. iK KSShX t^RRB t>R: Z>\^>\3 DOMINION A4HMTRATOR. L Smlwr of <*>'ii*a*t<4 )lt<iwnii Ontario, 8tx-J, tint) I>aiulnli>n uad Mt* I*i<flntiC Qwabao, Jutlo 1. Thi> Dominion und JProvlnoU]^ Doiu'd o Arbitrator riJnuL- titktf tho mmoUled ui'ioilntH hold u nhm1oii liure to day and hom-d tirgimumt upon tovwgj claims Thr vmjt* present Hon. CUaantionoT toafd, Mo a. Mr. Juutleii lfiir- bridgo mad Hon. Sir LquU Ma poison XJas^ult, arblt-rutoru fov fill*) Dominion; W, 1). PIobb, Q.C, UauUtfld hy Mr. Dlok- liion, Dominion bookk-wpor, For Ontopio, Mrsttrn Irving, Q 0., and .1. M. Chirk. The Hon, Hhihurd Huroourt, Vrovlnolu-1 Tvuusxjw, imd Mr. J. It.. l**ori**rth and Mr, Brown wore ulso present hi tho In tercut of Outuido Qutiboo wua ruorn- imted by Hon J. S. Hull, Q.C., uiwlatod by Mr. Muchlu, AkutHtimt Provincial lV*iumrar. Mr. L A Audottp uutud iw Morataiy and Mr. N. ft. IJutohar u ulu- lio graph in". Tho first olulm tulcon up wuu mm hy the Dominion m*ulnnt Oat trio ou ue- count of oortain immijfmtlon oxpondl- turoa, ThlHohdm wiudlHmlspod. Thiunnct woro ulalixiu hy thn Dominion a^uluut Ontario on account of thn rontu of oer- tuln bulldlnyn nnd lundu at Ponntuu- KiiUheno, uhocI by thn province for pro- vlnnlal purpni, , and one by Onturla atfnhint thn Dominion known an tint Nl- UKtt-ru rontu. Thoy were both dlumbuod, tho Dominion to paw. uto nrdnr lu Coun cil vowtlufcf tint ordnanoo lundf In tho province uu us to avoid all doubt an to tho tltln. Next tuki'ii up wuh u claim hy th Dominion aj^aluat Ontario and Qui1- bee for eertnln hi'lfjuorlal payments. Claim disallowed nu to Ontario, and It was hold thut Qiichcc could only ho oliuryod with Uh proportion of the pay ment Next wiih a cliilui fin ivirtaln itdimdy in Klro Luke and in tho Tront wuLorH on behalf ol the Indhinn. Of this $A,0GO wai roeoivi'd by the lute province of Cunudu, excepting n muull Item for $!lll). The otln*r contention wuk- no to koiiio land called WlNnn'f. Inland, Ontario claim Inp; that, in n.iliiy It wan not an inland hut part of thn main land. Thn claim put forvvnu! on behalf of the In diana wan dihUloui'd The nuit claim waf- on boh all' ol LortJiln IikUhuh to Kfwket and Pan-nit 1-dnndh. The ludhvim elaluiod that thono iidunds wait worth $^J0 an acre, which tlmy alalmod with Inter est,. Ontario submitted thut llioy would account for tho amount actually rccolved, whioli win $*lo, and the arbitrators awarded >hnt mud in fnvor of thu In* rihius. The last wum u. olulm ou bohalf of tho Chlpjmwn-t <jf the Tliumrh foro^rtaln jnoneys arising liom the dctaharlou of Indian Agent .IikujiIi Drant Clench. It Was held by rho hoard that neither On tario nor Quo bee worn liable for tho amount, and the claim vim disallowed. Till* closed the hpsniehw uefoietlie hoaid, and an nrliinirnnicm tukch plaui until further chumii .ite ready, wlduh will not bo beforo the hill. L,JbTHT MAB&T nSPOAVIi. THE FIRE RECORD. UousiMiiul CnntoiitH at Ittnliioy Coinpletoly I>4htio\4xl Luiulici Millut Aylnior,<Juo,, IEiM'ih <l to tlir <>iniiml. Windsor, May !J0. A tire of supposed Incendiary orl|*m hioUe out in Milhird'H 1 Ivory barn here ufc 1 oVloi k this after noon >e\i ral line hoihes were in tho stable Jit thi' Uuin All escaped except a tlioroutfJilned olc, owmd by Mitoi*el llfcluuiLi, valm d at ,2fiU, wliiidi was burned to death. The dania^o to tho Htablo will not oxceed $1100, and in cov ered by lumirance St. Tliomas, Ont , May .iU At li p m yeatrduy lire broke out in the house of Mr. S.. D. Moiris, Kuducy, ouupted hy Mr. CliarUfi (irant, jr. The hou-i waa oowplotoly destroyed with contents At one tiuio there wuh li ur ol the wliole vil- lu(?o belnff swept by lire, as thoro wan a, vory heavy wind blowing across tho vll- lugti from a north-wsterly diiection. No leu* than ulx dltVcrnnt bains und ttweli- infffl woie on lire at once, but hy timely ulil weio exolntjnishi d Tho lous Is u berl- ous one to Mr < irant The furniture was partly Injured. The Iiimu.hioo on tho dwelling in. not kuowii, A\ulnablo piano bolr>ntflu to Mr. Grant wuh dustroyod. Aylnior, Que., May 110 The lumbur mill bolonpliif; to Mr Aruliibahl Lind say, and lej.sod to K H Kluck ^ Com pany tor th' se.tson, was burupid to tho ground at .: ochuk tldt. morning Losh not yot knuwn Cbuthaui, Ont, May .iU At elevwi o'clock hisit ni^nt the lnr&fe roller prociss flour mill owned hy Mussrs. .Ta^perKOn te Company, Klu^hvllle, was totall> ilo- Btroved by flro '1 he mill was the mo-.t complete and un to-daU> IIn\ ing* mill in Wontoi n Outnilo, and was dolnp a rnrili iiijj: buflnoss, heinj* run day and night to 1111 ordei s from thn nasi and Northwest Total loss fcJO.OUO, Insured for $6,000. The lire originated in thn enj;lno-room. AlleKccI J'l'iiliiii Scuie New York, Ma> .to A hpeelal eabln- (jram from London to Tho ..'otirnal nayi Scot,land Vaid otlh ials claim that nn effort Is beinj? made in London to (cvlve militant 1 eumnism \.n infernal machine Wns left with un employe ot tho l'arll.v- mont, House l.i^t Wednesday hut It win discovered before any damajjo was done Chief Inspector Melville of Scotland Yard said this morning that thn country was on the brink of a new outbreak of revolutionary crime. Ml Cabinet MIjiIh- ters; are chisel} jnuudid hy hpuotul detec tives This pK'i'.Liition was not considered neccHs-iry lor the past three yeara, but now tliv pick of the polho forun is being ufced. Melville says that a man named Lyman collected lands in Anurha and came hero and nrtrini/ed rho present mo\e- lient There am nine men in the new liLwid ci'iitie, ' lie stales thut oveirures woi*o made to tho Uusslan <.}oMrnment wltli a view to assisting the desifrns of Rurthla on the frontiers of India '1 ho ti.Hslan Mliitor to Kupland promptly Rifled Kn^llHli elliclals. Thisniarted in- tvles and tho hnait rentn s worn t.nnn kor sur\olllant c. They met last weelc room in the Fiivt Avenue Hotel. jUtloiii* weni jjnssed pledging thoHO lit to continue warfare on Kn^lund. \\a KngHhh until IrHand wan pro- u ropubllo. In tho meantime* pffortsi In soeiire amnesty for tho UtorH in , Kiifflish prisons will bo Vialtlne; Irlsh-Ameriaans ]uesont ifhui ample funds wore on tho way |*7ow York. Ot'KJinbi'rf who worn Into Ireland and tho KnpllHh p^U^^M report lhat contrer* have benn formi^KJ*n Ijlvorpool, Birmingham, fci(iiWleUl!\Por'c- Dublin, and most of the towns III X&GjttlQ<L " 11 ~s-".~>>;----------------------- | Gonjrr<iOV- W^r Action. WoHhlueton, .W -*-*U lR ww ovi- dan(i tliui coiiKros^Ul adjourn without action on tho bill f0K*uo-*luuK|t'tor 'tw o*l. ~X roHoluilou ft\lu,,-*laln* 'H;hur inresMgatlon into thn ^dHlon of tho itriUutrv Was team ooaundtu*. iai ly reported Toronto, Jttuo U, rnomrcR Kjdjti -Tjltfhti^r reoelpti to-day put u Nlltflibly tlnnor fttulhiK on tho mark at, and dwahu'H wore o.uollnL< frotai M WO^ In thn ordinary way, and on umall lot.1 lUo wan lwlK aiikod, Poultry Nothing lu. Turkoyn aro quoted utwfco iiio pui* lb; muimi, 7 to Ho por lb; ohlokonK, 30 to (10 por pair; and dual*.*, (10 to HOo per pair. I'ofenfcoeK ITntilmuRod and ejisy at 18c pttr huu tov car lou ou ti<unl{, and about ITi to 17 for bii(,'4 hy furnuirs' loudw. Maplu syrup Tho enquiry buy about fulhm ottaltoi,'(dibir, and yuIuiuj uro munh oaslor. r'lvc-jcallon tins noil u.fc 70 Ui 7Bo per imperial gallon, gallon tttw at HOo; and half-K/ilhm thin lit Ifio. , Honiry No buying b'lvo and ten- pound tins aie nohl at ())<,' to 10c por lb; UO-lh tins at 0 to u>ao; sootlons are quoted at. $1 UOto ?1.()0 par rtouun for olovnr, and HOo to U0 for dark, according to wl/e. Haled hay Only tho cholccut No. 1 Quebec wanted, and salos of thU aro hard to brltirc about at 6IU.75 to !>in for env lots on track. Ordinary buy lu (|uotfld around (Jl'J to 4;l!3.rj0 Straw , and oar lots on tiuok arc quoted nominal at about (17 to |B. Wheal, wlnto, per hush Wheat, icd, pei bush Wheat, f^oo e. per bu 'li Plia-., eniniiioii pel bush Outs, p m bush . . . K\'\ pi r bash Mai Ic) , pei bush....... Ilui'k wheat IJiK'ks, spnnj*, pet nan* . Ohn keiui, per pair (loe'te, per lb . . Hurler, in Mb rolls . . Kiri,"*, new hud (inioiis por bush Tin nips, per bat;, hi load 1 'olutoi"! pur 1j iiz I'n- it (it v,, car loi s ..... Heiih-., per bush iieet -, per ban ( "mi i r>! -, pei 11.1li. h\ load J'.llSlllps, p I 1j||_' Apple pi i I.Id llai, t nnothv....... SLniw , tiheai ..... Beef, hinds Hfi-f. foieu f-'jirinK Iambs, i ,n case. \ eal. per lb Mutton, per lb. Dressed lio^u.......... $ 00 00 Xi oo 00 :m :>o ao on u 0 ao in i-j i 10 to jo 10 l > l; (i i )0 no 05 n*J a oo o% Oti t 7.-) 7U 71 M no in 10 .ifl .10 70 50 ou 10 no 00 ao IS 00 85 no 2 00 15 00 11 i in OH 04 0 00 i 07 r si l MVE STOCK MAKKKTS. ^"aero were quite HO loads of oiVaringa hero, including* L*,00() Iiors, "300 shoep, and lambs, 110 calve-,, and a few mlllc- orn Thorn was not any ohanr>o In prli en of ronsequenco from thoso of Tuesday, but tho touo was not so f'ood. Mot of tho loads hold worn mixed, so that re ports ot sab s would ho of no value. Koitunately wo hud a riond quantity of buying for Montreal, otherwise things would havo bi'en much worse than they wens The marl-flt on Tuosday was about < lean d out, ho that our stoclt comdntod entirely of -yesterday's and to-days re ceipts. For shipping cattle there won a better enquiry, as markets in the Uwlfccd Kingdom are somewhat better Kxpert entile is worth from U'j to 4c per pound, with I l ,c for pic ted lots, hut this way about the limit". Hatchers' (ntotle was bar I to classify, being so various In tfrndo. For fchn bulU ot* butcher1*- stui*f 1 rum 'J1)* to Ho was" tho ruling prlie, while H% and ;JK was paid; nnd tho following sales of nxtra choice butchorti htulT were repnrte 1 to us- A lot of 17, a\em ;lntr 1,101) lbs, sold at ^.10, and a lot of 10, averaging 1,050 lbs , sold at $',\. J5, and 17, averaging l,17o lbs , sold at fclJ.hObut thoio wore outside the ordinary run of Hales, and in no seni-e representative Som,, inferior cattle hold as low as \!<, nnd trade all round was slow From I1, to 3^l,c was thn ran,<e for a flood deal of tratlinjp, and ultimately tho yanU__ were jnotty well sold out. Hull-' and milk cows aro practically urn h'in^ed Sheep are quoted nt Ho por pound, and .!'.< with thu wool on, yearlings aru worth le, and with tho wool on 5c per pound. Sprinfl lambs are worth from "ji ' * to Jil each Choice yearlings and spring lambs are wanted at tho flguros lu ie mentioned Clinlre bdoon hogs, $1 to (l 35 per owt, thick fat, fc.J 00 per owt, hows, $U to i'A J.i; and stags, $^ to $D "J5 por cwt All gradeh will m 11 riAlIILTON MAKKKT Ti-*rr was a fair rim of hogs; paokors w'-irn lot heon buynri, 1 V, e \K-nv paid for an txtr choloe lean light weiphts, but the general prlco for this grade was be low this; light put were dull, at !lJ<to .{ ',( and over weights hard to sell, tend ency lower KAST UUFKALO MAHKKT. Cuttle IIS cars through and two on sah . maricet steady; good mixifd butoh- er-,' > J SO; choice steers, ^'1.^0; veal stta ly got id, $ 7') to t?4.*jri; common, >i io to $:i..rit) bogs -Twelve euis thiough, and iitty on sale; market active and fio higher for Yorkers; good weight Vork- eis, $;i r>ri to &I1.57K; light, *(!i 00; inixud packers, Sp J. IT* to 8U GO; mediums, J?H. 10 tn $;t 15; pigs, ^tH.55 to $.1,U0; roughs, ^"5 fo ii'.MJri. Sheep and lambu Five cars ihiough and i ightetm on sale, market ncthe and tlrm; prime lambs, $5.00 to $5 '10, fair to good, $1.85 to 95.50, cull, i.ud i omnmn, #H 'i5 to & 1.7ft, heavy export lambs, $1.05 to if!5 good mixed hheep, fyi ii"( to ?:t 00; culls and common, $1.50 to s { jo; heavy mixed export sheep. s(.J5 to $t no. .lumped Into On* Cunul. 1'iat Oolboi in-, ,hiuo I. -Mi, Abraham Mmjison, ncirly 70 yiars of age, proprie- hir ui the Commercial Hotel lure, lorn- jnltled unit ide by jumping Into the canal lu Ir.wit id the hotel early this morning. He ^ot up ut tins iisiml hotir in tho mon.ing, and hi- wife supposed ho was itic.dlng to I ho nioi nlng work about tho hot. I, but hihtend of doing wa lio appears to h,i\o wjilked deliberntely to thW canal haul: nnd threw hluuii'll1 off. The body \\a gnqipled for and hoonrooovored. Mr. Miii|w!i belonged to the Masonic Order, Hid lhat society will look after tho uu.ul. TOPICS OF A WEEK. lh< i-pok-Uint lCVf*>4 In ii l'*'W W"*d* Vmr Mtlrty IlrliUe)*, e'ANAlnlAM. ......... t l iMiuuit, ii*ii' n<*Mi uiiii t t chained with the murdoi ai lion of Henrietta Cluwson, hi !tf' m AHm-tlio rtltiidorer- Kov. r'ntneis nermann, thu Salt Lake minls- nd ci'cma- sup]Kised "lc In hiding in tho mouiitalu fastnesses ifldiho. Two olllcers and George M. Milan, a traveling man for a Salt Lake 'iijuor house,loft huit night for some point dt tho Oregon Shore Line to effort his jipture, >Jolyn is pnKttho that he met ind trurvolrtd wllh Iforjuitim for two duy-i arly in May, Tim luformunt -voul i ilvo no purclculftTi, an ha wuraU to earn ;he reward of $609, JEhrnntford inxou its butchers tftlO. fiarrle'n Uxahln Inuomo In |1, ll34,Hiti. BiizictKi is ralsiutfi money for a bloyale piUh. * A woolleu mill is to bo built, ut Kidgo- towu, Ibe population of Owon Hound Is now ,70!1. The Kingston Dairy Snliool will he cu- latfaed. Luekuow Is organising a Hoard of Trftdn. An oloctrlo railway is being built In Wu.ru U. WaB^port wuntu to bo lnenrporated as TcAbslont traders In Klnoardltie pay |D00 Ibifiuue fco Inland revenue receipts hurt mouth fell mtt ver 9100,000. Mouut JAn-osb him vottid down a $1,500 Waterworks by-law. An Fidi'ti Mills farmer liad fall wh6nt out In head Muy SJIrd Poii Dovw park 1 eoudueUd upon temperance principles. The traveling dairy will hold 11 meot- ikigii in Ka<jt Uimbton London ban voted $21), 000 additional lor school purport,. LiihI year there were Hill putiontu in tho Sudbury hospital luyorsoll Council rofiu>ou to glvo $1,000 fco liu (Julteftiuto IiiHtibnto A IB-pound (.turgeou wuh caught at JPexry Sound the other day. Au Bel* eattlo buyer recently paid out |B,000 Itor n*onk in one wenlc. A Hhlgntown enlcry grower will put down 300,000 plants tblu season. A bhip Mink i.l yours wau drodged up at 1'ort Dover harbor tho ofcher day. , i'rock Smith, an old (olorctl man, wuh tttruck by a tialu and killed at Chatham. A uold cliHin lout 10 years ago was recently ijloughed up ou a farm at Wal- Uoo WliuUor'h rate is 2H mills, and the Coueil Ht twelve hours continuously to find it ______ Pntor Blank,a wealthy uiElVenof Parrs boro\ N.H., whb robbed of $11,500 at that place. The Montienl Watnpioof Clothing Company has ajudgnud, wltli liabilities of $70,000. The skMoton of nn Indian, with his tumabnwk, was uuearthed recently near Churehville. C-er HOO,001) wiiltuHshfrom the Ottawa hatoh'-ry ha\c been deposited in the UlUh'au i'1^1 - Tin* Pails Horticultural Society offers prl/cs lor the best school essay on horti cultural topii s. Imported clover, carmine In color and HWiM't n emrd is being grown hy many Ontario fnmei's An Kramusa tarmi r wold a poor young man un old Milr. of ulothen nud took his bihh as hfcunty. Phi is au' 1 dug pup in d for a new bvildmg of the Young Women's Chris tian Association at Hamilton. J-onl and Lady Aherdenn have taken up their lesldunco at the Vice-regal quarters in the citadel at Queboo. London hiwy rs and eupit ilists jih- fouiiing it general trust company to hu\e a paid-up cnplUl of Moo,000. Murk M. ("Uriel-"} Pomrroy. an old- thc and well-known journalist; died on fcJutuiday iu his homo In Hrooklyn, N. V. Whan a soldier guts drunk in the Van couver barracks tin doctor operates on him with it Htoinaeh pump, then washes Tho jury at Leamington have found that the body of rho niun washed nshuie thorn (die other day is tho retiult ol a murder. Berlin ban a Juvenlh genius nanud OtCo Janl.c, only nine years old, who makuu wonderiul articles merely with u pun-knife. It iii stated that the day prior to tho tftr-rlbln accident near Victoria, B.C., tho ttutharltioh wore warned that the bridge wan not wife. The steamer Inls, while on her way to Montreal with a cargo of sugar, wont aground. This \u the seuond \cssul to go Qrihore this season. A consignment of slates from Canada hafl recently been received In London, und has attiaeted attention because, of its excellent quality. Tho hnrgn .Joe Arthurs struck in tl*o Galupu Rapids and sank in thirteen feet of wutei. r-die. wtw loaded with 17,fl00 bushols of wheat. Robert Burns and George Unaworth, of Hamilton, were arrested in IJetroifc on a charge of taking stolen property Into the I lilted btutes. F..T Kirk, Toronto; Andrew Laidlaw, Gait and George Doulgns, Woodstock, nvo thu Canadian nJUoial judges of the Amerlcon Spaniel Club. the stomach out with u weak soda solu tion, and gives tho patient a bowl of hot beef extract. It is said thut intoxication U declining under this treatment. A (i. T. K. section man named Thos. Rogers, a son of Mr. John Rngeis, of I-ilnduay, Ont , fell off a hand car going down a blight grade near Ops station, and was killed. The Hank of Commerce has refused to advance any more money to the cm pom tion of Windsor, Out., unless the rate, jwhluh was llxed at Jill mills, Is raised to at least ^ J mills. A sK-yenr-old hoy named Clair, while playinu on the boom high under tho Grand Trunk railway bridge at Trenton, Out., on Sunday, lost his balance, foil into the water, and was drowned, A man w.bo registiM-ed lit tho Quoon's hotel, St. Thomas, Out,, on Sunday night as Frederick Cain, Detroit, was found dead In bed Monday morning. He was probably aHphyxlatud, as thn gas was turned full on. Judge Masson was recently presented In Owen Sound with a silver tea service by tho citizens and an address and a life- size portrait of himself by the Hoard of Tirade, nn tho oncaslon of Ids leaving Owen Hound for Oodcrlch. The Ontario Government, has ftnomod for Tot onto Hi-'sargo'H palntln-j; of tho Charge of tho Light Brigade, whloh for years hung in tho Victoria Cross gallery in tho Crystal pulueo at Sydeuham, Tho coniral figure U tho late Col, Dunn, V,C,t a Torontmlan by birWn, 100th Canadian Ucsliuant of Ue The Um*r Cuuado BXbla HoU*y hm\<Ma Aft-f ililh aqukwI meeilug Thtmduy uvuning, wlieii ruporbi wor* preMAtod, nhowlnff th* Inoomo for tho year 4o havn bMti *CU,0T4, about $R,006 lead than fur tho pMoadllttf yenr Senator Allan wurt re-fdeokwl pwmldfrtt. Thn four-yonr-old son of Mr. Win. Wills, of Mrtrrttttm, Ont., mut with a terrible death on Saturday, He burrowml a heir* In a pile of struw In a hiouII f-mwn building His older brother playfully mt lire to thentrav/, and before the flro oould he extinguished the younger boy was bin ned to death. UNITKD HTAI'ICB. Thomas A, Kdlson and Nikola Ternla ari) rrpoited at Now Vork to bo Working on a new elrctrlo lamp. It Is repor'd that all tho rye whisky dlMtlllorrt in the Kautern States will on Heptomber 1st suspond opurutlous for one year. Two troops of oiivah-y have been nrdored from Fort Custer, Montauu, to gather the Cren IndianM for exportation to Canada, The uumbftr of persons who lost tliidr lives at thn bridge dlnaster near Vlotorlu, R C. Is egtlmatod at sixty. A coroner'H lu^uest was opened Fiiday. One thoiiHttud dollarH in now ofJfor*d for tho captura of Herman, the clerical fugitive from Salt Lake City, charged with tho murder of snven women. Prohibitionists opened their seventh national convention at Pittsburg. Pa,, Friday, II L Castle, in au addreys of wrlcome, naid tho liquor traftio wan "thi" greatest foe to God and human 1 ty over Invented In hell or patented on earth." In 3b. Louis after tho torrlblo tornado which doutroyed mieh a largo portion of the city, many of tho wrecked buildlngii with uumerous vlctluui buried in tho debris, were burned.;*Tt'is estimated that the number-of lit'es lost ujcoeodu ono thousand. Mrs. John M. Clay ownu tho Jlonry Clay farm In Kentucky. She bus Hiich a tender feeling for her stock thut she has provided for tho future of all the super annuated animals on thoplnoo hy leaving mob gr-o In her will, so that thoy may receive good care till douth enyuea. A novel institution which hui rcently baau Inaugurated In Now York is a Dogrt' Toilet Club, where fashionable ladloH who go out to hhop may leave their pet dogs to undergo the operation of fihampoolng, brushing, combing, and clipping vvhih their mUtrosuos attend to their purohciei roui inv. Spanish Government in alarmed ihe increase of mortality from TI ovet sninllpox in ( uba. Kate I'Tnld, tho well-known American jnurnult-t, died in Honolulu on May the 10th of pneumonia. It is reported at IJuda-Poht that Miss Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, Is ongaged to a Hungarian Count. Tho conmiH of Jjondon, just taken, dhows a population of 1,111,31, an in- crea'jo of -JOO.fiiiS alnce 1H')1. Tho British ship Rhiokbrnca, from Liverpool for San Fraiudseo, has pub Into San Francisco in a Teuky condition. England is suffering from a very se vere drought. In nix weekh tho ram fall in London liao only been two-tontliH of an inch The King of the Belgians is expected shortly in London, to negormto a loan for tho construction of tho Now Congo railway The village of Krk nholz, in tho Bernese Obcrhtnd, has been partially de stroyed by landslips and tho subsidence of the ground Tho British barque John JJaixley, from Slngaporo for Hong Kong, is ashore on Montanha Island, and Is beingplundoied by tho natives. Barnoy Harnato has subsiribod $ J 5,000 to the fmid to pay the fines of tho im prisoned membern of the Reform Com mittee *t Jehnnncshurg. Thi) Czar luin appointed M. Witte, Minister of Finance, .Secretary of State, aw a Howard for his services and a token of his Majesty's spuolal favor. Lord Windsor, a very rich Knglluh nobleman, has started a model saluon on one of hie estates, where he guimintceu that only the boat boor, wine, and spirits aro sold. The Queen has finally deeujed that tho murriage of Princess Maud of Wains and Prlnai) Charles of Denmark shall tako placo In tho privato chapel of Bucking ham palace. Mr. Chamberlain hns received a de spatch from the British agent at Prea- torlu, saying that all the Johaunosberg prisonem havo boon released except tho four leaders. M. Gaston Paris, the Fiondi phlolo- gint, has heon elected to the seat In tho French Academy rendered vacant by tho death of Alexander Dumas. Ho is fifty- seven yearn of ago. Emperor William's.new yacht Meteor while bolng t'uvt;d fioiii'Plymouth to Cowes,' into of Wight, had to bo aban doned owing to a storm, and her present whereabouts Is unknown. Theie Is an enormous striko in tho building trade in London, and about thirty thousand men aro out of work. The cause of the troublo In a demand for a small increase of wages. The Co-opeiative Congress, in its an nual scshIou at Woolwich, has passed a resolution favoring the estubllfihmnnt of a permanent tribunal for tho settlement of dlsputits between the Ignited Statos and Great Britain U is reported at Capo Town that Gardner Williams, manager of the Beorh mines, who has been on trial on a charge of having supplied arms to Johan nesburg, lias been convicted and Hon- teneed to pay a fine of $I/iO. Prof D'Arcy Thompson and Mr liar- lett, tho naturalist, have left England for America,to enquire and report tothoRrlt- isji Government whether nr--not tho io- strictlons on seal fishing in Beiirlug .Sen aro suflflclont for thn preservation of seal life. Tho Czur and Ocarina Friday reeelvud tho Amliassudors, the spi clal missions, the military ofllocni of exalted rank, the Ahhitle deputations, and tho mayors of tho provinces In St. Andrew's throno- rooiu. Tho function was one of great brilliancy. Mrs. Byer, tho London lnfaivMcldo, who Is under (leutouuci to bo hurigml on Juno 10, mada ft second attompt at sui cide in Nowgafco jail on Wodnesday. Whllo in bod, yeomlnp;ly asleep, she twisted a handkerchief around her throat, and almoit succeeded lu fltranifllu-f hcr- solL T)rtntt und I^iliof. Rum* men v ly If Pi'(dilblt|oi provallml It would throw out no end of workers now engared In hie iIImiIHoi leu nod bieweries; but bd um hie In Sin lllnld, Mngland, there Is nn Iron faotory with a capitnl-of -it wmploys 11,000 men In Sootlaud tlimo Is a illstlllet/ with the name <ap!tal, It employ- 150 men. There Is no Industry which re- fIulifH ho few hands' t<i uiriy nu Us work lu proportion lo the amount of capl: il Invested as the liquor lradio, hut our wage-earners do not Mop lo think of that, If wo would (dose every saloon, put a po Ilcmiau on hand to rmard it, ami Home body on bund to guard the pnlit man and keep our people i mployeil In legiti mate ami productive indiislries, the country would blossom like the ros'e. As Abmhum Lincoln said, "You can fool all our folks some ol the time, and some of our folk'! nil the time, bill you can't fool all of them all the timi." In this fact lies our hope J. G, Wool ley. A Heeii-l \id l.ne;! iii'it. An old en gin i er was j<et ting sight t< sled by a dot tor v\ ho llv i tl in a house lneliig a huge put k The do< tor usi d to say to his patients, "Look over there and loll me what you see " When the engl neor Iearni d that lils si ;hi was to bn t < ted, he had /urungid wlili his son to like his bleyelo half a iiillr Into the |iark and be oiling It. In due time the old man was h d to tho window, the doctor saying, as usual. "What do you seer' ' 'Um old man, peering out, said, "I mo a young man stooping beside his hi cyclo." "Hoyou;"' said the. doctor. "I don't seo nn> thing at all." "Nonsense," said the eiiKlnetir, disgust edly. "Why, he is oiling it." The doctor took up a pair of ilohl- ghisscs and plainly saw the same "Magnificent Might'" lie said. The t nglncer is still drawing hll waged. Elmlra Telegiam. DOAN'S Kirtnoy Pills firnb provorl to tho pooplts that Kidney (Imoiuio iti ournblo. Boing tha original Kidney remedy in pill form, th caroo thoy havo mado, and tho fama thoy hnvp attained have opened tho way for & host of imitations and nubotitutoa, bat ibouo who have boon ourocl of DNEY Complaintn through tho nao of tliin won- dorfnl medicine, those whoso lumo back irj now froo from pain, thoao who now havo no hendacheu, thoso who luivo escaped from tho death grip of Diabetes and Bright'a diaoauo by tho use of Doan'M Kidney ILLS aro the onen whoiio opinion in valuahlo. Whon scores of tuch people como forward and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney PUln cured thorn after other muana failed, it in evidont that tho only CURE for Kidnoy Discaso, Bladder and Urinary difficulties, Lamo Back, and tho numbor- Iosh rosultn of diHordoicd KulaGysiflBoan'a Kidnoy Pills. Be cure to got Doan*ii, Prioo llity conta por box. Por Hale by Sold by G. A. Sherrin, Esaox. Fresh Bread Is what jou can rely on getting when yon buy from ns. Our wa^on fjoon to all parts of tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant ilnd nicer, froaher, or nwcet- er in tho country. All lands of Fancy Cakes and Jolly Uolhi. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. Wo sell nothing stale or dry. Leave Your Order and vou can re) ? on prompt do- livery FRANK FOSS. Oppontto Back it Fiaucla, Eisiqx. GALL AT FOK ALL KINDS OF Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-ai-Brac. Pfincy Goods, Novelties, Books nnd Stationery, School Supplies!, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wool* and Fingering Yarns, Now Stock of late Wall Paper. SING LEE- CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor- Talbot at.and Victoriaave- Tho latost improved nouohinory for Ironme! Collars and Guffs. Will not oraok or break tno win if Family work ohoap. rarcoln oalled for and delivered. , Please oiU and try. If not Hfttiefaotory no charge will be mado, If onr work Butts yoa, recommend un to your friendR. IK. If. War*, A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING MVm'C* CHERRY AY tno PECTORAL "Hoveral yean :ip;o, I cuijdit a ii'Vi-rocoW, iittoiidoil with a tiTiihlt* t'oiii'h ihu Uow*d mo no rent, eltht*r daj or nlrilit The doo- t>i i pronouni-'Ht myciso hnpidt <is, Afrlmid. IcainitiK ol my tionblt', si nt iiic ahottlo of j\ver"i Cherry IVrtoutl. by tlm time I had unfit the \vliole Imttle, I wai entnplotfly "nnd, nnd I bollovo It saved mv life." w. Jl. Wauii, a 'julniiiy Avu,, howolbMaai. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HirrhoHi Award ii at World'n Fnlr. fc ^^ , 'i/uf'a J'tll i ttm J toil J-'utnlly X*hyte FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. THPr-ooiCui?:.STrr:rND ESSBX Holler Mills* YAMlOb NAYLOIl 'ulroti thin omtortnnity of rj aniiotnicin ^ cno poopht cf thu Town and County of Jhmox, that ho him roolodolud tlioKH- noxllollor Mllhi aooordlnn to phinnmoparodby It. N. 'rloo, St. Thouinn, and hni itlno Hocnrod tho norvlcoii of Horn ur Stuacuajj, nn oxporl- oncod and thorou({bty comnotont miUor,___ Thanking tho pooplo of tho towri'Tflitl oounty for tho pHtromtjjo bontowfld upon him In tho punt, will cuuruntoo nntuifaottoii iu tho fatttr* Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THE 11EST OltADER OT FLOUH, FEI3D AND COKNMBATj KBI'T IN flTOCK AND BOLD AT RIGHT PRICEB. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essox, - Ontario. TniS lar/io and comraodioun Uodbo hita boon thoroufjhly pain tod and roplonlahod with ntiw fuinituro by pronout proprlotrouH. LAnan HAllN in i'onni:otion. Piriit-OIiuifi Accomodntlon Ouararitood. MRS. 0. WILKINSON, Proprliitronfl. X%T A TiT^VY! 1*O0ftl ,tn(i Travolinw W JtV..l JLJuXJ Hulonuioii to haudio oui IIui v Caiiiulhiii Grown Nuniory Stook. Wo U'UH'untito HHtinfiLCtiou to ropromuitativofi and ciihComurfl, Cor nurnorloii aro tho larcoBt in tho Dominion, ovor 700 acroo. No tiiibdtltutlon hi ordain Exoluolvo territory ami liboniltorma to wholo or iiurt ttmo ncontii. Wrltd nn, STONE it WELLINGTON, (IJoiul olllco) Toronto, Ont, (Tho only uuruory m Canada having toHtlnj; orohardn.) 'il*'lm (Suits. ^uite. OUR SPRING STOCKS ' In new uompk'o and no bother appoint mom' in tho county. Scotch Tweet! Suits, Canadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits, Madti to order at J. JL, ']MI1% South Woosloe. to Loan On Rood productive Farm Property at 54, & 0 por cant. ntraiht. No ValuatioKL Fees. Kff^Oonvoyanomg Dono up in Noat Style Fire and Life nsurance. A. . LOVELACE, - ^ M88Ext om ;^ iV'i",, JMt V l-4d Mr^it^^ 15