Tho Nevr MLarrlJMro taw. Tho Marriage Aot of lBtffi eomow into foroo on August let, It coriHQlidatoH the Ontario marriage lawn. One im portant provifrfon requirefl eaoh^ clergy man ot other poraon boforo colubratintf any marriage on or aftor lnt Au(*unl, IftDfl, to provldo himHulf with a luiurriutfo reentry book, to bo fummhod hlui by tho Chirk of the Poaoo, with the Olork'H oortiiloato thcroirrrnfc 'tho aXpmitm of tho dity or ootmfcy, on application, in which certain )purtloolurn of cuoh marriage are to bo ntored, and to bo nailed by him and by tho brido and tfroom and at loaat two adult witiiQBuoa. Theao rogialorH are to bo tho property of the denomination to which tho olortjy- man or other omoialhiK pornou belong at the time ho toooivoo tho rogiotor from tho Clork of tho Pnaoo.and if ho in in ohurao of k, particular oanuroijatlon tlio rotator will belong to tho trimtooa or biuhop or ohuroh society or oilier body in which tho property of tho ohuroh tided by tho convocation in YGfltod. Tho Act probibitti marrinpeH botwoon 10 p. m. and fi a. m and aloo the iiiuuo of lioonnoH and QortilioatOH botwoon 11 p. m. and ti a. m., nuloiia in eithor cane oxoop- tional oiroumiitanaoo are provod to oxisit rendering it ndviBublo. Tho poraomi.boinc mon authorized to Bolomnizo mamoKOH aro: (1) Tho duly ordainod or appointod mintotorn .ud oli't^y- won of ovory ohuroh aud roligiouH denom ination. (2)Any older, ovautfolmt or miu- fcionary of any ohuroh or congregation of the pooplo commonly known colligation- ally an the "Gongropjationn of God," or "Of OhriHt," and identified an "Dmoiplon Of ChriHt," who from tiroo to timo in choHon for tho parpcao of nolcmnization of mar* riagoH. (3) Any duly appointed commin- Bionor or otaff officer of tbo Salvation Army chotiou or commandod by that aooioty to oolomniv.o marriagoB. Marrinffoa nolownizod according to tho ritoH, uiiagofi and ouatoam of tho Soaioty of Ffioudo, uHUilly oallod Quakoru, aro aloe valid, and tho duties an to registry aro qiiRt upon tlio Hoorotary of tho nocioty, or of the mooting at which tho marriage, is oolom- ni/od. IVjCurriafiofl cannot bo fiolumnixed unload aftor publication or bauno on a Sunday in tho ohuroh or churnboH authorized by tho pantora, or undor a lioonno or a aortilloato iuouod by au inaner of marriage lioonnoH, WUoro either of tho parties (not boin[* a widower or widow) ih uudor oifihtoou yoaru, tho ootiHout of tho fathor, if living, or if ho bo dead, the motber'n couHont, or if both bo doud, tho connont of tho guardian, if any, nonet bo obtained and produoed aud proved boforo a liconoo oau inauo. If thoro in no guardian tho Iicoiiho ui- nuor may, on being Hiitiofied an to tho facta, Ihhuc tho hoouoo, aud bo may aloo do no if tho parents! or surviving parout rooido out of tho Province, and tbo party under ighteon yoaru in and bah boon for tlio pro- codmg twelve- months a rooidont of this Provmca. Marriages of an* ono under fourteuu yoaro, or any ouo who is an idiot or imano, it! forbidden. WISDOM 1 STRENGTH BEAUTY ! l Tho cartful and economical hoaaokoopor didplayB groat-widom when who Bolecto an hor utandard of colore, the Diamond Dyes. Eor wine oxponouco loads her to org tho Diamond Dyee bocaiiHo of their groat strength, ao ono package has tho dyeing power of two paokagOH of tho poor imita tion makeit. A giand churtictorifltic of tho Diamond i)yoH io thoir boauty of oh ado and oolor, and thoy aro alwuyn fast, ( firm aud unfading. Carefully avoid imitationa and vilo nubntitntoH. WKM>^OIL. Aftor thirteen yoara of Horvico, Provin cial Detective MolCoo.who ban juat returned from a trip to England, him sent in hie roHignation to tho Ontario Government on acconnb of ill health. ProvioiiH to hi going to Windsor ho wan chief of polico of Woodotook. Canadian. Ottawa's presout population in 61,000. Alarm in folk In Manitoba by fonrn of ruHt In tlm wheat. It Ih llkuly thuru will bo military oiiTiipn In'Uanuda in Hoptoiubor. Tbo army-worm Ih working Bad havoo in tho gruni floldtt of WeHtorn Ontario. H7i0fl0 girlh are employed in tho vailouu tulophone oxchainjoH of Gunada and tho Ktnttm, Tho iitoamer Hopo, witli tho Poary ex pedition on boaid, him loft Halifax for Hydnoy. A young man named Albori Kiwlicr wan drown1 at Hrantford while buthing on Bunday, Ono day luot wook a Ltiamingtou fruit grower nhippod 8K00 wortli of borriOH from Ijoainuigton Htatian. Starr White, of Upper ProHpoot, N. U.. committed imioido y tioin^ n Htono around hiit neok and jumping Into tlio moil. Hon. J am oh Miloholl imoooodf Hon. L. O. Dhur ua Premior of New Bruiinwioh, tlio latter going iuto tho Dominion Cabi net. A man uamod Miohaol Doylo, of tho Afihdod Hottloment of Iiagot, South Eon- frow, wan found dead in a huHh thoro ou Ratnrday. Tho roof ot tho Proiihytorian ohuroh in courno of orootion at Palmorflton foil, on Saturday, killing a man uamod John Waitoly. The Leamington band hull boou engaged for tho I. O. O, F, pionio ou August fith. The Loamington orohcHtra will nupply tho muHio for tho dauooro. Judgon Jouoh aud Oronnor, oommin iiionorH under tho now- County Counciln Act, havo divided tho county ot Elgin into nix dintriotd, Manitoba crop roportn continue lo ho of a gratifying nature Witli favorable woatbor whoat ban miulo groat progrouii, and a good harvent in aaauroU. At Soaforth, au excursion train on Fri day morning, ran over and killed a throo. yoar-old child of Hiohard Barry. Tho youngntor wan Hitting ou tho rail. Chrintian iianaon, tho Bwedo, ban boon found guilty of tbo murder of Jamon Mallon, af Parry Sound, and ban boon non- toncod to bo hanged on Ootobor 10th. ivlary E. Church, agod 3 yoarH, wan killed at a oroBQiug on tho N. A N. W. Diyiniou of tho G. T. R. in Uartiiltou, making the seventh fatality at that oroHoing in the punt fow yearn. Arohio Itamillard, of Ottawa, wiw drowned in tho South Nation Riyor, bolow tlio oity on Sunday, Ho wan tipped out of a boat \Vlnlo crooning the riyor with some companiouo. Tho lS.moutha old child of Wurnor Fro., uro. of Port Rowan, wau drowned iu tho hay thoro on Thumday of lftHt wook by the upbnttinj; of a boat m which tho fumily woro out for a aail. In a oolliHiou at ThumooviUo, on tho Cr. T. II. on Friday, Wm. Boath, eugiuoor of one of tho trainn, wat* metantly killed by jumping trom hiH eugmo uud Htriking hm head agaiiuit a cattle nuard. While anniotiug hoi*-huiiband iu taking in a load of hay, oa Friday alturuoou, Uta. Daniel MeLennhau, living three imloB from Roduoy, foil off tho load, ro coiying nuoh injunoa which rouuHod m hor death about oix bourn aftor. The Privy Couuoil bun ronorved judg. merit upon the uppoal of tho Toronto Street Railway Company againnt tho judgment of tho Supreme Court holding tho company liable for duty on the fdt'ol raila imported by it in 1H1I0. The dm putod duty amouutH to about 3100.000. Twenty-four houi' notice to eolert u hunbuud and got married woro givou in a will by ftxrH. Thomuw Roy, of Ottawa, who died Tuoftday of laflt week, to her adopted daughter, Mibb Lilly Bridou. If tho foat wau acoompliHbod, tho brido wan to ho an hoiroHa, and if not nbo wan to bo dim heritod. Tho young lady complied with tho couditiouH of tho will, aud #an mar riod to Goo. G. Gohh, of Ottawa, SOUTH ESSEX ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. NAM W. w ^ a . 2 is aB;c a A r Miiylnnitii Marku ESSEX. HOVH- \llllion flulvhi H...W IH) yAIIItion.Wiu .......14 -il) lUnir Wiiltur.........If. Iti aCttiniiboll.H.M......1C UK m 21 in C o O III IP r.i n vi in yi 10 Glniimiiiu, Tjoutu......14 1 rtHlllHOn, Hurt.........U !W uOourhiy, Aithnr...1i iM> (i.laolnion, Joh A ...La M (i.TumiMi, Onlnto..- IH J Mnnoti, .huiHiM........IV! IW lfl Milton, UUpboil......IU :i"j 12 Munroo, Wrle.......14 8U Ifl Muiiroe. Harold......1.1 SW IB Ho.ltiwlok, Arthur ...l'J 'ii VHtotta, John...........i:i iu U Wuldon, Ooo.........IK :iU IH Wli'lo, Hftrbort.....17 '1 IS rahrliitle, Jmihlfl H...14 W JO UOttttli, Nolllo.....17 SO 10 Ouwar, Jmmln......IB Wl I'l aOrontiWiLy,ltuirtl(i...le M l'J Kfhiwtnwiiy.TiOttl...lft :j.'i in Jinlttion. Alloo... ...,lJl 03 Ifi rt.ronoii(VivaM.......U IW iii rtlCoano.KHa...........11 20 It dXiiiIng, Katie.....It XI tl rt^vnoli, Lllllo .....hi aa 16 aliltblo, KolHit ......i: iw 1:1 uMuGormitu(Htliol...M ;\r, as uMlllar, Mhniln.....11 -10 17 (iNnylor, Kdith M...II 2*s Ifi Hniut, Ll/zio.........Ifi -XI IH Ktottii, Win............Ifl 10 lu Uro, Jlunlflo..........14 to !io AMMCnQTDUnQ I10YH Aloxandor,.!. Harold... !>h 20 1 Uorrv, .1................. ID IH H Flominif. .John.......... a; I'.i V Kofltor.W'arrlufiW ... UH 2li 7 IIiwoii, Frudoriolt . . 'AH I'l fi Maxwell, WUlic .........STi 11 7 SMiixwnll, T^arnot,... 30 l-l H Ouollotte, Thomaii.....1r, 17 Plllon.D. N............. 31 ih r, Qulnlan, Tboinan. . . 'm ai 11 Hcratch, Jolm .. . iUi Hi H Tlinmiui, Murrlck.....IW IU H Aiitloriion, Liicrotiii V !1I> Hi 7 SJIaUour, Mary W..... an li H liiilfoiit', .luiiiiio......... 27 IU Ii Unrrow, Tmwlo.......... Uh IH ii Hii/airu. Alida.......... 2rt 2(> li Iloudy, 21 H Colborno, Kllon......... 10 17 1 Di-oulllavrl, Bva . ... 30 'il (1 'tlott, Kdlth........... Li9 17 fi jIMUur, Lnoy .... II 17 It) Honor, Itiith.........3() ih I Honor, .leimii) M.......'Mi 17 B Hood, Hannah II..........M i!0 1'.! Honnnan, Anna....... 2f) is t tiiiiforiy, Hullo........... un au 7 LaKortu, Hone............. 30 III fi I-iORKfttt, Coniititiicu 'J.r, 1(! 7 2M H II 10 I) H in r> 1 ii I 7 7 H 6 10 II i0 R 7 ft 0 I i) H 4 fi 10 H 10 0 !l OI EI a o inn iofi t-. o O n o \1 i a o & P 6 HO JOB o "u ,ri hi W) O J H Hfiutlen. Ill HI Id lfl IK IH IH 16 IK 10 14 111 17 Hi ir, 17 17 m 10 uo tt) yi 'JO IU GO IH no 17 17 IH i!0 17 10 IH in an ii HI o 1* 1(1 1KJ 11 11 '4.', '2H 10 0 Ifi in "i 23 i!4 ao 0*2 oj 'J I to a 15 ai in 0 H in 4". 10 til Ml M :i2 :i:i 4 a 1:1 il ;i;i H 110 70 ftfl 71 r.i mi nn 71 II!) (11 fill :i,i t HI Ofl w u it 49 ,M :ii HI ;i7 ir :<ri HI (Ifl til Ii') 11 (il 13 l'J 7H 1(1 fir, IV) art ti:t u no 7H 10 S5 M C'i yji no m .17 vi (VI 77 na ill in 41 ii() II l'J ill (11 47 71! 71 71 m 7 IU) la r>i 70 7H fit (IV! < ;i7 r>3 47 :m yt 47 47 1.1 fi It.". tn M 40 110 13 4(1 10 VI a:i 10 m aii M :i7 40 17 :u u Ml 10 41 11 14 H (II :i( M IS r>x nu 40 VI n IK) m fii tr/ 1(1 fil 47 nil w. flii S3 (Dl 1/1 111 r,i M ui 71 m 17 41) li X!0 10", H H4, Mal'IdUiiiit fll 17 4!U HH4. MttldntAiin an 117 'Hi H Hlf.. N (Uinllelil :i'l :i7 41(1 H H li, CulehotiUr N i1.) :ir, :uin h k:i. <u ill :U ill t'Wniii lie .. 4(10 Mimx U lit 4fi'J H H 11, OotiflolilN IK! ill 4UJ Hmmx HI s:i WJ H ^S.OolnhotiUr N 41 III 417 4H ll.rjoti Aiiltl N ai ?o yn-i Uhiiux itii ut) :m Kiniioc 47 U'/ U0H HH 1*"., OoHllnlilN 2rt 11 Ifil do i'l :iu :iiw H H 'J, roiidioHUr N :i.i :m i.'.\ ii n t, MjiMhIquo n ir, n:i hbi, Mniontouo Ml .U .I'll Khuot 7 HO /iilO 1'jiiimx 'J4 Hi lllC HHfS, Mairlnlniiii .us r.i n iio 17 V17 l^ll H H riuHflold N 4'l 4i raj) H H f. MalilHtoiin SO UH 43'2 H H 11. (Jolohuiitar N 17 M |fi7 IJHijoi 43 10 U'.M Kiittnv 4'J 40 4htf H H 7. Hanrlwioli H (i,l .17 OI HH li!, aoiiilol.lN (0 ^7 4ri0 Khiiox: W 1 t7t) Khhox H U ;),I7 Kliimx lfl It) llfi HHlfl.GonHoltlN 11 Lli) :i8J HHl,Himlwlli H *Valilour, TjuIii........m HI Vunldoiii-. Nolllu.......iW 10 Uodtton, Aiiiy.............lo liJ IIO"YH - Alhm, <>lonr(v..... "ft 11 niiKJk.lninutnl............2H 17 l-'luUic, (lnr|{d. :i(l 17 bucllanl, Ocior^n.......Oil IH MoAlhdor, IjiiIi............'i.H U'J MiioDitcinoit-, \V 11 .....Ill viO 10 Tho minimum of murku for pumun^ luono liulf of tho total of all Hnbjootu combined, or 1IH2 without tomperanou and pbyidojogy or i'l'Z with tompurauoo and phyeiology. In addition to thiit, not Iohu than one^hird of the total of noh onhjoot iu required to bo uuoooHMful. ThoHu who panned nro marked with a ' or a in ffont of their namoa. Thone who aro recommended aro marked with a b or r in front of their munuu. 91 r, 17 10 ip i M hi :irt 30 44 no 40 441 4 19 HI :u til ffi :u) J2 1.0 wt IVi n?i U n 17 u U iy 'M afi '20 UO 1171 t, IU 17 uo 47 m rui :t:i H!l IIO :i0 41-1 7 IU Ifi 17 23 :ir. li HI ;yi HI 13 B71 H IH lfl 'U in v',7 mi :wi 4h '/'I no H.M 5 '20 1.1 UH 4H 47 ttr, ir, :ir, III in ll:t H 1(1 ir, III :w HI V!7 2.1 m 14 10 :ioh 0 17 in va ;m> 10 no U i'.i IM 10 a3i lj(!f;n OT WEATHER BLUES 'h Oolcry Compoimd. athor of raidnummer io oho who aro weak, nod up, .Tuflt at for from what oo," Thio an op n, i it American. Threo young girlo woro drowned in Lulto MinnetonUu at Miunoapolin, Minn,, lat Thuruday. MrH Orimblo, of Lookport, N. Y., waH roaotod ativo, by hor olotliOD oatcliing IJn* when Hho wuh ntarting a lire with Hero- Qono. The bodieH of Boiuard Wotzol. of De troit, and of au unknown woman woro found in tbo canal on Bello lule on rimra- day of laot week. A torriblo aolhaion ocaurrod near Omuhn, Neb., on Saturday, botwoon an oxourflion truin and a fant freight ia which 28 pcoplo wore killed aud 51 injuricd, Botwoon 15 and 20 workmen woro drowned at Cleveland, O., by tho upaotting of a flat-bottomod forry boat iu which thoy woro prowimg tbo rivor. IjLHHaollUBOtt no i. or b.. 00 ut h ton, Hello..........2:1 10 10 SMrKvoy, Maude.. :W 31 12 Toinllniion. Mary....... \'i ViO ID Turner, Maud.......... 'iH IH fi Ward, Ilattlo...........JO in t Weidoy, Hcrtlia........'.12 10 7 HARROW- 110 YH Holt, itfRinula . 17 :in 1M 10 HorluK.Ooorgo.......Id Sin 11 ! llnmli. Lmviii...........HI :i0 It 7 Ki'de, lOlh'i ........... 13 20 10 K 'Miclilu. Itmibou. ir. :r> IH l.i Kliny, CluirloH......... Hi v;h lo '*> Ta>br, Allan ........11 .10 Ifi h fHUMt \i\\ov]i, VAun.........12 :u 17 '! IJriininioiHl. .lo'iie 1.15 3r) Hi d 1-oot, ChitrlotLO.. rHi 2H 1(.) 7 Foaor, Huby.........II a*2 1'! 12 Uluftiiian. Linn. . . . 17 ,U 17 I) Mluuh'iou, Nina ' U JO 17 fi IlugUhon Grace M. Hi a IH I Ktnuip, May..........11 2fi 17 0 "McLoim, Hoiia . l.'i 2H IH 10 0.tiicK,Mal)cl...... 11 30 IH H Ktiirldftii, KllaA II ii1) IH (i Walton, Myrtle 11 vW IH ' Wright, llonlo......lit 2Tt IH H Wriglit Mabol.........IS 2H III fi LEAMINGTON. HOYS Urlhton, Frank. IB -ID 21 U IH"osner, Ivfin . , 1,{ .'{fi Ih 7 KmTHori, Hurry. 11 in 17 li Knsier, Orvlllo HI :w i'l 10 roller, ThomasII 11 2.J 18 7 Uulrslne, Curl .!," 1(1 I'l 4 Iluirhliio, Howard IU HO is "> Unli'hlne, Bruce 10 ?M U s Hunt, Uny ......U :io 11 fi Mt'IH'ry, Uouglns l.'t 112 111 7 MolHlu.MulbouiiHi.lO "A"* 17 rt b-Uum, Ollvei l.-i .10 1(1 Llddln, Lorno 1"> IIO I" fi Lynn, William. . ,:'o 2rt 20 7 Nr-hbolt, Kgfrtou 12 2S II) il Nt-vmun, Wjillor.Hi IVi Hi 0 Nichal.Jiurrx......10 ^ 15 H id IH Hi Hi IH 11 HI Ifi 17 HI 17 Ifi 21 IH Ifi lfl 20 li, Ifi 1(1 17 10 IH 17 Hi 22 IH H) Ifi V.) o_j '2l 17 21 17 1(1 111 Ifi lh 17 10 10 11 IH 10 Hi Ifi IH 17 1<> 10 m IH Hi 111 Hi Ifi lh IH 1(1 2(1 17 17 17 IH 20 ll> Hi IH lit on (I 'JO IN IH H 11 L!U JO 10 2fi 2,-1 ifi 2(1 111 Ifi IU 20 22 n 2:1 2fi Ki H 11 10 21 oi IMS 7'J no to fi7 .10 fifi :! ) 10 m :i7 117 it fi7 fifi II) I'l II (11 30 17 fil 20 r> (11 :n 2(1 fit! 2'I 2H fil 30 a** 2'! (10 711 IU 3(1 .IH 71) 60 71 Wl r> in 72 72 10 HO ;m ki fi fifi fiH 70 fil 3.1 Ifi ao (12 :'ifi 70 II fil fi'; 7fi W) fi2 r,7 fin l.i 10 3D .Ifi m it i.i fii Wi fi7 33 1.J fil 2fi B fi2 Ifi fi8 71 r,:i 20 20 in ID li >n 10 .13 fiO io in J2 '17 1.1 17 2'1 2') au in ar :u 21 :w n IH i!7 10 or, 21 20 lfl :i2 :il u 21 10 17 ir. IH 27 1(1 12 23 27 20 in (17 tu fi7 fil fil 2.1 .17 10 fil) (VI 17 11 10 /i'l W) fiO II (i3 fil Ifi fil fifi II II li') fil 17 <>1 II 13 M fi2 tifi fifi fi3 63 33 HI 31 27 .13 ;i:i 311 32 .11 ai 13 21 OH IH 'l'J 1(1 30 1!) 27 27 11 3'J 23 10 8 30 lfl 1! 3D nt Tl 27 111 27 IH :ri 20 fio 12 fio 3ri 27 3(1 :i.i 31 21 37 u 27 IH 21 30 12 mi 20 11 () 31 32 11 29 ;ifi 13 dO Ifi lfl ifi 20 4')'l r,n 311 .11,7 IhO :uti 173 3711 32.1 Ut> IUH Hi I aoa iti :iho :n 220 313 13fi 371 132 13!l 270 2II.1 113 310 2r>7 JM 31! 1 322 IfiJ 3H1 1IH- 11H ;iw) Aiohertitbiiru I' H nOHchool, Ain'rj; Aniliorfitburi* ]' H do tio do do H O Kcliool Ain'n; do do Airilioiiitlnu-K do do I1 h Amlioi-iiiljiivf; P K HQ School. Ain'rH Aiiilionitburi; I' H do do K G Kuhool, Ain'i'U do do ~ do do do do do .12 2'* HI 17 30 IS 12 2S 11 . I 1 30 ID n; :u 12 11 30 Hi .17 -IS 17 IO .ifi 21 14 2-) 111 ].-> a-* r. 17 10 20 0 15 2S 21 0 li, II) 22 12 .1,1 .Li 2.1 12 .11 lo 111 '.I 10 3.1 21 11 l.'i IIS 22 12 12 2S 2(1 11 l.'l 2S 1^ fi HI .10 IH (J 13 ,U'J2 H Hi 32 20 10 Held, orvlllo Held, Heamun ItotK'h, Curl . . llolison, N*U . , Selkirk, Kobe} I Trimble, Stanley Wnli's, Hoy Wiilson, \\ llinot WiMj^e, Milbum WUMiihoii, Vrrlih \Io|Kinald, Thorn (JIltl.H Il.-ll, I,l//.lu . .. CnnltlH, Lulu (Iros-i, Annie Uiilns, Hublnu "Ue.ulnmu, font ^Deinlnu, tAilu l"oi, Ht'iUL (' .... l'Vx, (Jont .... l-'o\, .Myri'l (ilOlmns, HurtUfi <Uil1)bons, Kdnn Ihillman, L'ons....l.j 2fi 10 10 *Iiiit!4i)M,.Inno . 11 'Ifi IH Imeson, Mn-y .. i;t 3d 30 Molllte, Ada 111 Iti 111 Liidlum, MtnnH- lfl 12 31 Muloil, Annie . It! .W 22 Mm>y, \nnlp Ut 30 21 McDonald, Ktlud. II 3J 10 H .MeliUvrc, .Mamie, 10 3.> 21 0 MclCohzle, Annie HI .12 l.f fi Nfll, KU/abelh M 11 '10 20 fi Orion, Liana . .13 2S 17 ' Held, Kdnu , ...Hi 30 20 12 Itohlnsi.n. (JiTtlo HI IW 21 IU llol/snn, Ilt'hslo. I2 2fi22l0 Kolf.snn. Kate. .15 35 31 10 Hyall, Heithii ....10 40 21 lo Hhhson, Carrie .17 30 Hi D Smith, Nellie tis 17 1 Ton yberry, Myr'e.m 3fi 21 f> Wlmley, Ermln'ta.iri 30 IH 10 Wehlcolt, KtlioL ..11 :iH IS (1 Wlllclnhfm, Bollo 11 2S 20 7 Peohe, Cinderella 11 30 21 l> PELEE ISLAND. ' GIHL8- CanmboU, Rlllo . . 10 2(1 !) HiiiiuhiH, Mary...... 3.132 ! MeUormnjltwdabel K... Ifi 20 li K1NGSVILLE. OIHWi Allnn, lunula....... 14 30 23 3 Ulleu.Uowena........13 2H 23 111 Brunor.Gliul>B.......II 2H 23 10 Hm-Hillib, Muliol .. 11 30 22 8 Cowan, Lotuo . ...11 llfi 2D Doati, Nina.......HI S(i 21 TJrnlte, BeatYico..... 12 13 21 I'-luinliifJ, Oraeo..... IU 17 2(1 Kloniinn, HiUtio Ifi 21 21 HoaTbovln^ton, H .13 llfi 21 Ilowlot, Heatrlco.... 13 311 21 10 Kennedy, Leona.... 13 33 22 10 Layman, Olivia,.. 12 3fl 20 d' Mayhow, ISvu........lli 3B 21 10 PiUmor.Lulu........ 11 32 21 A Quick, Leva...........13 37 20 10 SUIch.Lfnilo ____1(1 38 21 11 Walrath, Myrtle ... 11 Sfi 20 4 WiRlo. Gmuo...........10 311 20 10 110YH Allen, Watiiou........U 30 20 (1 Alllnon. Ilolaud.... 12 C3 10 7 Vox. Albort O.........Ill 33 21 8 aroun. Uobovt......18 3't 20 13 Klntf, OharloH 8......10 2fi 20 t} Muttbow. ltobort.....17 30 21 11 Neville. Lornci........1(133 20 '0 Wlclc, Frankllu J...1U 3fi 21 10 Woodhrldflo.Krn. Eia 20 20 o Woodlwiiiu, Win. A .U SI 30 (1 COMBER. CHKLH- Andoriion, Hoatrlart.....2rt 18 0 Hoyd, Htdcna..............35 20 10 Cam. Louhitt............Ufi Hi KlHott LUlle...............30 1(1 li) I'Mnhorty, Pearl...........2H If' 7 nowon, Liuita............20 17 Hull, Clara..................30 L'O 4 .Taulteoil, Addlo............40 G2 fi KhiKHwell, MftKRlo......HO 1(1 U IjauibMt.Hiiiaab.........llfi 10 H Hold, Uurgarot............2fi 16 9 IH 10 Ifi IH Hi Ifi 11. Ifi lh IH HI IH JH IV In IH 17 Hi 17 17 I'.I 21 Hi lfl IS 17 HI 10 Hi HI 11 Itt II 17 17 IR 1( II IK 17 13 11 Ifi Ifi HI Jo Ifi 11 10 1* IH ) ) \1 HI IS HI 17 1!) 21 20 IH 1,1 lit 10 22 21) .11 20 20 lfl 20 10 HI 17 18 20 21 17 US 20 21 21 10 Ifi l.'i Ifi II in Ifi Ifi Hi 10 1 10 20 31 IH () 31 27 fifi 21 I'l 2r' 3'l Hi 10 IH 23 HI II. \IH 22 10 IH lO-2i~J'l 17 IH 31 12 20 21 IH 21 23 21. IH IH 12 fiO 30 10 32 31 12 Hi fil (17 ' IH 20 IH 10 in; GO fil 15 IH 11 Ii0 02 Hi 35 2.1 I'l 111 Hi Hi HI r. in iti 17 Ifi 15 15 Ifi HI 17 HI HI Ifi 17 HI Ifi II 17 10 Ifi Hi 11 11 17 Hi 17 Hi ifi ifi 17 1.1 11 IK HI 1.1 17 Ifi Ifi IS HI Hi IK 20 17 IK Hi 10 lfl lfl lh 17 Hi 17 IR 1-1 10 10 Ifl II) 12 2S 2.1 211 HI 33 2(1 2d 211 21) :m 2ii 21 21 21 21 7 ,10 17 It 17 Ll 2(1 11 32 .11 II HI 32 2S 11) 31 M 17 ;;; 12 Ifi at 33 27 2D tl 2H 2.S 30 31 20 31 2S 32 27 21 10 32 21 27 21 32 21 .11 17 41 2.1 (W in 12 72 is ,13 IS .11) ,13 70 !il 35 fil 11 .Ifl 40 tl] 111 :w 3.1 30 111 .10 311 211 '.ft 71) ,V( .11) lit .12 31 2) .Hi fil) Hi ii2 :ir> ll 31 17 fil :>(t .13 Ifi 23 12 > m 21 12 ii') .{.1 ,ii 37 17 .10 3.1 (12 lh 01 10 .18 20 1.1 (10 2H ,12 II S2 70 71 13 ;io 27 10 30 7H ,12 .10 :m on 12 .11 i;o .11 37 71 HI 00 2-1 Si! 211 17 III 07 07 41) .n fi!) 2D 110 10 17 (IS 3D 21 <> m 12 7(1 11 17 1,0 fiH 20 I fio 12 31 3.1 fil 12 10 10 fiO lid 12 30 IH 12 2rt 30 hi; 70 3fi 02 00 45 fi3 tifi 13 31 no .10 ,17 .11 4!) Ot ilG 0.1 UH (1.1 r>s 51 ~> 1/ 1 fil) no (tl 70 (17 117 00 .12 10 .12 10 III 30 fill :w 7fl ,11 .1.1 hi HO ,17 3.1 12 03 JVI 02 03 .IU 11 fl!> fil (18 12 .17 .13 02 :i2 lit! 07 H HO (lli 10 72 fil H Oi Mil (i2 3h ID 12 37 10 2.1 JO 2H 27 31 30 Hi I'.I 10' 33 37 17 11 21 20 2(1 4fi ::i ifi 30 Ii2 20 IH 11 70 11 hi fil fi1.) fil fiH 10 63 1)2 lit 11,1 02 27 IH 27 3M 12 27 Ifi .?A 37 22 31 23 :tl 13 2!) 37 IT 20 .13 31 10 Hi II 21 aii 2H 12 12 111 21 11 27 27 27 21 23 27 21 22 TT 2(1 11 '117 hKNo lOUol. b 221 KB No 2 31.1 KK No 10 " 37H H h No f> " 4HH B H No I, 2111 BHNo 2 " 321 b H N'O 2 3ti'l HH No l! " 3'I2 K H No 1 312 K H No 7 133 H h No it 1311 KK No 10 " 121 HN No U " 310 BK No 10 " 301 bK No 0 122 HHNa 3 " .'IHO H H No '.) " 302 B H No 10 " 3H0 H s No fi " 3I,J BBNQ 1 2HI BK No H) " .31 IS :iti 2.1 :in is it 27 HI 40 13 12 27 33 10 12 11 .12 til 32 21 2H .10 13 1.1 21 20 .11 17 IH 17 20 IH 10 10 20 20 20 Hi IH 21 18 10 19 IH Ifi 1(1 10 11) 17 Ifi 10 23 10 IB Hi 17 Ki 10 21 18 IH IH IB 1(1 Hi 1(1 IB 18 17 lfl 1(1 21 " Ii) 21 2.1 111 33 31 33 32 .12 23 33 31 llfi 20 2H 31 32 .10 111 <lfi 13 15 7(1 JO 57 li!) 3!) IH 111) m 5r> 77 71 77 (11 fiO 3) 27 (.1) 12 :io .12 fil 10 37 2S 25 30 13 20 2,1 23 31 27 2(1 11 2(1 3,1 17 1.1 If) 30 1(1 2!l 17 HI 27 30 a Hi 1(1 33 III .13 ;ie 17 hi 2) 10 30 37 HI It 17 It 37 3(1 fill 37 31) 31 10 11 Till 2.1 .10 31 20 3!) lfl 20 .11 l;l tl 12 20 IK 31 31 21 11 2S 1!) 32J .IS 10 2:1 fiii 22 28 IH 10 lli 31 30 1,1 27 H in lfl 25 :u: 11 20 12 111 20 30 33 70 30 3.1 .12 IH .11 'It IS 10 (I'l 41 3(1 37 1ft 12 fil 3.1 12 3D 10 31 ,11 15 12 12 III .11 17 fil 71 32 .11 113 (il .10 ih IW '12, 73 10 .10 13 .11 .IS .10 (.7 15 01 72 72 31 t)2 ()7 Ki .11 .IK 111 70 fil 1,1 78 13 .17 \'W ui 27 29 30 21 Ii 37 41 J,1 27 4.1 io 10 3H 13 33 31 ,10 ,13 20 20 ,W 24 10 >> ) li 10 1.1 13 11 13 HI IH 30 12 51 28 27 27 41 11 11 50 3(1 III 20 32 20 3ll 30 27 11 27 2H 1(1 10 32 13 3(1 30 1GS 37* US :wa 311 013 X'l't 129 117 .102 lfvl IflS 371 3a'i 42H 1,10 331 ISO 110 33S :ilH 100 317 III) .iM V2 21)0 377 107 117 111 2S2 320 113 32'I 371 IHO IIH Jill 3l>0 133 311 110 10,1 .wo .11(1 1WIT ;170 3.1.1 1(15 2(11 fiOI 370 3211 101 155 3(11 371 I.K1 37!) 1311 101 122 boamlnutun S s No H W, Mer'a b tS No 1, Mornca Loamington Loamington H H No 1, Morhoa do ilo B i> \\ Morseii H S N'O 1, MCI'HUH B b> No 3, MorHoa B B No H. MorHen H S No 1, MOI'HOIL BHNo 5, Mor-Hoa Lpaminp[ton H S No 11, Morbon B S No 1, AIortMin Lcumlnifton B S No 3, MorHen, LejimiiiBton S HNo 2, Slerhou LoiiialnLrton do do BH Wofl,aoHHold.S BSNo 1, Mnrhon Leamington Leamington B S No 2, Merhcu BS No.l,(iOhflnid m S S No 0, Jlerson Loamington Leamington H S No u, Moi-Hcn S W No 1, Leamington .< M H :No fi, Gqh H Luumlogton H H No 11, Moraou it H S No .1, Leumlnfjton do do No5, (loHllold H Luamln^ton B S No ,1, (iOH S H B No 3, Moiuea Leamington do <io do do do do S H No H, Moraen LoamioKton Lo^mhi^ton No 5, UoHilold S Lciimlngtln No l, Morwia No 3, Mertiua 35 ia HI fil 117 44 (10 57 115 10 37 b! 62 (13 77 71 33 Ml 2(1 IW (J2 <>2 till 70 (12 7H (14 7(1 71 73 m 74 H5 71 fil 7(1 43 CI (11 75 21 HI 20 11 HI 15 Ifi 15 10 31 10 18 10 17 15 14 10 gi IB 17 14 17 Hi 10 15 15 IB IR lfl HI Hi lfl 10 17 IH us 13 15 20 11 14 14 17 33 U3 V'3 21 17 17 2!) 30 2!) 22 27 20 21 fi 2(1 31 '20 20 17 12 70 53 a'.) fill 61 22 46 fil (10 119 fi8 ISO 75 (II 37 1(1 1,0 51 101 20 KI (II 54 22 24 50 U 61) !M 40 34 35 111 sr> no 25 (VI 61 M U) 52 GO 71 5.1 71 77 51 50 51; 711 37 50 2a 55 20 ao 2(1 30 45 31) ii 20 32 12 31 38 37 2H 22 12 38 3(1 41 31 31 35 !lfi 21 10 32 52 13 10 10 at fij 3'.) 40 2(1 53 27 3(1 35 IH (10 fifi 3(1 (ifi 1.) HI (ifi S3 63 71 63 60 43 Ifi fiO 21 10 r7 30 14 as 00 n 23 till *.) 20 27 37 10 35 20 33 32 3H 32 21 01 37 38 12 30 52 23 15 13 10 CH 2a 07 Ii) 37 33 an 31 27 41 41 3(1 fifl 33 52 37 27 18 270 371 Bcliool No 3 do do do do 101 No 10, Gontlold 132 do do 3U8 No -1. GoBHold B 3H0 Bfa No 3 103 KlnKfaVlllo 4 fill do 472 NolO, Gontlold B 4(59 KitiRiivillo 31H Noi.IUithvon -111(1 do do 530 Kiiifinvlllo 4H3 do 474 do 530 do 470 do 553 do 117 do I'.'O No3, Gondolas GOtl KiiifliiviUc PUBLIC SCHOOL, LEAVING EXAMINATION. NiLinn f>f f'trndldnln - - ur vl 6 "iS-* p*j ^ t* g S i a e a 3 'S 'i? m ii m B ^ * <& nj U M -I W P P ^q8g"oi3" O y u a o O d ^ V to SS y fl^ '.1 q fi _ V If) 'II c Max. ... 50 05 21 Mill . 17 17 ESSEX. HOVK *MoHtitli, .la...........38 IH 11 no ONILH Hiu* IttnN.IilsiKlft.....2JJ 20 (I 2,1 AMHI-RSTBURO. 110VK Hurry, II W.......... ifi 21 13 UiLrmli), I'Vod . 30 21 8 [j(onity,Kriuiiit. ..... 42 UI H M'oLfMiH'CO.IOroouL . 30 21 17 flluLS "I'arkfi, Anmm. 10 21 B ai'owtir, ,).mlo............30 21 H HARROW. UOYH SHyron, Kunnnth.....1(125 22 U Snrai1y,.lniin|ilil<'......Ifi 2H 21 11 iillrady, .lolui I' . 13 '2>i 21 8 SWoodliridiie Olnui. .Ill 28 21 H OIHliH - llowi-liifi, Graoo......15 30 21 H Howln, MiiKjjio ......Ifi i35 22 H Kilo, Mary......lfl 33 22 H MuMiLiiomy, Addlo 10 30 22 fi PELEB 1SLA.ND, HOVB- I-'m'iiiuon, l-'rctl............ 3H 22 IH M-'orcimon, Mnud.........35 22 IH (Undlur, MllHu-U ... 10 22 iu McCormlok, .1 G ... 41 20 15 KINCSVILLE. Hrown, Morloy. .14-3-122 1.1 Utoudor, Kthol.. 13 10 21 12 "GronvoH, Gruoo .11 12 25 10 'Hhoploy, Nollln. 1.1 12 21 10 Woodlw'H.Cliiro'o.loaH 21 15 W) />() ir.fl 33 50 110 lOniODKK) 200150 75 fiO 33 31 33 50 50 25 30 32 32 30 31 3J 30 2H 2H 20 30 ,30 31 31 30 31 30 31 10 10 4,1 1.1 12 71 St) 01 40 03 JIK (12 3fl 45 113 03 32 54 42 41 (111 IIU) Nttmo of Bcliool Ciuididu-to I ttttunilliiff. 22 lt0ii 100 40 fil (UI fill 13 32 17 20 20 (il 110 41 m ho B M :t, CololioBtor fi H 2, Cololiofitor a 70(13130 VI 141 48 toll AmhorHtlmri'P 15 3'i W) tl 100 J3 5(10 do Oo fi7 21 OH 11 10-2 Mi (121 H OHHouool.Ara'tt GO 50100 (VI 75 m 018 Aiiihoratlmri! V H TI45 103 50 123 11 (WJ Ho 4, Maiden r.7 :w d'l 11 30 35 fiio ItUH Hohool, Am'rtf IB 20 11 21 20 17 17 17 20 22 "fl 20 (10 73 57 H2 Ml T. 77 fifi 117 '10 r.l 07 42 H3 10 13 fifi 3'l 3.1 31 fifi 74 01 0J 07 Ifl 50 fil 711 HI r>0 (Hi 01 70 r, 1 53 51 30 31 03 15 II! Ill 27 35 fil 31 (.0 70 .IH Hi 70 17 18 7fi (50 30 80 (12 fifi 50 101 40 fiHfi No 2 CoIuliOHtor 8 50 70 53 (113 No O " 57 1(1 55H No 5 " 00 15 (kit No 10 21 Ifi 450 No 2 71 10 531 No 10, Onloy 5 42 131 No \, Harrow (10 41 4IK) No 10, O^loy 70 Ii7 25 50 20 31 01 117 3-i .10 ::ti 71 7 rfi 11s 103 10 n,t 111 10 on 101 115 57 75 40 13 31 07 1,1 3.1 33 H7 110 35 51 11,1 ill 33 21 137 16 30 41 1.17 Ifi 17 5H3 No 3 I'oli.o lijland W 30 (lr,3 No 3 .17 3.1 .138 No 2 31 40 (125 No 3 121 1.0 1)00 ICInCHVlllo 112 17 728 Uuthvon 1,10 72 H65 Kln(,'4VUlu 111 III 812 do HO (1 725 do Total rcquirod (or Pnblio School Lonvhip, Cortilicnte, (112. Total required for High fiohool Entranoo Gertitlciitu, .'108. Thouo who pauood the Pnbho Boliool Loavinfj Exainination aro marlcod with a, * baforo tboir uamod ; thone obtaining Ili^h School Entranoo otandiny aro marked with a . 38 3d 40 30 30 .1(1 9(1 25 31 45 27 39 IB 37 3( 13 33 21) U 33 415 IliO 505 122 453 178 an 111 378 C14 NoluGordloldBoutli KlnuvlI]o No I), JtntbvQii Kiti(,'fivlllo No 4. Hutlivftii < ti Noa.Qobflold S Kincovllle il 3fi 23 li) 1(1 yfi ^:i 8 % 10 41 43 50 117 50 41 30 18 32 B(l 30 45 35 21 UH 27 13 23 IH 41 27 XI 14 97 37 33 fiO '20 15 ill 20 117 18 IT 400 403 U71 Ullit 2(15 CHS 353 310 373 'Mi The Silver QuoHtlou. Tho Philndolnbia Loduor nayH: In ro- iiponflo to vurion'i tuqnirtoo an to tho moan- iiir of froo oilver, "1(1 to 1," we roprint tho oxplunathn ; "It HicariH in prActioo that o'xtoon onuoeo oi nilyor ohould bo hold an worth on much no ono ounco of ({old. One ounce of Hold, Amonufin ooin utandard of finonoH that ih.UOO p..rtn of pure ^old to 100 of alloy will coin in gold dollaro 818.(JO, Hixtoou ounooH of oilvor, Araorioan com utandard of (InononK that in, 000 parto of pure uilvf r to 100 of alloy, at hho rato of 11*24 uruina to tho dollar (tho weight of tho prooont utandard oilvor dollar) w ill coin 818.00 In ailvor dollaro. Thouo hix toou ouneofl of oilvor can bo bought in th 0 murketfl of thu world to-c'uy for 8!).'Jl. Therb would, thoroforo, bu a prolit of 58,00 on an investment of 80.01, boicfi about B7 per coot., if a holder of nilvcr could take it to tho mint aud coin it with - out charge into oilver dollarn. Tlio ad- vnciitt-v. nf free coinage favor a law that will allow ativ hiddor of uilvf-r bullion or, in fact, oilver of any kind (ah tho lattor can readib be medtod into barn) to have the right to tithe tho ourae to any mint in tho United Htatou and convert it into Hilvor coin, Jroo of chargo. It in oany to hoc that if Una woro dono it would not be long, with froo coinage,heforo tho country would bo floodel wi'-h odvor coma, and tho very lai'UQ prollt to tho owuora of oilvor miueH would quiekly Htart to work mtnon at preH- unt idle, to the iwimouoo advantage of thu mine own cm." olT^IaJlT"" * O'lr m:ii I bring's us o\ ^rdny dozens of letters about lint-Jock Iiloud Bitters. Some from merchants who want to buy it, some fc'om people who want 10 know about it, and more from people who do know about it be cause they have tried it runl Kv. cured. One of them was from ,wi. J. Gillan, B.A., 39 Gould Sheet, Toronto. Read how he wriies; Gi:ntu:men, Diirin^ tin* winliir oi 1892 my blood bernim1 impure on aoroupl of the hearty food I au- in the cold \ve;itlnT. Aiubitum, ciu-r^}- and succt" forsook nif, aud all my L-f-tnts wv.r in vain. My skin became yellou, my i.^wi't:. became inactive, my livi'i* was lumpy am! hard, my eyi's bi-canu* iidl.imed, my ;i|-\>- tite was gone, and (ho days and niyui-. pabsed in unhappinuss and n'Mli'ssncss For some montlis J tried dnctoiV and patent niedifines of every description, but received no beuel'U. J^einj; ad\ised by a friend to Uy JLlt.lL, 1 am to havts the opporlunity of leslil\hitf to Hie murvullomi result. After usintjf tluve bottles 1 folt much better, and when the fifth bottle wan finished I enjoyed health in the greatest degree, and have dono so from that clay up to dato. Tlmvl'ore I havo much pleasuro in recommending B. B.B. to all poor mifferiji^ humanity who tiufFer from impure blood, winch is ihc beginning' and seat of all diseases, J. Gillan, tt.A., jo Gould St., Toronto. rVERY FAMILY ^* SHOULD KNOW THAT I* a vory romrakublo icmcdy, belli tot Yt( *KnNAJC and MXTIBRNAL van, and won- dnrfulluitii quick aotioai to rdiuva dUtrcuo. X t\ll\ IV IL.!_,!_, IV thy out, <UtfhV. <riilllH, IHnfilKi'rt, l>}-<MitAry, Crunit># CluiU'riit iuhI nil iiow 1 roiiipluu (.'. PAIN-KILT ER ' * ^ SltiUiiruH. Hlvli ilcml:n-lio, VMIu Ih the tuck of Kliltt. lUimimatluiu twd Nuuk-altftu^ PAIN-KILLER Vt^'ra^iV^ 1IAOK* ItliflllKK lll'KKDV AMI I'RIIMAHKHT tikl.lvr in all rmea vt itmliu'H, Cuik* Huntlna, Heter HiiififH, elr. F/Hli^lvlL/JLI-Iv tiuiixi rrl>iitl or tim Uli'dmille. (.'nniirr, I'lmitor, HHll^k1, ami lu fiLt all clMUM WfiutliiK a ui^dli'.luo .ilwnyH at hand, nil kartu hub luterimlly ok* wittermilly wltb *iUlntyofrelli)f. Uiiwsrft of InOUtlom, Tilca nono but tlio coouln* "11*JIBV DXVIB." Bold iiverywlicrA; '&e. tic Uotll*. Very laico botUo, we. HtlaOropof Ai>i>len. Clinton Nuw Era: "Applon aro r plentiful a crop in Duron and othor woat. orn eounticH that it iH foared thoro will noTT be enough to bundle them at tho opportnno moment. D. Cantolon ootimatoti that thoro will bo at leant 500,000 barrolii in Huron alone, with himilar quantitioo in othor oountiGU. It will require a pretty good RtalT of men to handlo thoao rohou pio.king ooinineuoOH, and the Europoau Htoiunorb cannot talio more than forty or hfty thouoand burreln per week. The pro- babilitioa are that pricon will bo about 5 0 cento a burrol," All the Xkoople Bhould keep "thomoelvoo healthy and oRpccial eare alionld bo giveu to thin mattor at thiH timo. Health dopondo upon pure, rich blood, for whon the blood in impure and impoverished dioeaaoii ot variounluudfl are almont certain to reoult. Tho ono true blood purifior ih llood'o Snroaparilla. By itt* powor to purify and vitahzo tho blood it ban proved itwdf to bo tho oafo- guard of health, and tho record ot remark- abb ourpH effeotud proyon that it hiu4 woudorfnl power ovor difleano. Ic actually and pormiinomly onvos whon all other prfipaiationo fail to do any good whatever. Are You Tlretl AU tho time? Thin condition ih a fiure indication that your blood ih not rich and nouriuhing aa it ottght to bo and aK it toabu if you will take a fow bobtlcu of tho groat blood purifier, flood's Suraapaeilln, Thonaandti wnto that Hood's Baraaparilla haa ourod thom of tlufc tilted foellnn by giving them Hob, fei blooi. BaptlHt Ifoiuitf People One of tlio moat pteaoant aud enjoyable tripo imagiuabio io advortiuod by tho Ohi- eugo, Milwaukee find St. Paul Ry, from any point in Ontario or Quoboo to -Mil- wauUoo and roturn for one ainjilo fare. Thio ia iu oonnootion with tho Daptmt Young People's Uuiou, who hold their annual international convention in Mil waukee, July lfith to 10th, 1800- Tickets are good mini August ofcb aod give those going tho opportunity of seeing both Chi cago and Dotroit pu tho return journey. Fred. L. Ratoliff, Toronto, hut) been ap pointed by the Bapbiotn of'thooo provinees aa transportation leader aud auy who in tend to avail tbcmHolvofl of thin trip, flhould write him at uuoo for full particu lar", Special airan^omentH liavo been made by tho transportation loaduc, Ttt t/ood board in Milwaukee at yery low rateo audaipeeialtraiu will be run from Toronto uifthtjthrough ho that any fdu^le perban j;oiiit4 will have lote of good company by arraniiiu^ to join tho KpeeiaL tra,ia at Toronto, or ouuh pointn w^wt an thin hram stops at. A. J. TJttLOB,' , Cao. Puhb. A y