i^V1 ^^^W^'^^j^^^^i^^r. W.'j?<^y$fypffi'*?* <yt*l?' *W*f ,"v ^|fiP!^^!5!P^ pp?^f^ & - ~fT 'KSSS3& ^RSE^^^^ PATH OF THE STORM. A 8TRIP OF COUNTRY COMPLETE* LY WRECKED. A I>eaol>U Tnwt Nr WIkrvllU~Hou and' IJuro. Ill own IIup<lr*<l of 1T**~ DmaceIaOihi'l*ufUor OnUrU. ( Windsor, May !37. The storm whloh fcaged In Western Ontario lastf night did an Immense umouufc of damugo. la Some placet* the wind attained the strength and volume of a oyalono. It truck tho Canadian shoro a short dUUbot below WalkorvlUo, and left path ! destruction u quarter of a wile wido ni stroyed, but ** *** W * ?***", Mt* sons suffered bodily Injury. th* ourM Uss Wo< about ,000. Twt umall Weoten hounofl further cant were destroyed, M* Win.' St, Louis' houss iBik^ll suffered a good deal, mid klu WlhdiU WH.blowu down. Mr. Edward Cluuh*ilWe houM aud oshory vtm destroyed, nnd one of his horsos killed, Mr. K. Parent's <r*m house was damaged, hi* owtibuUAUtf* destroyed, and valuable vehicles were mashed, .tfuatf- flamo,^ Wlf'tajf of ji> Ale*. j^cNel^und liSW the >ftone t ^}'d some 6f itfl mont interesting Wor*. Mr. 'MoKoiU and his'fainlly Wore beU* bmtluK tho Queen's Birthday with -tn uslHtnuca of 93 guests, when ' tho wind twin tod their homo several Inchon off lis ponti. A hi rod mnn was Hating lu km* addition to tho biiUtllng whon , H yi** Whinkod away from him In aa Instant as If it hud boon a bit of papor. Between B,000 and 8,000 shlnglen were stripped off tho roof, nnd nil of the out hounoa demolished. A wagon was torn to plecoM, Its box carried 800 feet away, uud tho front arid hind wheels blown 100 foot h apart, Two grand pear troon, planted by tho .ToHUlts! 200 yonrn ugo,' wore no corn plctely denuded of branches that they bocamo but groat baro maata. Mr. Me- Nalll'8 thousands of o;rap* vlnts were disposed on tho ground an If they bad been carefully oombod out.. Guolph, May,fl?, Rain threatened all dav yoHtordayi but It wan net until nearly 0 o'clock that a thnuderstovm btitiit out In full fury and continued, for ,, o.vr ,oji hom% During that time the lightning: woh ftlmo*fc~h_unbrokon (laah, while tho roar of the thuader wan t*rrl- flc. Ono clap, louder than tho rest, shook Bo'nio 'bulltlln go find railed punoa of glass lh tho ivindowK. 'The water rati dewn tho wtrootM in llhtlo cteeko, and some collara on tho mivin wtrftotn woro floodnd throo foot dcDp. Tho rondfl In many ]i]auoH woro badly wawbed out. Little damage was done in tho city. A few tolophono and tolograph polos suffered, and Koino trers, Tlio ronldonoo of Mr. " Jamiw Swiin, York road, was fitruclc, dhluglcH torn off tho roof, a portion of . tho chlinnoy destroyed, and a holo im Inch in dlumotor mode In the colling of tho sitting room whoro Mr. Swan wau sitting. Mr. Swan was tlirown frora hlfl ohnlr by tho shock. Mr. Win. Wooda, In tlio Hurao jiolghbarhqod, whllo wnlklng home, received a ehoek and had bo bo carrlod Into *n adjoining reildeaco. Both men aro oil tight to-day. Perhaps tho moat romakablo experi ence and osuapo from inntant death wu that of Mrs. Laycock, Puallwoh, residing with hor son, Georcc I>ayoook. At the ..tlmo tho lightning Htruck the chimnoy , QjC tl)o houso fiho wan ulttlng on the ' loungo, some eight foot from tho stovo, rocking tlio orndlo. Suddonlv the llglit- blng enraodown the cblmhey through the BtovopipoH to tho stove, blowing tho doors open nnd throwing tho Htovcliasoff. Mrs. Lay cook received a shook on both fopt, und bud her rIkiok and Htocklngfl torn off. Sho roniuInert inKenslblo for somo tlmo. Sho BUHtnlncd no injuiros boyond tho tihook and tho fright The lightning uIho put out tho lump, burned throo . holes In tho floor and not flro to paper In tho collar, which was noon extinguished. Klora, May U7. Mr. .Tuhn McLeod, a farinor, living near tho villugo, was killed by lighrtnlng nbout 0 o'clock on Monday night during the hoavy storm. A number of harnH were burned and Uvo Utook killed In tho vicinity. Delhi, May 27. A very heavy rain and eleotrio torm pafiod over bore laat night, followed by galca-of wind, wbloh did a great deal of damago to tho faa-m- crfl. Fenecfi and trees wcro blown down, and In Homo plnces whole orohards wuro torn out by tho rooto. Tlio roof of Mr. Ackdnnan'fi. barn was blown off and carried Into the road, doing about $G0O damago. A- stump fonco was complotoly overturned. THROUGH A BRIDQE. An Klectrlc Cur .ouile<l With reopla at Victoria FollB Into the Iluy-Flfty or Sixty Drowned. Victoria, B. C, May 27. Tho moat terrible accident that over took plaeo In thin viciiilty 'occurrud about 2 o'clock thiH afternoon, whon an oleotric cur foil through tho Point Elllco brldgo Into an arm of .Tamea Bay." A sham battle at Mucauloy Point wao on tho programme to-day as part of tho celebration of the Quoen'R Birthday and nearly the whnlu population of tlio city had gono out to wituoHH it. Tho eloctrlo cars running out to tlio hcouo of tlio battlo had boen over orowded all the forenoon. Every car Wan full not only "Inaldo but us many an muld do no cllnigng on tlio outside n 'woll. Tho car to whluh tho auoichmt liappeiuul containing about 80 pursons. Even tlio roof was occupied. In crossing tlio Point ICllico brldgo it loft the-.iraok, Dninhed-through- tho. railings and fell- into tho water," 75 feet" below. The fall Was ,ho midden and unoipnoted thiit all the passengers wcro carried with it. Thu ear lloated for a moment and thou wan carrlod down by tho weight of tho metal work attached to It. Thoa* lntldo woro Untibiu to escapo and were drowned llko ratK lu a trap. Some of those on t!io oufc- nldo!' oflcappd by swimming, but liiuny Woro fitiinned by tho fall or unablo to ewlm and woro drownod. It Is bolioved that 60 or 00 porsnlm woro drowned, l)iifc It. la as yot Impossible r,o aeortain tho bxiiot-number,. It will probably bosoveral ,da>'H before tho roul oxtoitt of tho dbuiRter can bo learnod. Afl soon tut possllilo tho Work of recovering tho bodies wan hoguh, and In now tiding pueliod vigorously for ward. A number of tlio bodies havo already boon, got up, and thu.work , of idontinea- tlon Is proceeding. It is a difficult ynat- fcor, BHivgrqiit many of tho bodies aro those of vifdtorfl. ' Thero bavo beeo bcKobs cholera ioi In Cairo, and the rioters had to be dla- -^Ted by Ike poUoa, Farmers ot Essex! Before'you place your orders for machinery for 1896, call and Bee my large*"8tbok of BINDERS, MOWERS. PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, SEEDERS DOAN'S Kidney Pilla flr*t prowl to the, peopl that Kldnoy dltKiUse la curable. Being tb* original Kidney remedy. fa plU fcuxn, th oreW they have'made, and tlie fatjo* 4Hy- have attained hafe oponod tho way for ft hoit of imitations and, bo ha tit atom, baft Ihoao who have boon oared of "/ KIDNEY OompUintH through the tnw of thl won- derfnl medioino, thofio whoao lame book hf now free from pain, thoao wh now hav# no headache a, tlicwo who have osoaped from the doath grip of DiabeU* and Brlght's dlucaao by the UOe of DoaU'A Jjduey The Celebrated Milner Wagon AND THE EQUALLY Famous ue Buggy. I represent such standard firms as Noxon Bros., Inger Hol-1; Cockshutt Plow Co., Brantford, and aeveral others. I have recently enlarged my warerooms and can give yon as good a deal, if not better, than finy other man in the county. Repairs of all kinds. I am out of the "big four'1 combine and am prepared to provft mysedf "the Farmers' Friend." Don't forget to call and see me before you buy. JACOB North'of Railway, South WoodBlee. hair-^levoriiiiifliit for Boy*. The training In cltUonahlp and politi cal methods wn.i only less valuable than tho training In practical thrift and In dustrial economlcfl. The aovftrnl Indus trial obvisofl woro allowed to be wpro- Bonted In tho two ohnmbora. of tho He- publlo'tf oongroflfl. Each InduHtrial olflMi olectod ono member of tho Houee of Itop- rcBontatlvos for every twelve persona, and elocted one member of.fchoSonato. Ropro- Hontatlyefl woro oloctod for a term of one week, and no nut or h ior a period of two weokfl' Thus the oiporlonoo of conducting an olootlon was onjo'yod' olght or nine tlmofl In tho coureo of tho two months. Tho balloting won cnrrlod on In an ap proved fashion, and ho tlio mqmburfl of Mr. Gporgo's little conimonwoalth wew prepared to underfitahd not only what oloctlohfl mean, but all about tho. con duct and muchlnory of oloctiona, tho no- cusfiity for puro and honoat clcotiona In a BOlf-govoriilng community, and tho proper rmfuguardti to protect tho exo.rclRe of tho elective franchise. From "Vaca- tion Ciunpn und Boyfl' RopubllcH," by Albert Shaw, In "May Rovlow of Uo- vlOWH. Tim Mwrnnt In fiurc^ry, Whllo tho X rayn aro undoubtedly ablo accurately to locate a foroign body, such afl n i '.'die, Imbedded In tho IIohIi of tho hand, yet tlioy aro powerleoo to romovo It, but electricity la equal to tho occa sion,und offers nieana In tlio electro-mag net of accomplishing this. A curioun In stance of tho removal of a noedlo by a magnet Ir ronortod from Cliorryflold, Mo, A woman plorood linr hand by a needle, tho oyo going in flrfit nnd tho point broking off, leaving plcco about threo- quartorH of an inch long lmbodded In tho floflh near the thumb. A slight cut was made In tlio skin over tlio placo whoro tho fragment was located, and a powerful electro-magnet deviled at . tho local oleotric light station applied. The nttruction ot tlio magnet for tho stool needle drew It out at once, causing it to cut itn way through tlio flesh, broken end flrHt. Tho magnet usod was tem porarily devlfiud for tho omorgoney, and constated of an lnoh pleco of soft iron nbout 1 foot long, wound with ordinary magnet wire, and attached to a 110-volt circuit. a $no i,uiui>, A Koulcty girl, ono of whono great at- tructions Ik a soft Utile musical laugh, ontortulned an Interested group lntoly -with an account o"f how that prominent charm of hors wis acquired, "Very fnW pu:wms huv, arf you all know," Haul she, "an figrpt'hblo laugh. I hud simply nothing that could bo called auoli in my possession. Tlio lack mado jno seem grim and too far from merry to bo a successful.companion. Ho 1 took lcs- hoiir of an aotor and learned tho meohan- Ihiii of forood laugh tor. Tills I practised and improved by mysolf till. I had tho art to porfoatlon and it liocaiuo oooond uaturo. It cost molSQ^o buy my laugh, !)iit I would not part with It for many thousands, You can't guess what n, boon it is whon tlio social atmosphere 1b full of nuolunt Joo Mllevlniuo." Oottiiibrit rinap. "I," tho young man frankly admitted, "am looking for a snap." MWoUy the oldorly ono suggested, "If you havo tho ginger It ought to ' hn iub.v to mid Homo ono with the dough." . And a great slleuoo fell tnaudlnly TWO WITNESSES FROM'WINDSOR. Jumpe Sherwood and G..J. Curtirt_Cnrod of NorvounuoDB und Indigcntiou by tho ubq of South Araorican Norvini' A Remedy that Ouros'Old and Youuu, Men and Womou, of Somo of tho Mont Sorions Maladiou of Lifo. Tho secret of tho wonderful ourative powors embodied iu South Arcoriaan Nor- vino is found in llio fact that it euros at tho uervo oeutroH, From those How tho hfo blood that givos health, iitronfith aud effort to mon aud women. When those uro doranfiod diuoa.no naturully aud quick ly follows. Thus it is that thousands of wituoBSOH in ull parts of Canada, nomo who havo reuobed throo scoro yoars and ton, otborn in middlo iifo, aud ugaiu thoso who lire mero ohildron. toll how tlun raediaino haR cured tliom of indigosiiou, uorvoua- nofiu, gonoral debility, doran^Qmont of tho livor, and like troubles. To partiouhirize: Mr. Jamos Shorwood, of Windsor, Ont ban reached moro tnan the throo aooro yaara and ton, Ho suffer ed terribly from indiuoutioa- und norvoas troubloH of a very complicated oharaotor. It looked aa though ho could not buaurod, Iub ago uoomio^ly boiuc; a barrior. But bo \va rocommondod to try South Amori- can Nervine, and did so. Of tno rosult, ho nays: "I connider it a aplondid modi- oino, -which haD roliovod mo of vocy muoh paiu.bbllt up my hoalth and given mo a bolter nppbtito than I had boforo umng it. I havo so far usod four bottlou and otill always hoop lb in.my bouso." Auotlior witnosH from Windsor la Mr, C. Curtis, ono of tho wealthy yeoman of that chatriot. Ho nnffeiod from a general break up of tho oystora, an outyomo of la yrippo. Almost ovorvthing waH triod, but with no'effeot. Ah a laot rasorb South Amoriaan Nervine was roeommoudod, and of ltBrosults ho nayo ; "After taking ono bottlol found vory groat benefit from it. My uppctito improved wondorfully, and I felt mv atrougth rotur'ninK vory fst. I purobasod fivo bottlbs, but after taking only throo oat of tho five I am fooliuL' aa neurly well to-day as I ovor did, and I oa;- attribute my roatoration to hoalth and strength coiely to South Amorioan Norv- ino." With medicine &h with doolora, tlioro iu a good Uoal that has to bo takon on osTporT- mont. But in South Amorioan Norvino no chanoon arc taken. Tbo laugaa^o i nouo to HtronCi that it in an infallblo and certain ctiro, particularly for indirection and uorvoufl troublos. Sold by .T. Thotno. INTENSE INDIGNATION. Hcimitu veil tlio story. A vant mnso of direct, nnimpoaohablo tedtiroony provos boyond any possibility of doubt that Hoodla SarsapaWUa aotuallj docH perfectly aud permanently .euro dinensen oaunod by impuro bloool. Its rooord ol euros in unequalled and thoso onrcBhavo often boon aooompliahed aftor till other prepuratlono hud failed. Hood's Pilty euro all Hyor, jIIh, billons. uonh, janndioo, indjjfestion, Biok hoadaolio, CufcH, ab'ioluto, porbaunebt ouros have tjlvnu Hood's Bursaparjlla tlie lar^ent Males In the world and the first place among mudiciuoB. How the CorllM'Hill Will AftVct the Pople f Wliulftoi Havo to lU^lcrn T!ifIrl*ol- tioiiH hi IXitroitorY-ivo In That City. Windsor, May 22. The activity that lfl bolng displayed at Washington over tho Allen Labor law, and tho apparont oarnestnofls with which Congrostiiiian Corliss, who is fathering tho measure is endeavoring'"toTiavi" ltj enacted Into law boforo the ilnal adjournment of Congrcsa takes place, at flrHt causod a failing of alarm and distrust hero, but that feeling has within tho past fow days been greatly intonslllod, until now it approaches almost to oonsternntlon. The provisions of tho measuro aro such that, with per haps half a dozen exceptions, overy rotlldant of Windsor who is now employed In Detroit will havo to elthor movohlm- aolf and his family across the river or olso glvo up his position. WlndHor Is praotlonlly tho only placo In tho Upper Provinces whoro Canadians have facilities that will enable thorn to remain In Canada and work lu tho United Stiitcs. Thero aro abdut BOO men, boys and girls who cross to Detroit dully, whllo, on tho othor hand, como 300 by nctuul count cross over to work in Canada, and thoso aro principally men drawing hirgo pay. A conservative estimato of tho number of workers who llvo on ono side of tho river and work on the other Is shown by tho following flgurofl, whlnh aro tho result of careful oluorvunco and enquiry on tho part of your correspondent: From Wind sor, 420 mon, boys and ' girls; frora Walkervillo, 18 boys and girls; total, 444. From Dotriot to Walkcrvllle, 00 men; from Detroit to Windsor, D10 mon, principally sklllod mechanics with famUlus (h Detroit; total U1& Examina tion 'shown that tho wages earned In Windsor and Walkervillo by Dotrolt poo- plo oro largely lu oxcesii of tbo ruonoy that Is takon out of Dotrolt by Cana dians. With few exceptions, tho Ameri cans employed In Windsor are olthor sklllod tradesmen, or hold good positions With American Arms having branches horo, For instance:, tho Canadian Typo- graph Company.whloh does a largo trade in tho manufnoturo of bloyolos, hos 110. nieu in Its employ, six of whom live In Detroit, and draw on an average tifl.BO a day. All of this- money goes, to Dotrolt Wlndsorltes, on tho other hand, spond at least half their Detroit turnings In De troit. Should tho Corliss measuro booomo a Uw, as seorofl most probable at this tlmo, thero aro fow bousoholdfl In Windsor that would nob bo affected raoro or loss, and lu many oases nothing short of dlro ruin tjoorafl poRHlblo. Your correspondent was Informed this ovonlng, on Indisputable authority, that already many Canadians who work In Dotrolt havo been1 -notified mat they must move over or forfolt their oesltlonflv and this Is but tho beginning. AND AGONY. A Multitude of Sufferers and Martyrs! Paine's Celery Compound the Prompt Banisher of Rheu matism and Sciatica. THE ONLY POSITIVE CUBE IN THE WORLD. Thousands ot Convincing Testi monials from Cured People.. Tho ugonmng und terrible troubles known os rheumuthun and eoiutica, are probably tho ohuhq of raoro holplcaimoss mid ucnuto Huffering than any half dozen others thnr. coulJ be nmed. Tho url^iuitl ounoe of rheumutiam is u lack of norvo foroo. By this wonknobs of tbo nervouH Hyoiom, uu acid ia forced which entoru tho blood. Soon tho joints Hwi?ll usnaltv tho iciio/-u, olbows and wrihiH und thero is inllamatiou with in tonao pain; this disoiuio is veritable rhonm atium. The grout raodioinul virtncB of Pained Colery Compound ra'iikosit tho only tVust- worthy Hpeciiio in the world for tho com plete euro of all forms of thoiiumtifim. Puino'H Celery Compound is curing him- droda'61! crhgh ovory day. Teotimonialo without luuubcr docluro that this great rrmeriy of nature hafl fffoatqd ouro aftor jiH.ptb^uj()d)cin(ns tailed...... ___;._ ._._' _ You eaunot tiilord to experiment with tho common and worthlosH preparations of tho day, whon yon can proouro a uuarantaod modJoiuo llko Palno's Coloty Oompouurl, .ho'highly recommended by the bent nhyniofans. Bear in mind lhat tboBO oiirud by Puiuo's Oelory 'Cpmpouud avo onrod permanently. There in no moro riturn of the terrible dlsouoe; no twistsd, contrftotod and nUffenod ,limbs. 'Puna's Celory Compouud Klvea a new oxiutonoo, und old eulforors walk with as much olantloity and npvynoaa us any joutb. Do not be ^n/suuded by substitutinK deal ors to I ak'o any of the medicines they muy recommond for their owii benent *nd profit; inaiBt upon Vetting Palne'a Celery Compound, the medicine , that alway* ourea. ." -... PI LLS ro tho onoA whose opinion la vmldabhj. When scores of uuoh iwioplo cotnofbrwanl and tell publicly that Doan'a Kidney Pill* oured them aftor othor means failed, ik im rident that the only CURE for Kidney Diuoase, Bladder and Urlnai dlffloultieu, Lamo Uaok, and tho nnml lesfl revulU of disordered Kidneys 1* Doan1! Kidney PillH. Be sure to get DoanV Prioe fifty osats pw box For s*U by Raid by G. A. Sherrin, Kssex. Will You Ride THIS SEASON ? If You do, Ride the Best MV LIST: King of Sooraiiere. - . Throo Special TIiRb GradoB. {Ladies'and Gouts') Enttliohmaka. Hib Grade Roadster. English make. araTjrrford.- ^; Hl(il tirade Roadster. (Ladies' and Gouts') Amorioan make. lam proud of thin list. Tbo English Wheels are tbo host in the world. Any honest man who Known anything abbat whoolo will tell jou that. THE CUAWFOHD is equal to any. wheel of any other manufaotnro offoruu for huIo anywhere.. GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. Evory wbool fully guaranteed by the mukor. {Kroo Press Offloo) EBBEX. Fresh Bread Ih what you ounroly on fitting when yoa buy frora ub. Our wa^on gooa to all parts of tbo town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant find maer, frouher, or sweet er in tho country. All kinds of Fauoy Cakes and Jolly Rolls. Fresh Taffy and Candies evory day. Wo soil nothing Bfcalo or dry. Leave Your Order and you can rely on prompt do- livory. FRANK FOSS. Oppoaito BaoU Si JVauolH,' EflBex. _____ 's Bazaar, FOB AIiL K1NDB OJ? Window Blinds away down Chinawarie, Biric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Isovelties, Books and Stationery, Schqpi Suppliesr Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering . Yarnw, New Stock of late Wall Paper. ' w SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor-Talbotst.and Victoriaave. The latest Improved machinery for 'A IroningOtillara and Cuffs. Will not 'oraok', or break toe wing. . .. ~. ( Family work cheap. Parcels onl|ed for !;J and dbhvered,. _ ^t Pleaee call and try/. If not Batlsfaotoryjf| r "hdrflo will be made; If our work snito; I you, recommend db to your frlsnds. ':.'- '* jIMM^^j-^W^m