m '-a fc -f The il *'/!! VOL XII. No 37. ESSEX, ONT. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1890 WHOLE No. <J09 FORSYTES!, ANDERSON &CO., Have opened up and Pasaod into Stock This Week- ........ 13 Cases British and Foreign Dry Goods A"" s Cases New German Mantles, These Goods are all Im ported DIRECT from the Makora by us, thus the purchaser has only One Profit to pay. No one can do better for you. Wo invite comparison. _> wiya* STYQSH - BOWHW* .. / May be attained by .select ing Materia! from Our Stock. Wc'"LH-]i a speci ally Fine Assortment of Black Goods........... We '*an give you A Fit! st^r r No matter what the size $t\ of chape of your feet or t'puree................ nv lb Ono Prioo for all. ' All Goods marked in plum figuren. 1 Yottr. Monoy Bach if you want it. FORSYTHF, ANDERSON & GO., |; j^Jjeading Store of Essex. 15. Wanted ! BOAUDHHK WA.NTWtt llv tho wok. Al>ly t() llHH, H. WKTlinifcY, WllHUX, " Wanted. /^IW-i WANTED (TOIt nOUSKWOHK. AV- \Jf ily to Writ. Jumoii May. ,1"~'t l Wanted. Guhl von cjknkkaij iiouhbwokk, no T witnlilui,' Apply to Strayed, r>TO my rniiMiHKH, Tim maidhi'onk 1 Holol at Mahlntntio Croiin, on cr about the 'ivd day of Btnitomhoi, a buy muro, about r> yoiirn old, ulth near on loft hind lojf, mid triuuncnl foretop. Ownm in loijuontod to cull, i>ynv<i pro perty pay chm f.'nii unit tnko ii'iuio iiway, othor uiiin tho iiaitio will bo nolrt arcordfnf; to law. IIAUUYNOHTJI, 87-'lt MuldHtonul'. O. ALFRED WALKER, ESSEX, ONT., >i:GH TO ANNOUNCn THAT HE Ih HOLH l-> Atfuut for thu Towmiblpn of Oonlbild Vuth CoIrhoHttir North mid tho North Hiding of Kmjex County, oxoopt Hundwich Wont and Biunhvlcli Houtli Townoliipii, foi thu Van Wagoner Wire Fence and tlmt lio in prepared to put up tliln fenun at 15 contu por rod Dissolution of Partnership. Notioh rfl HEimuY aivnN that irtr< purtnonihip heretofore o\IhMiii; botwoou Alfiud Wnlkor and dordoii I. CJuiuIi, of llio 'lowiiihip of ColchoHtnr South, County of Hii- H(i\, bun tliiii dny boon diudolvtid, Afr. Quick m- taming tho o\clumvu Agency for tho Van Waijonor Wiro Fence Tor Tvitiuv County, oxcopt foi thu Towiiflliiprj of OuHlluld North and himcl wleh Pant, for which Towimhipn Mi. WalLor t/iLn . tho u^oncy. Datod itt Harrow, thin Hth day ofAufjui.t.ll- 10 NOTICE." TOWN OF ESSEX. ACOUiiT CI1 KITi IHION l'OIt THK HKAIl hu; and ti nil of Appualu iij:uinnt tho I rout- afoMoafiunjtiKintti or any part of Ji> Law No 4U7, for tho inyiujj down of a foili fojti'niii Plank BidaW'dlt, (m MuKoaut jif,],i of Jlrinn Awnine, ironi tlio H W uornor of Lot JS Plan j.l.,to tho ,\ W cornorof Lot (/), lUan 'Ji/t/wfll be bnhl in tho X'uwn Hall, at h ojqloclt, Jt ill , on Tuesday, the ISth day of Sept., I8S% V Schodulo oi hai 1 loti (miii ho fioou in tlio nfiico ;oun \VAr/ri:uK ( lorlt u Office Town ( Krlt Assignee's Sale. I bv T'ubhu Am tion, th Htoi 1. of Win Hart, consisting of oonfoctionory aad wall papi i a id 1^ tin on, on bloc, on Tuesday, the i^tli day ot Septemhtr, JH'di, at 'I o'clock a m . at thu Moro jin mi iol of Win Hurt, an Talbdt ttioi't, in tin 'fuwn o] I nHnJii-vdutorj nidj b< noon at tlio lun oUli n o' 1 A ^\ i i ii r, hHMi\ Turnni, cash Ihitmi at ] Hht*\ SoptoinliHr 'H)i isn. (. a. em/itc H, AhtI(,1K1 Voters' Lisc, 1896. Mimieip.iLityoi Gosfiold Nortli, County oi E( aox tvi o rn 1, m ninti r\ an i:\ tii vt hi vv i A> iiuiHitiltttJ.l or ihhvorid to thu por-idim Tin ntioiM d in titidiis 1 and f,, ut tho Untiiriu \ ot 0 1' Li tit \t t Is (In copios i oijuiumI )>v find Six Hum to bo transmit tod 01 ili-iiminl of tin Iiit mi dc ) in .mint to haid act of nil iiartmn upl'i aiiui'b\ thu hi.t niMii'ii MMiiibim nt 1011 of thu nald MunicipiilUi to bo ontlth d to vuo in tho mi id 1 111 n i' 1 j mln \ at t lei lionn foi nil i) - bun of tho Li ^ihlat.^o A iM mbh an 1 at mot i cip li)* ctiniiH a ml Unit <u'd hst -uau tir <i pf t i d up at ni\ ollko (>n tin 10th davol S( ptouibu , is i and j oiiiunih thorc foi im-pci Hon I h (toirt mo eallu 1 upon to o\limine tin itanl In t mil if i in onjinnionn or anv uiLuun io: am found Ihinm to tako liniiH <ilati pio L,ondio|"i to Iia\ i) tho onoiH coi i cr ti d according t / iii\. lhAACJ I Vt KUU1N Chik of (,ri fluid Noilli H lud tho l()t 1. bij of h|itiMiiboi h'li, Voters' List, 1896. TOWN OP ESbhX. VtiTiC) Is J f i Hi l'\ MA 1 N '1 II VT 1 u \\ \. IN turn iiiiittml (11 loli;i rod to tin jir.uiH 1 H nln ml in rn t-tioiiii r> md 0, of th (liitiul'i V( ti * J 1 hi Ait H^'i lb" (opiod ic pin oil b\ t ii <l si < t oiu tobt ti iiiismll t id oi didivt'iid of tin' li t n li puiJ.li nit to snid a^.1 of nil pm trdh up ])iainiKh\ llu hut n>\ JmjiI im(innnent mil of tin i ni I Ai noli ii ml it to bo i imli 1 t j witu m t io i id Mvitin ipiditv al He* turns f )i nit nibi"rs . bl\ und nt i in ii ii [put c'm tie to) and t hat h id (iht \ (i i tin t jiOHtud no at i i\ otllu- (jn tint rnh dui ol Kuptombii, 1H')J, ui d i mi inn h tin it Un init|)L( Hon I b ctorh ai c tllf d ii]imi to aim me tho tiiiid l.dt and it at j oniiohiojih or 11117 otlioi 1 iioih urn iiiiind thoi uri to tuko iniMKitllaUi pi 6t,i)udlii|j 1 to h t\ o tin eirc-i i coi meted accord in, to Ia\. I'atid tho JOHN WVLTHUb ( lurk oi J onn ol ]'hho11 lny (j[ ht pteinbut, P^'K William Stock, ti Went riuiiHioro' far- iik 1, wuu liuoil &I0 uurl couth foi having piimahoti a [odlar ioi loavin^ tin K11*"0 open, -7iih. Jtiloy waa foiiml dcuu m iho htabkH of 1M1 Kluttuy, butulior, at (Jttuwa with a ^iihIj in liifl head Whether it in u cune ol a horr>o Lick or of foul plav 10 uh yet an Opoti (JUUHtlOU. 'J lirouuli tlio Hinlcu>g of tho utoam yacht Tom Carter 111 the Niagara lliyor two prr- hoiih, John Piirthin/j aud Mihh Gilhort, of Buffalo, loot tlioir liven, and tlio nine othor paRHonj;orB in tho boat hud a voiy narrow ofloapo. Tin; Hound Money DomooratH have uora- inatod Sontitor John M. Palmor, of Ilhnoip, for Promdoiit of tho Umtod StatDH und Gouoial Bimon Buoltnor, of Kentucky, for V100 ProBirlonf. Thin makes tlitoo tiakoto already in tlio flnld, tho Itopublfoanit fiav> in^ MaKitiloy and Ho bar ti in tho race and tho Silver DotnocratH Bryan and Bewail. KSSKX FALIj AHMKXBia, Jfuil<>4t MKoItoi'tMOki k'riiMliiliiif, Tho J'jHfiox Full Amti/OH oponcf] at tlio Court Jlonfio at Sandwich hoforo Jnii- ticn KtohortHon, fit 11 o'clock on TuoHiluy at'tornoon. Tho ro-oi^uni/.od court room looked bii^ht and liandnomo with itH now iltfcin^H and furnituvo and pro- Hontod <i modorni/od ajipoarftiico, and in now ono of tho moiit convonionl and nttwictivo court Iiouhoh in tho jirovinco, Tho miniori of tho tfrand jury wove cfilloil and all niiHworod to thoir lmiuuH oxcoptA, rr, Wbito, of Knaax. Tho following aic tho nnmoH of tho flnmd .fnvy John J. Dnwlimil, Allied Ilftir- fiiuo, JamoH Uopo, John Korr, Stephen MiHor, F. T. Mc(loo, Jacqium l^iproan, Oliver Itoaumo, Jumcn Ilicliuidson, David HickloHtool, A. H. Smith, John K. Yollana and Jamci WilHon. Olivor ItominiD wan elortod foremau. John Kiu^', rt>, C , ol Toronto, ih Crown ProHooutor and i*t imsiHtod liy County Crown Attorney Clarke, whilo tho lo^al fuitornity wan roproHcnted l>y E. A. "Winniei, of Iilmiox ; D. It. JJiivih and F. A. Jlou/jjh, nf Amherfithurt^ ; ~Mr. Popo, of tho Ornnd Truuk Sohfi- tor'H otlico, liolloville; Sol. White, F. CIcary, li. P. Suthoiland, Mahlon Cowau, P. Jfartin, P. 0. Tlaldano, .1. P. Uaro, J. TI. Uodd, .1. W. Hanna, A St. (ioorpro Ellih, J. I). O'Connor, M. Shoppnrd, A, It. Baitlot, Jj. Tjalloi- ty and J. K. Davis, of Windsor. Tho civil cahOH on tho docket are TIanna vs. Trimblo and Taylor vh Windsor, left ovaufrom-tlie Iuht court ; Powoi'H vh Hamlin, Moonoy vh. C. S. Paiihvay Co , Kainvillo vh. G. T. Jtail- ^\ay, Itoudot vh. Monetary Timofi, Staf- foid vh. Leamington, Knvnnngh vh, j\[itchcll, WindHor Water CommiHuio u- orh \h. Koid and Maekon/ic vh, S^'cra. Xon juty Brown vh. Coiuhum, Uoid vh, Jones, Pincluu vh. Janinso, Po\ \s Fox and DcIihIo vo. Parent. Jndtfo Ilobeitson commeurcd his nddrehM, hy congratulating tin cmntv upon tho tfi out iiupro\eiuonts m the seat of justice in the touijty V tfieitt ch.in^u for the hot Vr had ht i n made, und which was due m a lar^e meuHurc to the rcpiescntatiousof ^iand juriew in the piiht. While he voii^riituli'lcil thorn on tho iniprovoiuonts about tlio oouit honfli ho said lie could not con^ratu- hitc tlioni upon the nhHcnce ot sciinu.s cnino, an they bad several honuiis cases heiorc them There was rr woman chained with the minder of her own buHband foi which tho crown depend cd on eiK'uinslautial evidence to hoc me a (im^iction. lie then at length ic- fencdtollic eiimool murder and to th(i\aluool ocular and cncumstuntml a\ idonco The lattei, lie said, was often the most tiuntwoithy. Cireum- itnnres (inddnot he but thoy know that men and uomen rould A ( ase of rapi emu In lore them IIo de*ici ibed what (iinstituted inpo. Plihous rhary id with sheep hteahuft would alho ht, fij) for ti nil. Ihitoj tunately the peoph of this county, be said, weie only too familiar with the crime ut cattle hteal" nifj- to jiiako it m ccsHai > fjjr him to eplain its nature, The other criminal < use was one of allowed defrauding oi creditors. The ^rnnd jxuy would 'ml> hear one wide ot the caHC, but if theio was a pruliahihty of Kiulf they could leave it with the petit jury Io dispose nl .tftoi houiuij^ all the OMdence dihl , II that counst I could huv ioi or a^aitiht the prihonerH The lccent changes in the law hi always thought it his duty to explain to jui'oiM. Men who wore called upon to act on iniies dwmld ho fuidvwtdl intoimed U]ion the lau t* ol the ( ountry There ucie (dian^cs m tin' law niicctm^' b(jth ^'laml and petit jiuich Pormorl\ 'J.J ^iaiid jury mon weiu sUjmuoiiLjd and hi of them had to a^'ice boioiua ti no hill could bo found Nnu oidy Hi woio Hiiiniiioncd and a majority oi 7 could buutf in a true bill In mil ca^es it n&rd to be that tho whole J3 of u |m tit jury had to a^'ree hoforo a \ovdict could he obtained Now io jurymen could hrinx m n voi- diit even il tho other two dissented. This only applied in civil canes , it re- ipined a unanimous veidict in crim inal cuhch. lie. saw no roanon why tho eliauKos Bhould not be bonoticial. In the administration of criminal justice a prisoner or a prittouor'a wife had tho pnvilotfo of f^oiuff into tho witnean box. A piiHoaor conld not he compelled to do ho but had the rip;ht. Another mut ter ho doaired to briii boforo thorn and that was tho orootion in tho county oi a houao of rehire for tho afjod, tho infirm and tho poor. Tho gaol, ho said, was no plaeo for Hiioh porsoiin. Tlo pointed out that tho Ontario Oovorji- mont eoutributod 1^4,000 towaida tho oroction of Huch a homo and ho gave statistics which went to ohow that auoh infltitntions, by tho labor of tho in- matoa, eouhl ho uoaily aoU-Bupportin^. Tho grand jury would bo required to visit tho gaol and othor public Jnsfcitu* tiond and report kupon their condition, i Uih Tjordidiip then lOferrod to the ollbet hia (toiitonco'i of two yoaiH a^o had on crime in tho county. Hanna vh. Trimblo wan tlio first onso called, ft wan a auit botwoou aolioitor andehontand involvod thoaumof ^;if>. Mr. DoutfhiH, (). C, Chatham, acting for Solicitor Hanna, anid fcho caoo laid alroady boon hoard boforo Juntico Moro- dithaud lio naked that it nhould boro- foi red to Mr. jATarcon to bo taxed. Sol- White, rtidinpr for ATr. Trimblo, aaid thero wan a contiact to do certain work foraittipulated /mm. Tiiojudfjo rofuu- od a reference. Onthocafio coming up on WodnoMday morning, TTih Lordnhip ntruck out the jiu y and tho partica a^roed to allow thocuHO to no over until tho next non-jury aittinpfH, coatH to bo taxed in tJio eauio. K'avana^h vh. ]\Iitcholl, was the uc\t caso called, Cleary A- Sutherland ap peared for phiintifi; who Haid that a coimout judgment had been arrived nt* J'incbin vh. Jaaifiso was then called. (Teaiy A Sutherland appeared for the plaint:ll, who wiih tho asHi^noo of the ostato of tlio defendant. Plha k Elhfi appealed for dofondants, Jlomy and Paul Moraud, who had received a dcnl of a farm from JauiHso. Tt wan agreed taut the jNTorundfi nhould pay tho orodt- toi-B of JaniHHO the mini of $.l'jo and that tho deed to tho Moiauds should bo con- iirmed. Uoid \s. Joiich wan the ne\t case called, the defendant heme; Coo. 1. .Jones, of J-tuthvcu, ano tho plaintifl" an American uiU'Hcry firm. Action on account for troodn oold and delheiod, 'J'he statomout of defence ha\ine; boon Htiuckoutby the lot al judpo, motion for judymont \vasmade tor plamtiil foi <VH and mtoroHt from Juno, I Hull, Prancis Cleary for jiluiutiU and J. P. ILuc foi defendant, 'J'ayloi \h Windaor wag an action foi damaj;oH HUHtniucd by phtiutiiVby boinj,' thrown from u wajjon through aniille^'- e<l defect in tho roadway of defendant Mofendant consented to a judgment lor ^00 danm0'c.j in terms of eonsent minutes. Clean X- Sutherland for plnintifVand Klhs .tl-Tlis lordefendant Moonoy \h. (' S. U, Ti Co. was tin next case-called. Thn pluintitl, Kdwurd Moonoy counullnr of Suuduirh South hiiod the Railway Compauv for -dVW' lor the death of his two souh at tin railway crossing at Kshox on Oetoboi 1st last, tin. p.trtieulars of the aecidnnt being' still fi csh m the minds of oin reiulcis. Sovoial v, itnessos weie n\ im- mod and the jury retiiod at i o'clock that aftei noon, loturnin^with a \oidiet loi plaiutin of ^U,71u and costs ,M K. Cowan apjn ned foi .Afr ^foouo The (inui'l duj_> ietui nod a tine bill in the case ol Mis Nolan, charged with the murder of hoi husband at i\ew Canaan last spiiu^ and the trial was bt I foi Thin sday mm mu^ at \t o'< lock. s \rviu ic ii soin ii. William I). O'Nuil, of Kuud vu h Hnuih, an f \ deputy reeve nf Kandv ich Khul, died at J Totul I Jit u lionpital,\Vu dnor, Tin < d;iy nftei noun \ mi m hull1-!* in \inii idun h Ion 'mil' to VI' \ A iutit, of WiiiiJiin , wan dnntroved b) hie tni Satucdny moiiinu', \u^mt xi'ldi. to^t tli.-r with nil tJin contuiitfi Tlie total h)4f wan about *-.{,r()0 lu'iun^L whiuli there IH an uisii'- f ( u ot **'2 MH) J lii infi.nr i loti) (i t-11 /lii i SmplL ilud i *il^ -' Uind iy inoinmt , Au;{UHf U't li, id ."\Ii-i AintdiL s home uuir Albun i. The funcial look phic.' to the I'mliji 11 m 111in terj , TiIIjmi \ Wo. Sund t nf frnoon followin < of on MH uosKvv;i.n ^4h]| ei, Arlhui (Jiant bin b-eii vitutint; at h iik Ik re Ijeoimid Alkn in Jiavm^ tt tUunc luiind a' ion p iL undi r Kh Jioutn A. Ooltli-n liiiti ooinpluted tJiu mw run- urott hiiilco on tin) tourLh concni'ion (lOI.CMIM^sl'KK IVOKT1X. At tlic A. hi. Jj (Jonfer-ince m Am hcrHihur^ rtutnth, Utv. L. rioiei \,au traiiHfernd fiom Colyhcntor to Toronto and Kov. O. ii. I'i ie, foi nuily o( Oolohcn tur, wits tMiiiHfurrud from Oakvillo n thti Miclutiun dnnti'iejiot), (Jololn Htei ih itdl to be supphfjil. Ut'l'HVKN. Ohan. LyppH and fai&ily will move to Lean mp;tou. The ovaporator and mdor worl'H aro m oporitlion now. Goor^o Wololior and daughter Ida havo beon Hpoudiuf,' a wolIc hem with fnondn. A quiot wedding of Kingevillo partioH took pluao on WnJiiondiLy o^ ItiuC week at Itnthvon, tho aontraotiDR partion boinf* Gordon Horrinpton and Mian Edna Stan ton. They drovo to ltutlivon and wore nnitod in tho holy boudo of matrimony by fcho Kov. E. AlocUlf itftoi* which thoy par took of a wadJiuR Hiippor. at tho iohicIouoo of fcho brido'H paronln, juiit oaat of town. The oouplo loft on (ho uveimu; train amid rdioworo of rico and old oltooa for Hamilton and othor oaatarn points. UKhti: ttivitu. Mru. Souhuif/on JaniHHe, wife of Cluophlin Janinno, died at Hello Kivor on Friday. Sho waa fJU yoarn old. ri^ir.xsun, Victor Ilobuiot Iiiih huon to Alontroal on a bmiinoiui trip. I'at Uu{{al hufj (jono on a buuinoau trip to Sault Kto, Mario. C'alixto Uoohaid ban boon vimting Iiih hrotlior, JJi. D. Unohaid. A lot of grnpaiJ lmvo boon iiluppod from hero to Mautrual and wty pointn. Minn Bonny Gannon, of Detroit, ban rotumcid humo after Hpomhne; her vacation horo. Mi. and Aim. K J. Wolnh lmvo loturucd homo after hpondiiif! a few dayii with Ins Hintor in Toledo, O. < <nujii*;m'ir;u s<i/ri. At tho meeting of thu Chatham X'rtH. bytory on Tuofday, llcv. P. J. b'aollo wuu uc,ain appomtnl to Ilanow. John Taylor, of thu townnhip, who wan committed for triid on the chat^o of ntiml- in^ cattle, olootcd to ho tried before Judt;e. JJorno, and lim cune wim Het down for Friday itint. The trial did not hint lone^ howover, at Taylor phaled utility and wan lot out on Huapended nonteuco, ba I, lumnelt and father, v"00 each, hotog ac enptod. The leccipUi for "an, otc, for the month of July, woro 950't. li) Dr. Sidney Couovor, formerly of this town, now of Tuiitin, Mich., wan lauG week murtiod to Mma May K, Little, of tho same plrtco. Tho anniversary porvioof) of tho BaptiHt church on Sunday Iant woro well attended, llcv, Wm, Pioiiior, of Kid^utowu, occupied tho pulpit in the mnruing and uvcninc. aud Hov. i\r. P. Campbell, of KunoK, proachod m tho arteinoon. Tho oontnbntioiiH wero very liberal, , ,_ Letters patont havo beuu iHHiied lucor- poratin^ Edward Chandler Wulkor, of Walkoiville, distiller , Fruuhhu ' JUirani WalUer ami .luinofi Harrington Walkoi, both of Di troit, diHtiihrd , Win. Aikman, jr., of Detroit, lawyer , Wm. Kobiua, of Wa|](U"wlIc, Sorrotury", for the following purpoBoh, \i' :- To export, import, iuatiu fuctnro, buy, uell aud othoiwino deal in spn ituou^, fernientud, unfornionted and othor Ik|Horn, including whinkejii, wineH, beer, cordiah, mineral and other watcin and dunks by tho mime oi "TheCanadian Whn.liLy L\poitiu(,' Company (Limited),' utth a tot ii capital utook of litty thouHaud dollaie, divided into tivo hundred rflnucH o1 ono hundred dollara WINDSOIE. 'J'hu ditjtillury plant ov,*jn d by V, Lone lu'ui in Windaor, and Lloaed for the hiHt y< ai and a hulf, bus been purehiiHo 1 b> Iliram Walker A Son. Itumoi says it will ht remoVL'd to AValkor\dle, Will nun IJidiGi' win on Monday after nf on iliUouci d to ^.1 montliti in Toronto Ountnil PriHon by IMa^istnite 15 irtlet ft r bur^luii/in^ tlio le-jnlenue of John T Campliell on Mnnda\ wlub the Trade i' protcsriion wis in pio^resn, Sol White, u\ At.V P, hfiH ben plucni under armt for contempt of couit, m fail me to rf nder a Hiitiafaotory ncoomitin; m an action brought a^ntiHt him by I Split- log The ilrroHt ih only lounal, liowever, and ISIr. White utill broftthofl tht fionh air. Ale\. Duraoy, u Htuloi from Dutruit, wan arrobted nn Frtduy ovonimi, on the uliaigo of attemotm^ Io ilhhuuH Fhra Rlooni, a 10 yi. li obi mrl, whom he induced to go into a dark pi ico with him Tho girl nut him on the atrc< I b> appointment aftxi ahf had informod her uncle and a police man who follow* d them and oafttired Durriev. On Wodnoaday, he appeared bo foio P. Al. B'li'tlet und wiih aentencud to *2 J montliH in Central Vnaon with 12 lushes LI iiuuiviivriii'Ki*. Spuunur! wIiooIh at McClregot Plummoi. A^onl Tiloftatt muvud into the new M. 0. It. station on Wednesday Mian Florence Iloruby, who has been vmitiug her Hintor, Mrs. (Kev ) Jiury, Am- herhtburg, for some time pant, left on Mon day for Now York, where uho takoa nhip for JUutjliiiid. The Amhcnttburg Uegular Baptist Am- Hooiatiou met in tho First Baptist oliurch, AmhoiHtbuig, on WednoRriay, with a largo attendance. MinistorH aro prehont from London, Chatham, Dresden, Bandwioh, Windaor, ltuston, Puoo, Shrownbiiry, Gos- Hold, Harrow and Mount Pleafiant, to- gothor with lay dclocaton fiom oach oburob. Tho annual mooting nf tho loual W C. T. U. wao lirld on Wednoflday of buit wook whou tho following ofUcom woro elootod: Proa., Mrn. D. A, Maxwell; Boo. Sec, Mimj Ida Bratt; Oor. Boo., Mru. D. D. Wiglo . Traao., Mm. Frank Fox. Tho following woro named an doIogatoH to tho Oonnty Convention to bo hold at Ehdox noxfc Wod. noaday and Thuraday: Moadamoa Salmoni, Howo, D. D. Wiglo, D. Botflford aud F. Pox, and MimjeK Bfolvina Atkin and XAzzlo Burnloy. Tho J?roaidflnt, MtH. Hobley, and Miye L. Botsford will attend as mem bers of tho county executive. >UiKSi:A. Mrp. Henry Shiluon, of Morooa, after a long and nerioua illnoiifi, diod on Friday ni(!ht and wan buried on Hunday. ------------------------------------------------------ _ A UN lilt. K. Gregory, of Ewiov, vi'titcd lanfc week at (), J, Arnor'a. Minn Kdith Wilcox, of Olimla, Hponfc Hov oral day.) with ^Iniii A Wifjlo. Mihii L J. Manley, of North Ilidgo, oulb od on fiiomhi horo hint wook, Mr. and Mm. O. J. Amor and children have rotmnod from Milwaukee. J. C. Hheploy, of Kinjjnvilin ^pioaobod in Graco chnrUi on Sunday of hint wook, ------------------------------------------1-----------------------.^------------------------------------------------------------. C'AlII-IM^lTlClt. On Monday, Wm. White, of Camp Pal mer, laid a complaint boforo P. M. Boa- man, in Khhox, aguirmt Petor Gorard, of Colchofjter North, for asiiaiilt and battery, Tho trouble aroue over tho paymont hy White to Gerard for work done by tho latter, While payinir luni off at 2.1 cout a day loun than Gerard claimn ho wan to rc- ceivo. On WedntJH('ay, Gerard nettled by paji.ig SI and coutii aud White withdrew tho char^o. SANttW'K II, Andrew Brown, uu old rendont of Sund-" wieh, died on Friday. Ho was 03 yoaru old Samuel Chaicttt, of thu .Jockey run, Huron lino, ban disponed of his buainonato- Daniel Trombley, of Andeidon. fdiarlofi Wilnau, who wan ohar^od with burglarising tho utoro of IJago & JDontOHior at Sandwiub, was, on Monday, lot go on HUupcndadHontonue, wluoh is tho uecond time that hu liun boon diaminsod on a mm- ihir olmr^o on mupuiided qontouco. Ho m 11 yoarH of a^'e A.MUKIION, While Mra. Joseph Pineau, of Andor- don, wiiii picking up nemo kindling wood tho other day ihe got hold of a piece of board with rotten leather tacked to it supponed to ho a pieco of an old trunk. She gave it a jerk when lOpiecooof monoy dioppcd out. Xhuy proved to ho old French coin of the time cf Loum XVI., dated from 17b0 to 17ti'i. u'l Soua Cay enne Colonic." INSrM^CK'OK I>.A. MAXWKtt In its Heries of articles on promiuent mt u of Euhgx. flounty, the Hoviow last week had tho following - "D. A. Maxwell, B. A , LLB Pubho Dchool inspector, waa born of poor but luduatiiotia pateutu in tho year lHJli. When tw-lvo yeais old, ho wan obliged to It use iho rural achool to ahtnat a widowod mntlu r in HLonrmg a living. Ho woilred on a f irm until ho was injured logging, in Inn nineteenth year. In tho meantime, thank1! to it \Msu(kmd mother,ho kept up in his hparo moments, often (ill late at ni^ht, titoun-cuf reading wluoh enabled him to hocuio a eercihcate to tench achool. Wbilo teitohing be continued ntmlyiiig until in ls71 la obtained the highoht grado of a lust child L-urtihciati' at loiouto Normal Hi lioul. Not satihlied with thiH htandiug he continued reading and obtained the do- Hru B, A., and LL. B , from Victoria, bnivnrutj an 1 tho post graduate decree I'll H in phibihoph}, hirdoiy unci puda- tfoniob m Illinois Wesleyan TJniveiuity, Hih whole uuurHO of atudy wab pursued without anHiHtiuico from nn instructor. Ho taught at Kurwood, Blonmfiold, Wallaco- huu', Cornwall, Chatliain, llid^etown aud Struthroy, reouivmg m his first aohopl Sl.-J a month, and in his hint 9BeO poi annum. In lH7H,hc was appointed I. V. S. m South Bti"o\, and in lHHO in WindHor and Walk- ervdle The reitdeit, of tho Heviow know well tho high Btaudiiifi theHo Hoboolh have attained. In all thcHo yearn lie hah aluo been an active Sunday school woiker, not only in I lie chinch of his elioioe tho Methodist -but in all cotmt\ convention, etc , whiro without church dHtincliona there may bo engendered an moroiiruiig dcHiro for improvement m all wayw that nui> oleyaro tho childdifo of tho rising generation. For almont thirty >oarn ho huH been a Sunday school imporintendauu and a church ollieer. At present bo in a member of tho Book and Publishing Houfio committee which ovei-Hoen the publishing imerehta of tho Mothodhit church. In 187a, be was raarnod to Mi ah C. A. Luokham, of Watford, uIho a teacher, by whom thoto inn tout fionu. Whatever may bo bin loan ing m polities, he takes no part with either paity, believing that hifl__work has not in political vftponngo but in endeavor- me, to motill tiuth that will mako oloan pohtieians. Ho ia u. tnombor of thn I. O. O. F.f tho A. O. U. W and tho Manonio IratoruitioB, but in not mnoh of a noeloty mnn.chooBiiig rather to npond tho ovoninga ho baa froe at home with bin family. TIioho familiar with Mr. Maxwell know that.ho poimcnnoB great oapaoifcy for work and do- yotea biH whole time to hio dutios which at proaont aro far from hoing light," * Tho uteamor Hootor was wrookod off Bangor, Waled, and it la fearod that all hor crow woro drowuod. A, LoooutHo, Honior Judge for Waterloo County, diod on Tuesday morning, at bis residence in Borbu, after an HlnoB& of noarly a month. Kidney and other com- plioatioiifl Were the cause of death, De- oeaBod was about 66 years of age. 1,M ^t^MkikiiLiMM^, u 1 ...in s/.^U^^^^Vi.-J/iJ^^^ 8049