n |vy....... .......... ' ^^ IKeep Kool UJHtmm,*-* T fir i. By^getting a SummerCoat and Vest at the Cut-Prices I will give until Stock is cleared out. Summer Coats,___ 'Regular Price, $2-50, Now, $1.98 .Summer Vests,^11 Regular Price $2.00, Now, $1.49 1.00, ' .72 CASHMERE HA.ILF HOSE Reduced from 50o. to 3(k. per pair. I have a limited quantity of those G-oods *nd Iwill be unable to duplicate them at these figures. Call and secure some of these Bargains at D. J. Whitney's, HATTER AMD HJEMSHEK. That happy Feeling Nothing on earth will mako tho ountomor fool no happy and ooutentod an a kuowlodgo that ho or aUo in gotting tbo vory boat Roodn at tbo lowest priacm. Wo lovo to mako nooplo happy, not only by soiling cheap, but by Rolling ahoo a that fit. You probably nood good fitting Shooa more la hot woathar than at any othor timo. Boo our huminor gooda. Orrmh&stix "Work et 'Specialty Sign of tho Goldou Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. <M>TT t WJ - Sa-ltui moving up higher evory motjU, m tbo rooord ol tbo biiBincaa of Oruwf.ord, of Tilbury. Minn Muggbl Ewkitio, of B'jltoit, who bad boon upending a foW wooku tbtt guoiit of Mro, John Parker, rotur,-nod tiomci ou Monday laiit. Earnest Jaoknon baa votumoa homo for u vniit. 0(i baa ft^ont moitl* of the time in MintmapoUn and hati boon ourod of uUitmnurhig. Thn plum urop m vory bodily injured by rot. It in estimated that one man will Iohq thruo hundred dollara by tbo failuro, wlult ilainoH Lyon who ntpnated a!. lnuut 2Ii buiihehi will not have onn. I*. IJuiuioy Uti laatt (Xhurnday) livening for FLvuntford to hittaud . mooting of tbo Ontiurio nim-Mjioimnt' AiiHOOlation whioh mootfi taore to-di-y {Friday), Mr. Burniey bmug ouo of tho Diroufcoru of tho uunouiu- tiou. Tho exceedingly wot Hoaaou Umi kept back harvoniiiug and threHhiug. Cropn arajnot yielding aa well aa I ant yo&r. Homo floldu of oato will not pay tho exnermea of ranting them at tbo pronent prioe, neither will it pay to thronh thorn. Mra. Luakaom and Ron Alfred, of Sarriia, and Miss AHoo Olarko, laid graduate of tho Bobool ol naming at Harper Eoapit*!, cam* to hoo Mm, Ww. Kollett Unk week. We aro glad to report Mr*. Kollott still gaining a httlo though utill vory nick. Mvtf. LiudHay ii vinitiiJK bor aitttor, Mrs. It. Brady. Mro. Tillny, of Loamiugton, ih viwititi^ fttMM.B. Trimble'H. Printluu of all kindu uoatly and o;uiokly donn at Xhv Fuicw I'iikiij. Rftd wor3n for tb children, naliool opotii in tbo country no it Monday. Mr. and Mm, John Boblniion loft on Monday for tboir homo at Ionia, Miob. 0. Mo A.! on throabod 30 buyboU of alovar Bood last wook and bo ban more to tbroah. Mr. and Mra. .T. LiUlowood spent Sun- day with bor parouta, and with other friondn. Bov. W. M. Corkory, of Windsor, proaohod an oloquont normou In tbo Bollo Rivor-Bottd-Motbodiflt ahurohlami Sunday. In reading tbo roport ot tbo promotion flittminatioufl in lant wook'n FiikmPubxi, B. S. No. 11 hoadfl tho lint, having nearly fcwioo ao largo a hat of uamoti of Buoootudal pupil an any otbor country uohool. Two wroto on tba roaont ontranoo and ono pausod, tbo okhcr, a boy of 10, with Rix monthd1 atudy iu fourth book, failing by flvo markH. Tbo uuooobh of tho uohool muat bo vory (.'ratifying to truHtooo, par. onta and oupooially to tho toaohor, Mr, JollVi who ban boon tnaobing in tho aohooi only air months. Ho oortainly muat havo won the oonfidonao and attoution of tbo Hoholatu to bo so Huooo&flful. A CHOICE " ^ OF STYLES Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the beat, our de signs are up*to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to $4 on a suit; we have also a splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goods before buying DEWAR.-M1 Johnston Bros., Builders a ad Contractors. British Columbia Cedar * Shingles, fine Shingles, $1-10 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, HMSff, '/JOOJtS, LATH and BARN LUMBER, ^ST HiMlH>t*Uoai Otuarauttiod. *>pp. Watay Wwka, (Enaox. - lAfanted-An Idea SHw2 If any of our tmbsaribora vbo ara going out of town for a timo will loavo ua tboir fcddroas wo will gladly forward tko Fuimi Puuuy to tlioui. Bort Marker, of Detroit, in vitrfting at Obvor DawHQn'B. Frank Oummiford yinltod Utoly with frlouds in Utioa, Miob. Mr. Maiion, of Olovoland, O., callod on frionds boro on Sunday. Mi mi Lnootta Covil, of Detroit, in vinit- ing at her paronta' hero. Miub Jonnio Sutton, of Edgar Mills, ii visiting at B. Cutlmoro'ii. Mihii Myrtlo Shoo lea, of ElTord, ih on a viait to ber aunt, Mian North. Mitiu Emma Cox has returned to Detroit from viflttin^ at bor homo bore. Milton Fair, of tho G. N. W. Tglegrapb Co., of Dutroit, in homo on a vinit. H. J. Halatoad took in the Forontora' ox- ouniion to Put-in-Bav u Wodnoaday. Chan. AJliHon, wife and family, of St. Thomas, aro vieiting in tbo villago with hia parentB. H. Oyormoyor, of 8t. TbomaH, wan in town on Wednesday calling on MoEntoor dc Cummiford. Frank Hogan and Miim Maggie Ualiitcad wore tho guoatH of tho lattor'a brother in Harrow on Sunday laHt. Mra. Snivoly trippod and foil on tbo flidowalk on Thnrnday of latit wook and ro- oeivod Homo painfal hruiBOB. Mian TbompBon, of the Viavi Co., of Toronto, gavo a looturo to wemon iu St. LawrOHoo Hall on Thursday o! (ant vreok. Ohvor Dawaon loft- on Tuoaday for Bar- ma to roprosent tiouth WoodBloo Lodgo, I. 0. O. F.( at tho Grand Lodge mcoting in uoQBion thoro. D. A. Young, M. C. B. agent boro, waa in Hamilton lnut wook attending tho tun- oral of big brother. Oporator Hughes, of Comber, had otaarge of tho Btition during bin abBQDOQ. 3*otor Plant, who ih employed in H. C. Itociu'lmill, had In a left log broken a few weoko ago, by gotting it oaughli botwoou two pietofl of timbor. Tho break wao bo. twoon the knoo and instep. Onion Brown and wifo arrivod hero ou Monday evening from TuoLiion, Miob., bringing with them tbo body of tboir in. fant ohild, Tbo rooming were interred on TuoBday. Mrn. Brown waa formerly Mlaa Brooker. Tho ohild waH 11 months and B dayH old. ThoJLadioo' Aid of tbo Motbodiafc ohonh on TburBday of lent wook elected tho fob lowing offhwa: Proa., Mrs, Laugblln Mills; Vioo-Prea., Mra. Mott; Sec, Mro. D, A. Young; Troaa., Mre. A. W. VauEyory. TUo Aid intond giving a eooial in tbo near futuro. Tbo B. T. of T. will give an ontortalu- mont on Friday wooing of nnxt week, to oonBiab of a aooial ou tho Methodist oburob lawn, together with a looturo in tho oburob on "Dollara and Dimes," by Bov. W. Ayron, In oaao of atormy weather tbo wbolo ontortainmonfc will bo flivon In tho oburob. Admiaaiou, 16 eonta* obildreu 10 den to. Tbtt army woiru made uhorl work of & lf)-acr,Je Hold of oatu belonging to Amon Iirnuor. frothing hut tbo baru utalkn aro lifft HtfUltSllii!. Faviiwrii do you want monuy at fi^ por mint ? If no, writo A. O. Bukor, Ijoutnlng- ton, Ont. Toman of paymonk of pritioipal to auit borrowers.- \V. Moo'u baby in vory nick. Mr. Jolluy proaohud boro Uult Uunda.y unortim^. Wo ato norry to boar that Mr. GatnphMl will not bo with u for a fow wooka, bat ur<j (flad to know Hint bin plana will bo filled. tliiiH Ella Wilcox, of Woodulee, roturutd homo on fiuuday, afior u wook'a viuifa with bor aunt, Mm. ,1, Wllaou. Arthur Wilwon and wife aro reouporat* inj4 on Lake Krio'n iihuro. Mr. lloblnuou, of Efinox, acootnpauKid tho in. F. WHhoii in uoarly convaloaoeut, aftor boinij lndiupotiod with a Hpralned ankle, the roaulfc of u foot.ball (jamo. O. W. Ooataworth and wife, of Kinga- villo, took dinner with tbo lattor'a moth**, Mrs. Hugh Wiltton, on 1'uoada.y Uai. A fow of our youn^ fu-mori took iu the excursion on Wndnoaday, an farming operation* Ma ncurly at a kUnd-atill owing to ho muoh rain. A couri ot tho OatboHa Order ol Fores- torn waH inatitutod at Ma id e to no Croua, on Monday evetilng, by J. H. Motoobe, of Windsor, Deputy High Chief Rungor. Tho annual pionio of the R. C. pariah at Maidstone will be held lu Obofl, Litfalo'H grove noar the church on Wednesday next, Aug. 10th, and tho affair will likely oqual any of tie Huoootmful pionictj for wbloh thia parish ia no noted. During the day tho drawing of tbo valuable prixos will take place, the prima aonitiating of a fat aboop givon by Mra. P. MoPharlin, an oil painting by Mr. Edward, of Detroit, a baudaomo ahair by tho ladioa of Efiaox and a beautiful album. Sandwich South Council. - Oldoaatle, Auguut 9th. The oouuoil mot, pursuant to adjourn ment ; all th momboru proaent. Tho minutea of tho proviouu meeting wore road and adopted. A notioo was rooeivod from Tbon. Fairbarn, complaining of tbo ditch uudor tbo provisions of tbo D. 3t W, ao t being ooustruoted on tbo west aide of tho Pilofcto road, alao aaking that a oulvert aorotiH Raid Pilette road, between lota 12 and 13, be oponod. Laid over. A notio o was reooived from Mra. Clouiier, complain - ing of tbo drain on tbe townliuo bo two on Sandwich South and Anderdou washing yway hor property and asking oompenaa- tion for tho uamo, No action takon Moved by Moaara. Mooney and Uro, that Potor Ferry be paid 010,30 for G8 rods of ditching on 11th eon. road in ward 3. Car. rlod. Moved by Mesnrti. Greavos and Moonoy, that Patriok O'Connoll bo paid 3i2.no in part payment of gravol bought in 180fi. Carried. Moved by Meaarfl. XJro and Moonoy, that Jos. Lafond bo paid 92 for filling waHhouta at three bridgoa on tbo Littlo Rivor Drain Ropaira. Carriad. Moved by MoHHra, O'Noil and Groayoa, that Alox. O'Noil be paid 93.88 for ono flheop killod by unknown doga. Carried. A notice was reooived from Wm. Greon- way, onking that drain, on tho nouth aide of tho Middle road, from the Twora ey outlot to tho Maidatone townliuo, bo ro- stored to its original dimonBlona. La'd over. Moved by MoiiBra, Moonoy and Greavoa, thai Mr. PonpraiBO bo paid 82.37 for ropairing a bridge ou tbo oaot townliuo, aloo S'Ji, baknoo duo for grading to two bridgoa on 12th oon. road, on wont townliuo and Pike Creek Drain BepairD. Carried. Moved by Mconrn. Groavon and O'Noil, that tbo auditors bo paid 813 oaoh for regular and iipooial audit for 189G. Oar- nod. A bill of 820. from J. W. Bnon , M. D., for modlcal atteudanco upon MrB. Hod man, waa roaoivod. Not ontortainod. Moved by MonorH. Moonoy and Groavon, that tbe ton dor of Lake Mahon of 8141) on 7th ConcQBQion Dram Repairs bo aoaopt- od and the Reove instruotod to sign tho ooutract and attach tbe corporate ooal thereto. Carried. Movod by MoBBrs. Moonoy and GroavcB, that Wm. Rodman bo paid $6 for ditching on 11th oon. road. Carried. Movod by Mesara, O'Neil and Groavos, that tbo Reovo bo inntruotsod to fllo arequiBition for tbo oonatruotion under tho proviaiona of tho D. &, W. act, 1B94, wont from tho road botwoen tho 8th and Oth con., between lota 2 and 3 in tho Oth oon., for the draiuape of the aaid road.-i Carriod. Moved by Mesara. Moonoy ap GroavoH, that tht Clork bo paid 82,* serving award on Manon drain, D. &, V~ Carriod. Miobaol Dolislo waa paid A^ for woik in hou of otatnto labor fofc""o, by order of tho patbmafltor, John F*^nBu' John Forry waa paid 8B0 for worl^n tuo Gzoweki Drain Ropairo, by oruy ' tno oommiRaionors. Movod by MflBa?GKoavel* and Mooney, that Mrfl. Poaraou6 C*antod 86, aa ohority.-Carried. Mov/y Mobbtb. O'Neil ana tiroavoa, that /n u* b8 tttthorized to oxamino thyito" n *b oaat eido of tbo Pilotto roo>om line bo- twoon loto 12 and 13 in 8t*0"- ^ M. C. R. R. and to grant a Mmutation of Btatuto labor on w* 12 in*u > to John Hurloy for doing tho wf th w^ to bo oomplotoabyNov.lBtb/Oawded. By Uw Wo. 60 waa paused lo tf >*tow yoar 1600. Moved by/w O'Neil, that thin cou AHguat ISth, at 1 p. vallfloB. Diebel & Bricker's AnnualJ RSALa >$> > % IN. Dry Goods, Clothing, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Oarpets. Lace Curtains, &c. New *Hd pMKltloeabU Dress Goods Just Opened. * Agents for Priestley's Black Dress G-oods the Best in the world, A GREAT PURCHASE OF READYMADE CLOTHING. Lost week we opened 100 AXen'a Fiue All-Wool Twood SuitB, made perfectly, fit correctly, and very dressy, Worth regular, $16 a Suit, During this Bale we offer you Your Choice for $10.00 Boys' and Youths' Clothing at Correspondingly -l,ow Prices. The New Furniture will be on hand Next week, THE GREftT CORNER STORE, -^^ ^DIEBEL & BBLCKSSR. Large ? # * Premises, Large Stocks bought at tbe lowest possi ble prices for Cash -mean Large Sales. During July, (although it is considered to be a very dull month,) our Mies were higher than any month during_the 10 years we have been in business in Tilbury. Why do pecple two countiei ? come to us from all corners of the * * * # They com* because our priceB are low and we have large stools Irom which to select. Most po>ple are finding out that they can made a good d$y's pay by coming to us for a few dollars* worth henceour sales are being foroed higher from month to m/hth. Ourpromisoa contain over 19,000 sqaare feet of floor spivie packed full with Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, #>use Furniture, Wall Paper and many other lines. ,/Ve speak the truth when wo say we have The Largest Retail Furniture one/ Hardware Store in Canada. W. C. CRAWFORD, Tilbury, M. E. WIGXJE, for the Greaveu aud do now adjotira to Carried. A. larfio atook o/ and Vory good trunkal1*76 Bfc Crawford'H, ol Tlllmry. The Gash Grocer, Gonfeetioner and Raker. HT3 people of the Town of Etmox and nurrountling country havo long folt tbo want of a pbico whoro they could go and pnrohuao what thoy roqniro on a oloao, oaah buuiH, wltbuot bomg somipulltid to pay hiphor priooa to mako up for tho loseea made in tbo orodit ayatcm. Call and ioo our goods, whioh aro alwaya of tbe best quality, and mi our prices, whioh aro the lowoBfc. Don't miafl trying oorl'ea at 22 ceul a pound. BREAD 4c. A LOAF. 1" Garden and Field SeedB direct from the largeat grower and dealers in America, at lowest prices. cash i?aid roii OTHER PKO0UQE. FIRST-OLABB BUTTER AN FitBSH KGGB AK GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, M. B. WIGL2S. J H. WIGLE, Soott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, Mgr. 1 7>1 "is 'j^fc^V ^x<u^. ^.^i&u^uai ^Xifetf^A. ">' //.: i, 'fall i^sJA!^&