Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 19, 1896, page 8

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rv;>i, '" ". M the Day of Election Is Near at Hand ! Some get very ranch excited over it. I would advise you to keep cool. The best way to do this is to get your Straw Hats at Whitney's, Where you will get Correct Styles, ' LI I ' Prices Right and NO OLD STOCK. TIES! KLFOKD. Johu Boom iutliotod a very bud out In out) of hii* wriatfl on Tuonday. llo way chopping wood at John ThomaH1 and tho aXn cuught in Homothinj.: overhead, falling on hid hoad und thon on bin wrhifc. Eortu: uatoly tho odffu of tho uxo did not ntriko him"Dn*thcr head. Dr. Jeunor dressed tho injur led. OOfcOIIKSTlCH. N OUT II. 0. J3. Woldon will ho deputy returning olAuor ub tho Goato poll und ]j. A. Sioklo- Htool.ut McGregor poll on Xtitniday 'nose fc. On Bundny nigl\t of lank li^htnin^ Htruak u burn belon^in^ to Jamau Bu.nkn and imfc iiro to it. Two hot-Hod, belonging to .laapor Hulm, and throo ho^ii boloutfintf to BanltH worn in tho building tit tho timo und tboy woro coumimod. Special Sale of Ties Friday and Saturday. Don't Miss this Chance. Silk Belts. Bilk Bolls, $1.50 now si.u>. u>o t< 70c. 75c. 11 t;0e. Boys' Belts. Hoys" BoUh, liHc, now 25o, 30c. " 8c, 19c. 23o; irtinmoNii. Frank Matkort In ill "with fovor. Robert Ikuoii ban movod from Binfjon. A townwhip pionlo watt hold in Cumoron'u I'tovo, Klmntoad, Wo-hioiiday afternoon of limt woak. MuhIo, dimoinj; and oratory wero tho attraotinmi. Bpanohon woro mudo by MoniirH, McGregor, I'aeaud, Oloary, Odotto, DoIoh W. David and Wintomuto . A uoiiorul fjoort timo wuh had. Straw Hats. 20(t Straw HatH Price* from 0r' to 40c, N0\V 20o. r>c, Sailor Hats. Jjiitlioa'^and Misaoa' Bailors! Prioo from 25c to 40c. NOW 20c. D J. Whitney, EATTEE ATO FURNISHER. Mr. Cndmoro, of Windnor, will opon up a nonoral utoro in Mrn. 11. Uokuii'u nfcaud. K, Wiloox ban Hoourod a. .ROQil woll of feat or tor Johu Murray tfc Son at tho roar of thoir mill. Mr. and Mra, H. llofjan loft lat wook for Qod*rioh, whoro tboy intond apondin # tho immmor with tho luttor'ti parontu. Mrsi. J. W. MoCarty and children who havo boon (mending a low monthn with Mr. and Mr&. J. Lambort, havo #ono. to Byoamoro, 111'., whoro they will roHido for tho future. se OOTTAHK. OhsiH. Hovil from Alborta baa arrived In KIu^Hvillo and lHHtaying with bis aunt,. Mm. Wa^Htaff. Jun. Uouuott and wifo arrived homo tbift woolc from an nxtondod tour having boon Jn Walkorvillo, Windsor, Dotrolt, Mt. ClomotlH, Toledo and Kin^evillu. Tho lar^ont and tuout onthiiHlautlo jo< litioal mooting Oott,am over had wuh hold on Monday. Tho Hpoakorn woro Dr. Km^ and 13. Wl^lo, Barrbitor, from Windnor and M, 1. Cowan and H. W, Allon, ox-M, P. That happy Nothing on f arih will malio tiiu miBtamor fool no happy and contented nn a kuowlodKo that ho or hIio in iMdlinK tho very bout ( oodo at tho lowoiit priood. Wo lovo to mako pooplo happy, not only by aolliiiff ohoap, but by iioIUnn, Hhoon that tit. You probably noocl good-fittint; ShooH moro in hot woathor th an at any otbor time, Boo our mimmur ooJtt. O'xm'fcam. Work a SpQcial-ty Kirii of tho Goldou Boot, wniTNKY BLOCK, ESSEX. OKilNMk\. Simon Phillipu, who diod on Juno lnt in hiH tjGth year, wan born at Ohnda and ha lived in thiu vicinity all bin lifo. Ho wan noyor marriod and wan a nohor, honoflt, indnatricuii working man, roHpooted by all. In roli^ion ho wan a Mothodhit and in politicn a Liboral. Tho funoral on tho Urd of Jauo to Olmda Mothodiot Church wan lartioly attended. Tho intormont took placo in tho Ohnda oomctory, Itov. W. H. Shaw, of Gottam, officiating. Ono brother, Uriah, ib living ut OUnda on ttin old homo Htoad, and ono niator, Mrn. Annio Shoploy, m living in Maldau. A CHOICE OF STYLES *'.} Ih what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are up'to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 0c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to $4 on a suit; we have also a splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goodti before buying DEWAR.-IHA Gentlemen. We solicit your votes. We are in favor of the closest possible trade relations with yon. Will guarantee: PROTECTION,- Protecting you against high prices. ftECIPROCITY- , Giving you a dollar's for a dollar in currency. FREE TRADE- Only deal with us when you can do better than elsewhere. BRITISH, FOREVER, Particularly that which leade to honest dealings We have several orhor "planks," but space is too limited to give our whole platform. If elected to supply you with [Hardware, House Furnishings, etc., we will show you through the largest establi'hment in our lines in Canada,.in which we have enormous'stocks '? /ft';' ffJ.V Nourii iuihji:. Goorfo ThoronH and wife, of Wild llano, Wannhara county, WincouHin, aro viditiny rclativoo boro. A few of our rtHidcnts wont to Windsor bint Saturday to hgo unci hoar Sir Churlcn Tuppor. Itov. W. H. Bhaw will preach in tho North Itidjjo Mothodint Church next Sab- buth at ll'a.m. A lar^'t* number of our romdonta, both men and womon, wont to Kwiuuvillo bint T.uooday to tho nomination.. Goorao- MulcuHter, wife and family. Samuol knh, wife and family aud Goor^u ThomaH and wifo pioniokod on tho bauku: of Etio'a lordly flood last Saturday. SO KIT I* WOODS*, tf Mi. J. A. Smith Ih prupurinu to robuild bin Htoro. Minn Caufiio Bmitli him. boon homo for a fov; dayu, .John Murray A Sou'h will in ahonfc ready for tho maobhmry. Mm AyrcH and dauyhtor viditod with fnondH in Ehhox Inut wook. TVlrH, J. Mullimi and ohild, of Chioa[;o, tiro on a vmifc at tho homo of hor paroutu horo. I\trn. John MoCa-rfchy and ohildron have rottirnod homo, after iipandintf a fow monthn with T. Lambort. Iri'tha abntniao of Ituv. Mr. AyroH at oonforonoo on Suuday of hint woolc, bin pulpit wan occupied by W. A. Fnothura , of Ehuox. Ttiv. Alioholl, jr., ia Htifforinu from up- potulioitiH. IIo in undor tho care of Dr. Ttourk, Dr. IIolmoH, of Chatham, und' \)r. ilonnor, of Euhox, worn oallod iu con* Hultation on Tuenlay. Uporativo praaod- uro waa not dooaiod advmahlo at protjout^ - Jonan Hnrnt in rocovorin/; from a ntroku of facial puralynin. .Tamon Honor will bo deputy rotu rninft officer at tho town hall and Victor Pillon at tho fit ono uchool tioune at tho election on Tuonday next. Minn Jemima Drnnb in ftufforin(i from an attack of contention of tho apino. blm in at tho homo of hor brothor, Sylvontor Bruuh, and for nomo wooka hot lifo ban Doon donnairod of, but nho ia.uow iiomo bettor. Fraci, Hoanmo, of thin towiiHhip, on Mon day, ontorod an action in tho Detroit oourtti a^aiunt tho Amorican Stool Barj;o Co., claiming >20,000 dama^on. Uontaton that when oix bourn out of Buffalo bo foil into tho hold, breaking Iuh arm and ouiitaiiiin^ othor injurioji, Ue oharfjoH tho aoaidont to tho company for itu alk^od no^loofc in not having lifo Mhoh utrotohud around tho open hatchway. Iuntoad of turning back to Buffalo, wk-ero ho mi^ht havo roooivod medical attendance in a comparatively fihort timo, Roan mo fiayH tlio vqhhoI con- tiiiuod on a 32-hour trip *"o Detroit, oanfl- intf him to ondnro a groat doal of nulfor* lot!. The accident occurred lant October. Diebel & Bricker We are offering Special Values in ILace Cur tains and Carpet, Lace Curfcfihift from 25cta a pair to $5 a pair. In Super Union yard-wide Carpets, we oiler the regular I . (\6c quality for 50c a-yard. ' Tapostry Oarpofcs from 38c to 75ca yard. Brussels Carpets from $1 to $1.25 a yard. Mi-wool Carpets, regular price 8,5o, for 75c a yd. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing. We have sold more Men's and boys* Suits tho past two weeks than eyor boiore in tho same timo The reason is tho unprecedented low pricoK. Men's wool blue Serp;c Suits, regular priee$5, for $2.98 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits do $7.50 for $5. Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, do $10, for $1 60 Men's fine Worsted Suits do $15, for $11 Men's all-wool Tweed Pants for 98c a pair. Boys' andyoufchs' SuitH atcorroHpondingly low prices. Monstrous Purchase of Men'a, YoutfiB and Boys' Straw Hats, at a great reduction from regular prices and wo arc selling Men'ti fino Swiss Struw Hata.wwth $ 1.50 for$l frtonda UltOOICKU. Dr. J. CJibbH ban boon yiuiting here. ToliticH ran away with tha raon bnre~on" Monday ni^ht.. Tho nocialo bold durinu tho week woro woll fittondod both ovonin^o beinj; lovoly und all bad a Kd timo. In tho foot-ball match on Saturday between Brooker and tho ninth coucowuon boyn, tho ncoro wan 1 to 0 in favor of Brooker. An ice oroam and banana nociul wan held at tho Brookor Baptiat church on Wodnouday evening, uudor tho annpioon 0* tho Ladiou' Lid of tho church. Tho attend anoo wan good and tho rocoiptft araountod to ovor 820. A oploudid procrauimo wan rendered, oonaiatiun of rooitationn by JViiEiion Lottio Smith, Lottie Armstrong and Amy Campbell; Hoio by mrn. J. Myorn-, olabnwiu^inn oxoroiao by Mr. Biroh; plan tation ohorua by tho choir. Itwv. M. P, Cnmpboll occupied tho chair aud an onjoy- ablo evening wan npont by all. E. Kondrick ut building another lar^o barn with a otono hanomont. K. J. v/ilnon wan present at the nomin ation in Sandwich on Tuesday, Mrn, Gornt, of Windwor, Hpout lawt wook nailing on rdbitivoQ horo and in Kiugnvillo. Mrn. Dcwar and Mrn. J. Riohardnon, of Eonox, vieito'd at Mrn. rl. Wiluon1!) lant week. Minn Cynthia Coaton spent two wcakti with hor Hiutcr, Mta. A. Noblo, at Yoanfi Iroluad. Albert Winraer ban recently Booured a good flow of wator from tho rook and baa qrooted a ntcol wind.mill. Tho wagon wbioh convoyod milk from thin place to Maidatono obeono faotory ran only oiRht days owiug to tho tmpply boiug inHuffmiont. A certain baoholor ban rooontly roloanod a homo from prifjon, wbioh ho oonllned in a (itablo for livo long yoaro for no otbor offonco than kioking him. After Foront Wiloon and Horborb Rob- inHon attended tho lawn social hold at IVlrji^ardhor'n, at Ennox.lntit Friday night, aud aftoiV bidding adieu, to their lady frioudu, one of thou) found iim homo and rig had diitappoared. pwinj/ to tho late- 'uouHof.lho hour, no poliootnan could bi> Jfonnd foftivo notioo ot tho tlioft. IIow uvoi, uftur.wandering about tho Btruoto and giving (tomo alarm ho cniaa upon tho loht property on Talbot) utrcot and tKiourod tbo aatno without further trouble. W)% off Hpadoo and hIiovoIh during next wooli at Crawford'n, Tilbury." Tho Mottawa opened on Mouday. Tho canning factory oponod 011 Wed - nuoday of hint week, Concord .Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Kingfi- villo will bold Decoration Horviceu to-day (Friday). ThomaH H. Eaton and family, of Po troit, hayo moved to thoir imramor roHi- donco horo. Two wagou loadu of Foroatora from horo attended tho aimiverBary aorviooa of Har row Court on Sunday lant. __.Mibhoi Graco and Minuio HarriH havo returned from u two wookn* vlnit to rola- tivon at YpHilunti, Mich. George King waH among tho auoooflnful candidatoH iu tho primary examination*! at Toronto Univornity held rooontly. Ilurbort Malott, of Detroit, Hon of John ,). Malott, of thin village, waa marriod in Detroit on Wodnooday of laat woolc to Mibp Marino Podon. Hugh E. McDonald, formorly of Kingn- villa, in baafi Hingor in tho Laurior quar- totto that han viaitod no many plaooa in Wefitorn Ontario duriug tbo campaign. John H. Eborlo, who wao onao a promi- nonb buBiuoaa man iu thin town, diod at bin homo in Hook ford, Llliuoiu, last Friday, He wan a aou-iu-low of It. D. Horrington, of thin placo. The-Milliiiery Department is Rushed "with Orders, Ladies, leave yeur orders early. Good work fcakoH fcimo, unci poor work ia novor done in this De partment. THE GREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Bricker. Wool ! Wool'! ^ 100.000 POUNDS WANTED AT THE Woollen Mills. North JShhox JLicouhob. The ilrat dintribntion of tho lioonno fund for North Ehbox for 1800 ban juet boon mado atv followo: Maidhtono......................9 01.00 Winduor ........................26M.17 Roohotitor........................ 03.00 Sandwioh Eant.................. 357.00 Saudwioh .Woat..................31S5.67 Sandwioh...................... 920.25 B'ollo Rivor...................... 40.00 Andordon.....i..................28.00 Walkorvillo......................202.00 Sandwich South ................ 7.00 Total............VS007.O9 Houtli ICynox Ndioolu. Editor of Fueis Piu:an : Dkau Sin, Tbo following cohodule given the attendance, Ac,hi tiouth Ehbox nohooln for tbo month of May ; Mornoa............ Uonfleld South Uooflold North Oolcbontor H... (Jolobontor N... Maiden:........... Andordon....... 'rilhwyWont... Toltio iHlanil... Tjeamniflton ... KluKiivillo..... . * I'lwua............... AinluontburH... 1* CO O ad- M % 417 UH 230 lilli 201) Ml aou 8-10 7(T 285 IflH U'ill HI u IB O a) 40 ua tij r.i 17 17 'Jl 10 IT 1) a) Sf3 .91 o (ma tax im C7fl 1J13 ino ;m m, I'JO 400 Ufl7 em &% S3' 81*93 ti-m 72IJ0 7a--itt 7;cil 13-IJ8 (13 H5 74 00 01'M .T7R BO 111 fill ttl g M D i u <o u u O 4 fll'fifl 71-0!) OH 111 Qft-8-1 71 HO 07-21 an ou H*osi M-21 77-Bii BMW e:s m 7H2L 'i'otal , can I'otullor AtMrll H-3M1 II'17 <i7U!j 7i \!0 74-3fi I). A. MjixwHiiri^IuBpoator. SOc. cash, 22o. to 24c. trade. We are carrying a full line of Cotton.Shirtings, Gray Cottons, Cottonades, Flannelettes, Flannela, Dress Goods; also the largest assortment of worsteds and Suitings for suits or Pants at the lowest prices ever offered. Our wagons will be on their usual route next weok. Hold vour Wool unfit they call on you. M. E. WIG-LE The Gash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker. HE pooplo of theJJTown of Ebhgx and tmrroundmR country havo long folt tbo wau*' of a pluco whoro tboy could go aud purabauo what tboy rcqoiro on a oloao, oaab baam, without bcinw compelled to pay hif^hor pricon to mako up for tho Iobsob macle in. tho orodit nyatem. Call und hoo our ^ooda, wbioh are alwaya of tbo boot quality, and got our prlcoH, wbioh aro tho lowout, Don'b 'vaiun trying 6ur Tou at 22 oonlH a pound. BREAD 4c. A LOAF. 1" Garden andJJFielil Seeds direct from the largest growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices. CASH PAID EOH |EIBBT;CliASB OXHEll PROUUCE. GOODSQDELIVEllED PKOMPTLY. BDTTEJi AND Soott Block, iioxt Ahcrdeen, Essex, fe'Vv Sstei^i^^

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