raw TO W' .'(' V-i," t^f^r?^.*fr , ' -^^.'VJvr^^WI W$$ ^^*Wp^^^^^^^^^ y^^ THLfit BSSkSfcac PRE PRK8fc Vt"i^ JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. BANKEHB. Next to Aberdeen Hotolfl Esse*. Mony toloanoFafnirH'Not4ifl;KoUiHbouKbt or OoHootod; Money to loiih on Mortamien "t owont rutoe anil boat tanmt. Dmftti Ibhuo(1 i>uynblti tit \mr ut all Ipi-liiolpal points Fire Insurance A^onts, etc. *J TALK i v>>t 7rOF THE TOWN intlDAY. MAY *J3, IflOft. :*v D. Sinclair in ro-modolUufi Iuh roHiduouu on Victoria Htruot. Gtraao Mnthodmt Clmroli in "houiio- oltiauitifr" thin weak.. The b.rokon tflaHU in MoiwrH, Ferny tho, AudarHon & Oo.'h ntoro ban boon mnovoii uud a now ono put in. J. K Btono ui [ having hiii wawrnnmH rminted, which will (jrontoly improvo tne> uppoariuioo of that portion of our towu. W. M. DoCow ih haying billndiHtriputud, for tho purpono ot goounhg twonty tournn * lor trucking lotfft to Etonian and Oolohonlor millu.. 4 Crawford of Tilbury docn biminorm on tho BiEttll proiit and quick tum-ovor prin- oipal. The M. C. It ban piacfid at tho oroimiiic htro an olootrio danger ni^niil. It in aboil which wiftH nt tho commit in of every train. ibovo tho door of Dr. lUolmrdnon'n oftion may bo noon a uuiquu sign, t-hn work of F. Wintota. Tho Dr. in uJwav ubrmint with tho timofl. J, A. Itofio brought home a hanJaomo, now hack from Dotvoit, Thurnduy, wbiob will greatly . onhnnco tho yaluo of bin ' already well-fitted livorv. ~~ J off at Smith'h on bicyclirmvaatorrrr (3oo. Coll ban purchaHDd iicouploo! Sua now chairH for hid touaorinl ptirloni. Goo. appears to havo no difficulty in hold ing hia iiharo of tho "nhiwincn." 'Owing to tho death of a niator cf reforms Britten, of tho Ontario Druma^o Court, tho ouho of Boymonr vh. Maidtouo. to havo hoou hoard.horo on WodnoHilay, ban .[; been poatpunnd until Friday, 2<tth inut, J IMPORTANT TO FA.UMEIIS Wg ^ihaye just pot la a firHt cIuhu lino of burn SJurabor at $12.00 por M ft. Luhic Brou. ,;.JT, W Qibflon for bioyclo oundrioa. ifcljftBt Sunday's galo, following on tho otrla and ram utorm whioh continuod h Httlo intormiuHion all of Saturday ,JiKht, played much havoc with tho Hl'uuio troaa about town, blowing many down bodily and BWaehinK othoro. Noxt weok Crawford, of Tilbury will Boll Royul Cuuadiun Clothcn wrm^orn at 125. A nioo baby ouvriage, in (jood condition, fornaloata barKain. Enquiro at Fiiisk Paisbs oflico. Tho tax oolleotnr'H bailiff bun beou mak ing lifo a burdon for dolinquont oontribu- tora to tho to;(vn'M iinuucua during tho punt Wtifik. VV. F. Mud^Oi who bait tho dintroHa warrantb, hw.yH bo in viaitio^ "all uortu ami obuditionf/of men". Mr. j!)oCu\v in ' offurin^ bin valuabh-i houflft/arul lo';a in .Ehhox, and a lot of wild lauJw about the county at aiionlioo pricuu. . AJf^iQ io leaving town ho ia bound to not flu of biH proporty bmre, and \a not "wrick jfui;" ou pricua. Soo hiu udvt. in uuother column. Fauoy handttcrohiofH lo uuoh at timith'H. Queon'n colebration at KriofjIioff'H Photo Gallory May S5th, Tho nu'inbern of Entarprino Lod^e, I. 0, O. F., of thia towiv, roinforcod by brother Oddfollowa ropresontinf* nearly evory lodf^e ill tho county, attended divino Horvice tit t, Paul'H cliurcb bint SrunJay afternoon e proceHnion, wbiob was a lenj^tby one, led by the I. O. O. F, Bund, of tliis Roy- A. L. Beverly prouohoda vory 'and inntruutiVQ aorraou to tho broth- irotiOnt, aftor which tlioy roturnod to ifir fod(jo Worn and dinbaodod. Canted corn 7c a can at Smibh'a. Our now Htool acroen wiro for door and window ocreenn daou not naff whon profiaod. LainK Broa. Little Bort Cliattorton, tho fivo year old Hon of Mra. CluLDtiirtou.on Alioo atrect- Vry narrowly encipnil heinp Idjlod on Mouday l*ot. Ho and nbqut a half a dozen pjtivwatod worn timunin^ themnelvoa on tho railway oppowiiB tho M. O. It. pump boait'o, 'by throwing atnnen and watching the trainii ?- hb thoy piinBG-3 throatih. Little Rort wna > .." Bitbinii on iho AinhoiBtbqrplu traok very f ttuob taken up with wutohintfa long tram M at now oiupty cam, ooming in on tho mam '$ .' track, and did not notice tlio plu^ train, ?;. wbioh arrivea at Eaaex about half past six, ;': - and tho train boiuj> vory lightly loaded waa i"." inoviiic uIoph Hlowly wnou it atruck him, pnabinn him off Vh'- ' I"' p 1^' I' ' KV I : I North Ebvox politioiana are holding joint meet 11) kb thia wook througbont tho riding. tTamoa Dring, tonth oon., Gohilold North, ban twouty prnliflo owoa witli forty tnroo liunba. Who oan boat thia ? A Woodntook man wad flaod tho other day for nwuurlntf* on tho atreotn. Spmo l'H,nnfi duflurH Hhould be treated aimllarly. Bo^ua two dollar Dominion Bank billt* tire in circulation and poruonu are Warned to bewaro of tbutn. They ar dated July, 1R7, and taumbarud 134,001. ICrioghoffB Photo GAllory will bo open 2fith of May. It will pay you to road Crawford'a ad- vortiaomont ovory weok. you will find it on joajgo 5. While in u- iiliootiu^ affray, wbioh took pluoo in a WimlHur hotel, on Wednoaday, botwoun two hoyn, W. Andornon, colored, and W. Tarkor, white, tha lormtir wuh abot by Parker and wounded about tho hofid. Chan, Wn.yno, of. Apploton, Wis;, left 'that town a fow daya ajjo to walk to Now York City on a wagor. Ho wun to umko tho trip in thirty-oitiht dayn, Ilu )iiinnod EuHoi on I"ridnv morniuH hint at nino o'clock. Ho olaimod to bo pgfiHUif! here two duyii ahead of time. Bpeoitil nalo of laoo ourtaina at Hmirb'a. Luinu BroH. mako ncrct;n doorw and windowa that will hint your lifotimo. Order nov/ boforo tlio ilioa oomo. AI ox Lain^ ia publiahm^ a lar^o oireular oontainin^ valihtb]*) teaticnony from the loading educationalist! of Cunada, ait to tho utility of bin Plauuturium and the necoanity of haviufl it in ovory liohool or oollotjo in tho Dominion, uuoh export opinion alionld Iirvh much weight witn thoim who havo not aeon tho inhtrumout. Hum Leo, tho Eaaox lauudrymau, wau brought boforo Ma^iatratoBoaman on Sat urday on a warrant inauod by tho health board, Binj; Loo wua ohar^od with keep- lug dirty proraiBOH. Tho ma/^iatrate, who wait inclined to bo lonionL, allowed the Chinee to fjo with a find of 81 and coatnj and a warning to do batter in tho luturo -Mbflir niugor anapa for 20c at Smith'a, ^ off oalo at Hmith'a Friday and Satur day in clothing, nhbon and hatti. Mra. J. O. Swankhamraor, of Olinda, loft ou tho cditor'fl tahlo tho other day u white duck egu(tbat ia, thoogg waa white, wo don't oaro a fig what color tho duok wan) which moaunred U\ inchon in oiroum- forohco, by 7 iuohea. It woi^hod livo and a half ouuqoh or more than one-thirdof a pound. Wo'11 uivo a yoar*.a aubaoription to the Fiu:k Pnisoo for a dozen more auob o(,'fa." Hrn. Henry IiopRood, living jnat oot- nido of the corporation of thia town, in Maidatono townahip lost two valuable railoh cowh on Wednoaday nifjht. Tho cowa wore pasturing noar whoro thoro waa u pond or a mire nolo wbioh waa fenced in. Four of tho cowa broko through tho fenco and wore mired in the mud-hole, when found tho next morning only two woro alive. Such a Io&h of proporty will bo fult after having oarefully wintorod them through. luiraonae eatabliahmont; tho hrg.^ot re tail hardware and furniture utoro in- Can ada, containing over 13,000 aquaro foot of lloor space, ia Cruwford'a, of Tilbury. Tho Troo Planting A.ct baa boon repealed and a new ono iiubatitulGd. An iuapootor of troa may bo appointed. Tho Provincial Troimuror ia to recoup to tho municipality ono-half of tho promiuin or bonus paid by tbom -for troo planting. Poroonn tyinfj or fttHtuniuf* any animaln thereto, or injuring or dentroying any troo plantod upon any highway, or cutting down, or removing nanio without permianion aro liablo to u penalty of $25 and coata, and m dofault of paymout, thirty dayw' inipriaonuient. Half the fine to ^o to tho informer. Tho like penulrioa are imposed in reapect of uhndo or ornamontal treoH on boundary linen. Oomo to Krieyhnff'fj Photo Gallery raiu or ahino, on Monday, May 25th. Windsor's Leading - I "II Mil III . ' _. . Clothing House! Tb Lnrtfoet, BeHt Lb.'htnd and moat mo'l.-rn Wn'a Out IImuu klHtiibllHb- hionij in the weut. Cor. Bandwich t. uud OuallntUi uvo, dirootly oppoaltu the Forry. All iiti'o<d> onrn utojn at the door CO GO oo Essex Headquarters for w ^~v ^^ ^ Men's, Boys'& Children's I () MPCK Ready-to-wear Clothing. .#.V ' * ^^*v. WindaOr in in tho hold for tho C. \V, A, meet for 1H!)7. Laitt waok tho Leamington I'oat entered upon ita '23rd year. Bioyolea, bioyoloH. bicycloH, J. W. Gib- aon. T,\f) law nt.iidi!i)trt wrote at tjio .\n rniwa- tion at Ofiqoodo ball, Toronto, laat week. Whoro will Hiicli a number of additional i lawyirp (Ind buflineaa in Ontario? Crawford'a priceH arc lony dihtaneo magneta, drawiin' oiiHtomnra who are obliged to take two duvn for tlio irip, but it pay* thorn, Mr. G. F. Foray the in \i biihtler. we havo it on good authority that he rode from Cottatn to Ehkox lnat Wedueaday j ovoning on hia new Comet in fiftoon rninutoH. Dr. .lenner, of Kingavillo, who aucceedH Dr. Do war, here, arrived in town with bin family on \VeduohUay. Dr. De\yar will remain in.active praotiou till tho middlo of .Tune. Wonderful WES POSSIBLE Money to loan on mortgages! at 5 oeut. J. W. Gib-ion. p-r John in waah gooda for waiata at Smith'a. A bevy of High School girla were rolut. iug thoir oxperieuco of. a fn-nt kia when it came the turn of a little hlondo in blue. She waa otatoen and hIio aaid the firat time her hweotbeart kiaood hor it made her feel like a tub oE butter owimrumg ia honey, oologno, nutmeg, and oranborriea, aa though aomothing ran down her n erven on foot of diamooda, oit|orted ly ouvoral cupida in ehariota drawVby areola ohaded bv honeyaucklo, and tBo wholo aproud witli meltud rainbow. Thereat of tho girla fainted awaj ond tho Fuhk I'iujhh reporter. Hobbed like a child. All partioa indobtod to Dr. DtJW'.tr A: .^ro- Konzio aro roqueMtori to kindly onl! and nnttlo by end of Juno. Their hooka eloaed May 31at. AH partioa paying bufort* Juno lat, will reaoivo a liberal dit-cnunt. All acoountB after Jano will bo placed in othr-r handii for collection. A big do]iartnioutal htore on Youngc atreet, Toronto, aaya tho Star hua a dual on baud with a wollkuowu bicycle tirin, wbioh, in conaummated, will go far to- warda awamping tho bioyo'.o trudo in that city, and tho day for high-priced .wheel* will V>q of the pant. Tho company ui try. iug to get about 5.000 wheula, which will bu rotailfcd for $20, a alight margin ovor coat price. A farmer of Manitoba, it ia paid, re cently wrote to a frinnii in W'unipeg iiHk- iug if thoro waa u market in tho capital oity of the province for a oar loud of huraaa, Tho roply l:.o received wan that tho pe,oplo of tho city woro all riding bicycles, the ntreot cara wore run by electricity, and the provincial Government by jaokanHOH, and'thuro wan therefore no uho for horaefleah. Wonderful Buying. Our anion during April forty pur cent, higher than Hiimo month laat year. Wonderful iuoroimo. Wo received thin weok, and have bought tn arrivo, two cara each of Uoru 1'lantcrH for IS9. The uudoraigned desirea to uunouutio to tlio public that ho Iuih a .number ot new corn plantera, latewt modnla, for Halo on oaay torma. Alao persona having old plant'.'ra out of rr-pnir aro requested to l.nu!/ tliem in aa early au punnibio to avoid tliu UHual uoaaon'a niah. p>- F. ROBINSON. Opp. Dr. McKenzio'H, Esat'X. A ton-roomed houaw to D. :,. Whitney. rent; apply to tlio traok with a fow %' oruiaaH and rondering him unooiiaoiouH for fow miuutou. Tho littlo follow wan (& "piakctd up by aomo of tho train handa and |v, taken to a houflo noar by, "whoro Dr. Juh. f !; Brien waa aoon oallod to find that ho waa Ifi- not dan^orouoly injured. Paronta Miould 6t- Jseep a oloan watoh ou their children, an in <trtbis attBe tno oni^ aniraoulouuly^ oaoaped death. . |I",: aieu's heavy working ahoea worth $1 0 1'for $1.36 a pair, at Smith's. I^V-"---' 3fii\ I'*1 .' .-*.' Dr. McFaohron, provincial votorinary surgeon, has uubmitted certain now quar antine regulaiiona about hornea intended for export which havo beon uooupted and put in.force by tlio dominion agricultural department. A circular aont to the differ ent porta oatabliahoB tlio following; rtijrula- tioua in regard to horaoa from tho United Statoa abipped from Canadian ports to Europo : "No horao ahull ho permitted to bo placod on any ateamHhip for exportation at any Canadian port until it baa boon in spected by a duly authorised inopeotor at auoh port, and cortifiod by him to lia frco from any contagiouu diaoaneo; fuoh in. apection to bo made within twonty-four houru of embarkation. A cortain time ia to bo'allowed to lapse botwoou tho arrival and inapeotion of tho hoi-Hcfc." No hard timoa cry with Crawford, of Tilbury. Ilia. Anril aaloa 40 por. oont. higher than mime month lndt year. Largo promiaoa, largo atooka woll bought and low priooa do tho buainoou. WINDSOR NOTES. Export!! ITrom Ciiimilu to tln> l/nitcct Kraiflfl, \yindtior, Ont.? May 15. -The sot.tlenient, domandnd by tho Htrlliln^ plumbiM-.-* and tinsinlMiH will bo referred, to ;i ljuiird of nvbitration, and, pending a dmiislon, tin; dlHiiffectnd workmon will rirfcuni to work under tlinold suulo of wages. -/J.'lm.oxporrH from Canada at thl jinrt Into the United Statoa for tho month of April worn $l:i'.l,'(;ifl. Jaa. Jlantfhum, Hon of Street Cfinnnis- aionor Unno;linni, whs si'rbmsly n^'nulted and in,ii>r.'d by an unknown iimn to-day, wlio heeanu' ennigtid hecauao the liny rodo on hLs wignn. No arrest wan miulo. Beachvi-llc Lime, Blacksmith Coal. Binder TwnFe. One nar eacli of Sewer Pipe, Thorold Cement, Portland Oement, Drain Tile, New brunswick Plaster, Fencing Wire, Well Tubing, Gas Pipe, bar-wire Nails and Horse Shoes, House Furniture, and in addition thousands of pounds of general Hardware, wall Paper, win dow blinds, etc. Wo buy for apot caah. We buy at least ton por nont, bolow market. 10 pt-r cent, mado in thin way in bolter than 20 por cent, ovor tho counter. Theae aro a fow of the reaaona wbv wo can aoll gooda at very low prices and mako money. fctt-THK IjAKGEST ItETAIL HARDWARE and FURNITURE STORE IN CANADA. W. C. Crawford x XLiiB XJIv Y. Muiiltnliu rro|)n. Winnipeg, May Hi. ripcoia'l crop ufl. vhioa to tho Northern Pncllio iM'athiuavfcera lie'ro'Htato that; tlio Manitoba crop la two wiMikw imhind liyit year. About 75 to 80 per cent, of tho wheat la aown and aomo in nliovo tho ground whoro tho land 1 hlpfh, .Tlio crops aro not nondiniy rain; In faet aomo parts aro too wot for fioed- lnjr. Premier Urnonwiiy, who haa re turned from CryHtal City, statea that at'odlng- la backward there,' but tho aoa- hoh Ih an damp and tho frround In auoh a eimdltlon that If dry weather woro to oomo on tho farmers would ho ablo to nvertiiUo their work. All orops that aro in and all vogotatlnn aro wondofrully rank. Charloa Thompaon, Ufited (JO, flaffman at tho Northftrn Paojflo park ovonalxifg, attempted aukildo to-ddy by; outtlxiff hla throat. Mo lntllotod two rtw'p ffUfllioa, but wiih dlucoverod.in time to siivo li!a Hfo. Tho old man vol'm-wrta glvo any, roiwon for hia i\iah act, oaccopb tliat ho Wa too Hluk to wor-k.; . . AUKETJ Wheat rod por buabel ,. .,8 (i5 to flfj (15 Corn .... *2i) OatH ___ IS to .18 Timothy Good .... 3 00 Clover Baud .... to4.GC Alaiko .... 4 00 Hay por ton............ 9 oo to io no Kcof por owb............ \ m to 5 oo Pork Livo woigbt......... 3 26 to a 25 Mutton ..........'..' 6 OOto-fiOO Union ...:.,...... 000 idiickoua por lb.......... 7. B 10 10 8 ft 9 Potatoeu, per buubol .... 20 to 20 Onionn , .... 70 to 75 Apploa .... 1 00 to 1 00 Turnipa .... '*5 to 25 Car rota ' " .... 40 Bootu .... 50 Paiuiiipti .... ao 8 to 0 Duckn .......... 7 Celery porjdo^ .,........ 1 00. Cabbngo .......... 26 IfIk-uiu Walknr 4c *Jo*im lUukk^t lit,>por 1 No. 1 Ryo, per buabel .... fiO M 1 Qata oleaned .20 Q owt 1 Corn buo Tho above priuoa are paid by , nt Walkei oub, Walkervillo. Out. 1 Over= t V We must reduce our Stock of Ready-.. made CliO^HINGr during the next 30 days. Having too large a Stock for ur limited space means a loss to us. Our Loss is Your Gain. MEN'S GOOD SERGE SUITS reduced from $5.00 to $,<" all hzoh from J10 to 12 ; all-wool Twoad SuiU, regular prioo $tf, now $a.G0 ; ft8 and ft1,) lino for 0.00 ; . ^J3, $M und $15. now $11.(JO Special, lines for Young Men at Pricoa tlmfcgsuit tho.limoB. In Children's and Boys' Lines We have a Grand AHflnrtmcnt; wc can givo Jino suits for7Cut9, Ijll, 1.25, *1.50 and $2. A Job Lot of 50 Suits at half price a sample lot and lino all-wool goods. $3.50 lino for $| .25; $:$ line for $1.50 ; $1 lino for $2 ; $5 Una for $1\5U; Y^oirffhonld soo them, they aro the snap of tho aoasorj Highest Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce. 2J Whitney Block, Essex. A CHOICE OFSTYLES Is what can be obtained at owe. establishment, DuriBtan Blk; Our work is the beat, our de signs are up-to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to S4 on a suit; we "have also a splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goods before buying THE That oldBtLgrgry Should bo roplaui-d by una of Batti'n ologant now I-Iiiud-mndo Phratouu or BaR^ioa.- '% hnvo a uico abuortmont. od hand to chooHu from.' GET IT RENOVATED If yonjjdo not wunt to buy a now odg. I havo a fliHt-olada puintcr and triujrair,\ oan uuftfantuo you work oqual to tho boot oU tho oity ahopH uud all uudor my owh isttj erviiion. Ulacksmifhinfi: and General Jobbing -*>* '! 1 'V* )^sk ?j^ r i*ir,\ Wo'nrp prot'mioil to do all kinds of iron work in thp Hoeof repairipff, horBoahoeina and eouoral jobbing, on the hhoftest'ooti/"^ ^ ' '" "m : ^ KBSBX OAUniAGK WOttlCH. ^ ' %;; ./: UMM^m