Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 24, 1896, page 10

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fetv:.- ViK3L ill'!! r<v I Will Turn Them into f ,"3* During the next Three Weeks if low/prices for tip to date goods will do it my en tire stock of Hate Gaps and Furnishings. Any Stiff Hat in <t* ^n tho Store for ^^Vy f Peel of as, 2.fi0 Fodoi'an, 2.00 l.fiO 1,00 .75 .150 (Uir Clmlcc lor *P"-99 NOW * 1.8!) 1J3 .88 .7!) .OR . 10 Stiiw Hats.-*" Any' Straw Hat in r\r%r the Store for... VV^9 1*00 STRAW HATS NOW, Too. * ,75 " " '* fiOc. .50 " " " 380. WOODNHtK. Wrn. Uo(,'ft hau tho contract, for building stono piora undor tho bridgo " tho Middle Bond ut thin pinoo. , HVJTI1VJCIV. itfru, Koya, o( tho >lth oon.t i fjalto ill. The Fiuck Phbhh from no* till'Duo. Hlut 181)0, for Bfi oontu. Mm. J. 0. Copuland in viallin^ hot niothor noiir Hi, Mnry'n. JoHoph Flurmu^ in gutting tho mntoritil on tho ground 'or u, now barn. s ciONi'-iicVjjo Noirrii. Mmizion Vi-y, of Iluffalo, N. V,, wuri u vmitor horo lutoly with aoquanitniion. .Xji^htniiij^ uhulturod u uumbur of tolo- phono polon biitwoon North Itidtfo anil JOhhox on Monday of lunfc wook. O of don Morriii littoly purahiuud u frtima ham from 13.0. Lowiu, of Ebbox Town, nud touring it down, haulod it to bin farm on tho Cameron road and robuilfc it thoro. .40 88c, t30oM S5c. nil now lor SAILORS Now 25o. iiOo. 75:. <>0c. " COc. l()c, 85c, and 80c 000. iOo. '80c. 20c. Now is the Time for yon to get your Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Braces, Gloves and Hosiery. There haa never been the like of my Undressed Shirts Hold in Essex for 50c. Call and secw.e Home of the Bargains. D J. Whitney, HATTER AND FUMISHER. That happy Feeling $ . Nothing on earth will malio tho ountomor fool ho happy anil coulcutod an a I:uov?l(j(](4o that, he or r.ho i:i potting tho vory hoot (;oodn at tho lowtiHt [lricon. Wo lovo to malto puoplo happy, not only by Boiling ohcup, hut by Helling ftlioen that lit. Yon probably neotl good-fitting Shooo moro in hot wouthor than* at any otlior lirufi, Bug cm* nuininor joodn. OxratorcL Work' a Spooial-fcy Amm mmmw&smm Biku of tho Ooldon . Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. A CHOICE m Mm. .). W. Duwoou viidtud Codar Botioh on T|ionday. Wrn. Mulott and family, of (Jotbam, call* od on rolativuH horo thiu wook. PartuiH from horn attended tho oarap mooting 'it tho Pnoo lanb Gundav. Minn Lena Oakoy.of Toosibuirfth, Win., in on a wook'n vlnit with hot brothor, S. E. Ottlcoy.- The baok roadi aro woll patronizod at prouont owinu, no doubt, to tho obntruotion ou Talbot ntroofc. Will Doan wan thrown by a runaway horoo on Thuriiday of hint wook, Ho oo- capod with anllulit injury. Ol4f)HIJMTRU NORTH. , Tint uominaticiu of Qandidatea for couu oillor to fill tho vaaanoy cnuHod by tho doiith of Tanorod Gaya. will bo hold ut tho town hall on Monday uoxt, with olootlon a wook lutork in ouho a poll in Uumaudodt William Walltor, of MorHoa, wuh takoii to tho aouuty~MaoLttt~Gbathain ou Satur day, by'OonHtabln Dawhou. Walkor waB triad htiforo Mu^lotrntu Dawuou, of Kom- ury, on u nbar^o of iiHuaidt upon u fjir] nuniod MIhu Edwardu, of Koinnuy. Thu allogod aHHiiull ouuurrud on Monday pro- viouh, Tho #irl In about tUttstm yoarn of ago, and thu uoounod ih about twonty. Ho wan uommittod for trial. STYLES Is what.can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best,'our de signs are up-to-date and our prices very low. We are the only .store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to SI on pai-r of pants and $2 to 4 on a suit; we have also a .splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you. to in spector goods before buying COV,CIVttNTKH SOUTH. CharloH ForriRB ban boon appointod a^ont for tho Van Wagoner wire fonao. T. R. Flood in having hid otoro iu Har row vouGored. On Monday, Donio Barron, of Ambo rafc- burg, appoarod beforo John Itiohmond , J. P., on a ohar^o ol falno unaignmont laid by Mohhith. Fox and Wright, of thiti towutdiip, who woru iutoruatod in tho corn oaoo agiimut Mr. Batrnu latitwintor. Bail wan ucoopted for Mr. Barron and hm boaring not for Sacurday. Aunt Dotty Fox. who livod with Mrn, Ilobort Footoi- m Harrow* diod on Monday afternoon of lent wook, at tho a^a of 88 yearn. Peter Fox, of thia towunhip, and Georgo Fox, of Gofifiotd South, aro aonu of doccaaod. Tho fnnoral took plauo from tho Baptint church Harrow, on Woduoii- day uftornoon following, tho Bormorj lioin^ preiiohod by tho Rov. Mr. Snuudorn. Tho iutorraoat took pluou at yaaavillo. . Mth, Simon Doiilippo diod at hot homo hero an Tuoaday of laot wook, Hor raaidon namo wao Girard, and fiho wuh born in Sundwioh Wont, and wan married to Simou Dewlippo about -10 yearn ago, who Burvivea her. fiho had bad olovnn ohildron oix died when quito young and iivo aro utill livitag Mjohaol, of ColchoBtor South ; Kh, who Uvoh at homo j AdolpbuB, of ColohoHtor Bonth, and MrH. Alex. Bandy, of Colobon- tor North. Sho han ono brothor living JuoquoH Girard, of Sandwich Woat, and throo HiHtora Mr. Alox. Pufonr, of Baud- wioh Wont; Mrn. Grogoiro Piiro, of Sand wich South, and Mrs. Vital Plant, of Til bury. Shu had boon ill for about two weL-kn, with itdlammation of tho lungs; at nine o'clock oho took a turn for tho worno and paBHed away at ono o'olock. Tho funeral took place to the R. G. Churali, McGregor, on Tluu'Hday morning of hmt week and was largely, attended, l!HOOlO;i(. Mr. Porklns gavo a troat to tlio boyn. Thoro aro noma farma for italo horo now , Mm. A. Qontby hunroLurnod from Oom* her. H. Spooohloy and a uumbor of our good frtondH out to camp mooting. Ihkho Millon preuohod in tho Mtolhodiol ohuroli ou Sunday laut. Mr. Mill tin in al ways welcome. J, Jonoii fell a fow dayii ii^o mid roooivad a largo bruiuo on bin hip. Ho will bo laid up for Homo timo. 1UA1WKVONM. The townuhip ooanoll will mcofc at tho town ballon Monday next, tho 97th inHt. Miuu Bain, niotor of Mta. (Hov.) Thiba* Uoau, han gouo to Manitoba on an extended viwlfc to rolatlvoH.' Tho Halvatiou Army of Ehhox will givo a Hooial at tho romdonao of Mr. Burton, ou Talbot wtroot, noxt Monday ovorung. MifiH Sophia Markofc in coming homo thin wook to ripond tho roHfc.of tho nuraraor. Sho hi going baok to Adrian noxt fall to oomploto lior High School work, oxoootin^ to/iraduatouoxt Juno,. A certain rotiidonfc"on Talbot Htrcot .noar MaidHtono Croim ban boon in tho habit of giving bin wifo a whipping ovary littlo wbilo, without provocation. A douo of tho namo raodiaino may bo raotod out to him unloHfi ho donintH. -i>i:ai-i:hh in - British Columbia Pino Shingles, $1.00 Up. M Kinds of Building Material. SASIIt MOOA'S, .'.'"' LATH "tf flAA'N LUMHlihW~ Sutluluotlon Guaronloutl. Opp. Water \Vr)cfj, v. Eiisox. I Oets-Curoa Constipation and tlVer Ills- Dr. Agnow'" Livor Pilla >,be mbPb per||oct made, and cure lik. Ima^in, 9icli Iltsadaoho, Countipntiim, _Biiion-, of tho late rarliumont, who, o,yor tiieirowu avs'v Countipntjim, Oh to, ludigeatioti and alt Liver MADLY HEART DISK ASK- Cured by Dr. Agnew's Great Heart Remedy Many Lives Saved- 'flic fiucrut of HHccohiK of Dr. Atiiow Cuiarrhul I'oxvdor. Wrvo it not that Dr. Agnow'a Cum for the Heart will givo relief within thirty ittinmen aftor tho firHt done liaa boon tulton wo would not road of ho many liven boing navod by thiti remedy. William Cherry, of Owou Round, Out., Haya "I wan greatly troubled with wouUiiohh of tho hoart uuu- fainting apollu for two yearn, and oft-timeo wiiu unfitted for my work. Naturally much anxiety wrh folt by myoolf and friondo, for no treatment ooomod to do mo any good. I was influoncod, howv<)r, .to try Dr. Acnow'nCuro for tho Etoart, and found ii aa proclaimed- a 'Hpcedy' euro. I have now taken llvu bnttlea, and it baa brought back to my heart the proper uetion, and nmchvinc otronfi and well." Catarrh Ono aoorot of tincoonn in Dr. Agnew'H Catarrhal i*owdor in that it in o.'Mty and ploaaant to uso. Ah Mr. W, II., Couoorvativo-mombor in the jaat Honno of, Commons, oaid, "tidion in the morning it oleum tho houd of any cold or catarrhal troublotbat in manifest." But it not alono deala with tho minor 'omen of outfiti-h, but tvon wherodoafneimaiuldomo of tin' w'nrcit fvricp of dineano have become munil'owt thflHO have been eradicated by thifi rc-mudy. To tho namon of Mr. George 1j, Caouy, Bon. David Mille, Hugh H. Roso might bn added Hfioruis of other moinboru 111b. 10, fl)j;uaturo, bavo homo ti-atimony to tho 'Mntiayial , vaJud of tho reinody. Bold by J. Thorno, M^r. II. C. Rooa in viiiiting her. pawentn] in Kidgetowu. - _ J. A. Halsteiul and wife vinitud in Har row l bin-week. (juartorly. meoting iu M.ethodiHi church on Sunday, August 2nd. Mi'H. Oliver Dawt-.on io viitin.? in Jack- hoi,, Mich., with hor paroutH. Mrn. Dyer, of Onlmwa, in viHiting; at tho South Woodtilec parnouago with her par- onts, Thu, army worm baH Htruck tho iielda houUi of thin pluetj and havooaaood a groat deal of damage'. OIiY(-r Dawhon ban boon elected \m re- prehQiitativo (ram Woodnloo Lodge, I. O. O. 1^., to tho Grand Lodge that meeta in Barnia on Augunt l'ith. Dunnu tho paat live yearn ovory ctiHtom- ur aould get binder *wino From Crawford, of Tilbury, until the luut nhoaf waft tied ditto this year. tlaoob Hitcholl baa thia oeanun Hold 2G biudora, Uti diillfl and 21 moworti, all man ufactured by Noxon Bron.- Ho uold throo bindera on Tnonday hint. Mth. P. ontter will tundor a farowoll impper to Mm. It. Hogan at tho Cottor Honae this.(Friday) ovoning, Mrn. Hogan will luavoon Monday for Chatham. On Tut-dday evoniug of luat, week tho Epworth Luaguo of Sou*h Wooduloe McthodiBt olmroh olcotcd tho following of- li^ern for the curront term: lion. Proa.. Hoy, W. Ayroa; Prffn., Angnti Taylor ; lat Vice proa,, Mha Kmraa Oohoo ; Und Viae I'rca, Mihs 13 mm a MoEnfcoor.; !lrd Vioo iJroB., J. A. Smith ; -1th Vico Pr'eo., Wm. Bonuett; See., Misn Lulu MoEijfcoor'J Tieao,, MiRH Maraio Ayroa ; Orgauiot, IULIqu Sluy Ilandoouk. The machinery in Mnrray A Son's mill in juoti about in pouition and tho oontrao tn-rt oxpcol to Ret up Htoam thin wook and bo in i'umdu[! ordo'r noxt woelr. A flpm- plofco now rollor profirsa h^ boon pin in tho mill and tho Memiro. B'urray havo a mill that will bo equal to any in tlio county and wjll turn out flour necond to none. The mill wan moved down from North Wood hIgg,'tlus romdontH of tbiu pluao' baviof oftorod a S7fi0 bonua for ita romoval. no it tin uvn^ic. David Ilopgood and wilo called on rola tivoEi in Whoatloy laut; wook. It in roportod that tho army worm han arrivod, and ia doing coudidcrabio daraago to oatu in tho Cottara PlainH. The copiotiH downpour of rain laut Sun- day night and again on Monday has put a atop to harvest work for awhile. Wo noticed grain growing in tho utook. Aim. Uradloy (neo Mihh Olam Young- huHhaud) and throo children of Carborry, Manitoba, aro ou a yiwit ut Robert Johu- oon'a. Mm. Bradley remded horo for notno yearn. Our hoarty cougratulatioiiH'ai'Q giyou to our friondo, David Lowiu Lumarah and Keubcn Porkma, 3u taking to thoniDelvoB boHnm companions!. They both wore wid- owera. Tuck oayH that a good Liboral ^ovnrument at Ottawa waH tho prinoipal caUHO an ho fooln certain timon willwoon bo hotter. ---------,-rtfc^--------- COXTAJIK. Ilobort Queen, jr., ih ill with typhoid fever. Mian Gertrude Shaw iu viniting friends in Morpeth. Mr. aud Mra. Lloyd apont Sunday with frienda at the Lako. Minn Maggie Erakinu, of Detroit, in vib- itin^ MrH. John Parker. Mra. John Pile haw'boon hud up with an attack of malarial fovor. Mm. Olive StepheuH haa returned from viaiting her aielor, MrH. Wa^taff. Hoy Bennett in spending a part of bin vaoation in WalkcrviNo and Detroit. William HaneH,of IUuid Hiyor, wan tho gueac of Walter JamoH a few days last wyidt. The army worm Iihh made ita appear. ancu near Cottam in a Held of oatu belong ing to Walter Jamoa. Walter Koblo ia having a haudoomo brioU reoideuco orooted horo. Parker Brow, aro doiujj tlio work. Mro. Bradly, of Carbeny, Manitoba, {tormorly Miua Clara Youngbunband), vio- itod Mra.-lamea Bain on Tuouday of thiu week. Farmern do you want money at 5J per cent? If ho, writo At G. Bailor,' Leam ington, Oiit. Tornm of payment of prin. cipal lo Hint borrowers. Hattlennakoa, at one time vory plentiful bore, are now rarely aeon. The moworu and Undent have hud muoh to do with thoir noiircity. John Motloy killed, ono latit week in tho barvost field, whiohhad noven rattloH.. Mm. Robot t Tate had tho miafortuno one day last week to inflict a alight out on hor hand with a moat-Haw. Tho hand noon bogan to ewell and tuflumo. Dr. MoiConzie, of Euqox, prououncod it a oaao of blood, Wo ur o ploneed to louru .tbut under bin nkillful tvoatmout Hhe-io in a fair way to rncover. "Well, yon," aiiid tho old man thought fully, ufl lio watolied tho merchant weigh ing' out n'ome light brown augur at fivo oeutn a pound, Vwhon 1 wan a boy augur wan rather: queer, Htuif. Tho ntorokooporo unod lo buy it of tho 'Indiana who brought it to them in birch or huno wood boxen ; it was hard and blade and tarried iiraoky and lujnnit*; wo paid a nhilling u pound, it waa a groat luxury. Then, aomo yoarct later, wiion aivilizatiou bad mado greater otriden, wo hart Muaoovada iiugar; it waa dark toot and Htronf,, not ovori oliau I ^uubh. Ono plaeo I kiiow tho wifo had mado a pio for dinner "t'dn n tho pio wan opened" it did not prove t<> be a *'dieh tq*oot beforo tlio Kiug'.' ao oim member of tho family focind a nnukn'n head m Uifi.|iiuoti, .thn uugar wan vory lumpy and the head had undoubtedly boon hidden in a lamp which tho oook tools to bo ptiro uuflar; Suoh tiling do not happen nowadayH." Bricker's Annuaf^S?HMA,JB Great Bargains in All Departments IN. aC n Dry G-oods, Clothing, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Carpets. Lace Curtains, &c. NW mod l^-ihlofl.lde Dress Goods Just Opened. u- ^ Agents for Priestley's Black Dres s Goods the Best in the world. A GREAT Last wcelc we opened 100 Men's Fine xlll-Wool Tweed Suits, made perfectly, fit correctly, and vory dressy, Worth regular, $15 a Suit. During thia sale we offer you Your Choice for $10.00;. . Boys' and Youths' Clothing tit Correspondingly low Prices. The New Furniture will he on hand Next week, THE GREAT CORNER STORE, ' We are, to doing an Enormous Trade in Stoves, House Furniture, etc., during, this fall Not too soon to toll you that we are going' into the markets with Cash, making large pur chases for the Fall Trade. If .Low Prices, Eeliahle Goods and Stocks mean business, unci they do, we will this Fall send our goods into" every, corner Counties of Kent and Essex. Large during in the We are astonished at the large increase in the vol ume of business we are doing from year to year- Drawing Customers farther all the time, Dollars. Saved are the magnets. The Largest Retail Furniture and Hardware Store in Canada. *HaW*iitf*AHiaiaM M. B. WIGIiE, The Gash Grocer, and Baker. j_j?nE pcoplo of tlin^Towu of Eanax and Gin-rounding country lmvo'long fftlt tbi * (T7 of a phieo whoto'thay could j;o und purcliauo whut they ro.quiro on w olosu, J^ baniH, withont bein{j cotnpollod to pay liifibur piicon to jnulco Tip for tho lc raiulo in tlio orodit nyHtom. Gull unJ hoo out I'boda, which aro ulwnyo of1 Uio HT3 pcoplo of tlin^Towu of Esrox and aiirroandiu_f; country lmvo'loiifj fftlt tbi *yaut Oftah loBUtiH boub quality, and not our pricen, which aro tlio lowoufc. Don't rairw tryiug our Toa tit 22 oonko n pound. 'A- ",;Vi i"*'i'ijil <&. 1 ..' - . .i , ' I . *--;l 4c. A LOAF- Garden and Field Seeds direct from the largest growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices. CASH TAXD Toll OTB.BR PttOOUCK. 3j'IIlBrr.OLA8S( BTJTTEH AND FIU3SH EGGS AN GOODS DELXyhltKO MlOMPTLy. U. . WIGLE. g^ Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, ;'.* Mi ^jiifiii^^ SiiiiiliiiMiii^^fii^^^^M^ 6769 25141 5

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