Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 31, 1896, page 5

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\\ - i" , -. ir, - ' 1't:;, fe. rfj; PPPplfiM A. H. Bear WE SELL- Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Flour, JJiiisinH, CnrrantH, Pnme.H, Ap- riootH, Soups, Vinoguix-, Syrups, Oatmeal, Cornmeal and a I'nll line of Christie, Brown & Co.'m Uney and plain Biscuits, We have for CAMPING AMD PIC-NIGS- PotUd Chicken, Turkey, Mam, Tongue, Chipped Hoot, Covnj Bool, Boaion UuUed Beanw, Siirdineu, Hulmon, jMiuikercl, Hiuldic. . Konioinhov wo liuve tho hivgnsit a^orhnnn; of Crockery, China and CihiSHwaro in tho Town. Call und examine I? real i KruiL::, Vegetables, eU., in aon.-ini. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCF. A, H/SCAEFF & Co. goods :dhLiXVEh.e:d phomptly. mi t "P-.,,^ TWnr. f "liil> Clerk,J. A.Troiuhlay. F. P. IIuu- The Essex Free Press. jtL,m ,s.Wlll,luni nivm,.a (1iviiiu latfUAV, .ii'LY :ti, iBUi;. ------------:-------------rrr:~" ; ~" ~ ! the cuii nt v into .six ilivifumiH, an follow;-': PRETTY AULD. PROPRIETORS. j ^ ^ n, I,/.,:.. t T .^ , , Mil!floU Ulltl Alldoi'- don; -'ml. ^Coldienter South, GuMihdd ___........ _ , South und Kin^.sydlo; ;ird, Morneu, Tboqucbtiouasto what municipali- jjmmiinrton .iLlu\ Tilbury Went; -1th, Hofl art* .to Ihj grouped tofjuthor to form I Tillmry N* rth, Rochester, Muidstoiur tbo Comity roniM'il iliKiru'tHhrtvin^ been 1|11(1 j,^. |;jv(,r: -tllj <;0Hnehl North, retilcd,' ihc iH'i* qnr..Uion In dome up , cid ,...,,,. x,)lMi,, |;HHex tmd Hmidwiuh will he "who mo to ho the roi>iv>'.nila- tive.s. Ah will he seen by a rcfureuec to another column the Town of Knuox ih joined with the Town.nhip.-i of North toid South Colclit Htor, or what was originally Onlrhuhter township and onoli dintriot is on titled to two repvesontn- tivofi. In tliis riixo. we believe it is the, opinion of moM tlmt (he l-iral division Bliouhl have one representative mid the urban division one, Thin phui should rjive the moid nansi'm-tinn to all partit-H coueerned. The hy-lnv; thui Wan pitmen in UHO by tho el'-ntn-f of ili" town in fnvor of i\nnl Option i:i fo <:.i into ciToct to-morrow (Sat- xirchty,) id. whioh 'tinm till jihujew in tlin Municipality uru to cuuru belling liquor. Tho piumlli'H for "fdlin^ ure tlics winm an tuohfi uinU-r the Cmekn Act, the liccnm; aut ul pri' in force in the L'ruvince. Ah it in over ihn't! yeiiin uuiuc tl:e by law wim currieil, vt believe it ih this intention or tho liijnor men in town to unk to lmvo n by-law siibiuJUt-d for tho rt.-pou! or tho preticnt by-hnv. A petition Huh bcicn do- hvci'C".! to : lit* eeti.itf Mayor, IWvu Tiiunt, unking t" Iv.-.v tb-j i.iuticr* dcidt wiili by t\\t,: council .1.11 1 it hpuciul nn.-cViu^ of thii council will bo hold thin (Friday) evening fur [)iir;iu."it-. KIU-1.L.K4/-V South; cth, Sinidn i(h Town. Sandwich ftiint and Siiiiilwieli West, Mr. Jiou- toi-llor's reason for favoring thin divi- nion was that it put all the 1'Yeueh- spea!:in.ur jieoide in tlic north together. I>epn<ty-rcevo .Mn.slio, of TilbiU'y Wunt, alwo favored the nix diviaions. After the County (;oun."illorri had jnvon-their opinion the eojiunisHion adjonrued till ^:;ii). On rt'^nuiin^, diul^e Jouoh stated that they had considered the Mvidence and decided to adopt thu lui^resuion of the Warden to divide tin1 county into riuyen districts, and as the divisions Bnpg'ested iseemed to meet with general Ratwdaction and scciued to be as nearly equal in population and equalization as could be tfot, "K'y decided to adopt that division, altJion^li ho would have favored six divisions if it could have been done without dividing' townships. Tho divisions with etc., are hh follows : 0 viUon 1. their populations, AninwfUbii]' Anduntfiii ., .Maldult ...... 1,1^7 .1X..S llu -.' J.-* Hi 'JLU.UU 7hj,oiui 702, (HHJ Tin 1::' 1 lis JJiviniou i,' Ksskj:..... roKiiiii.rtitr iNurlh 1 (iicliwivr fi.-lli; H.1S7 l,7i:i.l]'M) 1,771 lv inj,-.viii's .. 1 Jinh'dil -r.iit li lil.filtiM '.M.ll'.i ]Ji Vltitoii I. !Jt'iti'ii]ii40j:i .ili.riii'i'... Proi.'lajiniti'Hifi for the .Suuth L;ntii.'X bye- ulactirm' litiv-- ii.-fii i^Hutd, nomimitiuii to tako pen*.! rjn '.Pui-,(l<Ly next ul 1 p. uj., at tho Town 1 I<di, KdniMyilin, with Blu.0111 .f.{ v..,viHit*:i :i. (I, Jler Litj i'i;:urum^ onieor. 'iV- \\v.\mn u >t vt:t hfiiir't . !" uiiy (VLfrJitl'ito tu "OpO'-'1' l'io- vwi.iiul S .:: : '..-y liilftiur on l,i.:i':'!' "f 'cither tin-^ervaiTv^S'ortn1'- i':i': <ms und it in Jil:.. cUri by ace1 M.iu, i"ii. V ij Ijidicvi! tb'! nifi] irily of tho ! 'I'liiur [.utjoihor.-i of bjtli the <'mm- Hfirvativc u:.itho Patron purticn r- -./ill. in^ to l.nvtj Mr. B ilfanr n>!urn"d witin.uil oript;wiiiO'i <vin-d leri:.^ tluU hn !;i.-lucLioii nrt l-'roviiiiM"! h'c.rot^.: y j,. u:i Pf-ir^- l.n tli.: rillin.'; >.-; -ji- il ill iite b- ) iilnotion Will "'il-- ' i'.'i'vy lollo'.viu^. At, llv <.">' Luvy J'lxccul r, <j i.'ivi'iinij r.t Kinj^vi!!!' '.Y'twiv.i '-i/ .jf I:1 >l w.joK no Candida'" cIm- i> adojitiC'il n, >-: ni.J'ir f: hi. on M;i(. . ])! i>,t Tilliu'-i lti*c:l.. .-.; v 1 HI !il Ulrir lll'-'vlllli' I it*, i'lon c. I.. In.' ;.<v i- , . .il:. ..! .1..C.O .,n;i iwiuh >'jiiin 1 ilYliKHi /, Stin<t,.vi|'!i'j"i\.,!i h'.: Lv,i.;.. , , t i'it.i.iv.'iu.l \\ 1' '. :i ...J.H.1' v., 11 . :i,-i'. .' Ijlj',' J U-M : . i . ..'j m <i,I'Ji Vil'J .if Mm j.yii.iii) r>:n fj'j-j.fiod i"-;i l.lDV'.mjo tii ;o orvJt'ii T>i.(tij:t,[juu J ,!" " (:"j '.."j'yw.ij .'] .1 t,i;pi;:< <-. V^i.L".'.1 I.'.iM.'.lvj 1,,'jI'.' people with ducoiiey and reapoet ho hud lwdtor put Homo 0110 olno at bin giitcH to oolloot toll an the people will not, tolev- uto Hitch aotioiiH. potroit in pot yol i'reo from Toll Itoadfi, though it may ho before long. In 1111 editorial on Toll Itoadii, in tlio Detroit Journal of Saturday btafc, among other ntutomonta iu*o tho fnllo^y- ing: "There neverohotdd have liton a toll g uto on thiH continent to incite tho evil pnwuonH of naturally good cHmum an:l I end them to the crime of amen, It ia believed that the toll house ineondi- ariea of Mhsox county, Out., an; uiuoug tho beat, known and wdl ronpoctod tax payom, wlm hare heon exnupevutod by tho exaction!- of tho tolllevyern. Thoir actio ine\eunal.)lo, of course, but the fact that it does not meet with great popular indignation is evidence that tho averuge mind regardatho toll gul.oH as tho roprenentaiivo of u wrong h,v;h- teai and in willing to overlook illegal altaeks on toll gate property. There should never have been a toll gate on this continent to till citizens who hap pen to own toll road ntock with cupidity< They are excellent men in every other reiipect. Tlio denire to get Homothing for nothing ia naturally ho strong that thu government should not add to tho temptation any more' than in actually necessary. And these toll road comp anion" wore not necessary. The local governnientH could have made and maintained tho roads easily by applying the same method now in use, that of taxing the cost against the land bene fitted. The cost could not. exeood tho iueroaHo in tho value of the Innd, pro viding the roadn were needed by the crowing couimuuity and Mate." .). 11. MjrgiLri iuLil twu lmrhuhi htJifiJi'.i killi:fl by lii^htninc on Snodaj nit>lit. SANinU'K.'IX ' MIST, Ab:.\. Jictuimc, itevij of .MimKndi tintit, anil A. li; -Burtbt, iof ('birkn, ParLl'i, A' Uurtlct, Ijftve rcturia-d iruin TuK'iit.j, .where (iiej ti|>pi-iir';d in .iiqtpoi't. of mi ;ip- puiil Hij'iin^t an injunenoii ej-aiitui to .pro- vrnt the- opt nii:L fit tin; H-i'i! 0:1 'he. ri^<r , ,. -------------- xporli'.ti in front p' W'tlf'ri wuil-Iioc-io. ri-jnu: tn-iu 1 wpi throw thin cPlh.m on to tho home m.o- at.;fi tho council pa.-ihi-d a by daw it) ojien \ kct, una the only poiinibb* iihe tliat it can thb rand and ^\<:tnl iKr-jna npecai'od j >< P"1 t0 lh f"r cider...r.d vim^ar.'*. . r .. ' 1 . 1 l diau cider U now taking urn brad m i'i"K- heforotheouunt; jinli;. uud Hecuru.l '^ | hlMll( Eiml if lh\H buv^ra,^ he propnrly injuTjoticu agaiiinL thu piuposid imp io\e | otlred (indliotlled, dm ireuienne trurlo may uieiit. The mmncipfdity app^-uled to Tor- ! be done iIijfi full in the cider bUhin<;nn. onto ami .I'.iHiiyo Hohu on Tuesday quuhhed WE WILL GIVE s For Cash On AH Lines of Summer Goods. Spaced/will not permit uslito enumerate. Gome and see for yourself. Yours for Bargains, wnmM.:m m x-^xY^m^ "^amar ' \t^m*Mm{ >mateu*.iJj VffuMu V-. - ": j*.' \' Tin; apple crop in thtti nection aiid^ener- uPy'in t-.irnnly iinmimHo, uud the ti-'ien iu*- no loaded that they have to be propped up, uud in a e,rent. mimy (jrotiurdK tin; trf:en iU'.i loetikiiig down. Thu treen are no fall that the ^reat hulk "f tho fruit w arnalh and tljerowill 1 11 liMge percei.tagn unfit for h- Kindiih murUct. '.I hi- the injunction. 'Mr. Pi-mi nie s>ny:! the work will be prococih'il with at ow,:-.-. Kns!X IVlarket. Wbeat red per bunbel ., .. S fio to U'boat, whim .... Corn .... Oatn .... lfi to ____ 3 00 ..".. 1 50 to 1 .10 .... 4 00 Hay per ton............ H 00 to H 00 tii-of per cwt . :>,iim:n, y.U'.i-, CcrtbiL llouui', of KiKrx hi^h : chool j Timothy Reed ir. ut luime for vacation. Clover Hctal MiH Oiui Lonhbiiry, of Uetroit, ih visit- All,1,u; iu^ iriuudft in toe tuwnhhip. Ai.toiiie Ueneau in thinking very aer- j ^^ i^c --eight....... iijitrly of iii'ivint^ to t lie Houtln.-! ii ; it.-ii.i ii. ti.tton ........... .'dl.ih /jonio Jieauitit.-, uf Kn^t t iii^ll ' H'dd ........... , ' , _ , ,. M j\iic\r.(Mlh per lb......... ioiiooj, in JipeTrmuj/ tier vticutton at her : ., . ' honi'.i mij thu DlIi eon. t laird' ......... 111:11 rv' Iluiior aud fiiuily, of tin- 7tli j I'X'e;u, per doz ........, couce^iuif, le:,ve lor Caliionda .vhere jhey foOitouo, per bushel ... .. , OnioiiEi will ill iUtliri: rLMlde. Annlci .J, i3. OaelletLe, of .Montreal, 1$ tipeinJing Turnirt* bin .-uminer vacation at bin iLGLhorSniouiL* on the 0;h con. 00 iY0 jo- it; 1 iiOto 0 00 ;i '>?*.<} ;t yo 5 01) to f.ftO :too 7 10 0 5 O SALE OF DRY GOODS- For. Next 30=days BTBEIt^; AW DOBTX I,,J j'-i.'i.iwo o'i.-i 1 ;? 0,1,00 1.017 vj., 1; i.tti.l.iju :! : "U j: I..I iJ. Lit *;-js,oo- i ;i-(l,iji)e Sjll.ODO ' J//j.1,(n,0 :'.iU i ' :.'i i..v!,u(]i) 1 -i.i,.'i ! Ii'l.).: JO '!eoi r,.'.i\u '.M'i.IKH j.iuo ei.l 1 .0 r.M ,H7 liif (. i:? i - Vol -l I,..ill I.\:',:>,!, 0 Toll Koiuis iv i d - tm.d A.-'i ;c -'.1 Jndge -ii .ru >. of ilran Ch-eigioc. di j<m a OlorltV odice, S..!iolwi(di afternrjon la.,.. b,r i.ln- pui'iMe ing til*; i! !', fly ii ' in'. diriiiioeM I n .'h-i'. )' h -ice \\ it. pilKKiid Uy il."' <h> t.:'do r.i"- ith hee He ' (.1 Count;, eoi.ucilho-.-i. ! ,y ihW :ud Ccun ty eeauei! 'oj-b \\ ill h n,nh! ";-. f..inui. : oil will bn -.-utirfit. .* ^ l\iniiio\ |.;il coujii'ii'fu- in eli.;il'lo I" (it oil tin.- fi);:n.:,y ln-nVd. rI!;ere e.10 at pron'.d in the TI:ne\ CNuuity Council 1! - member^ and by Miiw act thcMe hove beC'-l li.tluf.d to 11 iiieudii:!-:', the- e';U!"il.y haying a poptilatiuji nf -1^,-iS'j, or. dn dve Considei'idilo montio!i in hoing made. a.;d ,l n,Pr(, 1 in the prosfi about thu burnin-Md the -1 - I IT Mi' bounty! l(dl gatoa mi tho Talbot (Jruvcd iUy.ul mi .Monday i iast week and it in unit! t.hid i. id, (' - - - - -<- - - - ......... liKz.iiA-: kiv:h, ,h'lH<. J.jouie ijohiliri, ;iH:Cf of Xl'.H. -J. ,J . McAuhU'e, h.-tt for ler he:.n' in (.iult, 1,1-a Week. Mrri. (Dr.) J,no ly and diUiLrhter, 7\\n-n (Jrnc", of Detroit, uni viHirin^ M--. .T.ini IvN m t'b'.'w, .J. ,1. MeAn'ihV. | On .Monday, a oil;.;niun^t! c ii-.nuin;^ of tlin Cfiijgrt-^nrirjjH ot St. I'iiul, St. .f'.iit.'iinn, WnoL.t.'(.-e ainl li'dle Tuv r vi.-ipiai tlte nbri! i' or i-':. ,\ ;<.:\ at. T nm-, li. I.J"lln lie. r-r C:t:i be ju Liy juo,.; >,; ht-r scho. ii L^tiijlit |,y t in; .-!M: im ot" St. ,J,, u[-h. |ji.cry i:tinrliri;it'j Pir Lin: ivtii'ii:, 'jutrauee fiVi Jiiit i.'Lt.irxi wtis HO(."f^"-i.*J n I ; ml < .n-.', Mmh I.inii- C-..l)i']i. Mbfrne \ f'te hi;;hesi nu::ih!;r of nin.'iei of .my caii'.Ii-liLie m r!i,. eou;,t v. C'lrrot-! Turkeys pur lb...... 1 >uekn ...... lefv per iku ....... 'Ill.h'iyrj ...... Wool ...... rd.i to (i.i to JO to r, to 8 m !ft to H 10 s H fill 70 20 y."> ii, 7 1 (ju 20 Straw and Felt Hats at Cost. Boots and Shoe's to go at A Price. Prints as Low as 5c.-- -Fast Colors. G-inghams, u oc " . . . . GROCK H I ECS A! ways* Freatf iirn:. TIOA--ntiht in the: illarker. (i llAit:S " .SdiiiNo** Hoap Ciir 'J5o. -*-^ A.GENT Covers the . . . Whole Field, THE LONDON, ONT. ^V p^iactci *! ..... . ^ "ooiulbrt" " i23o. "*?t" Our Dun rd(i-ti-ic," Tor 25*;. ' Tea O'XV &Mmi 2Bij;lu:si. Price Paid it>v l*rcjdu^e, J. A. FRANCIS. "9 Viun'e'.s Old .Stuinl, J'\. v, all iutendii pntihiir'j: 1 ho niatli:r. Mr. C'imi'.v;;!! h.-i.s appl ie-i i > ("omilyCniwn ..iiorney Claii-e l<> !m!il an i.jVi.-sl i.":i- tj.-n. hut. 'd/. ( hi ko ha:i jn ! 'to !i*> liul'fiH the < li'.ive I'"'.ny i^iir/antc." tb.*. t:o;d.;>. !.y ri:.:-..,-d ioi'.il ( 'O'l- ln.'i'o is no Led oo the rc'-F-oii why tlu- cminty i hoidd lie nad- > 'in '.ill-. :?i, bid" at1.' boo ' :'iu died v/ith t he c j*Ik ( feu invcfitj.' it i-'m il::.u the i*eiii'tv:l uf whi'.i, 'inc p;ip-:r t..; it'H * *r*-i : l' !*.!rl)ari:-in", w hen . m.- fompauy owning ih.o road arc rieh r.'::d c.n bett.-r ad'ord to put; up tho exp'.'^Ho t!iun the cunuty .can . brides, v/'.y f'honld the r:ttep '.yc,-:. uf thin county eoiitribiitu a: yLliin*; l.oward.1 an jiiveoti- of Hflparated rm:a.*ipa!iticn. it. wab j 'ration, b^caioui sojao individual or optional v,ith tlioe.omiuiKsionorM '..hpth- | company nimply nuksfor :t. Mi; Corn er they v.'oibl divide t*m county into | vidl can nlnme bi.riiolf for n ^roat deal Hix or hcvou district-i, each uf wlrirh h , of '.he indi^uati.m that haw been rained I'l'lty-Miro'.' people ivcro lulled iu. PiM^- bui^, l'n.p on ;lo.)dny niidit by r t:y<:Iot)t-. J"]O0.'I-i in fhlTir.:;if put ; of Gc!unt;ln nri Kdil >y n'! eauee'.l the Iou.j oi tliirlv-oue liv.-. A h'i'ji.'!it e-itiii v,"?nt tbrote/b , liif'/o al il, '-_v. .Mr li vj'Jh-, Jteh, i.ii Wialii'-e- P: v uj'i' i1 ! . ! il'r i. ,l j. iu-.i.> ti'.'.'veii.-,1. nui ii. !) V il aim l\|ii,il, .HI !f:0"l hlltL'h' \ Ml Chie/l/O, (;I! \\Ti- ,'M.;ri-:Hy ruin injilre;' idn. mi bud, lie* lie "ic.1 .-ii.-T ly r f.jrw.ird... A'. ", HL.hJ, M'c. CI';-..-..;., ! -'.or ,o Ki ; i :'. v.'Oiir'.n [; . 'i;i [ N,,'h-* ('< I i1 l.n ion .,,. \\-:- If. j :.doli'i iiid ; b London - Advertiser a i# .Tis. BiYJi'-i'ioN. EJJlr^e^4r fimiim " circul^iii.n In W./it-r1.' Oir tiLi-iu of i\uy e (]k:v v.'ft-t of Torunto. Miilcl.'-.M'.: ::ii.l tint L^i.itoy 1-.,iUt 01 Tonrito ttioi'oiif'Uy coV"i ei!, ; :- . nif. iKWH'i.'E'ON. Tin. j'Voi. ]..;',, I'upiiliti' i',v:iin|,* 1'uiK'l'. Cii" fiiii.ri1 in ili dir.v ne.l aiii'iirljii by e ai r iu i uovu 'i ii.t i...... t ,, .'ill ,l<i *r rti.i'jiiiLiiit j i:r eV i 'i i:i nor!: i;.:n;.,;.-. ; Western Advertiser. I,.'.!',,. ,'<. v, .iM i' e'r filiation i:. W'.rturi. fun- :m i. ,iijf. ! i'l'-. .o'Uiiiiif' riu.liuiii oj tti't U'eit it 11 \vHh< i:t . i-r. :il. dims IS AGiNT FOri THIS DISTRICT FOR \M\ \*&^ .., -V vnlr' ' .i'^T1 l9p you J^ids ^wlr^ f v" / -.. r;.--7.1.; t* odeei) t:vo nunesenLativeK, one ftatdi year, tlio term of olliee to bo for two yearn. Nothing wan dcjic by the com- minaion on Monday, outftide ofor^aniz- in thlu vioiuity, on- iLoeount of the way ho used people) eoniine; through the^itto in tht\ town, oven e;oin^ no far aa to aeeufjo oim woman'of tollhij* him alio ing, aftor vhirli an udjourumcu. vu whoa aho Htatod on Sunday morning had till Tuendfty morning, when nt.r.idy before the fpit.e diuappearod that she all tho Ibiovon in the county woro proa- ont by roquoufi of tho nomtrii&Hiou. On opotiiui; the fldflflion, tTndgo Joues ox- plainod thoir dntio aftor which "Warden was going to chureh. Another lady, alno going to ohm^u, later iu the morn ing was also refiiKod paHaagb through the gate unloHH bUo paid toll. Bho re- Cole was afllced to give Mb opinion on fued ntill to do ko and dmvo into ft -tiho proper way of dividing tho county, yard nearby and walked the balauoo of TkoWardeii'H divinion, m given below, tho way. .AVhou ITr. Cornwall returns WttB agreod to by Roe von' Barrett, | to Ebbox ho muat boar in mind that JJrowu, Jjaird, Auld, ficratch, Fox, Per- j people horo aro not ufled to hoing treat- ria, Oorbott, McKonydo, Wiglo, DokioI, r od an inforiora aud lining Bitch, innnlt- Puroohwr llouard aud Wliite, Deputy- j ing languago to ladies ia not tho action roovon Bowhirut aud Bdbort uud Town- of a gentleman, If bo cannot troat tho Itlr! !).-,. i,\ ;" '". -At h-ll'j 111 o-r, i>n 'i lo:fir\..y, .July 10*'h, lo-'Tr 'iikIV.i ', '.-i ],,u * . '- ., Ju'y '.iiiih, Vi Mr 'i.'; "Irs. ,f nun. ^t -Lr liirio -li\ mi, <.! Satur':.'. v .T.ily 'J-'*-h, tn.Ir |..j IM'ti, U-:ii H..-..-S. a J;n^.Mr. Mi.i', -,.. Ciosit'j}:! Norlli. o:i 1 uui.C.ity, Jul,-.3rfU!. to iu'('. fiii'l U'H Weilny I'.fnfi, i\ i;.,;;. rI;irr;;i,,'OH. H,wv!MiH-::owKiiH-,it. -.lit, J"rtf.ljyl ,rhin \*^, J.jfilllnliivt.iti. on W-.-iImohH'!.-,', Jii,y'J2u(I, liy Httv. \\\ eiiLtiruon, Mr, M. II. ,-twutmiiti in Mtua II. Ha'.vorn, luitli ot' hciiuiiv.ntnn. BctrrT-i)UTri^--() Wn'i'-iti.-utiy, July 2ij.3, Wliter, t.o\i cV M>. Scott, to Uoc.o, \o\\ni',M-.\, .!c.n;;htrr ..f Mr, Pria*'ftux Ortoti, til) '.f GoHllniti Ner'.li. L<vki Aoii \t the rofiiilimoB uf mul-Ijy IlttT-A, II. ?Iiinro, at. !'t. Tliijin-ju; on "Wori- ii'.'-da.v, .hey 2()'.li. Mr. Ainbrofttj K. Low- Im ., oj K^-if-., co Mrw. Loiiil A. I'mitur, of Pro dttonai, 'It. J. DCHtllM. IIicku In y.uor.x Town, ,-n .KrUlay. July 84th' Wtlliam Froiluriolc, nou o! Mr. Tlioiuau Uiulci, ii({('rt2Syoftrii, 0 ainntlm and i dttyti. PjiQiiH'.n In lUorHoe, on Mo ulny, July -join, lEcl- wurrl l'tonaoir, u^od Cfl yjam. PKnwoJtu Tn KbftiT. on Tii'Mdny, .Tnly 'JHth, Friin,i I.ulmorn, nyti^ jo:irfiti0 monthn. llKiirou I.. Amtn'rHpuup, o\\ Wmlnondav, Jilly iOth, IV \au l.kiirft Itobhir, uKednhont iW, jDUiHViMiR In Ainlm-doii, on Wouilny, July 27tii, the ii.rni) oii of Mr. Thomuij Jubtu- vfllo, (jit I your. A"- if .-so, you want to have the iWih t.Iiore jh a>;d overyhody know.-; that Ttia 5l3Eii3So?rT^rsaHii -it -.o m nin at H A. ROBE'S Livery. i*KT*1*Y~. Good Soadatera. flasj/ /tiding Ihtjjgitu. Comfortable Carriages, A Call Solicited. o^atinfactioa Guaranteed. NortU *Tth6 V ^ Railway TrAck, ESSXE, ONT. .'. y-b'^j/^'"' **c:-i-. 7/ >^_ Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills* Beat PloTva ii^tl^e Market, r^ir^jt-Claeiis' Farm Wa^ow$i \'i, Farmers- Should ?m iy %hek Qtefsro Poreltasinfi. ..... . "-T'V,'::i m Ar.HO OKAJbKB tM "^ >% General Tiiwaiiithing and Eopftiiittji; alluded to. tS^* North of Railway Track, - - Eubsk. U'l ' mi L.^;,, ii^i^^'a^ Ji'w.1' ;;^ii &&II ;".l-:;(/^. ^kw^

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