Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 21, 1896, page 3

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Plppplf^ w if * X -'..'+ i I s ' I ' . ' 1 I * , c **. 3 ""I./' A-........ (, -. |,,,.s It 11' *,-.',il.-l- l'utu " ft..l.'1 JlAVIH, Tin.; cukat ilwUiCaie Gi the. AC. . tw.'.tii'j-iaily, ;-> Curos ,"- "'!'>, /'J '^)C So* j throat, StuUlur. Colds,. :":;.: '. vj.-, - :.', [iituci,, Spriiin-i, . i:.*,i) in i U>; / :<,..'. A'..i.7i(A//.i, i -:, I'iU.n1.-/ / l.(. 0 it-.. , n..:i- , l'i .ii. ...I Mi ii' in .i.-m,.!.'.! l. ,,-, y ,.,- II.. ' iii V". i l.Mu: i li-i i niif. , i - (.in in- > i" i'i' r. ' 'i|i .i l'i in 'if ..-r n> illiill t"|l...l I' l'(H17 iJ.lVIn' 'itllll "J'l.HIlV Vi'i y i SPECIAL OFFER. Wo arc bound Ij lurgoly in- croaso tlio circulation of tiio Piikk Puiiss and to do hg will give thu papor to now fmbscrib- ora, who pay in advanco to De cember 81st, 181M, for JJU cents. All subacriptionH to tho Fukk T?BKsa unpaid prior to tho liud of May and all unpaid at the present tiuio am lo be paid and collected by uh and wo will fulfill all subscriptions paid prior to the torrnor date to tho expiration nf tho time for which same was paid. Sub'scribe now. Address "Airp'ommunioations to Aum>, Publishers, Essex, Out. You aiul Your Urumimtlier Aru rumoveel from oacii othor by il upan of many joani. Ho truvolldd in a nlow goiuf/ Bfctigo conoh while you talto tho li^htnini; exptoHO or tin? electrio car, Whou lio wua elolc ho was treated by old faoliinneil motbodH ilijcI tiivou old ftiHbionetl modi oinofl, but you demand 'modern idtmw in EflOdlCiuca iih wall an in overytnin^ olso. HoocI'd BarHiijmrilliL in the medicine of to day. It ih prepared by' modern mcthoda rtjd to Uh preparation are brought tbe hkill Wiri kuowlotlto of modern ^'i-MUiu. IIpod'H garfiapanlla nets promptly upon tbe blood and by making pure, rich blood it curoti diamine und entabliaboH good health. ESSEX HoudijnurcfM-n lor Schou! Boelis, Kuhool fiupplud. Note Pupi.'r.J'jiiVidop-T-, 11:Kkt Writing Tablets nod nilii'.e Siationory. G.A. DT-SPKNSING AND FAMILY UUTIfJOIST. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY. Cor- Talbot st.and Victoria a ve. Tho luteal improved umnhinory tor Ivonin^ and Gulfs. Will not r:ruok or brouk winfj. Family work cheap, and delivered. P(ti-i:el'i ctilhid for PlouBO call and try. Il not utainfuoiory oh aril"! will be inudo, f mir work .suitu you, recommend uh to your *rienUH. london VoC I*r<to*ntJoiM. I It htm been coxnputud that ufotf coato! tho motrnpoliH from TliO,000 to iCJO0.-j 000 ii dny. A Iuvko portion t\t thin irt| burn" by the vailroiul oonipanlen. j\.' Hnnn in ( ho Yofj; di'hoeudH the plate lay-1 t rsi, wiHnn t waiting orders, leavothciv Wor];_ii!(d__.Uiidortuke tho dutloH of fog Higimlmen. Kor iliiti th^y veooivo an <ix- tvaK'hillhig u fiity.-'Vhiti uJiponrH a Hmull Horn, yofc a Hlngln fog Iiuh boon known to coHt over JtfiO for extra Wngen to x>latn hiyern tit Chifiham .Tmintinn alono. Kali fogHlgnal mini iH mippliod with iL.b\*)tern, fhign imd a uupply of detona- fflwi. IKy nioaiiH of Uiejje lie conveysi to Aii> engino drivorw tho rI^iiuIh which tlihy Hi'umnt distinguish Ihvough llio miwt. "tJaution" iHgivunhy iiHingl" dot- ointtor, "dungm;" by two dotnnatovH phitHid ni)on tho mils at a diHtiuico of ti? yardii apart. Delonalnra are Hinull tki Imxccmj two inriwvi ht diJUKioU'W, oaali eontainhig three pereufudnn oupn and a small quantity of gunpowder. At tho basn of eiudi aro two Htripa of loiul for fuHtonhig it to tho rnil. They nre inado with great care, chiefly in Birmingham and London, and it in rarely that one FRUnfpWERS SUMMUI1 ROSES. Tim VnrUtlflH to Hclnot Wlioro jyrpHtwil ' kilnnmliitf In ilio I.)Mlr*t(l OlJooL. I.'vcry one who ban a gavden d',i,iroM a ohiKii of Tones to flower throughout the minimer m<mthi. '.rh(>re iu usually a gnat deal (if dinappoiniineitt to thli one unaerjuuinUid with row'H who inalcew u Heleerion an percataloguo. ThiH in large ly duo to the miideading lianu'H of th cliititiau. Take tho hybrid pcrji'dual, f't ,Qxaniplo. Under thin head are Homo of tho largont and tlnoHl, roura to be wen, and it groat; many, fining tho name, hybrid perpofnul, at Hwi head of tlie list, and knowing that a perpetual bloomer in jwit what: tlmy deHin*. (H'dei from. thafehttJH. AH.Tuiifjih'Meehan trite in a communication to Kural K;w Yorlcoi', roKOH nf rhi.H cdana are not per- petuiil hloomerri at all. Tiny aro the f rAIr L. nV,!'k 5 \VLCX .; Jure; CC J failH to explode. The wholesale prion of popular .rune niBOH, hearing a finn cmr dotouatorM in 1 penny eueh, und tlio av erage ammal eoiiNiimption of each big railway company in about 1Mi,0(jO, o.okI- ing i)02fj. San l/raneiHco Ohroniclo. of tlowei'H in tho early Miniunor, but nc more, wave a few ntray Llunnm which KOinutimcM apjieur tmvnrd fall. Whip an oxtreincly liurdy chws of rowen, it is not tho kind to get where perpetual blooming i looked for., Tho authority quoted huvh: The bf\>t 0'i'** CiiHtoniH a Cfiutury A en I tliougbt that. 1 know moHl of the j mannerrt and euHtoniH of (he eighteenth] bloomorw are 'thoso in tho tea, China century, Inn. I find two or three with and Bourbon chiton and their hybrids which I wuh unacquainted, ho that, very : Whore there iq neit niiieh mom to tipure, Ukoly thoro aro a great many nioi-o still! a few pliintu of tluoHo Hummer ronew will undiHcovcred. I bo'Huro to plone, bennnwoof their con- In the year J70U, for iiiHtance, visit- Htirnfc flowering. Tlvnigh not ho hardyiif ing wan nuuiagod by wilding round an the Juno i-ohih, many of Me-m will Htnnd empty chair altr-nded by footmon that ia to Hay, the chairmen carried the chair und behind itwalked two footmen, who carried tlio oard.s and with grave i'uceH linked at, each door whether Lady A. wan at home. She never wiik at home. Again but only if one wan a very the wintern of Pennsylvania unprotect- cd, and nearly nil of thOnf Will do so it covered idightjy for the winter. At iinj rate, even thovmli they hud to he. par- clinRcd every spring, they can now br had for a Hum ie. greater than h) asked for commnn bedding plants. ICven quitfi I" ;i 'M..i':i',ni.-'v ' hi ii::, >. ;.';, -^ '. Mitil'u- c,-ri.iiiit; , :-u .! ;u>.| i; in-, i,',ul|jlii(: aiul ln:,i|ili|/ In if; i Hi <e>, W. C, ?>Ir.C'iiMic H if Iji'H, |ini;i hi'tlc, '(Mir., r' i">rl. In ii I' iii-r Hi ii. ) ) nv e.-. i.imiI i in. .I xirti. <'. Ihiiir mi r-r + !,iii:>'.< . .|.l l,i . ),. -i/ni.i I i.....!,iii) hii,u. uml (ii,.,) I'.iiimi \V. U. Mi.edinliir u( u li'h;; HUliillll.; t i,|i]. M". J. H. iii-TTV, Cli-'nii-it, y!i Yuiii'.n Si./l'iininio, writer: " Am (i i;u*n-nl rMi^'li iiini luiiir tivrup 1'yiiy- "iniul In il iiiiiut inn,,jiuU.hi. H lt:m l.'lvmi tlifl iiliin.t M.itlMfiuii'.n tf all win* li'H'* ttkil il, iiiiiny IiuvIhk uiiokmi lo m f tlin li"linni iln |v>i| rroni |tn tin. i in thulr Umllliii. Ii In juilliilil'i for M or jfuimi:, lulny iijt.ju.uii. tn tint emu. Ill ljIii with inn ]t,i i tdTii wi.tnlnrftil, mill 1 <uii alwnyu r.*R<tnimuuJ It in it nuf.i and rull.ll)litrnil((li lilNlli.llHi." Eurico Ko(tIe, ',' Uh. UAVIS fi: LAWUHNCH CO.. Lti>, Solo l'roiiriiitcrtt Tin' [lusi'iisiun i'f i.n'Iif|~!i d o"t' not al wny.i il Hini-.h'Lpp'iH'iei, Young ('.inndi- lei Vnndf'rhdt, of X , t'ell ie ov.: with ii. Mil.* Will" i). oi' that city. Pn Yuml'-rhiU l\<-.w in'e n j^n *i r v-\ < ,, I" i bid Lie< b.iniiH, I'll',, mid -.voii'id iq. b_) ImViric a IH. Corny wji:-. trim In I.' -il, ho.. v< r, mid d"np:i- lb" proi i'rtt iidofe; of hei inifo purtMit, mart'ierl tlir^irl oi Imi cil'U'i:.:, Pn now tlir-at-.'nri to cnl liim oft' with n m. h- ly dl',,11(111 a \ i ih to ke-.p liim ID eii'iir- I1.-:-, and die HMiihfiil .O'uooi i^ in ii volute ot rnu ' Ac l)'Uli tin* lirid-- und (;i-n mi liiV'c"- I'i'i en who ("in write'"hrqiii fi lot' ni ii" Ii- or' s ii i.i iM,t li ii. i i'i ii i.l i 'nr will h on!', for i' CHURCH DIWECTOHY Misti o|u. ii1" o'vm'yhi nil \ ,,.t I ... i 7 , i,i. iiriii.."- liohOOl ii1.' I p. i- ' '. Imtmli. . ',. i, tif.ji u-t ikii.>l, urfltir..' a '.'l.uri-tl" vr 'lii.f. Oumteif 01 lii.'or.AMi Uhv, A.lj.lhivin-iy, In OiltUliiiliL, HI. i'ltiilH, MiniiiS. DlvOHiitorviou I'Viny tnnnluy ut 7 o'tuoelt, p tn Huiulay tidlinol ill, 1(1 11. 10. lVlnltv tMiiirnli, Noi-tli HMi'r- Hnn i iluy Hohool ut l,jr(p. in, Thu public, are cor- linlly; \s-.- W. M.rhoiiini:. l'liiUor* Hnr vlf'uii on Muliluilli ut 11 a. in. uiul V .HO p. m Hah' 1 ndb .ii'linol nL 'x p. in. I'myor im otlti'i uml > .'itor'11 liibln claim cm 'I'llO'iiluy iit'/.ill) p. in. fi 'jinl 1,'iiiou cm Wodiniiu'liiv itl, H.lSp. I'.Ai'Tin Ciium.ii. Hiiv.Nr, I'. (Jiunphtill, f'FLfi- tt.y .or vlcnu i.'iien HulUmtli at 11 a. in. and 7 j* ,. I.'niym-. in, i-'i'iH mi Wfnh]iM,(ln.v cvnolii., 11L H o'clock, iji'iilii li'i't*, All urn cordially woe coimi.l. iiOMAN Catholic Kr. C, K, ]\In(hn* v'.niloi. Hor/idi (ivory othor Huiiday at b.IiO ji. ru, KlnUluy Hchool at lip, 10. MAinvrfiNi:. Ilii'li iiiieui iiint 'Hirnion ut. in,no 11. in,, cfitucliium in, 'J |i. in., liupthiu at ;j p. m ,, vi:(,pi;ni uiul OuiimhcLioij ut, V p. m. <J. I*!. Mo-' O.i, p. P. fuiA'AlioN Aa.iiv. C(!]it. ami i\Irw. I'-iyton in i 'loiMiiuiuil. tinlvittiun iiiin.'llni'H on Wiiitncrhilay, Tloiviiilay rLti*l Sunday ini'iiinj:.; J-'ruo and Kimy, j Md,nnlity evenini; ami Ilpni. Kunduy; JloiIni'<m I HH'etlii^f-.'I'ur clo'i'illiit.ti [ 1'idiL.y ovojuiiji iliuNII a. id. Kniidiiy; Kiine Drill 7 a. in, nvnry Holiday, All lira wnlenuin. LECAL. ],"> A. WIKMKI:, I'lirn.i'-r, Huiicltor, N->nir 1 J m I'llhlic tvo; Mr;;.,- , tn loan, f M!i( i-ii, 1 ).i I , MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1,^ J,. I'AflK, IBHOI-'-H OK MAUltrAVlH U- i J,, 'onnutt, Hldhardncib JlHt., Kbbox, Out. \i livinin'.'rr, Iiunior of Murrk^o Moonaoa -'I . Cf.iiiiiiiiiiiloiiiir In (J .J,, tu. UuHtu, Oab 1 W l, UKAM.a . ~~* Iiuiuni-of Marrin ;n J.liuniiioi.. Inmiriumt) ai(ont. Nlj/ht oilloii at nwollhiK, TAIiHOT frVUK-Kr, KHHKK, UNDERTAKING., UndorlitUnr u.irl Ji'urnltuKo DniLlnr. .flofiltiM. lionui mid fimtory mnla from g:i to.^:nj. ilc(ifoi;or,Oe" ARCHITECTS. jomn a. MAvencK,..... AiicumctrjT, au Kooin lOuiid 11, I'loinliiK nujldiui;, IMirniB 210, Wiruliior.Oni Htail Hloclt, UpOltilil'H, l-.HMCX. 1-ly r L. PKTi;KH ISan-inti'i1. Holicitoi-. Notn: "P Piilflic Mutiny to JjOati. Olllco ov( -Untthern' Jlanl:. Iva-ox fJmilnt. V( great, lady in one'fl friemlri tn a rout, und wlien tin iitreet \v:ih bloeked with the conches and tho rooniK with the company iiHKembled tho hoHteHH would, cull her own coach and \ro nil to uomohedy (dne'H runt. AIho, for another pretty trait, there wore ladieH, but net f<rnat ladie.q, who yuod soil, will thrive und prow ho fnul that f n.iiu Huun 11 er m it; i 1 i'n is I; comes tliey furnish ubunduuco of iluwern, . Among Home of the liurdiost of those ever bloomer.s uro the following: H"i-- moHa, Appoline, Mahuaisou, Odki\ ItrH. Dep;raw, La France, ( !;l)'o* <'o!le iiirtii. Ie., i I::-, .iiinioor with e 1 ' ,'i fow doner* ut Willi Straw berry eor ,d me. 1 'Lin i-:if" in i'-e -iu- M|i'!i.||[." i' \- r|ic buhl, ri-.mi'.ly i'.'i.t inn-d. 1 ij'ieno' -<) tic tun highly of il. Vii'j. Ar.i iii:11 Vn ;:. Ib-i'lin, Old. liurrli Winddc not lil'..-ly hie ti.-wlv I f U-AIlKI"., IIAH'ILKT ,t HAIt'rbK'1 ' toi'H, ntc. (illiceH, -Mi-dbiiry Jiloclt, Private fiiii'ln tn loan. A. H.Ui.AiiKi:. I.. 1. U. X, A. ]1akti.i-'i A. It. |;.vnii,i:T. 11. A. TI.e failed uavu freqnout card iiurtien und found | lino Testout, .Sombreuil, Homer, Gloirfl their huKpitulity profitable on ivrocmut i do Dijon, Edward Jjisi'nssen, An-lidulvf of tho "curd money." At that time! Charles, Aimen Vihcrt, Heine. Marh? overy jdayer wiih nupposed toulip Rune- thiuf* under a candlestick. When the company departed, the nervuntH collected tho money for themselves. In the cuho of thiH prudent lioiiKOWifu out of doorn in summer. b1i lifted the candleKtielcH herself and kopt the coin. Louden Queen. Henriette, ihirio Duelier and Mine, di- Vatry. Iiesiden the nbovo tsoi tx, noted for their hurdhiKss, all'<d' the kinds \^rt] forf(H*ciiif? by florists (lower sphndidly A Kiivuwrt, A IcavasH is a native Kervant appoint ed by tin; sultan to the varioun eiubas- fiiefi and legations. They are paid and j gmock and Billyou'ti" Late October. It if Thr'(- Ouitn New I'ourlii'H. They are the Triumph, Kmpernr imc Orange Free. It ih (daimed that the Km- poror is tlie lines! late peach in existence, illliiJK the. vacancy between Beers1 olothed by their employerH and aru an* HWr.-rahlo to the Hiiltau for tho Hiifuty of those- on whom they attend. In old days If any accident happened'to a member of a legation or embassy, tlio wndched Icavass, whether in fault or nut, l'ori'oit- 6d his life. Thoso who have read "Paul PatoiV" will remombf'r the terror of the Jcuviish on Alexander Putoir's mysterious disappearance from SU Hophiu. Tlmre. ur<^ six kavassoH at the British embaHsy, Their undresK unifuiin is dark blue Uli) Some People I'iiil urndd i>< [nil nf people who have OeeatiHo oi" UyhpepHiu., biliotihtii sh aiul (If.ioitip'ition, whiidi are rer-pon-uhle for niiu'-tentiiH or life'.-i miseries. Unrdnek iH'iofl Hitlorii euruh tliesei dlHeiiHi'tl as well us 'JI other dim'tun1;1 of the Htotnuidi. liver, bow-dst anil hloed m ll'.l i-hv-oh out of lllD. | [KNItV C. WAI/J'KKS, t I..U., Attorney .in.t 11 (.'otne.i-lnr-at. Iilw, Solicitor in Ch.'iiii'iiry, I'mtUor in Ailinirnlty, i'at.Mit Solicitor, ulllee, Newlieirv JiuisditiL', cur, i iriMVoU aeii Larnoil i,t4 , Detroit, Mii:h. iraiiieliati nhdniH iii;ainnL pamnni In tlm I'liitcl States cille* te>ij j;i:f(0"ein:oii; Imiieriiil Hindi, F.iniox, Out, ,1. 1*. Pntui'H, I'mj , liiirrlnt.'i', iitu., Iv-uie:;, Out, Iii.A. Wihttn-r, ] :>,<!., Pun-iKtur, on.',, Kh^t-x. Out SOCIETIES i O. O. l-'.-KNTKidMtlHM I.odijr. Uo.'Msf *. w infletHiivnry 'I'liunidai, nvonbic ut '/.:"> nddfellnv/H Hull, in third Hturay Uiliititiili V \-taitiii|[iiuiiiiljariiuf othnr lud/'dicwill yocoil f'tturnid wnluoirifi, W. (UIAlW'KItTON JKN-TltAl, KNCAMl'MKNT, No', (ill. fnVf*" UddMlnwii'Hall, biiniitaii'a llloidc, on 11k i Mid lliini '1'nundiiy innnoh month. Viiilto (lliilly rocaivn.I. Mnuilinr-i nf iilihordJinUait in thf, jurmditdirni, invitml to loir- bANNAN, O. P., (i. V.lllhh.Km, I^KSKX KIKi: IdtKJADK. MKKTH ])\) 1 J Iridaynvi'iiinti in tin) Fii-ninou'it roor ' the btonii huil.liii,:. .tan. Me.Murmy, Oiui,, Kobt. Pjirknr.Ciiptaln: A. Iliirulmiu, blotiton- 'int; i'. Dllhit, .SiM-(-(.l.1.i->-;-F,,'il.8lIyiitt,TruilHUrr. /"UJUKT JtOyAl,, NO.'JiJ, l. (>. ],\-> 'Mo'iUium-iiml and fourth Tniji,.lay-fi In ona' iiioiitn in i. (). o, ] '. nun ,a h o'(!iocii p. S-' VihiElni! hrotli'irn Will ho ijivon a fratarnnl vol. Sk Ii! w 'i^'Sn ii"!;! -,V;u"w-Ci Hhnw- 8ao AtiKNTH wautiim prnlltublci ouiploymuut thrrniiih din himilner cuii-tiinl it with uit ii** wo Imve ItiiHsiiiLii varietinti of Nuntory mock and now fioini Potiitfinn. Halary or (inuj- iiiiMiion. Wiik, iih at unua lor torrftorv. PI-JL- HA.M M'llSMltvqo., Toronto, Out. M-VM 3PXKV& fi Accomplntntid Wininui, Though tin: Anioriinn (rirHn^wrrll entab- llslnul in tho mimlsof most jieopleas hein^ lnore inttire.ntiu^ and eleverer than all her ulsters,, it Is siirprisliiK Imw fuw (if tlniui are* really aeeuiitjjlinhed women. They may perhaps have a p^uod common selnml education, whor<i tlio HynU-iu in used ut di-- Volln^ nnicli tinm toiuat,liomatlen, e.heinis- li'.v, physlf.'Hand other prosnle studies oi' no possible use unless she may bo Utt-hqr her- self for some esjteelal work. All rids may bo of hoi no-nor vice in training the mind, but how much better it wmdtl be if this a sccdlhiK of .Crawford Bute resemblijifi- -valuable tiim-were devoted to French, a the parent in every way cxeopt as to it* season of maturity. Tito Triumph h larger than tho Alexander, a perfect freestone, a^ooA shipper und superb. ]'h: quality to anythiiiK ripening at about tho sumo time. Tho Orange J^reeis said to he tho finest of all pouches for the family Karden. It ripens with ' Old- mixon; ilerih yellow, skin yellow mot tled with red, absulniely without; fuz/.. Tho pit is small und parts readily from cloth thickly braided in black, with-a | the flesh. broad p?old belt und gold straps over tho I -------------- shoulder. They all carry a sword and Applca For tlio Purnlcn Tm<ie. have a revolver in a gold pouch slung i Tho New England 'ILiim stead est!- from the wuiht belt. The dress uniform | mates that iliroe-quarlorH of 700,001] is a lint'shade of crimson, also thickly I barrels of apples luive been export-d braided and only worn on stateoemisions i from Atlantic and Canadian seaports- wlten in attendance on tho emhassador. j during tlicsuccesstul season now closing. -Longunui's Magazine. IVOhleliUe Jli-miH, A curious case of "mimicry" has been noticed oh tlie coast near Manilla, in the. Philippine) ishuids. Tho seeds of a hea;i fall among .quartz pebbles, and bo closidy resemble them in shape, nize, color, luster, hardness and stratification uh to be diHrin^'uishable from them nnly by a very clost* examination, Tho Loans range from a third of an inch to an inch in size, and vary greatly in shape also, some resembling well rounded beach pebbles and others mimic pebhles that have been broken across. 'J'lio color varies from dark to light drab, some with n greenish tingo, while othera ro- Bomhle pebbles of chalcedony or crystal lized quartz. Nearly all kIiosv n series of dark bands, suggestive of strutillca- tion. All are. hard, and clinic when shaken together. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. l,i-r': (I 1?"' ' lift.:..- |t".',., In-what you can k ly on .: when yon buv from us. Our wuion , e to uit pui-tta oT tho town. Buns, Cakes.and Pastries, Yon cant find nicer, frenh'-r, orHweot- . or iti rho country. All kind- rf Fancy Cukes und .lollv Rolls. Fresh Taffy aw! Candies every day. We null nothing htaleor dry. leave Your Order and you can rely on prrmet do- hvery. 'FRANK F9SS. Oppoiiito xiaok tfl'Vuneln, Ensox. A Sliindliu; li:n[ciiQemnnt. The Due d'Aumylo once challenged Prince Napoleon ton duet on account of riomiithiug tho latter bad said against the Orlennists. The prince refused to light and was therefore reckoned a cow ard. Next (lay tin) prince wont to call on JLeonide Leblanc, tho famous actress, at an hour when the duko chanced al ready to be there. "Tell tbe prince," said she to the footman, "that i am en gaged, but only with tho Duo d'Aumale, ho be may come right in," But the prince did uot go in. Nor did he ever go in again, for wlv,never ho called thereafter bo was told that she was en gaged with tho Due d'Aumalo. San .Francisco Amouaut. It in impossible- to fully know how fai this eneoiiragin^' business relieved thf homo market on a big crop, but one oi two important facts tire disolused. Only best fruit was wanted, large, well se lected, perfect and of good color. It U not too early to plan for highela^s tradfi and be.nt results, whether iu foreign oi home markets. Proper spraying and proper thimiiim; will bring the resultt next fall, irrespective of the size of th apple crop as a- whole. Tho Jiiplin Tren TdhiO. Kuiubered with novelties described ic this season's catologues is tho new Ja pan tree lilac. This lilac is descrilied iu "a remarkable species from Japan, which becunies a good sized tree. Thf ... I Octs^CurosConctipation and K'.i.iVei' 11 le X>r AcHaw'B Livor PiU aro ItVtrio moot porfnot madn, and anrnlilcclrnagiQ, ,.. tho monfc po b?"Biok Ha'abioho, CoiiHtipntinn, Jlilioun- w'boaB, Judication and all I-jivor Illn. 10 fecontp.ft vial -10 douon. Sold by J. Thorno, $K. f:Jk "&! 'i 5yV>- ' -..' .. Cauclit, Bobby (at the breakfast table) Maud, did Mr. Jones take any of the umbrellas or hats from the hall hist night? Maud not, Why fchould he? Bobby That's just what I'd like to know. I thought he did, because I heard him Hay.when lie was going out, 'I'm going to steal just one,' and Why, what's tho matter, Maud? Montreal Herald. Ornahnt], "Sir," said an irate little gontloman of about 4 feet 11 inches to a (1 foot man, "I would havo yon IcnoWi sir, that I have been well brought up. " "Possibly," was the aimwor,, "hut you havo not-boon brought up fnl*.,, Loudon TiG-Bite. kiiiovlod^e i'i!" which Is almost ncCesnary now, in- hi.-.ti,ry, literature and art;. Our girls, mibi ni' them, knmv too little of the various worlds of art. Tliey nwi.v have delved very thoroughly lurn polieienl econ omy and logic, but observe bow 111 at ease they beeoiiMi when a dismission on paint ings, books or anything historical Is begun. It has often been noticed that the v/oiuen and jj-irls wh<> have had tbe fewest adv.'in- tage^ are the most cultivated and host in formed. Their naMiral love for knowledge has dr;t wji t hem into fields of learning found iu hooks and travel. No hi-fter selnab. ule of educai ion could he mapped out for a girl with a common sejinnl irduijatfou-than to follow in i he f-1 -'lepjs of our seoininxly narrow minu> d I.- .: ricie.n ancestry. Let the [dels \n\ tanirht, n]\ the d.-iiaty accom- pHsliuients, such as sewing, conking, mu- sie and ttie liLiigua;.'*rs; then lt*t them bu wt.'ll instructed in history, art and litera-. tare, The mind of the dear independent American girl U so shrewd, so quirk to comprehend, and her tunguu ho apt at, re partee, ihat with this stock of mental fond sliu would Ijealdo to shine and scintillate da any assemblage, no 711atier how brilliant or cluvu'r the people. Chicago Post. MEDICAL. I -\KH. ItHlKN it ItltlKN. .lua. Hrion, ^L I),, b..U., d. P. 3., IjrudnaO) uf QiKMUi'tr I'uivamltv, fCin^Hton, iniimhor of (Job lcf-n oi riiytiiciuna and Ktir;-nMnn,Ontario, firail- natn of Xeiv York, 1'Oht tira.laato .Miallcal Coi- \f-liu. .1, W. iirioii. M. P., i'. M., T. T. M.-C. Jtonor Kriiiliiata of Trinity Mud mal CollD^a, Honor i.'niilmiti) ot Trinity Utiivtsruity. .Moinhur of tlio ('oIUjl"! at I'nysiciiliih mid Stu'ncoaH, Oaf. fJrml- ilfit*) of .v uv/ Vorl;. Print, (imdiiaLo Mndical 0oll()|;o. Oflici nvor tViw't Madioal Hull 'Inn; ntor, floieailtiitiori roonni, iinth on ground floor and tli-Bt Mat iihove. Titloplamo in both nllicu and I'vhidi-inai. All i-hUa attnnile'l V> from nillcn, itrni; HUivn, or nisi.lance. KriHidanou. TalhoL iitrcut, Iruiit or fair yrauud-i. DENTAL. UP. MARTIN, I). 1). H., L. I). H. (Iriuiunto In iJontintry, ltnyiil ('rdHirjc of I^outnl '-hireoaiLft, Ontario, and Univornity or Toronto ','liar^nH, niodoruto, Olllco, ovtir Hi'irjn At Co f Irni: a torn. lH-Iy Michigan fTg]^r "thu Niagara Mis tfout*." rjoiNri kaht Tfildnc otfuct Juno tMii1;. 1,4311. A KKW THIiK LILAC. folinpe ifl dark green, glossy and leath ery. The /lovers are feathery, in great panicles, ot a light straw color and odor lens. It; bluoniB u month later than oth--'i lilacs." Fri<;lit<mfl Oft'. Ballantiue Do you rido a whepi. Miss Brewster? Miss Brewster No, air. I am not in tho show business, but perhaps when you say "wheel" you mean bicycle, which, as its name implies, in composed of two principal wheals. I do ride tho bicycle, sir. May I ask if you rido? Balluutiue Yes, but you'll have to excuse mu now. I want- to go and buy a ticket to tho night school. Cleveland Leader. IHHproportioncil I,lnd>H. By actual measurement of 00 skole- JnuH tlie right arm and left leg have been found to be longer in 23, tho left arm and right leg in U, the limbs on the right longer than thoso on the loft in I and in the remainder tho inequality of thu limbs was varied. Only 7 out of 70 HkeletouH measured, or 10 par cent, had limbs of equal length. During tlio trial of a oueo tho other day in England tho judge took out his pipe, and began miiokin^. If an Amer ican }udg,o Hbould do such a thing, Tho Saturday Review would seo iu it an ovidonoe of American bourishuenfl. VETERINARY. \\T H. KIOHAHnSON, VKVIOKINAItY SUU YY t (iKON. Honorary Jiradnatn of Ontario Veterinary Colleija. Toronto; inuinber of On tario Vntorinary Medina! Hocioty; Diphmieu, hi llioiti.stry; trnntH all dhumiHiH ol rloini'Hticatoii imiumlH; cut! Its duhcirnud l.y tho littoat, tinproviid Luavitt clippur O'alln by teh-phnno or teln- e.riLph promptly uttondod tn. ItenidenCD.thriK! (lonrn eiifit ot , (jriat mill; olfico In pout oi'Sicn hnildiiij-; iiillruitiry, directly oppOHite. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMKH N. TjAntn, Provincial Iiiuiil Kurvttyoi and t'onnty Kinduuer, Khhox Cfititro, Out Oliice, Dnilfitan Illoctt, njmtidrii. AUCTIONEERS. II KNKY HKUltlCK, Aactioiiner. H a I 0 H promptly iittimdi'Ml tn. Audruaa fiouth Woodaier., Out. Perilous ilefiiritifi to hcenro mo may loavo word aLthn Fiii-:i: Piichfi oltlco. tf H. HKDUICK ThUntil Told by Frnlt Growvru, Shipping RtruwbeiTies in rcHervoira oi carbonic acid few* has been tried bysonni Los Angeles shippers 'thifl Bpring. Fruit bo packed, it in claimed, will keep in definitely and oxcept the first cont of the package, which is rotnruiiblc, i not ox- peuKive. Early Bprayiug in particularly dcHir- iiblo fignhmt all fuiigoun diseaacB, up. tho fungicides aro merely proventives. Professor Bniloy of Cornell rbgards HchI .Tune as tho host oarly .Tapan plum ho hafl soon. It' ripous iu Ithaou about Auff. 1. Tlio GiinU blitokcap hours tho roputa- tiou of being: ano of tho moat prolific of tho porpotual boayaiu , Is Invaluablo, If you are run: : down, as it Is a food as well as: : a medicine. : The D. & L. Emulsion : : Will build you up if yor General health ia ; : impaired. * : Tho D- & L- Emulsion : : lo tho boot nnil moat palatable v'cpncntlon of: : Cod Llvct OU.ftUfuuini; whli tho moat doll-: : caio oiomaclia. : j Tho d. 6t L. Emulsion j : laprencribcd by ihu leading pUysiomna of : : Cnnada. - I Tho D. & L. Emulsion ; : In a inarvolloiin flflnU producor and will civo c ; you cid apputlto. : GOC. St. $1 peif Bottlo : no mto you uot I DAVIS & UWREHCE Co., LTD. i : tho BomJiue 1 Montreal : ^.iijiii.iitiiiiiiuAAiiiAiiiniiiiiiiinnuiJ DSINOLAIU, TdCK-NKKD AUCTIONKKH * for tlie County orKuHiix. Iladill'of l-iifilitb J)iviidim Court. All Uinda of rurin and other Snlo!i aonductcd promptly. Kate-i rea.-oiiuhli) and funii'dit-d on implii'ittion. l:'.mp|iii.-i-n may apply at W. D. Bearniui'fi otlleo/nr tit thu olllce oi Dlvifiiou Court Clerk, Air.'John Milne IOHM tiOltMLKY, . fi LltJhNfiKD AUCTIONKKH for tho County of Khhox. All llindii of farm stoirlt Halen, ete., nonductad promptly and on nhort notice, Kutoii voanoraldo. 1'ornoiiH dofiiridilti to aiTiinj^o Hideu limy Jo !.u l>y calllliR at tlio Fkick Pi:i::(K oillco or hy apply in t{ to I .I.C.OUMLKV. P. O. liox 15."1) MHHUX.Cnt. 1,"*JtANK McCLOHKKV, Maidntono, thirty- ^ Hiivon yeara' oxporionco ua an auctionooiin thu'CeiiTitv M F.fmax. Balgn coinlunteil promptly, and on ruaHOimldo tornm. Partiaa doHirin^ to flx thotiuto for a fluln can navo theninnlvt'e a drivo by oidlin;- at tho I'niin PitKHh ollico. Wo luivo arrutiRod with Mr. McClonliey and will ilx the datuH for siiloa by ttilograph, entiroly Jroo of all eiitirROto tlio norson holding tho milo. Ad- drona Fruul: McClonUev.Muld{itout' CvoRH.Ont. 1H5 bourn Midi i:xp. Kxn. Aocom nccorri a.m. a, iu p.m. a. iu. ])troit....... r,.t!n fi.-JII fj..i(t l.-lll WindHor .... fl.ft!) <;..10 10.10 .i.o.'i I'oluin........ (J OH fi.l!) 7.-15 .Muidstrjnoc ll. I!l V-iH 7.51 KfiHax........ ii.:i7 r.;'ii lo.Jir. 0.117 8.01 Woodfilno... i'..n; B.M H.15 Kuiii:nii)|> ... fl r,:t S.fifi .^1 Cornl'Oi*...... T.i-7 . COS H :j5 HidRotown.. H.lii) 8 17 11..1-1 7 111 l'odnny....... M!l 7.UH St. Tlioniaii \UM 1(1.0(1 l.Ofi S,1U ooimo v;i:kt. Wind nor ni'fiom p.m. UJii. fi.m nomlon......... liMU fl.l.S Htxrhoinri'i... 'J.-Ill u,;io (I.Ii.l Ko;liHiy.......',, :!.:; 7.:H Hid(,'otoivn..... 107 l(l,2(i l.r.H Coudjiir..."' " . 8.W S.2:t ItllHCOIllI'....... n.-io ii.:t:i o Ifi WoodHloo....... '.Ul (>25 KdHiiX........... ii.n:i ii.:n Ofii T..37 10.113 fi.47 Mfttrttitonu Cr li.M Polton............ .-ji 10.12 ('. 5C \V hidhnr......... n. is l'J.00 7jr 7,10 li-io 10.51) AiiiiiorNtliure; Lncul TrnliiN. wi:st uast p.m. a.m. a.m. ti.llii 11.-10 f\(ti Kswix l>.!ir, S).S(1 5 !10 li.M U..r>:) N.I.1 Kdgai-H fJ.-,7 0.-10 fi.10 li.til Vi.W H.'J'J X, H .t I) It Xhi tl.'il -lfi7 (J2vJ.liliri H.-2.1 Sb-nvoKor U.'jn O.JtU -15."i frill Pi.35 h.15 (Jordou ii.0.1 \) lo ,|,;J5 .'1G ly.'KJ H.5U Aiiiliorhthurf; li.tlll .()5 4.30 All tiuiiib inn run rm eontnil odnirlard tiuio, wljich la i.uty luiuuLuii idownr tban I-Inaox timn. For inKinijiition and rittun to colon- movitiK vofu apply lo .folm G. bavon, Pun. MuiiKor AHoiit, Ht. ThouiitH, O. W. Ituyj-lor., Gon- oral i'at.HODKur ami Ticliot Acjont, Cliioujjo, 111 or A. [). StiiiiL'i.-i, Audit, Ktifiox. L. E.A D. R. Ry* T1MK TAI1LK NO. !il, tuklug offoct MondiLy^ .Iiint! , lKifi. Triiiuiiruu hy l-litHtorn Btand- urd Timo. Daily oxciipt Kmiday BAK.ER. THU oldiiHt bUHinn&fi in town, ti'ittililluho iaV), FlVHt-clUUft broad and caki-B of nl Iflmlfl WmldiiiR ealton n ijpooiality. elrocoriou 1 Ml-tf UND AND LOAN AGENTS <T* EOUGK J. TIIOMAB, Convovaucor, Com- \Jf mi^Rionor, in Ilinli CaxttX Qt Juntleo; donlor :n Uoal Kntate aiul MortfiiiBOB. Monoy to loan at tUf-lowoHt rati) ot intcroot. Farnia hoiurlit nid fiolil. TnHuruncu talton In tho moH.t rollublc uimpanion. Drawing or deeds, tnorti;iiRufi antl t'oiLflOB n. fipooiulty. Clinrfion modorato und all ' d to. Call (it tlio wifx'Omtro. f>0-lY _______________ _ _ IBM Pluco in tho world for yomi^moii , ami womon to noom-0 a Iluninoim ' KdiiGUtinn. Hhortlnilid ,oto., in tho DotvoitHuainoHti Univui'iilty. 13o- trolt.Mlch UlUHtrfttedontalORUQ VvDCi-. Koforonecti: All Dotrolt, F. .TRWBljIi Pron- P. M. KPKNCKK, Eec. luiiinofiu promptly nttaiubu" '"ontral TideuViouo ofl^oo, K "\"\7ANTnD~t)bl nntablir.ho.lwholoaido lloiuio W wiuitii niio or t.w" houoid. and induiitdouii repviiiiontiitivoH for thin [lection Oau pay a luifltlor ubqut 12.00 u woult to nturt with, uruwi'i" 29, limtitfovd, Ont. _______ WANTED Thvoo floprrnl Artoiita for ft bloolc of Count lot; alno ftyu ounviuitioyu for ouch, A bin thinfl, and tliotio wlio not torrltorial-liRhtn will bo iii luolt. Cun alno oruploy novornl bvirjbt hutloii ut tlinlr own homon. Twn IIiiadlky. Gaiuu-.thon Co ,Lm, -to Hlohmond Bt. WoBfc, Toronto, Out. -____________ IT IB THE I313RT OOUOFI CURE I have ovor nndd Buys G. Fred Audovnon, of T. B. BimniH A Co., id npotikinfi of Nor wny Eiuo BycBp. Tl^ i >. !-ri a P. KTAU'lONfi. M A Mlp Mi A MIA 1MI) 1 --i.onJ ti:'2i)lI)op Wnllicrv'lo Ar".l l()i fi.00 'J.17 l*j;iu ( iTlWulkervillD JuucjU 0' fi.VJ li.HOl......... Polton.........]H 071 D.I1H tMOl......! OlduiiHtU)......IB fiii 5.17 12 -Id !I.K) l'i.'lf. 10.00 l'i.BIi .-17 ......I PaquotU*...... fc-17' B.f'H 10.KJ 1.10 ii Ml..... MeGi-f-u-or ...... H 43- f.OII lK.l.s l.lil u.G'J:...l Now Cannan.,. H HO -l.-IU lU.W l.:(0 7.1(1'... I Murhidlold ... BCD. 4.SI1 UU'i 1.5(1 7.17'...... Harrow ...... H iPi' 4.33 10.1'i *i,[':i 7.271........( Aruer.........Ih al [ '1,0(1 U)W 2 11") 7J1"!...... Kinf-svUlo......iH CI; HAG io.r/i 2..10 7.-ii...... itutiivcii fii1 :ufl 11.10. 11.15 7/d1... Loaininnton ...7 40. 3.-10 U.1M -1.10 s.t'l!...... Whciitloy ......\l 21' l.M ll.iil. tS ll.llO 1 -10! h.-ja .,'... CoatHWOith ...)7 10, 1.151 fl.B3 ii.i-i' c.ts h.:i2.......icvionwood......7 iioiiaan. 7.03 53 at vm. 1.35 Ml \M, fi.0fl .1.07 B.1C fi.tll .".UH .ao Mil B.ttl (l.W 0.1 B 6,:io 0.12 11 r,'2 G.20IMO'.........Morlln......... 0 W U.6!> G.41!! 8.-I7*......t Uu.Uuii......... C l! 1201; cnfl.s.W' BamliGOi) 10 40 12.12' ii.orlDOO'...tCedarHprli>fiH...;0 SI 12 ih. ri.l.i g.07:niouhf>ira .Juuct'ulo 21 ',1.1'i,......Blouho'm......fO 20 9 20..........HVHUo.........| lOJlO.lfii 7.-B a.:n-w Hidgotown Dcp;o 00,10.00. 7.eo 12.221 6.:i5 i2.;n; 0.-1.1 12.40 7.00 12,21i 7.10 12,1'-'; 7.17 12.0B! 7.2a ll.Gfli 7.27 11.20: 7.:i:i 11.15! 7.S7 lA.M.Il'.M.l'.M.' I' M. P. M___________________________________ I Plug ^tationn. TmiuiiHtop only wliou tlioyo urn |iaiihL-up('rs tit or for Ibouo (itiitiond. Mlxod truiuti aru at ul Union fiubject tr bo cuucollod WM WOOLLATT. Gounml RupnWntoiulont. On nood prodaotiva Form Property ut 54, <fe 0 por cent. BtrniRht. No Valuation Fees. j-5" Convoy an or. u^ Dono up in Noa't Style Fire and Life insurance. A. E. LOVELACE, m M 1 4 m w ii^^ . ,",'l '^i^-M^^4m

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