1".:' J 7Sfr'V.!|!,< 03; ^W^^w^^^^^m^^^^m^f. THE X&SSE21C PRBE PRESfc WW^^^^^^^^S^^m^^^^^lm MS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. 'BANXEltS, Next to Abotdoon HotclR Essex. *": MoaoytolonnonB'amiorii'KoUnijNotoaboa^ht or Collected; &fon*y to loan o MortflatfoH ut ' ' DWOBt ratOH uud btnt tenim, Drafts tuauoil tmyublo nfc imr ut ulll'iirlunliml . from ta Fire Insurance Agents, etc. iH"52 *# TALK OFTHE TOWNt FIUDAY, MAY mi, 180(1. gi *? Kib^Hvlllo in n;oij( to oolufomto July Int. ' Countv Council will moot ou Monday, Jmio lht. Minn M. O. UobtirUon, of tlic public school'Htaff, Windsori viuitad (riondn in jtown thin wook. High Holiool ontrtuioo Gxiiminiitionn will bu held pn Thimiday, Friduy and Butur. 'day) July 2nd, llrd,'ltli. Mihm 13Uh Burdiok outortuinud about twenty oi hor fnondu to a tea-party ou IViday AVDoiiif lant. Curdu and muHio .. . Special Halo of loco ourtatmi at Smith'n. Wavpou Leo, Albort utroofc, lout a valu able gmdo Ayrnhlro on Tueiulo-y lant. All ' that votorinary Hkill could do wtui done, but tbo cow dioi] of apoplexy. Ladioo Aid of St PiuiI'h olniroh intend holding an .icouroam and bti'uwbim-y nooi'ul on Mr. Bovurlav'u lawn on Tuonduy, Juno ' 2nd. All tiro cordially invited rare treat. It will, pay yon to road -.Crawford'H ad- vortiaoraont ovory wook. you will iiud it on pago 5. Money,to loan on raort^ai^eu at o p<r aunt. J. W. Gibson. Mrfl. (Ilov.) U. P, Ciuupboll and Mrn. G. Bedollo attondodtbo nu-utintf of tin* W. F- M. 8. which opened iu the TiupHut church at Chatham ou Wi-dueuday of hint wuelt. Tho annual mooting of tho South Etmex X'urmoru' Irmtituto for tho oleotion of olVioorH and othor buainoHfi will bo hold at tho Town Hall, Km^aviUo, at 1 p. m., on Tuoaday, June <Hh. Fancy bandkorchjcfn lo euub-ot EifiijtiOii. A. ten-rOointU hontm to r.iit; apply to O.J. "Whituoy. Probably ono of thu lou^Ht fiui^lu trainH that over punned through thin tow:. oould have born ssnon Sunday aftornoon. Tho train numbored 1.10 empty, now local earn. It took two on^iijoa to start the train on tho curvo ut Knfittx. Men. I-'rico, an oldorly lutty of thin town, whilo porformiun lior houHokold dutiua on Sunday hint, acuidcntally tripped, fractur ing the houo of hor loft limb between tho tbitfh and knee. Drii. McKen.'iio and Jen- nor woroounimonod and reduced tl'o frac ture. ^ off at Bmith'H on bicycle bwouioni. Crawford of Tilbury doeti btuunofm on tbo umall prutk and qoiak turn-over prin cipal. During the recent olectrio atormn tho lif>litniu(i atruck a bam bejonfjiu^ to Win. Moore, of YounU Ireland, and a house oc oupiod by J. W. Confidon, of tUiw town. Neither of the huildin^H woro ipniied. Tho durnaqeH were uli^ht and covored by i^iHurancp. Tho valuable gold ring ijjvou away by Kov. Ft*. McGoo to tho youii( lady hoIIiu^ tho lurgOHt nuinbor of tickotn for tho Leo DEATH'S JHARVEST. nirs. Goo. fiarth. ' " AfUir u liugorloK illnenu of &boat nix mouth'u Uuratiou, death on Jed th aoffur- ingH of Mrs, Uno. Barih. yeuUrduy foro noon, at tho i^" of nixtythroo years. Tho duooanod HuaUiuud Borne Injurlim' (ram a fall In Novoinbor laat, from which nlio tiovor reoovored, lVXr'n, Burth w(i oti of the oldoni reHJ- dnlitii, and boat known peoplo of this towu, huvinti Hvod hero fov upwards of twenty yourH, Sim wax a faithful and uourdutont mum bnr of tho Motlioilint churoh of thin town. BoiiiduH her uyed hunbund, uh leavow to Micurn hor departure, a family of three duuf*htorc( viu. Mra. Tr D. McCroory. Khhox ; and Mrs. B. MiiVt of i'otroloii; and four houii, John and Willie, nf Indiana; TCdward, of l&otroit: and George, of Potroloa, Uhu ni ahio a nmtor of Jom. Townuoud, n old ruidout of thin place. Windsor's leading x House ! Tho ljara^ot, Bot Ijiuhtod and moHt moiliTri Moii'h Out fi'tn(i ' J^wtiibUuli. moiit iu the vsuat, Cor. Handwioh ut. and Ouollott*! avo.1 dirnotly oppose the T.'*erry., All Hfcront oarw ((top ut the door CO Tho peoplo of Ehhox will nyiupathizu moHt iwoeruly with Mr. John liato and hin Hmall family in thoir boroavotnont at tho untimely death of tho wife aud mother which ocoured on Thurtiday morning, ufiet a uhort but painful illnoim of about ton dayi*' duration. Mry. Bate wua taken ill in tho rurlv part of hint we.uk, of diphthoria, and nl- tUout>h everything that medical ultill mid home oaro could iiorform wan dono to /^ivo her relief from her euf'fami|,s her cano waH of nuch a iicriouH uaturo that her ro- oovory wan oonmderol very doubtful. A connultatiou of Ave tnedioul men wkh held ou Wediumday evening, but not muoh en- coura^omont wun ^iven, and her death ocoured at two o'clock on Thurtiday morn- inj;. Bho wiia iu tho ,18fch year pf hor atio, aMd leaven two Hmall ohildvon, a boy atfod abnut oipjht yearn aud (jirl a^od about hix yoarn, bcinden hor e;rio! titrickou him- band. Tho funeral wuh held vontorc'iiy nfter- nnou, and was uttendnd.by a larfje number of nympnthizinf' friotidti. CO CO fPfiliiiiisp yf<a Esaex Headquarters, for w y^y ^% "i Men's, Boys' & Children's I I I MPr \S Ready-to-wear Clothing-%J*Vf* r ^^1V JJaU'lNINO DID IT. I'll.. N.-it' XVi'ut UCiid Titll flaln .1 Vic- Wonderful Dramatio club concert, at Maidiitone, was won by Mifla Tho rami MoOonald, of Sandwich South. Jler returnn wore threo to ono compared with the oilier ludioH. A moo baby carriage, in fiood oondition for aule at a har(*uiu. Enquire at Finn-: Piibbh ol'lice. .Canned corn 7c a can at Srnith'H. ' Kingnvjllo Reportor : "X)r. and Wrn. Jouuor loft Wodaobday for JtlMnex, their now homo. Their removal from hero in regretted ou all mden. The. doctor in loavina tin oxcollent practice which he in turning over to Dr. MaKunzto, a very worthy HueoonHor. J3huox ia tho gainer and wo the loaor, thin time, out wo winh him uucoobn in bin new iKdd; tied if ability uud inteMnty count for.iuiythiue; h in nnro tOHUocood." ' J, W GibHQn for btoyolo aundrios, Next week Crawford, of Tilbury will at tioll Itoyul Canadian CJlothefl wrin^orn 82.25. Hia acquaintanufirt iu tliin looalicy will rog'*ot to I our n of the duath of DaviJ Hot cane, of B'ty City, and a eon of Mr. Bt-t- cone, of thin town, whioh ocourrod ou tho 21ht innt, Mr. Bctcone wan a' valued em ploye of the M. C. It. for Koveral yearn, mid wan buried by tho Masonic fraternity, of which ho wa a member. Bin death waw oaUHod by paralynia, Buporinduood by la grippe. He wan atjud about thirty.four yearn, aud leaven a wife and two ohildvon. Mr. and Mru. Thoruo.and Minn Botoono, of fclilH town, and A. Botcoiio, of Wulkorvillo, attsnded tho funeral. Our now ateol Horoon wiro .foi? door and window anr&ontj dovm nok.NUQ; when promiod. Lamn Bros. OriiWford'u prippu are long dlntanco magneto, drawing euatomorn who aro obliged ^oUkotwodflfys for tho trip, bat \\ pujut thiira. John in watdi tootin for waiiitii ut Bmith's. Another gunhor JiaH boon Htruck on Poleo Tnhiud by tho. Kiugnvillo-Peleo Gati and Oil Co. Oil wan ntruok at a depth of 780 feet, Beautiful ,hod-room imitii with hir^n bevel plate mirrorn aro ntill beinfj bold by Crawford of Tilbury for 89.50. The Queou'fl Birthday wan very qiiietly .nhnorved in town, moat of tho peoplo tak ing in tbo attractions at the neighboring towna. With children in tho houuo it inoHpocial- ly ueconHary to know how to romovo fltm boin'fi or anything olno that han lodged in the throat. The white of au ogtj will do thiri. ' GIBL WANTED to do general lioune- work, good wiifjmi and utoafly place, apply to AIna. Coi.l, Alli(!fj Kt. Fornythe, Amiornou & Co. have flt'ed up ono of tho old Allan ntorehotiHea an i wool warehoiiHO, and are open for any (|unnti'y of wool al. higlicnt pricoH, oanh or tritdo an dehired. Call at store. For tho pant few montlm Albort otreet reiiide'itu have been penterod with u nurt- h.r of unelena dogs owned by parties in that locality. Some of tho iuiinauctici will bu aliening if not taken ca:eof by the ownern. Bicyulcn, bitiycluH, bicycluM,. J, W. Gib- non. Moii'h hi'iivy working nhoefl worth 81.50 for 81 25 a pair, at Srnith'H. Tbo Leo Diamatio Club, of Maidntone. opened their now hall at Maiiintone GrouH by giving ouo of their excellent plays, en- -tUluil, "Tho Shamruck aiul Bene." Tbo hall wan crowded, wo might cay, innido and outnide. The largo number which were prudent, tlmroughly enjoyed" the playt Tho people of Windsor and Knaex have tho hearty thankn of the managera for tho mnut liberal manner in which they ron- [ioaded to help pay for the now hall. 1 lbn. ginger nuuph for afio at Smiths. j off eulo at, Sunth'n Friday and Satur day iu clothing;, hIiooh a nil hate. Lant Saturday afternoon excitement ran high in our town over a orosH dog, owned by Tboodoro SmUh, of Kingnyillo. Smith in a fifth peddlar who viiutH thin town about oti'ce a week, nolhug this muoh nought-for product. He aluo brings along with .him a dog to watch and help r-?ako Hale for bin iinh. When Smith wan leaving town on Saturday afternoon tho dog bit threo children on front ntreet. In a uhort time Conntablo Siaao way on tho war-path and collared the man before ho reached the HtiburbH. Smith wan brought buok, due:, team and all,to police magiiitratoBeaman'n oflico, where a ehariro awaited him for aelliug ntale fioh unfit for human con. unmption. Tho oane, on. uoQOiint of being ho lato in the day, wan adjourned until Tuesday, 20th inut., when ho appeared and plaaded guilty of the charge. lie wan fined, including coetn, 85.2G. Tho dog wuh ordered to bo killed, but owinj; to the unntoady aim on tho part of the oonbtablo tho doc,merely gat a alight Horatoh ou tho nock. WANTED 100 o.ordti 4 foot'.wood, at onoo. Apply to Jan. Iliokn, Biinpi, ob^ir- man Firo, Water and Light Committee, Foraythe, Auderiiou & Co. want a large qnantlty of wool and will pay the cwtnido prfco for ijame i(jh, lmmamte ofltaWtidiuadn*; *ho la>g*yfc vo- tail nArdwiLvo and furnih.ire nttire, ih Oan- ada,eoutaiuiflg oviw l:t,ft()0 nqn-iro font of flfiOr upaeo, \& Ova'ufforA'Ui at Tilbavy. ' About i-lovim o'clock on ' rfediienday night, tlii cry ef fno. rami through the ntrtetn. A few j eoi-h.' lizard it bur an tho omoinl nlaiin wio* not fdv.-n. not much at. tention wa-i pai-l to it. It [jrovtd however, that the ih'W ir.]l houf at. the went end wan being cuimumud, it in naid h a visit- ation of the powuru that be, by the devour ing olement. The ogony wan not long drawn out, and no regretH are roeordutl. Various oioiiioiiH aro ha'/nrded, aK' lo tho origin of the blnsto, but all good people unite in Having it wan "struck by light ning." Othor dark hintM are afloat, but but they are libelous, nnd it in danero\ifi to repeat them, MAKES POSSIBLE Xiknn'mnh At Cioidicld South, ouThurfiday' May '21. to Mr. uno Mrn. John LennoiiH' a daughter. , Kanr At Maidntone, on 'Friday. May 'l'lt to Mr. and Mm.'Bernard Kane, a hou. Duuoc At Tociimwoh, ou Saturday,' May 2:i, to Mr. and Mm. Paul JJnroc^ a daughtor. Buying. AR^iKCE IjKi; At Evhox, May 2iV.li, "Jf>, bv Kev. M. P. Campb-ll Mr. David Loo ro Mihb noHfiman, both of Ehhox county. Howk By tho Rev. A. h. Bov. urly, at W. D. Beatnan'n renidonuo nn Talbot ntreot, on Wedm-Hihiy, May 20* J, B. Howe, <-f GoHlhdd South, to Minn ilcTjeod, of Gonlicld North. cr- "r^:;^^*^: Batk : At Ehhcx, on Thurnday. May 28,, lH'.hi, Klleu Jane, beloved wife of John Bate, aafud 37 years, l mouths, 18 dayn. Waoneu At KhKex. on Huuday. May 2-i, tho infant hou uf Mr. and Mm. Lewm Wagner, nged IB inontliH, Tho Juno number of tho Delmoator, which in called the hummer number, oon- tahiH a clmieo reprcnentation of bho reign nig tnodeii nod myteriah), and iu addition a ypMcial article on wedding attire and fjuatouiH. Mm. Wiihernpoon'u ten. table chut iu thin month especially intorcnting. Carolyn Halated'H ontertaining dencinp- tion of tho nociety of Colonial Damon in aeeou.pamed by portraitn of norao of tho offieern of that ordo:, Tho fourth pnpor by Mary Cudwaladur Juuoq in fully an intereating an itn predeueuHura. Mra. Charloa. Spraguo Smith tolln about ilhlH- trating an a profeiinion for women, and "Frunooa Leodn" oontmuon her expooi- tion of household decoration by doueribiug tbo doing over of a ccmmonplaoo parlor into a bluo-and-ivory boudoir. Bnpooially attractive to women in tho firut of a nerieH of talk a on beauty by Dr. F. J. Lo.viunar, who treatd of tho caro and treatment of fihu uluu: Of like praotical utility in tho thirJ ana lant paper ou the "u'aro of tooth, by a. wolhknown Now York deutmt, and Mm. Bubhaimn'u uontrlbu- tion on improved mothodti of houeohold iiimitation, Emma Haywood'n illnuLratioon aud deiicriptionfl of occloniuntioal enibroid- ery avid fancy HtitoheH, a ohaptor on HoaHonahle cookery, noticon of now booltB, aud tbo latent ido-iH in knitting, laoo making and orooheting are awrfpuu ^ths other featurfctt. of thm number of tba Doliuoator. Addrotiu eommntiiaatiiauB to tho Bolin- oatpr- tfobJisbuiM Co., of Toronto, Ltd., 39 Riqhutoiid Bt. Weat, Torooto, Oni., or. tho laoitl a^ftut for the fentiariok uoitiirnd. Bubfleription 'ptioo of tb* DoliiiButor, ^'1.00 par ybar, oa? ISa'pfty siualo oopy. Our anion during April forty per cent, higher than . (tamo month lant year, Wonderful iucroane. We received thin week, and have bought to arrive, two earn each of Benchville Limo, _Blacksmith Coal. Binder Twine. One oar eacli of Sewer Pipe, Thorolcl Cement, Portland Cement, Drain Tile, New brunewick Plaster, Fencing Wire, Well Tubing, Gas Pipe, bar wiro Naila and Horse &hoes, House Furniturej and in addition thousands of pounds of general Hardware, wall Paper, win dow 'blinda,. etc. ^ Wu buy for Hpot canli. We buy at leant ton per cent. below market. 10 pf-r cent, made in thin way in bettor thim 20 per cent, ovor the counter. Theno aro a fow of tbo ruanoiiH wliv we can nell goodn at very low prieeu and make money. fcS-TnB.LARGEST RETAIL HARDWARE and FURNITURE oTOREj IN CANADA. jC ILBU It Y fifrnn*i*ni ARKETJ5 Wheat red por bufdiel .,. .ft (if> to 05 Wheat; white" .... 05 Corn .... 20 Oatu .... 18 to 18 Timothy Seed .... 3 00 Clover Seed .... 1 50Jto 1 GO Ahiike .... I 00 Hay por tou............ 1) 00 to 10 00 4 (SO to 5 00 Pork Live woight........ 3 '251.0 3 25 Mutton ............ G 00 to o00 r.lulen ,,,,........ UOO Chickonn por lb.......... 7 8 10 10 Lard .......... . 8 8 Kijfja, por doz ......r *. 8 Potatooo, per boohed .... 20 to 20 Onionn .... 70 to 75 Applen .... 1 aoto 1 00 Tumirii .... iCto 25 Cnrrotn ..*. 10 RflBtH .... 60 Pnvfltiipo .... , 30 Tarkeyn per lb.......... ' , fl.to 3 Duokit .......... 7 Cnh^'Y perjdo^i .......... 1 00 Onbbngo........., 26 r'j "We must reduce our Stock of Ready* made CLOTHING- during the next 30 days. Having too large a Stock for ur limited space jneans a loss to us."' OurlLoss is Your Gain. r < r A I MEN'S GOOD SERGE SUITS reduced from $5.00to 3,1 all *'vMm from !h Lo 12 ; all-wool Twoad Suits, regular price , now $4.50 ;g JJH and 9 line for $(J.00; " $11), M and SlB. nowSll.OO * Special lines fov Young Men at Prices tlmtgHiiib the timoB, In Children9^ axid Boys* Lines We liuvo a Grand AurUU'tmcnt; we can givo lino anits for 75cfcs. yi, SI.25, $1.50 and-ga. A Job Lot of 50 Suits at lmll'pricG a sample,lot ant] fine all-w.iol goods. . 2.50 Ime for l;2o; JJ.'J line for 1.50 ; $1 lino for $2 ; 5 lino for 9.CO. You should hoc thorn, they are the snap of tho ecnsoa igiiest Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce. n 7i i A -fc; Whitney Block, Essex, A F.STYLE5 >-v v? Ih what can be obtaiue'd at our establishment, Duns tan Blk4 Our work is the best, our de* signs are upto-duie and our prices very low. We are the oiVy .store in town handling '.Pweeds of Clyde Mills, best ha Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50o to SI un pair of pants and $2 to 84 on a suit; we have also _a splendid.line of fnney colored Worsteds, v^ry reasonable in price. We inuite-you to in spect our froods before buying That old Bugger Should bo tripluc d '>y ioy. X. , liavo n. iiioo iiHHufi.iLii'ti'. ou hmid to (diiiOHrj.from. EIIvmm Waller Jk Hon* Mx*U* U?v+vt No. Ittyo, t0K bukU .... U + X Oatu ' cWtod ,U0 .., wh' bote GET IT RENOVATED Tf yoti^c'o o- wnjit. *o Amy a inow own. I linvo a ilrtiUcltwu puiotef and ' trimmer, oiin uufir^utiuo ;.ou work ('q'lul to tho boat oE bho oity uhopy add all uudor my owi|^:', ovviuiou.: j** fclack>riii:i?nei and General Jobbing; M Wu uvji pt>t'foil kit do a'l liin.tu of Vr6n work in tbo Hatt oi repairing, horBefjhoeiu tui*l (>*uoftl joV)t),jigt on tilitf idioctcfit Dii6f- Oal andeeo me. . . "?& -^BaH^X, OKX. r.-..H?Srt mL^JS0k&