r*^'V"'-'"' '. 'V.1 ^Wl-^^^^^'^W^W sr JSS. D. ANDERSON & Go,. BANKKttf-J, Noxt to Abordoon HotolB EseoX. ' -!Mouny to Iomi on VaTOwa' NoUo: KoUm botichfc, ^Oollootod; Money tn loiui on Moirtflafjuu ut owoflt tutou ilIkI bmit Umw. -vv"Draftirtiiinicti r-Bynblrt .tpw nt nJI|l|>iriuolt>ul potatU Fire Insurance Agents, etc- N Tho Essex Free Press, tmETT A. AIM..D. PHOI-niCTOnO. F.UIDA.V. ATJGTIHT Jl. IBOG. Town and_ Vicinity. - Vrloo no objool at Bmith'u ; Koinj* oat of bduii'.cnii. Kogular mooting of town oounoiJ noxb l\l<ity1aY ovonlnt!' MnynrJuhiilioU, of Y/allirrvilh), i>ont Wbduoiiduy iu town. Now hIiouh, latent ulylou, oxoollont valuon, juiit rocoivocl by M. J. Wlalo & Co. G. A. Ehcrrin returned on Wodnoiiday from Inn trip to Konrni, Manitoba. Mini! Podnon and Miwi Pulmor, of Coin- bor, npont Sunday and Monday in town. A Bcotoh torrlur bolonfjin^ to Mm. Voal foil a victim to tho dotf poiuonor on Sat urday lunt. Monquitocw uiv uuimuully pi only thin Reason, no doubt on account of tho wut woathin*. Dotootivoo Campari, of Wiudnor, uud Donuolly, of Detroit, woro in town on WodnoFiday. Mayor Efnxun fc. Pint-ruo, of Detroit, bun received tho Itjpuhliouii nomination fur Governorship of Michigan. Capt. Gnjitb, uf lJothwoll.fiUccjiidH Cupt. Pnyton in charge of tno Balvation Army oorpn at Eddox, and Capi. Puyton and wife gotolUcuhoim, MiiificjH Cora r.n:l lVarl Kojho, who bad boon viititinp: at MrH. Jati.oa llubiunop'h, rotumod to thoir home at Alliance, Ohio, on Saturday hint. E. Pluiikott, M. C. U. solicitor, of fit. X'homuH, waa in town on W^dneflday moru- ing on account of fchti fatal mmidont to Mimtior Eildio fclyiand. Many paoplo prefer to [jot married in tho early fall monthn. A wine act to (,-ot mar- Htd; umthor to buy your houfto rnrnitnro from Crawford, of Tilbury. " A bdHoball match will be playnd on tho Agricultural Gronndii thm (friday) ovon- inu bctwocn Bares uud Cottam team a, tho (innio to bofiin at '5 o'clock. Or" nil the hot dayn thin Rummer hint Sunday fceen-B to i:ilic the' h.-ud no fur. Ttiuiraomators in diO'.riut part^ of turn: reentered from 0(J to 10d in tho iihadu. Minn Mufi^xo Armntron^, who taught aohool'at Cottam for tiomo yearn, vim tod the pan! y.l-j'v :;.t l-d>r: U^i^-.Vru'd want to AmlHTritljiirt! })ii Tuondny toi*]k?nd a fow 3ayi* at"IubpecUr Max'woil'H. Arthur Wifimor, uf London, haw huun apondiDK a f&w dayfl in town with hiH brother. E. A. Wituner, rfturnint" hum yeuttirday (Thureday), accompanied by E. A., who will viuit there for a couplu ol ; days. Mrn.Olvor will next wocli inovo from Am- hevH'.buj)i to th!H town ho that her daughter Clara r-.nd >oi- WillitTii u.uy tulto advan- tn'tio o[ tin- lliijh School Ihtc Thuy will ,'occupy tho rnfud.:iH;L> of .J. \j. Strnrnbort, north of tho niilv-H} iracU. Mro. Win.""McCuhbiu utJd ^trsi. M. Kuaai-11, f ]jfcuiiiiui:t(;ii, arrival hero on train No. :i(i, uu liuuaay l.'.ut, v.Mth Lho.body gf their brother, Ciiuih-i. Crami, v:bo diu i atEaultBtu. Marie. Xiw.y wuro mol bun- by a hoarse and c^rrir^t-n from Luamin^- ton and tho b^vay t:iK<:u th.-r-; rur i:tter- mout. At Canton, N. V., I'lltr.idaj ni'iht. I'ranli Convoy wan convicM-d ut" niu.;'n-r m tin- firt-i. (it-t:rc:i! ior imviuf/ It tiled bib wife Kat.- at Of-duiidmrn lust Wiiy m a l".i of ji-aJonti rufic. .laiiticu HuHULdl!=.i;otunC';d hnn to Ol- oxaauttid during Ui wu( K bL^inmu^ St:Ji tomher 2Bt.h at Dannc-niora priHi-n. J'Vauk ift u flou of AJichiLol Court);', rt Ainhorut- bur. Tho Echo hayn : "It hasi b.:cn Hn^^c-Htn.l Uiat thf Khso.i To'vu council :iipfar in kiltH outfit' occtthiun of Jjor.I Ahci'dc-m.'f vihit to that town. .[Iu'J'mo 1'miIh WiM Wc-i -liov,' won"', vf ! l'uritHolHaL iib'mt luilf-jivico ut Irf, J. Wiuhi.t IVii. Divihion Court SJUhifjn ut Kbsoi, on Tuouday, Au^uut Urtth. Minn A({iiu \Vattorn, of Harrow, fu vlnitlnn ut John Liug*H. 15. ,T. Maoltoborfc, inmiranou_aiioni((Tbi Loudon, \fhH in town thin wook. Apploa atd cheap, the price being au low afl 10 cuntH a buuhol tho paut woolt. For tho bout aHHortiuout and IowohI prioou in mun'a furuiuhhiftu try M. J. WiKlo dr Co. Afo\. Dotij'.Ian and Air. Whito wlioolud douii lioni. Walkui'vilhi on Baturduy and oalJ'-d on 'rii rdi* licro. J ohu AloiNoil, a former roiiidont of Emmx, hufc now of Sandwich Wont, wan a yiiiitor in town thin wnult. Tho vcHullu of tho rr.eout oiaminationn for touoberu' oortiJioatcu uro oxpootod to bo publiuhod to morrow [Saturday.) ,7. O. Btrambort loft yootorday (Tbur- day) morninfi on an oantom trip in fcho mtoroitfj of.Itaiii^, Kihibio iCt Co, i/Lurgti, iion oi 0. ii. Tnuinan, rutui'ncd li oiiio on Monday from viftitiriK in Amhonit- bur(i for a fow dayn with Htanloy Pizw. Evorytliinf,; in ennimur (joodti at nboat half price nt Bmith'u; ijiiu;,' out of bimi. noun. For b'ulo. Hot of doublo harnuBH, an (jood aH uuw, a hot of fan;) truclotauil othor artioloii. Apply to Mm. E. Gardner, Laird uvonno, Wm. WiilKor, ci I'or:iythc, Audonion A' Co.'ii, luft for Jtlonhi.ini on Butuidfiy to tipoud a fow dnyrt beforo vioitin^ hia homo in London. MIhh Efllo Smith, of tho Edhox nigb Sahool, wlio jm fp'.'iidiu^ vacation at bor home in C-dcboaU'i- Hmitb, contomplatca attoiidin/,' ALoilol :i.di I :.f(.or vacation. AM-ihc braiih U-'-.l.- v.ml on tho. mail ba^rf hnvc \k-uu r<-r:-'!' ! oy tho P. 0. De partment. LocKh of a recent patent havo been uont to tuko tho plucuof the old utylo, Tbu cii:-" i*f Coiuw'.ll vh. LcoiKud, hourd by P. XI. Liu'tla, in AVindnor, on Tburaday of lant wci.-k, wmh (-nlur^cd for a wook in tii hopo that tividoiux- of il Il?kjj Qonfliotiiifj cbnractnr would h'j prmionted. A Hpcoial mooting of tiiu South iiauox Ijcouhu f'omnihjHioncrtj was -hold btiro on Tnc:i.1fiy, -i* o tliL- hri-iirio of tho Morrifct Ii.-iu;c at \\ hi!ul]t>y wuri trunhferrtid from A. Mcrritt to Wellington Koaob, of llidgo. town. L. B. BtottHhan bcon walking iamo for now) dnyn, the r'Mmlt of a fall off hiu "l>il(e" on Batuifl'iy liuit. JIo wan rotnrn- injj from tho iul:o uud v,"ifi coiii^1 at a 2- minute tjait whim ho ran into a mud pud- die and took a heitdor. Wullncobui'L' Iimh diiliculty in peacefully no pjionir.^ tTvu !'iip*T!i Tho hocond paper i' ,i*i.. i'i.jv ;-'\ i;jti;ji;!i!f old, and already t. hey l.nvu two libel BUJt:i on iiuntl, tho ' Methodiat church ban hcou uplit in twain, and oitizoiiH uru Ji^htiii^ ouch othor like catfl aiitl do^.-*. Thcto wiit.bt; no MH'viou in Si. Pnul'u tdnii'cli oji f-.uiid.'iy next, owiuf* to Mr. Bdvmdy having to return to Loudon. Thoro will ho Sunday School in thochnrcb at 10 o'clock aicl Kurvico in tho Town Hall, CoUiiM, an ihuilI Lit ^;'l") p. m., at which laujiL-r Goldon, ol Kin^iwillo will preach. A special luL-t.'tin^ of tho Public School TruMtcuH wioi lioki at W. I). Buarnau'H of'livj. on 'Xuim <hiy ro tucot ?dr. Portcrfiold, thf r. ir; (.::jet: i -(Li vh if tho Gurney-Tibion Co., -laniif ac. t u r f_ i,L> of ti:rnauf;H, Nuw f urnuci,. jit-L: \o lit: put ill tho nilum) l)ilt no dtdini . action wan taken by tlm board. Civic Ibluluy un Wi.'dnenday waa vrry :.'(-iu'rally 'itcrvcd by tLvooitiKont; in EdUKX, m1! ibe hturr'hrjioHijij, up for thiMhiy. Th' C.O.F. osi onion Mint loft hero at 7:37 a. in. and rnunnii by :i]].;ciaj train about !i p. jo, wm ^yry . ,.jl patvoniiod, !7 1 tiokrv- btditi; ,k-.V I'rrjni b.,.,-. uf thin uninl.-or 97 wui.t on tl.'i'nty oy.>(Jtroit to Put-iu-Buy, tilt; dny Lcint* vflry i.jauftat a.ut tin; trij) mi:i:b f njoyiid. U'b-)]()ca| court ri:aliy..-d ovL-r 3S:> uh tbuir oburAuf tho r.^oeii.ta. A innibirof town j t-opi Wu1i\ Lo (j(.(iur V- iu;li for the dtt> and P|1(. halan^o ro- ii.i.bu i ut homo onil lt)U.^eii around or WOl liOll. Tho Anil;cr.^tlt:ri; Ech< (lyH .__"'J'ho tnit]M;ctur of tho Ci.'derwritul AfjKocidLjnn iii inakim; Leaimng^un, Kin^t t\\(,) Khhcx, Ti:.uir> and Wiudnor (.h-t. a h'U ,DfJ i\it.]a, H'-lvuH, bcci'ir-i tbt'ir Ore ti^ln:[. il v. 1! tut duots no", corno no to ro'jo1 i\i Ajnhor ti.uiv wt K rii.'b vo o tinpi' ru- iU. Uv A)\i '-,<J I !: .' . i ir' Paranobi at about half prlo-irt^ Hmlth'H. Bpiuuhm wheobi at lUcGion.or. 1 [, lMummor. MiHit Jjrly Wifllo Huh boon viHitb/L' hi Kn^Hvlllo. MiuH Ktbol Bono Hiinut a fow dayu thk1 pnst Week in Detroit. J, Tborno, wifo and family yioitod on Poloo Island hint wock. Ii. Bonlcy in bud up with uickneim ab biu rouidonoo on Talbot iitront, M. J. Wiylo it Co. liavo juftt roooivod a dray load of now bootn and ribocH. ]\Iiiifj i\lM(,'[;if! Wallace viiuted lant v/oelt with tho IVfiiou-uJ.'ii.ui.i'r:iant in (Jninber. Mum Annni llioloi wim vi-ntiiij; m Kin^u- vil lo tot a fow dayn with Mini! Jiertha Lyppo. Thou. Atkiuuon roturned on (Saturday aftor iipond'in^ a woolt with Inn non ,at Vatrnav, Mioh. Rouh Kirkor, of .Uotroit, npont a fow dayn thin wook with rcdativoo in town and at Codar Beaoh. MIbh Bertha and Mantel- Frank Honor, of M.uldon, viaitid at tlm MimuiH AtiHtm'n in town tho pant week. ' Thoro in a lar^o quantity of laufc yoar'H ooru, wheat and oatn iitill in tho crlbu of tho farmom of thin county. Waltur BbftW baa rr-niiineil hia ponitiou at Diobol A Brickur'n, after iipondirj^ hiu holidayn in Cleveland, O. Ward and Milton Kiclmrdiion, of De troit, npont a few dayn with rolativoH. at Codur Loach and in town, Minn Edith and Munter Willie Gormloy aro iipondiiiK a month at tho homo of,thoir Krandparoutu ut Ioua, Elfjiu Co. J. E. Btono, wifo and family, Mrs. J, Gormloy and Mm, Wm. Keown piouiokcd at Cedar Peach on Friday laat. Miunen Gertio and Clara Jiailoy, of Troy, Mich., Hpcnt nt-iuc dayi' at J. A. Hoho'h and returned homis on Saturday. Mm. (Dr.) Jan. Brian, Mm A. E. Milno and children and Minn Hoho McTavinh, of KidKotown, aro bp<;iidin^ a week at Oodar Beaoh. Tho A. E. Miluo property put up for nalo on Friday lant at tho Amorioan Houho wan not Hold, tho bid not reaching the roHorve. MiBHOH Kuby and Gortio Kiohardnon', of Dotroit, have been vuiitiufj at Codar Boach with fcho family of thoir unolo, W. II. Ricbardfion. MrH. Stephen Collino. ef Oldcafitlo, ro- oeived a Qunntroko on Sunday lunt and ifl very low. Bho in quite old and alight hoped aro entnrtainod of her rocovcry, MrH. M. Bornan, uceompanied by her dan^htor,- Mrn. Briclcmeyor, roturnod to lior homo on Saturday after opondinfj a week with MrH. S. Wilkmnon,' The Ladica' Aid and the Yoiujj,' Pe^jilo of the"Baptiflt church contemplate bold* inc a Hocial at Goortje Bodoll'u, at North Kidf,'o, on Friday of next week, AuUt 21ut. Rov. M. P. Of.mpboll will oocnpy tho pulpitfi of the Baptiat ohurcboa of Kingn- villo, Harrow and Coloheutor on Snnday' nont and hiH pulpit bore will be anppliad by J amen Sweet, of Kiutffivillo, JnHt 915 saved in that lot of houno fur niture, wan the oxprcuriion a cuatomor roado uoo of ono duy lubt wook. Ho camo over '20 imlfefl to (Trawford, of Tilbury, hut it paid him. Mr. and Mm, A. II. Clarke and Mr. and Mrh. A. J. Green Ir-ft, Windaor on Monday., uveiling for the far eajt. Tbuy will not bo watifified nutil thoy fc'.iy.Q on tho blue watera of thf Atlantic and try tho iinhin^ there. (Uotbinn ju leiiri than uont; tiom^ out oj b uhinenu ; G. E, Smith iV Co, Conductor Butler, of the Leamington brunch, wunt to Niagara cu Thurttday h avir;f; received vjord that his mother wan very ill. Ilia himily accompanied him and will v'niit fiienJd in Bumilo for a month, M.ihLi Lttit; flail had her rif.'ht arm from the elbow down badly burned on Friday 1 ar-t by dropping nirit .- jar ui boiling fruit thtit hhc wan puu.n<> up. -The akm way. all pooled off aim tho wound wau quite painful. The *TinpcrinJ Bank now taken Am'jrican ourr-'iiey at a dn^ount of one half oi" ono per cjtit. and American nilvcr at a discount of one per cept. Tim F;.j-:k (.'hi^b, tiow- over, v/ill take Ainerioau mono; , on nub- .i^rij.r ',on 3HT Mm U-trtil Bohoold ro-opon on Monday noxt. Phim.i havo bun imlltu^ at tfl and Sl.fiO por buuhol, Baryabni at Hmilh'n in wool drcflH Koodu; t-'.oiuu out of buHfnuHH. . Frank Bright and W. E. Btoroy, of Wiudnor, oallod on frieudH in town on *v*dnoHday. Aliou Mnbol Lain hau gone to Cedar Boaoh io upend a wook with ttbv. W. M, Siomiugu family. C, W. HchdltK, of Detroit, waH in town on Tuuuduy. Mr. Bahultu wau in tho cm- ploy of John Bain ftomo yearn aj;o and. baa lately had patented n ateol nloi^h runner, A clover individual, chuminir to ro* projiont tho DornoroHti Puldinhnifj Co., of Now York, ban boon dwindling tho mnr- ohautci in ueveral Canadian townn out of from %-L to |10 each. FIohkig, the little daughter of JJr. A. H, SooU, wau badly bitten by a (\o# on Mon day, at Owohuo, Mioh., their home. Tho wound wan immediately cauterized and will xnont likely bo all right noun. Tho committee of tho G, B, W. Jnrt e. torn to whom wan referred the matter of tho toudorn for the now poultry houno havo awardod the contract to Johutiton Brow, for 8!I2'i, without tho oagon and ao- cording to the planii firnt aiihmittud to the Boaifd. . A. J. Groan iduppod a carload of oafctlo and a oar of hogu from Huugx ntation on Wcdnoaday, tbo cattle being for export to tho Cld Country. Mr. Green ban whipped jour earn of hogu from different plaoeu in bho county thin wuuk. Ho ban boon averaging GHjht oarloadu a week for nomn month a panb, F. B. Adama in having an addition 1^ by 20 ft., built on tho roar of hiu harueaa nhop on Talbot street, John Wortlny in doing the work and tho addition will bo nnedian a worknhop, the partition between tho nhow room and tho [Hohent worltHhoji will bo romovod, thoa giviug Mr, Adaron a much lar^or front nhop to nhow hia goodu. Tent our twonty-livo cent ton, agamat any forty oont line in tbo market. M. J. Wigjo & Co. A proao doHp'acoh titaten that another coniupjnmontofBarnardo boy:j iaou tho way to Canada. Thoro in room in thin broad Dominion for thousands of induiitrioiiH irn- migranto, but wo bayo no uuo for tho hcudi of tho Englinh cttion with thoir inbred viciouiinoHti and crimiual tenduucieH. It in timo thut tho Amorioan ttyatom wan adopt ed in Canada, and meanuion taken to pru- vo'nt thin conntry from homg made th dumping ground for tbo paupuriiaudcrimi. naln of Europe. A mootiug-of thojocal Board of Health waa held on Tuesday evcuing at which the following roaolufcion wan puEned : "Moved by Cyrus Garduor, uoconded by .1., W. Brion, that tho attention of tho council be drawn to tho uuflamtary conditinu of the drain ruuning oawt from Talbot St. on Bnon Ave., tho outlet of which ruquiron oponint; in order to connect with tho now townlino drain ; also tho unsanitary condi- tion of tho drains on Arthur and Wilann Avon, ; tbo outlet from tbo junction of theao two draino reqniroe opening in order to connect with the now tounliau drain ; uud advioe immediate action on tho part of tho couucil to the aforenaid draiiiH uh the health of the town in greatly endanger ed by thoir preeent condition; and furtbar advine that the- town woll bo tlioroughly cleaned immediately aa n hitu heoii found iu au unnamtary condition during tiio laat few dayH; hIho that the hydraiitd at the extreme ends of tho mama should Ijd ihur- oughly tluubed aw hoou aathero i.-, uuhieient pure water and tho well in cleaned. j nil.' IrtO. ii .: no Tn '. ' IJ .,,.1 :i. tjtjl.i "il>-HL Ut-^ I l 'lL '( "|, . .c >e ' ( f- .i > . ,. l!. ,, J i \U.1U1 i..-.', - L i> o: Vi) th-i f'.lll !._( '"1 h -i n..*:i '.' lo ('itir^ i ' v -J I .i t. , a-'i' . >jli. Oljl h's ; < Si ' Am' '.if I oil. d \ T',J ;o i hi- f. i wiiii', at par. etii. Htraw liatH for 27c. at ^ 'nil of bU'iine.i'i, * iliU V. Ui .'T"'t ;iii ovoL-p'.u),: at a d'*e It >' i cent. Ai vn.wn. t-M . i. ' it. : ike !"!.. '-ill" .c , wtc- ' jrt A Sad Fatality. A bad accident occurred on tin.' M. C. R, on Tueaday ovoniug abom ij o'clock, re- Bultiug iu tho doath of Edward, the 7 year- old non of JamoH Hyland, id MnidHtouu towuabip. An eaHtbouud freijih.t, \':itii Engineer Hoyoil and Conduct'.r Wal)>.,n m cliat-gt), pallod out of the auction huro at 5;55, iiad yot undo:- good hc.dway, goiti.-; about 3~> milofj au hour, and wuh near the Cow:ui orotadng, u mile eaat of the atati.on, whim tho Enf/iuoer notict-tl a boy Hitting uii the oattlo guard ut tho croiising with bin back agaiuat the fence and hia lyga acrouH the rail. Ho blow the whistln uud ;.i ic 1 to atop tbu train but to no avail, the engine and nemo uaun pi- -ung over the liflu f-dlfiiv, horribly m l.i'^!'."!! In.i . uuL tbo lui'.ur p,.r- ot hiH b, ' / and ii - i. oatl wound :ii 'i-o mi i.it [' A'.-r b'"-'i n'.fi'.." in 1 .. tr n hai.ds pick* it v.\- ill .' ui' L uniloi ! t.iO ' r'..i\t ,, GOING ... Out Of Business . . | -V'i .. . Ave Loft'ving Ehhox, .......And offer their Choice Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Footwear, &c,, . . .At the Great Reduction of 15 PER CENT. OFF ......On all G'a.sh Purchiisoa of $1 or over. *S^ This Stock is New well selected an.<?: Must be Sold at Once- We OfleTSpecial Drives in Different t At Less than Halt Price, is of Goods Don't Let this opportunity paH to Secure "Staple articles at Great Reductions. 0. E WHI'JPNJEY BJLOCK, KSSJiX, ^ SMITH & -x> -^- -y_,v It will bo cboaper in tho. ond. iSvovybody knows that in tho matter of FARM inPUEHENTS 0 lam-Ieraieais th \Vhilo if you want to liavo a Ootnlbrtablo Kidi- in a Vohitdu rlie Best to be Found are flie'Wni.Qpay ^.goii's Bu All kinds of Harness, W agons, Buggies and Farm Implements are to be had at ** J. E.STONE'S TALBOT-HT., KShKX. ^ . 'ii. i :: '.'M.i.jc rii.i, ' '.jorly ; rsd, - -]'le : u r,k, n Lr til'? :t > i'li 'H ;ui 1 \\ i. { l!t! ,d- . n IV iM. .1. lo 11 -v::. 'l[,,l ;u 'U :i \^ j',1-:/ -'V I r|'h"I v,;t U'. ! ML!.' \c oiii'.i.-r, : .! . t'. <y ..i.o ..o ml: '. i iug ri-tiirr.' ', |"iyujiut.tvY .,Y>iwrft- n:i w 'I 'J" , hovvovor, wuh liu Bdooi footbttll i-t.-r. itniv.'tovi boya wi_i! ;-i !-] hltv'y b"*.'^ -"' . iv, ' iiuii .'." ',h' O. '.Joii't.i: : Vv--<- ^ i . .>. ?,j:f ' h.. r-.; i . ' :, Y."/.V. !,y." .[-,.)) < S'.t. thi'* W'itnrvork iii *im \--; . Lhnu^h tho Fiic. V" .u>t n.nd \ ..r*"i luwi lie. r !ri'j^ a ^0...' | '"" ' ;' 0d . j lo (n.l' \\ fl I"-"1!!;!; r ,-n the jt'1. :c>n. U \vn:\ t l<ti<v/ii thoiS \-lio th'; Y\i'lii fello - wv.n, hia h-'f an bonv lU\j rvb'.r-to -:'-rc" ^ ft\>:/im, wi'r.h i ' [,,-bor ricn *uud .^ oii:a mojr-ui/.'.0 lio roll ii>,! * ri-iMiiinti an Lht.h of bin >ii'c< 1:1 vr . vi.', j '.vi!,h I.ft c.dot Lj-orhor, })*'<1 )Uc :mim> th\. [fftfirnoja to u<] 'or tho coivr. which word c.iHturiufj in Hi.' hunh near tho Rio'!..nin wbti'-a bfl ma iiin death. . Hi-. fh>- bvbtbor Irovo on to JJfji;(;x '.vitli thu. Ii -r^o and buj/'.'y and waa to mt-ol Edward ui Iuh \vi\y b.iult. It in alto/^cdhor bludy thiifc F. Ivii.rd wti oyerooiu" hy the lion t and HvtdiiVvi ou 1 m '^ >^ \.-t*" . -- > -\\t ^ i*?..v ry and fff>od footv/eas- o o th- van brr:^,n- o'i. '. .y.t '.i ' i.i.iti tM (.Itli-d I't < . d-!;-,i!.... x:k- oattU: hiwiv) or n'.itj i--t down ro to A uud foil oft to id(iej>i Tho rrmain- wwo i^ :i;t|ir'ctd ' v s'jitu-n nil * the oii^.- ! *-:V*' -Tu^it r.hoy could be vi.*.v.i<l by i.no ^K ! Coroufcf, l)r. ftulic'iiisiu, uud on \Vedncu- i.ion iw. :,!. i , ....,,(, r!(jtLir. .s,:L.on(t ..jitnp |(il-y momiiis, altor boing cidiinod, woro j'-i ,u t0 "^r* Uylund'ti Uorau feem whore "' ' -\-* 'ioi: bh!i .( ti.'iv ^i.ci' tho f'umial *oolt pli.:i: VVvfinonday aftbr> :iuwi^".* '.\ ,.i|, 'i .i-.y \viii t;.v ui,',; I ;'-'j'J to Mbcth li*'i(4^ Mothodiut Onnroh', tico bfror..'.fhp*.,inc uiT wboro Ho v. Me. Bljaw ofliuiatod, tho in'.rii'-.iit .fulvirj* j'^JS in (tho OoHi^t'yty (ii-.10. Tim horuavad f.-mijy 'hnvo tho n:'n:patiiy of tbo tifltytovioity ,'iu thoir Lurtution. ***. ' U:-^ "'"-'V-'V.M. r/^.r.-.i mhi:.; '.\-'t dov;;i u'bM i,i. ..i'.li. 'i; ...ilibii j.nd ^1:5 iu -m: well .a iaif{er Go topi^tlior. If you vov.1.1 have the iirstyoa :,:ust *-. i-uo seeoaci and to iu;c.ovapli,sh that'take a wall: into %* ^) V- VuUJ Ey^ Noxtd'Oi* to Bute's Caii'inge Jrlh.op, Talbbt-Qt SI. * -Where you can have your choice of.... , i'Uw ii'i RGi -rU> OoG'ls'and X-^OjTI UCHJStT -~^-T^D X30T(3- *Nri|ii cr? Wostom malc-'tf to soleut from. \",'h ' ft ..' V< VF Prime otook naed in mauufaofcuva uo uluuldy, lt3S*:'!Rci>iiiving ti'oatly douo. i| itiul 'call 1'or fiiimo whon wanted.' - '4 -.'" ^ R. 'SONLEY,:,'EsseXvf l| Pav n.w an ,,..,. . '" V:-.!^,,....... ......... .... i'- l.^'Jlf:i^ 23