Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 29, 1896, page 2

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T^-'^-'^r . i-j.ff 'I1-.'. ^ . A i m THE E^STFi^jfc RPiEE: >>1>R #;;i" -O.HL- iifefesEX: FREE PRBS! csusqsnc OXT1*- .Publlehd! Evoryl Friday* Morning '" Pcom^tho cfiloo ou Talbot Btcoofc, noxfc '.Duuntnn Block. Bptioial attention in paid to thu publtua- ;,', tion of matter of loual importtmco, uaaur- fttoind iehnbla roiporU of Town, uoii'bbor- ' Ing Tow tie nip uud Oounty Oomiail prauood- Inii, too*l nd county mutkut ropotta, oto,, thea&refo. aud judioiouH munngauMMt. of Th FnK* i?nSHH, with ron|toot to thoHo and other current mutturn of local importanut), has givekiita widtmproad proHti#o in tho centre of Eahox county .whiuli ih ruooj^ni/.od . as ono of tho bout agricultural diHtriuU m . Ontario The Vnm Pukhh to tho only medium circulating thoroughly in thw central portion of tho County, aud in con- eequontly.without doubt.ttiu only thorough adyvrtiBing medium for buninuBH people wlflbm^ to roach that oliuttf of cuRtomorn. COMlKUVONDlCNCie. Our columnM aro alwayit opun for tho iBaooablo diur-umuon of mattorH portidniu- !&the public yolfaro. Ablo corroupnndontH in all lha mivrounu- t g localitioB furmnli rolhiblo roportH of 1 eats ol'Hnlertmt, occurring iutboirHOVoral heron; aud tlm' publiubcr ih at all tiraon Moaaod to rccoivo inturoHtintf itoraa of iwn from auy dinponod to forward contri butions. All ooinramiiaidionH of a privato and confidential naturo, ohould bo uo umrkod an t",le ouiHido of tho onvolopo. HUHHCltn'TION rillCK. R'i.00 pot annum, nttiotly in advance, J.1.BJ por annum if not (10 paid; una all ' fctroar^ ohar^od at that rate. JlDVKhTIHKHKNTh. Transient logal and municipal adver- tlHomontB, notiacm, oto., charged at tho rato of ton contii por lino, tor Grot inHortion, and flvo coutn por lino for oaoh HubHoquont innortion. All such advortiHomouto arc raoaflurod by a aoalo of twolvo linouto tho inch. Local reading aud other noticoa pub- liwhod among local nowtt mattor ohftrfiod at tho rato of ten centa-por-running-liuo for each insertion. All uotiooH of oliuroh or aooioty ontor- taimnonts of any-description,'at which an adraiaaion foo in obanjod, aro rogardod an ,advortiHQmontn, aod fall advortiHiau ratoii ,f charged in all ouch canoa. NoticoH of fjnth cringa or mootingw not for pooauiary boon fit or aid, will bo ohoorfully pablmhod f roc of ob&rco. Bpooial contract raton rnado for dluplay or atanding advtH. All le(al orprofoflHion- aJ oardo undor ono inch, 85 por annum. - JOB OU COMMKHCUL PHINTINO. Tho TnKK PnufiH ."Job Printing De partment is undor tbo auporviBion of thoroughly competent moohanicB, and Bpooial attention ia paid to thin bran oh of tbo trado. Our faoilition for tbo execution of all UindH of Book aud Fiuo Job Printing aro unexoollod. Btoam power proflQCB. A oall HQlicitod, DOQINKHU KKOOLATIOHO. All .Tob Printing and Tranaiont Advortiainfi accouutu, Qtriotly oaah. Advorbiain^ acoounta with regular paimrc-' .. 0 iiottlod quartorly. Sub- jrlptiona duo in advance, No nnbDoription to the Fnita Pukor, or advortiaomont publiahod in i^a oolamna will bo diaoontinned until all arrears aro paid in full. OhangoH for adyortiaomontR, to oooaro ruaortion in tho ourront iaauo, maat bo handed in not later than noon of tho Tuoa- day proooding, and notice of Huoh intend. od ohango in roqnirod on the Monday pro- ooding. Hotioo of dincoutinuanoo of advoitjuo- monta muat bo given at loaafc ono wook in advanoo of tho immo in which they aro doBtfcd to laat appear. U>VnBT10KIUlv Suhaoriborn and patrona qonorally aro roquoatod to road tho abovo rogolationa oarofully, in ordor that confuoion may bo avoided, aa they will in all oaaoa bo adhered to. Addronn all oommunieatioua to PubliuUor tho Kbbbx: Fiiish PniEua,, Kunox. Ont IKoiue Becker* XCscciifHtonit. In ordot to giva ovoryonoan oppartunity to sou the Weatory Country and onablo tbo homo nookera to ho euro a homo in timo to commonco work for tho no an on of 189G, tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul IVy haa arranged to run a oorioe of four homo 000k- era* oxcuratona to vanona pointo in the West, Ndrth-Woat and Bouth'Woat on tho following datoa; March 10, April 7 and 21, and May fi, at tho low rato of two doj- lora moro than ono faro for tho round trip. TiolcotH will bo good for return on and Tuoaday or Friday within twonty-ono days from dato of nale. Por ratoa, timo of trainH and fttrtbot dotaila apply to any ooupon tlokot agent in tho East or Soutbf orladdrflBH A. J. Taylor, Canadian |Piio Beugor|Agont, S3 Kiug Stroot Baat, Toronto* I0~pt,_ Yoiir]U*liylo*l Condition Noodfl attontion at this timo. If;iyou aro tired, weak andj|norvous, it ia dear (that \ your blood la impure, and without doubt tboro baa been' too muob ovor-work or ; strain ou brain and body. Tho oourHo of treatment for aiioh atoondition io plain and ulmplo. Tho blood muat flrat bo pari- . nod so that the uotvona ayctom, and in ia'pfc all thoorgauH fnd upon pure blood. Intolligoufc people without numbor havo t*atlflod that the beat blood puriflor, . nerve toriio and atrongtb imparting modi- olue iHHood'fl Baraaparilla. Nttryobanoafl, Iofb of aleop and goneval debility all vamub whan Ufjd'fi 6aruapa,villa. ia perahtontly i; ma word, health and happmeaa iafior taking Hood'e SarKapairUla, (jj The Only MOUNTAINS OF MANiCALANO. A T1ME-3AVINQ CLOCK. Iki- Great and thqroufeMy re- liable bilildirig-ilp medicine. nerve tonic, vitalizer and Bood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. "Tbo face of my Uttl* girl from thotlma fcfcn wiu ttiroo months old, broke out and wm covrd with ucabs, W*s gav her two Dottlt* of riood'* Bdrunparllla and It com* pletniy ourod hor. Wo ar# (flad to rccom- wend Hood'i SarHopurma." Tnoa. M. Oiuwtwa, Clinton; Oritarlo. Bo nur to Get Hood's Hood's PlUfl ** hwraon,<>,,",y w,Hl XiOv^H'it**j**ina-u*- *d* DESER6NTO FIRE. Doutruotlon r tliti Or*Ktpr rrt of Ub* Town* Di!fitironto, Ont., May 05. A flro broko out about 8.20 6'olook this nftornoon whioh dovustntcd tho better portion of tho town. Hiindrtulti of Iiohkos imvo bon ra7,nl to tho jrround. Millu, olovatora, thouanela of Mimj, and poatH, and mllliona of ahlu(j;lrH, and Im mense plluH of lumber lundLn^ added fury to tho flames. Ah iionn an it wua found that tbo town flro uppliunooH, togcthor wltli tho com plete fire oqulpmonb of tho llathlmn Com pany, wua uno<iual to the hurtsnlean ltiah of provnntlng tho aproad of the (lamnfi, tho onghioH of Kingston and Kapaneo were telmrraphod for. An lm'modlato rd- flponao wan mado to tlio cry for aid, and tlin onglnon were at onco diispatched by special train, but hnforo they could waoh the panlc-Htrlokon town, and bo- brought to play upon the flames tho flro had got completely beyond control, and even with their tfri'ab asslHtJinco for tho time bolnpj all efforts to chock tho spread of tho con flagration have been Ineffectual. Tho Kathtiun Compay will undoubtedly be tho heaviest, lonfir.i, owing to the posi tion of their works, but there la seareoly a man In Deaerouto who will not nutter Kuvorcly. It has no rar Iwwn lmpoaslhle to ascer tain the orlgln^af tho lire, and how it came to gain tiuoh hcjulway before being discovered. Later. , ami it U learjietl that just before nine o'clock a heavy downpour oi rain, uo- coirjpanled by thunder anil lightning, helped to extinj?ulsh the flumes. FROM THE CAPITAL. Tim Ilorgn TraUo With KnL-lunU A Hnrioua Klvs at niecliiinfcKvlllr. Ottawa, May 21. A , deputation of gentlemen interested In tho Hhlimumt of horsflfl to Groat Britain had an interview with Major Gourdeau, Deputy Mlnlator of Marino and JTUherioR. Tlio deputation cousuTtcd of MoBHrs. Sheridan, Jioylo, Lunncsfi, and UuhsoII, of Toronto, tho latter of whom in one of tho largest cattle brooders in tho Dominion, and they urged that tho nhipmont of horses should be Bupervlaed by tbo Department of Marino, in tho nnmo manner as tho shipment of cattle, which has proved most satis factory, la now done. They pointed ont soveral changed In tho accom modation of horses on ship board, tho In spection of fodder, oto,, which would tend to keep the animals In gnQtl con dition diirlngf tho voyage nnd yonder thom more saleablo on landing:, and urged that moro caro should bo taken to foHter this trade, which was a growing ono, and capable of great expansion as Canadian horses got hotter known on the other sldo. Major Gourdeau oxprossed great sympathy with thole 'denim to en large tho trade, and assurod tbo deputa tion that, tho matter should bo brought to the attention of the Minister of'Marlno and Fisheries, Mr; John Costlgan, at as early a momont an possible. Mr. John Hacjgavt spent Sunday In Ottawa, aud lcavoH in tho morning' for- Perth, whore ho will take purt in tho Queen's birthday eolobratlon. A turrlblo cyclono passed over portions of Town and Illinois on Sunday night, aolng an immense amount of damage to property. Fully ono hundrod dcafcb" have been rooordod, and it 1b feared th* fatality 1b much largor. THE PAIN IMMEDIATELY LEFT ME. So Says Mrs. W. T. Ruutllo of Dnndallt, After Using 5)r. Agnow'o Curo for tho Heart. Haw is for those afllioted with hoart diaoavo to got rolief, and to got it quiolily. The pain bun us on, audio sun gnHtivo of tho moat terrible ronuHa, for hoart diaoaso oarmot bo trifled with. Hero was Mm. W.T. Wundle tho wife of a wolt- l(no\vn oattlo dealer in Dundulk, who out- fored no sovorely from pain in tho region of tho heart that, to quoto hor own words: "I was for aomo time unable to attend to my household duties. I watr induced to try Dr. A(mttw'a Cure for the Heart, fcud pain iramodiatoly loft rao aftor tho first day, and I have bad no troublo nlnco." Biroi>K testimony, nlud yot Mrs, Bundle nthudn along with tbouiuiiids of others who an oay tho samo thing, T^o*nuiai^lmilii MJ^i^o*b4Ml^f BaaulobuflLtb* ffrV BWfltiiabA rangf Hm \n ym bcOd. thWfrofltf bh eofktft tovel" b*klnd Dalagoa iy, Ud ib* Hoaa- ry of iU TaUy and (UM l ld to b itromf>>r grftod. Knowing It, H*wovr, only by report, I will not Twntnrfl to dti- crllxj It. Nerly flv hundred mllu iMU fftrUior to tbo north, lu tba dlatarlcc tiulUd Ma*)Loal&nd alrurwly rofered to, U a third mountain region, lana lofty than Uiuiuto- Uftd, hut d^rlylntf % sliJtfulwr ohnrm from tnu dlgnUy and varUty of ltd mountain frro. Tho whole oouutry U o ulayatod that HummltK of 7,000 or vn ft.Ooo fit do not proditco any groattir ffttut upon tho eyn than doo Ben Lomoiul uu u^en from LiMih Lomond, or Mnuim Waahlligton from tho Ohm Mouse; Hut thoro is a holdnHM of line*mu yruiilta poukn oomparublo to tlu^to of the went count of Norway or of tbo ilnetit part of thu SwW Alps. Somo of them rlo in smooth Hhafta of apparently lnacooHilblo rook; othortt form lon^ rldgtxi <\t plniuolos ot v<nry kind of shape, spi^ially strllclnif when they stand out agalnwt the bril liantly olonr niorninK r evening Hky. The valleys aro well wooded, tho lower Klopes covered with hoi-bug*, no the rffoofc of tboHO wild peaks bt holghtonwl by thu softncHrt of tho Hurroxindlu^s wlileh they domlnat, while at the nm time thu whole landscape beeomon moro complex and mere noble by the mingling of Rueh dlversn elements, No Hoonury better deserves the name of romautlo. And even lu - tho tumor parts, where instead of mountains there are only low bills, or "knpjes" (as they are (Milled in South Africa,) the compar atively friable rnck of these bills docom- pnnus under the influence of the .weather Into ourloiwly picturesque fantastic forms, with erags riven . to their base, ami detached pillars supporting loose blocks uml tubular masses, among; or upon which the tlm Id Mashonaa have built their huts in the hopo of escaping the raids of tbe|r v'arllko enemies, the Matabulo, "Impressions of South Af- rli'a," by Vrnf. James liryco, M. P., In the May Century. , IN CASE OF FIRE. *ffe**i lit In a Itiiniintr Hiilldlntf K*r itirtilhin- Thlc AUvlc*. A )le protection against tho.tinnier of b/.,'!; nvcrpoweiT 1 by Hnmko If cmight in a miming building Is thus described by one who haK availed herself of tho ur- tich*: For years 1 havo nevor slopb with out seeliiR that a coi^iln of silk handker chiefs bung near my toilet stand n,nd that the bowl was half full of wator. When I was a young woman nob out of my teens I was in a lintel which took Ave. I should havo suffocated If my uncle, with whom I was traveling, hud not thrown a wot utile handkerchief otrn* my faoo. Thus protected I followed him through tho hall, lilted with (jboklng smoke, and down the stairs to safety. I have tought. the praotlco to my children, and it has bocomo a habit with ns all. You want good l)Uf ones, and they must be wet thoroughly; then you may, If forced to do so, endure the thickest aniolto for a considerable time. Kr- chango. A.rSrat*rul Mao. "BpralcluK f gratitude," said the quiet man, "I can remember an experience of mine which called for the must grateful amotions of tho human heart, I thought so at the time, and I think so yet, and noror recall tbo Incident without fooling a thrill of gratitude stirring \vithln me. "It was nlong In tho sovontlos that I was living in a large western town and conducting a successful business. I rnn a lover of a good horse, and owned at the time a flno roadster, and had fallon into tho foolish habit of Hperdlng my horuo on overy occasion regardless of timo or place. ........""........... "Ono day I hud waited on tho edge of a bridge for tho draw to oloao. Aa anon as it did so I hurried ray horse over ahead of tho regular traffic, almost tun ning him tho three-quarter of a mile dis tance.- Thtro was a declivity on tho fur ther side, and as we sped down a small boy dartod across tho street, and In a moment I had run over him 1 I could not stop my horso nor turu him for a block further,, and when I did I wiw that Homo workmen had plokod tho child up, and were taking him tu tho sidewalk. I Ruppe-Kod ho wan killed, and my heart stopped boating; then I heard him cry. Oh, tho inualo of that sound. Ho was not hurt at all, but moroly stunned. I took him In my arms and drovo with him to his mother, who lived noar. "'Here,'said I, putting him Into her arras, 'thank hoaven with me that your ihllcl liven,' and I told my story. "'Now, Billy,' said bis mother, wip ing the dust from bis faco with her apron, 'what did I toll yo? It's a won der yo ain't killed a dozon times, every day of yer life I Thank tho nloo gentle man for bringing yo homo in his car riage, Billy, and keep oft* tho atroet, you scamp!' "You can imagine the revulsion of feeling that took placo In mo." Word worth uml tlte Baby, Mrs. Houston, I romember, when Wordsworth, Uogern and Hallman onco dined with hor father at Hampton Court, Was, womanlike, ho mow hat dWppnlnted by the "poot's appeaarneo,- oonnhlnrlng him the ugliest of the party, and well- nigh weeping over hl big noo and what she rather uncharitably called the "gen eral coarHeiH'ss" of bis appearance. (Jut she wiib much flattered and touched when Wordsworth insisted that her little fatherless baby should be brought to him, although when the mlto put up Ids Up, as children will, tbo peofc mild gently, In fllow, accents: " What, mako such a face as that at an old man and a poetV-"- Qentlumnn, _.:_...... Tho HUM, Small Voloo, Thoro Is a voice, unheard by tho nat uriil ear, whloh tweaks to human beings louder than the tumult of tbo market place, or oyon the roar of cannon In hat- tip. It is a voice which tho deaf txin hear, and which the strongest of jnon cannot destroy. It is called "tho still, small voice," hub its fltlllnoHS and nmnllnoflfl am really tho olemonts of Its greatness and powor. All inon havo hoard It, though all have not. understood It nor yloldod to Its domandH. ____1...,________________________, . ,,, In It on ton. "Is Mrs. Hnrklus ati homo?" nuked'the caller. "Physically, uuidnm," replied tho Bos ton bivtilor, Vuhn.lH. As an abstract ques tion tlia fact cannot bo denlud. But, In relation ta yodr desilro to soo hoc, 1 ban- floi n*y tfoflnltfdy .imfell'1!. hftvo aHcer-. HlneO MW HnrklTiu' w-ltJifw in ttio mat- bo Rooted bntU t Uitv* istcbUad InSffnlouM l>,-vlf* tit m >lroU<r tc> Clt Kii4 \ tit llotti*. "I call It ny tinie-;uV*.ViK olm'ftV" Mil* a "Walt treet:-brokir yiMUttf ay,1" poIntlrTB to a olook With a large fthil, in t\ con- npluuv>UH position on tho broker's roll top desk. "You" will notion that when you are souUid horddo 100, You can't holp sea- lug It. Now keu|> your eyes on thu haiuly." " " Tlio brokor Htr<:tehed one letf under hU drdk, ami at once the hands on the clouk Witun to nui. They moved from 11.20 o'clock to 1.J10 o'clock In about three lecctidu. "I called your theoloek fnoo simply U\ nhow you bow It Wait done," explained the man of stooku, "but I don't do that When I wuut W luako practical use of It, You himi, I am yruutly annoyed by visitors who have no oon'eoptlon of tho valuo of their own Unm or mine, and I devise.I this sidieme to Rot rid of them. I -gor. an eb-ctrleal fwlond to conneot the olook works with n pu^li button whloh I. can touch with my foot. Whon a mail gets to bo a horn, I pick up a rallrond timo tnhle,' which I have hitndy, and hold It up in front of him. At. the same time I touoh the but ton aud dot tho time on, say an hour, "Thtm,! say, 'Well, I've got to get a train pretty soon,' Of course, the ltrsfc thlriff my vlnltor does Is to look at tho olnck,. and he Is usually surprised at tlm rapid (light of time, SometlmoH lie will look,at his watch for confirmation, but I always swear my clock is run on elec trical timo and cannot possibly be wrong. That usually starts him. "I had to put tho clock on thrtin liourH th< other day on a long-winded fellow. It Was at 10 o'clock in the morning, and I puuhad the. handx along to 1 o'clock. Would you believe me, It actually mado him hunary, because ho thought It was hmoh timo?" New York Mail and Kac- prosH. X ItuyM oh nn Old llullot. tiUge by utago the photography of'un- won interiors, ov, an It is mor.r geuenilly t*rmed, "the now photography," Is ad vancing toward perfection. Scarcely a day goehj by without some lmprovomout being nmdo in the management of th lamp, the preparation of the mibjoot and the handling of the negatWo. Dr. Vaney, of the Lancet, is employing a new mo dlum for the direct view screen which pflves excellent results. ltocontly hi undertook to obtain a pho tograph of the course and location of a bullet which w*h presumably lodged lio- tween the heart and lungs of a British offlucr. The gentleman, Maj. A. Leon^ anl, was nhot at the battle of Abu Km, during'the Nile campaign in lH^5.--For a long timo his life \viw despaired of, but hfl reooveriul, and is now eurlnu* to learn whether the Komingto'n bullet of hho dervlnhus can bo Jextrncteil. us tbo army surgeons failed to find It with tho probo. After an uxensnra of thirty-two mln- ttton to the Roentgen rays, the lamp hav ing b*n placed nt Maj. Leonard's hack, tho result wa-i a photograph sliowlng a faint 'Indication the bullet, about 3 inches to the loft at the breastbone. Dr. "Vasoy propowis taking sev(*ral other pho tographs, so us to ascertain with as muoh xaetitude ux possible tho ponltlon of thft bullet, and has devised sperial nppamtun for that purpose, Tho ISvlliTar ObHtlnaoy. There are many ways In which obW- nacy may reveal itself. One Is by n quib bling and die reputable style of conversa tion a tendency to contradict oviry re mark, and In any case say tho last word. Few thluHii aro moro aggravating than tliis. It is hardly possible to convomo with some persons without merging Into controversy. It is a potty arguing for trifles, altogether unworthy of debate. To find one's nolf questioned at every turn. every word disputed, overy assertion doubted, U to nomo of us very annoying. It may be feared that certain minds, not tho nobloot, tako a delight; in this insig nificant war of words, this stubborn con flict ovor overy Inch of ground. Wo aro not all so constituted. It 1b a spuolea of unworthy obstinacy, whloh all well- meaning persons ehVmld endeavor to stamp out. A paltry lovo of contradiction and denial may seem clever In the oyos of thoso who cultivate it, but In reality It is nothing hut meanness and folly. Obstinacy broods many 111 weeds; this is not ono of the least, Ilall-HtormH in thn OruncnKrug Stt*. Ono of these republics the Orange Free State Is vory nearly as largo as England, and just as largo aa the State of New York. It lies from 4,000 to 8,000 foot above tho ooa, and is mostly lovol, with Homo low ranges of hills. Tbo sur face is bare of wood, except Itr a few sholtored spot* along the stroamn, but Is well oovorod with herbage. Tho air is pure and bracing, much like that of Col orado or Wyoming. There nro, happily, no blizzards; but violent thundor-Btor'ms are not uncommon^ and tbo hailstones I havo seen them bigger than pigeon's eggs whloh fall during guoh storms sometimes It 111 tho smaller animals and oven men. "Improsfilpns ef South Af rica," by Prof. James Bryco, M. P., In the May Contury. A CiooH Guokh, Thoro Is' a story told concerning an aunt of tbo present Archdeacon of Lon don, and Sir Walter Scott. Catherine Sln- olalr, the lady In quentlon, was the au thor of a number of works which at ono timo wore lu '. great. requoflt, and ono of which "Holiday Mouse," was recently republished by Blaekie.. In her earlier- yearn she was a frequent visitor at Ab- botsford, and on one of these occasions, before tbo authorship of tho Waverly Novols had been publicly avowed, she presented Sir Walter with a small on- graving of himself, with " piece of vory thlok muslin over tho. face, and tho in scription underneath, "Tlio Groat Un known.*' Dundeu-AdvertlHeA. -~- I'aw Moro Common. There aro few temptations moro com mon to ardent spirits than that which leads thom to repine at tho lot In which they aro cast, believing that In some othor situation thoy could norvo God hot tor. If each such man had tho spirit of self-surrender, tho spirit of the cross, It would not. matter to him whofchor ho wero doing tbo work of tbo nialunprlug or one of, tho Inferior parts. It Ih bin duty to try Und bo htmnolf simply to try to do his own duty. Frbddrlok *W. Hobortson. tUiincflnHHury. - Agont Uart't I put a burglar alarm ,hi-your, house? y Lady wn don't'need ti Ageut ttutr-Lady Nq, I Viwan. It. The fojully qjoromi. th utrriot \i*ut>bi . tho.. plort) olociely iUA1| oven a\^,argUw otfnlAolt gfc te vii^*t balng| Fr Abrndof Jtiiyihino; I Hv K?er Mr. John Ultwr, merobuiit.v Waterloo *y*: "Ibave^tvin Hturk'H l'^d^rn (for headache, constivoiioMS, blliouanoHH and liourMRtn,) an txtonsivo, triad-,'1 an* flnct them to tfivo tlm griuitcHt Hatlafaoticn in my family, I can vBry highly rooom- ojond thom, Thoy aro far ahead of any- tblii(i X have oiur nsf d, and I havo triud many rouiudieH." Hold b\ all druigiHtu u.t- 2f>c u Ih>x, 5 boxes for 91. Nice to take, immediate uuu pormunubt. (Put date. 1st insertion. HJarness. t can givo yon a good sett 0( Biuglo llarnoaa,warranted hutid-mado < For $10. F. S. Talhot Hi., Ennei TKEASUBERS SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. TOWN OF EBh'JilX, \ Whereas by virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the To Wit; j Town of Essex, in the County of Kssox and authenticated 'by tho corporate deal of tho said Town bearing date the fourth day of I'obruary, 1896, and to me directed commanding mo to lovy upon the following lots 01 parcoU of lands in arrears for tuxcu due tberoon with costs! I hereby j/ive notice that unless the Maid tujen and coutn nro sooner paid I shall, on wudncuduy, the :Mih day of June, 1U0U, at thu hour of ten o'clock in tho foreuoon, at l'eok's Hall,m iho Town of lissex, proceed to Mill by public auction tho said Jaudu or ho muoh thereof as may bo Huiiiciunt te pay such arrears of taxes aud all lawful ooata incurred : . Plan. Lots. Tuxos. Coats. Total. !107............................1*8.............,8108........ 8i.Ufi........Btl.08 1107......................'.................... -1.08..........1.96..;..... 6.03 .......... SO 66......... .2.17........93.13 206. 207. 223. 170. 176. ,8, ...,7audH............fi7 03..........2.91....... ... Hand 32.......... 25.87..........2.H6....... ,h parts 26 and 27......17.01..........2.IG......-. part lOUf ........80-2G ........5u!i....... .1 no 1 ; 267...,.......................27 and 28 | :i0!(..........................23 aud 21 j........ BlockS!........................................ 7.11..........1.05. Block 10................'........................40-00 B9.B7 28,22 20.06 04.79 07.&3 9.06 ..2.72........4H.71 W. D. BEAMAM, TreasUro?, Gem and Canadian Aeraiotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS eitl er as Power or Pumping Windnnlte, For prices and terms, addreBB T.HALFORD Eaaex, - Ontario, * Agent for Essex County. Are You Building- ? We We fan supply you with all ltinda of Wooden Material, plain and ornamental. Piiio, Htmloek and native Lumbor alwaya on hand. Shingles, Cedar Pests Doors, Bash and Coal. Make screen Doors and Windows That will last a XifeMiime~ Laing Bros. ii ^MWj T " I I----- J. GOtTRLAY &; SON. ESSEX. ONT; THE TBIOMSE COBN SHELLER TiiU Machine consists of a horizontal cast cylinder, "with wrought h Ijara, with stool tooth bolted to tho cylinder' b^ ae to ho roVef Bible when\tooth liooomo worn on tho front aido, running in a porforuted conoavo ;*' vholl, which the abolled qom pasaoB through into, a sheofc iron ouee, wii an or olonnor attaohod bolow, which takoa all tbo .dttsi I torn tho grain. ^hoapoat bo^f., rnoet sinaplo and durablo Power Corn , holler in use;' '.om porfootiy oloan in any condition Bholling and oloaning from one, housand busholB of oars per day/according to power. ^ DiaocN'BiONS. Pulley, H ^tor, G'in; faco; Motion, 000 to 80o rovolutiona per minute; Wei^f HVERY^SHELUEBSWARRAMTED. J.QCUttLAY A 'V. "' '&M&MM'^^^

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