gpijppfp^^^ J " ( M ?" The Essex Free press. i 1* S' s + 1*1 V VOL XII- No 34. ESSEX, ONT.' FRIDAY, AUGUST 21. 1890 WHOLE No. 006 ANDERSON &CO.. LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. OUR SALE Will be continued through August, during which time Cut Prices will prevail on all Summer * # * Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing Millinery. 51 Special Low Figures on Hen's Clothing to Ordefi-, Ready Made Clothing, Summer Underwear, Ladies' Oxford Shoes, Cotton Hosiery, Our Fall Importations are already commenting to arrive aud room inusL be made for them, even at a saoriliee. Hon. W. D. Balfour Dead. The Provincial Secretary Passes Awny ui Toronto on WedMt^dny. - Sketch of Ills Useful Career. "lion. \V. D. Balfour died id nix. o'clock." Tliin wan the moHsag-o Und iluiihod over tlio whea fiom Toronto mi Wodnoaday ni<*ht and ilio information cant a gloom over not only tlio county of Khhoy, whore he haa boon hiioU a prominent figure foi over BO*yearn past, hut tiluo over tlio whole Provinco, of which ho wan at hift doatli Provincial Bneretaiy. TliHdonth, though tlio ro- Hult of Ichh titan a week's illuoHfl, wan not unexpected by bin many friondtj in this comity iw when tho nowR carao on "Monday that tho honorable ^'ontloman had been attacked with homnrrha^o of the liuiH, the worat wan fumed Bo- olu'U'd by acclamation only two wook'j ^4, Your Grocery Ortter Is boheiU d. 11 will lm\ c prompt attention BUST (iOODS hOWEKT I*KICKS Crockery Department Well Assorted. One Price for nil. All Goods marked in plain figures. Your Money Maclc if you want it. -rORSYTHE, ANDERSON & CO., Leading Store of Essex, ntfo, ho cntoiod upon his dntioH us one of Her Majesty'H Ptovincial ndvisernou Tuehdny of hist week with the indomit able application to business that ban charac'orized bin whole career, though his health then wan far from being" <?ood. On ThniHday ho was taken ill and on .Friday inflammation of the lnngH net in. ILih wife was summoned from Am- hcistbiirs on Satmd.iy morning, ariiv- ing* at Tin onto on Hatuidav uif/ht, and a MiiHiiltation of doctors was held on Sunday, the decision arrived at beiiitf that there wan uo hope for him and that death vmih but the matter of a few days at most, hemoi i liases having taken place that day. On .Monday morning, I >r. Fibber, his fnnul.v ph.v hicihu at Amhorblbmg;, ivas sent for ami be held out sonic hopes of pulling bin patient thiougdi Uu gaiin'd u little on Tucn day inght and \V< duosduy morning but it vwis mily temporal \ and death c.inie at (J o'clock Wednesday uiglit. lie was conscious up to half an hour of hm death. During the nfkrnooii, Rev Ko-i1- (1, Mmison, ot Toronto I'uiwisi- tv, u PrtsbyUrinn ilergynmii, ^ as in attendance and spent much time with the dying man Mr. Bulfoui was per fectly conscious of the cntical position m which Iil waa and on Tuesday made his w ill llis tathei, mother, w lfe, tin ue sisteiH and eldeM son weie in at tendance as long as consciousness re- iiiiuni d and ho bade them an affection ate tarewcll They were then induced to go into auothei 100m, and lh\ Fish er and an attendant were the only per sons presuit at (he ictual moment of dissolution The numinous came in a minutes after U o'clock, and his npuit uosscd the bai just as he was, in his deln nun, vigorouhlv addiessmg an nnugiiiHiy audience oi his eleotius 11 w us at tb st announced that the fuiurnl was to take- place at St Cittha- iiunstlis (Fiidii)y afternoon but tho ai langLinentH hive been changed and the remains w ill be brought to Windsor to da\ iFudnyj, taken to Amheistbuig In Steuue] imperial to-night anil in dued iu t he u meti-iv at Amln lntburg to nioiiow (Satmdav) afternoon at I.ISO o'clock The iunoial will, no doubt, be w 1 \ hugely attended. \\ illmt i I >oughia lialfoui was bom on August (1th, ls,"ji, at Foifai, S< otland. He was a meuibei ( f the groat Kincard ineshire family of ISalfours, hm father Ik ing David Ualfour, aud Ins mother's maiden name Janet Douglas, proving to St. Catharines, Out., at tho ago of (i, with his parentH, he Avas ediKMited at the Oiantliaia Academy. Obtaining a leather's rcitificnto when but a mere boy he taught for a couple ot yeai'H iu Public sehuoh iu Iiineoln County and aiterwardn iu the High school at Ht. Catharines, but abandoned tho teach ing profession to go into journaliHiii, and in 1S72, with U Mnthebon, estab lished the St. ('athariucb Daily and Weekly Nous. Two years later,, in company with John A. Auld ho started tho Amhei'htburg Echo which tho two have ever since conducted. In 187(1, ho mairied Jonephino, eldest daucrhtor of Col, T. F. Brodhoad, of Groarto Uo, l\Iieh., and hIio survivofi him Avith eight children four boye and four girls, IThooldoBt, Thornton B., is 18 yoartt ' old and a student at tho Guolph Agri- | cultural collogo, tho roat of tlio family i raiiffiug in ago from 10 down to 3 yoara. ITih iiarontM live atNiivgnraFaUuMonth, -whore bin father wi in tho employ of tho G.T.H., andthroouiiitora aro uhtnliving. In religion, Mr. Ualfour wan a l'maby- torian. Ifo carried a policy for #3,fSQ0 in the MaHHachwiottM Mutual lienollt AiiHociMion. JTo wa at ouo timo a member of IIoho Tjodgo, No. 2h, f. O. O. F., of AuihorfUbrirg, but never join ed any other noeioty. Hia political life wait ft very huny and Hueeeimful ouo. An ardont Liberal ho ban taken a iuohI ]>rominout part, in every campaign that took place in Knhox aince he looatod in AmhornUmrg in 187-1. In 187'!, ho was tho unimccoHHful oandidate for the Local Logiulaluro, hid opponent being Lowin Wigle. Iu lHB'J, at tho hyo-oloction, eonaequent upon tho retirement of Mr. Wiglo to run foi tho Itoune of Ooiumona, ho do- foated Voter Wright, of Cnlehcftter South. At tho general elections in 18H.S, he defeated T. IS. White; in 1SHU, N. A. Cofite was bin opponont; in 18110, C. (1. Vox and m IH'.M, .1. A. Buchan an and H 10. Dedsuu. On the meeting of rarliainont m .fanuary, lHir, ho waa clioaoii Kpeakei of the Houho and con tinued to hold that elevated position Aviih dignity and honor until lie accept ed the otlleo of Provincial Hocrotavy in the Ilaidy-lltHS government, a month ago. Bis ueooptnuee of tho portfolio nocoHsitntod bin being rc-elooted mid at KingHville on the ."ith inut. ho Mas re turned by acclamation. At that meet ing ha made a lengthy speech betting forth the bgishitioii proposed by tho new <io\einment. The ellort waH a trying one and no doubt piocipitutod tho tidal illneHH. ICver ainco ho entered tho legislature iu iss^ he has taken a piomiuent part in the debates ot tho JIouho and has introduced Home of tho bout hillB paascd by the Provincial par liament. iTo carried through bdU for the improvement of tho law of libel and for tho rcstrittioa of tho bonuning- ^ranting powora of municipalities. ITc "wan hIho an advocate of Ionian suflrago. 13vor Hiuce he enteied public life he has worked indefatigable foi tho interests of the County of Eshox and ho will be much miHsed. Pieviou.s to enteiing polities he took an active part iu local, educational and municipal matters, lie wub chairman of the Public School Trustee Boaidsof St. CuihariuoH andol Vmhotstburg and in 1S78, wuh elected lteove ot Amherst- burg, a pobitiou he continued to till till he was elected to Pailiament in WSv! He was foi \M yenrs Piesidentof the South KfcHos. Aifiicultural Society aud FarmorH* Jnstituto, and at the time of his death avils Piesidont of tho Croat South-Western Fair Diieetors, an ollice ho has filled foi two years. Mi. Balfour was never a strong man, aud for yeaia past hia health haa been miserable Hut. as ih often tho easo with men physically weak, an indomi table spirit of eneigy kept him up and enabled him to o\ereomo all obstacles that lay in the path of bis advancement. And, indeed, the ficrco flame of lifo which burned within him tended more than anything else to ccliuust his en feebled frame. Fxcited aud feverish, though able, were most oi his recent public utterances whether at the hust ings or on the iloor of the House, and whenever ho spoko ho expended as much onergy as otbor men would in a ycai of campaigning. Piemier Hardy wan greatly shocked at the news ol his colleague's death and paid hightribntoteMr. Ualfoui'SAWJilb. 'f had c\Qry icasou," Mr. Iluidy said, 'to believe a few weeks ngo that Mr. Balfnui'n health was in course of rapid lnipioAomunt, and that he was likely shortly to be m his usual health Ne\er a robust man, be yet was actne and eneigctic, and keenly alivo to a senhe ol duty and to all passing evontK. f'he IfouHe will mint* a most valuable mcinber Be lo\od truth and was tiro- less in its discovery. He was a man of great moral force and a strong adher ent to pi iuciple. Fow non-professional men ha\e ever acquired the facility in matters of legislation and in committee woik that Mi Balfour exhibited. Be promised to be an exceptionally strong member of the Cnveniment: his indus try ami quieknesi of perception would have led to his early mustery of tho de tails of tho department. Kvery mombor of the Government valued him as a per sonal friend, and we shall all feel his loan as a peisonal atlliction. Ho was warm-heavted, genorons and true. Hia word was implicitly to lie rolied on. Corning so soon after his appointment to tho Government and his re-election, his doath in a tragic event. " His mem ory will bo long honored and cherished by his constituents." When a hoy, not yet in his toons, Mr, Balfour hold newspapers to pay for tho text books ho neodod at school, and apiopoH of this, David Balfour, his father, tolls of tho beginning of tho dead raan'n physical infirmities. When out disponing of Mb dmJios in tho nfcreota of Bt, Oiithnrhios, he got lost in a nuow stoim, After a long soM'oh his fathor found him, and carried him homo. As a rosult of his exposure on that occa. sion, ho eoiii vncted inflammatory rhoumatism, which onfoohlod his wholo frame for lifo, Ever aftorwardu ho suf- forod from weak lungs, a si>eciully so- voie attack on whicli finally carried hira off, ThroiitiiiiK ban uomnicnool. Look out for iho mcluiiH, A iiumbor from ho attended tho cir- ou(i at Windsor on Tuenday. J, W. DaWfion and wdo took dinner with Mr. and 3\lrn. burton on Jlondny. Mr, Coatou and dtinghtor upont Wodnou- duy with Amon Noble, of Youn^ Ireland. Minn Flornnuo Colcnutt, of Windnor, in upouding iiomu timo with her funtur, MrnP John Liclimtiu Tlio Uuthvou iuviueibloH have re or- gatiMfd. Mih-i Kllu Stcjwart bai boon veiitint; in KingHville Lar^c (piantitiou of pouchoH aru being idilpptd from bore. Tobuoco haryout hun oommouoed in thio ucutioa John McNutt bun IU uclo-j which will average a ton to the aoro. ivjiAifns'roNK. Petur Wintetnuto'd oidor mill is iu run ning ord( r. Mihm Oraig, of Miclu^au, is vihitin^ fiiondu on tie) ltenaud line, Maidf touo Lownnbip couuod mi.otn to- mnrrew (Saturday) at 10 a. m., m comt of revision on the hcymom* Brain Kopairu. Greun Bin" , of IihHe.\, last wcuk.nhipped from Utile River, a eailoud of live hoe,H. Among so-iii) A'ho conttihutod to make it up, wc-to Peter Corbott with twenty head, DtniH Bourko with si-\, Morrid MulUns with foity head, and u. uuiubor of othfia Willi nmallui lotf-. It in understood that Warden Colo will appoint John Uoldoii, of Sandwich rionth, an nominating ofiicor of tho tuxth division (uomprimng Maidntouo, Sundwich Bouth ant i'ello ltiver) at tho election for county SOI Til WODtM;K. MihH Bduh Wilcox bus been on the sick hut thin week. II C. Booh is hom Hub week looliinfj after his mill. Mihh Mujiiiio Qulbituad viaitod m Iviu^a- vdl* on Tncuday. J. M. Ilulstead, of Harrow, visited in the village this week. Mi. DicUhoii, of Bdllo Kivur, called on Inends in tho vilUce on Sunday lant. Ilio MothodiHt Bunday School held a picnic ut Btllo ltiver yotitorduy (Thurs day) Clarence i>Xott will loavo noxt wook for Mountain lion m ar Dnliith having necurod a good poHition tbero in a mine. Tho tiuuth Woodhh o ^rmt mill htm boon po rushed with work that it has beon found nooca'.aiy to run nt m^hta. Oliver Diiwucm ban aohl a tboronglibrod HettiT to Elmer Sciutch for ?10 Mi. JJaw- ooniH quite u dog fancier and ban iiornu valaablo uettur pupn. W. S, Cummiford in putting a oullar undtinonth hiH renidoncu ho that ho will b. ubh- to place a furnace therein* A. W. VauEveiy in hIho putting iu a fumaou. Mirti Toby, of Chatham, took ohargo of B. B. No. 2, BochcHtor, on Monday. Mihh Fai^uEion, who tuaghr. tlnu nohool biufc term, in taking a toirn in tho Normal School MiHQCfa Kitty and Boi Uumimr, of Bo troit, ami Miiggio Brminer, of KiutfHvillo. viHitcd tint patii wook with their conuu^ \liBi, Maggie Ilalatead. They came over on their wheolH. ,f, ^t. PomblotoQ, M. C. 11. station agonr KtNiKgnrii FuIIh, in vinitiug in South WoodHiee. It ia aid that whou no returnn lio will take ouo of Kooboater'a fiir daufCht'.rH with him. 1). C. Dewhirat'a rig oontainmR bin two ohll iron wuh upaet in tho ditah near tho balurv on Saturday night by tho horao taking Inpht at a bioyclc Ono of tho ohll hen waa hurt internally but the other oBoapod with a fow Qotatahoa. Tho 11. T. of T. eooial will bo hold ou tho Motbodint ohnich lawn ou Friday of noxt week, AugUHtLSth, whoa Itov. Mr. Avron will aivo bin lecture on "DolUra This -:- Space Is Reserved for PARK The JEWELER. Watch for his Announcement next week- John Milium, ot Chicago, anonl a fow daye tho pant wook with bin wife, who m Hummoring at her paioiUn hero, aud io-" turnol to hia homo on Monday. ttROOKICK Select pionici aru all the go now. .hunuH Kwcot, of Kmgiivdlo, preached in the BaptiHt Church on Sun-Jay lant. Ou Tuonday night hint, a titablo belong ing to Wm, AhVi, with threo loadn of hav aud a binder, waa dontroyed by lire . Thoro will bo a peach nocial at the homo cunnullorH in Januiuy next. The natnoui T3 , rp . . ,. .- , J nt It; Beikm tt on Tuesday next, tho <!-Lli mi ntioiiL-d for connty* eouuodlora itio A. Colo. Wm, Elba, G. A. Wiutomnto and F, T. Boutcillor On Tluirnday mounngof hint %vook,Boon Lir.oio, bntcbor, of Belle Jiivor, wmi pla'pd on trial on a charge of eattle-Hiual- nig, the evidence of William and Harvey llurnaon and B Cook boing u^od uganiHt lain It appeared fiom their evidence that they wore told where to find the cattle unci vert, hind bv him l<j duvu thuin to hij uliambleH. lbo> toHtifiLcl that fui tho lirnt time head they got StO aud for the other hix *n. Lavoio waH-deut up for (mil hail bciug iLLi-L f)t d to thu umount of 82 000 Tho ownerH of eight of the cattle utTe David, Silan and John Purvis, and ef tho othorh Wm, Maruntctto. The throe mmi vvlI'o tlic tmruo atteruoon aunt up for trial uist, Good music will ho in atton lance Bvorybody como. Don't forgot tho fiooial, undor the aiiH- picos of tho Ladies' Aid of tho Bella BiVLr chnuh. A uliort piogram with yood ranoic will be given, A good time is ex- pocttd generally. Bveiyoody como to tho plenumt homo of Mr. Perknui, 11th con., on Tnosday.tho 2jtli. OAMI PAI^ An entortatument is to bo held nc\t Monday night, and all who uttuud may expoot an hiteroHting timo Bv. K Mndd, of to deliver bin popular lectin a on "Wooing and Wedding." The, no doubt, will draw u largo crowd. Tho ladica of tho Camp aro to f'lrnub icfronh- mont4 and n, short muaical pro^r im will be reudoiod m connection with the lecture. KLl'OHII, Delmoi Irnublo conducted sorvicos horo laat Buuchty. LomuThomau ib again preluding oter theElford Aoadoray. David Keano intends loavmi; next wuek for Toronto. AndiowOliapman is about to erect a largo implement fched. Malcolm Hender son will do the work. Farmora do you want money at 5^ por oout? IfHO, A, G. Baker, Loatn- uifjtou. Ont. TeuiiH of payment of princi pal to suit borroweru. The Ludicu' Aid of this place held an ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ r^ ^ icecream sooial at Uotbol Chmca i H Uind( Deceased's hunband died aboufc TuoHday ovomug. Quito a ploanant time Jqu an< but ft lar{,0 flimiJ ttUrvivo wan Hpout by all. About 620 was realizoa. ^^ Mrfl< yho(jmaUeri 0f Ehqojc Town, Bd. Paiker had his left arm broken at buiug 0no of tho dtmhtora. the elbow on Wednesday, by falling off a Noitni uiixjx:. Krv. Mr. Bovtrly will preach m Trinity clmrcb, North Kidgnf on Sunday aftor- noon. A largo otock of trunks and vabsofJ, Very good trunks for $1,7<j at Crawford's, of Tilburj. Alter a brief visit amongst a few of hm rolativoH hero, Josoph Carter loft for tlio upper laktm hut Monday raorninp;. A largo number of tout caterpillar noHta can bo aeon on tho nhag-bark hickory tieen, and in ooiiHotpiunco the treou will ho d( fobntt-d in a hhort timo. There will be a peach festival at tho reaidenco ot A. G. Bedell, thin (Friday) evoning. The laidios1 Aid and tho Youug People of tlio Baptist Church, Ehqox, aro the pushoi 0. A few woL'lm ago oomt, of our yoanfj high and boys purchased a foot-ball. They linvo pla>cd more or lohB nearly every evening when the woathor was propitious, ami wo aio h.formod that tho North Bidgo Foot Ibdl Clui* tire already good pIa>or, and the, puipose in a Hhort timo to cbal- longe anv othei club in tho nnivorHO for a fi iendly game. SANOWICII SeiJTH. I\l isa MaggiL MoPharlm dnid at tho home of her fathor, Jamo? Mo- Pnarlm, m Saudwich South, on Saturday lust und wuh buried at Maidstone CroHfl on Monday morning, after Horvioeu woro conducted by Boy, Fathor MoGoe. SLo wiw 20 >oaih of age und wub a victim of consumption. At tho meotmjj of the towuship council on Saturday last, Ileove Colo waa in structed to have plane drawn tor a town ship ball to be built at Oldeastle on a piece of land olfored giatio to tho counuil by M. MoCurthy, It in propoaod to have a frume budding 21i ft, by3(Ift. aud tendora will bo aHliud sor a short time. airs. Stephen Collinn, who reeaivod a Huustroko on Bunday of lust wook, died on Fiiday morning last at hor homo at Old- ciiHtlo und was buried at Sandwioh como* tory on Sunday aftor norvioes were con- au'lDiraon/' Tuo uduaiHoion will bo 15 ^v___________ oeuta for udaltn and 10 douta for children. ) WJ0M> toa*ivod into full mombotebip watering tank and having the whoel of the wa-'on paHS ovor it. Ho wan engaged at a tbrOHhmg boo at Oliver Abbotfu on tho Cth oon. of ColoheBtor South, at tho time. Dr McKon/io reduced tho fractine. ________________m- GESTO Haryoat operations aro well under way in Goato. II. McGrogor wan at homo horo ou Sun day last. Mra. Barr haH hoou visiting her uistor, Mrs. Gyphory. Miob A. McLaughlau haa been vioitiug her pareuti hero, Mihh Barrett ia vmitmg with Miss Nollm Doaoou iu Wiudoor. Mrs Doaoou, of Wiudoor, haa boon visiting her numerous friouds horo. ttina Keating, of Woodoteo, hae boon v-fliting hor sifltor. Mra. Cunniufllmm. Mm Stone, of IBghgatu, haa loturned bomo utter vioitmg hor daughter, Mrs. Blifiht, , . Mva E J. Gott, of Amhovstburg, and Mm. 11. B. B*oLt" of Bbhox, vinitod at Roovo Barrott'a on Tuoeday. Mw. Montgomory 1h viaitmg her dauuhtor, Mrs. Bd Bwoot, also Mr, Mont- yotnory, Mra. Swoot'Bbrothor. A. Koceptiou aotviou waa hold in tho olmroh hero last Buuday night oonduotod bv Sv. Mr. Konnody. About torty-flvo >'h i'$ <;0.4^II^LB* HOVVU. J. A. Maycook thrnohed hia oats last week and they averaged 110 hnahoia to tho aore. A. valuable brood maro owned by Horatio Scratch was killed on Wodnn(lay of lan'k wook hy running againtit tho handler at a cultivator. Farmers do you want money at 5J por conb ? If uo, wnto A. G. Bakor, LoaminK- ton, Ont. Torma of pa^monfc of principal to suit borrowora. On Woduoaday of laot wook, Mro. Jaaon Ma'ott and two ohildron woro driving to Jungsvillo when thoir horao took fright and ran a~y, throwing all tho ocoupatita out of tho rig. Tho ohihlrou oaoaped with a few Burutioheg but Mra. Mulott had hor right arm hrokon and hor loft wrist Bprainod.____________________ TICOtFIIISi:^, Mr. and Mra, John Dugal aro receiving tho eongvutututfous of thoir frionda ou the birth of a eon on Tuoaduy of laat wook/ wbioh matccu tho aixtoouth child born into tho family, thirlbon of whom aro still living. Lightning atruolt Charles* Hero's barn ou Sunday of laat wook and burnt it. They ( had a hard timo to aavo tbo homo. Xn ' \'t 4,-~x-~........"".....>-* - -4 aereH i;-j tho baru wcro 7 aorea of of burloy which belong Piko Oreok. v Price, of i > /j.feij;f.^y*JH W $'&' .'.i *&}'>*1'Avh' InVi ^^ ^2^'i^M^^s^ii^M^k