Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 5, 1896, page 1

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Ki.i'?V!Wf-V'TtT -. :^p^ :: *S" it .vai MON13Y TO LtoND On mortgagor ut 5 pur cent. Firo mid Lif In- HUranoii at lowuHt rutou. J. W. GIBSON, MONKX;TOLE*iJ:% On mortgagca nl 6 prtf-'i't oont. Firo and Life ! (^ HUruuoo fit I owooi ratefl.. J. W. GIBSON, ...-a -..'. r v- VOL XII. No 28 -*~r- ESSEX, ONT. FBIDA.Y. JUNE 5, 1896 WHOLE No. 605 1" I* tv FORS x THE!, ANDERSON & CO.'S COLUMN. SEASONABLE SPECIALS. Read! Inspect! Compare! For 5c a yard Now American (Jhallioa. Now, FaaL Color Ginghams. Now Art MuHlins. K(ow Victoria Lawns. Extra lioavy yard wide Groy Shoot ing. For 5c a yard. Mens' ('oitonadc Ovoralla afc 35 c pair. Moii'h Working Shirts, blue and brown chocks a" 35c each.. Pure Linen Towels at 5c each. Wash Fabrics fa:-* ladio's waists, in great variot. Colored Stripe Muslina 10c a yard. Crurabti best Prints I2?.c a vard. Etc,, Etc. Clothing Guts. Boy's Hood Tweed Suits, no shoddy no melton, $1.50 a Suit. Men's Good Tweed Suits Honest Goods, rnude this season, all sizes, good patterns. $4.25 a Suit. Men's Fine 1*1 nek Venetian Worsted Coats and Vusta, bound and' lmujlicd iin first-class style, sack' or out away With black striped worsted pants, a special bargain never before equalled, $8.00 the Suit. Men's Black or Bluo Worsted Pants, $1.90 a Pair. Ladie'n Parasols from 35c up an extra quality silk and wool mixed parasol with elegant assortment of handles, For $1.00. Millinery Dept- For the balance of the season wo will sell all Millinery at greatly re duced prices, as in this department wo make it a rulo to carry no goods over a season. A good variety left -ii,Q_BQlopt- from. Call and examine | Mon's Special Working shoos laced or with 2 buckles, t- $1.00 a r>air. Wool Wanted any quantity,lor which we will highest prit ea in trade or cash. pay Leading Store of Essoin;, HMSICX. COUNTY COUNOn. June SuMMloki, H*XJlWfC!f, '.IlTNtf 1 Mt, Thu Counoil i/iftt in the onuueil uliumbor %l ' p. mi., puiiuiant to adjournment, lloll oitllud, all tnmbni;n prgmmfc. Tli* laimitou ot tho IrhI day f January HUHHion iitid thMant tiny 0' the iipooial boimion of Muroh wnro road end, on motion, adoptud, i. emnmnnioation 'torn the oountv no. lioitnr, ru Maroon vn. Khhhx, wan road, untl vtitnrt-VAlta tho It'inimoo Commiltmi. Application for tho position" of Iligli County Conutitblo v/uro ruiid from .Jon.iph H. Wright, Aloin MunUrii and Win. Kihuo.i allot which wor rofurrud to tho Lcj'iii- lativu Committud. i\Ir. Banutt t.ivcM 'loticu that a* will intro.ltiuo . liv-law to iqu:ili:;o thu i vnmii- tmuitu, to lovy the county ruto and jvovido for iicho#l iwmuotoru* halarion. Mr. Haratuli ^ivtjn notico that hu wi'l inovo f'r 1. (jriLiifi ol $1&Q to tho towDul'iip of Menifia to build k lock up at HtanlcH. Mr. J:'ox givoH uotioa that li* will niovo 11. urant of %2u uach to tho Koctfi nail. South Hiding Fannoni' IimtitutDH. Mr. I*'ornu ^iven notioo that ho will iijovo for 11 uranl. of 9200 for tlio (-olcltoctov htiath Fair to bo liokl at Uiirrow. Mr. Dcxiol j-ivcmj iioLico thi-.t hc> wilt cudvo to liaya a ooitaiu amount to ropaii- thu br il^u on the Biiho Liuo over thu Bollo Hivor. Mr. Barrotb tj.voh notioo that bo will move to grant $1,000 to tho C-ruut Bomli Wuhtorn fair to bo hold at 'Ehuox 'J.'otvn thiH year.' , Mr. DowliirHb givoH notico thiiu hu wdl introduco a motion to ^rant 1200 for KoonoHtor aud iVlaidiitouu Aifrioultural Hooioty. ' .Mr. iUontruuil uive; notice that h** will move for a tyrant of 8400 to bo yivau -tuo dufforom from tho cyclouoin Inn townulnp. Mr. Buobaiian (n'vou notioo of a mo-ion aniung for a ^ruut of SliOO for Tilbury Nottii unci Weafc Agricultural Kiciety. Mr. MofeiwtjQn ^ivoo nctico of a motion for a yntut of S?l,000 to tho Essex County Uj^Ij Hohooi at, ljuuiuiugton. i>lr. ForriijH given notioe of a mo-ion for a ^mut of $200 for tho townliwj butween Cojehooter Snutli and Gonfiold South. Mr. ^[cKcu^iu (jivoo notice of a mo.ioii for a ijnint of 9:100 to tho Morftcn and Leanuiifiton Agricultural Scoioty, Air. (Jorbctl ti'VeH notice that tio will j movo for a ^mui uf S100( for tho Tecumdeh' road oiiHt of Tiko Urook.' Muvl'I by Me.iH.H. Soratcli and Vox, thai, thu TrL*nurur furniuh thin <"iouuoil wuli a Htatfmuijt nl-owin^ the htam 'nj-! uf G:u;h tnuuieipn'ii.y with tho count;. Car- nod. Mr, WI i.o aul.ed for a report o; tl o KpociH-l oommittao on County U i< uga repiurn an uooj uh poaaibio. Moved by fllenftrij. CoHto and" that, thi: ^outiL-il iiujonrn for lialf >"i io' t'i Diialilo tho Kqualix'tlinn Ooiui' Ltet to ii-'Out m. i.d report. Ai'tur a half hour'fl aujoiirniaoi't the counoil reHiiiued' and the report of the iMtmneu iiii'l Jifju.dia .tion CoiumiL .<-o \v;ts read and on motion uf Menard. W'jue and Bttrrett, wtio mloptod. Tho numicip tl'tieu were equalised as* followH: Aiitlerdon ............ 710,000 Colcliorttur North...... tl'ii.OOf) ColeheHier South...... 1,107,000 Goitlield Nonh........ 7Jllj,0l)0 Goftfield South........ l.OlH.O.OO jMaiiiutooe............ l.SUJ.nOO lloferrotl to Committun I\ raid en 7013.060 IVlurnoa.............. 1 ,.*>0O.O0O UochoL'tor .......... Sandwich Kast ...... Sandwich South...... Sandwich Went....., Tilbury Went....... Tilbury North....... Amhorntburn ........ Belle River.......... Eimex...........,.. .. Loaminjj;tou.......... KiiiUHvillo...,........ Sandwiob........... 771,000 !13,000 71(8,000 i- HO, 0(10 028.000 3(J5,000 55,000 260.000 225,000 200,000 230 000 ftju.B' On motion,, council udjonrned till 10 o'clock on Tuouday morning- blfiCOHJl DAT MOUSING BKHHIOV. Tuooday, Juuo 2nd. Tho Couuoil met, pursuant to adjourn- mout. All memborQ preaout. Tho mill. uton of yentorday were road and adopted, i?, A oommunioation from J.A. TrombUy, townHlhp clork of Tilbury North, wati read enulobinc copieu of a resolution paHBod by the municipal council of tho said town- nbip Mid report of commiaitio'crH :oCliam- paj^uo ljrir[f*o, on tho townlino botween Kouox and Kent. Referred to Koad and Bridge, ComraittOD. Tho Connty Auditorii rrenented tho fnl- lortMUtf Onanciid Htatemont of tho County to Judo lot, J800: De. Balanco oo haod Doo. Ill, 1805 tJ olM f7 (Jauh 'ruoeiptfi up to. data .... 2381-1 27 Cr. ni'id to Juno bit, 18!)(i.. Balance on baud at date .... 5281)28 8-1 if2E0W) 02 11808.32 , . . 8281)28 ,8-1 Gatth op depoflit tliiii day an per TroaKuror'n bank book--.; a UflB3 8JJ Iteforrcd to Finnndo oouimittoo. A oommunioation wuHyouc1 from P. Ai Ma::*vvll, .Holicol iunpootor , for fcho South JtidiuK of Khhox. on oduoatioii- *' A eonimunioatiou wiui mad ^^oni P. If. Macithorimn, pnhliiihor or tho VVinduor Kn- viow, in regard to oortairi' obarnou made in tho flolumnu of iiaid nowMptipor.rolativw to the oouduov of afl'uirH of thd County Couuoil of EitiiDx. Mr. Auld addroiiuod fcho council on tho matter. Movod by Mr. Fox, Hooondod by Mr. Hcrntuh, that thin-miLbtov bo dinouiiHod in opon oounoil f-Jarriod. On motion.Cnunoil adjourned until 1 p.m. ii'TKIlWOON riKHHlO.M. Tho Council mot at 1 p.m., punmauh to adjournment; all pronoot. Moved hv Mr. MoSwoon, iirtuondod by Mr. MoKonzio, that thin oouncil In nati'Hoii with thu utatomont of Mr. Auld in commotion with thochartfon rrnulo by Mr, MaophoifHOii, of tho WindHor ll&vicw, (ain;it Moiium Darrott, I^orrinii, Watiion.Wiulo aud Laird,momborn cf thin oouuoll, and furthoethat thiu counoil can take no furthor notioo of fcho matter unloiiu tho obargeH are made by a member of tbut council or a retipotialblp ratepayor of thiu County Lout. Muimru ForrifiH, Burrott, Daroclitir, Wifjlo, WutHou, Laird and ContoJaddronHud the council in regard to tho aharqeii made by tho Windiior Riiviow. Tho county (UiditorH, Monnrti J3oll and Mcllutih,. alho iidJraitFtod the council. Movod by Mr. Mc9weon, tiocondod by Mr. MoKonzio, that, aftor carefully taking into nonuideration Mr. Mucphoraou'ii char^en a^aiimfc l\ir. Auld and other mom- born of thin oornoil, and after lintoniu^ to Mr. Auld'fl reply and tho iitutomontFi xnurlo by MotiHrH. FerfJBP, Barrett. Wataou t Durcohor and Laird and tho auditoru, M, MoHufih-uud OliarleH Boll, corroborated by tho proooodiu[jn and miouton of paHt council irieotinyit, wo, in council aofiembled, do hereby ronolvo that thoro ia no founda tion for any rucIi oliurgoH, and will not take auy furthor notioo of tho mattor, un K'.hh obat'iinn tire porforrod by oorno renpon- tiiblo ratepayor; und, furthor, we do not think it prudent or wiuo, or in tho iutcroHt of thrt county, lor any citizen to make foiindationlona inHinnat ionnapainnt jjonilo men who aro do/olinf{ thoir time and ability in the iutereat of thu people. Car- ritid unanimouuly. Tho Hpecnd building com mitten pre- wen tod thoir report an follows Tliat in i^cordunoo with your iuatruc> tioiiH your cornmiltoo ontored into a uon- truct with Patrick Nuvin for the creation of the ^aolerV reaidenco and tho ropairn to tho court houHo and aol for SIO.'j'JD, with M. Twomuy nod VV. J. McKuu, M. 1\ i\t kh imrotioh for the car 'iuy out of the work, thu fliirao to bo complotod boforo Doo, lrit> 18'Jii, Tho work on tho gaolor'n reuidonco ih ooiuploted and tho fjaolor Iirh moved into tho rei'icnco, and ^ho ropaira to tho gaol aro proceeding. OAh soon an tho Juno court in pvor work will be punbod forward on thu coi -t houno. Vour committee baa come to tho conoJiiHion that there will he .no ueceatiity of onlar^iu^ tl:o prc-nout cenu- oil cliarnbor; and would auk your council to ^ivo the committee pormihaion to doiil with the matter eler ceimultin^ ~tbo architect im to tho roduotion that nhould be allowed the county in tho contract price Bhould any chauf,'o bo mudo, Kncloiied are tlm minnteHof the < unmittoo, ttoudH, coi'tiOcato.s of areliitectH and all documontH in connectiou with tho work. Moved by Mr. Laird, aecondud by Mr, Fox, that tho report of tho Hpeciu! build iii^ committee bo adopted. -Oiimed. Mr. MclCon/.io proHontod u potitiou from certain inbabitantH of Leamington and Women, praying that Goorfio H. Milhi bo appointed imipeotor of fruit fcruon for tho county of Emhojc. Iteforrod tew Committee of Legislation and Potitionn, Tho Oommutuo appointed to\ build n, bruit'a over Bell Rivor on tho\&Iiddle road proHontod thou* report which wuu ro ferred to tho Road arid I3rid({0 CombJ^tno. Mr. SbankH ivofi notico that ho ^jll, to-morrow, ak for a (jraut of #230 for Uiviuion road north of KingHvillo in Go^ hold South, to aid in gruvollmg naid road Mr. Aiuslio ^i.von notioo that ho will, to-morrow, movo' for a grant of $300 to atmint in gravelling 0 and 7 mdo .road. Til bury WeHt. Mr. Whito j;ivoh notice that bo wi.'l, to morrow, move that the to'.l roud' mnpootor miilto ii report during tbia Boaaion in regard to toll roitdo o-tiHting m th in county thoir pooition, oto. Mr.-Mathor-fiiveQ-iiotico that--bo-wi'l* tcmorrrow, movo for a .crane of 81100 to aid in buildtnj! r bridge ovtit Gin Crook, third ooDcofiBiou road, Tilbury North. Mr. Fox fdved notice that ho will, to: morrow, introduce a ly-hiw to confirm tho appointment of a county high oon- fitubln, :. . Mr, Auld hivhh notion that he will, to morrow, introduce a by-law to appoint au innpoctor of fruit trooH for tho comity of Eauox, Movod by Mr. Scratch, uucondod by Mr. Fox, that u tfr.ant of ftl.'JObo mudo to tho townnbip of Mornoa. to aid in buildiu^ a loolt-up at.Btupk'ii and that it bo rofoncd to 'tho Finance Commlttoe. ^Carried. , Movod by Mr. Fornua, Hoeondod by Mr. Hood, that a grant of S200 bo mudo to Coloboutor Bouth rmrioultural uouiofcy fair, and that the watno be ruferrnd to l.-'iiinuei) commit too CurrioU. The county troannrer prenonted a utate- inept, of acuount- of tbo county with tho different munlcipalitioii from lnt .lanuary losl'it May.lSllll, tin follown: Am't duo Am't. duo County. Municipality. Amhorntbnrf;.... Bollo Hivor-..... <f ;t0 0!) ColchoHtor Nortli 'UlH 07 Oolehm.tnr Botitb ' o r>i Oonliold No1 h .. *i;ir, i;:i CJohllold Houth .. ;io H8 Leamington .... VM> an H2 r>!l W.V.i ol aaa '25 Handwich (Town) .Sandwich Kant ,. 411 ic> Kandwich VVewt ,. (J2 Ki Handwich South.. IC21 HH Tilbury \Vonfc . .. 7(iH 77 Tilbury North.... .'12 -J 3 $815 2(1 ft:i8Ml 50 Moved by Mr. De/iel, tieeouded by Mr. (Jorbtitt, that a nufucient hiuii of money bo granted to repair bridge au Bello river on the mdo lino of Maidntono aud J.loohontor, tho iiumo I>c-ni^' a county bridt;o, and that fclie mattor bo roferrod to the road and bridge c.ommittoo Carried. Moved by Mr. Barrett, neconded by Mi- Brico, that a grant of $;000 * bo mudo to tbo Croat Houth Wofttorn Fair to bo bold iu tho Town of Kanex. aud tliat the name boroforrod to Fiuanco Comraittoo Car ried. Moved by Mr. Dowhirnt.iiocondod by Mr. DcyjvA, that a grant of $200 bo mado to tho KochfiHtor and Maidutouo agricultural Booiety to aid in holding a fair and tliat tbo matter bo referred to tho Finance committee Carried. Moved by Mr.Buchanau.flooonded by Mr. Ainfdio. that tho mattar of*a yraut of $'200 te tho agricultural tiociety of Tilbury Wont and North bo roforrod to tho Finance committee, Carried . Movod uy Mr.^MontrtiOil, Hecondod by Mr. CoHto, that a grunt of &100 for tho reliof fund to the nufTcrevH of Handwich eufit bo referred io the Fuui.nct) Committee Curried. Moved by Mr. McSwenn, neconded by Mr. Watnon, that a upcoiiil'grant of 91000 V^ mudo to the County High School ut Leamington and that tho eumn bo referred to the Finance committoo Carriod. Movod by Mr. MeKouzio, nccondod by V'1. Scratch, that t>;100 bo yivoii to the Meruea agricultural hooiety aud tliat the matter bo referred to the Fiuanco ccraniit- to Carried. Mr; Dowhirnt fiivuH notice that he will, to-morrow, introduce a motion for a grunt to clean Bolla River of driftwood, it being a bouudury lino botweun two mumcipal- itioit. On motion, tho council adjourned unti] 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Tiunn pay MortuiHo Hi:nfiio:<. Wtidnonday, Juno 3rd. The counoil mot, pumuant to adjourn- inont; the roll calUd; nil the memberu prenout. The iniuuteH of the preceding day wore read and adopted. Moved .by Mr. Barrett, necondod by Mr, Mills, that the deputation compbiiod of tho Hon. W. D. Balfour and IMuhnra, Cohon and Milieu, who tiro hero to prurient the climm for a liberal grant to tho Un;at SouthwoHtorrt Exhibition (being a cor^jty fair): to bo held at Ehhpx Town thin fall, be hourd before thin couuoil. Carriod. The above gentlemen addroaited tb'i couuoil in regard to tbo matter continued in tho foregoing roBolution. Moved by Mr.' Hood, neconded by Mr. MoSwoon, that tho reports, of tho nohob] iuapbctorB for tho North und South Riaingn of Ehhox bo adopted and printed in tho miuutuH. Carried. Movod by Mr. Scratch, necondod by iff. Durociior, that the olerk bo ompowored and inotruoted to removo all otationery aud furniture to tiomo pluoo of aafoty until tho ropa.'rB to tho oounoil chamber tpd fully mada. C irriod. Moved by Mr.. Uuvochr Hooondod by r, ScratoJi, that in the mattor of tondoni fcV printing and gaol oupplioii, that tho ty olerk be authorised to advortins for to ii dor ii not later than tho 2nd day of Jtirm*y ia each yoar, and to have Iho tondt\ opouod in council. Carriod. M.ovoV Ly Mr. Auld. necondod by. Mr, B*ox, thaVj. E. Johnnon' bo hoard ou the advifial)ili\v of appointing a frmfc troo in. flpoc6orr-CYrried; Mr. JounVm aUdrosiiod tho oouncil in regard to thoYmattor, Movod by iVr. Dowbinifc, nooonilod by Mr.'-Doziol, thft\ a graut of 81,500 bo givon to Kooliontor an\ Maid'ntone to oltar drift- wood out of Bollu Itiyor and that thu mat- tor bo roforrod to tho Boad und Bridgo Committoo. Carriod. Movod by Mr. Win to, eocondouVby. Mr. Moloolio, that tho toll road inspector raalie a roport on toll roada iu thiuyjouuty during thin neuinou onrt that thonamo bopubliHlud in tho printed miriutoH. Ou motion, tho oounoil adjourned toon able the oouaiuittocu to moor, Fornytho, Aud^iBoa tfe Co. wtut a large quantity of wool and will pay tbo outwide prlao for aame trade or onab,' up msr pjssbx. Barrett <fe Co'3 Have decided (owing to , other business a fangements in the east) to wind up the business here, and in order to convert intc cash in the next 60 60 DAYS Their present stock of over $12,000.00 Will start Saturday, May 9, A Gigantic Closing-out Sale Of everything in their establishment. In order to "wake this alo doubly in- loi'Ortfcing wo will give a straight discount ol 25 per cunt, oil" everything in Dry GoodH, Gouts'i?urniHhin(.*B, JJdota and KIioor; 50 per cent, off Hats and Gaps. wo aro dotorminod to elo.'io out every dollar's worth of goods in our ufcoro before July 1. Come early aud got the choice of the hundreds of bargains us this is your latjt chance to secure'th^m, for we are bound to got out by tho above date, Brin^ your cash and ogga to 33fcA,!E2.!E::2.!El11>I1 8& OO Bankrupt Stock Store. Headquarters in Essex for low pricoH. Gentlemen-, -We^aolicit your votee. We are in favor of the closest possible trade relations with you. Will guarantee: PROTECTION- Protecting you against high prices, Giving you a dollar's for a dollar in currency. FREE TRADE, Only deal with us when you can do better than elsewhere. BRITISH FOREYER, Particularly that which leade to honest dealings".". We have several orher "planks," but space is too limited to give our whole platform, If elected to supply you with Hardware, House Furnishings, etc., we will show you through the largest establishment in our lines in Canada, in which We have enormous stocks. - Tilbury, i 'ii Aditiona! Local. W. J. Wiglo A Co. null load tbo initio iu clothing. Hut a in nil tho nowont (itylos at M. J._ Wifil'o A Co.'h. Euiliop O'Connor, of London, ooivftrraad a olana of 51 children] in tho R. C. Cburuh "ut A mho rrt t b iiV#"otr Su n day 1 an tv......------ ; Indopoudent Cuimda, of Winduor, ha oouaod publication uftar a briof and uu- ovontful oarooj*. GIBL WANTEi>.-to do gon'orttl' lioniio- worU,food wayoH and otoady pluco, apply to Mini. Gout*, AUIoo St. Tho an mini mooting of tho South Eimox Furmo-n' IiiflMtuto will bo held o-c Kmgn- vi.llo hc 1 p. m.oiiTuoadity mud, lot' tho oJAcbio^i ot olliaora und othor (iancrcl bimloceii. : Htoo.l Raroon 'Wiro for d/>or and window hc return dooa iibt m^ when proHBoil. Ij'nnfj Bro^. ' Gforfis Winn, forraorly of tle ArEherBt- bivfj Loader. HiiHromovod biH family from' Ayhiicc to,NT(i>rii I'uli^, whera he ifl in dun-go of tho Niugixra Falls' Record. Ouo dollar oouutorfeit Dominion of Oau- nda bilk, wbioh iiay<) boon raided by obem- iuu! (ifouoiui to tho apparout valuo *f 910, ara in oirouUtion in Toronto. .If you buy a bioyob yon, want eouats iliiun that mcoood value for your money, J. W. Gibfion li^n tho larfjout uHflorfcmenb of whoolfl in Eobox at thu lowest poaaible piiaoM. Scoontf hafi^l wiiJbia iiiliaiT,\a ex-. Wiluii Cowan, dopiity collootor. of cub-* torn3 ut WindHor, rouoivod word on Man-' day that hu had boon plaood on tho super- ammatod hut. Ho haw boon in the eorrioe for -il yoai-M.. Xt iu undoratood that W.. ,F." Killaokoy, of Oliathr^ua, iu to unoooed Mr. Cowan. : r" K. Frlnoo of Hydo l*ttrk died from , offootfl of fttoppiu^ on a ruety hail. .' MiaH Itolen M, Gould of New Yot h&u uout 3100,000 for the relief of suffer**'* by tho St. liouia tornado. ' Both tho Bonntu and tha.". ' Honaa al- WaRhlugtonpaa^. tho river, and . *iia*bbril>V:'!^ appropriation bill oyer the ^President's, '.'$ Vetov... ' r::.'vj:1^f '.."; ,,',,-.U,,,\f$$jk V'V@| \m :im^kMM&^^^^^M

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