Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 21, 1896, page 6

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?| $p&>^ At')" $5!$Pot W:' HEART DISEASE JS mm Alfred Couldry of West tthofYord, Quoboo, ' Gnmplotoly Ourod of Heart Difioano . of Hour Youth* Standing y ^r- Agnuw'M-C'tu-o for tho Ifoart A Pombroko I met) Cured of tho WovmI Honn of Chroma Catarrh hy Dr. Agnaw'ti Catarrhal Powder Dr. A^wuVh Ointment for Pilos, and liin Pilhi for Livor 111m. Four Most HcraarkaWo Remedies. TIk1 dovolopnuint of-ncicnco in n-ucnl \<mnt givon hopo, for. tln> .curing of ni'oiy of. tho xvorut-fortmi of tlini'iLtu: that iilllici humanity. Kvuu i-.o druadod a enuiphiint *H heart diiU'iinn in curable. Thin in bi-int.' <if Or. Aunow'u Cure for tho Heart, It poiu- ivoly civoH ruliol in uny oano within liult -n hour after tint Ih'iit (lout-, imil thin often laantf tho pavinu of a life, Alfmd Cmildry, n Went SheliYird, Quo... imtfernil from 'mart diiiuiiHo for four yearn, Ilo found ao rollef until ho mad<; tho aefpitiintuDci' t Dr. Aijnow'n (Jure for tlm Heart, and -aya : *'Aft[*r lining eieht bottli-st of thin Kiadioini') I know nothing of tliin trouble." Ontarrh in: iin worst formn hi drained in 'Utablo. Bur, hero in what Mrs, (IcorL'f ^JrayH, of Tiitfornoll,Ont., miya : '.'My littl.. :att| Eva, aged thirteen yean*, lour yarn a^o win t nit mi with catarrh of tin * "' T*lK^uii>t Outwit u flMWlr. Tim Soulhbrn Bpnrtumun toldrooeiitly about it Unci: of pip'Oim that; mouHurod hruiiiH with a lmv.l: and ennm nut on ton in ilinconlrsi. U. K. KdwiirdHnrwnofl a Hook (if pl^i'iina whh'h one clay worn out ofV from their note by a Jar (re lawk. The pi^i-r an know* (hat iJ' the hawk owe tfot ahfivu them nun at loaat of tholir nuiiilicr would o to nuiko tho bnwk a moul, and ho up they Ih w in niroloH, porhapK hoping to go higher ihau tlm hawk. In the riainir p,ume they wen- no limtuh fur tho lmwk. The hiltor kept malm- tlm pif?eoim and loimmdy follow - nd ihoir laboriouH inovomcntH. .'Than i-anin a curi<mn mid unexpected hikUI to Mr. Krtwardu. Kvt-r.v pigeon cloned itH win^H, when thoy appeared to bo tlm hI'/o of HparroWH rind down thoy oitmn pant tbu hawk at a torriHe rata. That uKtoniNhfd tlm hawk. .It; nrtnully tlod^'i'd tin1 (lrnp]>iiiK luvdn and mi^Ht'd hulf a do/.f.'ii wintf Htrokow hefurt.- it nui in fuJl cl^isn of Ihmn. Wlion it Kf't down to tlio liariiyurd, not u jii^on was iii Hitfhl. snnic wore in tlio rote, hommj in tho porch, two in ihejwollhouHo, and ohm was in tho kitchen. Tfitrlmw-k-Hud- boon outwitted completely. It io a qui.iH- tion how tho piuooiiH managed to clucli thoir fall, an they did not, fdaekeii up till they worn about; 111 or 20 feet uboy tho ground, whou tliry wat ttrod in all diroctioiiH to (iN(iiLi)i' the liawk. At a rtH-ent mci-tijig of one of tho Frenoh Hooiet,iin u jiapor wan read on whatwaM dia^'no^ud aH a tonKilar euu^li. This cuu^h in dosorilted an violent, apaH- niodio and painful. It was frequently roflexen in the neighbor- try. worst kind. We uiied idl known ca-j jn^ i-c^ion, and particularly ly a in*o- d ."itrh eurou arid dootorod with tho inont iHllful phyhiciiuiM for ovor tliron yuaiv, but with no uvuil. "Wm cniiHidunid hur ciui; ihroniu and incuriiblr. liiint, winter t iiiard of thu fame of Dr. A^uow'h t)n- r.airhal Powdur, ilikI wiih persniided to try \ hot tic*, and I iiiut-t confos1', for tlm uulu. of'ttuiif rint; humanity, that iiftur uhui^; two jottk'H my ohild. wan cumpleiGiy ctirod" Dv Afiuow haw givcai to. llio publio four i'Ulmible upnoitiUH,. umi all idilcc do the* noat Etutinfiiutxry work. IIin tamotiH oint- (tiontwill euro the worst cil^h of itching "piles in from thrift to hix njuhtu, and one i fort. j-i an h-4!- wh..n tli'-rtt is no end of live' idll-.. it Hty.J much f>r Dr. A^nfw',1 bur \*i\lti tlir.t tlioy win frionda when-v. i known. Ten cents is the cbur^o for a ptnul of forty doi^es. Sold ly .J. Thome. Yttkllun Slu-j)!ii*i*cla. Afl to thoir moral and intellectual bbaraotorioticH, the.o vary not only no- oording to thoir natiw dinti*i(-t, but ulnc bboordiug to thoir Hocial Htation. Bo- Woon tho prospermia KiiephordH from the mountains of PiHtoja, imbuod with the proverbial.courtesy of tho Tunfian, Hpouk: tap tho purest Italian, aoute, iiiteUj^nt, ti ilxiont Htory toller, and oi'tou an extt-in- pore pootiisor, down to tho wretchedly' poor, bruttiliztvl peasmit from the Ho- Wiigna, clad from head to foot in lllthj ihoepfllrinn, and who, with diOicnlty, kcepH body and fioul together with tin: ptoooodn of Iuh small flnok. of hall fciiiTorl Hlu'ep, whoFe only pnsturo iK on tho pathways and bywayn or furtively OToppod from forbidden ground, be tween Kuch two oxtreme.4 tho ^radation^ aro, but nor.hwithNt.andinu certain traits of character are comiutni to all. Common to all is tlio lift* tluy load, solitary and wandering, now on tho lonely heights of the Apennines, now on the ptiil lonelier plains of tin Mru-ei.n;-:a. Tln-y arc hardly cv(r Keen OVon in the larger villap-s, and it \>. only from some lofty hilltop that I toy have u dintanr glimpM' of the towu>, thoEO modern liabyh n.-, on which Ihey gaze with injxc-d if -JiiiK-s of cuviofiity a&duvci'Hioji. Alway.s ulojio, they necessarily be- OOmo taciturn, and, therelVm-, medita tive. Their life nut of doors, without manual labor or fixed application, lead.- them to apply tleir minds to study the phenomena of nature, the habits of an- ItnalB, tho proncrtioM of plants or tlir OOurso of tho Htars. The nceoHsities ol thoir nomadic cxistejices teach them h Bpply this knowledge, and they bcroun torriblo poaola-rs, clever volennarians, tanuorH, hoi lialiHtf?, basket makers, Btookinpj kiiitici'H, some;times excellent joinfira and shoumakers.' Good Words. fuan waferiiif,' of the cyew. All reiaodiofi ordinarili' applied 'nrodiici-d no nlfcct whatever, and as there, wa.s noexpecto- ration the ori^'hi f>f the coui^li has s'-em- cd obscure. Tin* trouble, huwivor, in t-x- plaincd by familiarity wit h tin; stria*. turn of tho tonsil.--, ^evi'ial si t.sof nervc.H cantor and blend at and near the outer Hurl'aco of tho tonsils, where they form' what in described under the name of tonailar plexus. Tho tonsils arc connect ed by muscles with the apparatus of the larynx, a fact, which makes treatment of the tonsils complicated and diflicult. It is a common practice, to cut oil tho tonsils, but this has been attended with very-trnivTrrpjmltft7"Tho hearing is some times ufFeet ml by this aiTan^'ouicnt and tho larynx is necoHsarily involved. Thd bent, surgeons arc at present very careful how they perform any surgical opera tion on the throat or tongue, as if is a fact pant question that very few ouch operations are HiiccoHsful in tho long run. Thorn may bo temporary relief, hut it is almost invariably ahorj lived. New York Lrdgcr. A Wnrlil Out of Joint, A poor devil ti-llnhis latest misadvi'ii- |tnro: "I laid bad nothing to nut fur two doyH. In despair 1 threw myself into tho Seine. A sailor fishes nirout. Well, they gave $"> to my resouer anduothm^ to me." Figaro. SlUR TUllH. By miMum of an ingenious proceso in vented by Marco Chcappuui tho manu- faeturo of slae; tiles from blast furnace slutf is said to bo fiuccessfully curried on ut tho HiueUiiitf works of Concha i Toro, ubout tc-u miles from HantiaKo do Chile. Tho result obtained evidently realized an important desideratum in this line. Tho slag ad matte, according to this plan, are tapped from the blast furaacu into a slag [jot, and, after settling a few moments, the slag is poured from ladle* into molds. These are placed on a health which has a movable cover, and, tho moldn boinu filled with slag, a cover ia placed on them as well as on tho heurth. A very slight heat is kept up, so that the ulag is very slowly cooled, and when it appears black the molds am lifted from the hearth, and tho slag tile.s are dumped into cold water. Alado in this manner, tho slag tiles uro light and portable, and, when laid, tough and durable. The slag carrying a comndcra- bio amount of iron is preferred. It is well known that under ordinary cirovun- stances it is impossible to produce tiles of this class of suitable dimensions without, extraordinary means for tough ening. New York Sun. FROM VICTORY TO VICTORY 1'VohIi TriumphH ol. tlitPOvoaL South American ltomodion John Leo Made a Now Man by South Avnori- eah Norvino- Twolvo Yeava a Suf ferer from Rlumnnttiam l-lir/iwloy ia Cured by South Ameri can Itheuraatie Cure A Quoboo Lady Tolla of Belief in Bix Jloitra by tho tuio of Soutlr Amorican Kin ney Cure. In a pnmtioal, ovoryduy noniio it tni/<ht ho said that thai is atill thu atffi of nnrauhm. At leant in many uauott whoro poophi hav*> looked upon doiLth aH nnminnnt thu diHOfmo hait hoeu rfimoyud and they- havo boon iiiudo wluilo. Uecnrilh liko tho following lead to thin belief: ,Ioh n fjon of J-'embrolto, Oht., liays : "I'wan run down in Ibnli, had IohI iippn- tito, Fiufffjrcd intuuHoly from indij^Jittion, -und iL-arod Fatal rnimltn would follow. The ukill uf lii-voral phynieiaiiM and tho una of many patnnt tnudicinrm rorndtod in no hi'iiotiuial reiiiiltii. I waa induced to try a bottle of South American Nervin" Tonic and continuing tta uno I am a new man to-day.V For twelve years uontmuouuly Mrs. I". Brawloy of Tottnuhaui, Out., Hufl'cred from rhoimiatiHia. No remedies did any tfnod until hIici used South' Americuu Kheiuuatic Curu. She naya ; "Tho tinit few doiieii entirely freed me from pain." She had spent almost a fortune in doctor- ing, when flvo bottles of thin remedy cured her. Koulh American Kidnoy Cure in unique in its mothodn. It in not liko pills and nowdorfi, a remndy that only i;ive.n tern pon.ry relief. As a li-piid it daiholyeu the iiard stone-like purtieloa j/atbored in the uvHtom that comitituto kidnoy dinoa<.'. Not tlia Imuit that can ho naid for it, is the ouiakucHH with which it cures. I\fr. A. 10. Youn^ of Baruijton, Quebec, Hayn ; "I found rcdief in the uso of thin medicine within six hour*- after tho first done had been taken." Hold by .1. Thorne. IlarvcHt KxeiirHlon.4. In order to give everyone an opportunity to nee tho e,rand eropii in the Weatern tttatuH ami onablu tho intending settlor to secure a liomo, tho Chicago, Milwaukee A' St, Panl'lVy Iulh arranged to run a series of harvest exmiraiomt to-South and North Dakota, and to oMier'ptnten in the Wont, Xorthwoat and SonthweHt on the following dates: July 21, August 1 and 18, Septem ber 1, la 2!) and October (i and 20, at the low rato of two dollarn more than one furo for tho rouud trip. Tickets will ho goad for roturn on any TunHilay or Friday within twenty-one daya from dato of sain. For ratoii, time of tpuns and ' further de- t'lils apply to any coupon ticket acnt iu tho i'aiHt or Kouth, or address A. J. Taylor, Clftnadiuu PaRsonger agent, '2 limit, street K., Toronto, Oat. First in the Estimation of Canadian Women. HuiHlwuih (South <Jmi!ioi] Oldniodla, Atifinut lfith. Thu council unit, pursuant to adjourn ment; all the meinberH proHont, Tho minutOH of tho provinuu uuttjtin^ wtno tviul and adoptod, 'J'hu Heviowwiui purl Uly.7G for printing and ntatiouery ; Thu Uncord, ftfi.ur), for rii'liitiug ; the Hoovo waa refund, od ^'lli for piirnhiLiin of ualo, drayiigo, duty, etc. Moved by Momirtt. O'Noil mid Grouvou, that tho Kuninoor'n ro[iort on the (Jalchoator Town lino Drain Jiepairn bo adapted and the Clerk inntruoted to pre pare a by-law and the Heeve to serve a oopy of roport on Celoheater North and Audorclon. (Jar Hod. A ant ice watt ro" o*ivod from Ilonry Oalltna and others auk- nig that a drain hn constructed on the west hide of thu Maldou (load. -laud oym* for farther conHiddration. .Moyod by MoHitnt, O'Neil and (ireave;!, that A. .1, I ltd ford bo paid SUofor plann, Ftpucilica* tioiiM and on the iiuryey of tliti Oolcheiiter Townline Drain ltupuii-ti. tkir- ricid. IVloveil by iMoHwrs. O'Kej! -and (ireaven, that tln: Fngineer'n report nullth Ijino Outlet bo provinionally adopted and the Glerk instructed to prepare a by-law. Carried, Moved by IUonsrn, (.heaves and Uro, that tho Hoove bo nuthori/.ed to put a dam mi notith side of culvert on north townline near Pilotte Head Dram or other- wiitn to close up the mime and that tho (J)t-rkbo i untrue ted to notify Sandwich Kant that thin council \vill not contribute to tho cost of construction of the new cul vert mid bridge recently placed th"ie by Sandwich Kant and that tlm township of Sandwich Faittt has no ri^lit to drain through said oulvort into Sandwi-m South. Carried. J. K. O'Connor was paid S2 for |eal advice re culvert on north townline. Tho Hoove and Mr. Colo wiirn authorized to examine tho gravel in Mr. Uownmg'n pit with power to purchase. Moved by Messrs, O'Noil and Uro, that tho Reeve lie instruct ed to secure plan for a Town Hall and to advortiso for tnndom for the building of tho sarno. Carried. John Greaves- and Edward ,1. O'Neil wore -authorized, to ex. amine grayel at Jos, McCarthy's and a right of way from said pit with full powor to act. Moved by Messrs. O'Neil and Greaves, that the by-law on Colchanter Dram ltepairn bo proviwioiiiLlIy adopted. Carried.' Moved by Mewsrs, tJru and Mooney, that the hy law on ',1th Line Out. lot bo provinionally adopted. Carried. John Ferry Waa paid 8">0 for work on Went Towulino and Pike Crook Dram Repaint. Council adjourned to September pith, at U a. ra. Constipation CaiUeH fully Unlf thd iilcluiuMU In th world. It rotiduutliw dluuntod food too loiujf lti thu bowoU and nroduuuii bUloujumBU, torpid llvor, ladl' Hood's liufilioa, hud laalu, ouilujiI n& u m u tonifun, hU'V ]i< KiLiLchej, lti- jl^B J 9 I -^ (mimila, oto. Hootl'u I'llU Cj^ I I IS r.urnoonjitti>a.Hf)n nm\ fill ItH " %^ 0'HSlU,i-;uUy :m4lborouu]Uy. jt,o. All AmutftU. Vi(i|i.iriicl hy 0. l, Hoirrl & Co., Lowell, Wum. Xhu ouly I'tlhJ tiakij aii l/udd'u fairuu-ioi-iJUL. D"H McKKNZIK A: JKNNKIt. d. Muluiiizle, II Ii. (V M .Trinity Ihiivefiiity, iiKiiiilior of CoIIiil'" IMiy-lcliLiiti and Hur^unnu, Onturlo; Ornduatn of N'-iw Vorlt font (iriidliatu .Mi id It* fit O'ollnnc; Onre-imi' for It in County of Kfirmx. Itfinidtiaoii, Talliot utiuot, north of niil- wny, Kiiiiox. .1. Karlo .fentier, M. J.). (J. M., Trinity llnlvor- Hity; M. O. I*. and H. Onturto; XAc. Hoyitl Uulli'i.'-i I'nyxioliiiiH, T.ondnii, lOiirj.: Int. S'diol/irnlii)i inn! (iold Mndaliitt, Trinity (Jolh1-!", ISHU; animinted lliiiiii'i I'ljyiilofan and'Hiiri:u(>ii, Toronto Ouiiuriil Ho pi.,1.1 i ml HehidetiL Aci;(nn:!imir llnruiiido l*yli]|,'-i-i .'itipiuil, Tort-rito, jt-st. fip.-clidty, din- emiefi '.', w iiie.ii and iihihlrou. Ito'ielunc'!, honno latoly r."F:uileil by Dr. Iinwiu*, TallmL iit., Kshcx. OJlIcii in Inipdrhil Hunk Iiln<-|;, uriaui'l Moor, ojiptiKite Thorun'ii ilrn,* utoro MeiljoimiFt iliii- I!iitji'd In tho olllcie. Tclniiliuni contiiiotiitn witli both olllrMi stud rcsiUiMnsint. I'rivuUi tide- phono lino betwHini Cyril I'ikjuhIIo'ii liuimo and Vnn ivonnody'ti houiit) and otiiuo. Nijiht, oallft attended to lit oinr.n or reniilonon. *tTfy A TiTnnT^Tfc J.o':m ami Triivelio^ W J3l IM .Xj&Jt Knlohim-n to handln out Ilar..y '.luintUifiii Cirown Nuriinry H toe It, W" mm'Hilton iiatinfacttoii to ruprofioiiLativo:! and cunt ,uuirn, Cur inirm-rinii uro tho liuvouL In tlm Dominion, over 7-WJ aeii-i, No nnbiUitution la n\'iU\r. Kxehitiivo territory mid liberal tormn to whole or jmrt. tjtno nitout'\ Writ.i in- KTONI'l .\ WKhljINfiTON, (Ifiiii'l iitllcn) Tot-niito, Out (Tlio duly nursery in Cunada Jiu vhif; tcsdhii' oruiiio-dfi.) t l-Sin OAIjtj AT May's Bazaar, KOH AI,U ICINPU OK Window BIukIh away down Chinawavo, liric-ji-Rruc, Fancy Goodn, .NovcIticH, Hooks and HtaLionory, Rchool suppliefl. Toys of all kinds, Berlin VVooIh and Fingering Yarnn, New ytock of late Wall Papor. JUitnufuctunir oTT?o? tor'u fatuiit-Uai(in_____ on Bros M fc> 'And Contractors i ni:AM:ie in" - British Wical Institute, British Columbia Pino Shingles, $1-00 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, SASII, DiiOA'.S, 0 WAIUNGTOX AV10., TKOIT, MICH. ]')M- TrouiH nil (IliroMlf 1>Ihciimi'h ol ICotli W '". Moil uro often capable of ^renter thingH than thoy perform. Thoy aro BGnt into tho world with billw of orediti , hild EOldom draw to tliuir full extent. Walpole.. ____________________ Tho brain of woman ia absolutely Hkaallor tlnui that of nuui, but is fitnted to bt3 BOjnowhut larger in propnrtioii tu ibo weight of tho body. V^i^liilu Awlu-lt Sliliif^:i Uai ly. Mkhrus T. MiLiuniN A' Co., Toiionto. Dear SirH, Thert: in li^ht in Aoia uftrr ullr and tho man that inWiHoJ me lo 'tiy >our.Heart and Nerve t'iliu Wfin n t'ri'.-fil .indeed and truly a friend in need, liclut; I Htartod to tako them I wua languid, wt-alt, tdooploaa and norvouH. i\l> bruin waa be- bloudod and I could not colluct my hhougbtn, I hu3 ^one through an oporatiun iu the hope ol relief hut atili reinann.'d gouorally broken up, my appetite wan KoiiG and I waa alraoat without hope or iiuibition. Now I.fool thoroughly rebuilt through ttio HBO ol Milburu'o Heart and Nerve tfrlllB, aud it took only three or four woolia to do tho work. I otton think of tho yoarH of uulTeriaf* I trjifiht havo oiicapod had I oulv liuown o aiilbliru'fi Hoart and Norvo I'illa iu time ; \jtifc I am Krutoful to be rentored to health *t latit, aud,^ltidly rooommond tlio modi fiirjo that ourod mo. A.NTOINR WAi.Tiiiin, Artiot, rauadoua, Cul, Mull CatchcrH. "Thai man in u mail catahnr," re marked a elerk ut the city pustomVo, "ami one of a clnss who are in nucb a hurry for their lutk-r.H that thny cannot wait for thrm to bu dolivcred in Uie 1'i-KUlur'way. They stand in line aa ev ery mail in bein^ npcniid and want their lettt jh imiiif diutidy. Ah u rule they uru, a tsecontL rate, kind of ngentH who huvu no oflirc, and tiny aro anxiouH about their lt'ttor.4 for tho rca.son that they ox- poet fees or remittaneeK in them. They come aa regularly and as fivcruontly ay do the mailn, mjver Hay a word and. de part an noon vlh tho mitils are opened, and they lind that there in or in not Homelhint,' for them, only to come a^ain at (he next mail arrival. " Wiushingtou Ktai'. Diamond Dyes the World's Loaders, Tho wotnun of Canada many yoarH iiiio Holeetod the Diamond Dyua an tho Htandard dyen for homo dyeing. Thin hc. Icotitin lniH proved a wino nno. Tho quality of tho Diamond Dyow hatt nuvor dettirior* ated ; thoy atill utand tirnt aa tlio lifi^htOHt, atrou^eat and fanteat colorn, and nuvoi' fail to do what lti proiniHed Tor thorn. Many iuoxperiouoed buyorH aro put .to great loan and inconyouionoo by u^itiL; the crude and imitation dyoB. If every bnyt-r iiihiatud npan haying tho ' Diamond," profit and pleaaure would alwava roHult from dyeing operation. Be ware of lmitationn ; ank for thu Diamond ; take no other make. our irtrt CoIiih. Tho lirHt coins really dofiorving the namo of United Htuton ooiuage were Htruek oil as "pattern pieces" by Ben jamin Dudley at thu instigation of Hob- brt Morri-s and were laid bofore con^'reKH in lTbii i\H HpecimenH of what the coin- aye .should be. They were a "mark" and n "quint': and Uiub dcKcribod: Tho "mark" J an oy(% the center of a glory, 18 pointH cross oquidintant a circle of an many Ktars. Tho "quint" is Bimilar in duwign, tho vnluo on ro- vorHO being noted. Wnurlnc Away of Coins. Coppur money wutiru away rapidly. In 100 years $500 worth of ponce would bo worth ouly about $250, while tho Hainu amount of Hovuruijrnfl would loso Bnly U>2 pw cent of thoir original vnluo and $500 worth of Hhillinga, on tlio other hand, would bo worn to the ex tent of Homo $185. Tlio loss tho value of coin, of coui'so, tho greater itn wear and lour. A penny cironlntcH at' least 240 times oh rapidly ita a Hovoroign. ft', r A Chaucfl Mentlnn. Strangor (on tho road) How would you go to got to Mr. Hill's reaidonoo? "I'd follow my nofiol" (mapped tho woniiuu with a bit of a pug. "OhI It'u np that way, is it?*' Yonkor'a Btatounmn. A total eulipnii of tho nun took place Sun- day of hint week, but it waa invisible to in- habitantrt of thai continent. On Saturday and Sunday, AugiiHt '22nd and 'J.'Jrd, will noLMir a partial eclipito of the moon, uhortly after 11 p.m. on Saturday, and flnihhing Mhortly after fivu o'clock Sunday morniug. It will hti vihible m Canada. A new iuneet 1ms invaded tho county of Bruco that in eagerly nought for by tho farmora. It battlen with potato bugtt and ia effectual in driving tho poata from tho potato vincfl, It lirat made ltn apiieuranoe in gurdenu in JohntHown, but it in now bfcinu trannplautod into gardens all over the couutry. It ih a diamond tthapod iu- aoct with a long hoak, It malt oh a bum- uosB of Hpoaring tho potato bugH and living on thoir Mood. It does not harm the vines. It ia uroon in color. InvalidH, men or women, aro requested to call upon ua or write ua, and recoivu our diuguosiH of their case, aud advice, froo of charge. All memberH of the Stall of the llritian Medical IiiHtitute urn Fellows oF thu Koynl Medical and Surgical Association of Great Britain and Ireland. We treat and euro all forniH of Chronic diHeaHPH of either sex. Wo have alruncly cured Hovoral tlioiihunds whoao caHen had hidllsd, and been rojooted hy, the mont eminent American phyHieiaru Male and female woaknoHH, oatardi and catarrhal doafnonH, alno rupture and all dinertCH of the rectum, aro pnaitively cured by our now treatment. Wo guarantoo a cure in ovorv cawe we undertake, aud will forfeit So00 for any cane wo undurtaKo and fail to cure. Bond stamp, if yon cannot call, and ^et our diaguoniH and advice, free by mail. AddreHH Hiiitihii Mnmcvr, Inhtituti'., fiO WaHhington Ave., Detroit, Mich. l.ATlt'tuui /lAA'lV IMMHEKy &/~ SiitiHtuctIon (;iiarant'M>(l, Opp. Wat or Works, Kssox. lEauy yhoon For tho Ilnby. Many pco]de it, Ik faddy to bo ho vory caret id alamt ttio shoeing of tho feet of a youiitf child, but perhaps if they com prehend how delicato in construction tho foot is, and that it Is inadu up of a num ber of bones of various shapes and Hlxes bold together with ligaments bones being Jii in number thoy would under stand perhaps hotter how important it Is that the fool should be allowed froo move ment and thu action of tiho same should bo helped and not hindeyod by the nhoea that aro worn. i t..ii i) niy un gniuuany, ?/f.|without weakening die jM system, all the import- tics and foul humors of ihe secretions ; at die same time Corrod ing Acidity of, tho Stomach, curing Bill- ousnoss, Dyspopsho, Headachos.Dizzlnoss, Hoartburn,Constipa tion, Dryness of tho Skin, Dropsy, DIm noss of Vision. Jaun dice, Salt Rhoura, Erysipelas, Scrofula, FHuttoring of tho Hoart, Nervousness andGonoral Debility; all these and many other similar complaints yield to tke haiipy influence of BURDOCK BiOOD BITTERS. *w Kali hi %U JtrttiUt*. Tlio Collar. If ft collar haw a damp stnoll and cannot bo thoroughly vontUated, puns of charcoal not on the llnor, .shelves or ledges will make the air pure and sweet. If a lur^u basketful of charcoal bo placed in a damp collar where milk is kopt, thoro will bo no danger of it>t becoming tainted. Th Water Kottlo. Fill tho kettle with witter, ndd a table- spoonful of sal ammoniac and lob it boil for a few moments; then ompty it and stand it over tho flro to get rod hot. Tho fur will then pool off. After this fill It with soda and wator and when It has boiled about S30 mluutos rlriso woll with cold water. Packed with Good Furniture o Every Description. A fine Parlor Suits Oak frame, Good Plush, $16,00. Wo never W2ro ho well prepared to do business. Liots of goodn and prioeu right. It will pay you to give uh a call anil uoodn and got priced. Wo aru pleiuiod quote prices to any who need furnitL \Vc have been doing a good stoa'ily kr iiohs now for about hi years and wo wi to tender our thankn to tho public gonc.e for the very libta'al patrouago wo havo coivoil ot them during the lti years that have been in buHUicas in the now Towi Essex. UNDERTAKING A SPEG1AL1Y J. L HICKS & Go,, Essex, Artificial liiuibs 11^ it 111 '7iatnn nt.( Bo troit, Mloh. Jimierlntlvo uoH and blunloi for liiiddiiff iipiillcatlouii tat (fovoraiiiont orilin-n for limhiianil tniimiinrtallon or oommiuatloii thorofor mint hen on iL|)plioatlorj LEAD IN PAPER, And olhern follow miles behind. The Wall Paper race is mine, wind or no wind. I will stay ut tin- race and nwt-i* withdraw. Why should I? Victory ih always and on nil y mint:, with tlmnamplen of a Htock of ;i(K),l)U0 rolla in 500 differotu (loaiyna from ;t cent-t to /j0 cents a roll. No ono can pCHHinly fail to liud. the rjuality of puper and the vory identical pattern that will bo appropriate to any poaaihlo room. llv.ctmuly.ii. crioico could not ho easier than at my Htore. It will aavo you from lo to .'15 per cent. D.J. WHITNEY, HATTK AND FURNISHER. Several heavy tonniH to truck logs; also Imyors for Hcvcral liouses and / JjOLa in tho Town ol' Ksaox, and a lot of wild lantla in tlio surrounding country. These properties are offer ed at a sacrifice, AlrtO a large quantity of coarse dry Lumber for sale. Jt may bo soon at the Colchester mills. Apply to T. H. DEOEW, or to \W. M. DECEW, FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. M^C^Vi M B ER\ W ^% t %& WW iy & ir^x nitCaOICSBESTFRIE J. GOITBLA1T & SON. ESSEX, NT "' '<*." " V'. -r^'v1.';':,v-* '- '-------* ' ' '"!,,ii:-!. ' v . wfeu l%*. 'iV.-".W ' ^I'^T'X^'r:""'." 'tier " V^'J.W F,;^1^?^^^^^^ &* /Jkitoirji;;-..." m$g.-m%>m^.r , mm To Drive anywhoro, it no, you want a Good .......and tho pluoo to not it in at JOHN McDOUGALL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Stablas GoodlHoatlorn in attonchiDOo day aud nlffht. HORSE-SHOEING lit tlilB branch of oioJ- buiihioito wo'liavn tlvnt- olaatt Worltraon and will (juavuntoo satlnfaotlon In Hbooitiq! lTortiaii that into Warn, Ovor-ftonoh or havo Oornnor Uontraotod iViot. Wo niivlco n Hponialty of Rhoulnif Road and Trade HoreoH. tse* Telephone Cvwtciitn. ' THE TltIOM3?H CORN SnELLER Thw Machine conainta of a horizontal cast oylindor, .with wrought iron, bats, with hloo! tooth boltod to tho oyliudor ao aa to bo rovorsiblo when the : tooth become worn on tho front sido, vnnning in a perforated ooricavo iro*- ' -holl, which tho shollod corn pasaos through into a shoot iron enso, with a an or oloimdr attacKod below, which takes all tho dust irom tho grain. Tb> ihoapoat bont, re out simple and durable Power Corn hollor in uso; shells ' sorn porioctly clean in any condition sholling and cleaning from ono to-two housand bushols of oars per: day, according to powor. Dimensions. Pulloy, 10 in. diana" ator, fi in. face; Motion, COO to 800 revolutions por minuto; Weight, 660 lbs- EVERY SHEXLERtoWARftANTrD. J GOURLAY A SONS. 'W v ... -V| m '&$iwJr>>&+&^ (/:1^J"^'-"-'V-1

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