Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 26, 1896, page 4

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1^ . ^ j...... * ** .*-w- H.i-j !**** A. H. Scarff &Oo. we SELL- Toa Coflbo, Suf/ar,'Flour, llainins, CurrantH, Prunes AP- vioolH, Soan, VinepurB, Kyrup", Ontmoiil, Cormmml and a [nil lino of Ohristio, Brown & Co.'h lanoy and plain BiScuitB. We huve Tor CAHPIHG AND PIC-WICS Pollo.1 Cl.Td.on, Tnrkoy, Ilium, To.igno, Cliipp-rt Bo of. Com Bool, Bo" on U(.a Boa.iM, MurdmcB, Salmon, M.iekorol, Hldio. Remember wo bavo tho Urgent nHSorimont of Crookory, Ohinn and OlttBBWUi-e m tho Town. Call and oxammo onr Block. Freeh Fruits, VogolabloH, etc., in neumm. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A. H. SCARFF tfc Co. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. MAULON lv. TOWAK Iflorl'-il ior NnuOi Hum' x ly Mhout lflf> Majority. .___ Kmhox, -Tuno Uttrd. Tho oloatlon to-day m Honfch KbhoX Wan ouo of tho hottest contented that I hi" rid- inti lmu noon for Home tinui. Tho finuidh of tho two candidatea workod hard (or thwir Javoiitoa lit id during tho day (join thutlmo tho polla opouort till thoy cloned, not only In ono divluioti, but nil over thu riding, tho party muu weio l'.ubtii their friondu to tlio pollu. Ihdow wu pnhllah thu number of voli'u ouut for oaoli of thu oundidatoinall the municipal- ltiort oxeopt Mtiihfa ami ClnuiUld Hcuth, though wo give miijonUtiH in ouch of tho divibuoim in thoHo towmihipn, alno give the total veto cunt m lfi'Jl. lHill IHOfi CLEANING '/A Q -<1 GO *"r The Essex Free Prous, BRETT A AULD, PnoPniETQHS. FRIDAY, JtJNK 20, lBim. HP^ *M 'I . !< Conmdorublo upoonlutiou ih rifo through- out tho country uh to tlio momboni whom Mr. Lauriur will aolict for Inn cabim t. One thing in i o Tin settled ai'd that K tliut Sir Oliver lUowat will ttilu tho portfolio of Jlimatot of Jubtiou. Thib will leave a vucanoy in thn Outano Government arm wo rather anticipate that Hon. A S, Hardy will bocomo Premier of Una province rind that, Hon. W, D. Balfour will bniakon into the cabinet, Other names mentioned for tho vacancy art B. J.Davin, ol Weitt York, und J. R. Htratton, of I'-tt-rhoio', but Mr. BuUour'a many frioudQ in tho count} ex pcofc to uoo hiui cupturc 'tho plum. Thin would mean anothor olection in H6uth EHfx, and it in h ift to imy that ^Ir, Bui four would mttot with no opposition. Now M. (J. K. Tim Tnbin. Tho now JlL.C.R. timo tublo took effect on Banday limb, the mont important clmngo bo(UH tho niuninn of the Leamington train thron^h to WnuThlii' and buck to Ccmbor in tho morning, thun giving pt-oplu m Loam- in^ton, AmhorHtbur^ and n.tcimciliaLi Dtutionn tq Windnor, a chance to get to Windnor at 7;15 in tho mornintj, while horotofovo it wan 11:00 boforo thoy oould roach that oity. On tho Ainhorntbnr[ branch, tho Unit tnan loavotj the 'burg at G:00 a. in., twonty lunmtoH o^rlior thuu tormorly, and mukeH the run to Ehsox m thirty flvo minnton; tho Hocond truin out loavoH at 9:05 a. m., and tho third at 1:30 1>. m. In tho wont bound traino tho UrHt one leaven JSohox at, 8 U5 a. m., the next at 11:10 a. in., and tho thud at (J'05 p, m, Tho running timo between huro and tho 'burg in rodncod in ovcry uubo. On tho Loammtjton branch,tho only ohuufiQ in that tho flrnt train north loaveii Ldiirnington at fi:U0 inatead of 7:50. Thm train oontinuoB thron^h to Windsor, leaving Ehhox at G:37 and rotummt;, leaving Windnor at 7:30, pawning Ehaox at 8:01, arriving at Corabur at 8:35, ronmininu thero till 9:30, when it toavoH for Loamington. In tho onat bound trains on tho main lino, tho mail Iouvoh Windsor at fcSO a. m. innteud of 7:15 uh formerly, paflncH through ham\ at 0:.J7 and arrivoB at St. Tboman at 0:f)0. Thoro are few ohangGH in tho woht bound traiua on tho main lino, Tho laot oxproBH arriveH horo at 11:R1 a, m. iuntouU of 11:43 and tho St. Thomau aocommodation two umiutan oarllor than horotoforo. By leaving Ehgos on tho custom mail ono can havo a honrH and 10 piinutoa iu Loudon and return by the weatern mail. Fire at Tilbury. ltihumuco 9ii,i'jU0; Jiliiicih Ktowart, lono on hnildint* oovofLd by immranoe; ]Ciai{ block, ^:j,000, lutturcd; Muhonio hall, loi.ti i}:)00, not nmuied; N. Smith, jowolry utoro, loiw ^500, homo iiiuurancc; Dr. Milhuai.'n olAco, a totul Ioiih. t'J hi 1.1 fJi An aot of oaroletioncHfi on Wodnewlfcy moruiu^ oirnr* neatly caumnf' tho death of Jolin WuldiH, Htorckeopor at Oofito. l\lr Wtdditi was titandin^ iu bin uLmo door and Harry McUio^or waw in tho blaokomitli Bhop nearly ucrORQ tho road with a 22. cnhbro nflo in bin hand, when Widdin Ktrotchin^ out bin armH, waid to McGregor, "IIoro'H a mark." MoOrogor rainod Ium woupon and in a twinkling Wicldin foil on tlio floor, tho bullt-t from tho riflo havint; entered uudnr hio right collar bono, pauneJ tUroiijih tho apex of tho right lung and lodgod in hiu back, juwt undorm'ath the hUtn. A mofinonger wuh at oijoq nont to Khhox and DrM.rdeKeiizio &.Toiinorbrought nut. Thoy locatod and removed tho bul let and do not four uny fatal ronuItH,though it wilu a clone call. McGregor uayii he did not mtond to pull the brig^a? and beliovon that ho Jid not hut that the hammer foil from tho gun being raiflod. It wan purely uu acoidont and jut Tmotlur duo of thoHo actH of -aroIofinncHH with weapona that, one rendu about every day. \iuht,rttburtj, l..lut Wind .... 3. .2nd Ward........ li ;i..3rd Ward ........ 77 Mahhu, - l..T-)wnIf'dl........ HR -"i..Turnpiko ........ *IH Andi-rdon 0..Town Hull ... 7..1tivi-r (Jauurd , B.. McGregor..... GolcheaUr North, './..CJonto......... 10. .Now Canaan... ll..MrGrogor........ 'JO (Jul? ho iter Smith, 13..B. H, No (i......m:ia..HiLCHViUo ........Ill ll..Matthww........ 'JO 7'oii'H of Lsa/ix, lr^.Teck'H Hall......1U7 10..Thomufr Oniau....ll8 tlO^field South, 17.. 1th Section a. n... o:i lH..Ruthven........77 l'J..Oluida..........10 GonUhi North, 20..C.ittam.......... fM> Ul..North Ridgo...... 71 Kinysvilte, 22,.Town Hall .... 30..L. Arnor'n bouiif J/cr.u'u, 23. .Town Hall........ 82 2>l..Jofit*ph Fox'h.... H8 2*>..Orango Hull...... 77 art..ThompHon Hall 31..Phtron Uall....j Lt'timiwjtan, 27..TownrialI........ 78 28..holiool Houho___ 71 Vclef Iiland, 20..Town Hall........ 08 "or 79 n: HO 70 109 87 17 fill 47 r,2 Rl HH 7fi 59 77 81 M 1)0 :a 120 121 9fi 110 i:jo [ 120 121 101 81 o fi7 "Hi (.)ri 00 03 87 ,i98 4.1 20 i;u (in 80 11:1 88 88 15 100 CI 51 1-1 11 10 109 lO.i 100 3 77 12 01 70 HH \H 77 r.y 57 71 90 79 08 07 8 90 HH :>r> 'Mi OS IS SUGGESTED liy Owh warm wtiittliur o(' tlio \n\nt lew fln^Bj and Ok- cliiuicoa are thut when you are m the mUlni of thifl niOHti urduouh nr dciii Tkiuj/, you will dircovcr that you need J^ NexiT Carpet tQ ^U^a(,(i ono ^)ni k|1H ^((omo to U-Bder ior lurthor Borvioo. We liave a very nice HHf-oitmcut, all thip Spiing'fl ^rcdn, in the ikwcM paiiems and colorings, and the piioeH arc ubouL fifiecn per cent lower than mual. Lace Guitains May also need replacing, and it may intercut you to know that in this lino we are showing excellent values in nice new patterns ranging in price from 35 contB to $4 00 per pair; see them. W e are introducing several new linen oi'prcmiuniH, All Free When your cat^h puvehnneb aruonnt to iiom twenty i'ne tc Jorty dollars; these are elogant goods. Other lincK of ^piiLg goodH aie coripkte, ar.d we imitc all clo^e buyers to call and see uh, Yours for Bargains, :io o;> 103 IDTJXTQ^AIT SLOCK:. ESSE2T- 89 90 11 \VOONt.KU. Tlio concert given on tho R. 0. church grounds at Woodsloo on Thursday of last w'( ok by the Groacont Dramatic Club, of Windnor, wnn very largely attondod. The Hiut,iug by tho momborfl of oho Club wan much apptfomtnd while tho Woodiilooband alflo coutributod to tho oveninti'a onjoyniont. i'rauk McHugh waa chairman. During the ovonmg, the coutent for tho gold headed cane between Wm. McGrogor aud D. B. Odotto wao decided. Four of tho youn^ hidien, Uiijoeti Aggie Strong and Sarah Loa- porauco, of Rochoator portion, and Miqfles llofiolla McPbarlin and Kato Molntyro, of tho MnidBtono pqrtion of tho parinh, had beon cauvanning for tho cundidatou for Homo weoku previouo to tho ovont. A prize of a beautiful album wan given to tbo lady collecting tho moat. Thio wan won by Mian Strong who colluotod 997.55. Mian MoPharhn collootod 860.B5; MianMcIntyro 85.1.80, and Mibh Lonporauoe 85110. Tho pastor declarod that he would givo a pnzo to oaoh lady, uh all had no woll won ono, Dr, Rorko, of Woodaleo, and Mr. Renumo, of Bollo Biver, wero appointed to count the votnH, and they reported that Mr. Mc Grogor had received 1,538 aud Mr. Odotto 1,"(02 votoH, and that conurqqently Mr Odette had won tho oauo. Both aandidatoa mido abort opeeohea and tho national an them brought tho ovoning'a enjoyment to a cIobg. About 8130 waa realized. 2:i)0 23.13 2333 Mnjonly for Allan.. 57 Majority for Cowan............109 There are now two moro polling Hub nt Vimons- one mpre in ICmgHVillo and one moro in Mer.sea, tlio BlytheBwood diviuinu buiiig'divided into two. At Gibaon'H olfieu in Endox, tViuro waa ono npotled ballot ; at tho Town Hall in Aluldou 10 , at North Ridgo 18, of which 9 wero foe each caudidate ; at lunguvillo 1 ; at Ohnda 20, of winch 15 wero for Cowan and 5 foi lung. RKCAP1TULATION. aoVTii i;sh:x lilajoritieo Cowan .. 1 Amhoratburg............. Audordou ................ Maldon.................. 12 Colchontor South.......... 31 Colcheutor North.......... Ehuox.................... 0G Goafiold South............ GortQeld North............ 8 Kiugavillo................ Mernoa.................... 133 Leamiugtou.............. 5 Polee Island.............. 40 305 130 iliijority for Cowan 169 NOHTII EBBI2X. Iu North Kahtixthoio waa a tour.oornorod fight, tho candidatou boiug Wra.'McGrogor Lib.; B. B. Odette, Con.; D. W. Maaon] P. of I.j and A. McNeil, ludupoiidonco of Canada. Tho laat two did not poll mifli- ciout votoa to aavo thoir dopomta. Tho following aro the roaulto by muuioipuhtion: s,\nn\vtcn. JamoH LI. Anbdowu, elected mtmber for Marq uttle, Manitoba, on I'ncttday, in a couain of C II. Aahdown, town clerk. AN>wnr SOVTVV, W. D. O'Neill, of Sandwich South wont over to Dr. Campbell,m Dutrrjit.WodnowhvN mor mug and had uu ubaeoHii roinovtd from t ha back of bin head. ------------------. ~^r---------------------- Tbeioaru a lot uf wouhl be molt pooplc hero thin week, Mm. V.'isiner, of St, Cutharineb, h visit ing Mth. P Holt'U, of thin place. A celebration waa held after Cowan waa elected. Lr hoc ma that it van to oomo off anyway. The huivy ram did any amount of dam age here. The bridge wafl wiiahed away fiom the eleventh, a lot of tho grading waa waahud away, and one of Mr. Dobmm'u cowh was drowned. kci srortim STATION. Mra. Elizabeth Wilaon, of lona, Miob., in apendmg a few weoku with rdlativea hero. R. Middloton, of Ayhner, formerly Bta- tion agent here, gave tho villago a call on Sunday. Harry Owen, formerly of thia plaoo. now of Niagara Falla, paid tho villagers a viait on Saturday. Mr. and Mro. Ernoat Burcbiol, of Blen heim, are tho guonta of tbo formar'a , orother, T. Burohiel, of thm place. ' The graphophono ooncert given iu tho Mothodiat churoh en Monday ovoning of laat week, by G. J. Taylor, of Loamington, waH a auccoaa, comiidering the condition of tho weather and rouda. Special Sale - OF - _ ING DRY GOODS. King 115 29 5 67 Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hatn and CapH, and Groc eries. Dress Goods, Black Luwtres, Henriettas, Whip Oord. - - Fancy-Lustrep at very low prices. Ladies' Gloves, Mitts, Hosery at very low prices, to fltart at 5c a pair. J)ress Trimmings, we carry the neweht designs at very low prices Call and see before buying. Mens7 Hats at 18c each. Clothing we carry the finest line in the west, and prices^ below all, a good suit for Boys at $2.00, 2 50, $3.00, to $6.00. Mens* as low as ^3.50 a suit. Halifax Tweeds at $5.00 worth $7.00. Boots and Shoes at very low prices. Ordered clothing, new spring goods at $12,50, $15^ $17, all worth 25 per cent. more. Are fresh, and at lowest prices. Gall and see before purchasing. j Francis A diaantrouH lire oumrrod at Tilbury early laat Friday morning aud when the flamon woro finally under control, thu larg oat portion of tho beat bnaineaa blooka of tlio town waa in auhrjfi Thoro waa a larae political meeting lield iu Andetruon a hall the evening uoforo, and it waa from thin room that tbo flunniB flrut made their up poaranno about 11:30 a.m. The hro brigade waa hooii on tho aoouo, but could not check tho flamen. The atom of Campboll Brun. wan deatroyed and the fho Lhun upread tti the adjoining property. I'ho defitruotivo blaze aoon envolopod tbo atoiea of tho Mhboh Stuiaon and N. Smith, mil from thoio to tho hank of Kippou 6i SearjT. II. Johnoou'a drng atoyo wau the next building; to bo viaitod and tho llro wan jmt yotti-n under uoutrol until it had duHtroyed tho Kingblook. Iu tho iriidnt of tho Uio thore waa a temflo explosion in thu bank build- mg wluoh shattered the wallu bctwefii it and tho ndjoioing building. Tin alrootn woro Htrcwn with tho gooda, which wore takon from tho bmidingu before Uio i\ irnoa ruiL-hod thm, but thoy aro nearly all do- atroyod witli water and rougii liandlnig. The lowcu uro [.ummed up an lollowo; Campbell Broa., gonorul etui o, tot^l Jof.a IfcS.flOO, inaurt.d; David Bmiih, G P. K. oflko and nlationory utoro, 1o-jj 01,500, in i.uted for "H.000; Mi.^oa fttmoou, Iohh on tft(k'mranon ?200; Kippyu to BcAfff, loHrf 61,200, iiiBurnco$800; .Tamos S. Hurlo memhunt, Ionn aboat $8,000, mauranao $5,000; tTiKioB II. Palmor, uonfi'iit'onou, Iosh oovnrod by lw^nraneo; It. A, Davin, drng- gUl, lori 91,500, uiHiimiioo 81,000; It,..Tohu Honp drufi;Iti# loaaoovorod b/ 81.000 in- Bumao*it T. Andot'Hort, two blooka, 90,500, WINDSOU. A warrant haa beon iat.uod for tho arreat of D. I. Siokleateel, a former barriHtor of Wiudaor, for having collected money for a client and not having accounted for it. A abort time ago Sickleotool'a name waa removed fiom the hat of burrihtora for thia act, and he hw* ainoo loft tho city. He wan a captain of ono of tbo oompaiueH of tho ISbhga FuoiUers, and had money bolonging U) the battalion eutruated to him amount ing to about S150. Of lhm_ amount S00 who account* d Tor by him, but tho rent waa never handed ovor. Hib wboroabouta aio unknown! but tho polico are of tho opinion that he haa gono to tho atatea. John Butler, an old oolorod man of 70, woll known about Wiudaor, loot bin life on TijoHiUy night iu a peculiar manner. He waa without frionda ol relativoa in tho diatriot and for .veoUfl ^aqt had lived in the op**u atr in tho vicinity of tho brickyard ofl Crawford avonno, aoiith of Wyandotte. Thero ho would pitch hia oamp at night, lighting i fird to cook bin Hiippor, and then going to flloop on a piece of carpet at tbo foot of a big tnaplo troo. He had lit hm lire at tho root of tho troo timo aftor timu uutil by repeated applioationn tho trunk waa reduced to n moro nholl. Tuesday night] Bntlor, aa nanal, unhitohod aud totborod his horao. It i not known what timo thu tragody ooowrrod, bat iho old man wan known to bo alive at 11 o'clock, with hiu firo burning brightly. A light brofKo Aprnug up iu tho oarly houra of tho morning, aad in all probability thia vug when tbo tron fell. Tho body waa found Wudnuttdny morning. Thn txua lay no row* the chost and tho faoci of tho duud man prflHonted a horriblo Bpontaol. "Utidi'r- takor Joyoo took oharge of tb body. Ho . ifl said to havo a Hforar in Sanduaky, 0., 1 and a broth or in some other Biato. o to 6 Wmdaoi.............. 721 Sandwich Went........ 2-11 Sandwich Town........ 09 Sandwich Kaat........ 272 Sandwich South...... 101 Muidntone ............ 108 Rouhp-rtor ............ 210 Tilbury WuHt and North 175 BolluRivir............ 82 WdkorMlh*............ 31 o O 021 259 210 40 00 18 215 17 111 31 101 110 M0 28 237 32 152 JO 0 17 o 20 111 8 0 :i o 0 4 0 1 577 00 ufAxns'fONH caous. Chan. Colliua ih at homo, M. Slattory waa in town Tnoaday uight. J. W. Mc(3loakoy took in tho oooiul in Woodaleo. Miau Aggio Coaugan ia homo from Detroit. Sohoolu will oIohb for aumnior vacation on Tuebday next. Tho Maidatono B. B. C. play in Kbhgv to day (Friday}. Cardu are oab for tho wodding af Mr. .Tobiu and Mian Irene Halford. Vance's Old Stand. Essex. Kssox Market. Wheat rod por bunhol ... .9 Wboat, white Corn Oata . Timothy Sood ----- Clover Sood AlaiUe Hay per ton........... Hoof por owt........... Porlc Hive weight....... Mutton GO to 00 00 52 17 to 17 3 00 ! 50 i 00 a oo to 8 no A 50 to 5 00 3 25to I! 25 5 00 to 500 T-\KB. URWAIt & MoKBNZIE. P.A.])i3WA.nlM.J).a.Al.,F.T.M.B. nonor Gfttdu- ato 1'rlnlty Unrvcrnlty. Uombor L'olloao Pbyi lobinit and Hurcnonii, Out. Roiddonoo, Talbo St. Eaat. G. MolvUNKih. M. D. C. M., Coroner, Now . York A'ont Graduatn, follow Trlnltj Modloal Collopo. Graduato Trinity Uulvomity I llouirtonoo: Talbot Btroot, wont of M. O. It, Oillco hourH 8 to 0 a. m., 1 to li and 6 to ti p. m Oiiico in Imjiotlat Umili block, [ground tiaov, next to Tlioruo'udruR ntoro. Tolonhonoiu connection with otBoo and rofll- donoo. Totula............2172 ^010 201 () Majority ror MoGregoi ------ oyor Odotto.......... 45(1 -------------,---------------Hi ...... KI.YTKKlCHWOOll). Ambroi-o C"mplxdl atuuiod auicoawarm of been that* alighted on a cherry treo on Saturday fast. Blytlu'Hwood church Mhould hi onlarg6d aa it ciinno1 aec nutoodtite all thouo who want to attend Suuday evening borviciiH. Mm. (Bov.) Oilchriat and children atartod laut weak for Parry Sound, to hpond a few weoku viuitiug her mother aud othor frionda. IU1U 11MU llliliii*.x..-_________ f IT 1 Thu>oarand a half old child of Wra. | chiokona por lb Totton, of Maidatono Croaa, had a cloo \ Buttor call from falling inta a well on Monday. Tho child waa playing aiound tbo yard and had got uuder thu ourb of tho well when ita |l-y ear-old mater noticed it and reaching over caught hold of it and hold on till tho mother waa attracted by tho ohild'a aeroamfl and pulled H out. Fruit jura oLoupor than over at M Wiglo A Co.'a. ,T. Laid lilgga, por doz Potatooa, per buobol Oniona Apploa TurnipB Carrots Beeta Parwnipo Turkoya por lb Ducka Colerv"porBdoa Oabbago JflrtllH MAhHiHO.-lii I.'Hnox Town, on Woclnoadav, Jmil!ltli1wMr,an<lMifl \V. MnuiduK, u nun. OKilNJOiV. Llouhou Brumr ia attend tlio Umver- littliat conventiou at Siuitlnillo. Ho will aliio Htopofi for a viait at Crlfucoo and Chat- hum on bin road home Wo rogrot to announce the death of Miuu Cora Knight, at Iho retddenoo of her father, on the 0th con., on Thursday, Juno 11th, in tbo 20th year of her ago. Tho funtiri.1 took pi at; o on Sunday, Juno lith, to uio TJmvpMidiM, Churoh uti Uhndft thoni'o t) tbo uwiK'Lor}, a v*r/ largo ninu- bjr o^ fricudo and acquainttvucia following the yopininri io thwir la<d* n ithig plai u, wViov/ing f'bocate(im iu whitih tiho waa held, thu church wiw M^proi)riat(iIy dcoorshd lot tho ooouBt'm. Marrlnuos. ! MoMunnis At tho Motboditit church, Houth Wondulco, on WLilmmcuiy, ,Inno I7tb, l>v ItL-v WnUor \yroii, Mr. Jauuu. MuMuum to Mlmi Ida Gullaway, both oi Maiilfitnno towimhip. Moonr At thu linmo ol tlio brltlo'n father, in Walkorville, on Wodnoaday, iTtinq 2Uh, Mr ,7nmo Moons ol "Wlntltioi.1, t,o Mm Idit Jinklii({, oC VViUluinlllo. TDHMni, At the jiialrtonoo of tho Cowi nr ofGon.iuMKovth.toAUda.aaushtei- ot Mr of - Cbarlon Tumw BuurAium- WoommiiK.r Mr AtKiii- ivuuiMiiiii'i" -A t Hid veplilniicn of rtuy, .luri'i dih. by l.ov. b. Muild, Mr. E. W. turutMr, V 11. Woodiiridt.;*), OtiUtllM. IUi.ou-Ii Jnm hn,-ivinu. on WorlwiiiidaV, ; "v\"S\t Jjiiuiy >falott. [.o.l 7J ycu-n, * daya. ICNKinr- T11 Cnud'M '-'oadi, on T*>iuri,dixy. Juun lltn, MlD'tCiuA, ur-jd JUyoam. Bought Buidur Twine ono twnt below tho markt/t ban Crawford, of Tilbury. Ilia 0UM>0lHQl,4 Ki\\\ to ip tho a'l\ti'.lU.iiO. Aud olhrrn follow milea bohind. Tbo Wall Papor raoo ia mino, wind or uo wind. I will atay in tbo race and nevuv withdraw. Why iilioulill? Victory ib alwayH and oimily iniuo, with tbo miinplon ot a atookot 300.000 rollH in C00 ddTorout doaignu ut fiom 'A ocntfl to 50 conti a roll. No ono can pca--ubly fail to find tho quality of paper and tbo very Identical pattern tliab will bu appropriate to any poHhibln room. Ci'rtaiuly a obC'ico oculd not bo oamav thuu ut my ntoro. It will aavo you from 15 to M per conb. D. J. WHITNEY, HA.TXE *wd vornishkr. Sovoral hoayy toams to~ truob logs; nlfio buyers for sovoral IIoimoB ana Tiots in tho Town of Essox, und lot of wild lands in tho surronndinj counky. '-Those properties aro offer] od ab \i Haorifico. Al**o a largo quantity of coareo dr; Liumbor for sale. Tt may bo seon aj tho Colchotitor mills. Apply to T ox to . H. BECEW, ____W. M. DEOEW, The Br^tttli of Hit) Plno Gougha, Oolda, Aattima, Bvouabibin, Bo Throat and Lnnj Trounloe are oirai ' Norway Pin* Syrup. Fma 36 fcni . conti, lb hruithi out tho ueftUnfl ^rif j of thQ piu forwu. -'.^ ::M K ^^^MM^riiUs> a^t.J'^'J.V>^."J/^' .^.Jl,1, ^VmiW5H&f%*WXMW:M HM tete i& '\ti<K>dsL

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