Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 29, 1896, page 3

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f?!^!??P-^F^?^P^ iCHE JBSSKX JS33JBJB ,;E33J5SSl CURED BY TAKING AYER'S 1 Ila Free from Eruptions na over they were. My IhhIiiohh, which 1h th:it or it eab-drlver, requires mo to be out in cold awl wet weather, often without j;Iove.H. but the trouble liaa nevor relumed." -Thomah A. Joiinu, Stratford, Out. Ajer'si^Sarsapariila Adrrdttnd tit tho World's l'nlr. *.. II I AVer's Wills detinue the liotvcltt. POWDERS CttN.jtfOJV HEADACHE and NrtttlgU la mo MIMUTM0J, alto* Coated ToiiKUa. D)**i- **; niIJouuB84 1**1 n in the Side, Counttpadon, Torpid Live*. UktMUcearii. . to stay curad alio CefluUto tho bOWdl*. VMft*' MOM TO YAK** *Phiom MS OMU-tm ay tDHUa Mro**m," FOREIGN MISSIONS. *h Prenhytirlaii Committee Receive it** portu mid Ulfiuum Koine Important Ques tion it. Toronto, May 21. Tho Foreign Mis- clou Committee of thn Presbyterian Church In Cnnadn mot on Tuouday and Wednesday, In tho hoard roonao of tho aociety. In tho Confederation Life build- bag. Mr. Hnraliton CushcIh wan the con venor of thn meeting. Tho work In the different missions conducted In . China, Central India a*id among tho ChlnoKo and Indiana' In Canada woa paused In re view. The roportfi submitted Indicated that thov* U much energetic wcwk bolne* done by the rnltmlouarloo laboring in tho various flelda. Soveral new ralsslonaricfi wero appointed, who will toko up their dutica In tho fall of fchla year. Tho matter of polygamy among tho Chinese convert* wan disc us nod At great length, but tho coznmlttoo could enmo to no dcifilon. It will bo referred back to tho Presb'ytory of Honan, with lnetruc- Monn to dcul with specific caijeii as clr- ouiafltances demand. The books of tho Rocioty were closed on the JlQth Qf April hint and nhowed a deficit of $8,7H4,8i; To meet this it has been arranged to hold special collections lo ninny of tho churches on tho 24fch and Slat of this month. IN RAILWAY CIRCLES. A Now Appointment by tho Grand Trunk SirClmrlnn Klvoru WUhoii'h Movements Kuilwuy Npwb. Toronto, May 2U. Mr. J. IT. Hanna, formerly traveling agent of tho Grand Trunk, has been promoted to thopogitUm of Awiatant Foreign Froight Agent of tho Grand Trunk System. Mr. Hunna will have h\n headquarters In Toronto, whoro ho iH'weli kuovvn. He bas boon for a number of yearn in tho employ of tho Grand Trunk. Sir Ghiirh'tf River* Wilson, Prooldcnt of the Grand Trunk, is expected to re main in thlH country for norae six weeks yet. At. present- Sir Chalreo is inspecting the eastern portion of tho rond, but it is understood that when ho oomoH weflt ho will make a stay in Toronto. Under tho prcnont arrangement, Sir Charles will sail for England about July 18. Rlr WVC.Vau Home, President of the Canadian Piiclilc Railway, haw notified |he c-onunitteo of the Joint Traffic- AhkooI- """"atlon that the Cunadian Pacific will he- eomo a member of that urpnnizntlou. Ho and Mr. Shnuflhucssy, tho Vlee -President of tho rood, aro now on tho way bark from a trip to tho Pacific coast, and aro expected In Montreal next week. A SLICK BANK BURGLAR. J*' Count" Max SMnbtirn, but Ho Will Dn Four Y*Mirn Now. Albany, N. Y.( May 11. "Count" Mait.Shlnnurn, one of the, daring bank burglarfl, and who during his career Ii'or dtolon upwards of flvo mllllonK of dollars from tlio banks of tlds omintry and Europe, was to-day convicted on the cba'rgo of burglary in the Hocoud de^roe In bnuiklnfl into thoMiddleburgNutlonal Bank. Schoharie County, and was fien- tonood to four years and eight months in Pannomora. A sheriff from Now Hamp shire was at Soiinhatio all during tho trial, and was ready with papers to ar rest Bhlnburn in ease tho jury nhould ao quit him on the Mlddloburg elmrgu. The Oun ItU-Iu-d Vlolontly. Stratford May 21. -A peculiar and possibly fatal accident occurred last even ing In tho Township of Downio, near hci*o. William Kolly was shooting at a mark with a- double-barrelled gun,which, being overcharged, kleked violently and was thrown over Kolly't) shoulder. In tlio act tho Rocond 'barrel was diKcbnrgod, shooting his brother, Michael Kolly, and John Welsh, who woro behind him. Over a hundred shots ontcrod Kully'H breast and abdomen, while Wclnh received some In tho face, the mont RcrloiiH being ono In hla eyo- Tho ultimate rosujb of their Injuries ifl problomatloal, none of the hot bavins beea removed mi yet TOPICS OF A WEEK. Tl"*" llitl'Of'tMn* Rvxtitaln r l"w Wm<l IToir UllHy RoadI'*. CAKA1HAK. Thn Mount Forest wntorworkii by-lav/ lor 84|B0O .wns voted down. The Hod Hlvcr at Wlnnlpn^ luw cached Us highest point In ymii-s. Tlio British warships Cordollu and Mo hawk have arrived at Mow/outadhiml. It Is now propoBcd. to build an elootrlo road from Hamilton to Alberfcon, through AneaHtnr. Dr. Maolntyro, principal of tho Prosby- trrlan JUidles' Cgllege, Toronto, <LU*1 B'rl- dy afternoon. Arobbluhop O'Brien, of Hallfnt, hw bcMtn elotcd prtuddant of tho Royal iooUey of Canada. #U>W DuMoultn will In all probability ^fl'**oriU*A'ib-6t. Jmmtta* CnHwidBeL Toronto, on Juno 11th. T$ie oorner iBtona of tfiottew ColleglnU Intittute and Mornml ttohool, Humllton, Will belaid Jnim 20th. 1 Of tho potential voting ntronsfth of thld rupiry 19,000,000 aro of native and 000,000 of foreign birth. tie. W*c4*H Club of KlneitouwlU ! meruprWLjKrvloo in Honor of the 4*44 'ahleltatn on June Rth. ]De. Wtu. McK. Jona, principal medl- ?1 ofllcor of tho quarantine elation at unaouvw Island, Is deiid. The BxooutWe of the Outiirlo Alliance huM deoldcd. to call u general convention n/ Prohibitioniite on July 16 aud 17.In Toiroaeo. Kobr4 Armebvobtf, n labour, died In 4fee heidWl t OUawa ua tho retiult of lajurloii he >doived by falllug from a Hoaffoldlntt. Uy. John IRoea Xlobertdon, proprietor of The Evening Telegram, has. avc^ptcd the aondnatdon for JKast Toronto In the lntoveefc of the MoC.artliylU's. Uv. Quorgo Buuett, of ICden, niujr Tlb>onbr;, was kllUvl while onK'igud In epUHine; Atumci, by being ..caught In an openUfi wkloh oloeed on him. I>i-CoI, Maodonnld, oomnaouding the dkiiph (tAVrleen UntUrj, 1 about to kljr,if*vy Ut yoaruv aervioe^. Ete will bo Moe*4*d,. it Is wild, by Col. Nloo 11, JTamcs Bulytur, mfitd'i0, Waa nentoncod ai Kington to thnso yoars In tho re formatory. Shortly after being nontcneed he etenpod, and haa not yet boon re- DRptuyed. Tlio luwoKinont of' Toronto Junction himbucn reduoed to \ttta than $2,000,000, a total which would rcquiro a rato of 4ti mills In tho dollar to moot tho expected UaUUtlo. Mr. Thomaa Fred ' S. Klrkpatriok, brothor of the Lioutonnnt-Govornor of OnUelo, who was in tho Civil tierlvce for the past twenty-three years, died in Ottawa Thursday morning. Jl verdlot of munulaughter wan r- turnod btat night by a coroner's jury against Mr. Costello, Toronto, in coc- octlon with tho death of an Infant on hor "baby farm" last Saturday. Lieutenant-Governor Chaplcau has ro- eelvod oilleial notification from tho Gov- ernor-Gouerul of tho honor conforrod upon him by hor Majesty, JJ.U Honor will henoeforth be known as Sir Adolpho Chaploau. C. S. Scott, liquidator of tho D. R Diwoy Coal Co, roeoveroxl judgment in his suit against \V. IL Dewey and Jt. A. E. Kennedy, of tho Times, to recover a largo amount alleged to have been paid by the company to eatlsfy debts. Mows has juflt corao of a brutal lynch ing outrage which took placo on Wednes day ultfht in the towmhip of Wllmot, about ten miles from Waterloo. A"mar-' rlod woman was doooyod from hor homo by a falao mesHnp;*, seised by four dls- . gutned men,, stripped, boaten, tnrrod, and ridden on a roll. Two armstfl havo been madn In connection with tho affair. Tho joint annual mooting of the Royal Canadian Humane Association and the Toronto Humane Society was hold In tho Toronto Art gallery Friday evening, Tho'various annunl reports of tho two soolotles wore read, and approved, and a number of medals and parchments for heroic doeds presented.. Constable James Tinaley, of Droclcvtllc, was awarded tho Sanford gold modal. CNITKD HTATES. Brooklyn has 11,884 more pupil* in her Bohools than a year ago. Tho Hessian Hy in doHtroylng the wheat crop in parts of Michigan. Thn strike among tho sblp-bwllders at Cleveland, Ohio, has ended. There wero -10 more? divorces than Uioro'wero weddings in Fresno, Cal., hint year. Specials from various points in Ktinwis bring dotnllH of disasters by eyoloncu on Tuesday night. Chaplain O, C. McCabo watt elected bishop by the M. E. ennferonco at Clovo- Irind on the 10th ballot. With tho exception of William Henry HarriHOii, all presidents of tho United States havo had bluo eyos. Over 0W pur cent, of tho immigrants who come to this country sottlo In tho north, west and northwest. One large paper mill In Berlin, N. H., makes 80,000 feet of lumber into paper daily, or 115,000,000 every year. The aweflsorH OKtlnmtn tho taxable property at Brooklyn to bo worth (1510,- 14n.ll!>, and the public doht is S-il),7rtl,000. Tho saloonkeepers of Atlanta, Gil, have been asking tho City Council to raiso their license fee from 8160 to $500. It In bel lovoil - that - a -pear- - tree ut-Clln-- ton, Conn., reputed to bo 3110 years old, Is the oldest fruit tree in New England. Prince Michael, the notorlnus Flying Roller, completed his five years' sentonoo in Jackson, Mich.7 prison on Thursday last. Riohan-Young Ih tho pleasingly mig- gestlvo combination of tho mimes of a oonplo married In Camden, Mo.', a few days ago. Congressman Gillett advortlfltis In tlio Springfield Republican that he hi pre pared to'furnish garden, .seeds, to his eon- fltituontsj Recent Htatintii 0 flhow that tho inoroaso of divorces exceeds In porcontago tho in crease of.population In nearly .all of tho United fftates. lio-w Humpuhiro Iiilh (ii),|!ill mill and. factory^ bands, wlioso labors produce Bcory yonr #80,770,5-18 worth of maimfaa- turod gocls. Tho Kaijt StvQudRburg, Pa. tSoIiooHJoard Is considering absolutionrocontlyoffered prohibiting glr^ grmluates from wearing elaborate and costly dreasefi on oo- ejaWnocment dey*. "' , A Huge offg-.hnke waff wltneeeed rooent- ly In Ovid, Midhn.A wufehouite took fire, uud.ln l!t were 72,000 eggs, "all ol "whloh Wero baked liard. ,,. ..Tho foreign Immigration-1 to tlnlti^l r^tati'S for thn Inst year wh tho Riiufllest since 1B70. The total nundwr of ar rivals wan UuH.BuO. Tho city Mm lis of San Franoluen com prise forty-two and ono llfth sijuaromlleit, nnd He population at the luifflunlug of t80B Was estimated at IluO.OOQ. . A vein of salt 110 feet thick, tlio richest In tho world, has boon dlunovorwl under the town of Little River, Rico county, Kans. The voln Is BOO foot down. Thoro Wore over 160 nuloidos in Nw York last year, and of this number H per cent, were foreign born, and all but about fifteen Were of the laboring alarmcA, Preeldont Cleveland ha* nlgnod tho Ac* to authorize; the construction of a bridge, over tho Niagara river from LewUtou, N. Y., to Quocflton, Out. By the explosion of tho gasoline stove In Chicago on Sunday four membrs of family named Malln were killed, and tk Ufth go badly burned that death Iff almost ootaln. , . Ait tho result of nn Investigation, It luul bf*n aecertalncd that onothlrd of tho obUdrcn of one of tlio principal gram- knar schools In Chicago had. never soon a Uvo sheep or hog. Congrefls agreed to tho CorllitH amend ment Jo tho United Etutcs Iniuilgrtttlon Hill, Whloh renders all ooutraots With aliens to perform labor In tho United State* null and void. Grace Scbloenbeok, a Chicago girl of fourteen, twlcn attempted suicide in tho lagoon In .Taokturn's park because her mother gave her a severe whipping and turned her out of doors. A Brooklyn preacher ban dUcaverod that Christ prophesied the Rnontgon rayff in theso wordsi "There Is nothing cov ered that ihall not bo revoaled, and hid that shall not bo known." A recent expert estimate of thn extent of tho anthracite coal fluldu In the United Stated places their contents ut 11,031,400,- OoO ton*. Tho annual production avoragod 10,000,000 twin, at which rate tho abp- ply. would last some 205 years. Women huntlod around In East Liver pool, Ohio, in carriages, and got out fi.400 fvmale votes. All" tho members of the Sobool Board who had voted to din- on&vtfe teacher ii who read the Blblo In Bobool Were dofeated. Dean Hoffman, of New York city, has endowed a room In St. Luke'* Hospital- for the uso of tne clergy. The endowment will amount to $20,000, and the room.lfl- t6 bo appropriated to the uso of sick or Injured clergymen forevwr. In tho United States house of ropre- unntatlves on Friday a resolution wan In troduced proYldlng that If no invitation bo rocuived by the United Status within six months to send representatives to an International congress to consider bimet allism, then X'resldent Clevohmd Is to extend to other nations nn Invitation to a congress toljo'Tieltrift Washington next year. FOItKIGN, Alexandria, Egypt, had 11} deaths from oholera yestenhiy. It Is stated that tho Mikado contem plates a tour of Europe and America. The Princo of Wales will vislt'Willalm Waldorf Astor at Cllvedon next month. Tho report that the Cuban Insurgents aro using explosive bullots is confirmed. Doaths from eholora aro reported at Cairo among tho Egyptian troopn at Tourab. Mr. Charles Dickens, tho yon of tho celebrated uovolist, who has been serious ly 111, Is now out of danger. Sir John MUlnls is Buffering from cancer of the throat, nnd It is feared that tho recent operation was not successful. Sir Hercutes Robinson, Governor of Capo Colony, and blr Graham Bowor, Imperial Secretary, havo sailed for Eng land. Warlike rumors aro prevalent In Samoa, whero the rebel cblofn have cor dially received a German warship, caus ing uncuBlnosu. Tho Albanians havo petitioned tho Porto for reforms, and If these aro ro- fused, they Intend to revolt to regain their former liberties. Dr. Ijangbflejd's antl-mlcr-obieon has been Introduced into several German hospitals, with the best possible results, In tho treatment of consumption. Tho Irish National party have decided t call a national convention of repro- Kcntjvtivo Irlshmon from all parts of tho world to meet In Dulbln in-September. The British, French, and Russian Em- bafltdcfi at Constantinople havo each re ceived cheques for ten thousand pounds as indemnity for tho outrages at Jcddah In May last. Tho shock of bis fathor's^rteath has had a bud effect upon Archduke Francis Fer dinand,and bo will probably bo too weak to attend tho funeral of tho Archduke CharlCH Louis. Tho news from of tho gravest oharacter. Tlio Turkish troops In tho difitriet of Sphakla are Hurrounded by Inaurgents, nnd the luttor are being aided by tho inhabitants. Tho dress in which tho Duohnss of Marlborough was presented Is said to havo cost two thousand pounds, white tho jewels which she wore exceeded ton thousand pounds In value. Two of tho liberated .lohannosberg Roforin prisoners wero unable to pay tbolr lines, and the Bunders forthwith fiubscrlbcd the amount, Mr, Barnoy Bar-. nato bonding the list With a largo amount. Tho British Houso of Commons fiat all night on .-tho *ratings hill. Several-----Opposition-----members- wero "named" by Mr. Speakor, on the ground of disobeying the rules, and on motion suspendud from the House. Mr. Chamberlain, tho Secretary of Ktato for tho Colonics, presided last night "at tho South African annual dinner. In hlfl nddresH ho expressed rogrot at tho small- progresH which had been mndo towards thn reconciliation of tho Dutch nnd English In South Afrl'oa. Tho inhabitants of Moscow aro said to bo most extortionate in tholr cluirgos for accommodation, .and It)' Is oaloulatod that it will cost thn London dally papora who Imvo a representatives In that city from ono to three thousand pounds for their Moscow oxpuiifies alone, nob to speak of tho heavy telegraphic tolls. Tho high wheel In Earl's Court, Lon don, England, crowded with men, wom en and ohlldren^- refused to. rovolvo ohortly after eight o'clock on Thursday evening, and the occupants of tho high oompartmenta, three hundred feet above th ground, Were Imprisoned until noon Frblay, when they Were rescued from their perch among the cloud*. tWA.. Wmr* A LIEE SAVED ,*\ CHERRY PECTORAL "Several yoaM a(to, I cauifht n severe rohl, attutidod wftli u terrible eotifclrtlmt allowed me, either .day or nltdit. The doe- tors prouoiinenil my eae hoi'iJi'HH. A friend, learning of my trouble, sent me a bottle of Aver's Cherry Pectoral, by the time I had UJiud tho whole bottle, T was completely "un'd, and 1 bisllnvti It .iavd my life." W. H. W^luij, 8 Qulmby Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIghwit Awartla at "World'w iTalr. AVo*"a J'UU the Xtast J'uMlly 1'hytlo FOR tTWENTY-SlX YEARS, THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LAHGEST SAUC IN CANADA. ESSEX Holler Mills* JAMKB NAYLOIl *.aUon thifl opportunity of announcing . cno people cf tun Town and Cojaiity of Kiinine, thntho hnii roinodolvd thoEu- Boxltollor MHIh socordlnrr to plans preparodby It. K. ?rieo, St. Thorn an, and linn alno noourod tho uorvJcoB of-WomaiT BTnAcjiAN, an oxpcrl- onond tuid thorongbly competent millor. ThaiiklutJ thn pooplo of tlio town and county for,tho patronnnQ botitowod upon blm In tbe oust, will cunrftiitoo (mtiafaotlon in thn faturo Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. TnK BEST GIUDKR OF FLOUR, F13I5DAND CORNUFArj KEPT IN BTOOK AND BOLD AT ItlGHT rnioEB. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, - Ontario. THIfl large and commodloas Uoueo but) boon thoroughly paintod and roplonlBhod wlthnuw furniture by prosont prop riot re nil, I.AUOB RXnN IN OONMliCTIOK. Firnt-Olaiiu Accomochition Guaranteed. MliB. C. WILKINSON, Prop riot re hii. XVt A TWThr^'CTfc Loe' nnd Travollua W A.J3I XXjU Balenmon to bandlo our Flurry ijanauian Grown Nurcory Btoalc, Wo sumanteo iiatinfuctlon to ropronoutatlvoa and cui,camera. Cur nnruorion are tbo lart-ont in tho Doiiilnlou, over 700 acres. No aubfltitutlon in ordors. Kxcluulvo territory and liboraltormn to wbolo or part tlmo nrjontn. Writd mi. BTONK & WELLINGTON, (Head ofllco) Toronto, Ont, (Tbo ooly nurcory in Canada having touting orcbardii.) 4*-3ra fSuite. ^uits. OUR SPRING STOCKS Iq now oomploto and no bettor appoint* moot in tho county. Scotch Tweed Suits, Canadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits, Madejto'ordor ab J. M, gpflfJ, South Wooslee. Money to Loan On Rood prodnotivo Form Proporty at 5.1. & G per aent. iitrai^bt. No Valuation Feos. <;>-* kSifGonvoyanotrifi Dono up in Noat Style Flro and Life nsurance- A.;. LOVELACE, ESSICX, ON7 -'"'\> church directory . V RTuoitin'i . Dr. l*iioo(f, PB^r, Hurvioc f,ry Hojiituy nl II a. ui-niul 7 i . in. huhbutl. Boluwil at0:30p. in. O, ICNuylor, il- ohool. I'.puoibb t*-..v,\iu pruy rtnevLlin Tn* dtiy tvAiiliii. Hi * "'chici.. '.ciiu.ul piuyt'i m-- tii.cou Thuuln.y uVtilillii;........... Ciiuhoh ov KwoiciND Hov. AJj.Iiovorly, in oambcut, Bt. Tuulu, Kbox. I>Wiunorvl0fl DVary Kitiiday lit 1 o'dliwk, p. in Holiday Bohool at 10 *. m. iVlnltv Church, North UUim- Hun day Hoheol at l.iSp. m, U'ho publlu. aro eor- lially lnvitod. P'aKHHvrieafiM.-W.M.l'londntf, PaMter'HoV vlaoH on (tubbiitli tit 11 u, m. and 7 .110 p. tn, Hah buth Bohool nt'2:lju p. m. X'reyer tmatluif and t'tiHtor'H hlblti ahmu en 'luoHiuiy utY.^0 p. in. Heel id Union on Wodiiodnv itt p. iurnt iliiuuoK. itov.W, I1. Oamphell, Pai- tor. ^2 vlemi oimh Habbuth itt 11 u. m. Ktid 7 p. in. Grayer iiiuothitf on Wuduuuduy ovouluu at 0 o'olook, Bantu fron. All hyo cordially Wol* aomud. UOUM Oi.THOLio,-EwH)tf-Kr. 0. K. Mo(lo( l>stor. Beridm. ovory othnr Buuday p. tn. Handay Heboolatup.m. MiumowB. lllith maul add sermon at 10.110 a* Ui euluohUm at 'i p. tn , bniitlHin itt :i p>. in., veepBre imd twinudlotlun at 7 p. ui. 0. E, Mo* OOI!, 1*. l'. Halvatiom Aiiuv.-T. U. UoLuod, Citptuln. Halv'ittloti inoutlnuM on Wudneuduy, Thuradny and Bunday vonbiKi; ^'roo aud Kaiiy, Haturday uvunlnu audit p.m. bunduyf-IIolhiOHU nioetln^a for ahrlntlanal'Viilay oveiuntiaud 11 a. m. Bun- day; Knee Drill 7 a.;m, ovory Humbiy. All aro weloouie. LEGAL, (7* A. WIBMEll, iJarrlntor, Bolloltor, Notar rJ IMibUoAo, _ Money to loan. omceH.Dui' (dan Fllook, up-ntaira, Knimx. 4-lV JL. I'ETEKB IlarrUter, Bolloltor. Not to 1'ublio Monoy to Loan. Ofiloe ov< Htruthorn' Ilanlc. Ehuax Contro. CLAIllCK, IUKTLiKT St. UAHTLET, KtivM torn, ota. OiUoeu, Mcdbury block, Wlndi oi Private lutidu to loan. A. H. Cwiiub, L. L. n. N. A. BiaxxjiiT A. II. lUilTLIST, D. A. HENRY C. WALTEItR,L.L.I3.t Attorney and Coutiiialor jat luw, Bolloltor In Ghaiiaorv, Proctor la Admiralty, I'atout Bollcltor, with Atltlnnou J; HalghfeS Oou({toHD nt Jwoat, Dotrolt, Mich. (Canadian oluimii ai'alnat poviionu In the United btatoflcnlloctud.) lloforoiicoiit Inijuitlal Hunk, Kmiox.Ont, J. h. Pnturu, Kq., liarrliitor, etc., Knuex, Out E.A. VVIfiinor, En<|.. Uarrlntcr, ote., Kmiox, Ont D MEDICAL. RB. DRIKN 8c lUUENr " Jan. Rrlon. M. D., Ii. R C. P. B., Kradtiato of Qutun'u Univornlty, ICluuoton, inambor of Col- l((o of PbyitloianH and Burffoonn.Ohtarle. Grad uate of Now Vorlc. lont Qraduato Mcdtoal Col- Iokb. J, W. Bvlen. M. D., C. M V. T. M. C. Ilonor ((raduate of Trinity Modi oat Collofjn, Honor oraduatoof Trinity Unlvoruity. Momborof the Collofie of PhyBlnianii and Bumooim, Out. Grad- aato of how York. Pont ttraduato Uodlcal Collo(i. Oftlcflovor Eiiiiox Modloal Hall drutt atoro^ Coimultatiun rooinii, bath on ([roimdlloor ami first Hat above. Telephone In both ollloo and roiddonco. All calln attondod to from oftlco, driif; utoro, or reiiidenoo. itoiiidoiico, Talbot jitruut, front of fair nronnda. B RB. DEWAR & MoKENXIE. F.A.DKWAH, M.D.C.M..F.T.M.S. Honor Qnulu- ato Trinity Uuivuraity. Monibor CoIIobo Phyi iolanu and Burneonn, Out. Itonidonec. Talbo Bt. Kant. G. McKknzik, M. D. C. M-, Coronor, Now York font Qraduato, Fallow Trlnltj Modical Collofto. Graduate Trinity Unlvorulty Reiiidtmcu: Talliot titroot, wont of M. C, It. Ollicobourn ft to i a. w.t 1 to 3 and otoH p. m Ofnoo in linpiirinl block, tiro mid door, next to Thoniw'BdriiH atoro. Tolonhouoin connootlou with ollico and rcui- donco. Ordors loft irt Thorco'a druct otoro will b* promptly attendod to. DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, D. D. B., t. D. B. Graduate In Dontlntry, Royal Collofie of Diiutiil BurRoocf], Ontario, and univornlty of Toronto Cbareoii.inodorato, Othoo, over 13rlon it Cor dniB a tore. 18-lv VET^UIAttY^ WH. RICHARDSON, VKVEHINARY HUR OEON. Honorary (rraduato of Ontario Veterinary CoIIoro, Toronto; monibor of On tario Vctorlnary Medical Booioty; Dlplomifit in Dontlntry; trotitu alt dlnonnon of domoatioatod anlmalo; cutflo dohornod by tbo tutoiit improvod Loavitt ollppor telephono or tolo- uraph promptly attended to. Roaldouco.tbifco dooraoiiiit of fjrlntriilll; offieo in pont offion bulldiUL'; inflrmary. directly oppoaito, LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES S. LAIRD, Provincial Land Burvoyoi and County ISunincor, Enoox Contro, Ont Ofiloe, Dunatan Block, upataira. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY HEDRICK, Auctionoor. SaloB . promptly attended to. Addrowi Bouth Woodnloo, Ont. Poroonu deolrlng to noouro mo may leave word at tbo Pkibk rnnp ofllco. * tf EhvHEDIlIOR D SINCLAIR, LICF.NBED AUCTIONEER for tbo County of Etiaox. BailiiTof liii^htb Divlnloa Court. All Idndii of Farm and otbor flalon couduoted prbmiitly. Raton rna;onu.blo and furnished on amplication. Enquirorn may apply at W. D. Boaman'n oflloo, or at tho ofllco of Dlvinlon Court Clerk,Mr; John Mllno. JOHN GOIIMLEY, LIOH1N8ED AUCTIONEER for tho County of Entioit. All kind b of farm otock aaloa, etc., oouduotud promptly aud on short notice, Rnton romionablo. PornoEB donirablo to urrawfto ynlou raay dono by oallinfiat tho Fnuis Pjikbh oflloo or by applying to 411 J.GORMLEY, P. O. Box 1M iisnox, Out. IT^RAUK MoOLOBKEY, Maidntono, ttairty- . novon yoaru' oxporionco an an auctionoor in tbo Oountv Af Khbox. Salon uonductod promptly, and on ro'aflonabie tin-niu. PartlcB doflirinfi to flx tho date for a Halo can save thomBOlvop a drl^o by oalllnR at tbo Vniu Piubbh oflico. Wo havo ananaod with Mr. MoOlonkoy and will flx the tlaton for Baloa by tolograpb,entirely froo of all obarfio to tbo noroon holdins tho ualo. Ad- droaa Frank MoOIonkoy.MaldDtono CroBB, Ont, 1UB BAKEIRN TnE oldoot buuluoBB in town. Entabllebo 1870. Firnt-olnnB bread and oakefi Of al kinds. Wodduip oakoc n opooiallty. QroooriOR provlalouu, flour, food, nalt asd yavlt. Opufoo- tlonory.orooUory.HliiBBwaro. Onuueafrultsanii vo((ota1)loB of all UUida. GoodB PmjHM|' UvoredtoallpartHOftbo town. J. M. niCKH. 101-tf (.AND AND LOAN AGENTS GEORGE Of. VOOMAH, Oonveyauoor, Oow miBBiouor, in Hlub Court of Juatloo: donlot In Ileal Mutate and Mortgaeoa- Monoy to loor, at the lowflflt rate of Ititoroflt. Parme bought ami Bold; Insurance taken in the moat reliable oompauioa. Drawing of doodB, morteaRea -awJ leaaea a Bpeoialty. Olure modomfe aud all builuojia prompUy .attanded to. Call at the Oontral Teloubono oflloo, BBBfl^Oentre- 60-lv Place iu thoWorMforyounitxnon, nnd wonion to Rooure a Bnelness Educatloa,Bhortbaud,otc.,iB the Detroit BubIdobb University. De troit, Mich. HloBtratort eotologtie Free. BbferanoeR j All Detroit, F.'JVWBIitfcPsefc P. B. BPENCEB.Bee. J MARRIAGE LICENSES. XT' r. PAflK, IBBDRR' OV MAR^SXAOir Iil-3 \j. eaxJaoit, RlohaxdiobBlk., Ea#ax, Ont. , ^;;] UAKRETT. leraet of Marrixgo Lloen^-* , . ConHilBBloiiorluO.J..ota. Oeito.Oai :W D. BEAMAN, M W. luuorof Marrlauo IjIoonaeB. luearanee agent* '1 Nfabt offloe at Dwelling, 'VI TAWIOT BTltKET, E8BBX. UNDERTAKING- HPIjUMMEiU, Undertaker aiid Fmmltnr# from t-l to *ho. MoOrtfgor.O**- ', ... ; ' -=aar ARCHITECTS. ' TORN A. MAYCOCK, AROHITKOT, Ao., Room 10 and 11, Fleming Building, .. .WUdae*. Onl - Phone SID. ' I ' -w " i ' SOCIETIES f O. O. E.-ENTKUPRIBE Lodge No 318 X meetuevery Tburrtday, evening at 7.901 OddfallowB llall.lnthirdBtoreyDunatatiBlo ViBitltigmoiuborauf other lodges will reoetv ' frutornul Woloomo. W. OHATTEIITON, U. CENTRAL ENOAMPMMNT, No. 80, meeU Oddfallowu'Ball.Dunatan'ri Blook, on tba fl and third Tuouday in each month, VlsltoiBo dlally received. Meuibura of aubordlnato lodi In tb*. JurJidiotlon, Invited to join, HANNAN. 0. P., G. l.\ MILL, Hoc, EHBEX FIRE BRIGADE. MEETS EVEI 1'rlday nvoning in tlid Fltomeu'e roojnt the Btouu iHilblinir- Jau. MoMurrav, Cliiei. ltobfc.Parkor, Captain; A. Buruham, Lleuten- ant; P. DIIhh, floorotary; Frod.tltyatt.TreaaurMb COURT ROYAL, NO. 212, I. O. F. Moo tn miflond and fourth Tuoadav'a In eeoK month in 1. O. O. V. Hall at B o'clock p. raw VUlting brethorn will be given a fraUrnal "'> !*tiZ3?>Wi$ " the Ifuwant i'alU JiouU." dOINO UXttV Taking effoot May 10th, lSdfi. Detroit,...... Wlndaor.... Pel ton........ Maidatonoo Erhox......... Woodnloo... RuHcomh..., Combor...... Itldpotown.. Rodney....... Bt. Thoma London ......... ^t. Thojnan... Rodney ......... Rldcotown..... Comber.......... Rtincotnb....... Woodalco....... Egdux............ Maidntonu Cr Poltou......;..... Wbidflor......... Detroit........... Mall a.m. 7.1ft V.-fO 8.011 8.11 8.21 6.^1 8.A7 0.-15 10,17 Exp. U.20 fi.60 Exp. a. m, !U0 10.10 7.20 10.83 8.47 11.B0 10.00 OOIKO W15MT. p.m. 12.10 iUo 4 07 B.!10 5.41 6.50 0.03 (1.14 0.43 7.10 1.05 a.m. 11.85 10,84 11.4I1 12.10 12.45 Aooom p.m. 4.40 6,011 fi.19 b!bo K;WJ 6.04 7.10 7.119 8.40 a.m.' fi.lB' 0.351 7.88' HOO, o.o| D.88- Q.M 0.541 10.04 10.141 icw 10,651 Amhertlitire; ILocitl VraliiN, wi:ht ' hmy p.ra 0.10 0.25 0.28 0IJ0 0.50 a.m. a.m. 11.W 8.15 12.03 12.10 12 0 JUS 0.32 8.35 0.5.1 a.m. a.w. p.m Ebuox 7.1/i O.fiO 6,Ml Edgarn 7.00 0.40 Mol L E &, V R Xing CM O.Ufi 4.631 McGropor H.4A 0.80 4 601 Amborr,tburg 0,30 0.10 4.301 All trainu aro run on central utandard time,] wblob in olxty minutoB Blower than Ewexf tlmo. For in/ormatiou and raton to colon-L lntn moving wont apply to John G. IiHVtm,^Fai.l oonjror Auont, Bt. Thornaa. O. W. Rnsfgloo, Gu-f oral PaDiiengor and Ticket Agont, Obroego', Hi or A. O. Btimorfl. Acent. Ebbox. L- E. & D. R. Ry. TIME TABLE NO. 20, taking effect Monday.! Doo 20,1805. TralriB run by Eaatorn Btand> ard Time. Dally except Bunday ei^ A M 9 25 0.32 0^!0 0.41J o,r>o 0.B7 10.02 10.09 10.KJ 10.27 10.37 10.45 10.63 11.11 11.20 11.35 11.48 11.50 11.60 12.C4 13.11 12.10 l?.!M 12.35 r.M. t3 a o 55 A M 12.00 12.30 1240 12.40 13.R3 1.10 1.10 1.30 1.G0 2.03 ana 2.50 3.45 4.10 4.30 4 4ft r.i;i Q.34 B.-lfi bM 0.05 e.lfi 0.35 0.411 7.00 P.M. H O D* 'A V M 0:20 0.27 H.!t0 0,40 0.47 0.51 0.59 7.10 7.17 7.27 7,37 7.44 7-M 8X0 6.17 Boo B.40 fi.47 H.5i 000 0.07 0.12 0 20 0.31 Ml Btationb. Bop Walkory'lo Ar Walltorville Juno. ......... Polton......... ......t Oldoatlo...... ......\ Pnqnotto...... ...... McGregor ...... ...i Now Canaan... .., t Mnrnbflold ... ...... Harrow ...... ........t Arnor......... ......KlnuBVlllo...... ...... Ilntbven ...... ... Leamington ... ......Wncatley...... ......f Ronwlok ...... ...1. Coatfiwortli ... ......\ Glonwoud...... .........Morlln......... ......t Buxton......... ......Bandi&on ...... ...iCodar Bpringa..; Blenhtim Juuot'n ......Blenho'm...... .........twilLio...:..... Ar Rldgotown Dep & w A M 0 10 C3 8 67 8 CO 8 47 8 41! 8 116 8C0 8 22 8 11 8 01 7 61 40 24 IK 10 m o tw 0 46 (I 40 0 31 0 24 0 20 (i 10 0 00 A.M. X U G.G0 G.38 fl,27 B.17 B.ffl 5.00 4.4C 4^3 4 26 4.00 U.4G B.I5 2.40 1.M 1J 1.15 12.30 12.21 12,lt' laoo 11.28 11.20 1M 10.1 10.00' P.M. m S3 i Flog Stations. Tralnn ntop only when then nro pasuencora at or for thoao BtatlonB. Mlxe trainu are at al tlmon bubjoot to bo eon celled ' j WM WOOLDATT. GonoraT BupevlntoiiilenB Packed with Good Furniture 01 Every Description. A fiSe Parlor Sni Oak frame, Goo; Plush, $16 00. . . - . - r; mm VVo nover ware ho well prepared* to;, buuiiu'UH. Loto of gooda and prices ri$ffl It will pay you to give na;a' call .Rtidn^" CoodH and not prlooB. Wo are pleased^ quote pnoea to uuy who need ,far^>J^ Wo hnvo boon doinji a Rood ateaolyivbq|| ncHH now for about ltTyears 'andv;w^)tnffi to tender our thauka to the public ReneraT tor tbe very'liberal patrorjaga we bavatjtj) ceiyed bt them dnrmg the 10 yearn t\\H{S have hoeo in bnBiqeaB in the now Town^ Baaexv..:" ,.,",,.;, ,' UNDERTAKING A SPECIAL j.. hicks & cb,;*^1 iVC'.* ..,.. iete^ii^ ^^g:|fe^y

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