Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 21, 1896, page 4

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IIPPIIPPIP fill' m it-1, '-. M IK!- A.H &Co. WE SELL" Toa, Coffee, Sugiir, Flour, RaiBinH, Cm-rants, PrimcH, A-p- riootfl, Soapw, Vinegars, Syniya, Outineal, Oonnnoal and a full lino of Christie, Brown & Co.'h fancy and plain Biscuits, Wo have for CAMPING AND PICNICS Pottofl Cluclton, Turkey, Ham, tongue, Ohippod Bool', Corn Bool, Boaton BftUod Boiuih, ^urtlinou, Balroon, Macliorol, ITaddio. J Komcmbor wc liavo tho largcut iiHHortmoni of (Voclcoty, China and GIiiHswaro in tlio Town. Cull and nxumino ouratock. FrcBli Fruits, Vegetables etc., in anasoil. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A, H SCARFF & Co. The Essex Free Press. BRETT &. AULD, PROPRIETORS. FRIDAY, AUGUST '21, 1800. On Tuesday, nomination!! wnro hold in North Grey, Out.., and Queen*h aud Sud bury, M. B., ekrtioun to he held on Tupa- day next. Hon. Win. ratonion, in thu lorroor, uud IIou. A. G. Bltur, in thu latter avo boing opposnd, Tho Toronto Globo'ii Ottawa corrottpon- floufc iinnounoou that rui a result of friendly conforc'iict'w hoUvecu Premier Luuriur uud luacolluRUueH, und iho Manitoba Miniu- tora, MeiwrH. Bifton, Cameron and Wataon, ft happy ntttk-munt o( thu Manitoba ncliool qucHlion him been nrrived at. No*, iu yeur line mich a blow befallen fcho county of.KaHox an wuh occasioned on WoduQhday whan tho able raproHontative for tlio South Riding m tho Provincial T/arlimuent, panned to the Groat Beyond, jnut lit tho tnuo when ho hud' attainnU a pomtiou thai few men reuoh and whuru he could better dinplay thoou abihticti he wuh known to poHneiio. Thotmb pbynically weak, Mr. Baltour wilh inibuud with pluck and peruevonuice and wan a thoroughly Holl-miido man. "When ho wub called a fow wogka a^o to fill tho high and honor able office of Provincial Sourutury oven his political ODOmieH in the comity wore pleatied and ho ontored upou bin duticfi with tlio . bout winhun rA all bin ooiintituontB for u loniiand aucut-Btd'ul career. 13ul the Great Kulor of the universe deaided othorwino. ilinuuh it dooh neoin uHpocially sad that ho uhonld he cut oil' when he had juHt arrived at tho kouI which for yearn h-o had been fcmKKHn towards Khhcx County can ill afford to lone hiich men an Mr. Balfour. *!?" ^'21"""'" _-^i'*'-'^.f.!'- Colclieotor Worth Council. Gouio, aukuhl 8tb. Council met, im pur adjournment. Proa- oat, Reevo Barrett uud CouuoiUqi-h Ken- uo&y, Itodd and ThormiH. D. G. Ouolletto mado declaration of office and qualilioa- tiou au councillor and took bin sent. Miu- MtoHoE previciuo muotiiiK were read and, on motion, adopM. Tho MewnrH. Walker raude application to have a part of tho 18th ODCofifltou road cleared aud ditchod. On motion, Mcuiiru. Knutjdy and Oucllattu wore appointed to Jul the cleanup on mtid couceu'iion road, liobt. hjhuoll tuudo ap plication to have road cut out between lotu 4 acid C ou 14th ooiice&Bion, Ou motion, laid over for Ihe preuout. WeanrH. Hodd aud OuelLettu were ii]-p*)iutctl to hop ahout pxittiuK drain on TbotnpKOi'i Hid* road to Gauiird. Ou naolion, Mr. Outdlotto wau appointed Lo loo I: utiei Thun. liriiton'u ulatutfc labor. Mr. Itodd vvus a|ipoiniird lo Uok attur repainn^ hn:h;e on Bruuh md; MCi BOHib of Gun mi. Mr. Out-tliitti! un appoiufced fc* luokuftMr repuiring biid^n on old Maiden road nud ntcrth rear reail. A, petiiiwi waii rend irom Paul HuckiwiiU H-ntt others, lor a druin alooj^ t,bt< nijuth ti lo of iho Maiden road li-uiu luth 11 to It). Ou mutton, laid uyer. Dr. liriun handed iu vecouul \sbtcli v.'iik* Uud uvur' til) ih.xL UJfctfctinpi. Nolicu wan Unndud in from F. Bwtiftt to have the Crai^ Creek drain cluau- ftd out and enlarged. iVIao ikjLicj troni Wiu.Maynard and .John MeG-arviu toliavu iunin on tliu tmtit tudu of Campbell mdu rdftd from uurth rear retiid to Canard eli;an od silt. On motion, Clerk wan iubtiuuK-ii io uoti^y ffiu^iimnr lo j^o ou and tunny and ruporfc. Notice from .John Batten to have Aattftn drain oular^od wan, on motion, laid V for tiwo woeJtn. Mr, Uodtl reported lkt Ur. Woldon would rupair feace bo- Hweu hiu property and the Toavii Hall properly, if tho oouuoil would funuHh the )aoU. Ou motion, Mr. Hodd wau appuint- jjR.fll ; Ainlrow Nelwou. for uloarin^ ruh- birih out of old Maiden ltoad nrain, SO, to be churned to lot 5, con. Pt, $'<!, lot ", con. 12, VI, lot -1, cud. 12, ^'3 ; .John Hodd,' for nvnrsieeiun onttint; thiiitlen and utbor noxiouo weoflH, $13.22; Johimton Bton., for codar pot for bridtifm, ft2.5f) ; Ytmu 01non, for clearing rubhinb out of Ehhgx outlet, 91 ; Dannd Kennedy, for uHaiHtuitf iiurvoy, etc. 11th GonccHKiou and North Townhne DnuiiH, 5U. 0:i motion, oonn- cjii-adjouruod to Au^UHt 22nd, at 8 o'clock, p. ra. OIJNOA, John G. Fox, formerly postmaHter at Olinda, io very ill with no hopoiK of re covery. .-----------------^.------- iei:i,m: hvv Tbo new U. C. Mshool at BbUv^Kivor will be opoued by the nuiut on September Int. UOCIIHHTXJIK. Tbo rate of taxation for Bochootor Uii>t year ban boon fixed at 10Jj milbi, or a do- crcnuo of !bl millH from hint year. Tlio rate will ruiao 0,508.3'.* divided an fal- lown : T-jwnhhip'H hliaru of Hpi.-cial drains, 9-l7r>.(J?i ; oonholidated dubt, 81;i'J.Il8 ; county ratD, 1,275 ; "tmoral uchool rate, Sl.TIBTTlu"; HalaricH and eomniiH.siouH, SHDU.; rwidH and bridges, ^1,5118 incidentulu, p'A)0. *<1 ! ptoouro th puutii. Tlio Heevu and Ut* Rodd wer appouated to havo dram on thin timo unable to fill any prominent COTTA.TC. It ill with nincero re^rot we, thiF week, record tho death of a friend and nci^libnr, Mrn> W. B. Kellett, who punned away at an early hour on Friday morning luHt. The iuterujent took place in tho afternoon or* the following day at tbo Cot turn conic- ti-ry. DuriiiL; tho four yars of Mrs. Ktd- lott'n htay in Cpttam hIio had bnen an invalid but thu J ant tlirc-o woolen ban mark- orl a period of txtrotuo hiiiferiug which tho care and yympathy of loving frionds could do little to alleviate. Through it all lier truat mChrrHTwaii unfaltering aud whon in tbo curly dawn of that nummer rnoruin^ "The Munter camo and culled for her" uba went forth joyfully laying down ihi corruptible body to ho lu-ncufortb clothed with imiuortttlifcy. Tlio deceaned lady waH borniu London, Kn^baid, ou Got. 12th, IHiili. Sbo wan ruarriod m the Parinh church u( BUhopn, Auckland, on the 4th of March,.18fl5. ITer hunband, had for a number of yearn conducted a vary flouritih- inbHhiudPu in Dewnbriry, Vorkuliiro, Eng land, butiu 1071, the uiate of bia hyillh rrc[uired a cban^. and a pleanuro trip which be took through tlio Btatea aud Oaimda in thu fall of that year, led, event ually, to tbo choice of Canada an the future fifrld uf biiHinoHH effort and in tho uutmuor of 1870, with thrnr jouu family, four in number, hioa'ed in the towu of Simcoe where they funned friuuduhipu which they hayo cberihlied up to the preHout tiiuet Fuyer and u^ue, however, during the larger part of throe yearn, wan a chronic axporienee to thorn. liuuJtli a^ain de- iiiund^d ik clian^o und m tbo npn'nn of 1H79, Mr. Kellett made a bHhinntiH venture in Kerwood and m the < ight yomm of thoir Ltny there nnccccded iu building up a very flmiruhintf 1'nninunn and forming a lurtio airclu of uctiuuinttiticwu and friondn. It wan thou thought, in the iutortoitu of a family thun buRitiiatig to touch joarn ol mafcunty, that a larger phieo would afford greater scope. Iu that beliof, the family, now oiKht in number, in the Hprintjof 1887, removnd to Bothwoll. The ntap proved a miutako, for, an rogardn io buninenu, tho fjiouud wau already well covered, and hero aliio oomraonced tho marked Hymptoron of broken health in tlio mibjeot of tliiu lioloh. In 1H'J3, tbo family loeated in CoHam, wbo-ru Mrs. Kellett, who wah a lady of rare mftn aud lnttdhyonoo won th0 esteem of t-he <otiro community, though from the failuro of hor healtn, hUo wan by rviahlHtono K O. I'lcnlr. Connideriti^ the titneH and tho fariiumi biutif! buny iu tbo JniWdut Hold, tho annual II. C. pionio at Maidiitoun CroHH,. on W<id- nonday, wau well uttcmdud, Thu picnic wnrt hnld Ih the (^rov ut tlio roar of the ohuruh property an:l tho day wan very pUuimnit, fbiveral ntaudH wore nrootod wtioro refninhmontu of variotiH kindti worn dinprniHiil and tho danoinp; platform wan woll patronised durinfj thu day. Dinner and inipper worn mirvod in tho now hal' nloco to tho chtirob and tbo hullo* who hud it in cbia'^e 'reitli/.od a niun num. Tliu drawing of tbo urticlon took plaoo at tb clone of thu picnio, tho rentilt boitij; an fni- lown : Pat idiciip, won by Win. KUitf, of Maidntono; oil painting, by.H. Byruo, of llyruedalo ; chair, by Frank Mollunh, o( nluidntonu ; album, by Minn Mu^io O'Con- noll. -. Minn Mn^io O'Connell wild the hirj;out number of ticket and wan awarded tbo [old watch. Minn Ada Hidford fectuved **5 in gold for Ht-lhug tho necond InDhMit iiiimbtr and Mihh Manj.',ii; AloCunn reocived tho alburn, having nohl tho third bighont number. After paying all r-xpeii^oM tlm church will havii over ?500 to tho good. rOVjCU HMTY'Jt SOUTH. Wm. Stewart, charged with nhuep-titeal- h)(,' wuh hrfero V. I\I. Bartlet at WindHor, on Friday, but wan remanded for ii week, an County Crown Attorney Clarke in out of thu city. Dr. Jouen, of the boitrd of veturinarv in- fipuctorn at V.'iudhot', wan in (jolchenti-r rjouth lately, looking into tho recent out break of borne cholera. Ho found it to ho merely looul, and it in dying out. About 10() horned were effected altogether, and about 2*j of them have died. Tho other* will probably recover. \ had neciiieiit oet-.urred on Saturday iifternoon hint at thu villago of Oxloy. Two of TliomaH ...Gfaig'ii ohildnm, a girl o yearn old, and tbo nosond ohild a hoy 'A yearn old, named Carl, accompanied by a, other ehild from the ullage, went to tho Lake und attempted to wado in. There bring conuidorablo nea on at tho timo the little follow fell from Lbo force of tho \vuven and became Hiraiigle^b_Jheotber children becoming alarmed itTTho uifiio" tiou of tho child ran for help but ho' foro Hhrtiutancu arrived, tho vital apaik had fled and he lay a corpne on the lumeb. Dr. I'urk. of Ituirow, was immediately humrnoned and did all ho could to rentore him to life but without avail. .The funeral took place ou ttunday afternoon, the llev. P. .1. Uzollo, of Harrow, oi'fieiating.' The retnaiuH wero conveyed to Erie cemetery, accompanied by 11 larire number of friondrt mill rclativon and'quietly laid at rent iu the family plot. The child wuh H yearn old that day. BARSA! BARGAINS For Ten Days .WE WILL GIVE Tomnship of Sandwich South. BY=LAW no. Gusto lido road north eloanod ou*. By- , law No. 82-1, to borrow 82,600, wuu puHnod 'and adoptud, Un motion, oheuku wro jLVftnted for tbo following: Mm, Laf'ram- boilie, charity, 85 ; Mm. Bonoou, ohanty, ^i; Brett A Auld, for priuting an per *ootmt rondorud, flu;' E. Noal, for pro- vlaioun tor Wra. White, charity, ftJl; .lohn Millar, for cutting thititled, S-l, to bo ohurgodto n.w. pt.,1-1, N; M. It., ?U n, pt, 19, COU. 0, 60'oonlHt townnliip 50 centB; T. L, Doaoou, for cutting thiHtleo on L. E, A p. K R-, charged to company, 8S ; .Tob. Cook, for iitohln^ on. Hyland nido road,' piaco in tiooiety or eburoh. Of the family who Burvive her, flvo onn aud one dangh- ter, Wm. .1., tho trident, and Harry aro uheep ranching at Maplo Crook in Gyproeu Hillu; Ilerhort BM tho aecotul tiou, in in Montana, aud Poroio, tho youngeot non, ib toachuig at Emo Itivor, Now Ontario. Que son, Hidnoy, and Edith, the only daughter, remain in tho now lonoly homo, Tim funeral norylcOH on Saturday wnro oonduoted by Kov. W. H. Bhaw aud tht palbboarorfl wore J. T. Brown, J. M. Kay, Janien Beunott, Robert Tnto, JuraoH Bain and Waiter J umeo. A BY-LAW to provide for drainage work in the Township of Baiidwinh South, in the County of Ensux, and for bor rowing on the credit of the municipal ity the mini of Seven liundnd and Fifty Dollars for repairing and mi proving portiouH of the O'Connell and South Hear ltoad Drain. ProviHlnniilly udohted thu Ifitn ilay of Ancnitt, A. 1>. W.A. Whkukah, Wm. D.O'N'fiil and otbuni, lnt(irJt;t- imI purlioH, huvn iiotiflcd the ('ouucil et tlw.i nnid Municipallt.y of Sainhfiuh Houth tiiat thuO'Cnn- Litlll uinl Houth Itear ltoad Drain wilh i".i Imdly out of renidr aw to iIqiihi^d to tlndr latidr. And WUuniifcK, thu fluid it ruin lain Iidcouk' nilod u]>, obstructed mid cut of ropidr at; i! in ueconhary to (;ltiu.n nut, r))iiir und iiniirovu itui miuio, mi tin to iiroj.'erly iinuiitaiu tlm imaio Mid ennltltt it tn arry ntT tiio wiiturn it wuh hi iuiiinl- ly (Un,i(;i)<l to carry olf ami to provmit diuniicrr. to tho mijiicont laiidu. A(,o WiiKkr.AH, tlieriMi]>rui thu liiild c;ouiiil haii precun-d an (;xiiiiiinat!on to In; u.fwldby A.-l. Hnlfonl,P.lj.K.lioii)i:a jutiHoncoiaputuiit for nucli punionu, of tlio bind an.a iirnimiH'U to he ilraiund and t*i* ineanu fiin- ^tiitwd for tlio druiiju^" tlitii'i-ot, and of nthur huuU and roiuls linbln to ttHfcChHinfiiit uudi-r thin Act und him ulno pro cumd iiliLini.iipL-cilWuitioiiH fiuil ehtinialou of tlm druttmf'i' wnrK to l>n liliido !>) tlio Hutrl A. J. Half()]'d, and un uf>Hut!nuieiit 'o bnuadfc b\ hini jot tlw Jioiiiu and rombi to )>o 1-miuMttiMt by well drhi/i;:ii work and of otli>r innru! iind romuT h iih!(i tor cetitribiition tbortito, (itutiiuf, hh ni.'j.ily nr> lie chii, thr jiropoi-tion of iK-iu^nt, outlet lin t)illt,y mid injuring lhihllity, which, in hi it opin ion, -ftdll b*i di:rivt-<l or iuenrrod in cnnHtujiiuiico of ,'iHoh diaina^d work, by nyery road in il lot or portion of lot, tlio wild aKHmiiiimsiit vo uiado on. inf[ tbo iti'^cMiinioit hcioiniuftor by thin Ijydun' eimetinl to bo tuuiffifiod and luvh-'d npon tlm roiuhi und loin or naru of lot-, luirnwiivftitr in thiit lailiulf (Hpiiciiilly m:t frrth aud rU.hcrtln d, and tlm iL-jiorC ot tho itnid A. .J. Ilitlfoiii ui r- )n;ct tlioroof iind of tho Hiiid dridniiK*1 work \r.-- inp ilh (oIIom'h: ( In conir.lianco with iinitrm:- tu;an from your hnnoriihlc body I havo mado ftli i]jtiujiiiiiiti< n of tlm portion uf iho O'Cnnuyll (Iroftlt drain, KCiith of thu Kotith Tolljot itoad and hv{- Inayi; to roport lliaiuon: I find tbiu portion of drain vory badly out of runair and 01 Lfndy iiiHtitllciont to ilrhni tlm lucidity l-' v-jih diMii^iind to hi)unlit. Th fall from tln"hi>;id of tho dndit ii'iitborly 7^0 rodH in but ! (onf p.r mllo. Tho tioutirul fail of tut; hu d iu thin local ity mi -1 foot per niilti. In ordor to miilio thiK fa'll of 1 ft.poi-uiilo to tho north will iu.firti, an intra d!ith of -1 foot 4 iiiuhnd, or a di*pth 'it thii centre of tlii' Talbot Itoad lotu or fi fiuit I inch, In vinw of thin faat I looliod for a new dlllU't. Thlii I found on the lino m th<> t-i-ntro of lot -1, running wont, from the point wIumo tho O'CoiiiiolW'iwok Urniu tuniK north, wnu't to tho Htli con. Wo havo a fall of 1 fort with a food nutlet to tho noutii. I would, thoroforo, r-icom uioiut Unit tho drum bo enlnifjod ou tlm Htli con. road to tho eentro of lot -1, and ln coutlnuod w Bt on uuiitrn of lot, i to Htli dui, roud. io hc- cordanco with tho aocfcinpaojini; plana and HpocillJittioun. Ah tho portion *f the Koulh Hftiir lioad Ihuin I wun iiiiitrucfccd to oxaiinno in a portion of thin druiniLfjo Hyututn, I havo included thocoit ef it in tliiu toport. Tlio work liojihis at tlio wma ond of tlift Mid ton Koad Drain and oxtondu wont noroirtho'Ully-h-il^to tbo Hth oon. road. To eaivy all tlm wiitorb to Mm wimtwill ruiiuirn tho dort[)oaiti(; of tho drain ucrouu tho lull '2h inohcii. By nu doing ull tli ooiitli watot will bo out off from tlm U'ConnoU Crm k to tho north I would rfooiniimnd that thu culvurt acrnuii the H> uth Talbo*. lload on tbo O'Connell Cryolc hu clouod ap. My cHtlmato of tho eoat of tho wnrft don- (ii'inod above, all expoiieoH lnoludod, In *7fio. Of thin amount / havo chnnaal *I)b7 itiniinut tho laudii in Kuudwicb Houth that 'will ho hoimAMod by tho work Thobuliwico of tliu iiiitimate, SUiU I lnivo bharRod aRiiinut tho t'ownnhip of Huinl- wloh Month for bonetit to roadH. Aeeoinpauyiu^ aro plana, nimolflcatlnuii and oiiHuiiLtoii tor your fpiidancu In tho comitructlnn of naid drain. Ito8pootfully yotim, . A..I. Halford. Anp Wiir.iiKAii, tbo naid eouiioll in of opinion that tbo drainafloaf tho aronii dnuoviLoit in do- uirublo; Thoroforo. tho mdd Mnnlclpid Council nf tho fULid Townublp of fiandwloh Houth, purmiant to tho provision!) ot! tbo Drnimifjo Aot, 1B01, eimotu an followii: Int. TluiHftUlioport, plann, upoolfloatioun, ftB- Hoiinuaontii aud oathnivtn aro bortiby a'loptad and tka dralutitjo work an thorolu iuduatbd ami not forth nuaU bo m, do and oouatruotodllu au- ootdanoo tbfcrowitU. - Bargains For Cash On All Lines of Summer Goods. Space will not permit ns!;to enumerate. Come and see for yourself. Yours for Bargains, %* nuitfSTjLir Brjoas:. bsse^t, Ind, Tho Heuvo of tho naid townuhip nmy borrow on tho ond It of the corporation of mild Towufihip ot Hiindwlcll Houth, tlio mini of s7!j<), luting tho fniidti necoMiary for tho work, and may hhiio dobouturoa of-tbo corioratioi) to that iiiiiount in HiiniH ot not hmn than .?.rjh oaoh, uii.l piiyaohi within flvo yoarn from tho dato thoroof with intoroflt at tho rato of (Ivu iior mmtuni por annum, that hi to nay in tlvo tujual inatahimntii, hucIi dohimturnii to bo pay abb: at tlio Itaiilt ol tloininorco in Whidnor. :ird, I"or paying tbo mint of Wrt.UJ, tin- amount obiirfiod i:alniit tlio naid lamhi and roadu for bemdlt.upiiit from tbo bind a aud roud a In-loiiijlntf to nr ofiotroll-td by tlio muuici- ].nlity, und for covio-ini! iutorchL thoroon for live yitnn at the rati: of five par (loutuin \<nr unumii; Min total api'Oiul' over audabovo all otbor raten, idial! bo iuihoiukmI, levied and col- looted tin tlio naiiii) nmnoor anil at tho I'amo timo at) oilier tuxtiH are loyiml uud i.olloatod), upon nod from' tlin undorjiiontionod loti and puna of loCit, uud roiulh, uud tbu uiuount of tho fuiid total !i;M-cial ra'.os and^intofofit Hhall ho di vided into iiv oqilii! jmrtri and on'.' hlltib pal't .-iball It. a;*fi(-hKMl, lov-ii-d and eolluctod an aforo- biiid iu oarh voar for livo yoara aftar tho tinal paiiiiim; or thin by-law, during which tho haid dobntituroH havo to run. C3 cq c a I i' % a Z o a U ^ < > y n hi :i 10" fr7ii no ; 00 'Ji> DO vi nn if- ou :i0 00 20 00 50 00 .00 00 \r> no I ft 00 :jo oo H W f]V -l 50 u \\ 'l r J MJ W Jit ."i S ( W |)t <'i' ;'i :ifj m o (jr ;i ro n o (jr ,'J ."U nbf 1 100 u hf.-l 100 h e qr 5 r'U n e i|r T)() e;oii: 'J liS i-. o *~* - to t~i - > I- o m o Sin h."i ;t'H7 Ci n 1 2 :i:i ;i 10 :t ic 7 7o 7 70 2 s:j '2 X 1 {',:> az o 9 HO Ho i -IB 51 17 311 'J3 2:i 01 r>l 10 10 75 75 17 38 17 lili 3-J ii.rj j. o 5 ai ai ~ 3 Z ' a a <5 H rt \t a i 11 11 :t \i v, SALE OF DRY GOODS For Next 30=days FR-A_In CIS. TBRTSSmQ Jk^f OOSB! Total on Intiih, :JH7 00 B0 Oil -1-17 00 ho .11 On Municip'rs 1 lor rotuU. ' Uth Con, ltoad : ;!li;{ 00 50 'J7 Ull li7 H.'l 85 Korcii I Kond K Talbot Ibnul Total, ldH A riln 7.10 00 1 Hi 'J7 btili '27 17.*1 -20 4th. For jiayiiiK tho hinti of ^' U"-i, Iho amount u^hh-ji'iI .ij.'niuht tbo t>ald road > tind luudii of tho municipality, ami for covenij;; juturoiit theroon for (1 youta at tlio rate "f live jier con turn pur annum, a auocinl rato 011 tho ilulhu', tuilh-- oiout to Produoo tlio roiruircd yearly [iiuoiiiit tborofor, ahall, ovor ftiid 'abovo ull oibor i-ilIok, bo levied and colloetol (In tha imam inauuor aud at tlm Hu:i.f tiuiit aa tnxiK aro loviud and colloctod), upon and from tho wholo ratublo proporty m Httit) Tuiviudiip of Kaudwiuh South, in oach yoar for tlvo yyara alcor tlm ilnal puiin- inj! of tllih by-law, durinif which tlm Bind duhen- tujjoi) bayo to 1 un uth. That A. J. Ualfoid and Kd. ,J. O'N.ul aro horuby appointud OiLimiifiaioimrsi to !ot tho con- tract for ibu naid ihuiu and worka couuocttal thorcwith.hy puldicauctfon 01 ttuidorto tho low ed t hiddor(not fjxcoathnt! tin) ratimatotbiit uvory Htioh contractor, with two j^ood und yutial otory aureth.-H, hhall bo ruqulrod forihwitli to ontar into bnudfi for iho duo puifonuanco and com-1 pluLiou of the contract, according to 'auid planri' and anuoiIicatioiiM and within w.u timo mini ' tioiuMi within Hiich lioml, unloiH othorwiae ordoruil by tlm Council ; and it aliaH ho tho duty of hiich eomnnajiioimin \u cittimi naid drain and Morhu ooauocted tboiowith, to bo mado and coiKttruotcd in accordant:** with auch plann ulkI, [tpacilicatioiiH and to yrant cintif\cat<'a to thu JtooTn Irani timo to timo, to each watruator, Ioi.ii 40 nor cout. of tho amount dn. until the contract is fully complutod aud duly accoptod. 7t4i. Thiti by~hiw ahull l).- pul]inli"d one.) iu uvorj wooli, for f mr oonwocutivo wi-ohfj, in thy. Kftuttx I'Voo I'roiH. nownpapiM*. jmbluitiod m th Towu of Knsex, und alndl cumo ioto loiooupow and itftor tbo t\nnl amino,- tlor. of, and may bo cited tho "'Jth Ijinn Onllrjt lly low." JOHN MOYNAHAN AllllAH.UI COhK, OlorU. Uuovn. 1J1V-HKPV curtify that tho forotjoiiii' in a true copy t a by-law provmionully adopted by the Municipal Council of M10 f.dil Towu chip of Haudwlah Houth, on tUudStli day of Aumint, A. U. ISiWJ. TOHNlUiVNAnA'N, Clorl; ot Municipality of riandwicb Houth, Straw and Felt Hat. at Cost. Boots and Shoes to 17. at A Price. Prints as Low as 5c Fast Colors, Gringliams, tw 6c.~ u . ...GROCICHIKS-Always F'reatv 2rts TJ5A Best in the MnrUtit. O HA ItS " lOohpsi;" Soap for -25c;. ^ "Cuinlort" " SJ5c. ' Our Own Klectrif," for 2ie. AG-ENT -FQR-. " Saiada *j*Tea Hi^lu'si Trice Paid for Produce, J. A. FRANCIS. VaiW'.e'H Old Stand, J3nhx. Iiirtt $U) HftVtd ill. that lot or* huu>n fur- niturn, v/tiH tho ciprtHsion a ciiMtonu-r n'widn utc ol out- (lay last iv(-rk. Ho oaroo ovw 20 union to (Irawford, ol Tilhury, but it paid him. itirthH. HtTi-.K-T At (Uihto, on WialnwMiiny AuHimt lllth, to Ur. und Mm. John Uripsrt, a iiou. ^orrxc^j, KTOTIGK 1 luireb? uivonthata Coiut of Ho- X^i viuiou liohl puraoant to tbo pVovhiloiin of tliii Drnluaim Aot, liiOl. for tho boirhiK u-ial trial of apponln mado lutiilinit tho above afiioiomiout, or uuy part thoreor, will hold lt*i llrat Hittlona at tho Town Ilall.Handwich Houth,ou Hattird.-ty.tho lUtbtbiyof Hoptombor, IH'Ifi, at,tho hour or ton o'clock in thu fonmoou, and that au> jioriu.n lutonilbn; tn ap.pual afjalnnt tlio abovo annona- mont, or any part thoroof, niunt, not later than ton dayn hnforu tlio timo iisod for Mm hohilaif of aaid Court, ativvo on tho OlorU of thia Munici pality, a wrltUtn notiuool liucb apotial.orothor- wiaulio will to too lato to bo hoard in that behalf. And furthov notion in httroby ylvon Ibatuny portion intoudiuu to have imob By-law, or any part thovoal, (mtinhod, miKit not lator than ton' dayu after tho final pamiinn tlioroof, a. rvo a notloo In writing, uwm tbo Itiuivo nv otbor bead ollluer, uud upon tho Cloik of tho Muuiolnality of Hamtwloh Boutb, of bin In t out if m to uiulio ap plication tov that purpotto, to tho Iliith C'ourfc at Toronto, durhiK tbo bU wookri uoit mumbiy tb'j riuttl paatibiu ot tht a Uy law. JOHN MOYNAlUK( .TowunUlp Olork. Miirriatje.s. Umitjkh Tloori.1: -At Khko'x, on Tlmmday, Auh- atCdth, by Itov. M. f. Cimnphell, Mr. John A. HnlUor, to Minn Uary Ilooidu, both of Loaiuin^totl. Uaoww A.t Kmioi, tu Thuroday, Auk- iir.bC0tli, by Itov M P. Campbell, Mr. Gor don Hrowu to MiB Sarah Paraoi-H, both of l.oamiutit.oii. Special .......a t.....r..ii,n^,n,l , ,i niiWn ------------------------.....- : BARGAINS AT. *&. Ooaths. Kiw,nr.T' At Cottaui, on Friilny, AiiciiHt litli, Harah Jane, bolovctl wito ot win. 1\. Koilott, in tho 67th y&ar of her uhg. PrmaM Im Rbboi. on Tuo.nday, Aliu'uitt IBth, Dehorali Juno, daufibter of Uiobard Perlcin, nutid W yoarn, C uionthn and H daya, (JHAw In KHiitx, on Wodnimdny, Au^iuit loth, Hmipaoii Hliaw, unfid 1t> McPifAiiijiM lu Handwioh'South, on Saturday, AuiniBti5th, Miciti Mneijio Mcl'lmrlin, nj;od about at) y* am. Coi.mmii Iu Siin'dwiob Roitbli, en Friday,\umiHt Uth, tho widow of tha Into Btuphou ColUmi, actid about W yearn. JUuronu In Toronto, on Wodnciday, AuRiuit lyth. lion. W. l>. Ualfour, of Am bora tbu rj,', aped -IS yourn. Hhsox Market. Wlumt-rnil pur banbul .., t% 55 to oC Whcut, wbito .... r.6 Corn ,'... '26 Ontrt .... 15 to 1(1 Tinoothy Sued ----- a oo Clover Qcod .... 1 SOfO'i C)Q 8 00to 8 00 Aluillo . .... 0.3 to n tio Lioef por owt............ 4 fiOtofi 00 Pork Livo wtiiybfc........ a noto 3 do Mutton ..'......,... G 00 to 500 Uiduii ..... BOO v a 10 10 Ijird .......... 8 8 8 pQfcutaofl, por bnuhol .... IU to 10 Onioiid .,,. 1 . 6.") to .70 Appluti .... -JO to 20 1'umiVft . ' ..*. r to afi Cari'otti .. T. -10 .Turkoyu pot lb.......... 8 to 9 I)uukn .........., 7 ..H. M. FAUL'5.. Must Ib Cleared Oat in Four WbgIs : 1 HvniiH KMuno, new, - - tp&OU 1 IH'nuN ll:tno, nenrjy xv, XOLI 1 ICurn Plmm^Htio Organ, uooti niy now, PUoii^iri'ipli, nearly iicw, omlii co.iiplotn, Ni'W sti ui mil Sfoivlmti; lWa- < hint', itotuiy, Noxv Ntaiidarit SJewtna: Stfn- clj-iiio, Mtuttlc, r"ilrw'r Now WllllniiiN-' Now- 50 125 35 25 20 15 mniidolln, - - - - - O'i Oultnt-H, VIoIliiN, olc, and u-tmbr orNOcontl"1b:aii(l ninclilnou------------- - At a Bargain.<^~ Bnln ARout for Karn rianon, Karu ftrffimiu'&ing-' r fiowiu1: Maoblnuu, oto, KEPAIUlNa NEATLY D0NK. Oucillntlntr SUitjov^ ' ""'J /'.'.>] ' *l] Wanted-ttn Idea "Who mu. 'Sic or Bon-v tldinjtoi^v**^ m, lioyd, Wttuhlnctoir/n: cT, for thlilr 1.wT?MuoKr"!>..>-'-^ mid bni of two liunilKoil lnvflntlona Wjuitvd. "".' 'if'l =3=c3g'.'.. :mi Oban. Murray wuh RttuCtv' uOTr^bj^a oompuuion in Toronto on 'Monday nighfe and (Uoil nbortly ttffcor. Qtoro Budgolay ' f.^ baa boon urroHtod in uonuoottbn witb this*, ^ affair. .>i Noil MoNoill, a farmer, near \ValkertoD :f-| watt killud by h\u tuuaway botaoa dragging .^ffi a binder over him. ;" - ... ^^m /\\ w w ^;^dM^

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