Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 19, 1896, page 3

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v ' = J XiOffialatiTe Salioil Orant. <\' .....__ '* The following is tho apportionment to lfj; tbta County of tho Ontario JCu^nhUlvo "* 'i* Sobool GrnotH for 181)0. The total uranu 1 v fco tbo County at Eaaox aro 8C.402 : - I'UHMOBmiOOliH, A.ndor<lon..........................................^'231 0*0 GolcheBkor Nortii...............,....................Udrt on ColehorUor Houtll....................................... Uffll (M Gopflold North....................................... im> oo GoBfloM Boutli..................................... UM 00 M aid a ton o...............................................tiifi (M) M&ltlnu...................................................... 1'iH 00 Me men .........v....................................... Jh!) IK) Polttu .......................................... 77 DO Koahoiitar............................................. 1MJ 00 Samlwioh Kimt.......................................... 10H OH Saadwioh Wuttt...................................... tfK) 00 Hftinlwloh HqiiUi.................................. 1W 00 Tilbury North.........................................liHI 00 Tilbury Wont......................................... tl',H 00 4!),7M CO Anihoi-Htbnl-ii....................................... lilt 00 JflHBox.................................................. 101 00 LiiamliiKton...............,.......................... tillil 00 ftalidwhdi ........................................ pl'i 00 Bollo m 00 KluKHvlllo.............................................. 157 00 Winduor...........,..................................... MM) (M) $'j,:o.i oo JL. 0. HKl'AUVri: II011CK l. Amliornlbiiv,;........................................1H 00 Andartlon h & 4..................................... 22 00 Maidstauo No. 1................................... Ill 00 Maidntoiio ! (with No/JlloolwiiUr)......... IB 00 Malduu II \............................,.................. *li GO Mnldoli H ....................................... fll (X) JtoohoMUe a (with No. i UiLiriiiLoilo)......... '21 00 IJainlwIoh Knot No. 1................................. 70 00- Sandwich UiuitNo a............................... 37 on Notth Khhox Fat-morn* IiiHtUuto. Tho following oftioorn of cho North EtiHOit Fur mora' Im-tituto worn olloototl at tho unnunl mootiiiR nt Windnor, on Tuou- day of hint woolc: President, A.lox. Bt. Louiu ; Vice Pron., Sumuol VollauH ; Boo.- ^.Troaw., Nolhon.J. Clinton, Tho rmlary , nf tha uuorotary troasnror wn fixad at 31."< Tho following thro :tot*H waro iioloutod for tho c'lfforont trmnioip'ilitioH : Sundw ioh Wont John B. Couiuutmu, Joh, Duroobur and David Dixon; Bundwioh Knat Alox. ftlontrouil, A Ruimmo and Paul Morand-, Sandwich South David TJro, Wru. O'Nuill and Jan. Iloldon; ftlaidutono Potnr Cor- hotc, Mr, Patillo, jr. and n. G, Am aid , jr.; RoobcHter A. D, Dt-ziul, .1. F. Bunton and Jan. Byrtio; Tilbury Wont Kiehard E. Dodnon, D. MoA.hntor\ Alux. HuhMo; Til. bury Norih S. Muthur, Alfrod II alliduy and JuIob Duquotto; Bulla ttivor F. P Bontoillor; Walkorvilln Alox. AlcNoil! Windsor Arch. MqNoo utid Dr. Uoanmo, Auditora .Tolin Iloldon and Gorman Find, lay. Tbo two regular mooting for tho yoar woro fixod for Unity Hull, Sandwich South, and South Woodiiloo. Ono would havo boo.i hold at Windnoc, hut thorc wan- no hull oxoopt iho Opora Hoiiho. Supple mentary mooting!! will be held tit tho Sop- aruto uchool ubove Wulkoryillo and at Maidwtonn CrosH. r^v'v^4 W'^JFni?, 9 Tho July number of tho Dolinoator, in oalltjd tho Mumraar number. Firat and fororaoat w tho addition of two ouporb 'colored plataa one devoted to Liidiea', MiuHim' and Childron'n Fashiona, and one to Millinery aud itH ascoHHonoH. The rrg- ^'Aglar Millinory Dopartmont-iH alao matori- *ally enlarged and improvod. Another in novation in tho flcat half of a love Htory by Julia Mauruder. Dr. A. It. Schroador diu ouhhch tho care of the Buby'a Ilealth in 8Umnor, Kloauor Browu qiven u delightful doHoription of a babv'n Brut rocoption party, und-an ilhihtrated nrtielo being de voted to inftintilo attiro. Womou'u Op* portunitioH aro broadly ommidcfcd by My ry Cadwalider Jonon, while tho pursuit of Htoraturo ao a profeoyiou in qivou oxpuri- oncod exposition by Aruoh Ilepplier. Dr. F. J. Loviaourcontinuoa hw talks oo beauty with lnutruotionn ao to tho care of the hair. Thoro are Iho uhuiiI woll titockod depart, motitt* devoted to tea-tablo chat, Htjauonahlu oookery. hieo malting, knitting, tutting, oto. With the addod attruotiona of thin groat woman's magazino, its HUliHonptinn prioo of ouo dollar a your 14 tnoro than ovor u marvel. Addromi all communica tions to the Dolinoator Publitdnng Co. of Toronto, Ltd., Toronto, Out., or to tho local agouti for the Buttonck Pattorrm in your town. Subscription price of tbu Do- liuoator, 31.00 per year, or 15o per mnglo copy. Good News for the of Canada. Ladies Loss Deception than Formerly The ladioii will be pleamd to loarn that tehoofforta made with tho view of- protout- iug thorn ugaiuHt fraud perpobratoil by ffloirio uiarohantH and doaloro, have been fluecofiHful beyond anticipation. The Hubrftituting of worthlonQ and adel- tnrafcod piolcigo dyn for llio reliable Din-. niond Dyoa in iiO\v otoppod in many plaoue, and merchanto uru now llnding out that it doofi not pay to uoll a ountoraer what ih not aHkod for. In the paot, ladieri 1i<jvo Biiffored much trouble, tnconvomeuee, lowi of material and money, by liaviDp; poorly prepared dyorttniTw fointed on them when they united for th Diamond Dyeti. In order to iuauro "ooiltiniiod Hafoiy uud oucoea in dyoiug work at homoTTadiua Bhould examine ouch puolcugo of dyoit offered them, rc that they may tuko nothing home but tho gonuiuo Diamond Pvf. Jad^tn Joiich and Ciumor, who havo been unsigned to divi.lo tho countici in the woatern district aooorduu; to new County Oonueils Act, will hold a mating at Hind- wioh on Monday afturnoon. July 27-h. .Tho county will liltely be divided Into aix difltriotH. According lo Urn law they mav divide it into not tri^re than nevon nob Iohh thii.)y uix and itii neomti likoJy that tluiy will take the Hmallur number. tforwuy Pino Sv^"P ourpa coug4iH. -tlorway Pine Byrupourea brcnehitJH. Norwuy Pino Syrup lioalfl tho lungH. ALBERT EDWAHU'S JUKE. !( HiiiumImnI ttm <!rHikry uitcl 1'in-nMiU" m iiik i lilci \y Con tr^f-. Alb* i't l^lwurl, Prince ul* Wm!i*m, \n pl'/l. \\A (.. jHillLC 111.til i. Iimu. ThlH populirlty 1h due to IiIh hivi* oT HportH and all iiiunly "traU:i which ui'e purtli-'iilns'iy c .muicD.hihlu In tin- cyet> 01' Ihe nvei'itK*' Hrltluhur-, A'. u >outh hlsi audacity uiid appt"'clutltji of a Juke, I'lLhcr ii.i a pi-ipctratur or victim, were well kinii..u. One of IiIh erly i m:ri|mden refill Ul1 1 In her Alaji'tuy iho iji.een foothifr a hill for broken cro leery and wrecked Curnlturc which tho youni-v Prince cuuu- i'd In the hoiidc ni' one ul the les: e. mcmbeni oi' the mihhlti. A rathe elderly countetiti, whon- (julok tempei* and Mhurp tonjrue ilruve even her ei- vaniu uw.iy 1'rom her, ttaveriined tor a fo.ttniau. The I'rhice, to whoiie 4-aiy taleii of Uie pecuilnrltlet! ul the ud lady had come, ronolved to le icli hi*, u h-Hdon. lie therefore, pt ei-onled hlin- ii<*U' In dhiijuhie at licr lndy-ihlp'tj bonne ami applied for the position of loot man. The Oountr-iH lunl |unl iluiahed h**r brcukfiiMt, and piisliiiitr h'-r eh. lr b'ik I'roni the table, insti'iicteo 111 * - mtviiiu to Inline before b'-r the apitdcinL Tie Prince wmi therefore U'lhej-eel Into tic room. The cnunteiiti looked hhu ovt r front hlu feet Up. Apparently ple..ned with tln^ npp. ar- anee of the Prince, (Hie mild : " Let me nee you walk." Albert Kdwurd did an commanded, and walked bickward und foi w.ird ju-v- oral thnei arrows the floor from one end of the mom to the otht r, now walkhu; brbskly, at the re(ineMl of the old l.uly and then pacing Hlovvly, n.s hhe wlnhed to obtain points on thin nrore Tliln performance over, the counte-t1- ordereil him to trot. The dlnhijj ronrn Htill the theatre of action, the Prirni trotted around It nevernl time.1-. Wlien thiM e.xerclne wui cempleti tl, he'. ^ tin came to a HtancJutlll near the head of the table, where the coiinteMS wa:t sott ed. Her IndyHhlp nenrnod ple.ou.d, anil w.'i'i Just on the point of iihUnn t lie yotuiK man Home fpientlon.s about hlni- nelf whim he .shouted : N'fiv see m . jrc hop '" Granidnj; a corne.' of the table cloth liiinly in one harnl, tin i'm. i : round the room, pulling the ei o -U*- y off on the floor In a heap. Unoekln ' over the furnltuie, mul lln.illy winding her ladyship up in the folds of the cloth Tfe then bolted for tie* door, leaving the cuimttfw Hputteilntr and r-hotithiK-, and the fiervants ruimriiK' about In a distracted way tr> liberal*1 their inintresH and quiet her r.i^e. In the hivbbub iiiid confualnn the Princ.* escaped. The next day a elieclc from the keeper of the Vrlvy Pur * Mettled the amount of the ", and Ifkcwlsr* eHtabllahcd the Identity uf tho mhschlcf-maker,- New York lleiwld. SEED FROM A MUMMY. How an KiikIIhIhiuui Hot \\ Sow ICiixl of !Vim t'r Seed. Gardonorn will be interested to learn that J. Davia, of AVood Close, Bromley Common, Kent, has tfivjwltiK at the present time pt as which an.* the pro duce of sou ad peas found in upper J-.tfVPt In a mummy about thn-e year.s ..go. ^"lic hai coph.JK'Uh which contained the mummy and . ane In which the poronts of these pe,t" w.e Jound was dlsoovc-red in a cave tomb situated in the valley of tin* Kiiif^s a A.-sanief, which Is jibuut an hours' rid" west from the Nile at Theb -s. The .ns- Dnvery was made by a pai ty o.j live gentlemen, consisting of two Ameii- eans, two fambridK1' stmlents ami tli" cousin of the lady from whom the Spec imen peas now Krowhuj at Hromhy were ohtulned. The Inscrlpthin went to phow tli:.t tho person entombed was Memptah, a younger s(jii of Uspr-Khepaia-Ka (Seti II.), sun of H.imeseu 11., founder oi tl'e f-l^htecnth dynasty. I'rince M.-mptah existed abcHit 1,270 II. C. Tho valley m which this tomb Was disimeitd In the old burying place of the Theb'in kin^s of the seveiit* eth and elKhteenth ily as* ties, and most of the tombs are rem irk- able not .so much for tbeii sixe a> foi their exquisite l><auty. All of thes two races of klnjrs were burk-d In tins val ley, Put only about one-half th num ber burled (about forty in all) have yet been dIf-covered. The pen-, are miicn smaller than those of the present day, a fact which Is possibly evidence of tlu> Impi ovement which linn taken pla"p in the cultivation In the modest tntcrvil Of 3,001) years. N'ortlnTN Li','h(j, The fact has loiitf been reci ionized tluit tho splendid phenorneiai <u th" Northern Ltfrhts, or uuioivl bo.e.i ,h, are due to eleetrlc actio.i jiro uiui:i-; luminosity in the upper regions of th atmosphere, perhapst sevenLy-live mil-*- or more above the earth, where the dc-nslty of the air la i;iJ oedhurly slifflit. liut the precise manner Ln which the elel;tilc enc*i'?y act*1* In audi a ca e remains to be explained. Since th discovery a few months h^o of the now constituent of tho ntmo.spln re u> which, on account of Its inertness, the nana* uri'iin lias been priven (the won' comes from the Greek argon, mennlni-r "lazv idle, doing nothing") m.aiy > xpei Imout < have been- made by chemist- to deter mine the properties of the new lound clement. Among the experimenters Is tlv dis tinguished French savant, Moiish-ui Jlerthclot, and ttt a recent me*tji)'_' ol the Academy of Sciences he ma h* tile very IntercFting suggeMtiou that the Northern Lights may be due to th< argon contained in the upp< r . tmus- phere. IIo bates this idea on the fuel that, while lie was xperfnientlng .dee- trlcally with argon contaln**d in a tent tube, a splendid fluoresce nee wa.s d-- veloped, the light of which, as tested by the speotroHcope, resembled that of the ,aurora horealiii. JTi think1' th t irgon, or some clement nsLo fated w.tli it, may, under the hillueui; of dn'tn fui'rents developed in the high r-'glomi of the air, produ *( a (luorc-o.-nl com bination, giving rl:v to the stiaiit;c lights that we observe then-. ( ynli-iHin. Th" poor drunkard lay ln the gai ter wMl-i the thoHghtlcw onnrd jc.-m d. Along camo tli'" ffond-hear ted cit.-n and pluoed tlw iml'wtuH*.'te ii4 x ataml- ing position. "Ah," said t>he crowd, "he hau bewm there himselr.** Bo MlilnoH n crood deed ln a aauiffhiy world. MAKSKO SUIIE OF If. ( % * v.. Biliousness IscamiKl by torpid llvur, whtnh proviun> (JIkth- Uonaud penoltn food to fnrutont und putrlfy lu thn uhumiok. Tliua follow UIzzIik-h*!, huduuho, Hood's If not ml In rod, billoiit* fotor ^^B II *% or blood iiolionlni/. Heod'H W^ III Si roii'to thft liver, imro heuduphn, dlntnoii, ooiv- Hlltmtlon, (-Ui. ua (sentiJ. Kci[d by all tiruRElHU. Tbo only 1M11U U> Uko with tioad'a HarKapatlllii. 1-Mr, Piper ("'< I't yn' quite .'ho d"t d '( I't a good one ? ^[FiRE"WORKSJ 2 Yes sh ! ! ! IT' WILL COME LATF.R. Tlirrq'it Hiiro to In- n ltl*r hnuinli-rp AV'bcn I Im> (,'nl IImI'III Occiirti. Au a Gratiot Avenue turret car wm pausing ilastlngii street on Its way down town tho other evening a colored man on the Hldewullc .shouted Home- thing at a man of the same' color on the car, ami followed it by .slapping his leg and laughing haw ! haw! haw! Th'-* man on the c.u Jumped off and Vip* preached th" ollc-r and d manded in Indignant tonss : "Sub, o' holler at me fur an' don haw Idiawi" "Hain't I gd a light to holler If I wants to holli r '." replied the other, "Von hain't got no rimit to holler at me ! What flat yo' said 7" "I was jess repro.suin' my opinyun of a cull'd swell!" "Who's a cull'd swell '.'" "Doan yo' go tur to spoke to me like dat ! Iy.c no fout-w.pi-t sah. 'I know a cull'd luvidl when T jiees one. .T.- - glt.s on a white went an' u blue icrk tie, an' reckons eberybndy lln'ts bo's a great man. If I beat de landlord out-'-P my rent I could buy six pink shlrtH an* a pa'r o' yaller slioes." "I3oea yo' mean lo actuate dat I doan* pay my tent !" ahoub d Liu- man who had Jumpeil of'f the cur. "I menus to actuate what I pleas-*, Bah I" "Hoy, yo' look out fur me when I lie- trln to llourlKh mv iazor! Jes^ in ul- cate yo' all to sullies In two minute1'." "An* yo' keep an t ye on me, flw.n to admojiish \o' light off the lace of do territorial a.nh I" "Shoo !" "I doii't 'want no idaughter-houne biislnesH nroimj here," said riiQ oorner giocer as he came'i. "N(>, i*ah," ri p led lie* n\v\ 11 oolon'il man. "\v.^ Jo.-it gwlne t > wilt 'T' 1 eolftb dat pUHson out on a vacant lo. an' dtn I'll put n eand to hh Inilex- iblo career !" "1 hain't gwinc* t . mti-*i uj> d ' stre t_ wld no cull'd swell" adfb d the o'her "but wait 'till f meet h m In de alley I I).-ii, sab den I'll make dat adhesive Individual b'g my pirdon or take de conserpieneeB. -:tU dem eonsetiuence will be so Invldl nc- dai he wkl Ik- foi'iid in alx diffejent pieces ! I hee poke." "Shoo, now." "An" doan' yo' diatinctly forg t It !" And the sky in the w*st r"iug.lit the reflection of th" sun ns it \n nt tn re^t for tlir night rind (lamed uj. -,t b'i o,l , red that tho "-roc r -ailed to h^ boto take in the 1-ox' s o\' hwk'- ben le i cn.l move the onions o-'ck luLO the twilight. Detroit Kiee Fiesa. ANOTirBRGREATTIUOMIMl Till: UOVVMANVlljIjItl NUWtf INTKftVIKWHMIt. .rOUN IIAVVKItHN. Amllu (Ukvuii M'-'iit'llriiliifu of u Ntwie YrufM* Sndrerliiu; Croiii Awilikkiu, Crom Wl.loli M UtiH llroii HM(oreri to ttrult Ii Wlen KXIu f'nuo XVu. V.ooItd oil uu KIu>pe|i'w. rroin tho Xowi.. hownianvi.ln DniiUi' t lie past 11 vo veaui the i>r. Wil liam*' Pirilc Pills have iluvolopi.d into a household work, and form t-ovcr.d crhch that huvu c.-me under our pononal obuur- vation, thoii) in not tho It-atit doubt in our minds but thoy aro a boon to mankind, and in neuron of iiiKtaiiueii have ftavud lifo, when ovtrytlnnu hay1 failed. The ouro of Mr. Bharp, wlioao ciLho wu publiuhod no mo time atjo, w!i aim of tbo most remarkable that wo havo heard of. To-day he m an well an ever he watt in bin life, aud in daily Imoalmic about m all woiithcnt attDndinj; to iiiii furni duticit. llucuutly uuothor triumph ior Pink Pills camo uudor our ob- tiorvatioii, uud, aftor intoryiowhig tho port-on ourcd, lie j^iwo pormiflnton to mako tho fanifi public-, and we will give tlio ntory CHURCH DSRCCTOHY MU'-iuoruMT. I)**. I'.ii.ti(i, ran" r. '.lurvwt uvory Kuielu', ! \>uli Hohota .il -ill I* in, t; V. N..yl< *. ti\iy>t> - Ant ot ni'i.. ul. ' p**e. rli (.. ,i[ii(i ii.' i <t ul i L'UUB'liiV * *)ill * ', III*..' pi !..> ' | aiftdten i- 't ir in..ln > . Vina. Ciiuueii tut -I'Jnooa.'JH- luv, jv.Jj.ouvi i*ly, m oUliibiiut, Hi. X'aulu, I'lUHtof.. UiyiiKMiiii'vluti f'Vry HniKhty itt V n'ulixik, p in Hunday Uohocil ul 10 u. id, iVlnlbv (Jhui'uti, North HlUfi*. "liivbm H'irviooH evory Hunday at 11 p. m.; Hun lay Hnliool at lt.t.'>p. m. 'i'liii pub]in aro cu'ir- illully invllt'd. - . PuvimTiiitUN. W.M. I'lundiiK, Pantor- vlcjti mi Mabbatli at U u. in. aud 7 .110 p. m. Hab< 'i.ith Molioo] at. y:'iu p, m. Prayor nuntinff and I'lUimr'ii bible olimn on Timsday nflM \t. m. Hoobd Union on WiwlmiHilu-v at H.lflp, HAiU'Ki '-uuiuiu. Ituv.M. 1'. ('uiupbull, l'au- ti.r LUfvicimelicit Miiiibiith nt 11 a- ni- and * p ... I'layur iiiniitioi: on Wfulininibty t'Vonlnjj at (iooloolc. riitau fnn. All am oordlally wul- fifmin 1. ttosuN f!A*iii(imr:.--KMiim--Kr. fj, F MuOoo Punter. Hhy / u- ttverv oiimr Huinhiy t H.ilOp. :ii. Hunday loliool ui-lp. in. MAiOH'i'fiNi; High iiianu and iinrmou at lO.MtJ H ui ciitiU!hInni at 2 \\, in , hitiniiini al II ii. in., \i>iip'<m and nuniallotioii at 7 n. m. -C K. Mo- Oi'C J'. V. Hai^vation Aiimv. T. H. McLdqiI, (Jaiituiu Halvutloii omi'tlnijii on Wuilucuduy, Thunulay und Hliri'lny iivniiiii|(; l"r<n\ uirl Kniiv, .-tntunlay ovmdiii: und II ji in. Snuiluy; ilolinimn iiniutinn for ' brh.tiiinii l-nduy oveuintt and U a. m. Muu day; liiion iJiill V a..m, uvory humlay, All aru v/elnoino. LEGAL. flj- A. WlhMKIl, JJitrrliiter, Hulioitor, Notiu Vj* Publie ito. Morniy lo lonn. OIIIcoh, Dm' Btan Mock, up-titau'H, hdnox. <l-)I h. ITiTKHH liarriatw. Kolioltor, Notir * fuhlio Money to Loan. Olllcti ov( -itrtititiorn' Jbinlt. Kfinox Cniitru. Tl..- I.imll He came Into the lawyt r's office with a look that wan fixi d with grim d--tei- miiiatlon. "You are a lawyer?" The itttoi ii( y nooded. "Kin you tlx m* out all right ?" "What do juu \/<mt '.'" "t want to get a scpyratlon from my wife," "What has nhe done ?" "Ifavc I got to tell V" "Mure." The man studb-d the floor for a few m'.m"nits. "Weil," he snld, "the other night t went home and wanted my old blue overhaul*-. I could not IInd them any where. When n y \\ If * <*omo In T n'.i-s h'-r where they be, 'Why,* Riys sTe-, 'I'm goln' to learn to ride a b-y 'e, and they've made me a lovely pah of bloomers,' Say doe.s 'tlpit go ?" Ho JUiiHt 11 ii v- Sipii'c/eil V'.'ii "A dark cloud Junt then covered thf moon by that time my heart was In my th:. at." "Ciraeious ! How lie must have rciuce^ud you," Tytik Kind of S(iitoHinatililp. "A fjtatcsman'H motto," tviid t!ie eai- nei't. patiiot, "aliould always bo, '>o sure you're rhrht, and tlien go ahead,' " "Maybe so'/' replied B'-nator Sorg:i-' urn, thoughtfully. "Put that's not my platform." "What 'Is it ?" "Oo ritrht ahead niMl nquart- It afttr- wttBd/' WaskltiKtwi lOv-HiiHy- Star. in hi- own woido. Mr. Jolin Uawkinfl, who icfiide" in tho township of Daihnutoi], flomo U-n milea north of Bowmunville, und wbono puHi, oflico in KnuiBkillen, oiimu to tbeLUULity Iroui GomvVall, England, nome lo ycaro ago, and up to tho tiaio of his nick nunii tutd always been a lnird-working ni'in. nay, howover, wlnlo attendnit; bin work, be (,ot wot, took a chill and a Bovero oold followed, which finally duvoloped into anthiiia. Uiir'ng tlio euccoeding mno yearn tie wen a tonibi. f-niforer from that din t"easing dihcino aud gradually grew so bad -thaHie-conld not work, frequently spent fili-tplefih iiif'htH, and had little or no appe tite. Finally bo could Beaictdy walk u- oroBB the tcom without panting for bieacli, and would nit all day with his t-lbowci rost- iug on hinkneon tho ouly poaition which iieomed to yivo him ciihu, and at one time he iiover hud down for wx weeks. Ah it wan a li'irdnhip for him to talk, all ho iLMlied wafi to bo let alone. During thifl time ho had boon doctoring aud had tried uearly ovorything, and oponfc over S100, out got no relief. Finally Homo one re- oomiuehded him to take Pink Pills. Ho thought thoy could do him no harm at any rale, and procuring a impply ho com menced takina thorn. After ho had taken throo boxoa he found that ho wan improv ing, and aftor talcing two moro boxoa, to the antoninhmouti of all, ho walked aoroha tho field to tho woods and cut up a cord of wood, lie continued thu pillH aud took two moro boxoa, makiue; hovon in all, and to-day in aa well as bo over was, but al- waya koepu a box of Pink PjIIh ill tho houhu. Tho noighbore all began to auk him what ho bud done, an the aothmii had loft him, and thoy aovor expoatod to hoar of him beiuu well u-jjitin. To ono and all he tollH that it wart Dr. Willianati' Pink Pillu that, did it, and hr-n rooommGndod them to acorou of people hiiico bio recovery. With fiuoh wonderful uuroa an thosu oceuring in all parta of the Dominion it ia no woudor that Dr. Willmmn' Pink Pilla have achiovod a yi outer ropntation than any other known modiuino. All that ia nuked for thorn ib a fair trial and the re- tiultH are raroly disappointing. Dr. Wdliumo' Pink Pillu otrike at tho root of tho (iiHQuso, driviuy it from tho nyntom nnd rcutonug tho patient to health anil fltrongth. In oaitoa of par- alyiiiH, opioid trouble, locomotor ataxia, Hoiutioa, rhoumntiimi, erynipoJaB, uarofqloun troubles, oto., thoiio pillu aro nuponor to all other treatment, Thov nro uluo a Hpooiilo fi,r tho Croubloii which make tho liven of uu many women a burden, and Hpeodilv re- htoro I lui rieh glow oi huiilth to pale and nallow cheoltH. Men broken down bv over work, worry or oxuej.aen, will find in Pink LJilln a oertain'curo. Sold by nil dea]orn or Kent by mail pontpaid, at fiOo a box, ol* nix boMjb f>r{3,fi0, by luhfrcLHini; tlio Dr. VVilluimii' IVIodloJuo Comp'tny, Broo'.V.l'e, Oi t., or Schorieatady, N, Y. licwaro of irnitiuionn uud Aubutitutua allnH^ to b*i ' juat uu ood." CIIjAUKK. UAHTLKT <t HAUThK'!', HurrlC ) torn, etc. Olliocu, Medbury KlneU, Windi oi Pi lyutu tundii to loan. A. H.Ci-aukh, L. h. II. N. A. IbVU'lLI 'I A. ic. iUurnirr. li. A, nKNHY ii. WAX.TKKH.I-.Ii.H., Attornoy ami Counselor,at law, Hohcitor in Ohancorv, Proutur in Adinliidty, I'ulmit Holicitor, with Atldnnon X'HiLiyh 3(( ContirubH nt ;wont, Detroit, adoh (Caiuidliin cluiinri ncimiiit poruontt in tho United Ktatmi onijo tn'Ij Hofei'iiucijiU Jioperial Hunk, Khitox, Out, .1 L. Potent, Mill, Jtiniinloi", (.to., Kituet, Out lli.A. Wiliuinr, l.hi|., Huiiihte^, etc., I'jI.hl-.x, Out MEDICAL. pvufl. nniKN & intiKN. Jan Prion. M. D., f^. H., f). P. S., Knuluato of Quoun'ii Univornlty, Kiiifjitton, uiumhor of Ool* lt;o of PhyHtoiiuiii uml SLiri;nonu,C)iiLio-Io, firm]- mitn of Now York. Pout Graduate Mmliuul Col- lujro. J. W. IJrlon, M. V '. T. It. C. Honor Rriiihiuto of Trinity Modloal (Jollefji, Honor ( Miuubor of tho (.'olloijoof I'tiyntcIuriH and Hunitioiiu, Out. (Irad- nato of-Now-York. l'o*it (irailuatu Mudical Colloi'u. OtHociOvor I'jBtiOX IModtcal Hull driif* fttoro, Cniifiiiltiitioii rootiut, lioth on (jroutul Jloor aud tlr>it ilut iiljovo, Tiilephouu m hotli oilleo uud runidfirioo. Ail calhi attoiKled to from onloo, ntoro, or rauiuimco. Itualdonoo, Talliot ntreot, front of fidr (troundu. DENTAL. HP. MAHTIN, I). D. K., L. V. 8. Gruduatu m in Dontmtry, lto\ul College of Dontal ^nrf'flouii, Ontario, ant) Uiuveridty of Toronto, Chni'fioi'.modarnto. Ofiico, ovor lirfoa & Coe Jruti utore. lft-lv _ VETERINARY.^ _^___ WU. UICriAltDSON, VKVKUINAHY HUH i GKON. llonoruvv iltaduati' of Ontario Veterinary ('ollnuo, Toronto, moinbur of On tario Votoriniiry Mudlcul honioty; DiplomlHt in Dontuiti-y; troubi it 11 dihotousii of dnnietitioated nniiiudfi; ciLttio dobomed by tbu latent improvod. i-joitvltt clipjier Cullii by tuh-pliouo or tolo- Rrapli promptly atteudod to. 1Uid.leuoo,three ijuorf ant of (print mill; otfico ii: post office Imihllnc; inilrtnar.v. directly opponlto. LAND SURVEYOR. TAME8 B. r-AlKD.l'rovinnml Lund Rurvoyor O and County Enrjiiiocr, Kmio.*: C'ontro, Ont Olllce, DunntiLu Block, uputuirn. AUCTIONEERS. J TKNRY HKDItlCK, Auctioneer. Kalup 11 promptly uttoudod to, Ai'nireiiH Routb Woodoloo, Out, pert nun di'Hirlng to iiocuro nib may Umvo word at tho Pio:k Phi:i! oillco. tf H. UKUBIOK DBINCIjAIK, HCKNfiKD AUCTIONEER for tlio County of Ehsox. BudilTof KlRhth Divniion (Jmirt. All klndu of Farm and other Dillon ootiductbd promptly. Itutoii riui^oriablo ami furnlahed on auiilication. Kuquirorn may apply at W. D. Hoiiman'n oillco, oi;ftt tlio oflico of Ulviuion Court Clerk, Mr, John Milno | OIIN GOKMLKY, el blCliiNSED AUCTIONEER for tho County of Ehhox. All lundfl of farm btock nivlon, etc., comhictod promptly nnd on iibortnotice, Itiitun roiiiiui'iLbla, l'ortiono do*-irablo to urraiiKO nalaii may io no by calling nt tlio I'ltui! PuubH oillco or by upplying to 4 J. GOIiMEEY, P. O. Hoi 155 I<.Hnex, Out. |MIANK McOLOBKEY, Mnidutoao, thirty- 1 aovon yoaru' oxporionco uu an auotioneorfn tho County f Eqbox. Halon oonduotod promptly, nnd on rouuonablo turmii. Partlon tlcniriud' to fix tbo dato for a nalo oun oavo thoinnolveu a dri/o by callinfi at tho Funic X'liwm ottioo. Wo havo nrrannod with Mr, McUloivliey and will (lac the (Juteii for indoH by toloji-rapli, ontiroly froo of (ill olnirGo to tbo porhon lioldiiifi tho bilIo. Ad- dvonB Frank HoClo'ikov.MaidntonoCrniin.Ont. ltiQ BAKER. 1 Ib7iK Flrnt-cliinn broad ami oaken of al kinds, Wodd'n((o(ikou a npoolallty. Ornoovion nroviQioun, Hour, food, flail and pork, Confoo- tionory,orool[ory,r[lai!nwaro. Cauuedfruitu and vORotnblen of all klndu. Gooda nrumptly 'lu livorcd toall nnrtR of tho town. ,T, M. H1CKH. JOl-tf MARRIAGE LICENSES. , > I-. l'AKK, IHHUKlt OF MAIUUAOJW Id- I'j. oonnoK, JUahiwdiioh Ulk., EbboX, Oat. Mil \ fiUKT'L', t Hanoi* of Mum.L^n TjIoad*wM t'eimoiiiMioiiorlu, (JeBto.Onft \Y. IiiHUnr of Murrlai,'] TdooiiHcii. YiiHiiruuco o-'ent, Nllfl't oaie at bwidlln*/. 'J'AIJtOT H'l'UMHTrMHHMX, 1). ]li;AM <, UNDERTAKING- nPIiUMMK ,n, UnderluLor Furniture m Ueiilor. .Coltlnn, homo uud fimtory tnrds from S'l to y:i0. Moflronr,On*' ARCHITECTS. tOHN A. MAYCOCK, AHCHITECT, Au., Itnom 10nnd ll, I'lmulntf liuiidln^, Winduor, Onl Phono 210- SOCIETIES IO. O. P.-ENTEUPIUHE Lotion No UIH mootrifivory Thumdiiy, I'Votihiff at 7J1" lildfollowri Tlulf, In third iitoroy Uiiimtan I, I '/liilthd'moniliorM uf othor ledifenwill roc fraternal woloomo. W, OHAPrEUTON, J CKNTJtAL KMJAMl'MKNT, No. (), uu Oddfollowh' Hull, bmiiitaii'H block, en tbi i uud tldrd Tti und it y Inoaoli month. Vifdton dlally rocnlvod. Afoudierti of Hiibordlnatoh In tli*- Jurisdiction, invitod to Joiti. HANNAN, 0. P., 0. F, Hlbti, Hoc. J7BflKX KIHK iiltlOADE. MEETB EV- J Frfday ovenhii; In tho Klroiwm'H roar, tho fitomi building. J tin. MoMui'rav, Cnim Hobt. Parltor, Captain; A, Uurnham, blouton- uut; I1, Diliio, Hocrgtury; I-'rcd,Tronjmr6r. CUJUIIT HOY Mi, NO. illy. I. O. F. / Montn micond and fourth Ttiflfidayri ia caoZ month hi I. O. O. I*1. Hall at H o'clcolt n, m, ViFiitluj' brntliorn will bo kIvoii a friltfinialwcl- coino. K MoC'auitland. C. It., \V. C, HbttW, Bflotf t M.J. WiRlo, O.I>. Jt. O.K. Michigan rTENTTj^ '* Thu Uliauara Falls Haute." 0O1NO HAilT Taklnn effect May l'Uh, IHOfi. I'-XJl, Dotrolt...... \V I minor .... I'olton.... Middntonoo EllflAX...... Woodiiloo.,, limicoinb ... Coraljor . . . lUdRutoWN.. Itodnoy... . Bt. Thoma London ........ Ht, Thomim... Hodnoy..... Hiflrtotown.,.., Comber....... ItUilCOIIll)....... Woodiiloo...... Eoiiox......... Matdiitono Cr Poltou........ Winduor........ Lotroit...... Midi a.m. 7 1'. 7 10 ho;j Hit H.'Jl H.U7 tl.Ti 30.17 11..10 a.m. 11.20 11, SO 7...0 H.-17 10.00 noma wcht. p.m. ' U.IO %Ai.'I.'l'.l ( 07 8.UU TiAh Ml it.O'J 0.11 fi, 15 7.10 Exp. a. in. tuo 10.10 lo.iia 1.05 a.m. 10.31 ii,i:j 12.10 12.40 Accom p.m. 1.-10 C.05 fi.m b.:io DM 0.01 7.10 i.m H.40 a.m fi.lfl 0.!W 7.-13 8.0(1 O.Kfl 0.M 0.15 H.5< 10.01 jo.ii 10.BB Aiulicratbiii*'): V<ocul TraliiN* wi:hT p m. n.m. a.m. n.50 u.t!T ie.oa H.ifi C2H 12.10 9.;i2 o :ig lii ;jh h 115 Gfio la.r.n, KAnT a.m. a.m. Ehiiox 7.15 0.B0 5.00 Edcarn '7.00 0.10 5,10 L E & 11 H XiuR 0.00 O.ilfi 4.53 McG-fpor h.4H 0.H0 4,60 AniUoriitburB H.:i0 0.30 -1.00 All trainu aro rim cm cimtral rtlandard timo, wliicU io inxty miuutcfi olowor tlian Khboi time For information and raton to colon- lutn raoviiif! wont appl> to .John G. Lnvon, PftB* Bonpor Agont, Ht. liiounui. O. \\\ Kiu'fflOH, Qon- ortiri*an(iouf*(ir imti Tiidtcf Afiunt, CbiciiRo, III or A, 0. Htinicru, Acont. Elhox, L. E. & D< R. Ry. TIME TABLE NO. 20, tiddnf- offoet M'oudiiy, Doc **!D, IMS. Traiiifl run by F.aiitorn Htand- ard Tinio. Daily oxcopt Sunday o H 1 M p. i **4 -*1 M o.^ <0UJ Btationh. f"S wW 6 'A o 'A V si Q rA * SI o A d S.-A AM A SI A M P.M. 0 Ml 3 00 t\:?.(Pop WalUerv'lo Ayr 9 10 5,501 J.*iO o.-M (1,'.',7 Widhervillrt Juno. o o:i B.!lfi 1 ?S0 UM0 12 IC ill H 57 8 t:i 5.27 5.17 5.00 !).4:i[lU.-l.pi 5.05 o,no!i2.oy ti.17 H 47 6.0- CIS l.B7i 1.10 0.51 B 4U; 5,011 5.71 10.021 1.19 0.C9 ...I Now Canaan. h ao 4.40 S.21I 10 00 l.HO 7.10 ... i Marubllold ... 8 W) t.u:i ft.n.'i 111.111 x.50 7.1 r H 22 12ft nit 10.^7 2.0J) 7.27 0ft 7.!t7 B 11 H CI 4.00 11.45 5.51 10.J17 M 10,1ft 2 50 7.-H 7 61 Il.lfl (1.W in.RH !U5 7fil ... r^oaminL'ton ... 7 40 2.4f 0,21 11.11 H.10 H.(0 7 21 l.M a.m 11.20 iM ri 17 7 16 i.:w 0.41 1 4.1 ft .^ 7 10 1,1ft i).Kl 11.H5 5.11! Hllft 7 00 mail 7.IB ll.'JS 5.;j-i n -iri fl-17 0 Ri! (Mo ly.yi I" IV 7.10 ii m ......t Huxton......... 7.17 ii.ftfi fl.ri.i HM, 11 40 7,23 l!i.(!-l 11.06 0 00 ..dOedarBjlrfofin... (J HI 11.2H 7,H7 12 11 r.,13 0.(17 Plonhflin Juuct'n 0 21 n.yti r.ita 12.111 .:w 0.1V fll ii.ibj im U'-| fl4fi 010 K 10 10.1W 7.4^ 7.00 ArRidgotown Dop a 00 10.0W 7,60 r. u. r. ir. v. it A.M. P.M.'F.M, t Flan Stations. Train ii otop only whon thore aro pnEHCiifjefti nt or for thono otatlomi, Mixed tralno aro at al tlmoti (jubjoct to bo c unco Hod WM WOOLLATT. Gonornt Ruportntoiidont lANDAND LOAN ACEMTS GEOROB J. THOB1AB, Convoyanoor, Com- mii.fiionor, In High Court of -mntloo; doalor In Hoal Kfitato and MortRiiRon. Monoy to loat at tho lowest rate of inturont. l^armn bought and nold, Iniairanoo taUou in tho moot reliable oomimnioo. Drawinnof doodH, mortgngon and loanoa a opooialty, Chargon modoratn and nl) bueluonii promptly ftttnudod to. Call afc the Contra 1 Toloohouo olhoo. KuiioxOoutro. BlMi 8a Place in tho world for yoxnid mon nnd womon to aocuvo a Hunlnomi ICducatinu,Bhorthand,oto.,in tho Dotrolt huflinofiii Ualvoinltv. Uo- troit, .Mloh IlltnitviitodootiUouno Fi'fto. Itoforoiicrn: All Detroit, F. JE\VI3IiIi Troo, P. H. BPFNCER, Bca. w antk n-reB women, to ouuuro with uu dtnfnc vacation, at nomoddno on'iridy now. Can pay mi blah uu 82C0 (K) for tho full torin. Rcoren having oporutod, during vnaatiou. buvu onfjafod pouniiurntly on nnr ntnff, toTTelr went boindlr, tmd noiuo b.vo made fortunon. Pi not doubt until you And out tho fnotii, and Unit will octit uothlng. Ad- dronn Immedlatoly, Tmm IluAnr.i;Y*OiaHii'i'fioN Co,, Ltd. Bi'antlord, Out. it ih im: r-i2-iT cougit ooiuu i have oyrr **i.mI Hiiyfj O. l'Vucl AndurHon* of T. B. I-iimniH & Co., in wpoaltinK of Nor- wpy l*iwo Byrop. Warerooms. Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description* A fine Parlor Suit, Oak fraane, Good Plush, $16.00* Wo uovor waro ho well prepared to do buHincBA, LotH of Koodn and pricei ri^ht. It will pay you to (tjvo uh a onl] audi liooiia aud ^ot priced. Wo aro ploascd quoto prict'H to any who nood fumiti Wo havohoen doinj,' a. j^ood Btoudy If noha now for about 1*J voarn nnd wo v?j to tondor our thanlcn to tho public koiigu.' tor tho vnry liberal pB.troimu:o we \t*.v& ooivod of tlicm dutfiu*;' thelC yuiu-H thai Imvi* heou in bmilnetiH ia the bow Towt En-iox. . UE^BERTAKIMASPECSliLlY J. L HICKS & Co,, Essex. \v '.J"1 " 'r. .- / Ul* p.., ' ' - " ' ' ' ' ?' '"'/'-Sll 1998

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