GSN. CLUSERET ON AMERICA. A. Vronohomn 'Admin** TUU <Jnuntiry iMad lhi ttKonrttr* tiiictrmo. In a rocont niimhet of tho J'alrio, a Unily nownpuper of Parts, whloh hnn licitu tor the hint fifty yuarn tho vipronnt*itlv -Argun nf h'moh putrlofclHin, (loll. Olu- lorot hiu. published a leador of HpoolM In- tront to Ami! h aim, Ho Known thorn mutt intlmutdy, for when ho wan an ollhcr In Aho ITranuh army hi) oainu to the United Status and onltniod In tho raiikft of tho Union army, an Lnfayt-tto did In tho l&ut iMitiiry. CluHorot. In an old man now, knd a duputy In tho Fro noli ahiunhnr. ftor having boon Mlnbdor of War in tho Par\x commotio. But ho haw roninlnod an idhu'daHtlo friend and udmlror of tho fefo&h American roptihllo, of whloh lio rfayfl, while writing about tho Monroe do<ftr\jio: "From tho Putatfonhum to tho Cnua- 4iaDn,'all nnilonri In America nlneo tho litoric&u affair and that of Vomviiohi aio convinced "f tho ueeeHslty of tho Mount" flo'diVlno an onforoed by tho Unltod Staton. "Miiko uo wlhliiki) uhmit tho Yunkon ftharaotur. I had plenty of tlmo to htudy Lfc durlntf tho four yonrn of tho rohtdlhm. Attionjc thoho a,0Oi),0(H) voluntottwi pjafch- ftfcod around thn national fluff, In tho taont vuiiod elroirmntanci'M, and ofton mi liar thn lnlluonoo of defeat, I won a wlt- hu of fjnpci-human energy, tholr Unsliakon'HjiiiK-frold,* tholr absolute con- fldonoo of hucoohh, biwrd upon tho Indom itable oliaraotor of tlu- Yankee Novor ttjio Jiour of diiconriiprnmont after tho kwo dlaaHUifH ot Hull Hun and tliey \/ata dlHHitern, Indeed nor the uliadow at wmollon. 'Bl'kIii iifialnl' wan the cry. Aud they buo;an aj'iiin, until Mirci us, based upon thn oomph to annihilation of tho enemy, could put into the mouth of brother Jonathan tin* final 'All ihdit" "A'ld note what bin not hum muIH- clntly noted- that tho United Static Mono have not aequloseed In tho deeri'O Of the UriiHHobj' conrt'hn; and that they fclono aro froo to maintain privateering. tho Yankee 1h not, UUo the Kmnpean, Oiinhucd by centuries of rlvlll/atlon and opprission, Inclinable of Individual Ini tiative. Tho 'avU Amerkanun,' which hon taken tho place of the 'olvln ]to- iuanuV will novor hav that iiHsentially Latin conception, that Is, to look help- lennly toward IiIh |n'o\urnmnt. Ho la hlniR'lf and that U onoiiKh. Tho novern- taiout lfl thorn only to protect and enconr- ao individual luitlathi* and to make by thn Mo woo doctrine, tin* onsemblo, that 1 tin) luuntry, robpeeted. I wish tint Monroe doctrine in Frame, Und men capable of applying it." Cuu- fcury 8trawlirr> I)<>HRertn. Now that tho ntra\\ h in} heanon in hor*( too houv-ehold nted he without tempting deMserty Tlw jxi^slIjilttu'^ ol tlioitraw- kjorry aro many Ono of tlin best looking fti well an tho bosit tantlUK desserts mado with HtraW- titrrie^ 1h called strawborry finnutK'.'- Keio U tho rool[io, which Is d ohirod to bo unotiualled: "ho*ik an oum o of ^ehi- tlne in a half pint of cold water half an liour. PrcfeH a quart ni clean, rich straw *_ borrirs throu^b a flour seive tlno ouoiiKh to provont the Heed-, from tfointf tluouj^h; hdd ono cup of pul\erl/ed hu^m; a few tlropn ul cochineal, to gl\n brij^lit i-ulur, and tho Relatlne just melted o\cr tho Um kottk'. Stir until It Ijc^lnM to thlokuii, Iiavlug tho pan eont lining the mixturo within anotlicr pan of chopped loo. As it thlnlconu, beat in lapidly ono pint of whipped cream Line n mould with lady llngiTH, fill with the tmi.ingc; < out ami paeL in ioe and rook s.ilt for two hours, \vbcn it will bo found iro/on and ready to serve " Strawberry trifle, a dish bohned of tho fcngllfih, Is made in this way 41 Boll one quart of milk and one half pound of HUgar in a double holler. Beat the yollna of five eggs until eieani colored find thick, and when tho bulling point stir boon a ft they thicken Und sot away to cool rpougo eako and lino dish. Moisten with them place a layer nf ripi, HWi'et berrlcfi, liprlnklpd with jjowdcrcd Hugar; then an* other layer of borrie-, and so ou until tho dish Ih throo-quartorfi full. Pour the OUhtard tivtr tluT boines, boat the whiteu of the (Ivo gga to a stilt froth with powfl dorril Hiigar4 pllo lightly on top of trltl- and put borrlow here and there among the froth." Bavuroifjo a la Grerquo it> the bighiir Koundlng iiann* of a nlmplu drink imuie from Htrawberry juice, lemons, sugni luul water hkillfully mingled. Clarot punch N another drink in which tho strawberry pluyj ii_prominunt part. Hoio aro tho directions for making It: "Put In a gund .l/cd bowl tho julco of tlirto lemons, two orangey sliced and booth'd, ono r.lico of pineapple, Hhrcddud, half a pint of NtrawhorruH, ami one cup of gianulatcd migar. T^ t them stand an honi to extract tho juice, then prchu and strain. Add to the strained julet ono quirt clarot, ono quint Iced wat\-r, ono hlito pineapple, Hhrctlded, half a pint fine fltmwherrios and ono banana, fllleod, and torvo " HIDDEN JEWELRY IN INDIA. Bfadoo'tt Favorite Mothod of KMMkplKC tkn Tux 4.nthirr. Novr during Hh otWtAncu haw India ben so rloh In Jowolry h now. Tho peo ple aro alwayn adding to tholr nfcook. Hav- injH from nearly ull aouroort urn dlnpoBcd of In thin Way, anil thoMi savlngH aro bo- hiff onnaiiiUtly ruadti oft on nt tho ox- pouuu of olothiiitf, Kninothuori at tho ex pense* of grcntor necennarU-H nf llfd Tho making and tho ntnrlng away of wealth in thin form Ih the national peculiarity of tho country, Tuvvolry Ih regarded iw tho iinmt Htublo kind of wealth, and fortunoti am never counted without cstlumtlntf thci value of tho Hfcook In jnwclry Tt can ulwayti bo pledtiod or dlupow d of. Tho market for ltd uulo iu never closed and no vet* do- pronHcd. Tho nuwt ignorant nutlvo who \vlwhon to noil a pier- nf jewelry known ltH% market value quite well. Ho can Hoilreoly bfl ohnuti'd. Jewelry forum tho great* nt factor hi matrimony, The niont lowly lirldti lmo her Ktlldhun, wbli h In o*c iHlonully equal In value to five ycnV lucnme of the bridegroom. There in oflen a uonrelty of elothlug, uonioLliiKK a scai'clty of conking pot, generally not a iiartlele of furnl- tuio, hut nearly iilwavH a tiinidc of jew elry. The wife that, has no juwolty poM fibHhoh nntlung cIkc, she can nnt bo robbed. Tho family that dnou not have jowcliy in absolutely Indigent. One nt tho gi-oatcnl bua-tH of tho jew elry owner is that bis hoards' can not be taxed A num. may own jewelry valued at a lakh of uipoen and puy o income tax. Thin hi a Hourco nf gieut natinfao linn .Icwcby yhdiU nn recurring In come, but It Is prl/nil more than <JO\ern- mout pjipi'i*. If It ne\er increas'is It never diminishes, Ih a national saving, common among nu n and women alike Ni native marriage, ox*opt among the me-.t impov erished, takeH place wtthout a tiansfei of jewelry, and very frequently of now jow olry. London Tid-Jiits. How to Iim i ciiKi* I'Mruli, I^or bicifKftisi a *iia woman takes cither inilL, i bin nl.lie < .' i <\ i.i f'oiu- moiice tin* meal wit i .i 1 .i in "j naltiu .1 puiinlgc. tjitlng with eitlni- milk, tic^.n or golden smuji, \ai>mg it with niaiyn and milk, or am of tho faLti ning mealh. All the milk taken must first ho boiled never forget thut. A*- to meats, you may eat fat baton, an omelette or scrambled eggs, and plent\ ot butter and honey ou. w hob meal b'i'dd. but no toast. At lunch n phi- of milk, alone If you tan digest it, if nnt, with a third the quantity of soda or mineral water. Pota toes, omelettis, m.u.inmi, mllL, slier and batter puddings, salads with plenty of oil ami cieaiu, but no \lncgar, shell fish, oysters, enluV and -heep'u brains, but as little lean muul US' ponsibh1, Ih pre- hcrlbed, Porno women Will (bid three quarters of a glass of Htoiit, iilrmii or (Died up with alkaline \vater, ;it 11 A. M , very fatten ing, but if you arc inclined to billioun- ness, no In er oi stout should he taken. __ Then for dinner choose n vegetable soup'nuTTle utirli a jnilk "stock." Pea, toni itn, lenMl, haricot, potato and carrot soup1- aio all good. Dark fat nieatfi in spin ing quuntiti -., pork, (I h in abnn dant e, kik h as turhoi, end, mackerel,' mushols, anil salads-, with bntii mi at and vegetable*. Vinegar and acids of all kinds are stilctly forbidden, but a nap after lunch Is not; If you can indulge in it without fear of a headache, by all means do bo. WHAT A MINIE BALL DID. the milk rcaohea In the eggs Aa rt'movo from firo Cut fdioefToPrttalo tho bottom of a 11cam, and upon A Vli LI in "f < it < timutunc^K. "Fnhee nf hahlt," said Col. Carter, "Ih a very jow-'lul thing A man Is likely to get imp "--inns in his mind, suh, wliiih had him in the most unexpected diici tlniis, -ub." "OuHtom1* are very hard to control." "Exactly so. I ha\o In mind tho cuao of un oditah in ouali city, hiih. A ilno gontloman ho was, ton, In many rcHpceks, nub. Hut fohco of habit got him into a very embarraasin' not to sny hazardous prcilh anient." j " 1 Jid he er did ho indulge iu too- miiih stimulant.-'*' "Nothing of tins noht. No, suh. JJut ho belonged to tho literary school which makes frequent uw o( tho prouQim 'we' In 1t>. cditniral writing Anil would you beliovo it, auh, that man wrote 'we' no often that he got to thinking ol hlmsolf In tho plural number and Inadvertently voted Hlxreim times at the same elec tion. " Washington Hrar. htruw Jtitll. The origin of the familiar phrason, "Htraw ball" and "a man of straw," is a Snout eurlous one. It dates hack two thmiHnnd years when the practice of en- toting worthless ball wah common. Tho exact methods, however, have not been1 transmitted to poHterity, but in mweral old Eiiglifdi works i to be found refer ence to them. In one of the no fcMoldlng'fl "Life of Jonathan Wild," the thlof- cjitcher wo reiid that Jonathan'B mint married a man "who was famous for ho friendly n disposition that he was bail for Hhovo a hundred peruoiiH In ono yoar. lio luid also thi' remarkable honor of walk ing In Westminster Hall with a Htraw in hlfl Hhoo." It heems that nt onetime when KngllHh lawyers wlshetl to procure witnesses with olastlc conscience, or men who would go hull for their clients, they went into WoHtiuinster Hall, into which the prin cipal courfcH fif law opened, and tlit ro Would quickly recogni/e the men they V/anttid by glaticlng at their shoes, from which protruded a straw or two, thus Indicating their calling. Because of this trade mark, ho to Hpcik, these prnfes- Hional wltncfinH oi ball-goers became known an "men of straw" or onon who wore wlllling for a onnidorntlon to outer "Htraw ball." The flub)'>* UliebtH. Uaby has a few right-, outside of the tafo and prot,cetlon oi Its paionts that urn not always obsi r\cd, Baby dees not like a stranger to rush at or tquen/o him tor t^dlt inconmiohcnslliU' nonstmsn to hint. If allowed to wit irlll on Ids uiotli- or'n or uui'ho'h lap, ho will make up his email mind about the \Ldtor and mako bin own advance*) in duo tlnm.- J3ablos toiiiHt. bo woootl, \\H' taken by Htorm, and It in own of tholr rlijhtA to bo allowed to (itudy f- ytc who approaoli thorn and ijlvo Thrfftj, If Not Hoiifst. gonio pijnnlc are now working1 a Bchemo to ride home free The other uvoulng a inun was son at Twelfth and Walnut strtifts to get on a .Seventeenth nnd Nineteenth street car. When tho car had started ho abked the conductor whether he wan on a Hut lug uwmuo car. The conductor said no, and accordingly ho got tin", after he had been tarried a Aquino. lie got on tho next ear, im tho earn run very close on Walnut street. This car was a Harlng Htreet ear. and when the car had safely started lie asked the conductor whether it won a Lancaster avenue car. Tho conductor politely told him that those cars run on Market strcot, and he had gained a square. Tho noxtj car was \\ Chester avenue car, and ho kept it up until lie got to the .Schuylkill. - Philadelphia Call. To Avoid Thliinaftfl, A rchtletHH life and cccchs of mental work not only reduces flesh, but causes Indisposition in the shape of headaches, indigestion and nervous prostration, con sequently Iosh of appetite, and omacia- tlnn as a natural result. Hetlie to bod as early as poHslble never later than 10 P. M., and rise Into Al low yourself plenty of time for your toilet, which must include a tepid, not cold, bath and tho oatmeal bag in It should not be omitted. A warm bath twice a week is a good thing. Leave- off tho early imp of too. and substitute good cocoa Instead, mado entirely with milk, and as much sugar an you can take. I'or Good orlCvil. On trifles that mom light as air, deep and far-ieaehlng lnsuo.s ore hung. A, word, a nmllo, a frown, a moment's hes itation, a thoughtless step who can toll what dpfitlniriH shall turn an thornr" For Mils reason Uod has determined that men shall give account In tho day of judg ment for every Idle word they hhall speak, An idla word may bo a potent word for, good or flvll. A Now Amusement. A man to hang by Wio ooek thirteen d.iys and nights was the attraetlou at a Mwutinarlro cafe recently; tho decors, however, stopped the performance \\w tho en I oi tlio fourth day. the man hejqg in a critical condition. His name is Durand, He attidiiod notoriety Homu time u^o by standing ou a podontul at MuvwoIIIuh for twenty-eight consecutive d*y. ItL.ft Mix ttcnr* Upon tho lloily of n lc- fllnv- In Vlri^liiltk. Thoro U a nogro n*n n<w living In Fauquier County, Va., who bout* tlo evldnnoo on hU person of the damage tlmt ono of the old liilulo balls wau najiu- ble of Inflicting Ho Was, prior to thu olvll war, a butler In a fltm old matinlon, where ho W"S an nmirly IiIh own mauter an a slave could ho. Ho Wan unusually intelligent, and hud boon taught to read by tho iihlhlron of tho fnniilv. Tho hoy of tho Iiouho wan happiest when ho wart allowed to bo with Jim. When, however, tho Federal army approached within a day's mafoh of the old homoatoad, Jim rub off one night to freedom. About n year tiftorward ho ruturnod unexpeetodly and roiuimed hU old dutleu, ITo would nay little of bin Ufo at a froo man, nave that, ho had been engaged ad body servant by an oUlcer. Not for a long time Hftoiward was it. (Uncovered that lu had been in norlous trouble, and tho dln- eovery wan only made when he wan urged to explain the presence nf nix sears that had evidently been bullet woundH, Ono Hummer morning he Wh'i nenfc with an assistant and bin young imtdtor to draw a seine through the deep hole** In the stream that ran through tho plant- tatlon, In order to secure ilsh as a uounio for un approaching war dinner. The Heine was made of a coffee bag that had been picked up on a camp Held, The bag was ripped opun and fastoued at the two ends to long pole i that it might ho shoved under overhanging banks. Clad only In trousers, the men prepaid! to drag the flrnt hole, ami the young boy saw that his pet, Jim, had been injured. After much ennUng Jim consented to explain that the six scorn wore the marks of ono bullet and to tell bow it happened. Jim had in some way aroused the en mity of one of the guards attached to hcadquaters. One afternoon be had gono on a foraging expedition alone before tho tountiu'slgn had hot u selected, lteturn- ing iihout dusk, hn was unlucky enough to bo balled on bin appinach to camp by hln uneiny. llis story wan that bo wished to avoid a discussion, and f.o, when ho found that there would be dlOlculty in passing tho guard, lie turned, way lug that lie would go else where for tho nlghl, and the guard nbot him without more ado Tho ball fiom the musket struck Mm In the muscles ot the back behind the arm, passing through them and into the under part of tho aim. It wan deflected by the bone and pasned out of the arm about nn Inch forward of Its entry, entered the fleshy part of thiMHiest~flTrt out again at about the same spot in front from which it would hiiM* emerged had it gono directly through ills body fiom its point of im pact. Tho holdier w.ih trlud, but exoner ated ou the ^Miund be had reason to belie\e that Jim h&d turned to draw a pistol. I Tin old master susfootctl that Jim had returned only to prepare Ids family for tiuoilier lliglit, and told him that he was willing that thoy should go on one condi tion, and that was that tho diparture should ho made at night, and ho it hap pened. Jim was not seon again until yimrn after, when the old plantation had been sold to pay sicuntv dohts. At the clos.o of a Virginia October day Jim led away one of thn old* horses that bo bad bought to i]M' ou a llttlu farm ho had rental a day's journey from tho old home. New York Sun. W hm anil IIuw- to Itatlir. Or. Cyrus Kdsnn, e*c-President of the New York Hoard of He tlth, writes con corning bathing, in June Ladies' Homo Jnmnul "A cold douche or any form of shower bath should not be wed when u person Is tired or exhausted from any cause, as the reaction, on which the chuck depends for itr. beneficial effect, does not follow cllectuolly when tho sys tem is tiied. "Tho remit of thn shower in such n ease Is apt, to lio int' rnal congestion, which mnv be disastioiu. It does not fol low, however, that a perspiring person, uhould nnti b-ithc until cooled off As a matter of fact, if the person Is not ex hausted, tho fact that the pores are open is rather luUautagcoiis. than otherwise, as the reat tlon is enhanced and will pioh- ablj follow nmro energetically. A hath tthould never bo taken within two houts of a hearty meal. The flrnfc effect of im mersing in warm or in cold water is to seriously derange tin digestive process If that Is progressing at the time, and by a physiological effect that natuially fol lows, to unbalance or derange tho whole nervous system. The result of this is ex tremely dangerous to tho hather Theru aro numerous instances of sovoro Illness and oven (if death < aused by bathing while the stomach was full." Why Do \\o Apoloiri^n for T-aucIiliur? Did you over notice how people will apnlogi/o for laughing? Let anyone relato how at a certain place, and upon a cor- taln occasion, their mirthful nerves were tickled by some clrcumstanco or unlqno combination of eireumntaneefl, and nino times nut of ten lio will nay. "I laughed, or I had to laugh I uouldn't'holp it." "I laughed," Hays tho independent man of business. "I couldn't help it" "I laughed," nays tho jolly macron. "I couldn't help it." "I had tolaugh," nays the giggling school girL "I couldn't help It, you know " Uaro, indeed, is the ptr- nou who will say, "I laughed," and lot H k at that. It would seem, nomet lines, that "laughed" and "couldn't help it" aro wedded and inseparable BusUm Globo Suitor Ilutfi. The now Bailor hat has, as a rule, a ;1mnoth crown and a brim of rough I straw Its shape is not ns pietty or as 'generally becoming ns the sailor styles of a year ago. Very many of the models have an ugly bell-shaped crown, tho brim is as wide at the back as In front, and with its excessive garniture of flow ers, leaves, aigrettes and loops, and pointed ends of fanciful,, ribbon, tho sim plicity of this alwavs attractive stylo of Hummer head coverings, so appropriate to wear with plain, inexpensive morning oostumos, Is wholly lost night of this sea son. Diifttroylatr Compel tt|oa. There oxlhted at ono time a ring of brokers at Paris who, by way of Icooplng down competition, hired a number of .pale-faced rugamuiljns to attend every public salo and occupy tho best places, In order t" frlghton away tho general public, A.s u .further precaution, thesu uiercon- nrlen worn Horvcd with onions and garlic. The plan succeeded. How It IVuppmuid. "Koine folks ban mora money dan (ley know whut tor dn wit," vomurlcod Plod ding: Pete, thoughtfully, "Yes," replied Maundering Mike; "I wum tint way onov." "(Jit away!" "Htire. I once had yd cants by me, and diaoovorod I wun in u tuxihLhtt.lun Ww *. VUit to ClUodoM. Loudon, Juno y. The I'rlnrn of Wali returned to London Uut nlyld from hi* twenty-four-hour vUit to Mr. W. W. As- tor, nt Cliveden. Tho weather hetnv Hummery tho Ollvodon party mude u& nx- eurBlon In an elootrio launeh tp tho ThamoM ufUi* luuohoon on Hundaf, and luul tea ou btiurd. This beliiK fch~o~flrnt oooaslnn on VrHloh" Mr. Alitor hud ontrtalned tho telr *p- porant to tho British Upron*. wd auoh a visit hulng e-U(unod Mi hlftiti icotal dintlnotlou In Bnllsli Hocloty, LaBdoO In nnidi nitorolwd wf io ihnulrotiMiWnaw under which the vMi w*u kroughilCout, Aooordlng to b, aWy pravaUnt In kbu .bust Informed olrolm, aho vlglb was aV ruuged on fche lultliv of tho l'rla^p himself, through an Am#rWn UAy, ttta widow of an KntfUihma nf title, wko*x thn owner o/ Cllvadnn haj< htxm Uttld Uit some tlmo to wluh tonmrry. Tim Prtaoa of Wal(w, who tuken a put^iaul InUrfufc in Hiitih affairs where tho mum burs nf Ida set uro ooooorned, hurt long bnen an in timate frlnnd of bofcli hlaunlf and tho PrlncniH. Home punplo go an tnr tui to predict that now the engagement will shortly be formally nnnmmeod. A Ikorly Iu Ih Whirlpool, XhiKara Kails, Ont., .Tunc 2 ThW iiftorntion, abont-tliroo o'olock, four uiu, named ThomuH Coopftr, Frank MoMnL lan, John Vuraell, and John Hmlth, whlln himtlny In tho gorgo, u1mI Uh body of a mavt floating ubont in th whirlpool only a few fo<it from tho shorg. The men at once got roptitt, and, xlih tho aid of a couple of poles, HuromUd in getting th body to the shorn, wksvo thi'y seeurml It with ropos They thBu notified Coroner MotJarry, of Kluga>k Tails .South, and Dr. >"mui, oornu^ tf thin towu, who notllled UudoeUki^ Morno to take charge of the body. Jtt*. Morsn took tho body to the morKiw. Tho body is described an bolug about 5 ttbi 7 inohnii, dark hair, tho thumb nail on the left hand appeared to be looso, good teeth, ago about thirty years. All tint body hud on wat* a pair of brown oottou sockfl, a pair of nquuro-toed Kidtcrs, and a dark nnoktle, with whlto spotn. Tl)# body Ih a llttlu docnniposnd, but It U thought it had not beou in kho watar very loug. Hrantford Niiwa, Brautford, Juno S3. An old man, who wan at first supponed to bo Wooloy Chat- toision, a peddlor from Hlmcoti, wan tldg warning struck and run over by a T. H. nud 13. giavel train In WoiJt BmntforA, and instantly killed. Cliattorton wan walking on tho traok. Tho ougln&tf floundotl tho whlstlf, but tho ma, who must havo been vary drnf or olfle oop- templftted HUleldo. walked right into tho middle of the trunk, wau truok, and ground und^r the wheels of tho pllo*. Tim hudy was frightfully oriwbod, and, In fact, was unrocognl'/ahln. Th remains Wfro brought to the city, awaiting Iden tification. Doooafind wan poorly clad with an old grey Hhlrt, two pairs of trauBorn of a chock mafcorlal, two pairs of nooku, ono black unci tho other grey, a blue Merge yest aud navy blue heavy coat, buttoned up, aud an old blank* ChrlfltlG stiff hat. In Ids pocket wan a mowqranduiu book from Thornton & Douglass, oi ytratsford and. Ouolph. An Inquowt will be hold on the unknown thlu evening. Arc \ oil a I'im Ijm I W muail? Oivlng the luighl nf tho Venetian Venus,,") let! fi the accepted per feet htatuie lor a wo nan, biu-o Is how you may know whet In r you are a perfect specimen of your own set by applying other rules laid down by authorities1:- For a woman of o feet u incheu 1H8 pounds Is the proper weight, and if sho he well formed ^he can stand another ten pounds without gn.itly showing tt When her arms are extended who should measure tram tip of middle linger to tip of middle linger just ,*i list 5 Int lies, ex actly her own height. The length of heir hand should be just a tonth of that, and her foot just a seventh The distant e from the olhow to tho middle finger should he the same as tho distance from the elobw to the middle of the chest. From the top of the head to the chin should bo-just the length of tho foot, and there should be the sat no "dis tance between the chin and tho armpits. A woman of tnis Ju Ight should measure !M Inches about the waist, and 1)1 inches about tho bust If mi asiired from under the arms, and 111 if o\er thorn. Tho up per arm should measure lit inches, and the wrist six The cull' nf tho leg should ineanure 1 l)_ Inches, and tho thigh 25, and thu ankle oiybt inches. Cm ( of tint Unit*. The necessity of using some omolllont for the hair from time to time, is an on- tahlishcd tact Many people foolishly ne glect to tin this because they objoct to ha\o their beads at all guasy, hut never theless it in hotter for the hair that womo nourishment should bo uued, especially after it has been washed. If ruhbed into the nkln, and only a nmall quantity used, thoro will bo really no disnjrreciLbloness; it in when it in put on superficially, and tho hair Itnolf pbintorod down, that the mistiness of Hi arises. A very pleasant rnsenlary pomade may be made by talc ing half a pound of fresh bird and two largo hundfulH of (^lowers, of rnomary. These two things must bo well boiled down in a naucopan until reduced to about half the quantity,, thou it must ho ntralned oil carefully so as to remove any gritty pieces that there might bo loft behind in the lard, and put away in a small jnr. .Just a very little of this used to the roots every week will keep the hair in good condition. It is alwayn an important thing to prevent thn hair from becoming too dry, iih when this urines there is always a tundenoy for tho premature appearance of groyhairs. A limit JJimt Ing and Bwcopliitf, It Is onslor and better to use a whlslc broom for sweeping a ilno carpet than a broom' with a long handle. Carpets that have a long nap should ho nwnpt in but one diiection. Otherwisn you sweep thn dust into them Instead of out of them. It in a slovenly housekeeper who uses a feather duster for all pui'poson. Feathers arc useful for getting Into corners and for cleaning ornaments into which you cannot manage to tuniNfi n (doth, but smh dtiht'iL'ri only scatter tho dust; you need ,a (doth to gather It and rojno\n it permanently JJluo cotton liandkeiuhiefs lire good for ordinary purposes, bub ohecse cloth K beat for fhio- furniture. Another Itvcutb. , Just before the vurtaln went up for thu third ait .Mr. dagwuy rotarawd nnd took bin scat. "You may have gona out for a breath of air," observed M:m. Jajrwoy, in a rfihping whiiper, "but that isn't tfco kind of breath you'vo brought buok with p ou," A Lotnr I'roinCiiliin, Mm, BluiHin ikcr, nf tills town, has rccoived thu following from lior daughter, MIhh Idii J. l'jtrieri(lk, wbuli fully explaniH Itmdf; (JUKVOO, HlUMllfNO, OltlMA. 'I'im 19th Kay of the yrd Moon (>r tho 22ud year of IH I. M., Kwang Hu. (April ttOth, 1H0(J.) To'tug IIomohku Motuuii or ooa Htyr.ovi:o pAnou, lty, Hiwncii Coaniitr.l). D. "rV,mcmlieriinf the Prosbytofiiiu Oburch. of Ohufoo, Khantuny, fJhma would here with rcHptictfully sand our regards to you. Though wuhavo novor bad the plcuHuro of knowing yon pafuonnlly. and havo only soon your pioturo, yot, baoauMU of oar ho- loved pHHtor, Or Ilriutor Oorhott, our huiirtu no out in lovu to you. Wo know that a few years a^o you met with an uo eidnut wluob has nniuo uonhuod you to your couch. We can realize how muob yon rnunt havo louijed for tho proneuoo of our pastor, and bow iiubiouh ulno ho was to ho with lui mother. We rnmombor how tho Mmidou urantod his request to ro turn homo for a time to attend to tho waulii of but hulovud mothoi. Binoo th^n our ostuom and renpoob For you havo grown beoauBo ot tho faot that though you worn moro than eighty yours of ago aud hud iccoivod a Hoyoro injury which provontod you from goiug about jot yon did not olaim your right,thon(h no one would havo objootcd ondur thooiroumntanaon, to koo p him with you. Wo know it wan from your doBiro uot to hinder the work of the Lord that you no willingly permitted our piiHtor to return to un in ordor that bo might oon- tiuUQ to food ns with the bicad of life. For this wo cannot hut truly thank yon. As to our beloved patitor wg truly cannot, refrain from praitung him beoauuo of hiu many noble qualitioK. Han ho uot for moro than thirty yoartt hero in China un- dorgono innumerable hardnhipa for tho sake of tho gospol? Ha ho not during tins time received moro tlian a thousand pupils, and had tho pastoral care of sovoral thouHand Christian*? Did ho no* rIvo all inn Htrongth and mind to thu work, and how many of tho poor havo boau rooipiontH of hiflgonoroHity? And an to hindovotoduonn to tho work wo cannot but montiou how his foot pnntH aro to bo found in noarly ovory part of thin 'province, and Inn wordii of exhortation still echo in alt pi noon no that when tho Heed thus nown ahull opriug up and boar fruit, tho hurvcat thoroof shall bo truly great. "Wo havo still moro oauno for praido when wo think of Quraolvoti, church uiemhoraaud papilft, how according to tho Sonpturo, in soanon and out of ooanOB, our pastor exhorted un, romindod ua moat currently of our tlntion, and-prayftd for-ue day and night. Of him can ho truly mud what Paul tostiliod of himsolf to tho Ephcaian olders, that ho ohrauk"uot from tailing nntc them that which waa profit- ablo. (Acts xx: 20). Thoroforo whan ho iu now about to return to hio homo wo oan pcarcoly fiivo him up Wn rojoico.howovor, in tho thought tlnu. ho will ooo hie beloved mother ii gain, and hincoroly trust that ho niriylchh't to r< ttnn soou to China aud sheph' id us an formerly. Wo are uIqo hopitjg tlmt his dear noun aud daaglitern may he enabled to liuish thoir ntudioa, and in duo uenuon return to Chins, to take up aud conunuo tho work for which you vouraetf nnd thuir father have alroad> HiLoniicod no mnoh. Wo are "MoaiTioupoctfally, The Mem burn uf the Prorihytenan Churoh of Chefoo, Bhitutung, China. TIicGoUl FIolclH of tnorWost Aro now attraoting tho attention of the whole world, and tho roaultn of plaaor and quarts mining aro fully equal to the finds of nuugota iu tho early California daye. Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Washington and British Columbia yio with oaoh other an to tho extraordinary indncomenta offered to pronpoctorn, practical minora aud lnvon- torn. By thia opring tho gold fever will havo taken poouenoiou of thousands of pimple, and tho Woutoru roada will havo all thoy sun do to transport tho fortnno huntorn. The ChioaRO, Milwaukee and Bt. Paul 'iiilway and its connection liuoo, io tho 3ont route to all eeotionn of tho Far Woat. For further information, addrcsH A. J. IVw.on, Canadian Pa^H. Ayout, Toronto, Jut. 2,12i CALL AT 's Bazaar, rOIt ALL KINDS OP Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a>Brao, Fancy Goods, aNfovoltiee, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of allkinda,, " Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarna, New Stock of late Wall Paper* FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DOAN'S Kidney Pills D0AN' Kidney Pills DOAN'S Kidney Pills -Remember- DOAN'S Kidney Pills ARE THE BEST Hold by O. A. Bhorrin, Ksnox, THE AMERICAN HOTEL- Essex, ontavlo. TUTS lurfjij anil pnnimoiliouii Hoiiim hua boon tborniiijldv pulutoil and rnplnnlqhod with tiuw fin nlturo by firoiuiiit nroprlotroHH LAItOl! HAIt1! IS CONNI'CTIOW. I'lvnt-Clanii AocomnibLtlnn flniiranton'l, MItH. 0. WICiKtMSON.PeoprlotroBB XtT A "^Ynni^T* 1'0CI11 ,ui1 TfaviilhiR W .-/,_ ^ A JtjJ&J rtnloijmoii to haudio out Tint \ ' ianadltui Oiown Nurnury Htoolc. Wo rum (iiitiwj nntliifiiotion tu riipraiioiitntivnn and curtc .tnoKH, Cur narinn"') aro thn hu-caut In tho Dominion, ovn*7(n acrns. No lubntituUon In ordoyn Kxohnavo turrltory aril Hboralt^rran to wholo or niirt tlmo iiKont i Wrltd uh H'lONll &. WEWiIWOION, (Uorul ollloo)Torontcr,-Onfc- (Tlm only nurtiory in Ciiuivla bo vloR tcntlna orchardn 1 11-Jna SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor- Talbot st. and Victoriaa^e- Tho latent improved machinery for Ironine Collarn and Cuffn. Will not oraak or~brimk winy. Family work cheap. Parcola oalled for and dohvorod. Pleane call and try. If not natiBfaoiory no oh a r (^0 will bo made. If our work nuitH you, recommend un to your friendH. Fresh Bread In what you oan rely on [fitting when you buy fr>nn un. Our wa^on gaon to all partflof tho town. Buns, Gakes and Pastries, You cant find nicer, frooher, or nwoot- or in tho country. All kindw of Fancy Cakon and .Jolly Rolta. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. We sail nothing stalo or dry. Leave Your Order and you can roly on prompt de livery, FRANK FOSS. OnponltoBnok&Fmaolfi, Etiaoic. 4? OUR SPRinG STOCKS In now oomplote and no hotter appoint mouc in tho county. Scotch Tweed Suits, Canadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits, Mado tj> ordor at Souttx .^ Wooslee. On (jood productive Furm Propotty at,,"""-'5Siii 5i, & 0 por oont, Btraifjbt. No; Valuation. JTees. tSSPConvoyanotiif! Done up iu Noat Stylo Fire and Life nsurance. - 4- EsLOVELAfEt' 1 'o ,';5 i >i.