Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 5, 1896, page 7

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F -H ' ' , ,_J 'il -*tS *jSJb,.& FREE PRli z>^>\3 DOMINION A*HMTRATOR8, k Nwmlntr of Olotonx It*twui OnUrlo, Sqabrti, tlio Dominion imI Mt* Imcflun* Mi<l--A(IJiMit*uim<ik. Qoabno, Jauo 1. Thu Dominion and Provincial Board of Arbitrate)** rntipuut- -tbf thn uuHutiU'il ucooiiutu huhl u wmhhIoii korc to-dfiy und hoard argimumt upon SvonU ului'iiu. Thatm \**nrm present lion. mn coll or Boyd, Hon. Mr. Juutlno tftir- bridflo and Hon, Star X/Quiu Wupohion jCfts*ult, arblferutom for tthe Dominion; W. O. Hogjr, Q.C., uBHlntod by Mr. Dlolc- Isou, Dominion boolt:kp>r. For Outflpio, Mmujtr. Irving, Q.C., and J. M. Ctark. Tile Hon. Uinhurd Murooinrt, I'rovlnoUl Tvoiuuittr, uud Mr, 1. II. Kortirth und Mr, Brown worn utau pri'ueub in tho ln- Uruit of Ontiudo. Quubno wun lupro- umtod by Hod X B. Hull, Q.C., iuuUUI by Mr, Muohln, AuHlHtuttt Provincial iWumror. Mr. Ii A. Audotte aotud a worutary and Mr. N, R, Ihilaher u uiv- nogrftplior. Tlio flrHfc olulm takon up was mm by the Dominion anulnat Ouuirio ou ac- oounfc of cortaln Immigration expendi ture*, Thin olulm waadlfonUfod. Tito nxt Wer# uUimu by tho Dominion aguluut Ontario nn unoouut nf tlio rontw of cer tain building and IuiuIh ui Ponnt-uii- KUlwlii'iiu, UHtul by tho provinuo for pro vincial purpohpu, and ono by Ontario Ugulnut thf Dominion known aw tin* Nl- auru reutH. Thoy wcro both dlumlnaod, thn Dominion to pans, an order In Goun- I'll vowtliitf tho ordnanot) lamb. In tho province no ah In avoid all doubt an to tho lltlo. Next LaUcii up wiu u olalm by tlm Dominion ujjjaluHt Ontario and Que- bod for rcrt.iln wlfywirlul puynumtH. Olulm dltiu-llmvi'd ah to Ontario, und It was hold thut- Qnoboo oould only bo eluirgod with lis proportion of tho pay- uumt. Noxt whh a claim for oartuln lnlandy in Rico Lako und in tho 'front watiirn on holm If ol Mm Indlaim. Of this $fi,000 vai rocolvod by tho lato province of Ounuda, uxcoptiiiff u Hiuall itm for (C112. Tho othm' contention wan as to Homo hind culled WilMin'h Island, Onturlo olainiinj* that, In reality It whh not an Ihland hut, part, of tho main luud. Tlio claim put forward nn bohnlf nf the In diana was lilh.illoiviMl. Tlio next olalm whh nn bohall' ol cortaln IndliuiH to Kan lent and Kurrutt Ulnndn. The Iudiann elulyuid that thono Inlands wwo worth (^0 an acre, which thoy olalmml with Intor- Lst. Ontario subiulttod that thoy would ucoouur for tho ainouut actually rooiUved, whiuh wai t^l1"1. and tho arbitrator* awarded >liat *-uin In fu\nr *>f tiiu In- tllilm.. The lust was- a olalm ou behalf of the Chlppnwas of tho Thanien for certain monoj^ urisinti 1'roui the dolnleatlou of Indian Ajjont .lo^oph Brant Clench. It WU4 held by tho board tlmt neither On tario nor Quebec woru liable for tlio BTiinunt. und the claim va disallowed. Thh* olom'fl the hiisincKH before the hoard, and an adjournment lakes pUco until furthor claiMu, iire ready, which will not bo boforo fho fall. LAffHflT 4WLWXET IUH1POAV0. THE FIRE RECORD. Uouhu iiikI <'<mtoiittt nt [{odnoy fomplrtoly l>i-t-tio> vt\ JjUinbcr .1111] ut Ayliiior.Oiifl., Itiirncd to tlir (jiniuid. Windsor, May MO. A lire of supposed Incendiary origin broke out, In Millard's livery burn hero at I o'clock thm after noon. ^(*\eral Uuo Jiorbes were in tho utable at the dine. All f^capi'd cx(cpt a tliorouphbred colt, owned by MltUi*l Itfciuuiu, valued at $i;r)0, whloh W4W burned to death. Tho damago to tlio ntublo will not oxuwil $U00, and in oov- ortsd by innuruuco. St, Thomas, Ont., Muy UO. At. Ii p.m. yesterday lire brokn out, in the hoimu of Mr. S.. U. Morrlh, Koducy, occupied by Mr. ChiirlfK Liraut, jr. Tho hrmsc wua aomplotoly tle-^Lroved with oontt nts At ono time there was l'eur of the ^hole vll- Iubo boinK swept by (Ire, im tlioro wan a vory heavy wind blowing acroh', tho vll- laffo from a north-westerly direction, No lourf than ulx different bums and dweli- lngw wore on lire at oncer but hy-rlmoly aid worn oYtiln^uli-hed. Tho louh is u herl- ou4 one to Mr. Orunfi. Tho furniture wart partly Intjun d. Tlio inrfuranoe on ilio dwell In [{ Ift noL known. Avaluublo plnno bolonuluj^ to Mr. Urn at was destroyed. Aylnicr, Quo., May JIG. Tho lumber mill bolonplm,' to M,r. Archibald Lind- nay, and leji^nd to K II. [Clock Ar Com pany for th' season, wan bnruod to tho yrlfuml at x; o'clock thin morning. Loin not yot known Chatham, Out, Muy .10. At eleven o'oloolc last nitflit tho lar^e roller pmccs, flour mill owned by Mossrs. .la^perfinn Ar Company, Kinpville, was totally do- BtrovjetL by lire. Tho mill was tho most complete and up to-duto floi ;n^ mill In WoHtorn Ontario, and was doinff n ninh inu; buninoss-, bein^ run day and nicjht to All ordiTs from the oust and Northwest. Total U)^ $^0,000; insured for $0,000. The fire originated in tho eiiKino-room. vllli'ljcU I'L-iilan Seine New Vol It, May ;1(J A bjjeclnl cnblo- gram fioni Ijondon to Tho .Journal hnyn: Scotland Yard olllciulu claim, an effort 1m belmr made in London to ruvlu: lullitunt 1 enUimsm. An Infernal machine was left with an einplnyi' of thu Purll.i- mont IIouso last, Wednesday but it was dlfioovoicd befoie uny damage was done, Uhiof Inspector Melville fif Sootlaud Yard hu!<1 this morning That tho 001111117 wk on tho brink of a now outbreak of revolutionary crime. All Cabinet Mlnlh- tors- are closely fju irdrd by speuhtl detec tives. This' ptecuution was nor oon.sldnred neeensary lor the piiM, three yenrw, but now the pick of the police foreo Is being ut-pd. Melville says that, a man named Lyman eolleotod funds in America und eamo linru anil nr/fani/ed the pi-cent, move ment. There are nine men In tho new bund cent 1 e. lie bUiics thut ovnimn h wuro made to tho Uusslan Government with a view to assisting the designs of Kimhla on tho frontiers of India. Tho 1 LVihLl11 Minister to England promptly Rifled Englifth oMViuR This Starred in-" irioK and tho head centres were i-oori or -surveillance. Thoy met lust week room in the Firnt. Avenue Hotel, illtionk were passed pledging thono lit to eontlnuo warfare on England Lio KnellRh until Ireland wan pro- a republic. In tho meantime efforts to Hoouro amnesty for tho [tfcorn In , English prisons will bo Vinitlng Irisb-Amerlouns present ihat ample funds were on the way InTow York. Ortfunizern who wero ,'ito Ireland and the Kntflinh, prfl^^H^ report that eeidrcrt have been formod^J" lilvorymol, lilrmlnffhum, Hheflloltlt\f ot"K Dublin, and most of the towuH 111 nftJaad. ^ 1, _i, ^omkwhjX,}^*" I)for Afltlon. WaHhlueton, Juljo L I* ^ nW evl- dot that oongrossV*" adjourn without notion ou tho bill to\tha ithmghUtv of fur hmIb. A roiiolution atfUiwlBlag fnrtlier fy InTeflWgatlou. into th* ^gdUWm of tho tt.~ sd itiltutry wu titr^t^y rportd tmm OMufcltteo. $& Toronto, Jnuo U, PKODTJCJO. WrtRf" Tjl^btor focolpts to-ilay put u Hlltflibly firmer fooling 011 bku market), und dunlm'H wore quoting froai U>j toOfi In tint ordinary way, and onumall tot* 10o Wn l>tlnjf Ritkod. Poultry Nothing in. Turkey h ur fjuotedattttn IDopur lb; ftoortti, 7 to Ho por lb; ohlokonH, 30 to (10 pr pulr; und duoU*, 00 to HOe per pulr. Fnfcntoo* Uncihiuiffad uud eawy at lUo pjir huu tor cur lotn on trunk, and about lf> to 17 for batfH by furmm'a' loudu. Muplti Hyrup The un^ulry huu abouti fallono[t'altoe/uht<r, and v^iuoJ are mueh eaHlur. Flvo-Kiillon tlnu 11 ut 70 to 7Bo per lmperlul gallon; gullou tttiu at KOo; and half-gallon Una at iTto. Honey No buying. Five and ten- pound tlnn uro Mold at 0|^ to lUe per lb; dO-lb tluH at i> to OJ^o; HootlonH iir^i qUotod ut, $l.B0to $1.00 por (loKuli for otovor, anil 8O0 to 00 for durk, ucoordlnjf to fii/O. Ualod hay Only thu oboleeut No. I Quebeo wanted, and hjiIoh of thly aro hard to brlnj? about at 81U.75 to $111 for car lota on track. Ordinary buy lu quoted around $l:J fcn $|j.ri0. Straw -Nothing doing, and ear lota on track are quoted nominal ut about $7 to $. Wheat, white, per huili ..* 00 $ 711 Wheat, red, per bush 00 71 Wheat, (,'iki if, per biisli... .MJ ,M Peas, cdiiitnoii, per bush . 00 W Oats, pet bii^h ......... 00 'M l(\e, per biihti ......... -IH 10 Hurley, pel Ijiisii.......... U.I .J5 Hiukwhuut ....... :u*i mi 1 Jutka, npi ing, per pair.... ">0 7U ('liicUens, per pair "..... U0 ,r>0 (Jre-tc, pel lb ....... OS 0G Huiter, in Mb rolls..... II VJ Hugs, new laid ..... 1) 10 Onion1*, per bush ... U0 00 Tiunlps, per b,!-, !i> load . 1ft 30 I'niaLoes, per hai; ..... ITi j20 J'ut itnt s, car lot s....... 1(1 18 Iieaijs, per hush....... 00 1 00 Heels, per Uig . IVi 85 ('anni^. per b.u,r, h\* load VJ0 'Jfi PuiSlll,!1-. p.M ll,l '..... 'J0 no Applet pi 1 ......... 1 7."> 2 (H) lla\, tuiiotln .......... IH on ir, 00 Straw, iilieat........... j() on 11 011 lli-ef, hinds ........ tifi OH Heef. foreo .... CJ - 04 spring lambs (iiteasc. . !l 00 (J 00 Veal, per lb .......... 0,*. 7 Mutton, pei lb............ oil 07 Urcssed Iiojjh ............ 4 7."> H 23 TOPICS OF A WEEK. Th. iportaut )vriitn In 11 l"oW WovdM V*r n is LIVE STOCK MAIlKKTri ^liero were quite HO loads of olfoHnuu here, infludiiig; !i,ii()() bugs, :J0O nhuep, and lambs, 110 calve-,, and a few milk ers. There was not any eimugu In prices of coiiHequimoo front thoso of Tuesday, but tho tone was not ho good, Mont of tho loads holil were mixed, no thut re ports of suleti would bo of no value. Fortunately wo had u ^ond quantity of buying for Montreal, otherwise tlilngH would havo been much worse than they weie. The murder, on Tuesday waa about cleared 01UV feo thuUour stock coiihiufcod entlndy or yesterday'h and to-days re ceipts. For HhlpptiiK outtle there wou u better enquiry, us markets In tho Uttlfced Kingdorii are Romewbut better. Export' cattle is worth from it VA to 4n per pound, wit 1 I l ,c for picked lots, but this wnu about the limit. JRuteherH' cattle -wiw hard to clarify, being ho vurloua* in grade. For thn bulk of bufrlieHA stuff from 2% to ito was tho ruling ]>rice, while \\yu and IK was paid; and tho following sales, of extru choice butohorfl htulf were reported trj us: A lot of 17, averaging I,ll)lt lbs., sold at ^J. 10, and $."t; u lot of 10, averaging 1,050 lbs., sold at %\\.!)."; and 17, avorufling 1,17a lbs., sold at $;i.!10lmt theso wore outhldo the ordinary run of wiles, and in no sense reprcKentutive Snmu Inferior cattle Hold as low as -it, and trade all round, vvus slow. Fioin "J1", to d^'r was the range for a fjood deal of trading, and ultimately tno yards were pretty well sold out,. Hulls und milk cows aro practically unchanged. Sheep are quoted at ;Je por pound, und yearling** aro worth le, and with the wool on oc per pound. Spring lumbp are worth from >.'<) tit $-1 euoh. Choloo yearlings and sjirlng lambs nro wunWd at tho ftguros here montlonod. Choice buoou hogs, %i to (t.3o jier uwt; thick fat, $1150 por owt; hows, $11 to <'A J."i; and stagy, HH ba 49.3" por owt All grades will sell HAMILTON* MARKET Trivr* was u fair run of hogs; paokorn Wiuv aot kcoti buyers, iv,e was paid for an i\tn choice lrnn light weigjhtu, but the genurnl prico for this grade was be low this; light put" were dull, ut !l|Kto i-V; and over weights hard to sell; tend ency lowor. EAST UUFKALO MARKET. Cattle .llK-.oars tbrnugli and two ou good mixed butch ers' ?'! HO; choice Htoorr;, $ l.xJO; veal stcu Iv good, if?.7ri lo .*.-!.l*j ; common, i>'A.)}~) io$;f.."0. hogs TwelverurH through, anil fifty on wale; market active und fie higher for Yorkers; good weight York ers, S:i.r,f> tn fpll.B7^; light, $U.(I0; mixed packer-,, $:!. |,*i to 90.50; mediums, $;j. 1(1 to &il. IS; pigs, CUiG to g!1.00; rougliN, i to t-'.^B. Sheep and lambn Flvo eary through and elfjhu*nn on sale; market actUe and firm; prlmo lambs, ?f).l>U Lo $.") 00; fair to good, $1.85 to Stfi.fiO; cull, ..nil common, %'.l 'l't to $1.7G; heavy export lniubs, $1.05 to S5 tfood mixed Hlleep, ^.{.ii5 to $:i,00; culls and common, &t.fl0 to h.t.'io; heavy mixed export shuoji. sl.;i5 to 1.1(0. .lumped Into 1 1x> Citnul, Port Colborne, .luno 1. -Mr. Abruhum Simpsun, nearly 70 yearn of age, proprie tor o: the Commercial Hotel here, eom- niitted stiiclile by JumrntiK-fhtiwthe^ In iiMiit ol the hotel (mrly this morning. He got, up at tlie u.siial hour in tho moriduj,, and hi- wife supposed bo was ,itie idlng to the morning workubout the hol.'l, but instend of doing wj ho appears lo lnve walked deliberately to Lhto oaual haul: and threw hlimiclf off, Tho body v.n-- grappled for and soon recovered. Mr. Simpson bilonged to tho Musonlo Order, uni l hut society \\ ill look after thu Aftr tiiu MurdortM'. SAlr. Ijalcn City, Utah, Juno 1. Hov. 'rani^is Hermann, the Salt Luke minln- rer charged with tho ^nurdor and u.ema- tion of Hearli'Lta ClawHon, in mipl'OHed nl.c In lildlngiiitbninouiitulu fastnesses if Idiho. Two omuei-H and Goorgo M. Volaii, a tiMvollng man for a Salt Luke <iquorhoune,left hint niffht for nomo point fl rliu Oregon Shore Uuo to oltai t hU upture. Kolyu Ib poalHvo that he met Hid truvolfid with Iloruninu for two day-i ai'Iy la May. Tlu> luforniuub v<uil.l ilvo no partloular*, us hs wants to oura ;be reward of |6O0. Ilifiin+iord tiUeH Hrf butohero ||0. Burrln'rt tiDtablfi Income \u $1, l2-l,fHI'>. Simo<H* 1h ralMlng money for a bicyele path. A woollen mill Ih to bo built at Kldge- iuwu. The population of Owen Sound Ih now *,70!k 'J be KInguton Dairy School will bo en larged. lAieknow in organizing a Hoard Trnd*. An oloctrlo railway la bi'ing built Wao^port wuntu to be lnrni'pnrated u village. Tfawfdunt iwuletrt In Klneardlne juy ^C00 lkontio fto. Inland revenue receipts laut month full atf ver $100,000. Mount Forout ban voted down a, $1,600 wuterworkfl by-law. An Kden MlllK farmer hud fall whoat out in bead Muy 2Urd. Vol i Oovftr park In condxutwd upon temperance princlploa. The traveling dairy will hold 11 meut- Uigfl in Kast Ijimbton. London huu voted $20,000 additional lor Hehool purposes. LuhL year there were 'Mil ptitlentu in tho Sudbury hospital. lugorsoll Council rofusea to glvo$i,00i) to itii Collegiate liuitituto. A -iti-pouiul hturgeon wan caught at l*Liry Sound the other day. An Ulcltt cutHo buyer recently puld out >B,000 Hot Mtouk In one week. A Illdtftitown cftlcry grower will put down 306,00O plants thlu aenson. A bhlp mink -III yearn wan dredged up at l*orb Do\ci harbor the other day. Frank: Smith, an old colored man, wan trta-uck by u train und killed at Chatham. A uld chain loat 10 yearn ago was raccutly ploughed up ou u farm at Wiil- Uno. Wlndsor'a rate In 31i mlllH, and tho Coaell aat twelve hours continuously to find It. Potor~Uluok,u wealthy citizen of Purrs boro', N.S., won robbed of $11,600 at that place. The Montreal .Wuterproof Clothing Goiuuauy bus aiiiJlgned, with liabilities of 470,000. The skeleton of an Indian, with Ids tomuhnwlc, was unearthed recently near Churehville. Over Jioo, 000 whltofioh from t!ie Ottawa hutch'ry ha\e been deposited in the Hideuu lukis. The Paris Horticultural Society oflforu prizes for the best school essay on horti- cultund topics. ImjiLtrtetl clover, carmine in color and uweet M'tmted is being grown by many Ontario fameis. An Ki.inuiHii. farmer sidd a poor young man en old sulr of clothes and toolc his bible as security. VI iu- me 1 dug prepared for a new building of tho Young Women's Chris tian AwfOLiatlon at Hamilton. Lord and Lady AberdeoA have taken up thfclr residence at^-ihe vice-regal quartern in the citadel at Qnoboc. London lawyers and capitalists are forming a general trust company to have a paid-up caplUl of #100,000. Murk M. ("Brick") Pomeroy. tin old- tlioa and well-known journalist, died on Saturday in his home in Brooklyn, N, V. Whon a soldier guts drunk in the Van- oyuvrr barracks the doctor operates on hlin with a Htoinaoh pump, then washes Tho jury at Leamington have found tbnfc the body of the man washed ashore there ulio other duy is tho wuult ol u murder. Ueriin huu a Juvenile genius nuimd Otto Junl.e, only nine years old, who mukeu wjnderliil articles meivlv with u poxs-lcnlfe. It Ih stated that the day prior to thu tewlble uceident noar Victoria, H.C., tlio authorities were warned that the bridge wan not safe. The Hteamer Isls, while on her way to Montreal with a cargo of sugar, wont aground. This \u the second vessol to go urtbore thin sfason. A coiihlgnmenfc of slates from Canada has rooantly been received in London, and has attracted attention because of Its excellent quality. The barge Joe Arthurs struck in tUo Galupu RapidH and sank in thirteen feet of water. She was loaded with 17,500 buHholH of wheat. Robert Uurns und CJonrge. Unyworth, of Hamilton, were arrested in Detroit on a cburgo of taking stolen property into the United btates. F.J. Kirk, Toronto; Andrew Laidlnw, Uulr and Cenrgo Doulgas, Woodstook, aro tho Canadian olUolal Judges of tlie American Spaniel Club. the stomach out with u weak, soda solu tion, uud gives the patient a bovrl of hot bcttf extract. It Is wild that intoxioutiun lg doolinlng under this treatment. A O. T. H. section man named Thos. Rogers a son of Mr. John Rogers, of Lludyay, (int., fell off a hand car going down a slight grado near Ops Htatlon, and was killed. The Bank of Commerco has refused to advano" any more money to the corpora tion of Windsor, Ont,, unless the rate, which was fixed at 211 mills, i.s rnised to at-least-:M-mllR --------------- A si\-year-old hoy named Clair, while playlnu on tho boom logs under tho Grand Trunk railway bridge at Trenton, Out., on Sunday, lost his balance, foil Into the water, and whh drowned, A man who registered at the Quoon'a hotel, St Thomas, Out., on Suiiday night as Frederick Cain, Detroit, was found dead in bed Monday morning. Ho was probably aHphyxluted, as thn gas was turned full on, Jurfgit Masaon wan recently presented In Owen Sound with a silver tea nervine by tho citizens and an nddrof.s und a life- hUu portrait of himnolf by the Jlnard of Trade, on the occasion of bin leaving , Owen Sound for Ooderloh. Tho Ontario Government has woom-od for Toronto Du>flargo'n painting of the Charge of tho -Light Brigade, whioh for years hung lu tho Victoria CroHtt gallory in tho Crystal palace at Sydenham. Tho central iiguro U tho late Cal. Dunn, V.O., a T'oronfc inlun by blrtli, of tko 100th Cauwliau Rcgliuvnt ,Mi 1 ."i Tho Upptf Cunado QSbba BoaU^y hM Ua Olty-iCklo unuiwU muttlug Thoriduy iiVAuinif, WUan ruportu Wom prtntii(l, nhowlng to* income for the your to have kwn HU,0T4, utiout' $H,n00 I*** tfun for tho pMoadlug year. Senator A14an Wun ro-tdeokwl prfflldfnt. Tho four-year-old son of ""Mr. Win. Wills, of Merrlttmi, Ont,, mut wltli a terrible diiutli ou Saturday. He burrowud a hnjn In a pile of straw in a hjouU f*utnii building IHh older brother playfully mfc fire to the straw, und before the tire oould be extinguished tho younger boy wati but nod to deuth. UNKTlCn HtATJCf*. '" Thomas A. Kdlnou and Nikola Towin are reported at New York to bo worklhg on a new elrntrle lamp. It Is repotvvd that all tho rye whisky distillers in the Kautern Ktiiten will on Soptemlier lt Hiispond opurutlous for ono year. Two troops of tmvalry bavo been ordored from Fort fluster, Mnntuuu, in gather the Creo Indians for exportation to Canada. Thn number of persons who lost their lives at the bridge disaster near Victoria, li. C, Is eutlmated ut ulxty. A coroner's lkujuuHt wun opened Friday. One thouuand dollars 1m now offorcd f<tr thi) capturu of Ilerman, the clerical fugitive from Salt Lake City, charged with tho murder of seven women. Prohibitionists openod their seventh national convention at Pittsburg. I'u., Friday. II L. Castle, in uu addreis of wrlcome, tiald thn liquor traffic wa "the greatest foe to God und humanity over Invented In boll or patenud on mirth," In at, LouIh uftor tho torrlblo tornado which doutroyed suoli a largo portion of tin' oity, many of the wioe.keil bUlldlnga with numerous vleMmw buried in the debris, were burned./It*Is estimated that the number- of Mind - lost oxceedw ono thousand, Mrs. John M. Clay owns tho Houry Clay farm in Kentucky. Sho huu such a tender feeling for her stock that sho hu1) provided for tho future of all thn super* animated unheals on tho place by leaving oauh fi0 in her will, srt that thoy may receive good care till doath onsuca, A novel Institution which hua roocntly botiu inauguiuted In New York Is a JDogH1 Toilet, (>lub, whore fashlouublo ladion Who go out tohop may leavotlmlr pet dogs to undergo the operation of shampooing, brushing, combing, and clipping while their mistresses uktond to their roKi:inv. Tl: ' Spnnls 1 Government Is alarmed ovei me iucreaso of mortality from smallpox in Cuba. Kate Field, tlio well-known American journalist, died in Honolulu on" May tho 10th of pneumonia. It is reported at IJudn-Pcbt that Mbw Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, is engaged to u Hungarian Count. Tho census of London, just taken, bIiowh a population of 1,111,21, an ln- oreaHn of :00,528 tdnco 1H01, Tho British ship niuelrbracn, from Llvorpool for San Francisco, has put into San Francisco in u h-uky condition. England is uuft'orlng from a Miry se vere drought. In six weeks tho rain full in London huu only boon two-tonthn of an inch. Tho King of the Belgians Is expected shortly In London, to negotiate a loan for tho construction of the New Congo railway. Tho village of ICrlenholz, in tho Bernese Oberland, has been purtiallv do- Btroyeil by landslips and tlio HubsicUmco of the ground. Tho British barque John Bulzley, from Singapore for Hong Kong, is ashore on Montanhu Island, and is hi ing plundered by tho natives. Barnoy Barnato has subscribed $25,000 to tho fund to pay tho flnoo of tho Im prisoned inviber of tlio Reform Com mittee at Johannesburfl; The Caor ' luis appointed M. Witto, MlnisUir of Finance, Secretary of State, as a roward for his scrvloos and a tokon of hlH Majesty's spoclal favor. Lord Windsor, a vory rich Knglluh liobloman, hau ntiurted n model saloon on one of hid eutatas, whero lie guuruntueu that only tho best beer, wine, and spirits are sold. The Queen has finally dcoidwl that tho marriage of Princess Maud of Wales and Prince Charles of Denmark shall tako placo in tho private ohapel of Bucking ham palace. Mr. Chamberlain hn.s received u do- (.pateh from tho British agent at Prea- toriu, saying that all "thu Johnnnosbcrg prisoners have been reloasod except the four leaders. M. tiaston Parlfl, tho Fro noli phlolo- giat, has been elected to tho neat in tho French Academy ronderod vacant by tho death of Alexander Dumas Ho is fifty- seven years of ago. Kmperor William's now yncht Meteor while being rwe/i -fiolu'VJymouth to Clowes," isle of Wight, had to be aban doned owing to a storm, and her presnnt whorpubouts lh unknown. There Im an enormous strike In tho building trade in London, and about thirty thousand men uro out of work. Tlio of the troublo Is a demand for a small Increase of wages. The Co-opomtivi? Congress, in its an nual session ut Woolwich, bus passed a resolution favoring tho establishment of a permanent tribunal for tho settlement of disputns between Clio CiilLed States and Great flritnln. It is reported, at Capo Town that Gardner Williams, mnnagor of the -Beers minus, who-hus been-on trial on a charge of having supplied arms tit Johun- ni'sburg, bus been convicted und sen tenced to pay a flhu of $150. Prof. D'Aroy Thompson and Mr. Bar rett, the naturalist, have left England for America,to enquire and report to rho Brit ish Government whether^or not tho re strictions on seal fishing in Behrtng Sea uro sufficient for the prostitution of rou! Bfo. Tho Czar and Czarina Friday rooelvod tho Ambassadors, tho special missions, the military offloora of oxaltod rank, the Asiatic deputations, and tlio mayors of tlio provinces in St. Andrew's throno- room. Tho function was one of great brilliancy. Mrs. Dyer, tho London lnfaivMoldo, who Is under touteuoe to bo hanged ou Juno 10, muda a spoond uttompt at mil- eido in Nowgato jail on ( Wednesday. While in bed, noomlugly "' asleep, nIio twisted u handkerchief Around her throat, and aliuott succeeded In strangling bor- self. j'.'.- 1>t-l>i'k mid K^alutt: S'liue men nay If Prohibition prevailed It would throw nut no end of wot kers now engaged In tun distilleries and breweries; hut b-t us see. In Shclllold, Fnglutid, there Is 1111 Iron factory with a capital of (IhO,000; 11, employs 11,000 num. In Sontbmd there Is a distill' r/ with the sumo capital, It employs 150 men. There Is no industry which re quires so few bands to carry on its work In proportion (o the amount of <apl ii Invented as I he liquor 1 rattle, but our wage-earners do not stop to think of that. If wo would close every saloon, put a po lieejiian on hand to guard it, and some body on hand to guard the polle man and keep our people employed In ieglr,l- ruale and productive Industries, the country would blossom like tin* rose. Ah Abruhum Lincoln said, "You can fool all our folks Holm of the time, and some of our folks nil the lime, but you can't fool all of them all the time." In this fact lies our hope, ,1. G, Wool ley. "A Hi eii-l'trd 1 ii(jiih>i>r. An old engineer vus getting night rested by a doctor who ll\ed In u house lacing a large park. The. doctor used to say lo his patients, "Look over there and (ell me what you see " When the engl neer learned thut, his sight was to be (cited, he bad arranged ^.Ith his son to Lake his bicycle half u mile Into the park and lie oiling it. In due time the obi man was led to tho window, tlio doctor saying, us usual; "What do you see?" Tho old man, peering out, said, "I sec a young man stooping beside his hi cycle." "Doyniii" said tho doctor. "I don't see anything at all." "Nonsense,-1' said theenglneer, disgust edly "Why, ho Is oiling It." The doctor took up a pair of fleld- glashCH anil plainly saw the same. "Magnificent sight!" lie said. The engineer is still drawing his wagon. Klmiru Telegram. DOAN'S Kidney Pilln first proved to tho pooplo that Kidney disounoia curable. Boing tba original Kidney remedy in pill form, the cur/wi thoy havo made, and tho famo thoy have, attained have opened tho way for a boat of imitationn and nubntitutoa, but ihotio who havo boon cured of KIDNEY Oomplaintii through tho uso of thin won derful medicine, those whose lumo baok id now free from pain, thoao who now havo no headacheii, thoao who havo encapod from the death grip of Diabetes and Bright'a diuoauQ by tho uuo of Doan'M Kidney PSLLS aro tho onon wliono opinion in valuable. When scores of biich pooplo coino forward and toll publicly that Doan'fi Kidney Villa cured thorn after other muuna failed, it ifl ovidout that tho only CURE for Kidney Disoaao, Bladder and TTrlnfiry difficulties. Lame Back, and tho numbor- loflti roflultaofdiHoruei'etTKulnoyiiioDoau'fl Kidney Pills. Bo euro to gob Dean's. Prioo fifty coats por box. For Halo by Sold by G. A. Shcrrin, Eosos. Fresh Bread In what you can rely on getting whon yon buy from us. Our waaon kooh to - "itll tmrtoof tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find moor, fresher, or riwoet- or in tho country. All kinds of Fancy OakoH and Jolly Bolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies nvory day. Wo aell uothmg stale or dry. Leave Your Order and you can rol, on prompt de livery ' FR&NKF&SS. OrponltoBnokA Friiucln, Ennox. CALL AT ay's Bazaar, FOR ALL KINDS Or Window Blinda away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac,' Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys oi'all kinds, Berlin WooIh and.Fingering Yarnn, New Stock of late Wall Paper. \Y. It. Ward, A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING *\#rrvo CHERRY AY tno PECTORAL 'Hevoral years nun, [ raiight a HcverncoM, ultemlod wftl) a t*'rrllile cnugli ill it allowed me no rest, cither day or nlidn. Tlui doc- has pronounced my ensehope|i"is. Afrlond, Ir.irnlng of my honlile, sctu me a bottle of Aver'a Cherry 1'ectnin.l. Ity Ilio timid had used thn uheln Imillo, I was completely "urcfl, and I believe it ,<,aver| inv life." w. II. Wahu, k Oulmby Ave., bowell, Mais. Ayei**s Clierry Pectoral nicrhont; Awardn afc Wrlfl'n 'B'tdv. i I i- - i ---------------------------------* *wrra J'tll,i thn J'umllu X*hyie 4^- FDR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. p&miM ESSEX____ Holler Milk* JAMKB NAYLOK *nlion thin oniionunity ol amiounoin . too pooplo cr ilmTown and Comity of Kmiox, tliatho huu romodohul tboKa- ciox Ilol!or Mllln nccordlnR to rluilnpvopiiroilby H.N. 3rico, Bt. Thoman, and has aliio iiooiirod tho uM-vlcaii of lioin ut Htiiaciian, an oxparl- oncml and thoroughly coinnutont uilllor, Tlmnldnfi_tho pooplo of tlio town and county 7oFTIuTiiatronano boiitowod upon him in the pant, will cu a run too iiatnitnctian In tho futnro Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THK BEST QJlADtfS OF FLODH, PEED ANt) COMNHmAL KKI'T IN STOCK AND SOLD at itiorrr PKICKS. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats, THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, - Ontario. TniS Iur^o and commouloun IIouso ha boon thoroughly palatod and roplonlBhod with now furnitnio by protaiut proprlotroflfl, LAIIOK 11AIIN IN CONNIICTION. Firiit-CbiHti Accnmndatlon Ouarantood. MBS. O. WILKINSON, ProprintroBfl. W JtVWI JLJUU fialunuion to taaudio our Hiu y Oatuidinn Grown Nurrrory Stock, Wo tfuauinttio aatliifaotlot] to roproiiontatlvoB and cutith.morn, Cur nuriiorton aro tho larpont in tho Uoniiuion, ovor 700 acron. No inibbtltutiou inordmii. Kxoluulvo territory and llboral torma to wholo or purt tlmo nnontii. WriU nn. HTONK * WELLINGTON, {Head ofllco) Toronto, Ont* (Tho only nuraory in Ciinadn, havint; tontine orchnrun) H-tim ^uits. guits. OUR SPRING STOCKS Ir Pcw'uomplt.*Q and no bother appoinb uaom in tho county. Scotch Tweed Suits, Canadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits, Made to order afc J. a^pift South Wooslee. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor- Talbot st.and Victoriaav. Tho latent improved machinery tat Ironinc Oo)hir niid Cuff. Will not oraok or brook tno wing. Family work oticap. ParoolH onlletl for add delivored, Please oill and try. If not Hatisfaotory no char go will be made If oar work suits you, recommend ua to your frioudc. -; Money to Loan On fiood prodnativo Ferm Proporty at fi4, & C pot* aont. Htralglit. No Valuation Fees. KSfOouvoyanomK'Dono up in Noab Style \, Fire and Life nsurance- riA.E.LOVELACE, .^ J05JJJ3X, Otti M -M ^$$&)ki&*^i\3v\l**j. ^si^^Atd^^ ^wii^i^fe^ $mt& .-... : ^..aifi r4^k&^^

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