Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 22, 1896, page 8

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>v' ' yWft Wy^ -1 ^i 115?^^^ i i* *%*' ' WFW*^ THE fc^SSKSC K1XE>R >7 p. Felt and Straw Hats , . * * wCl-JLN -L' LATEST MARKET KH PORTS. Gents' Furnishings VERY CHEAP, You know that those who aoll cheap do the busi ness. My motto is small profits and quick returns, ana would ask you to call and compare my prices with others. kll New Goods, no bartlirtipt, moth eaten o* shop-worn goods, *OT.AXjXj E'iLX'ESEt..- I havo aocured aamploa of wall Paper froro tho Consumers' wall Paper Co., Windiiort and can huvq you tvom 15 to '25 por coub on your monoy. Pncoti ranjjinu from Rotn a roll up to fiQoU. Do miro and cull beforo buying olttuwliore, as it in no trouble to Hbow ^ooda, D. J. ^Whitney, EATTEE AND FURNISHER. If Not Why So ? And If So Why N ot P store to be the great headquarters for We claim our bargains in Boots, Shoes and Hi pprs, If so, why not deal with us? We promise to place at your disposal the best and most desirable goods in the market and make the prices right. Our store is a place all econ omical buyers should virit. Custom Work a Specialty, Hiru of tho Goldoa Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. ERSOtfAL Pbilo Uoward, of Chicago, iti viaitinc fnondn in town. Minn Nora Keating called on frioudH in town Wodnonday, Mr. lienor a, of tho Imperial Bank, spent Sunday in Detroit. Jan. ThrnHUor, landlord of tho Abordeeu, Bpcnt Sunday with friondu in Windsor. M. K. Cowau, accompanied by J. F, Date, of Windsor, woro in towu Tuooday. J. h. Voiqyh io under tbe oare of Dr. Downr, with a Hovora attack of eryHipoluw. Ernio Vanattcr, of Loamington, in vmit- inK bin niator, Mm. E. L. Park this week. Mcuiim .John Gourlay aud E, Lainfi wheeled to Detroit on Tburnday to bq tho biff flhow. Editor E. J. Lovelace, of the Fnicii PuKaa. loftfoi Peterborough Thursday on IjaiiinuiiH. J. B, ItanlciQ, ono of Chathi-m'ii able** and moat popular lawyeru, wan in town ou Tuonday. Mrn. W. Atkinoon and family loft on Friday lunt to join hor ViUBbimd, who in emptoyod at Vaasar, Mich. Mien Annie Waltoru oE Bhbqx. who ban been the jjuont of hor brotbor, Henry C. Waltora for a few days, baa returned home Windner Record. ^^----------------u^------------------,------------u. McDonald, At Ehaox, on Thurftdn,y, May 14, to Mr." and Mm. Poter McDonald, a sou, Htill-boru. yri3&&i "AGES WinKKfc At Maldon, Monday, Mav Hth. 1890, bv Rev. fi. J. Allin, Mr. J. S. Walker, of Londanburg, Ohio, to Mind Auguntu- Amor, of Maldon. Nluwty Par CeiiC \l all tho people wood to tuko a course of food's SarduparilU at thin houhoii to pre. mt thai; run-down and debilitated oondi on which invited diHoajae, The motif y ivoaUd hi halfia dozen bottloii of Elood'u araaparlila will oomo back with laf^o ro turna iu the health and vigor of body and fctreugtb of nerves DAYS ON TENERimE. Sir BUuIii Arnold on tho flfmpll UAt ol tho Ifllumlnrft, 'Ti llttlu El Ploo, tho mountain fflory of Tuucriffe, that tho visitor will have behold till thin while, if ho camo by night to Santa Cruz, as wo did, and mlnnod by roiinon of cloudy wcathor any eight of tho fainouH eminence from tho ocean. Tho coast ranges on tho easterly fiido nlmt out the peak, although Ita vicinity Ifi in dicated by tho muHfl of oumulnstratufl clouds Kathercd at every noon around Its heart, and by tho snow-cowred rldgo and harrancofl which aweop upward nmtr tho (n*oat extinct volcano. But In travers ing tho midway tableland of Lafruna, mid commonclnK the long descent Jn the Oratava Valley, you begin to ha'vo upon tin* loft hand tho edgen of that long, vast, ntony lip which bounds tlui region and IiUU'r behind it, like a great indented tup in ii coloBsal saucer, tho whlto cono which In tho oontral apex of the lfiland. On the right begins to glitter at the Banie point tho boundless sapphire-blue of the South Atlantic, stretching northward unbrokcnly to Kngland.and wcatward for 5,001) mllert to South America and tho Wont IndlGn. Tho oarratera, ever excel lently laid and motalod, winds undor and above scattered delicmis and haolcndufl.tliP rcHldenci'H, whito-waUed, flnt-rooffed and green-whuhnvod.of tho well-to-do Cunarlnn farmerfl, wliose chief trade, now no cochi neal Ik ruined by aniline dyew, appuara to bo in tomatoon and potatoefl. It paaKCB countlpsfi humble huta of Hbono, roofed With palm loaves, sacking or whatever clue comes to hand, where dwell tno peasant folic, Hufflulently rich with a gnat or two and tho Infinitely uroful donkey. It orosMm again and again the gloomy, forbidding eleftfl of tho mountain hroufit. thoKc black harrancot, embroidered, novertlioloHfl, whereever hoed or slip am lodge, with the hardy houchi, cactUBCH, wild roso and euphorbia hutjhQi. Tho paho and'oleander and fig holp every where to beautify tho landacape, which in hecn with cryBtaUlno clonrnowa through the transparent air. But while the road la lively enough with iflhnulern and their black-eyed wLyuh und children in gay headgear, you will notice a riuI d^flolendy In that furred and feathered life without which any country K to my mind, half dopofiu- lated. The whistlo'of an occaalonnl (inall may 1m* heard In tho lupine various klteH and hawkw nail in tho alcy, and there aro many gray and green lizards to bo pron gilding over tho rooks; whllo of nmnll birds, the swallow, black-blrd and water-wagtail will appear familiar, and a fow "canary blrdu" which are not, however, yellow flit and wing. But that In about all vltdhlo and audi bio of animal life, except a Barhary partridge now and then, a i*aro rabbit and a rat or twtr. Probably the thrifty Spalnard linn eaten tho other in a puohoro orant olla; their abuenro 1h certainly lamentable, for many a bright bird and beautiful wild animal munt havo oxlated or might 1 accUniattsd In thefio luliuubi, Thnro mro Bald to ho no tmnkou iu thorn, Tho In- Boetw nro numprouH and lntercwtlng, though wo wew too early for many Imt- U'rfltfiH, but I obfierved an quite common tho tortolHft Hhull, fiho clouded whlU, the hrhUHtono and* tlie red mlnilral, and I naw tho Indian numtlu and uomu tropical uautlon. Thoro anS those, "^however, who are Holontlilcally iuvoBtlgatlng tho nat urul tt-mwUrea of Tenorlff^, and I have beiii Kpcaktufr only of the aenw of pov UtVE HTO0K: MAAKKf, Toronto, Hkf 10. Tko offrimg Included 1,1)00 hogu, 100 *h*p m*4. la^W and 100 caWuU. Hoes keld their own. Buying of cattle for Uoniroal waM only flloW. Ki port a*tl Offurln worv. free and taylMg Wi somewhat Ural tod uM uoon an the dftmaud for Frutioa und llolghun Wail HUpplUd. PrloeS paid to-duy n a Cnwal rul imntfod about ^ lower than en Wat Tuaaday. Krom 1)^ t^i ic por lb YruM tho run for loudu of good cattle. Butch* Thla market was Very Hlow. Noihluy "woht otw B^ii par lb, and that wuh puld \txy seldom. Thu ruling litfiir.-H weru frout i^i to 89<a |M>r lb for loada of good cutlto, aud Uo per lb for choice. In the prniumt> of tin* laurkht outila aire iwif, wanti^d. BtocUnrti and KeederH Thoro In a very slow Halo for light htookora, quotation* for them ruling nominal at from lZ\i to flKo I>er lb. Choice half fat feudura are wunUd at from 11 to JIJ^o per lb Hhi*ep and lamhH Tho market wu fully uupplUtd to-day aud prlceH wera low. Good grain-fed yejudlngu, with tho wool on, Wuro quoted at from i% t (a pr lh, and found hIow >ialo. Spring lumbu were In lighter Rtipply, there bo- lug only 10 head ou tho market. Tliono ruled at from %*\ to %\ per head. No more are wanted for hoiho dayti. Good sheep Hold at !1 to il^o per lb, with u Bllfehtly Improved demand. CalvPrt Tlieso are hard to hull at any prlcew, ho that It U uhcIpuh to send thrm iu for a fow dnyn. huv tno many arc lu thtt market. Prices nns a little hotter, ruling at from %2 to ?l.f.O per head, Quito a few were left, over. IIotfH Although nlferlnga were fairly heavy to-day the market held IU own. For hcHt Rolfctlons of banm hogfl, wrlghcil off the ears 4>in \wr lb Wa paid. Thick fat were alow at i\lto jier lb. Store* found a steady market, at Ili^o per lb; hows, He per lb; ntagH and rough hogH, ^o per lb. Tliero woru not enough choice bacon hogs to-day to 1111 the de mand, ho that prices will likely bo ilrm for a day or two at. all evonta All klndu are wanted at tho quotations given except thick fat hog*. FAUMKUS^ MARKKT. Oatd aro being offeied freely. KW* loads Gold this morning at 2 to 20e, and a couple of loads of pcnH wont at oBo. A few dmuuuL- liogH cliangcd hands at $4 75 About fifteen loads of hay camo -In and sold at $12 to flf. Wbuit The demurid in slow, tho offer ings are fair and the market 1h about. Io lower for Ontario wheat, with sales of mixed on fchn Grand Trunk rajlwny west to-day at 7Lo and rod at 7i!o, and whlto Is olYurlng on the Northern at TAa. Manitoba wheat lu dull and tho feeling \u rather ooaler in the abnenco of danumd for milling or for expert. No. 1 hard is quoted at UBe naked, G2o for No. a and Btlc for No. a afloat Fort William Mayj No 1 hard 1 quoted at 71o Midland and No. 2 hard at Dim there. Whont, white, per bush___$ Wheat, red, per bush ..... Wheat, goco, per bush.... Peas, common, per bush... Outs, per bush.............. Rye per buah.............. Barley, per bush........... Buckwheat............. Ducks, spring per pair___ CliieLeiiH, per pair....... Goose, por lb............. But^r, In l-lb rolls ..... Eggs, new laid Onions, per bu^b Turnips, per hag, by load.. Potatoes, per bag......... Potatoes, ear lots........... Beans, per bush .......... BeetH, per bag ... . Carrots, pur bag, by load . Pat snips, per bug.. Apple-*, per hbl.......... 175 Bay. timothy.............. 11 fiO Straw, sheaf................ 10 00 MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 78 00 R6 55 24 48 au 1)6 W at) U5 10 a ao 15 20 10 oo 30 20 to Beef, hinds, Beef, fores ..... Spring lambs, carcase, Veal, per lb ........... Mutton, per lb....... Dressed hogs ........ I 80 78 SO 25 -49 35 :iD 70 00 07 13 lu ao 20 ao la 1 oo 35 25 50 2 50 M 00 11 <*> OOLOHHSTKR NORTH. __ Gbito^Miy Dt, lBUfl. Council met a per fcdjoorumnt; ^renit: Keeye Barrott and oounoillota Kennedy and Thora&a. Mliiutoi of previous Heebing read nd on oaotioB adopted. ltoovo reported receiving Qotnuumioatioti from nolioltor re tho l3th oonaeBaion drain nayiufi that tho railroad company bad ro- funod to allow the water to bo taken down alongside tlielr track, and that ho had Been the cnifinoer and he said J^that a '21-lnch pipe would take it aormu the track, and that ho had fhstruotud tho Holicitor to noti fy the viuhoad company to havo It done at onoaand township guarantee payment. Thoi aud John HugUard applied to have a part of tho dram ou tbo Curry aide road oluanml out by commutation ot their statute labor On motion Mr. Kamiedy uppointud to look after the matter, Victor Boiidy ttppliod to have a drain made from tho Maiden road north to the Canard on thaThorapHon Hide road. Mr. Caya appointed to inspect amd report nt uoxt uoaMng. Clerk instructed to notify the Qua Co. that they must attend to tho filling in of the gas mam* at road orosuin^s and oluo- whero in this towuohip forthwith, Goo Anderson made application to hayo his statute lubor commuted in cleaning out drain on 11th oonoorwton. Mr. Kennedy appointed to look after it. Goo Walkor innuo application to have hie statute labor commuted. On motion Mr. Bodd appointed to look aftor it. Mr. Itodd appointed to have all the brush and rubbinh cleaned and burnt on tho wont side of Gordo aide road, north to tho rear road. Communication from tho clerk of Gou- field North, ro tbo eitoouion of Improving tho drain on the oast tewnlino. Olork to notify Gosuold North olork that wo arc willing to contribute in proportion to first asuciisni&ut. Mr.Jttodd appointed to look after commu tationJ|of Mermrs. Council's and Itounding's Ntatnto|)labor. Clcrkgto advortiae for|tendora for oloan my out|9th con, dram. On motion court of revision on aRBoss- mont roll notlfor May HOth. On moticn oheckH {(ranted : Wtn. Kounccly for cleaning troBB and rubbish out of Hth oon, drain, 3.-10. Thon. Chavis for repairing ^culvert south roar road, S5. M. Dranillard for building eulvort 1 Uh oon. and Edtfar side roau, 810 fiO.J John Batten for cleaning trootj and rub- binh out of Batten side road, 92.50. "Victor Bondy for valuating nhoop killed by doga, 9a, E. tteal for Wiu White, charity, 83. Jacob Webb for filling in bridge on honth tuwnhno, ColobcBtor North's half, $1.25. J. G. Laird for surveying and pluna of Uth con. drain. 915. Ou motion counoil adjourned to June 13, J. A. Coux/ritn, Clerk. s Diebel & Bricker W- Webm We are offering Special Values in Lace Cur tains and Carpet*. Lace Curtains from 25ctH a pair to $5 a pair. In Super Union yard-wide Carpets, we offer the regular 660 quality tor 50c a yard. Tapestry Carpets From S8c to T5oa yard. BruRHoln Oarpeta from $1 to $1.26 a yard. Ml-wool CarpetB, regular price 85o, for 15c a yd. Men's, Boys' and Youths1 Clothing- We have Hold more Men's and boys1 Suits the pant two weeks than ever beiore in the same time The reason is the unprecedented low prices, Mon'B wool blue Sergo Suits, regular pri<so$5, for $2.08 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits do $7.60 for $6. Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, do $10, for 160 Men's iine Worsted Suits do $15, for $11 Men's all-wool Tweed Pants for 98c a pair. Boys1 and Youths' Suits at correspondingly low prices. K A Monstrous Purchase of Men's, Youths and Boys' Straw Hats, at a great reduction from regular prices and wo aro Belling Mori's lino Swiss Straw Hate.worth $1.50 foi*$l on on The Millinery Department is Rushed with Orders, Ladies, leave your orders early. Good work takoa time, and poor work is novor done in thia De partment. THE GREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Bricker. 05 03 a 00 00 05 4 00 04 r> (io 10 07 4 T5 MONTREAL MARKETS. Grain There la Homo oxport demand for outH, 25^0 being bid for 10,000 buw- hi'lH No. a mixed, but holrtorn unit 20c, at which flffiiroH buslncRfi hiiR been rlnnrt, BiifilnesM U mid to have liivn worlmd botli for tho continent mW England. A GIuhrow linn iHroportod to havo bid loo for tiO.OOO buhltclu of hcuvy oatn f.o.b.. ut Manitoba polntH. Pens per M lbs oatfl, No, 2 white, In store, va to SH^o; outs, No. 1, In ntore, *J0^; ryo, No. !3, nominal; faiirloy, fooil, !i& to ,18o; barley, IU to 6lo; buolewhoafc, pfir bush, 1)9 to '10o. Flour Ono tlionmiml uaoka Mhnltobft flour wero old to-day on London account Straight roUorw, $11.70 to $8,75; Htron bakci-H1, Manitoi^i, boot brnndd, 5?iJ.70 to $11.80; Hpiing patonts, Manitolia, $4 to *4.1fi; wintr patonta, Ontario, $4 to 94 lu. Meal The market 1b dull and i>*Iccb Htmain unohaiiRcd. Rolled, por brit $3,0fi to $U.05; Rbindnrd, per brl, $13.00 to 9U; otandard, por bapr, $1.40 U ?1.50; tcnmulutod, por bid, $2.05 to $8.10; ffran- ulaU'd, -por bag, $1.15 to $1.80. CluHwo Tho demand 1a slow at 7o, for colored and 7)Jo for whlto. Butter Tho market Rhown no Improve ment. Sale* havo boon niado In a job bing way at 15c and 14%a Reomo to bo about tho range, Townshlpo Is quiot at 13 to Ma EpfKft Tho market Htill displays a ratlior cany ton(loncy, but prlfion do not olinw any material change. Satefl of fwwh ut OK to [)%o and culln at 7Mo upwards. T*rovlftlonfl Canada Abort cut uno^n, por brl, $1!J In $111.BO; Canada Rhorfc cut clear, %lii to 12.00; haniR, city omsul, per lb, 7h to 8o; baoon, per lb, 0 to lOo lard, pure Canadian, per lb, 7M to 79ic; lard, common refined, per lb, 5}^ toU*. BUFFAI.0 CATTLE MARKET. Kant Buffalo Roeolptn, 180 earn through, 3 earn uilo; laarkefc Btoady; good utitolcern, $11.40 to $11.50; 01|lo Htoaro of 1,5300 lbs, $1; fair to Rood fat cowh, *2.U5 to $UN0; voala dull and lowor; Rood vcalfl, $ii.B0 to $4; oulls to fair, $S to $a.-10. IIoa RooolptH, 91 caw through, 40 earn sale; market notivo and steady. VorJtera and plgft, $l(.0Q; Jlht mixed, $!U>ft to $8.R7^; medium luwivy, $11,50 to $!l.Br>; oxtromo heavy, $11.4ft ( wiURlifl, $ft to $11.10; ntUKS, $a.2B to $3.50. Hhoop aud lambs Roofllptu, 10 oarfl throiifth, 117 ciira nalo; inarkot opo^iwl Htoady, but woakouod ,by noon; oholoo to prime bandy lutnbH old early afc $fi to $5.10, Inter at 4.HtS to$4,05; fatrtogood, $1,110 to $1.75; culln and oommon, $a.SK to * 1.15; mixed Hbeep, Rood to choice, $a. I0to$(.(lfi; uullMuml oommon, $a.aa to $125; heavy nwes, $2,50 to $.iJ5. Oattlo oIohwI steady; all i^old. H6g6 cloned firm; ull Bold but dvornl doek^ late or- rlwls. tihoep Und Uinba closed dull And Eohkx, Mav 19th, 189G. Council mot in regnlar ROBulon the Kpputv Roovo m tho chair; proHont tbe Leputy Roo*o and conBoillorR, G E 1'or- Bythe, il A Roae, D Wbitnoy, J A Hiqkfl, Br Potto. A RaineB and J It HicUu, Tho miuutott of previoua mootiag worn road and on motion adopted. A number of aooounU wero road and on motion roforrod to tho Finance Com- uiittuo. Moved by Dr Potta, Booondod by Mr. ForBytho, that the Clerk bo instructed to procure tho uc^oaaary books an required by tho new Registration Act. Carried. Mr MoKeo addronned tbo counoil re* quenliny tho uoo on Friday ovening nest of tho large tablo for tho iitudoatH of tliti Hiuh School. Movod byJMr Forflythc, noaonded by Mr Rainoa, that tbo Btudcuto of tbe Higb School bo allowed tho uho of tbe tablo for choir ontortainmont on Friday gvouidc Carried, Moved by Dr Potts, aecoaded by Mri Rouo, that J 8 Laird bo appointed oora- miHBioner on tbo contract (or tbt cleaning of tho Townline drain. Cardod. The Roovo bore entered the council chamber when tbo obafr waa at onoo re- flinod by tho Deputy Reove. Dr PoitH gavo notice thut at tho noset regular mooting of tbo council ho will iu troduoo a by-law to prohibit the running of bicycled on the sidewalka within tho town limitu, The Finance Comuiittoe reported re commending payment of tbo following aecountH'wIiioU on motion wilb adopted. Thoa Laird work at waterworks,, .,91.25. J Ilopgood fQuoiug on fair gronnde,, 7.00. J M Hioke charity to paupor...... 4.23, E J Lovelace printing............ 17.20. W I Jonos ditohin#................ 7.B0, J H AllisBraatorial for waterworks.. ,45. Gourlay A Sons wk, ou watorworke 11,00. W H Riehnrtliion water Borvioeu.. 4-1.(10. QThorntou on towidnio drain.. .. 80.00. By-lay Ho 244,. to authoriKo tbo Mayor aud Treasurer to borrow the Bum of four thounand dollars from tho Impyrlal Bank, wau read tbe timoo and Dually rassod. Movod by Mr J A Hbka, hooouded by Mr Rose, that tbg thai uitting of the court of revinioii on tbe ttdfltwioeut roll bo held iu the Towu Hall, on Monday, the 8th day of June next at 7 o'clock p, m. fUrried, Moved by Mr Hicks, ecaonded by Mr Roae, that the collector'b time be ex tended to next reftvlar meeting, Carried. Council then adjourned to regular meet ing of June 2nd, 1696. J. Waltbm, Clerk. Wool! Wool! 100000 POUNDS WANTED JT THE Kingsvllie Woollen Mills. 18c. to 20c. cash, 22c. to 24c. trade. IST.Bi These prices will be changed each week if changes in the market ocours. We are carrying a full line of Cotton Shirtings, Gray Cottons, Cottonades, Flannelettes, ^lannela, Dress Goods; also the largest assortment of worsteds and Suitings for suits or Pants at the lowest prices ever offered. Our wagons will be on their usual route next week. Hold your Wool unfit they call on you. Brown & Wield M. B. WIGLE, * The Gash Grocer, and Baker, tf HE people of tboJTown of Ecbox und eurrouudin^ country havo loug fcdt tbe want of a pluco where they could #o and purobaeo what thoy require ou a oloae, cash basiH, without bfiiu^ compelled to pay higher prices to tnako up (or the lossee made in tbo credit eyotem. Gull and eo our ^ooJh, which ate always ot the best quality, and not our priooft, vrbiali aro tho lowout. Don't mien trying oar Tee. at 22 conkB a pound. ~ ' _ ' -_- : BREAD 4c* A LOAF. Garden andjJJField Seeds direct from the largest growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices. OA.BH PAID TOR IFIBST-OIiASS OTHER PEO0TJCK. GOODS IDEUVMKD TOOMPTLX. BUai'Ell AND FJRE8H EGGS AK0 m. a wiGW^li;^. J, H. WIGKLE, Mgr, Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex. 1 1(**"l >1 Utfebotnerm* | bejui npoaktuff only ot the nam of pov- weak for ehrep und handy Urabfli tew, ,, ~ i ^. .~. ~, ' .,... -*-., , tJ t ^., ^ ? - erty. wgard the lower animal crour galei good handy wtherm IB,^ to W.i t ' '(' ' * A* tlon, left on the mind of Ow traui'"' 1 tlftck eiport ahceu. 1412U. 1 , ' ( , r , >&Jm 1 874984

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