:;. i>4 $'; MONEY TO LlilND iti'v';;,On mortRRKOB at 0 por *j' ; cent. Firo and Lifo In- Biuanoo at, lowtmt rates. Jt J. W. GIBSON. SVv" j Agent i-- = #.;.............VOL jf.II. No 26 .... J MONEY TO LEND ,^; On mortgages at .6J pGf . ;..vii cent. Fire and Life In- \V;^ nut-unco i.tl oweut ^ - 4' twites. ^ J. W. GIBSON. t I' vi::N HAVE YOU Tried TradingSWith FORSYTH & CO. '<* THE LEADING STORE IN ESSEX. u ESSUX, ONT. F1UDAY,_.. JUJSJIU 20. 18% WHOLE No. 598 Victory Rests With the Opposi tion Forces. . If Not, We Solicit A Trial. la a Ton per Cent, Avorago Savi'i^ any object to you theno cIo-=o timca ? Wo will convince you that wo can bonofit you that much ut loaafc. How Can We Do It? By Importing Diroct from Manui'acturarH. By Buying tor Cash Only. By Maying in Largo Quan tities, You will find our methods Sutislactory. Our Mottoes Are : Reliable Goods at Low Prices. One Price for All. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. No Misrepresentation. Money Back if any pur chase is Unsatisfactory. FARMERS* PRODUCE TAKEN AS-CASH. Wool anted, And Highest Prices Pair i in Trade or Cash. >ry G-oods. illmery- slothing. ierchant Tailoring, ,ats and Gaps, -roceries. ^rockery- oots and Shoes. j|pORSYTH B3, NDKRSON & GO. Leading Store of Essex, !>i'.' M, HKTUBHS FROM THE FIELD. A Uura Foiiirht Itnttlo nil Alotij? tbo Lino Mriny Surpriwos. HON'. WIIiliTUI) LAUIUETt. wmm ELECTED. IjtuWjo County..Ohou Vitxpatrtok .... 200 ficmvttln.........LP Urodgttr......... 900 v5Knd Iui'1.. IVj T 8tonrtaa.......^ tlohlln...: -A. A HruriBitu........ ltfl U^juiAI........Dr KUet............. 105 jk.. ByMjiuthu . ..M K Buridor, uctil. *SwJvB'ruHn!r..| k Buutfti:'........W>0 h,4~l.........C H Pfik-muleo.......Ht> feculent** ...___fir [ioui'buuuaU. .... 000 fmf|oUiva.....& PuuUofc............ firu'fttattiUftlnu..J AO fctbiar........ \$ Vn4r*4l.......HflMftrwOod........ 0*0 WH^..........OR Davlio........... $5 Ywniwfc*........l>r MtifuutH ........ 4ti MANITOBA AND NOfeffHWUga1 Alberta.........D'miilt Ollvnr........ 80 A.iMlnibola K....'Uv. Dr. DMiidad.... 00 Linear...........HL Itlchai-ii'ioh...... Muudonuld......Dr.! (i Huthorford... MnniuoLi.it........I U Ajdidown........ SiulcaLi:lujwan....IIon W Lauriur..... Selkirk...........J A .Mauilunell....... Allwrt...........W -1 Low is .......... Klut^i...........ColJit-s" Douivlllu.... -tC0 QiioftnSuind j,..(, Ki .......... Hunbury......S Uln.hmorid........13 (' J'Mynu........... St, John (City) ...lolm V KllU........ 000 St John County .J J Tucker.......... 000 WiM'inor'hiM'r ..C \V Knbiu.son....... in 1*1*1X013 KIWAUI) ISLAND. Kiii'-i'N...........Dr Mclntyru......... I'rliicu 10........John Y<m............ Qucon's W ......L li D.ivitis.......... IW7 NOVA SOOTIA. , Antiyuiiish.... . .Hon (' K Mc:1hjuic. ... tifr CiiniVx-rliinci.....I! 'V T-u^an .......... Ditcby............A .1 S Copp.......... finyHljDi'i'U^li.... D (' KraHui* .'..'....... Halifax..........H Itii^KfU............ Hunts............Dr Alton Il.'iltjy...... 21 Jnvi:rni;ss........Dr .Muhuiiiimi....... 171 Kind's.........., Dr Dori.Lun........... wii\fe.'"::1... } """"........50 Viinnunth___.. ..T li Flint............. 0-10 BRITISH COLUMBIA. .Durrani.........(n-n. H, Maxwoll. ..** VancnuviM:I;litMAV* W H McJnncK.... NsU^.'W.t.,!,l"*.. lA.ilaylUorriboti..;^ . Hberbrookfi......lion W |[ IvtiM....... Stimuli........A II Mooro..........KOO Turrlionni!.......A (Jhttuvln........... MANITOBA AND NOKTIIWEST TEKHITOIUKH. "Provtinolior.....C C Ij*ltlvi(u-........ "Wlnuipm;.........M J MttcdoiiMUl......lol NOVA SOOTIA. AmiHlialiii .:......T. H. MIUh........... Cjn! B>oLoii.....Sir C Tmi?r ........ Crtt^ Urotou.....H V McDoilj;all..... ColdliOHUr.......W I) Dimock ......... tyO Ullf(iX..........Hli Uorrlon ......... IfefJ ljuuort)>uvii......C KICuulbaoh........lC'J Viotou.........^.Siv C IF Tujjpui'...... Plotou...........A C U/tJl............. Victoria..........pr'Iltitbiiut) ,........ 100 NEW BUUMHWICK. C*rUtoH.........mi HiiIk ............B67 Clitvirlott*;........G W G;in<m^........ Cumberland: Hon A H Dicltpy .... Qlouciiiitur.'......T BTuiHihard ........ ^iiut............,OV Mclimrney ..... 10B itfortburaberbiiiflJiiinoK Hoblnwon.....610 llOBtUfouche.....J McAlllutei-......... al Viuioriu..........Jt>hu Ooutluttu....... Yoth............Iloa O K Foter.....1100 raiNOE KDWAUD IBCAV-D. prince \V4.......Jluiikuy. . .^........... (jttoau'tf K.......Al(*^ Murtln......... BHITIHW COLUMBIA. Victoria..........(Jul (^ri.r.'............ Victoria..........Tim* tCiirln........... Iscr's I eading 4- It 'l.'h" Jjui^i'ht, Besfc DiL'htofl untl uinflfc ino.ldrn AJok'h 'Jab lltMru! KwtuhliHb- niotitin tlio woafc, Cor. Hundwioh nfc. and Onullutto itvo, dirimtly opponlto tliii Furry. /\11 Htt'fMf cirn wtop at tlio door CO 6Q ci CO Essex Headquarter* for w ^ v Hen's. Boys' & Ghildran's J Ready-io-wear Clothing* * ONTARIO. Drant. X. ;uh1 win^rti;..?^- &>nn.rviIlo.. >urlia!n W Bluln V,' .. KfuKU K ... Ma^BX S----- ,. Dr. Itonniir ........ ..IlnbiM't Doith....... . Oho K Cu^ny........ .. Wm Mc.il rc^nr..... . ,M IC *.'(HVUIt........ Qruy N...........Juhn Olurk......... Gnty ti___.......Dr L.-unl'M-kin...... IlfiutlriKK K........f M II urii:y ........ Hamilton.......'I'll Murphm-sim ... Hamilton........A T Wuod.......... Himm 10...... l... Huron ti..........luhii MnMllh'm..... Huron W........M (.' <';tnr'r m ..;... .....\ i'i:;i (lamplji.'ll ...... ___DM liril Mm....... Villi KlM-il.T........ ^amhton W......Ins I (is'.ur.......... Lt'tidt*. Dienville. K T i-'ro.^t......'...... Xjitiuoiii&Xiii^ritWui i .'iiiMon........ MiildbisiL'X -S.....M. MctJiiyan ....... ,.\\. y. CiLhvrt....... ..J-iiiM Cliarltou..... ..!,. Dr.rnctl.......... ...In-.. I). !vt-;.r....... ,. X. A. iVtooiirt...... ., \\';n. Iliitcbiii-ion ... . ..la-. rinir<h(trliiii(l. .-., . .Sir 11. GarlAvriulii, .. . ..I...-. Kc-ithei'MLon ... ..D. K. Krb........... Ptitorlioruus^b K.Juiin hun^C ......... Proscotx..........I 1'r.uilx.......'.... Ronfnjw X ......'l!hos Mack its....... KtDiHuli.......... \V. C iM wards..... 'lViroutu G.......*\\'in huuiM-......... Vic lor in S........(U:tt .McDn^ii...... Wittorloo, S......las Living-ami .. .. "Wentworth S___'1'hoinas Iiain...... Wellington, C___\ Scinpli!......___ Wt'llinKton X...J'as Mc.Mtillnu..... York X..........Wm Mulnck....... York K..........II I* l1'rani: land .... QUEBEC. Ai"Kf-Uteuil ......Dr. G!n'isti<;........ Buaiiee ..........Dr. Gudhotit....... BelleolinHHO......O. K Talbot....... BtJiiavcnturi) .... Kuuvel.......... Benlifcr.........C. litmnsotoil, Atxl Qroruti...........A. S. Fiihur,....... CV^&:'......}o.A.0al-io .. CUurluvoix......Chas. Aiifror.s...... Chaioatitfuay.....I. D- Uroivn---- Cliicoutimi and Kcni......... KilJCKtuil .... Lnmhton JC.. MiddtoHi'.x W .. Norfolk, X----- tlntfirio S..... Ontfirio W Ottawa City .., Ottawa City. .. Oxford, X...... Oxford, S...... Puol............. Pc-rth S ....... Political-: - Battle-:.- Over Now the people im f.vive us their ears while we talk 7fN Twine DALTON Mt:CAi; I'll V.'l.C II J) EPS Eli ELECTED, 11! KlUl . 17 :20u , :iu<i . ;it;i . -STfi . ai?> . ;itis ."Oil . M00 . :*i:i . 400 . :ipo . c;)D . :iut . no . 150 . 1WJ . C.I3 . u: , ;ut . in 100 15(1 :i07 100 so M0 AKsiniboia, W .. .J. K. Me Inn is........ Brandon.........D MrCurthy......... 115 Br net?, \Y ....,,. Jobn 'I'Mime......... IV Card well........\V Smhbs............ .'103 Fronti'iiac.......D rtntrorn...........nficl" Prinrc Ktlwanl. .W V Petit;........... 1U0 (^lcli.-i- \v.......It R Dohi-ll..........3-12 SiiiH'-.[]X........ Dalton McCarthy.'. ..1000 Toronto ft........I p;n-s Dobtn-t.^on....101-1 York W.........X C Wallace......... We are now receiving large sUiprnent3 of Twine. This week we receive about 25=Tons We havft several Brands. Our Prices will he the LOWEST in Western Ontario. Can give a Firat-ClaKu Twine at not more than 7c. per lb, "DTS----.-IT WILL FAY "SOU.' filli CHAHLES TUPPKH, I3AIIT. CONSERVATIVES ELECTED. ONTARIO. 000 Addinu'tou.......John \V. Boll..... BuMiwt-Il.........Tnms Clancy....... Brunt, S.........Hohert Henry........ WO Uruckvillc ... Brnco ] )...... Oarltrtoii ..... Cornwall and Sionnont.. Dundari-------- .Hon. J. K. Wood... .II. Cnrtfill ........... ..\Y. T. llodyins....... 2ti0 SI. 300 liicoutimiitnd ) vT^-ivwi Dorcliostor.......J)r Valllanuourl; . Drunummd and l T A r .. Ct<Wii>e............H Dt'inioux ..... Hooht-'loyii,......J A C .Mndori; ... Huntingdon... ...Jullua Seriver... Jollfftt*..........Dims BHsiinut___ Kan)OJira!ika.....G C.a1'1'11" ....... Liiljolltj..........H Bourutirfa...... ^iSTpi^vtllo.. .'J Manolto..-... Laval...,........ThH Foi-Un ..... Levin............KmiU*- Guuy ,:... Lotbinioro.......Dr Jiinl'rot.' .. Maaniniiouvi; .... It P/id'oiitjilno .. M/HflltiumifjfC!.. :.,J. M'. DtJffris.......... 1.W MlHPlsquol.......D H Mc'kch........... 2-10 Montriiutfity.....I.'. A. GlioqUotto.....IM) Jttontinoruncy .. .Hon C Lan;^Hr .... liont.ruid Sj. Jacqnos.. .O r)nmnjn'aH........."JJUKI. Suliiiiiriunfc.KaiVtiiy..........v TIT St -Mario..... .Aid. Itapw..........13U1 w. , ' - . i Ktau II, O Jo4y do Pw'tnowf......... }i4oV,hBilow......... m QiwbeGG...,....FI*un^'llor,.........30T ^nttljiju IC..'.,.., lion >*' |jH".r.'o'......a^0 500 H.7J 500 800 . -100 . ^00 . no . ti50 . 4U) .1152 rn:: srMMAur. Cfins'i'yvativ'i..................... Lj!;vTiil .' . .......................... iiulei.tMiiiiMil; .................. Tlia Toronto Miiil simunarizti tlio suit iw foBowB; Oonftt'i'viaJvi.*, 'iS; I oral, l\)i\ Tndhpondont, 1; Datrtin, 1. Tho TVirontn Gln.br? niti:ini;iri/.(N thn stilt an folltAVH; ConKorvativi1,. H:i; 1 oral, iHij Jndupontlant, 0; Pati'"n, \i. R2 l-'iO in rc- ,\U- $?* Best 3-Tine Forks witlrStrap, 30c. 0* . Ilo The Largest Retail Furniture and Hardware Store in Oanodal ..., ,.J,-, ,f,.i..-a.naMMi ' WEIGHING IT UP. [ Di;Dt>rLrin ..... .A Drodor ........... Durham ft......T ].) Craig............ -15 Klgin K .........All Ingram ......... 'JO I Glengarry.......H It .McLimuun...... 7d0 GrtJiivillii........Dr ,Heid ............. t)5 Grey IS.....'.......Dr Bproule...........COO llnldimand,Monck,Di' Montague.....500 Hiiltoii..........David HondcrHon ... 107 \lnriUtiK* W .....riarry C(rl>y........ rlustiuKH N"......A \V (JarHculluii.....1000 Lanark N........B Ho^unond ........ 300 .Lanark S........J(> KiittKtirt......... 2DB Leeds S.-^v,.-----Gdorwe Taylor.......J328 Lennox..........Uriah Wibon .......205 London..........Thomas Boattlo ..... 1111 Middle.SLx I'l.....Chas. GUinour .......100 Middlesex N....AV. 11. itutoljiim..... 1^0 Muskolcu and ) f; M \if./*',.,.,ninir Purry SriunU ..!" M" ?'ia-'ol"llcIc- NlpiMniiiK........JjioiwM 11. Kluclc..... NorfolkS........aol. D. Ti-tdnlo....... NorUniinbiir'd K.K. Coulininc :....... NortliumborM W. Oi-o, Gnillufc. -...... Outurtd X .......Iy. MeGillivray.... Perth X.........Alox F MacLaron Pnt(rborouL{h WJmne.s Kcndry....... 500 Itonfrew, S.......lohn IJ'ore;uson.......810 Simcuu l<\........W II XJennutt........ 400 Slmccw, S........-Col Tynvhitt........ 87(1 Toronto W......E K Clarko.......... 461. Toronto W..:...K'B Oslur............501 Viotoi'hi X......Hiiinucl JDighoii...... 15 Waterloo X___.J. 10 Soa^nun........ 3D Wellnnd.........Win .McOIuury....... . ' WuHinyton S..'..Ci)niiKluopur.......107 QUKTiKO.. > BHj'ot.............Dupoiit.............nee I Doaiiliarnola ----J. G. H. Jhiriierou.----- Hi Clianiivlain .....: Dr. Alnrootte......... CohHpr.o:i___.....U t*ono............. '.Jfioqiius Curlier .F D Mouck .......... L'ArirtOirti)tion...ir ,T<w,imor,te........ VIwl'ol............J A. B.Ionnti......... Mnntcalin.......L Duujhh". ....."...... Md^iinHc......,.L. .T. 0, Krachetto... Mvmtrtai St Aaita.....Jy'Qniuti ....... St Autoitao . .'Dr ' G ORoddlek',.,. Nloolab*..........' BoiHveri............ 'B PoiltittC.........W. JI>OMporo ........ 300 ooo S78 200 011 1!) fipO Oi0 aoi" 2sr. Torontn'H Hie DuillcKon Mic SUnivti^tfU Conuneuting on tlm election the Globe of tliia morning .siit.s: While the victory Is one of which the Liberal party h:ivo every rouuon to be prnur!. it iri nlfio n. matter whieh tbo country, irivunoetivo oi" party, mny view with feeline;a of pro fQund gratitude. Wo way thlfl In ii"o Phiu-lflnlenl spirit. We do not pretend thiit (ill the public npirlt, banosty, patri otiBra hu(1 nblllty aro to bo found upon one filtlo of polities, But it nna for bouio time past beon upparoht too vary thought ful man thnt the Conservative party hurt biHin Hufl'tfi'lne; ji dwoihne, that In houio way It had fallen vmdor tho control oJ" men who-did not by any moans ropi'OHonfc lU'bost oleraontP, and that tho continued, rctonfclon of powor by Its limclorn oonld only brlnR dlnerodlt to tho party an well no Iopr and danger tn tho country at largo. * * * Our lnudoi'fl mnut apply thomHelveH to the work of totronohmont, nob aturvlnpr tho puhlle HervltwH, but tnklnpr care that tlift monny of the pnnplo Hhull be expended for tho henoflt of tho poople. Tho tar Iff iniiHt bo rovlsed with carofvil rotfa.nl to tho .condltiom of ln- dnstry which have yrown up under tho present policy, yet with a tlinvouglmeKH which will romovo ovory praotical prlov- a.nco. Tho Liberal party U not lod by doctrinaires who.will Hot to work to dis turb buHlnmiH for the sulco of OBtabllshlno; ihooriuK.. Wo luivo been told by *u> oppo- nontn of Industrial!.which luivo grown up undnr thn -turlfl", nnd ' whloii can jnitlfy tliolr orlfltonco hy fair prJcan and good ' w7vKcflr*WffTfflvo only to vy thniiit In not iillinst Hiifih that tho. Llboral policy 1b directed. I-t 1h not a low-wngo party. The workingmnn knowH t* hlrt oob that Protection utYerdn no guiiwmteo elthor for Rood Wilson or oonfi|,anoy of umploynwnt; "i^^^mti "swontlnB*' ;uid enforced Idle- nosrti'irfu condltioua ton often found la protected IndiiRtrlou. Tho Liberal party, \vhlin It ofitwu no panacea for hlffh wttjytw, .will oudouvor, bo fur an th neopo of liplnlat.lon extisndu, to muljo tho con- dUlo-n of tho workiuKW" better nnd not worse, to U^hton h\s 6urdcut*. and to tuc- tfliid his opportunities fat nmpleymtnt, We iinjHi that frrtin thin -tfay may bo daUd'u now era of- proipwHy ajtd^houoc for Canitdn. GnVdrnmotlt^ and parlia- ihonto mny do niuali, tawuMM UrU ond, Imfc &ur.nilu"conUdeneo In In th lixtolll- (fin'iue, th'o euterprlnH and fcho patrlotlemi of tlin Jioojdo of Canada. Tho -Mfttl .iiL_ i^mL J?a'ayi np to daiu Is Ss Conyurvntlvt'fi, ll LiboTalH, four ludepuudenU, and two I'ationa. It eeeniH probwhle that tho mlticdug- roturnri, to^ethor with the eleetlona yet to be held, will brlnf? the Conservative flfpire 1141 t(1 *- The nhmip has taken place in Quebec. There have been oluingap in other prov- inue.nl but It In Quobco that Iwik turnoil the Hoale. Had thut provluuo dlvidod Ha ropre.suntatlon half und half batwoon par-' tine the Conaorvublvcs wonld have had a fair majority to work Yipou.' As It 1h tjho Liberal strqUflth U dr/nvn entirely from Quoboo. , Tho port-y indeed la a Quoboc -party. Two Uiflwinoev, of n vvsry eOriqiiB olmraotiuf, imvo beon at work to oantrib- uto to tho flstraoydlnnry rcnult. QnA wan the ory that, was raUod by tho leader of tho Opposition uaainMi a proratoi1 wh'> was Britiflh and Protestant, tbo othvr wan the duinnnd for ooerolvp hi(jlultt4!"n iih regi'.vdu Manitoba. 'th& liotacA\^l bil; of lnt biossion waa objeotod to by the Liberals oC QuqImo, Alr.'XjaUVlov .ai tfielr head, not co umch becatTao ft da,lt with tlio Sohool queHttAu, but be do u so in deal- iHff with thnt quofltlon ooawilan WaK not oppllod to tho province t\ fttiflly an the Xjibemlii doHimd, o> to tho peoplo.wlth that onorgy that tho, LlbMaln sown to' think neco(tnry. Tho Llboral obj&o^on to it ww, flrut, that it did not ontfow tho fieparato tabooin with the monoy of tho province; and, fiocondly', t!i:;t it did not compel Roman Gatliolloa to uho eucJi sohools, wbother thoy wlnbcd to or hot. It httfl boon rcproflontfld In Quoboo thnt an SSiiffUsth and Protestant pronrlcr \e Indla- poaod to apply the lash, and that Mr. Laurler, a Vronoh-Canadian and a Siomun Catholic, would bo more likely to do ao. Tho viow of tho' blRhopH ban bean that a raadorato moaauro" would woet rlv* case. For tide reason theao dliznltnrleK favorod tho Government pro ject. Tho Liberals, however, deolnro^l tliotnaolvort to bo more Catholio than the blahnpfl,' and with a ruolal and u roll^- lnun cry, in imitation of thut which Ofrrolcr raised, they hnvo oarriod the peo ple away. h'l ,'i Tho 'ftaHbnul. Connoil of Wouion of On-.jada at thoir. roaonr/ nnnn'i-1 conforonco bold In Mnutraal aqoftpted u rtopiinmuufc in fchu OunTidiun. Homo Jon run!. Ihitt do- pavtmont will-ba controlled and imporvipotl by Her Excellency^ thn Pronidont, and othov nhiof ofnuent of tbo Conned, ami will contain' till reliably oflhiiid information' woiiQ/irninji tbo work of thin grout or^mi- Mai ion of .CKtrndiiui Women. The many aopiotiefi which are. . hfAlialvd. Svitl4 tbo CDunuil will be inberoBted In knowing this. MKTXrODIST MAGAZINE AND RE- YIKW fi;r July, XBOtl. Toronto; Wm. Uripca. Price, 82.00 a year ;. $1.00 for nix mnutlm; Hinglo number, '20 contn. Thin .inugii/.iiitj enteru upon Uh forty- fourth volume with vigour. IfoarticIoH on "Ae^lo.Saxon Btipromacy," and, on "Tho Mcmnonite'i of Manitoba," hnvK^uito a Dominion Day Uuvour.--*Tho .Ku\ Dr, Biithorlund Ihib u utront,' paper on "The Rolifiioua KlomeuS in Education,'* and Dr. Dewart a vi^orouti artuilo on "What Should iVIim'fltora l?retluh ?" Minn Daniolri oon- tribnten a thoughtful paper on "Tho Life and VVork of Emerbon,",witb portrait, and Mr. Chant, of Toronto Univormby, ono on. "iilicbael Faraday," tlio c-nuneut noioutiHt* There aro nloo flnoly illmUrattd urticlouou. "Our Indian Ktnpiro," "Dulmutui and Iih MotnorioB," "TradoQ and Ouunputioua m Biblu Lauds," an uddroHH on Arbitration by Lady Honty SomcrHot, with u hno por trait, and gouerouB iie'tallmontH of lighter ' reading lor t^bo helidttyH. Tho dopurttnouts- of "The World'n Pronoun," "Current Tucmnht," "Recant Setenoo," "Book Ho-. vI.wh," ore, will Itoop readoru of this tno.jt* a'-iiuo woll abroant of the groat movoinouta of tho tiUH'H. Now iHtho time tOBubiieribo. . i. ..... The Doctors .Wav'o Arrived; Sorvicot) fir^t' throo inouthn A Dtuft' of oraiuuat German and lin^liab phy- nipiunnaud HinruGonti' liavo arrived at the British Medical InHtUuto, 124 LayfayetteV : ,;^i Ave., Detroit, All, invalidn who call npon '"ij tli'om before July lGtli will rocdvo borvicea . .'i'.;^ for three uaontbfl froo of ahar^o." This'.will V^ not only inoludo oonuuHation, oxuroination'.. '^'!?,B and advice, but alHo.ull nuri'ioul oporiLtionH. " '*-fi Under no confiideration will nmmnuratibn'. . in uny form bo accepted for uny t'orvlcea.. rondorcd; therefore- tbo nioflfc htmihlo in, aivonniHtauuuH can avail themoolveBof tho tnont oscport medioal fckill and without "0Oht. ' Tho object m purnnitui thin courao is to hooonio rapidly mid perHonally aoqaalntsd.-t with tho Hick ar.d .uiHictod. .JTho dcoiors , troitl; all forum of obronio diaeaHe, but will!., nbc ucuopt luuuraklu canon. If, upb& ex- itnunation, yoti ai* found incurable, yoa ' will be kindly and frankly, told ao,: also'ad* '--r-M vintd. 'ujiaiuai flpcndinj; money for j unelee"f'^^j trcutmuutt.' '.^4 ,';itll 1 A^r, lluio and fonialo woakneKs, patirThan^-'ji-.^ tdrrhul,dvaliK.HHl-alj>.'aU.(Ii&euseiKibr^',>"^w r. eium, are positively cured by their tr<jtment. Olnco noura;-^!) a.m. till duye ;-10 a.m. tHl 2 p.m. . All lunguugos bpoken; ' ------ ../\j onlurrhal dcalut.HH, aU.o-all.diseased bf;tb,,,;^| 8 p.w..':Sun,-^'i .^VV""^ j'."u!^.ffl^' ' / " i';^i:.:^ jte:r.^liliafe^ M^mA^MMMMM^i 72