Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 19, 1896, page 7

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ty$^w$%$$ '. v//,</,Vfl &t;V,. *" .fctlYV ft" CIRCUMVENTING WIREWORMS. VaV Itlltlviitlou Oi' tJen* or All MnMiortrf, )*In(iiiu(1 <l|vir*. Among thn 'itiohI; itvouiiuout of tho posts that infortfc iluld oropH nro tho wiro- WormH. XliiiHn nvti loutf,Hlmulor prmbu of a yollowlnli whitn color, nnd withmi- usually hard hudiuH. Thoir wirnlum form and Iho hurdno.'W nf t.h body huvn iuKf{UMtnt1 (hu oomniun nnma Fig. 1 in tho onfc YMpwHont'H u wii'oworm about / aa The Advance of Medical Science. mom* m II*nri 1>Ihoiih<i nnd Oatarrliul Trouble. 1 WIKKWOltM. nr. CLICK, u. Mii.i.iiriia twicn nutnrnl fliy.o. Unfnrtuutitoly t!io term wmiwofm linn tan ndmippliod to certain uninnilH whicdi arti not trim insnntH, but hrdmur ton dif ferent uliitiu in thn animal kingdom. jTig. 13 in tho out I'oprohvintH n millnpnd. tho trim wiroworiiif* nro tlio young of bliok bonUi'M, or wnipping liufiH im tlioy ' nro nioro (commonly tornuvl. Onr com mon Iriinlrf nf clink Ih-hlIoh art) mostly small or of medium ni/.o. A f\v nm hirgov. They aro usually of n uniform browuinh i-olnr. Soiun uro conapionmiHly spotted. A click Initio in vupvoKont.ud lit Fig. a. Throu yoavH* nxpnrimouthia with both dofonHivo nnd oU'ensivn iwiinnraj at tho Gomoll siiitinu faih'd lo (Mkcovoi a tn'n- '"^"glfi fj;itinfirt!tory unit hod of protecting 8cod, nr of do.Htroyiu^ imniatm-o wiro- worniR in tho mill. Tlio Huopo of thoso CxporimentH avmh lar^o, mnhrachitf all tho known method.-;. Profusion* Slin^cr- Innd tnllH, liuwtH'or, in Inn' report that fall cnltivntinii will destroy tho wiro- WomiH ready to pnpnto, the pupio nnd tho bootloR. Tho hootloH cum also ho trapped nnd killed in lar^o numbor.i with poisoned oluvorbaitH. Such n nhort rotation ui' crops an will inoludoaporiod of thorough cultivation in tho fall will prove tlio brst niothod of lighting peats yot BiiH^oMtcid. Iu oxpcriuientinH with poi.sonod baito, lnHtoad of thoso nttracitiiif* tho wiro- WormH, iih vftw oxpoctod, thoir parnntH, 4ho cliok hcctlon, camo tu tho baitH iu Inryo mimbors. Tho clovor attracted by far tlio lurgftv number, Oft por cent. It \ found lliat tho booties worn tlio mbHt activo itt night, and that thoy nnok thoir food chielly by running over tho aurfaco of tlio ground. Tlio wads of poisoned clovor baits woro placed under boavd.s in various parte at n badly in- featod fioklr I*rotrc(In Antili'it Frost. Water vapor is tho uppmvnd protec tion against front. The latest in this lino iw spraying hiiiiiU limy with water. Rapid evaporation taken plaeo and tho boat of tho fii'd in greatly consmnod in.. evaporating the water, and tlio vapor , - riaing from tho flro i almont immedi ' "fr'titoly cojidoriHod in tlio lower air. The boat is thunmado HonHible in the region flooding protection. In carrying out this plan mnall flies of Hmudgo material should ho estab- '. liahod, uud when they aro burning brightly oaim Hheuld bo partly oxtin- guitihed by Hprnying water upon thorn, and as tlioy recover their former bright- ne^a thoy should be again nprayed. -.-The wovld ban boon of tho opinion that whnrn mt'dieid nuioncn oim miiHtor tiuoli droadod dlmmitiMi ait diphUiuriu ai)d Iiydro- |.hot ui. yut whiiii thn beu.ft in uffootod thorn iu no hope (or thu piitiunt huvo itdoh uh may uoinu from outiiug lna oonditioir. Tlio dinfiovorioH of Dr. Agnow havo proven onco au'iiin tlmt there. Houma no mid tu thu pomiibditittH of naiunuoin ittt troiLtmont of diiioiKiii t--uii(i. J.n wlnit in loinivn uh Dr. Agnow*n Ulirn for thu Ihiart, \u found u retinsdy that luu. praotu'idly given hack tilo to thohu who wnro iuipponi'd to ho hoyotid hope of re rnvery with luart trouble. One ol tin- vitiueii of Lliiii m< dionix in it>, iriHtiintiincniiti idfnot upon thn piUJL'Nt. It would not bu worth much otlw:rwit!e. for with lieitrt din- caue prompt notion ui (mi ulisolutt: inuioiiHity. Mr. Am hu Nudiolu, t.f .Pi-'turhoro', Om., writeii thiii of \)i. A^ooiv'h Guru fur tlio T.Initrfc "My wile wan trcuihlud for '20 yoitrn with heart iliweiuu1. I'roni tho firni few dniursi of Dr. Agrinw'u Cure for thu Jlcitrf. idiu nhuhncrd u-ln.'f and etiiitinniiit. llK li-io idle Into hmi 171 'TO btllK.lit Innii U thiui from nil tlio ilfiut'-i ioj; nho vor diil. The roniotlyuotH like magic on the dinouned heart." With everyone naturih in a moat un- plciiHiint trnaele, and t.hei m uopociiLlly tin1 ( am- v.'ith tlio-m whonn <lutien 'bring tliern beforr t In [nihlie an prcioln.-rn, tir np(.'akLir-,< Ainniig ttio ijiion^Mir ( vuU'iiei) pnuhuii'd, tolling' ot tie* {ic.-ubarlv itiicoenuful uha.- actor uf t\ux.t w'u-('atti.rrhal Powder in that, which lui1- norrm from onimiiieot miii'.eim, like the Hinbop of Toronto; the Kighl Ui-v. A. Kwnatmao, D. D.. J). C. \j.frurn U'uding niemhoi'H of tlio fueulty of MoMantei- Hull, tho Uuv. W, II. Withrow. D. I)., a riipreven'ative M ntlioilint dtvine ; Ui-v. Muiigo Fruser, O. !>., of Hamilton, :l proininuiiL .IVuHi'iyLeriaii, ' nnd oilier pilbhe mc.i.. Tin-he nontUrmen iinyu all, <jv.ii- tlu.'ir nifmaturuu, lokl of thu thorough I; elTretive t)har*t:tiM' of Dr. AjriitMv'n Catai r- bal l'owdt-r in rltiidinu-with thin v.n*y pro v.-du.nt Sold hy *'. Thoreo. MARKET FOWLS. science T* RICH COLORED EGG3. X'o Itult3 Uiirly I*otutooH, In Tho Now England Homostond at tention iH called to a method pnioticod by Rhodo Inland market ganlonorH: Cut thotabei-H into four pieces lengtb- wiKO, put each pioeo into a handful of niaiinro, wrap it in a nowtpaper and Htit it, up endwise in a box about two inches deep, i'laco tho box in tlio kitchen or kOhig oilier room wnero it Will bo warm, nnd when tho growth in Well Ktartnd not them out by hand, uh tho paper will be filled not with sprouts, but with ruutK, and tlio new crop will bo got fully two wcekH earlier by this treatment. KomwIluH Vtir Cnbljiif;u WormH. Kerosene emulsion, pyrcthrum and BUltpoter aro all good, and hot water at a tomperatnro of Ili.O dngreuH sprinkled ovor tlio Jmads Willi aeominon watering can iH probably as eUuetivo an anything. Whichever remedy in employed, how ever, tho applications must bo repoated HO long uh any worms remain, for the groat difficulty in that thoworms, which nro under .several tiiio.kuc^e.s of leaves, are diflicult to roach. Corn, Orfli-'ii lpoocl ami Activity Will Pro- tlnoo i'licmi. It la a woll known fact in tho fcoding of duiry~Htoelr-thut-foodw-poor iu fatu or oIIh oauso down to gl.vo milk tlio oroant of whinh in efipeoiaily light in color, and will prcduoo very light colored or white butter. It in 1ko a matter of common knowlodgo among dairymen that tlio high colored tfoadu will inorofiRo the col or of butter, us wliou oarrotfl or cotton- neod meal aro fed. Tho fattoulug of out- tlo witii oottonneed moal also in known to givo a GurcauH tlio fat of which is oh- pooinlly yellow in color. Tho namo principle would probably hold true with regard to tho feeding of fowln. Too much bran, oatn, and OKpe- clally buckwheat, would have a tendency to produce cggn With very light colored yolko. Conflndmont without nmoh va riety of food in also known tocnuHobon.4 to lay egHB with vory liglit yolko, and when such fowla aro giveu thoir free dom, plenty of green food and a variety of grain food, tho color of tho yolkHwill change In a fow duya ho as to bo quitu Doticoabl.o. Sorno variotioH of fowlH nat urally lay oggH with lighter colored yollca than othors. Dark colorod oggH aro oflteomod for thoir richer quality than white Hhollod oggn, and froquontly bring a higher price in the market, o tliat all tho diiiereiioo in tho oolor of tho yolk may not bo due to tho single item of food or confinement. lreodera aro agreed that Leghorn^ and- other Mediterranean breedH will boor feeding with much moro corn than the Ahiutio mud'IAmorican breedH, and a riohor diet, coDfilfiijug of con.siflorablo corn with plenty of green food and range, would, uu doubt, give oggn from tho Mediter ranean breeds richer yolks than if con fined and fed a diet lacking in corn and green food. Amplo variety iu tho food and plenty of range would probably (jrovo an antidote for whito yolkfl. American Agriculturist. Now I'otutufls. - *" In looking over the spring catalogues, the Money Maker potato is conspicuous, Ijot only from itH nanio, but from tho i clainiH mndo by those interested. It is | claimed to bo tho "most productive i potato in America unci ubHolutuly rot- proof." It is a lato sort. > Undo Sam is another newcomer for. which phenomenal merits aro claimed, Buoh aa heavy yieldor, nhallo'tv oyos, K"., t'lV' '- Tills; MONEY MAKK11. pocd form and oxtra cooking qualition. Honooyo Rose, also new, it is said, in *'uh curly an tho Early Rose and bettor in ovory way." Our roadorti, whilo in- torostod in all that in now, will plant largely of old and woll tcstod vurietiufl until time has proved tho now aorta worthy of general accoptanco. In tho jnetm timo it often pays to oxporunent in a tniall way with uovoltiea aa thoy anueiir. ;L' Taken m time Uooii'h Sai>i.iparilla pro- .', ' vfciiU tierioiiH lllnush hy Unnpiiu; tt'.o .blood ' puro aud all tho orgarm in a b.:dtby eon- U 'dition. ' :<!}.* THE TRiUMPHANT TRI&! 'II'lio Tliroi* (Jfcar Moutli .Vinoid-i ciiu ucnicdios- Alisolute, Cures t'ttv Ki<liuiy, Klicniimtic and Siomaoli DIsraHcs- Tlunisands of <;rntcrul i;ul/,<'iisi All Over l uiiudu T^stlnnny. Nnl, t)ii(.' mcdiciliC: (t'llli^ tlio ^V^^|'J^ (it 1.1,' other, bnt i-uidi d.^in^ its own .work, wiMi mil. ii sinclc fmlurn. 'Phi- ke\ iiotu of 11 - yiiii-'n-.-d-t ui the Smith Amnncau Hom-.-ilin^ in iiho. I'liJto Kouth American Kidiu-j Oure. It in noL a mt:di';iii.- that tnlluw wuli the pii LiniL, as in done in many casi.'M wIhtl' pill.-. rii.i prnviU'rn nfii preai-nhfid. Ivuinoy di'- < line unaes from tho clo^L'itu; ot the liltoi*- !ili(* jui.rlM of tlie. nyHLcru that non-itinu h the kidneys, Only u lupiid can diiiivdv'- t itcse nhfltractioiiH, and Hindi is Houwi Auieidcan Kidney Cu'o Aduiu S<.pi;v, of liiirke'n I'VHh, i)nl., suffcnal terribly from Iteincy aihcuH.-, nnd ir**atil with the m<-. ' i-killod pliyHiotuiH. IIih wordii i.n: : "I did not (*M;iin any *' .*Ii-f until Sniith .'Imo'd f;tiu Kidney Cure y,"ih lined. 1' lifted my onf-tt exactly,- idvinii iniiin;iliii.lo iehuf. I <ini I'.n'V cured man, and beho\o one li(,t,tl;: of the remedy ^vill convince any one of" it-* (.M-L-iit work." IWaoy falhe noliomi e.xint in regard (.< rhtaimal ami. Oatnido upplimtionH nmy tfiiiperiirily relievo the pain, but tho blood iniiHt hu purified if u |)t'.rniiLiioot euro jh lo be effected This in what Kontli American Hhcumatio Cure does." Mrs. Phillips, nr., Hamilton, was completely mppbd with rhoimititifim. She procured a bottle of South American Kheuioatio Cum, and eayit: "It is without donbt tho (juickost relief for rhoumatiBin I huvo evor noon, and. I heartily rooommend it to all unfforera of tlio discfti-o." It is a Kciontiflo faat that many dorango- uiontii of tho yHtom ornauiita from the norvo oontroH ut-tho biirni of tho brain. South American Norvioo ouroH utoinnoli and nervoun tronbU-ti hcoaunu it aotu im modiutely on tho norvo aontrca. .7. W. Dinwooctio, of Uiimpbellford, Out., Bays; "I do not heuitate tc tiay tliatBouth Amuri- oan Norvino in tho bout - moJioino 1 huvo evor tidfnn ; it ooiuplotojy onrod mo of norvouB prontnition and tho attoudiLiil dipoanou of tbO' livor and atooiaoh that follow thin wouknooH.'V Bold by J. Thorno. ( ^M^^ ranch tho murkid; in proper condition. BrosHing poultry for tho market iu a Una urt. There is much to ho lournod, and it r<w|uiroH exporieneo and Nkill to make a huooohji of it. FowlH mtiHt bo fat and at- traotivoly dresned to ooiiimund fancy prices. Local detilerH nppreohito a neatly dressed bird uh much uh does the com mission morehant, and will pay accord ingly. Prime fat fowlH look best when dry picked. If not in condition, they maybe made plumper by scalding thorn. Tlio dry piclced fowl shows tho natural .firmness of thu flesh and tbnsmootb, soft skin. To command thn best pricoH, poul try ninat bo dry picked, Wick fowlfl havo Huiikeneyes. A sculdcd bend always ban sunken eyes, and tho buyer is NUNjdploutt of scalded heads. Leave tho head and foot on. It is a matter of siirpriso that tho fancy caterer never scalds tho feet. Whilo the head should not bo scalded, if tho poultry raiser will onco try scalding and skinning tho shanks and foot and removing thu too nails he will And tho little timo and work required for tho operation repaid 100 per cent. The writer bun never soon them so dronsnd on tho market, but her own aro so proparod for tho local demand, and tho only trouble resulting in that, tho domand is double tho supply. Poultry should not bo fod 20hours bo- foro killing, but should bo watered freo- ly, that, tho crop may bo empty, clean and sweet. To kill quickly and painless ly sever tho veins iasido tho mouth with a sluirp knifo, hang tlio fowl Up by tho feet to bleed, pick quickly while still warm, and do not tear the skin. Wash tho beak and mouth, being careful not to wet thn head feathers. Pick the neck close up to the head, leaving an eyen fliil. Although all market dealers say "leave the feet on, " tlioy advi.-c nothing about eh aning them. The feet should be seul(!"d and skinned, and (lien imme diately the entire b-ro.-hrad alone nx- copled, ihuuhl be dipped in cold we.;or ami wiped dry. If docs nut mailer how Well washed they may'be, tin* fort have un odor that is neither pleasant "nor ap petizing. . Do not remove tho orop or intestines. If the head is removed, cut it off close to tlio skull. Turn the i-kin back, cut oil' tlio bund of the neck, draw tho skin for ward, tin neatly', and when quite cool cut otV tho loose skin (dose to tlio lie, leaving it clean and Mijnoth. Never pack poultry while warm. f.Iavel'ully cool away tlio animal, heat, then pack in clean barrels orcrno-s, paper lined, and layer with clean straw. Kxclnmgo. 1'ouUry nutilnoHH in One Statis The Philadelphia Lodger says: "Ac cording to reliable Stat i.-t ies, the total value of chickens in 'nU state in 181(0 was about ^lU.oOO.tJOOj tho value of ether fowls turkeys, geese, ducks and guineas about $l.nOO.(H)0, and in tho samo year about oO,i>00,OOU dozen eggs Were produced by all these fowls. As suming that tho eggs were worth an average of lo conts a dozen, tho total product of hen fruit had a market value of over $7,600,000. Tho poultry^'nduH- try iH steadily increasing iu our state, as statistics show that from 1SM0 to 181)0 the increase in the money value of rhiekeiis alone was considerably over ( H 0f nil fowls was over j n.Olio.oOO dozens. ABOUT THE LIVER. t\ iuzy, nlow or torpid liver intluonenH t'n- whole :v, Mtoin. (Mti'iu.4 oilloiisiHitiH, muK h fhe, :,,dh'i,'.* complexion, l.uoamr and .iolhn ho s t'h ran i: riL- n to to by in : t:<iiu voui* Hnrdoek lile.oii Hirters. l"or rhr'-r vi.'aii I woitrouoled widi liver mjiJiphtioi ui.d tried e,veryt hli.g tt) an )nir- 1'ime. ibid (dmoHt given- up hope until one day 1 dtSernii nod to r:' liurdoek 3)f.nd HilterH. 1 oau ;inv now tlntt ituodiod i;:ipr .v, m nt reiiiiltrd irom the u.-tri nf the lir-^l e>' aivd :lL L'uj end of thu sixth bottle 1 i|;Hiunitioii':d itH ii.-u, being L'UIII- :tl<;-i:l-. uar.-d. , n.M Tim. i-r p<.Hy u, u inn* AH Science is " Icnowing how." mid-UoJiulrcu J^Iuch J9kI11........ 1 1 Many a poultry ruIoV-JIosoH - n H(nl lQ Onty Secret O.llOIlt nharo of tho profit on tin* dressed fowls Scott's BmUlsiOfl IB yoal'S ho Htmds to market borauso they do nof 5T5t5u^t3~^^^ made ill large quantities and by im proving methods, an emul sion must be more perfect than when made in the old- time way with mortar and pestle a few ounces at a time; This is why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil ncv e r . separates, keeps sweet for years, and why every spoonful is equal to every other spoonful. An even product throughout. In oilier omiitnlonB you nrc Habit) io %at tin not veil biMicMt-eltlier mi over or muter i\nna, (let ^cott'H. Genuine* llari u u 1 mo n-col ore it wrapper. ESSEX Hall! Mir i.iek blood ]Ji; utm n;<:u- v.'i- |iH"t|io"i ill" HeC.Cefi'-M't utid I: ; niiHof [;v- f ' rmibhs. Wo s-iy li.-rr i-. i tin (irtitif : 1 iu:rt by vdih d-. von for thu. ^i'm Lt l)U!n;!it derived GKO. NIOriOL, Sejifortb, One. T f.oiM (i-jTtify to the iibovii in uvery par- tioubir. \V. G, McbKNNAN, Soarorth. Out. sure t Win. The penplh reonumzo ami iijipriMnate real mi-rit. That is why UoodVi SuriiiLparilla ban the larefjut suleK in tho world. INlcrit in mti;licino meauii the power t:i cure. Hnod'ti SioHufinrilln, cureii )lutej.y, jieriiiiLii'/iitly cures. It m tho Ono Truu Illood Purifier. Its superior merit is aa OFitahlishod fiict, and merit wiun. HooiI'm PiIIh urn oimy io t-'dto. (jusy to oporato. Cum iudi^estion, keuduelio. ., at .*i.".- l'.:i|.;l;iml. ' ',' .*-du'd tlii'.-'e phe:is- ii .i'liy. Mini ilm statenieut r / joii t hilt they urn -.i' ..;.!' io i\ funnel* and horticul- i." ; -:ii.yoig injurious insectH \ i ' i" > ' lo the ci'opri appears to on . :".nie-d. Tin y are ceiininly most . ; ::: t)ioir ;-ea)"di for all kinds of -.: . hud iJieir larva-. They scrateli 1 , wdiich aro \ .|'!ul In tile purpose, tOtni'llOVOr l;',o i:;' in search of food that does !: to the.-uri'aco. Of tho ditTerent ] ..*: ,s nt caterpillar which have been ,.I !..:'i. en the grounds it is evident i:i,(l !'> il any, have j,i,-('ii alhiwed l<> I,; ' !i to change to a idiry:",.l::' ; e. , ....ii. I )n this ground, wliiidi i;i ;.p,-ily .covered with f-.-rest trees, tl'/1 :,\ t .-y uii t'i i:' found, and about, -100 of I'm 1 let'.-, be: ;i burlapp^d. "M. tiy ot thoM) trei'S aro iiisidci tho in' I . iiie \ ' " tho young binls Wevr1 :m i. 'J i.-' i'i:i laps W'-'i'e turned once or . " .-, v. 11 I , but no lurv.e ol encrti'iis ,', [A two larva'of the gyp.^y -: oi.'. Toe idih ;:s \vi!;o often seeii.e.lnt-i- to': ' :."h otiivr, ono having a caterpillar iii- it:.'-el iw i's bill. In I wo itihtanees it proved in bo the hirvm of tho mypry moili. Ttclaru'c; ilusky, moitlod wormH, lrom 1 to 2 inches long, which infest walnut trees were enten with great avidity. Tlio only thing wo havo known Urn chirks to refuse was tho larva* of p'.iiato bug. The full grown birds wi :o not mi fastidious, and if hungry would i ..t them. " 'i'bi.-: hpeaks well for tho birds, and the spoi",; ucu *.vho try each yoarJYir.apjiro- pi'::'tn.:is for fish and game aro very much 1'eazr-d. The Afongoliiui i)heasant is very no liflc, us wild as tho jungle cock, a r-uk'k, hard flii^r, and its meat i* Hv.-'ct. \Vh*n tlio sportsmen horeabout> lirat talked of introducing them there was a protest, from tho usual kickers who 1 . '-nidge a cent for sport's interest. Thoy contended that the pheasants would banish nai've birds, but this has boon I roved to In- an error. Tho old birds fight ! , but otherwise they pay Mi ict iii-ren? ;i;:i to their own u flairs. Alter three weks l'voiu the egg the young birds' r.s hardy as b:;wl;s. At that age many of, tli* m 1!y over tho high wire t'eneo in- clu::i*i;; tint breeding grounds at Win chester, but ulways return to their coops nf ni;d)r. As they bet-omo older they dis play u dh;*'[ irion for staying c.way from homo, and li'iilly they quit tho coop for gu'd if not idiut up in time.. Tlio state has an extensive plant for breeding at Winchester. There aro eight larj-'o aviaries, rooted over,' for thu old bivos; one large envem! urral, ^S by tiO feci,, with a enpauiiy i-a- ..'Ui yrmng birds, and an inelrj:-ur'.? cd' almost, an aero of ground, well wooded, inside this in- c.losuro are '> crojisimd small yards for breeding. There are li) full grown pheas ants from 1 to 2 years old at tho brood ing stiition, nnd about 100 young birda raised-last rear. I[r-'i'b|Uiu'M>r(4 tor Hcln'ol JluuItH, School HupphoH, Mole Pap.ird'hivnltip.n. I|hkc, Writipfj Talilotn iiml nfiluc tTuilioiicry. DTHPKNSINO AND FAMILY IJIUJUOIKT. FOR SALE. AN X(tViU TlfOUOUOtfUUKD PObANB Olilnii ltar oli'mm A\>\>)y to M.iiAiiuK'rr, tt<Mto, 'fMIAT WKIiTj KNOWN HTANP ON HAND, I WHJII ST. WI1HT, frtviimrly oeuiiploil by Moimrii. Urmiielly Hro'0, who for miarly twtmty i yiiitni, uuootiMtfuUy uoiidiinteil a fluiuirnl Iiiwur- j n.n<i(>,10ia] I!hLilI.o nnd I'liiuiKjIiil Aijt.'noy.i'ociitit- I ly n't 11 Hid. 't'hiii 1h tlin oliHimn o( a Itfo thnn for ono ot* two voiiiiKiiiiiii of niodoriito muaiut ntu] uynraao I iihllitj' to iitriji into il vmirty in ui tu pHjlUnblQ biiiiluniiii. uu f eun i,d1] touittbor with bumf of pi'DtnliiiJii it i'<xu[ |irrWUfi)>le [iHUiruuoc Atinnuy | ' Only Uiefjn mriiudiiii tmiilinjiiH iioinl up ply ^ .lOIINir. (lONNKbfiV, . 71 iMlfc Kt. Hunt, Wlmtitor, Out. That old Bug^gry Bhould be replaced by one uf liatu'n elegant new ilnnd-mado Ptuutomi or liug^ios. J havo a nice amioi tmont on hand to choose from. I*?1"!*-.*! GET IT RImNOVATED If yoa'lc'o not wiint to bay a new one. I have a iirst-ola"Ei puiutor mid rimmor, can guacaritno you work etput! to *,ht: bcitt of-the coy fdiops and all uub:r my wii nnorvision. blacksmithin^ and General Jobbing We nro |-ro| arucl to do all lunds of iron work iu the Hue of repairing, lioniouliocinjj nndjtonoral jobbing, on the hhortuttt noticu., Cal and noo ino. JOHN BATE, KSBEX CAHIUAOK WOllKS. -------^3 For Fine B. B. B. -' B^BiBm R0RTH BEOOD' Turns Bad Blood Into Rich Red Blood. In Spring Timo got Pure Blood by listing B.B.B. No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing1, healing and purifying'* properties aa Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores, ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken inter nally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, arid thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action. In this way the sick become .well, the weak strong, and those who havo that tired, worn out feeling receive new vigor, and buoyant health and spirits, so that they feel like work. If your appetite is poor, your enttrg'y gone, your ambition lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the full enjoy'rnent of happy vigorous life. ff^-tWW^tfm-/WiW^Wff You cannot do better than call 'at the ...... Printing Office. We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards* Or .anything in the line of printed matter. We can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of..... fim Commercial Printings Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually -adding the latest designs ia type, borders, etc;, to' our already well-equipped office, and are prepared to do as handsotne a job of printing as you can get in any eity. & A trial solicited. Mail orders receive prompt attention* ' '.,:'M ,.- \im :'-.-;-J 6988

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