Growers und doal- oih all agree, that the host temiitinituro ia a few degroos above frot mug, yot they do not uclvorute nulunui oold storage. fiaillr Corn In Uw Jorucy. At rho Troiiton, Mount Holly antl Ey:K Harbor fairs for tho tw yd-ars fclu.-ru luivc boon displays of Iciiflir corn jjrown in Kcw JwHey that a,ttxacted inuoh aUenrion. Those who hnvu nsed this yrain for poultry and pigoou feed apoiidc woll of it, oupouially for tho Artintio, but, bc far an known, uo one nan mado n comparnfivo ttiflt with it 'and corn, and thoi/o hnn bon no aoporfc upon the roUtlYQ ooat of (rim two. A handful oi seod, HnuJi an may bo purohuaed hy tho iKwkaflo at any ceod stow, won'Ul givtt au idoa of what' tho plant will do iu oiiq'h ownoonditiona oS aoil aud kwafcioa, and Mio orpoyiincnt will bo worito nil ifc coats in giving a now dovolopmout to koop tvfvok of. ..... it \ si '; l! Of OM lit'. AM I'.. lowr^l to o'-e-ipy ih-'ciMli nnirked fir.-'t (da^s, Imt' 11 ", e li e la is m s of their own. Willi n view t,o giving .issistaiieo in the ai-V rii -po-it .oil of fruits ami veg etal ib -- iu (.: .in':.,' to si ye, is here ap pended tin i] !n--li',i1 ion oi ;i soiling lua- | t lioic in eniied in Aniei ;can ' i.irdi niog v,< oil hi ' The lirst cut shows the nni-lructinn of a f'1 .il ;'.iid v </"i:dde .-ortei, which li..-, .e- '-ii"'-1 n, a -la' not I oni. See second rut. 'I lo- si a I 1 "i ii,in b, made with the opi ning- n.'.i lev, ai I lie upp'-r end ana giouing (oii't.'.m ly wirier until the oihi r * nd is ie;,f 11. d. The shiK -houbl li- \\< 11 wound \' illi strip,- ol Imrhip or iii b. r -i .11 cloth, to pivv" nt tin iunl from hi ui^in ' '1 he' , i.d t hi H.rtcd i- poured can i ii ;| / ml o i he Imppt r, and a < it un '.' s -|ov \y down the I'tu.'tli <f I he h ,i n [' the Jiuit or vcge';iiib s fall through th" slats, the MnuNe-t tlrnt, then t he ne: si/'1, and so on. Th" arrei ' e nt of the (doth sjimil'i underlie:!!)) is sncli a'i Jo enleli each si/e -..'t-.. i l *-*->'~-~-"" DlARRHCKA Dysuntcrv Colic Champs Cholera Imfamtum c ,' .'1 gjUMMKRCOMPtiAINTS mC^ld. ei\ G'Adul 1'5 [1*1 [v,.V:' BY=LAW No. TOWNSHIP OF SANDWICH SOUTH. A HY-l.AW to provide for Dotina^e Work in the TowntJiip of S.uxlwich South, in the County of Ks-.ex, ami for hnrrnwinj; on the credit of the Municipality the um of One Thousand five Hundred and Severity live Dolhini, bciii|; the proportion of coil to be paid by lands and read-, in (lie Towiuhip of Sandwich South, for repairing inipiovinj; tla South Town line .liuI Colchester Urain, in the Towmhip of r '"1 *'1 Sandwieh South. l'ro\ Iiilonnlly ailoptcil thu ir.tli duy of Aii|[U'ifc, A.U. isim. ________ Uourii hie; Weill* Tor (jieiitl<*iiH;n. e.i.ii ol soi:i i:.o mai him . hy itself and convey I In m into separate ba-I^'t-. 'I'he hop,)u;r is not, a ie < saiy adjunct uu'i -' t he -orter is made vt ry n irrov; at t n unii* r end It wnl \>- nnit fa.--11 r work, Ihmvc , < .', in any im e, \Ii-Ion lAt,'. A di'-adly lore'ifi-i art ackiny undi >i i , cue lilt I ' t a! i ;. 1 -iorls o, eueui ni I .u'ei ms vun s m N'". Jor.-ey, Thc-e ptstscnii- jinc th" ir ! rations jn-jnidjially to 1 In* ui'th isbie ol the leaves, but they do not eon-nine the plant m fin- sen; t: of ch'-v/- in**, ;'< " haviuir pierced the b .if vith Ihi-ir b'aks t ::ey iiDi rt it into t he tis.-uo aud pump up and swallov. tin- sap. "\V 11* i e they an- not numerous enough to kill the plant, they divert the sap to such an extent that the fiuit lads to develop properly. Professor J. li. Smith tells farmr-rn that the preseneo of ladyhug-s on tho vinoH is a Kood sign. These bugs do not feed upon the vine, but upon the lice exclusively. .Inject, poisons should not he used while (hey are abundant. In the absence of ladyhugs il may he wcdl to n-v William liofih'iinuillev's remedy: Dissolve about a pound of the whale oil .soup of commerce m M gallons of watt r and then '-pray the leavo-, with this so lution, or, belter still, carefully das': on tin- plants, in the * arly morning, when ibey are yet damp witli tho tlew a powder prt pared from gioiuid tobacco Kerosene has also proved i Ihcac.ion.s. I AIlixIh I'iruii, I Alexis J'iron, a native of Dijon, is perliaps niof-t notorious for his epitaph, ! "Here lies J'iron, who was nothing not, even un acadeinioiun. " one night, lie was asked at a party if ho could h 11 | the rlifferencu between a woman und a mirror. "A woman, " he re]) In d, " talks , without reflecting; a mirror rUhet-j without talking." Upon tliks a lady asked, "Can you now, Al. Pimn, tell ' me tlje diiTeroncv between a man and a mirror?" And, usPnon remained silent, 1 nhe went on, *'A ruliTor is always pol- | itlied. whllu a man. uuinotiuics is UuL" ' Sumo one ha', about mourning wear for a gentleman. 'J'liin n huiduiu i--- mimed except for a wife or a mother, uuu th.m it m worn for ono yutir, During the Vfjir tii" bindne'S snit in of rnii'di black cloth, and tho iroek coat, (iiii-umi d hn- uftCI'liOoll, Is of the Kline MiHlerei!. 'I'l ! li utter puts a black bund, winch n of lint, cloth aud not crape, ou tint hat. The tilmt-H are I lack glace kid, and the hand- l;t rcluof in all white. The ncirf nhoiild In: nf dt.'id black mlk und nn pin uhniild hi- worn, '1 he cull' lml'.s are of white enamel or blank onyx. Tho watch chain m a black talk g 11 rd - Septoniljor I^uhe-i' Ifouic .loiiniul fJooil oollce, by meiiuii of Us uiarvelou-i. ly htmiuhituig; un lb" bruin, h the untidoti" ot alcidiul. At Hio Janeiro, where tho p jpillation iiiunherij :i."(l,0(IIJ, (Iruido n i.c s is almost unknown, and cot lee ih largely te-e 1. J-'niigi-ants, who fi 11(iient ly take with them a love of ulrO- hoi, cud by preferring tho coll'ee w:nch lie.- I l>ni/dianH know ho well how to proparc. .Haiti- the Howl ol Y'Mtrwrll. i 11 w ilie dur> of every in m to make tin ; ueett of in ] I, \\ ha tew r lim cuoneili- . i * j may be, lie is hureto tiud seme place wlien- ' be i-'ui bi n i'-fi|l to liim.tclf and to others. I I Jut h" cannot r'-uch Inn lii^he-yt itselul- in-'is w.thotit good heiillh and he cannot hu\ti gooil Ih nit h without pure blou (- 'Hi. b;ooil cireubiU'! lo i very organ and tissue and win n il' is pure,, lich aud healthy it O'irrie- hcaltli to the 'enure H\htem, but if it in iiniiure it sicatteio I di.->ciiht' wherever it, IIuwh. Hood h Surd i]i innllaisthe one true bluod puntiet'. it cui'l-h - tit rhuiini, Hcn-fu! i, catarrh, d\ - , (ii-jniit Li.iid rliL-uiiiiitnan becttiiHtj tbt'-f ' dirinioc-i have the oiigin iu tho blood. i ~"" " "**""..... . Cniiiidinit. ChUIu bhip[iiog iium tlie Norlhwunt in very bredt jiiht now. Mrs. Michael IJo_ylo, o> Owen Sound, wan arri-stctt ou a charge of shooting and wounding a iijitn nanad William Ilugles, who, ulie larroii the street. tiliM.KAIt fighting tuok pbicu in tlie atrcutri ol CoiiMtanliiiuphj on 1'riday hint, when u\er 'J,(Hit) Armenui: i \uru killed hy Turkri. h'i-t mouth ua- the culdesl August on recurd. 1'hert^lay night, in .Suuthcrn Ihigbnid the 11,1 rcury tlioii[,L-(l to within tlio-e d< gi i-Ca ol fa-, /nti;, and aheady the leaves are turniue, bruwn aud Jalhut' oil" an it it . ere Octubi r, ".'hi- l.nihli v*. it rniiift'-j b(irulj'irdf-d Xan/I- bar, in Soiitin-ni Atnci, aocjniing to the programme announced in the uln uiatuui. 'J. hu put ice dt'iarij) t d, hut Said Kill id ereape t. The late Snltau'h sti'iimt-r LiitiHgow tiled on tlie Jhitifth ye:. schi, ainl wart promptly -,unk at. her moor lllL|f'.. WiieiU ah, 'I'liriit. <inii.l arnl olliitrn, bitoreitt,- eil ]noliiin. iiotiltcil t lm coinxdl of tlio innnlci- jiiillty tlmt Inn >,iiul Kniilli T(>\viiliii<< Di'iuii v.nn un luiilly <>itt. tit re) it if ini lo ru,ii (liLina',n tn thi-tr )an<l i, AM' Will.hi.A'i, tbn :<niil ilvuiu bun Ih-cikimi lllliui up, elnaiin;ltMl it',(1 . ail ..I i .ipall' li ii.I U. th llut-1'iii.aiy tn f: It-ii ii out, ii-jnui unit llii'>le\ <> th,i i.iiiuo lie mi to |n-uiict lv iiiiiinliini tlin niimr, and ciialiln it lo f; ill", oil On- \MiUii-1 it \i iiii(ini;iniill> dcilt'iU'il to cairy ell iunl to ' ruvi-ut (hiinatjiin lo Urn adj'LCdiit Ihii.Ih. Ami \Vui.lii..\ii,tbon upon imiil baii|ini- i.lirml un nxioiiujut Ion \i) lm in it -1 r l>y ^ . I. }|iil tfinl.ljuini; a pi fitou t-oinpiitein, |ur i,ueli ptu inn.n, ol tlin no lit itieii propiyhMil In lm aniiin-'l.aiHl llin nieiui't iiUi:i;i i-lliil lur thu d.ioiia,;ii tliti.eiij, anil ni ol hoi" In in In ami i oii'Li lm jIo to i 'mdnHininit, illidul Ibl't act, ami Inei ilImo pMiriirtU plami, rt|i;cllii!H tionu ami o'ltmnilo > el tlie <lr<oliii|;i' wink to On Ipj tlio hitel \ .J liuiriml un<l llll Ilh il'l'rillli-llt tl) lie lllll'le \>v Iunl of tie1 I III'ill Ul'l I a l-1 i tl) On li'-lioIH I.- I ii, Uili 11 rim it 11 u,Oi- nun iuuup li- Uile lur cuiiIrii.uL'un i m-i .-Oi, -a ui.i.;;, a nt-io'- \\ liM lie cull, llie pl'ii nrl l HI of oi-iiellt, OUtlr-t llaOihtj uint niji'o'iiu; liul'ilitv, which iu inn iipiniou, n til tin oenvil er int-urnni in cmiiai- (|iiiiucn of micli iliainiijai Weill, li\ i-vei \ r mil nmt lot ,cir purtluo of ha, tl.-' -i ml nn > >,,uiunl, i.u in lUe in n. ; i lei a't' i i ii in-ill in > i .it it -i ov oiin n\ .l.iu enueii'il to lm us mi , an i a: ..I lm i,Ki U|ion tl.o niathi iLiin luti, i r pai t - ol luei, lici'-illlitnir In tllat hi half ehpnrlallv ll"t ft)i ill uiul iliiiicnhinl, ami the report el tlm s ml A .). Jtull'iiU )u I'D pii-L tl i-icuf un.I ef thiih nil llllltlllU'l, Will It hem;; ,L'i (ulluw-i, (0 nii : n n;-In < ouiplniiicn isilh wnu iuntiin;- tl'iin, I 11.' W> I ill. i If Mil \i.lll il. 11 l il i,l I lir -I] iliii mi llin imo Hi -ild.i i I tlio Omnium hut v.m-mi t'ul i hiistui Nn) O. a ml Suml wii:l i Sunt h, \h-iuhn:' Ii'.ui tln> tJth run itiLit tn Moi'iick ('li--I. I Innl t ht> limit! vr i y Uiully nut (jl lepnu tin miirli- 'iLit it1! i-utli ii l'-n^t li. 'I he v Hi i ly pin turn e\- teiHliiii; t) nu the l'Jdi con lu.ul To' tin- cmitri) of tiei "tli euu., 11 el lit' In in i:ij n .ii, '1 In; huebt Much it ilehifjni 11 t" (trniii. oMeinliiii! iihmit Hwi lut:i L'j ttiu ntji t li, in ii , ci -, |1 al .li pi n n lli|' t< tie- pnur fiiitlt'L uUuiiIihI tin in In Lliln linun, Un v tiri) (ii-iiUciilly uiit! nil j Milan i'(;;<!'I. Tim uiil> ii-nn:it\ i.i kj I'tihii;,!' tin i Uruin lo [tin '.\i-iL Ir Un* Urn il m onl'ii'i'uil lu'ioiw tl.e <,nii i "ii. ll wnl iiiui-h-iitati- tin- i nlai ei'iuimt ol it nil Urn wie, to Mi'iTtuL ('leiiL j-1tini tin- trnviiliun Im lw en Ciilchn .Oil' iunl Ainn-i-'luii on wi"it. to Mt t null Cm t-K. v.iifru thti I rain l - I rout I.i lo'JiJ li t 1 in w ullli aii-l li (iiii I Kj ."j [i tst iIijdji, n i>, on Utiily nniiitJiiUtsut to carry oil tlm hcav> How of l. all !' I hi. I I'll, in- > il "111 [ i.i- nt'- I I mill l lili'lH .-iti'f N of tn iunl Suml w n:li hotitii. 1 lm i'()nsei|iiiuii,n l-i thu lainls l>in^ to the eai.t (jii hollj. hnl'.h of Ihi l o v. t 1 in., .ue hit ill j, IluiMi:il ,U ditluient. son- 'a i<! of tlie j uar. A lm ^- r on tie I i nuil, h" pro- \llteU, 1 h.i 1 rt-coiiitm .nl lo lift ilouc hj rilll- -t l u i-1 Hi:; ii i m w i Ira in I ruin I in- soutli -tehi ol tllti Lm-. ill li, i il urn <iic;Iii ,'.1 i .", m I n , wi'hL t'l At ni-- 1 li.-l. (hi I'll, J1 hi. tit .llll nllOIll I llllMl II 1 It. l)Ut Loin itml nl.i n|.I Or lr- in .1 in ,;U It. deep. A rllalll 01 ttiL"T' llnliWIS I'.tll he t'U.l . tl UCtf't I ia uhMU thti on [ii.i i-i(.,t us thu tiiihii^iiimuit, ol too ih HI i on tho north .si lo. Tliun: aru u nutnher ol -uiall cuhi-it.-i iiiusMtiij tll-l tOWIlhllti between tln:7tb tllel I 'Ml Ul;|l loathi. When the tlrnui is i nho*;1 U thi-.u cid- \ ii i l-i Will In' ol im UirLUfir iisu ae'l i M-oomiiicinl that nil ol On up A ui.tnljur u. ui.p ih will In; rtipitriit to lm tnipoA i'il. I ha* li pi ov ii Ifil lor thu en I ol tin > w tn k in tiic-iii csllUllLt ^. - VI > i<st in n L' '1 ol t In* ci-,t of till! w ui h, Uiclnihnj; all inenlei.ttil \ \pun.-en tin- miuh oi tho time ti.v.iihliip-, i.iicl.1 -.t, e., oi thin amount I Lav-'inL - 1, .uii'it inu liuulii unit foielii In tbn 'I'owinihlp of Hamlwlch ^Uiiiitb that would lm biniollttml by tho drain <yr will niio tho drain ini an outlet for tbob wutoni. A lari(a arniL of land In tlio TowiiHhip of Uol- idutiiter North, will \m i;r*tiitly heii'iilttail by MiLvhiff thu wator iml on. It. will alnn Ih* poe vjilml with a inoio otlhuiinL otitlot from thu Ate diiiilon tnwi.lhm wont, 'i'ho wot k will In* of iX\(nil oiuuillt lo tbn towidiiio and thti townnhlpM of (!(ili-h(u,tnr N'orilt uiul Amlitriloa H^ii hoiujllt- tfid hy itu Iinproviiuioiit. (Jfuuuiqiieutly I bavu idiafi'nd niinh of tlitaio towniilnpu for tmnoilt U) njiuln, -r*;io7 ui;ainni tli 'i'fjwriiililp of tlolehnHtur North, iunl -fMH ui;aiiuit tlio TowiMiblp of All* din dim for thin lieuotU. Ai'iilmil thu IiliiiIh In (Jolfjlifittur North M at will bo nll't clod by dvalu I Inivfi ehui'fjoil,-In ! for b.n.iiitt ami .^llS.1 for outlet liability. An purtu of lotf Nn. 1 i in the 7th iunl nth cium. of Aniloritnii will ho ditcctly bnneliltiid by tho ih'iiiii, I hiivn chariP'tl i-l'i') ii|;ulniit tluirii laiulfl tor iiinJb Ijouotlt Ace mil puny In*; urn plann aud luanafhatlrinit uliow'iii',' tho location ami m/.n of the dl ,un, iihu> ii h iK'iHiitiiii ne Inn luh i. iihowiin; tit* u mount duo j;i-i| jli'iiinot i nch bit und (i.u t ot lot mm thu road ii hi euuh ot tlm tlinnj towiislupii that will hi) iilfuetuil hy the wurlt. Tlio druln iihul.l ho leapt in nipuir at tlio ox- pniuio (jf nil the Iambi and roailn Imtoln ainiuiniuil and in tho hiliiio ndutiyn pro)i(n tion iui huriilll a Hire-1 id luile ui alt ui utjonn in thu d mum go iiyH- tmn Ol lliu locality fuiiilnrii ohaiiiji tiecrniiiU'y, ltu^i (ictinlly your.i. A.J. JlAbl-OlCD.. A Nii Wui'.iu.Ab, thu hiiiil council lb of opinion tlin l llie duuii'ij;!) ol thu ilii.-uii duhcrjlmd lu da- Kirablii. Thio'oforii, thu find inuuliUpril council of tlio ituld 'I'ownidilp (if h houth, jmnuiiintlo the pro v luloi a ol tho t)riiinu[;ii Act, 4t!'l, i-naottl it. Inllo\V)>; 1st, 'J'lni Diiid report., i Inri<i, ijjieiMliinitioiui.iiiH iiH'.ui enln und (aitiliialeii am hei tdj) inloptod iiii<l ih ii ill iniin,;o win lv ah thuimn imncateo ulnl finr fur th hhall no madu and cuniili in;tud in no- curdaium thutnwiLh, \ jinl. Tlio itoovo of tho 'mid towuHlti]) may t^- I borrow on tlio c rial it uf the coiporiuion ot tho I said Towuiihlp ot Handwich ,sout)i, Llin huiii of I the pioportton ol exit utinuiuioil , ni,'iLiiii<t lumlii and io.kIs m tho tuwiioiiip of i Sulidwti: i rioulh and may iiiniiu (h.i)i;ulurt,>i of 1 Uei corpmiLtiou to that amount in laiiutt ot not h'l-'i than -Ml oaeh, uiul piiMiidn within llvo \ yimru Jroui tlio ilato tin nmj, \uili liitei'iUjt at , llui iatu oi live pur ciuituiii la-r annuiu, that in i to suv iii live injual lusLaliiiuntii, iiucti dutjoil- I I nro i to ho payublu at lialik 0[ Couiiuni'eii 111 I Wnnliior, . ":snl. I-'or puyin/i tho 'iiitn of -rit-Vl, tho aiuoimt <haii;etl ui-JilIUtL th naitl hinds ami rondii fur I O-Miijtlt, ami tlin mini of --'117, tlio amount I imarfjod a^muiit Mm mini Imp Is and roadu tor I ipnlia hiihiiuy, npart iroui thu landii ami roiula I Iji'luiininn to ot eontiolleil hy thu iiiimnupuJlty, I und for covonnnniti-i'uht thuroou tor live yuurii I 'it thu ruin ot tlvo pur i:i-ntujti pur annum; tlio | Iota! bjHCtal rati) ovi-r ami abnvui.ll nttier iatDll, , ihall tin iiHyohtjuil, Inviitl aiut eolluuioit tut too iiiiini niiuiui r and at too imuiu iimu uh utuur I taxon aru lovlod and, uiiou uiul truin j tl)-"1 iinduriiP>iUi(tut;d lot:i ami paroi ol lout, and 1 ro'el->, and thu aiimunt ot tlin i,.uu u>tal tipuuial rtitu'i iunl uiliTiiHt Hhull hi; into llvO tn Iuid pfLrtu and ono iiucli pint nhall ho iihhuiihuiI, li;\'ii'd and collt.-iited an afore;! ml in oauu year , lor live yearn allor tint Imal puhuiu^ oi thiit by law, dmine, which tuo hiUU oi;Oit:iLiln:.i luivo CO rnii, H |>*-'i * a Mo t: i- ib Allies! of Women Journalists Indorses Paine's Pn 'jci^y .Mi>. II. B. H[ierry, who im now thu eiuuiout and retipucted prt-i-leiit of tlio WomiinV Nut ion til l'l'eHit AfHiieitition of tho I'nitod StutoH, is a lady journabht uf note and reouti-t ton. The active profoufiion ol jcunuilihm lian kejit Mi'H. Knerry up Lo dutu in uiformutiun and pru^rohhivu in tliought, W lieu there wtui evident neud of a in ber h- only, 'jhe \vti9 well awitre that L'uiue'fi Ci.Ioty (Ji/tunouiul WfiH thu hunt ineuicniu to iiml*. Thu following enthntuiiHiic letter, nent to Wolln it JiioliaitlHou Co., nliowa the lianpy reuuttrt from tho uao of thin beat of all rnndicinoM ; ]Juau Bnej : A few wookb1 une of Pttino'ft Colory Compound hy my HU-yourH old motlier; hnu boon of grout bouetit to hor, and proved to my mttuifaction tlmt thcro'n nothing liko it for tlio hoatlaoheband uleep IoHtmcfis ltioitlont to impaired dilution, A nieoo iu my family wan uluo uurud o iu. nomuia by utiiuf^ ono hottlo of l,uino'n Oolery Compound, Youri! very truly, XIannah B. BviinuY. Iu every purt of Canada and tho United Btatoa womon aro now otroiiKly advocating tho uao of riiuio'p Colory Compound, Women, old and yohtiL', know well tb.u' thu rnefliciiu! in HiH.".:utlly utbipti d Tor nil the ill* peculiar to their fiex. When it in lined, tho niuk and rftili'erui^ uneM nro mini to (jain nteadilv in henhh, Htrer:^th nrd vi^or. No room is left, tor doubt to iIiq akeptio and Htuhboni-minibti uidividiml, Tho joyoiiH triiuhfoitnutiou (rem niokniiH to lioulth in nrjin^ on in thomniudu ol hointJH till oyer tliiH biond Uuiuula of our.-), and thofjo once alarmed about thu uafofc/ of loved and dour onen now n juice uh thoy uoo tho hjoom of rctiirninn luulth li/lir:n^ up und bt'tttitifyinp; fi-utureuonoe pullid und wan, Dear sick friends, remember that yon cuunot fcritlo muoh longer with life. Your fcroublGH, if not baninhod at ouco, may ttiho you off at any moniont. Ht-ar in mind that Pfiino'fl Colery Compound iu tfuanue toad to ouro ; it Will nmit your uuho, no mat tor how bad it may bo. May houvou oivg you faith onfiioiout to hho ur, lottHt one bottlo of nature'o ourinq modioino, in order that you may bo oouvuioed that it iu what you uood. To ouro and muko jau woll yon rnuat yot "PuinoV; Diilihtituton and imitutiouo will oovor do tho good work. -J P uJ 7 S - i - o3 <*> -^ 3 P5 - - 1 1 ^* To Ou and bilit il i; ) ' lot 1 ion lr 10 DO ?I0 00 C pt 'i Ion 10 ou Vr I t 1 i;d L'o (10 Jl (It) w p. 2 nu 21 (KJ 10 lot 1 'JflO *0 DO MO 00 i 'Jit'J HO (JO i \v ii r :i 00 L>0 (11) \i e qr 1 on Jl) HO 17 IM) '.V , 1 l.'ij 10 uij 10 no e hi l I (JO 20 00 w hf > 11)1) a:, ou , ii ;;:s M 00 w pt in * a\ ;i j i i; on ' W pt 11-, t'\ .1 \'i :i (jo 'i hi v\ 1 i -' 12 DO Id oO n| .-i 1 j"> 0 "id hj tM 2 2-'} .5 .70 "i-i -' i > ii.; 70 h e \ -i ,";0 10 OO n i \ ;i OU 10 IH) w\ i loo J~j 1)0 jo oc ! 30 IU ou . 1 ! 1 U \ > 'Jo ."> 00 11 V.'-t 'J J'l r, uo ,- \ w i. :i .'.11 10 00 7 fi, 1 11)0 'Jo (K) Ui 00 hiJ'J "iO -s CO' 11 t } 'J. .ill h \)0 j '1 ,",0 n UO -Ml IM 1 I 00 S 00 :i v. 1 -1 IS ^ III) w \ -J. '.'7 111 DO H V, } .'i IM 7 (io h S |.i l'- 1 1 ' ]': (10 '.) 00 H W\ I ;.u \\i (to 0 III) H . { i A) 1^ 00 ;> no pt h t | 1 Jo .", 00 Ktnht ol way L. J . A. 1), il. H. Total on land.4 10 DO :: no oJ7 (.0 t In nuJuieipii lity lul; lllh join i uiul, linb do '.uh do -."7 j oo f^th do 7th do i 011 South Towulinu 4-1 Ii i) t-l U 3 J" C h-1 ~ S 5 ! 7" *1 ! c ^ H 0j . Cm o H a a . J- ~* u 'j . '2 v 1 itVt io rlrJ 10 *i w li -jo 10 JO o n 7 ou :>\i 7U u ;i0 :i 12 'j,l 12 o 51 21 HO lai HO ;j(J 'JO i*j id iiii 10 IH -1B.W :i io j.'( 10 -1 IW^ o 71 ij 71 8 (75 s- i;i in U8 18 li) til ;i hs aa an u 78 ;i hs ^ yrt 0 78 l a i \i 2i 1 85 . l):t r, \y.i 1 (!) 17 ;( 17 li'J ,7 'J 7 ii 17 8 8'J H.'i ii ;io 3 27 ri.j i; :fo 1 li7 ,ti iu ot; A til 1 .7.7 n .7,7 2 31 1 .7.7 ii 'JO a ai i, uh ol its 10 10 1 .7.7 n <in 2 ai (fl J 7H 1 10 IH >j 7H 1 10 1 .7 7 n rJ.J a n i; :i'i 17 :iti 1) 17 i -j i U m 1 8o i -ji U ji 1 85 i -ji :i 2 1 1 85 :: u >o a 5 08 1 L'i ) i;i 1 85 J 1>3 IM -IH !J 70 1 (111 h 01) 1 1J2 1 1'.) ;ii 10 (J 21 i 1!) nn ;j 03 'J tni in nu ii 93 IH 0 78 1 1 ' '2 0-2 1,7 0-2 3 tlO 1.71 >J{) 11,71 Dc w i;i tun in aai oa 133 83 Toiul en bindsi line mud* 1 77- 00 I'di-imyuii^ tlm htun nt S:o-r> thu lunnuut iOh 'iheil ii Hi* lnut tlin hfiltl ruml:i uiul luiul'f of tin; niiiuH-liiiihtv, uiul lov uiivet'iuf; Intu'.ebt tie ii'ou lor llvo yi'iiin nt thu rnt.i ot live ior i-oiiltun pi r lUinmu,'i ii]'"ei d intn u thu (Icllur, HUthciont to produce lliu retiuirml yemiy ii'uouiit thoru- ioi', hhull, over uml ithovu nil othiT rtiten, he Invi.'il iunl I'olloi-ttnl (iu thu suimo iimntior uiul .It the Hllllllt tUilc- UH tllifiH two Itiviuiluitdcolli'iit- . d), u .'in und l rum thu whole rutuhln 'iro'iurlj in tiiihl Towunlii|i ot Siuidwlcb Houtli, m onuh your ler yt ura inter the tlnnl preiiilu^ ol ilui hy luw, iluriiiH which tho i>utd ilohunttiroa Ijuvij to run. nth. riuit A. .1. Hatfonl, K. .1. O'N'oil iunl' .1. (iuiuvoii iiru liuruhy unpoiiuuil comiiiihniunurti to lot thu i:o*ittiiut for the Huid ilialn uml worltfl couniituil ilu*ru\ itli, by public* unit Ion nr tun- kirto the luvvoht lildcUir (not exuumbuf,' tlio cfi- tinmtt-1, t-ut (iVM'i iiutili cnntiuotor, v/itli two i-und iunl tiiitisIiiot'U'v Hiirotlnfi, i.hull bo roqulrod lorthwitli to oLtur into honilfi for tho duo pur formiLiu't! find otiiuplution ol tho coutraoc, uc- corduiL' to tiiilil plutiH und npooiUcutionn uiul wiLlnu tint tbnu lU'intioiiod^ within uuch homl, unloHH othorwiho ordorml by tho ootincil; fun! it p^luill Ihi tho duty ol bucIi comiulaiiiouur to catlnu nuld drum und worlut conniititutl tliorowlth, to ho inuito und coiuitructod in iitioci'dunoo with tnu-h pliuni und lipotuiloi.tjojiii, utul to urutit cor- titluuti'H to thu Ueovo from tbn i to time, to uiiuli ooutriifltor, loHb .id intr tnit. oHliu uuiouut duo, until tho contt'uuL iu full* oomplotod uml duly utiouptod. Oth. Thin by-lnw tjluill ho publinhoil oncu hi ovory wuelt, for four connocntivo wuoku, in thu 1'btiiox I'l'Mii proiili, nowi-puper, publinbiui in tho lawn of I* hiox und fihiill couiu into foroo upon und lifter tin* iliiul piuiHlnij thuruof, and may bo tjan on sisi'j on if;i(;;i sg ritoil tlio-'Colcluii-i-r lovviilino KtipiuniJJv liiw " JOHN MOVXAHAN, Alliail.U COWS. ^hirl;. JtoCtfO Ihori'hy curtiry tlmt tlio foro^obii; isi a crno copy ol a by huv provisionally inloptod by thu niuiuoipul comioil of tho imld Townulilp olfiuml- wu-h Hfiuth, on the Jf,th day of AiifjUfit, A. D. JOHN M0YNAUAN, OlurL of tho Munieipallty of (diuuivvioh Houth. ITOTIOB. XrOTICK IH IIIIHKJiV GIVEN THAT A 1^ Court of Kovmlon, hold piutmtint to tho provibiouH of tho Dmiuuf><< Aot, lfiof for thu huariiiR and trlul ot uiiptuUit niado iiliiuribt tho ubuvu iiQsoycinont or uny purt thoro- ot, will liulil itn tlrnt hittiufjn at tlio Town Hull Huudwloh South, ou Saturday tbo 3!)th duv o* Koptuuibor, lhO, ut tlio Hour of ono o'elaoi iu tlio uitonioou, nod tlmt any portiou lutoutliuc to ui>podl ai'uijiHt tho ubovo iiLiicimmont. or unv purt thoroof, umnt, uot tutor tiuui ton days ba- foio tho thno lltod for tlio lioldlwc nf mlid Oourt norvo qn tho Clork at Uuu munlcipullty, u writl ton notlcu oxnuuli uppoul, or oCliovwiii6 ho will bo too luto to bo Hoard In that bouulf. Ancluiuuornoiiuoiii bo-uby jilvuit that any pofHon Inti'udiuR to hv tiuoii hv-Iuw, or'any purt tliorooi, qiiuHhod, inurjb, uot lutor thau Uitt diiyn uttor tho unul juiniduf' tlioroof, uoi yo u not- itjo in wrttiiiR upon thu Kooyo or othur lioftd ptllDor, und upon th Olurk of tho Munich*!-' ity of flauUwicli Mouth, of bin mhontUm to xuako application forthut ptirpouo, to tho HlKh Conrt at> 'rrnouto, cliirinR tlio Hix woekn noxt onsn-' iufl thu iiiiul piimiliid of thin by-law. , JOHN MOYKAHAN, Townnhlp Olorlt,, II tn by Noiirl) ii cl. Sun, My buhy w*ih vory hud with mine mor complaint, aud I thought bo would die, until I triocl X>r. Fowlor'o Extract of Wild titruwburry, With tho ilrab dotio [ uotiuoil a uhiuiiui tor thu bettor, aud now hu in our* d, and fat and healthy. Miih. A, Nouiuniun, Loudon, Ont. , Potnto pio may bo mado hy liuiug pla- tiua with ordinary'pio-cruht, mul HUiog with manhod potaSoan ooftuorjed with a1 litllo fried ouioii and onmrner nnvory, Pt on an uppor crufct, and buko from twenty to thirty miuntoH, Sorvo hot. St ptamber. Ladies' Homo Journal. * 'M 5i,i' 'i.u ^'i'. r"

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