fy., ,. ... PJjfPP^ m' r.'t; ft-." to:..'-. A.H. :/;! &Co. we sell- toil, ColVot', Su^nr, Flour, ]laUiiis, CummtH, Primes, Ap ricots, Sonpn, Vinegars, Syrups, Outim-hl, Gomrneal and a full lino of Christie, Broiwn & Oo.'h fancy unci plain Biscuits, Wo have for CAMPING mid PIC-NIGS- Potto:! Cluckon, Turkey, Hum, Touguo, Chipped Hoof, Corn Bool, Boston Baked Boaiw, Sardines, Balruoja, Mactool, IlruUlio. * Itcmcmber wo have tbc largest ansortmont of Crockory, China and OlpRHwaro m tho Town. C'nU and oxumino nnvf-tncl-.. h'roah Fruits, Vegetables, etc., in season, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A.'H. SCARFF S& Co. C3001DS X)E!LiXVEnE3D rROM^TLY- The Essex Free Press. BRETT* AULD, PHOPRlCTORS. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, IBM. Tho Clerk o! tho Poaoo iu flupplying tho different winUtorn iu tho county with tin* i twriHUi: reenter required by the uot ;, iund at the last huiiBiou of tho Local J.f^inliiturc. A Hpooial mitotiDK of tho Ehbgv County Council will bo held fchia Tall probably in Ndyumher, to Jea-1 with the iraprovo. moutn to the county buildinfifl and othor important bmdneuR. When tho council mantii next January only M momborH will bo m attendance. By tho now County Counoilfl Act, tho Warden oi tho county in required on or before the loth of November to appoint a norainatwR ofticor in oaoh of tho UiviH- iotiti to roceivc nominations foi* County Connoilloro. After thin yoar tho county clotk Hhall have the power of naming tho aflioorfi, Ah augueatoil by tho Fiikh I'ukm Uat week, tho G. S. W. Directum at their iiKiut-in^ here on Monday, {tcolc action on thft proposition o(. InrtiiGt.-tor ~5IoxweiT to Htt-upa hiatory ' ( Khhox County, and appointed a cornmituiu to deal with tho matter and report at a meatiuc to bo held thin year.' Wo believe it in the intontion of tho committee to apply to the diffcroht township councils for it {-rant, tho halation of what iK required to ho RoliuittxL from private individuals Tho prison to bo offered will likely bo thoi.e proponed by Mr. Maxwell, ft 7.5 for tho bout mannBoript, SoO for the aecoud and 925 for tho third. Tho time Ur holdiutf tho annual Groat fcoutb-Western Exhibition in fuut approuoh- mt and, wit h ('ood woiuhor, the fuir will uxcell any evor held in this djntriat. Hih Kscollt-ucy; the Governor-Goner nl, and CQuntuHfr"Ai;i:rileun will bo hero on tlio second day of thu fuir and the new Domin ion MmibM-r oi Agriculluro, lion. Sydney Fiiiher, ban proiuihorl to aeoompnny thenr They will arrive hero about B:30 a. ni, and iilu>ly remain untd tho evening train tfoinn miEt. Arnn.gomt'iild will likely bo made for holding a r.oncert. on the grounds on the ov.-uiM-: of tin; t.rr.itid day along with an i;xb ihir.ioi. >,l firov-'orliH. Tlio hut of hpooial pi'izc'ti in very buye and Hhoukl be the iui.'M:i' (if c rawing n;it an extra {'ood lot oi L;-]ii!-.L... The dittr;;; of Liu-ftur u,'. Septntn'rrr 2'M.t: unil -iOth v.v.A Octolk-i Int. without onuuii, 8H3/i; B. Lock, with oa^oH, 9fili(J; Johuhton Bron, with guj^oh, Cli'l, without ciigiH, ffll\ ; Lain^Broti,, with out oageii, ft 32!). Laing liroo. oubraittod a plan of a building which would (jivo tto much floor upace an tho other'building. . On motion of MeHcru. Woodbrid^o and Ihirrott, tho mat tor of erecting a now poultry limits'-, w]t liout cujjoh, wan loft with ^il""nin. Campbell, MUlen and Cohoo.ro b-t coi.ttruot o!i cnhiT plan tlicy wisthud. A lett.or whh read from Dr. D. A, Max well, I. 1'. S., offoriiiK ^10 in Hpcciul prizen for writing arul siu;;eiitiii(* that tho Board t:iki: llli i\\; (juii'tioi: ul a Iliolorj of Ebhux County, the extract of tho loiter bearing on tlio hint Hiibjeet having bopu pobliHli-d in the !ant weoli'ti I'ni'.i: Pur.BS, Moved by Mown. Cohod and Wifdo, that the thanka of the Society be roturnod to V. A. MuxweTn<)r ?tn~fnr-wrttin^ra"iid that Prenuh^nL Ualfuiir, MeanrH. Plaur-i Ellin, Milieu and Barrott boa couiirjittoe to obtain Rubacriptioun for the proposnd buttery and report to thio Board during tin; prL'H(;rit yt-nr. Carried. Mr. Milieu reported that ho mid. Mr. Coboe'Tiud v.'uili.d on the Kanex council utitt had noouivd a giutriuUee of tUOO and tfhe coHnoil hud nppeiuted a committee to report on the mat tor of (jetting nioro water to tho ground1. On motion of nit-ciirfl. '.Vo'jdbrnltje and Campbell, the Secretary wuh instructed to iHBuc complimentary tickets to the flame people n received them laHt yoiir. The Board tbeu acljoarnod to tho oall of thu lJrf -ident. Another meeting will likely bo held about tho Iftt of Kuptomber fur the appoint* mrsnfc of judjiew and other important buniuesn. 'A ruoolinfi of the Dircetor'n of the Great South W'.uvi- ll./.ri v.ii-* ht:ld in I'i'i-h i- Hall, On MnU.Uiy ! tt.l ; H iliii beiuji p: * lit :- -Jlmi Yi. ]i. Ibibnnr, ri*it:i<!(iir- ), I/hillt, T" ariu:'i'; Win ClUIj llit-il. "M, . liv.rrftt, \Viu ; Im, .V t\. \\ . jL:i , i,,. Win. ."iliiluij, A W. C"n|,,i., [Liid f.icu 1..'.i'.. Ill^h tfbhool ItoqiiiromcntH. A.R the i'etioolii will iihortly ro-open, it niity be an well to call attention to the fact that the School Law e.na Ke^ulationn oE IHft/S rnudn impf.r'iujt ohtine;oi; iu the j^ur^e-- i>[ Htmly !e:i.riii];; tj tho various e,radej of iiertiiiij.t.Uh. in [l:icu ox ;.hu old cotnujur- eiiti ii.\amiijati'iii l;;.>ij b^on hubdtitiUud what in cdl:t.;d the *'Fir:H Form Kxaiiiiuatiuu," 'v.^eriiu' 'he ;.;ibjr t;t;i of G^n'ruphy, Bot- ui:y, Beoklieei'ini; uad Ccm-iiircial Trmi- Mucunes, Dr:iu i:,i; and liijudm^. In ad dition to thb,, htuiU-iita of the 1'irrtt Form arc eypeu'td to pisn a aehuul e.'vamination in Kr.^lit-.h. Lit-T.anr^, firummar and Cuujpupitiou, Aritlimeuo, Alyebru uud ^higlitdi u.ml CunuL'iaii IJnttory before hi-- *iM atliiiitted to Form U. F. in prob'iblc th:-,t flfff:i !h;.>\>-::i- t...ii;. I1,0. ! i !'u d furin i)l the pr.-. :nt Public S-h'j..: I^-kvihl1 JJ::mu- '.riutieu iviii t-iki ;ho place ef tliL-to two and c " iht wltuJft 'orl-. oi Form T. Tho Second Fur in L.titinnutifi] n. divulvd into two pJ-itH. L\trt i lUi^hbli, Gram mar !i.nd Uhotorie, Arithmetic and Mini- tniration, Vhynlon, ITiHtory of Gri.-a.t J'rit- mil and Canada. .Part II Fntili'ih, Com- pr.HiLLriri, Ln^h-.li Lirunaui'ii, Algebra,Luc hri. In u Jdit u.i. t t^i'jdiilattii may ta...: rue or ru . Latin O , nd., Aflw- -!v h.lte.- !r,;n- Liu- F*. I- a'. C l "tlfl> l:t I :1 pL' I:,! t' ii. In '1 i C I I. i 'i..y fTny'TiH-i . i,-i ;- ^t' hit* L:.'1. ." i . ,, , V'. nii;i'.".'J.- Oi iii!1 . \..-.. ..'i- ' ,-. !*!;iiiiiij\ _>.U.;-*'; \ .'an-ft l-'.;i..- and Cuin.e v, ere iv-f,'_'-1)'- ' ".' m' -j i:L'"iI'i -,f tlic t' -*.' r i w. .. -v. i j u it- t L.-rii ii ii,. ,,r [ ui- r. t'T!l. A.k .-.ii'-t: ! ye,- r. An. ,( L.'ith >"' Ai for i.;*.- r>t:\- of fii'-'.^'nj^ mo'di: tin- liUr. Aft--, r' :-u|i..; .litj^i,,-* i, t, iy,.r tbi- iniu.tt.r, Mrn-iTh. VS>. -"..filial Ccho,. ru! Milieu writ a -t-pp.. ii.' v. i..'. nji-.r. tli.- l.udicH' A i vl litl'i IT r - T.iitl!- ll( ;-Xi:luHU'e rij.'Mt *D ca-vu. -.1] Li;-* uronml^ for ttiU. no .-:( \.ihjj o: <' ,r . J!-!!iit. reported ilnil thu n-j-iimirtee w aili.d i:' '*:: AF . ijun :d anv ti i i j i: (.' ii. ' .tit- '.V ill eouniMH. l^tn* Feim Hi and Form IV, ouo- third on oaoh tmhjoot. in tho only rcquiro- menb, On all tho ofumhiatlouH oatidi- daturi obtaining 07 par oont. of tho total aro awardod honoro. Ii should bn upeoially notud that Hfcudentn who for any roHrfoilrrwoi-u entitled olfchor in lflOS or iu provionii ytiarn to writo for u, Junior or Bom or Leaving oertiflonto will be allowed J to follow tho old rc^ulatioim iu 1307 but no later. Aftor thin no ntudolii will bo abl to (jot any oortiflouto hluhor than a I-rimary without Latin and at leant; one ofch'T IfLM^ua^M in addition to Fn^lii-h, TI. ii' tbovofuro iioeonijary that nil utmleniH wi .hint; t J! beyond tho Friimiry fihould flommonon tho lim^uai'oii oarly iu their courtio. fjatin nhouFl bn be^un in tho Junior divhiion of tho Firat Form and Fronah in tho Bonior .divlniou. TIioho wndiirif* further dot.adu ithould nddremi, Tho DnpuLy Mmititor, Eduoation Popart- mout, Toronto, aiikind for tho oiroularcon- tmiiiuK tho Hijjh Hohool oonrno of atndy. Tbt. Friefipd ^r Liu- llif-'h Slcbool wdl of courno mve any iuforxnatinn iu Inn powet, but ho oaiiuob furnmh copion or.tlio rojiulii- tionn aa no Hpuro. ouou are iiont to him. Eimox I.li(!h Kohool will ro-opou Wod- neHduy, Beptemher iind, at 1:U0 p. to, mxvjH iiivicu. Tho police uro looking for an unluiown man who ^ot n hicyclo with a worlhlemi choqno at Hello Biver, from the Miuincy. 1-larrin a^eut there. wooosi,i;i-:, Mum Gortio Roedy, of Clovoland, O., in viuitiuR with friendn horu. Tho new bridge on tho Muidlo Itoad in oornpletod. lio^tifi'Ihon. had tho contract n.ntl tho bri(b; iH a in'jntantial one on ntoue abutmentn. NOIt i'lK IIMMJV;, Joseph Cuvtur in tho ^uost of relativen hero at probeut. H'inry Barlow Ih away to IInruiHcin ttua week f.hu fmi'irid of a fitter. Peter Fox, wife and oou, of Olindu, wore the Kuootu of. Win. Keivea and wife lnt Sunday. 'Minn ,J3oSHio F. Campbtdl will take cliurtiD oi tho Bohooi in R. H. No fj on Mon day urM. lilrii. -J. C. fil'jun and daughter, Annie, of Kfiaox, are calling on ucquaintanoon bore this week. Mr*). Dcury Lippatt and family, of WalkHryilUi, were the fiue^tH of Geor^o Muloafitcr p.ud family lant week. ** > ays WE WILL GIVE O -cial &ams For Cash On^Allu Lines of Summer*Goods Space will notllpermit us to enumerate. Comelland see for yourself. Yours for Bargains, T"J iD'mtfS'TAir bujOOh:, sssest- ,1. F. Stone ha^ f-'nuo oi^ b^r^ain^ in iieonnd-hand c<irtn and bii(jriOii. Suotbum. . fciANiawirii. Jnd^o Ilorne hold criminal court at SundwioUou Thursday of last woek, court bnirjf" iiL'ld iu the county ck-rk'h ofiicn. The cu.^e of Qijcoij vs. Wynne, chuive;] with cut- tm^; Uitrdwu.ii W'ttlatu th V/iii'iror iM>.,o trauk with u ruaor, wan renin ndod till Auuubt 2'Jth. Tho caao of Queen vh. Jumei. Moort: wan then taken up, tlf- priiionor btdr^j.eh'ir^cd with frrievrms r.n- ttault on l'et.M- S.nierant, an old nduhbor, who, Mjort elit.inied, infeirued on him fur iibootiui' dtickti out of heaHon, Moore wuti found guilty and bontenced in four montba in thu Cuntral PriHon. I\Iik. Payuo wafl 'hen plaoud on the Htand olmrged with nbrluntin;* a tfirl nnder Ifl yoarw of n|.;o and with ullowiu^, on bor promino",. tho violation of a ^irl nnder lti. Bho ploii'lnd i*nilty and whh nentenoed io fuiir rci'.-'i' in lb" pi-.iati ati".r>COLI'ailCS'B'KK NOIITW On WmhivKl.ty, July -J'.Hli, u o-montli.-i- (tld child uf Aiuv. bendy, of tin: rear ruad, tell into a thrc'.' !t-et huie Tilled with w;it.er and wart dr.j\;in:d. Tin.: oiiild v;un found by itu bi^-y^ur-ohl ui^Lei" who fminmouud the in other but wht.-n the latter ^ot the child out life ivii1- extinct. Mr. Bntnly iviib Hot at- ho.:.i at ibu tinu:. /'tarry Chirk Nlee*}, of tlie towunhip oi ColehehUr North, win tiiio-n beforo Maniii- Lrate Fartkt, at VVinditor, by bin wito, the r.ther dny, '-'d.o ;tllt;^(-d Hint lie Imd hui'ii i!i : . lunatic iiriylum and that tin v.-ai ai*tiin hi coruniL' d^nucrou-.i. Nn-ce told tins ciaire thi'.t ho bud beconu: dit-uuuniemi ovur liiii farm, Iuh crops hnvii!;^ 'nee'D du i liiiUis. DuMi'iiY-Ai South Wnc-l-slco/m TliurmliLV.-Tuly !l'.fli,l.o Mr. uuil Mr-.. .lobDinnpiiy, adaURli- 1 m i k".i \- ,vt Hi-ili1 i.. io-, on M(-n:!it/. A.!;f.iiMi :.nt, io -dr. un.i Mi... I'liiriuk Duliiuoy, a iliui|*htm'. Ll'T-irAs In Miiiilhtni.*1, on Wi'diit.'S'laj.A-nKllHt Uth. to .Mr. ami Mm .Inhii Lickr.inn, a Hon. II\ii. iutiir.liiy. .\utjunt bth, to Mr. :uid .11 vn. 1'i.vin Hull, a (laughter. JJ tinoAK in ClolclndiU'i Noi-Di, on Tbnrri'liiy, ' Aui;m.t nth, to .Mr. and Mr. Aloxiuulnr Dii|.:- Rllll, (L flHMJ{liti;f. Jo Ni:^>~in'I!--,t'X .!i,y, A:iiju&t lHli, to Mr. ii in! Mi-t. V>. .1. J(>iirj,4i mm, , WiuTNiv In P.drnlea.on Sunday, Autjuiit 1'th, to Mr. i.nil Mi". .1. '- Wldtuoy, turmnrly ni Kbiit.; , i; ; C.WMW - A' jlrmov., or. ht:*nlny, Jldy OUtli.tn l..-.lll:il >. (.(i.ill-t!..1.!, 11 :ui. Si- :i[.., Io Ml. aii'i Aito. .)-.iI..iSi;vl(ji,, u son. Marrlnu'OH. Ai i: r N' < i "^ On Tin-fMny, .Inly iWth, hy liov \V. U. (Joonor, at tho i-u'.dduiico of thu hridn'.- Tiithor, Cdidiofitfi- ioutli, Mr. Ititdi- rtr 1 Atl.i'.i'-oi:,' i.-; M.d'lui:, tn M\hU -Mary -I (I II.-'. Vr lilt i-i.. OaaUis. II viand Killed on tlio *il. 11. It., iu Mdldfitonu on Tnu.i.lay, Aiifj. IHit, K.lwurtl, iiflu o' Mr. Jjhik:h UylauJ, iiiiud 7 yutu-.t, JO months, lie .Mil Immn.-il in Cobdicntmr North, on Wuil- nuBilav, Juli 'i'-ith, tho iidiuit chiia of Mr. Alox. liomly. n;;i)d 0 juontlin. McCa lLi-:nv~dn Aiidioi'nthinj{, on Kridiiy, Anil. 7th, Uii(. Win. .McCtill'ory, ii^dl ubont 'iO yrh. If yon an.- ;-:nii.i^ to iurnittli up with du'.i'iiu.ii h'Au.: luruiM-.u1 it uill pay you tws'ei- C-awforil, en Tilbury. 'Jdic Iody rjf an unknown muM wuu I'ldind in th wudiIh near 'Jourtri^hL, on Monday. The body hud b&cn thero for \vi.-ekii. byiu/j; near the n^ht _iiaiKl waa il revolver and in >\ -l*j vim a bullet hole. Win-all rnd per ba^b.d ....$ Wbnut, vhttc florn Oath ------ Timothy Seed - CIovmi' Seed . - !hy per ton............ Uiii'to }U-x'i f't-'f cwt........ I'ork Live \vt;i^h!..... id ii' ton ........ II id ub mm SAbE OF^DRY Q00D5 For Next 30=days JtuJL^-JW V^X % ^ittJ.'^ v avK^^rwaiasra aw cso3;W! Straw and Felt Hats at Cost. Boots and Shoes to go at A Price. Prints as Low as 5c Fast Colors! Ginghams, " 6c u .. G ROCERIES-Ahvays PVeelt, i2r*c. TISA Marker.. UAitS ' KchpHK" Soap for '25c 4> "Comfort*' " ii5c. 41 Our Own i;i<cti*i<V* for 25c OR ^ ^ Tl IIitrlKiNr. I'rnn*. Psild ior Produce. Of) tu ] o to > I Vaii(H"s Ohl Stuml, Mnmox. J. A. FRANCIS. r-,trov>d by tiic rain, und that lie wanted | oidekunh per ib to bo lootujii up a- he fr-ared that if hi-1 .UutU.r were at liberty lm won hi kill bin -.vifc unci JTj*fcrtl ,. ' , r i l'-',t*fd, nor doz ebtld-en. I!-: wnn eoinmittod ri r exam- | j, tlUuG nr \y mati'in nn to hi:i nanity, lnhcd ?ii >h iiht\ d( ( i-y. ' ::d--i:t- ! mi, re ' Onioiai 1 Appluii I Tarni[.: ' (it.r'-e:-. Hi 2 00 1 50 to 1 ;Vl - 00 to h 00 ;tj to ii 60 L jjO tu ,'j OU h t.ntu :i tJO a UU to 500 liOu 7 8 In ti h 10 'ih i'J 1 <n ! 0 H in to f),"l to into f. to ^TtfTrf c:a ci kJLJL A, vL^ii y IS AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR ti-r^2^^^; * ti.r J i' IU-i. . -. 0', i . .' t'.i \.':P ..- /' I'l '. ,'rinn ' e- r' ti * i l'\. 1 n1 i ' u ;i no j i >' ".!. of I. , :'.I tuJ^iii: in u- r.1 .'...:. , 1,111', Third Voiin l^-vuiJiiiiuiiei: - -J1' pOHifCJi, f." , .J. J. i'|-;l'ULllr'r, A' t < UK.'t! V. .*. '.l.;i( 'i: ) <.r,',ij\y\ ..i. f i l- ill ,'ni.U:, "-L'-i I. '.-I 1-tilHl l "I.-. ,,/r. tlie folloiviuj; op; -mum ',.j :>,,. oriiL'r Mod ]-ii i.i ([{nace v i' ...n. r^ t.-\ *r \l) P\i\ a<: lliiLLny and Cb- . .tr>. Any onL -ui Lh 'J'hnd l-'oj-m C'nur'-t' > mi 1 -*. ;^^r Cw:n noh or id: r:(-i'. i .1 .11"" '.: -: i ,r^d i1 : be Dit ' IO tbi- . \ I ' o li b-.lt Vr htivinv' uih ': .1 ! 1 0:-i. ' '. h'/'.en [tl ..llU'.i n f-1 O.ltl' j r L';i(l. .. , ii[; 1.-. O t'dtlili fu:.r. Iroii '. tbiv i Mr. had Imhtii.n i1. HfC" 0i| .1.0 fiw.t out tht wir' jt> , ,.r.- nnd:i icr V < >.ir 11 oni;-* t!..v .( .:vi.a.ry. - o 't-ut'd an tb;' tr- ,'N:m;.H_V and lJait 1 m 1-"..no II wdl :.;i\v a .Junior L'-avin.. 'i ininate. 1 tUoouuiiio oh jr-L.'o.i/i ono ot i,(!,i-.u u-,t)' '!i.l- bi.nt.'Ut.f .n. a i'Vif TiouhiLio.i ." ,^.-, %ijj to ^lyn'i. i . sidi'ti 1H in.' i ., :,,.ii (:. L.i'40 vvi.o- r.r.li C a-eli. _i- .[u-if l"r,in.u J^r.vi/ni... tun--i'.. bJnid.nh ". .niitX'-.ui"ii, h-n.'.lir]* In-.t. ' :^nt;! ,!i and Ancient Hi-" ;i i' n:u<:f-y1 Trigonoinofcry. !' Latin, frr.iie:. .v Gl: i'-.r. -e. > i-id one of tho fnlii,v.'i> a l i: M.jint-l'i iu-1 II'.' lllllllL-V I- li:-i' I1---1! i I'l r -. r:,;rt. in-alh -I -I..T. ,' <: 11.01) i' inf.. I . V,--r ' (..*' j ' \V (A I . ..*'-, I . '- ) I , w t,- -. Ji' *>'.- ti- -i ( ,ve 3'0\i V-l;i best ". e:1:,- jT^' ' j 'A'-. i-i"^"--;.. T '.> LLut .io- Ali;obr--- u - . >' ni p:-":i,f:jij; l(!j.) G-**'fd<. or (b) tho oth-'-r IVf. i it Ten!-: i .or hbLWr-. vWi Wu/Ul-v,. eftyu-i, C7o b.i:l . vpLin (1 i : Ji Vnwii : - ' li<L- c>.i:oM, ^-l't-t ni' \ itii.vi*. ' ti. Shaw, v.'itn -u-jj-ca, r.GO'J, ' t! i. r* vJ'Ohoinitiry auo lV>^o <'.-..- >: uy i.e takt.ii i n tbf i ' i.nt vtrnrii, Candid.'d.-. i bu in 1 <i-L',;i';; -".'itihiiatQ 0' I of i'wim 11 an ( L L dill l"( rjn j ; j'!, ^ ui the Form IV if i- i ti pi. '. '.-.i ..i'i.:, -.. -. Jd:t". : '1 >'(.i;. ij.:1 I1-. id b,t. -: siroiv . > t -.' mi no i-i: i .ii.> i i .i i.er th. l:.': j. r.u .i { , - v _' . t v bi!i , ) . : :^i ' < n. -in : 'i ii.M /i r.-;t:5f.-: ii- ' 'Mill' .' ,! "'U .'..1 i.o Itic ."'in, f ,.t itD la>:t mootiu Mi:j ritibt of Taylor tn tl>u.--i, l<: ;al advico to flndnv.**;, ro ' n\'i: ".. .'[,. d'>n- iin.t-tii'j trial '.-ill h'.' \v i\,-(] at ihn IHj.w'j d^i;10U QOUrt blU'.ilrJrn.' . * >->TK (/O' '. jv*-.r ""<.'>> (! .! Call .><il'-:.i'i.d. > :- :.td;.ii\v..y rr'icl.e' n<ii - tfd'S^e-rs, Mowers, CuiUvators and v.')^ Us- L:>.-wt- Plows \r\ t.h-t- Market. -i'/ Sl< F i?'1 .Ijj- I**,-*1 !*!' /-> 2 ?K^fas'!Sg-:.,.-;; S^:(3 fe:v P^*t w>.- llN f.jiii-s <>.;,... V.' V--- *>i*ift " ESSEX, ONT.'ie^^ Nortli of Railway Track, -'. - . Essei^ . * : ^&i^.^ ^^&^ia^^