Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 22, 1896, page 7

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1 (fb l ' .// '^ J' 8r !-HE 35SSES PRKK P'RjdJSS re. There aie Two Roads. Oae Leads to Misery and Death, tho Other to New Life. Paine's Celery Com pound the Suffer ers Hope and Life-Giver. It always "Mil kcH People l VVoll." USE EVEKY I'HECAUttON TO AVOID THE SUliBTITUTER. For tho Bftlco ol Money Profit IIo Would Pursimdo You to Uao WorUilcHS McUicinoH, ft - ft k Ihoro uro two loucb opyn two tha old unci youn^', nob it ml poor who uro miltonnp, ~*f Irom iiny of tho diHMiueii now no provaloi t. Ono loudo to mitiorv and doath. tho orlior to now lifo and put-fuel health. Thu Hiolt and uuifcrnie, itro praying to bo lod in tho way that j.;imi<intot'n a now lifo tha joyoim road that loadn onward and upward to a woulth of health and llItpplUORH, Lot it ho diHtmatly unileritood that there. ih but ouo woll-markod cuiirsu onun to all who Hoolt tho now life; it calln for tho uho of Paino'ii Colury Compound, a tjreat phy- Hioiuu'u difloovory, proBoribod by the lmt,b living pliymoiiuiH, and ulwayH HuccajHutni whon houoHtly UHod. It ih not a p-Umit racidioina; it in not a fiarwipanllu; it ih not. a bittern or a norviuo; it in ilh far liuyoi.d Hiom all ad hoaltli HiupunfloHuufionu^. To tho thoiiHaudH on tho broad road of Rufforuig from troubled unoli as ihoumu, tiflm, neuralgia, dy^pupniii, iudip;ontir>n oonHtiptiiiou, liver and kidnoy affuctioim uurvouHnowi, he-art and blood cIiuohh3h, wo would nay, uno a fow bottlcH of Paum'a Oolory Compound faithfully according to cliyeotiouB, It will nuroly onto you and roatoro you to your ionnor jjnod health. Remember thut doU\u mo ilanutntuu; tbo HymptoraH of to-day may to morrow roftitlt in miuory of duuh To ho wU and Htrong, and ablo to battio Hiiootoufully with lifo'fl dntios, caron and troubled, you umnt -Uro Pitino'H (Jednry Compound, tbo rnudi- ,'oluo that luiH Jono uuch marvellouH thinun for thousand)) in tho puHt. Who buying Puino'o Uelory Compound bo careful to ayoid tho doalor who, for tin- uttko of profit, would havo you talio a MvorthlooH tnodicino. Koop clour of hucIi uiorohanta and dealera who would decuivej you aud imperil yoni lifo. Mr. A. Budd, of Shunty Bay, Unfc., who Wuh quickly and woudorfully cured hy I'ftino'H Colory Cumpound, wntoo aa fol- Iowb : "For tho bonoflt of oufforora I ghdlj - give my oxporionoo with Paino'ti Colon Compound. After Huilonn^ fiom dynpop iu> for thirty flvo yoitra, and meeting with many failuroH with othur modiuinen, I du- cidod to uho PaiuVii Celery Compound bavinp^hoard of ho many ouron oifocted hv It. Tb Compound, aftor I und it for a timo, produced miraoulouw ronult8 ami my troublea. "Prom a condition of holplesfjuGHB be ing uuablo 10 (deep or out I now fool wolj Had btrong. I urn aHtouitihed at the r HultH, an my trouble wan an old and chronic one. I have roaommondod Paino'a Colery Oompouu*? to aome of tny noighborH, and in ovory caao it ban given aatiufuction. I will always strongly rocemmond ltu uqb when I have opportunity." . THE BEST OPINIONS! Belemiilo Men Hay Diamond Tho boot analytical ohemiflto in tbo world affirm without hoaitatiou that Dm taond Dyoii aro tbo paroBt and bont dyo- Htuffa for homo dyoin. A.1I tho oolorn are faat to light and wanhin, and will color moro fjoodfl, package for paokaga, than any otbor dyo in tbo worlfl. Ah thorn are many imitations of tho popular Diamond Dyon, Inchon nbould bo wuro of doulorB who uttompt to rocommond tho worthloou gooda. It nbould ho tomem- hotad that tho imitation dyoa uro tuado up of poJfonouH and dantrerono nduIteratioiiH and iho hamln aro ofiou ruined by thoii uiio. Diamond DyoR aro no cany to uno that even a child can work with thorn BUceoufully. See that you got the "Dia- roond," and rofutio all othore. !>1 Ninety percent Of all the paopla need to take a courno of 0ood*o HarauptrilU at this hgqboii to pro- vent thi run-down and dobiliUtod oondi- tiou whioh invitou difioauo. Tke mortoy lDvesUd in half a dozen bottled of Hood'a BftraapuiiU will cottte back with l&r^a re- tmrn in the health abd vigor af body aud treugtb of nerveo. ' ImpoyeriBheci blod oaouea t\-*t iirdd feelinf. Hood'a 8araaprilU pundes, tu- nd ^ktalizeB the blood maH f^fee t d TiUhiy. KIPUINQ'8 AUSTRALIAN POLICY. U Nivi.r IIiihiI It, ftul H>Ul un Ainlill Iiimm Wrll.r to I'tliir It. Not Ioiik nhU'o an AUHtraliitii ncwupa- por prlnt^-d it imrttKritph hhttlng " Itud- yitrd .KlpHuK landed on thlu Uland at fiJ n'ulcMik, Mid at 1'J. U\ n'ulnnk lm hud fo"- mulatuU an AiiHtralhiiniKilli-y." Kipling, of onurnn, wiw promptly npprrmoht'd on th^ Hiihjuct ' that In very funny," ho mild, "hut It Ik not (rue. Thin Is bow It wan: "A youtlK iqmHcr nm n< red me Jiint afict* I landed. Ilmilwl him kindly, Imt Huld flnnly that I Way not to ho Inter viewed. ,ltT havo not thonjdit of IntMvlewlnK you,' vcpUi'd (he rtpnrhr with a nidnwm In hW voice. 'I ask a unit h greater favor than that ' " H turiml out tlmt tho lupniMer wan a man 'with a tlieoiy, who had lu-rii jur Kkteully sat upon hy lus siqn rlnr-, on the pii'sh. Ho had an Viejh'dll.iu pnlb-y which Iin Kni'W wnnbl hi ol t hi' (Jtrealut In m*ni to the eountiv. N'o jiapnr would prim It Ilin hhhIpmL r-equeM was that KlpllK \\*(>uld let lilin jmM leu 1 h liisthenry an the Keln nil! of tin* no\eIi.t "They will print ll," hn saUI, 'If I (;l\i ll mi ininliif,' firun yun " "All rigid," agmd Klipllng, "lh " Ho ihe ymiiif? reporter [ot In four innr- tal enhiniu^ t( lling Ihe jn-upln <if Aum tr.ill i liow to i un tin ir < mint i v 1 I ne\i v read tin artitlc," said ICip lln r, "l>ut time inji-t 1ul\c tn-cn oine nma/iiK thinner in \l fiom the >-torm it, raised I hope thut ihe\omi(< man innj real!/i ni\ forhi u.tiw e in standing .ill the urniK i'i il ul ulnihe he ipt d upon nit lor It " DllM i Mh ll \ OM I'll .in THE MANDMMENT. Ilin'f t I'ihNt I'ii* the Chicago A it \> iti> .Tnnie*, I' Lvou ti IN Tin if 'Wo in mir Minipnny a voung lieinuin imnii d !-(liult/ His luii'sci \\'.,^ his piitie Honii thin -- fiihult/ went to i-leep \\ ithoiit rat ions, hut ld- hm m* lltn* r N Jiiatti r how ^(.ireoor )m\\ haid it. was tu j:M loi.igi, 1 ilm hniso alwayM luul an t'M iun_c Imi, .l ihorough riijihiiig down, a lining pjit, .iiul a '^ood night, Frank.' Manj a time h\e I sunt Sluilt,/, hkuniNIi lor a linn h tor his hi>i-.e when wt hall* il to e t ulh (, Instuid of pn- panng his own lum li. While the rest of hm *ji ivi d in our ti ills and i< ad or played (,uiN, Si hull/ would kt ep 1-'rank's i nin- pauy for liuur-i, -iiiiH'tltnes talkliif (!er- inim to him and -omi'tlnus I'higlish. .Some of our iioisi's showed l,uk of urn ; rmnl s iii \i r and mchh'iI as fond of hW in i^ti r as hi-* m.I*-11 i ol him. Win n t he Atlanta i ainpnign opened in May, ibhl, there was not a prouder soldier nr a pret- tii v huiho tihun fcehult/, and KianL In the iHt ' "Our Jli'^t light ot note In that cam- i palgn was at VaruellM Station, May 0 Somebody mado a niph*, of it Our little brigade, tho iM of the 1st umilry dr.ulon, was thrown a^ainM Uen .loe Win ler's f utu e i mn- limml, and we fought it all day. Wo staittd lo(lurge, Imt were halted'in a plot e uf v,iiods and wne orderui lc fight on foot. We were <iln adv under'ftre and In eon- Iderahle confu-unn and only a |or tlon of the (imiiiiaiiii ln-aul tlie order, so it hai'pened that some of un fought, as cavalry and some as Infantry, Schult/ remalmd mounted and did heroic nor- \|ee Karly In the fight his pet- wan hhnt. As the aidm d made hut lirtle liiRq o\er it and hteadii d down innclcly his rider thought it ^as onlv a slight wound and remained iu the battle all day, the won derful animal seeming to enter, into tho npirit of the work as completely as Ids master That night at 0 o'clock the bri gade camped. "The moment Frank was- unsaddled In1 lnv down, r-rhull/ thought it" was ho cause the hoi -e, lik< hhu-,eli \sii-- tired, and, after patting liijn and telling him in both languagis what a splendid telhiw be had been that cbiv, and thanking him for tarrying him ->afoly through one of the hottt a battle-, ho busied hinisi If with supper getting, In tho forage bag were se\eial extra ears of corn. After his own of black coffee, craeUi v- and imt ooki d white poilc, such a bamiuei as in:ui> a soldu r has been move* thankful for than he was for the feast of last ThanUs^iung, Srhutt/. shelled the corn and took it to Frank. The horsu did not welcomi him as usual, dlcl not irsti his head on the master's' siiouldor, and look, If lie did nut speak, tluinkn for nueh a master IIo didn't lieav SehiiU/ ainnallied in tjerman that ho was1 coming with a double nition. lrraiik was dead and htif- fenliig, sliowlng tliut soon after lying clown life had departed. " Wlieu SclniH/. lealli'od that hih pet was dead ho tluew this corn down, droppul |iv the Hide of tho animal, ten derly laid one hand mi his neck and with the other gently rubbed his head, hr ho had done many times before, and Mobbed like a child In talking about bis losa tlio next city ho said: 'My poor Frank couldn't tell jut* ho was badly hurt, He caiih d mo all clay as \f ho thought It wuh hifl duty, and when tho battle was over and I was gutting supper bo lay down and died " 'That horse was a better soldier than I am than any man in tho regiment. Not nno of us would havo fought all day with such a hint an that. No oiui would have expected it of us, yet Frank did not fail me,' With thin outburst, tbo poor fol low nroke clown again, and nono of his comrades made light of his Horrow." Thought Ho Y,<]t ll Ih Head. A fow days ulnco a gentloman, while taking a rldo with bin groom, had tho mlnfortunu to have hlniM'lf and compan ion thrown \lnhmtly to tho ground, by hl horws taking fright mid running away. The gentloman was not serlounly Injured, bin principal Iohs being that of Ids wig, which linttilwon Hha-kon off; but lie found Vat. in a much worse condition, with tho hlnoil trickling from bin head, and holding bin muster'h wig, whioh he whh Hurvoylng with the utmost alarm and horror. "Woll, Put," wild bin maH- tor, "aro yon much hurfcr" "Hurt la IfcP Oh, master, doyoufice the top of my bond in my handP" Put In hln terror and confiiaion hafl mlhtnkon hie maator'fl vrlg for his own natural nonlp, and evidently though thnt bin last hour had arrived. Ijondon Weekly Telegram. Wlmra Oilr Uty LlH. If wo do not wring our hnpplnew out of tbo fair, y>oacoful, limn bin dutloa of tho pwftnnt, howovor (froiit Its trials, wo1 nhnll never find it in iho woflkonod forcetJ, in tho darkened rjiys of tho fu ture. Our duty Hon, not In rogrote, not in rcKolutionu, but In thouffhtu followed hy ronoIVoH and ivhoWm carried out inac' tlouH. Our lifo lloa not In nttrogpoot of a vunlribi'd pnst, not In hopes of an kunbl- tlouM future; our'Ufo U bcro, to-day; In our prajim," In our UUofn, in our 4*11/, hourly conduct. ROMAN CATHOLICS ADVISED ON THE SCHOOL QUESTION, Injuittlrxt Doiio to thn M I war it y of MmiOobu. --An liui>ei-l<Mm Only '* !* I"rlii--Tlm HUlu.p. Not Hiding Willi Any M tli l'oll* tUiul t'urtliiti Cutliollot Awleca to Vot^ for OuilOldutri Wli< W IU rird^^ 'I')i.<imW*i to KiLVm* ICfllfl 'I'lm J\Iuii(lt*mnut kCrim4 In All thr 4Jhui*ell(lri, Montreal, May 17. A nmwlummit from tho Ibmian f'nthedbi bluhopn wan lead today in all tho Ciithollo ohurehi-H The manelemiMit. begins by ii-nuirklng thai the hl>di()|l, um xneet -an n to tho apostles, ha\o not only-tho mission |i> teaoh tlio Catholic truths at. all tlmi^i, hut also, at, eeiudn critical and dnjforou<i moimmts, they have the ilghl, and It Ih their duty, to raliio tlndr \ohM, elblmr to Warn thu faithful against certain dun- goiH wjdoh thieaten their' faith, or to di rect, Htinuihdc, and uphold thum In tho Just vindication of righln wbhh ate nob pniscrllied, but whh h aro not. muutlcHtly rooognl/eiL The mandtiinont goes on: "You all know, oui dear 'ireihroii of tho untnrtn- nato CDinlltioii In which oui eo-ietlgion- luti of Maultnba Wine I'lneed b> the un just laws which deprUi d tbeoi --ix years ago of tlieli S"pHrate school system, which was1 guaranteed to them until then cuii by the < 'uiwrlt.ui ion of tho couul i'\ a most Injpoitant and necesmiry si haol system In a inl.xitl (nmmiinity to tho good edm nt imi and to the bi'inging u\i of children at i ending to the pilm Iples of the Catholic faith, which Is to lis on earth our most precious heritage. Wo tin not 11 quire, our denily hebived biethrnn, the ihelslons of ehll courts to be mado aware of the Inbuilty of tbeso Manitoba laws agabiht libtiiv and justho; but It ph\wd Uhlno Providence inllls wisdom and kindness to help the Cat holies b\- thej leg il support ot a sovcieigii and unecei-p tluj i Lblc ,uithorlt\ , by hn\ nig aelctmw l('ll(.' - ed bj th highest court ot I he Kmpiro the legitiinai j of thtlr tumplulnU ami the legal!t\ ol Im charal leglshttion. com,i) mdt nissniULVTK "In t lie pn senee of these fat t^, tho Can ullan llpi-i opaiy, ha\ nig In tore all things the Inteii'st, of lellgion, and fen* the good of -e-uh coilltl not dl^-slmiilut e the g,avitv of rh- dut\ imiiostilTrp7)irils" jiastoial sola male,,, and width ojdige d It tei i labn justice as it lias donoT' Continuing, tho niandomont sayn: "We had hoped, dearly beloved breth ren, ithat tho last session of tho Keth nil parliament would put an end to tho ne heiol dlflloulty which has so dhideid tho mind, of the people, but we were de cent d m our hopes. History ilsi ]| will judge the causes which delayed the siilu- tioii long e\pee ted. As far as wo me ton- cei ned, and in the pie-cnre ot* the elee- ttnal b.iLtle now going on, wo considei wt lriTrr-rr-riiipririous*-iLrty to perform. 'J'l it dutv is !o intli<at' to the railhl ill hulnn 'lui in ii.ii' jurisilh foil alitl whose c nisi e m i's \, e tut bou.. ! lo illiul, tin only lim ol coiuluet t" follow m the present t lot tlon." Til)'; BKST CAXDTDATlOa Tho mandement then draws tho atten tion of tho electors to tho Important duty given thorn to cast thtlr vou s m favor of tho Jiest eandldate-,, and adds that, as a general Mile, na\t> a few ex ceptions, it Is a matter of t onseleiH'o for every cltl/en to vote, a duty, which is of tho ut most, Impottanee, ])artlenlarly when important questions arc Htibinhteil to them, and which iimv havo on their destinies a most ilorishe influeneo. A tatAVK INJUSTICE "But, under tho clrcunistanoes, cljo duty of tho eleottu's. of Canada, princi pally tho Catholic electors, has a spiehd < harncter of importance and grai ity to which wo doslro specially to draw yeiur atrenfion. A gravo injustico has heeu dono to tlm Catholic, minority in Mani toba. Their Catholic schools their sep arate si boo In were taken Irom rheni, and parents have to send their children to st-hoolri that their toiiseioiiuo dot ^ not appiuvoof. Tho Privy Council of Kng- land lias rei-ognl/ed tliu claims of Catho lics, the legltlmaoy, of their complaints and the right of intervention of Federal authorities, so that justice ho rnutlexcd tho oppressed. It Is thus, <at present, tlio duty of Catholics, with thu help of well- thinking Frotostants of our count iy, t,o jedn fences and their votes so as to jis- Hiire tlic dellnite -\ ictory of religliuis lib erty and the triumph of rights guaran teed by tho Constitution HOW TO VOTE. "Tbo means to attain thin object Ih to only elect as roprchcntatlvos of tbo peo ple men who aro sincerely icsolvod tej favor with all their Inline nee.and to sup port in the House, a measure which could bo an eilloaolous remedy to the evils Miffored by tho Manitoba minority. In thus speaking to you, my dourly holovod brethron, our Intention is jiot to Hldo with any at tho political parties now fighting in the political arena On the contrary, wo wish to icsorvo yilr liberty. But the Manitoba Soliool cpicistlon being bofnro all a rollglous ijuesUon, Intimately bound to tho dearest interests of th Catholic faith m this < ountrv, to tho natural rights of parents, as also to tho respect duo to the Constitution of tho oountry and to tho British Crown, wo would consider oui'Holvqs traitors to tho m- nrod causo of which wo aro tho defences if we did not uho our authority to wumro ItH HlieiiCHH. DUTY Off THK ELKCTOHS "Thuroforo, all Catholics ohoul l veto for candldatoH who will formally juui Holomnly engage thonisolves in purlin- raonfc in favnr of legiHl^tlon giving to tho Cat-hollcs of Manitoba tho Hchnnl Iuwh whioh woro rccogni/ed to tlicm by tho Privy Council uf Kng- lund. Tliln gnivo duty imposofl IfcHOlf on all good CatholioH, and you would not \yo jURtlflablo, nolthor hoforo your uphltual guidon nor before God hhiiHolf, to hot aldo thiH obligation. "Wo him* boon ublu thus far, to con gratulate Gurnolvo4 upon tho aympnthotlo support of a largo number of our Hupnr- atod brothron, and wo wlah to ninko a now appeal to tho spirit of juHtloo nnd to tholr* patrlotlHm, no aw, by Joining tholr Influonoo to thut of CatliolloH, fchoy hnlp with nil tholr might to obtain tlio nottlo- ment of tho oomplaiuta juntly made by at portion of our co-rellgl<mlntn. ".What wo nk for 1m tho triumph of rightantl jUNUco. It 1b tbo nii-ostobllHb- mont of rights and privileges of tho llomntt Cathollo minority, In matteM of education, to our brothers In Mani toba, no a^ to MliAlter tho Cathollna of thut provltiod from all nttaokfi and from all urbitrury and unjuHt loglslatloh." The hiundtommt'ivfaa signed by all ih* bishops of th provinofi. conditions la somo conditions t ho gnht from tho use ol Scott's Emulsion of cod-hver oil is rapid, hur this rouse.>a wc puL np n 5oc. j^i/o, wlik'h is enough for nn ordinary ' coti^h or cold or nschil a^ a trial forl^ahicsand children. \n other conditions rtfain must hii slow, SfjinoLimoM almost iinpiTC('p1ihl(\hcalth can't Ik; built up in a day. I;or this Scotts Mmulsioii must ho taken -as nourish ment, food rat I'i or than. mfidicino, food prepared for tired and weak digestions, HcxjiTfi Huwuii, Ui'tmiMs, 5M. and $l.oo CJ**Jfct. WL&XxhM . ^. 'i in* 7i iiri*ikitii, 'JMin aerograph, ail \\V\ rurnent In ap pi uranee \ ei \ mm h like an oullnnry typewritei, is being used in Ktiglanel lor liaiiHinltling or ncehlng tcle,rra])li mos singes One mm Inne Is eniplo\i>d at cich oiid of tin lino In > tiding .i ieh graphic im s-ijigo no sp( ( hit 11 inning is M fpilied, 'Jlu opei.itnr di-pics-fs In tuin the Uevs of what appiai1* lo be un mdeiary type wilter ki vbonrd, witW the iisii d airari^e Tiuuit of the li tiers The clrpiesHlnu of a ltcy olohon tho toiinettiem ot a loe- d bat- tciy of from ll\e to ten small atciimula tins, whh h c inn i ti a current to How, not only actuating Ihe printing and Inking liit'clianisni of tho tiuusmltting Instru ment, bul aho closing the line circuit, which m Its turn < oinph-lcs thu hit al (lioidt t>t tho icci'i\ing Instrument Thu two mac hines aro thus ^linultanoeii-ly jit I uuti tl tin i us the opi i it or pis (ne- I he Ley lie nil oiih prints the on s^age on his own ni-li uioi'iit, but iiwikit an ex u b reproduction upon the ncdving instru ment An sf,ji ,is tho end of a line H rnached the m.ieliiuo auLumat icallv ino\ t s the paper forward, ' and, releasing a spillig, (allies the paper roller tn mo\o ahmg leailj f n' the letter to htiiko at the ronimence ment of a new line The lnnehine is thus perfee tly automatic In MM Ticrinu~nnil may safely he lelt to take tare of itself jit tho receiving end, the message as received being printed on tho roll of pupi r withouti anj attt athm being reeinlred llujliig it Ttltr iHlnnel. A wealthy manufacturer, Henry Mnn- lur, recently bought the entire Island of AutlrpnM, In tbo mouth of the Si. Law- rnce Hh.-r. lie paid butSKiO.OOO for Unit Immense island, which is covered by im mense forests and inhabited by bub MOO people, although It Ih one and tine-half times tho kI/o of tho Island ot Corsica. Mr Menier will, during the coining Hummer, travel in his own yacht to hl in w domain, and mti nds to instill flsh- 11 ies, .i lobster cannery and a model bi-a\cr farm on the Island The experi ment of raising beavers is particularly intercutting', since theso animals mv rap idly disappearing, and in Canada jiroper aro almost t xlinct. Wuh lie. SuLUflrtI Tlirtu ? A cantankeroiiH old geiitlemaii at Tdv- rpol l"VH 'llia II funny osrperience Ono morning recently ho came to tlio edlioo In a very bad temper, and began "taking it out" of tho pretty typewriter. "Everything i^ In confusion on this doHk," lie wild, testily. "It always Is," she responded, meekly. "You Insist that you don't want any thing elisturbod there." "Well, I don't want my papers dis turbed, but I don't want this sheet of postage stamps left here." " Where shall I put them," flho In quired, demurely, as uho took them up. "Don t ask so many <iuestWmn," ho snapped. "Put them anywhere out of my sight." "Very woll, filr," flho cociotl as softly (is a dovo and giving tboni a swipe, fore and aft, with hor pretty ud tongue, huo htuelc tlio .shoot on his bald head, and wnHcod out to seek a now job. I'l'iietleo anil Prejithlnir. "Always " The minister wjh in tho habit of Im parting bits of wisdom to his family at meals. " do things with a pymd grace!" lie thereupon returned thanks for about ten m Inn toft while the meat and vegetablcn eoi/ed tho opportunity to be- ccmo Htono cold. MTOHAEL ADAMS, M. P. POBNORTH UVTnEHLANn.N. B IS ANOTHER Wno IUS USED DR. AGNEW'S 04- TAURIIAL POWPKK AND BI5EN It dooQ nut Boom to muttor wboro ono [oMih for Rood roHulto from that wonderful medicine. Dr, Aunew'a-Catftrrhol Powdor, tbey ttrr to bo f-jqud. I-Jvory plo in UU own ptovimo, and cv*Jry member of tbo Com in m.. knows Michael Adamn, tho pop ular member for Northumberland, N. B. When he B113B to the world, an hun dono n\cr biH oun Htmiatuie, Ibafc Di Aqdow'h Cutarrhal Powder ih inoduotivo of moHt niuisfaotory resutto forco'd m tho I oad und other tutmrhal troubled, thoy kuow it no aim much. Tho medicine 111 one ponHCR. Hod of peculiar virtuoti and noyer faila to - ffeot a ouro. Ono abort puff of tho breath through tho filower nuppbod with eiiah bo'ib* of Dr. Aiiiiew'H Catarrhal Powdor diffuoem thin powder ver 'liei hnrfi'oo of tho initial pan- Hilton Piiu.Ichs and duhuhtfal to uao, it rolievon in ton'miniitcH, and pormanontly oureit oiLturrh, bav fover. qoldu, huudaolui, aor throat, tonnilhiH and dottfuorty. CO OOlllf". tt MarvolloUB Btatemtint by a Prominonk Oitnadian A Rhouwatio Remedy Whioh tb Curing tho World. Mr. E W. ttherraan, proprietor of tho Shormixn IJouao, Morriuburg, Out., id known by tboiiRundH of Canudluua, heuou tbo fo lowing htutomont from Mr, Sborraau will bo roafl with ^ront mtoriBt und pleuw uro: "I havo boon cured of rneumatlnm of ton veuni' Htandini; In throo dayw, Ooo bottle of Soutl) Aincrican Rhouiuijia Cure porformod thin tnonb romarkuble cure. I lifid tmffurtd front tbifl disoHso, hh I uiy, for ton yourri, and 1 did not ever expeot to bo entirely c tired. Tbe effect a of the that doe o( South American Hheuuiat|o Cure Woro truly wonderful. I have ouly taken' oue bottle of the remedy, and nqw haven't, any si^n of rhoutoatiam In my hydteoo.' It did me more good thnn all thttdootorlug) I ever did lu my life." Sold by J. Thoraa, TSUNYOUI -- LA(cREXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN ? f LIL" llCCh'U'< "oi 1 . cnioiil f*IK in jniilh.ovoiexMi'leiii ot ndnd und ImdyIndno-|| tT* MIL, liLOu 1.1 il I \ 1 t n nt e-:[)i 11 ino-i eoniitmilly wrooklutf th liven nml rutprrft w*' 1 pi "iiuhh o) Hi. 11 el 11,1 e ' 1 bur " 1. ' "i.i'ii. Muino fiuloiind wither nt an early WiHJ iCf oiIm 01 m 1 fo nil to tlon: mil a wsery, frmtli'" J3\"*jS TJIiiii'luin inii < - en i Odium x hiiialiuuon: but lludiioiinhu'iwii' ennfort there, j. w|J imt\h tnni.i itiii. i il l l il t ithiiMinrliff I'lio fuim, tt't olllc , tlio vi rkwhop, Urn l>Cdplt,|^ hi. tiaili J lln' )<i it K .1'. ___,_ _ fPRGTOfrtTO TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K< <& K. VA1..XK. "\\:.i. A wKl'.lt. M UH. CHAW. KKIUIY, OIUH. FEUBY. V-i SYPHILIS E'V!!SSION8 STRICTURE CURED |ST1J 1' 'JV '1"]-1.T,MKNT AViYJl Ttlf VTMitHT Bivorttwl but united twain ' --no n;hcs on iTstimcnials used without vn'TfEH coNSENT.-(*a Win. A. Wullcernr Pith Htroet itajo: **I havo naffored iiiiii l'lnu"iii i furuiy"uaj lifn." X waHineUeioreMftwhcin, \(itme and umoianl. Aa -'Onoof tho lloyn" 1 contracted S.plol 1 niut "ihni- IM utedliioiuimi. I hatl ulcoru la the- mouiii.i id tnio it.boru [jidiiH, hair looiio, plniplewi on 1 me*, tin '11 n iiln rumnedf, oiiiliiiiionn, hecruno tldii and, diHI'rmihnt ^eveu doctoni treiibiel mn with Mercury,] Polieh, ete '1'hi'i help* tl mo but coold 110L euro 1110. _. , _ _____________ Km[1II. abieiul indue- d niototry l)ifi,Kimnidy&Ki)ivim. H'The u N" "Mtithenl 'Jrieatinent eon d 1110 in a few win ka, Thnir trimtmunfc in wemdorful, J^'iou ffi 1 . .1 t eh Kuinmituvoiy duj. 1 ha^tiiiinei-hi ardof tliidi* fiilllinjttociiroiaaiiinith Sen"1 " L-'CURE Cnyit ( lnu. To-iv fie * -"r nwe nv bf t to l'r. 1C. <& K. At II J leiillif'd'i bud halilt- \t -I I Imi! all I lie i,*,mi>lnmn n >\ Hemiiid Ve.i.nt'i uml HiMTiimtur hn 11, l.miMiiunn iY\m r" eIrum nit mid \\ ultirunir ' t/ vuiihty 1 mtittinl at K'^l untie 1 ndviee of ni finall.\ dcetctr, but it wan a end itjciKMu nt lu < it'hu 1 n umiitte iii w M divorod. I 1 iIkjii eeimultetl Hih, b A Iv., who r<'Hlnrnl mo to numlienwl 1j> tlii u -' I" Mi Uml V riatiii'i't. 1 full a 1 i>w life tlirillthiniti-h in\ in 1 vi n Wueii) Uiiitid IK .nil l ml .in liaupy Jhm whh h\-. j,- nr 1 tieo. I>i ^. K. <k K. nrei t<i leuilific ei" i.illHt'iiui' GUARANTLED OR MONEY REFUNDED IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS ____CURED 1 huirtily rot'onunond thorn." t a D Kl heal and one Varuocrie, Jlimwonst Nervous Debility, Seminal^ til ft,'x Syphilis, Unnatural Visc/targas, Srlf Abust& Kidney anil JilaMh* Duces-:.______ __ 17 YCARS IN DFTROIT, 200,000 CUPED. NO RISK Kxc v fi. mi 'wSr'IMMJi- -'. - D***D. M tti i ti-omuiuibli . [lOOlib h bi> .1-. lulJSloii Inclose no itiieo, 2j 1 nK w -e. ' ,- -MO N^ IVIES Mn>rn WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. T Wo :nocliciri' r".tC O. U Noriamen on boxos or < ,.. _. Sonn0 ' (Ttrnrythlnflfuuiifldantiai. Quoatlon Itst nod coot of Troat-CJ mor\. 3-Hfc.E - ... >Don \ it lino' IhiM; \(in ln.l hope-* Are yon eontomnhittmr maN**! I"* ' 1 lie' " I'm .' ai HI ' >nil h 1 II tllM.iseil,-' ii'itiii nt u:ll eu'ie' tin \\ I iii il t an dono , rlii-C Mon.uttt v \vh" hie- * i'i1 >oti, wiito fur in hont'-t opinion l"rti( ni:,, n;. mmuibli . llOOKb f , *- *'!io tiulilen Mon-tor" (Uluiitruttjd), 01 Ibiveyctit any wetikiiiHiiiJ fin' olhtrn it will do for I rtifM D PRNtJ boxfjs oi* onvol-" hi ram no.i4bshelbyst i3kN| DETROIT, MICK.^ jgjggb^jS ^K^K-PHg "KCfK^PRS >K< For Fine Job Printing* You cannot do better than call att the...... Free Press Printing Office: We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Bale Bills, Route Cardgv Or anything in the line of printed matter. We"can print anything that anybody, else can. We make a spec ialty of..... fino Commercial Printing, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Kote Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes^Receipts, Due Bills, - Lien Notes* Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat* en- We are continually adding the latest designs in t^rpe, borders, etc,, to our already well-^equipped office* and. are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can getin a^y city, A trial solicited. Hail orders receive prompt attention. ..j. 1 'ii "hi i^fiWftik ^\^k i^^M^AmmM

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