Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 22, 1896, page 1

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I"' " " :' I' . : . .. (^.' MONEY TO IiliKD :^;';, On mortgages at 5 por ^ '- ' oent. Fire and Life Ia< 'W,, : :m Ji-v w Bnranoh at loweat ratoa. J. W. GIBSON, Agent mcxnex; to Ljuru Oil mortgage! aft oent. Fire and LjfeJXu- Buraaoe at I ewoei w rates. J. W. GIBSON, VOL XII. No 21 ESSEX, ONTj. FRIDAY." MAY-5s2, 1896 SStfi WHOLE W 603 PORSYTHE1, ANDERSON &CO. *sw>J>w h.W .* BoaidoQ having a complete ukoaV of gonoral morohandiflo at clouoiit priooe, we always havo Bomo "special snapa" below regular valuo, picked up as opportunity offers from mukorH who must havo oaah rogardlossi of profit. This woek wo aro offering Childei and Missoa Tau Cotton Hobo, all aiuoH, regular 16c kind at 5c a pair. 1 Ladies' Black Cotton Hobo, Mori's Cotton Soaks at 5c a pair Buggy DuBtora, largo ei/.o, iringad, 30c each Boys' Borgo and Tweed Pants at 50c a pair Men's now washing Tioa, white or olorod 3 for 25c Extra valuo in Carpets. Heavy yard wide rovoiviblo Union Carpota worth usually 60o, spocial snap at 3oc yard Ladioa' Parnsols, extra values from 65C Up Lfiee Curtains from. . . - 25c pr up Ladies' Kid Oxford*, patont tips, pointed too 75c a pair OlitUDX. Mm. Tuuyborry, of Grlmnby, Onfc., la vioitihg hoi- daaghtor, Mta. Swaakhamtner. 0138X0. Mr. Baker haw returned from Leam- iugtou, not much Improved iu hoalth. Afc tho quarterly moating hold here JaMt wook ttov. Mr. Kennedy wan invited oaok again for thu third yoar. Gesto popla havo dooldad to hold their anuti&l foHtiyal on Monday, the 25th mat. Gamut) iu thu afternoon, auppor In thu ovonlug, followed by a public meeting-iu tho ovening in ' tho church. Quito a good time expootod. Mra, Button. ar, in still on the siok Iit. Next Sunday the I. O. O. F. Lodge will hold their un*iUtd eervioa iu tho Methodist* ohuroh. Key* Win. l'atterBon ia oxpeoted to olttoiate. Last Saturday afternoon a largo number of young people] attended a May party given by Mibb Katie NoUon, Ktagsvillo. Tlioy report an enjoyable time. Crockery. Wo havo opened up a Croekorv Dopartmont and purpose soiling this lino afc oloao prices. Oar goods will bo found first-clasa and wo invito. comparison of prices. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, Odd Pieces, Salts & Peppers, Preserve Dishes; Etc., Etc. 800 dozen Fruit jars just received shoapor lhan over. BUOOIQStt. Diolc Gammon and W. WHnon have ouch put up now barns. We aro glad toaeo Mr*. Vaugbau out anion(i ua nnoo moro, Tho boys nood aorno practice boforu tlioy go to play foot-ball with theme ninth follows. An ice-cream nociul wati hold at. tlio hokno of I. Jaokaou and a lur^a crowd whh inattonduneo. Tho LadiOH Aid will now moot the first Tuesday in ovory month. J. GibbH npont the woak with friondB horo. Tho tnarrln^o of Win. Pobnou and Miaa Miaou took plaou Hat Wndnonday. NOKTH UIDG13. Mm. Walter Cblouutfc and Mre. John Liokman, of Maidutouo, calloi on rolativou here lant Sunday. Tho warm wooly cyorooatu ttz aliuop havo boon wearing for mmrly a yoar havo bocomo rathur uitootnforable tin a warm weatbur, and tho farmortf aro busy thin wook Bhottring off tho wool. Tbo high wind which blow from tbo wo fit IuhG Sunday kuookud oil a lartfo quantity of fruit of all kilidfl, utrawborrioH alone ekcoptod. Robort Lyman and Andro^ Qnoan, of Curcp Palmer callod on relativoa boro last Taeaday. Full wheat ia hoadmc out; oan any rondor romomber whoat heading ciut in auy provionn year in tho middle of May in thiHOontury. Farmers do you want tuonoy at 6^ por cent? If ho writn A. Q. Bakor lioamin^ ton, Ont. Tormfi of paymont of principal to auit borroworo. KIMGHVirjtiK Prldoau Fox lookH fine with hii brand ai!W dray. Br. Jouuor iu knoviu^ hiq hounohold gooda to 1-lnnox to day. Mm. Uuuan Faiiaii ia vsrv ill, with uli^ht hopoa of rooovory. Mm. (Rov.) Godwin of Walkoryille in viHltiujv rolativoK hero thia wook. Uiiu BiHaol had thu miufortuue to loose Vtl in narih Tnomlny lant on Mxin ubroot. Ohrmtophor Murray, of Foront, Ont.,. ih vihiting IiIh eoimin, Mrn. A.lbort Oowlor. Tho Mottawan wdl opou ou Jano 1-1, undortho aamo munatiomaut an lant yoar. Goo. Tomomiroii not improved any, in foot, Heoraa to ba yottinir worno daily. Election proolamatiounpoatod upX^nday by Rotuming Ofilaor W. A. Gronvillfl. Prank GibHon of Ridgotowu Ih now om- ployed an ooat raakor with tho Weif Tail oring Co. Tho MiinioH !athor and Harkb G roiuor have roturnod homo afcor Hpouding the wmtor in Holding, Mich . Tharo wan utrong talk of cloning tho fitoroii thin summor at Bix, but no* a oontra pototioa in out and nwoaplug otliom to tho whidu. Tho nowono roads: Wo agroo to olono our renpootivo plaoos of biininaiu at 11:30 p, m. sharp, BaturaayH excepted, whon it ia axpootod all hu hi noun will bo Htinponddd before 11 a. m. Sabbath morn ing no aa to l'ivo tho friakyxilerkH a ohanoe to atteud ohuroh, Xarmerfj do you wenit money at CJ per joiat.? If bo writo A. G. Bakor Loarahifj- ton, Ont. Torras of pavmont of prinoipal tn B)iit borrowafe" S Robert MoLuau, uti old and reepootiva reeldent, diod on Stinday morning last' at bU rtfuidouoe ou the Urd con. aftur a Hhort illiioiiRof inflammation of tho lu>if<. The fuueral takoH pi-jon to-day, Tuuftriiiy, ut 1 p.m. Ho leaven it widow aud a family of tfrowb up ohildrtm. Thl> ola time Southern barbuouti, to be held Iu Ounttal Grove uoxfc Baturday, the 33rd( promidtja to ba a fjrutid nffair. TlV^ tiarrdw brans baud will be hi attendance in in the afternoon. P. 11, DaviH,of Amhuriit- hwu will l>- ohairmnu, and M. K. Cowan and Dr. Kltij/ will bo thu principal Hpoalc- rw. JaiiiuH Dufflold of tho Pot hex road was brought befora Squire Richmond lain. Mori. day afternoon on complaint of bid wife, lihfsdu Dufftttld, for tuinault and battory ou her tiiHt Bnturday bight. After bearing ull tho ovuloiioo the Mquire ilnod Dufliuld 83 imd uoHtiniutl bound him over to lcoop the ponoo for a yoar. up Business iisr essex:. THE HEUONO GA1H.IS. V, V* A. liukuplo>M CllCi Barrett & Co'3 Have decided (owing to other business a. rangement^ in the east) to wind up the business here, and in order to convert intc cash in the next 60 DAYS 60 rides K: COTTAM. Uobt, Queon has a new wheel and woll. Mian Miunio Hous has roturnod from Ohio. Mr. Jaa. Bennott is vory buoy painting buggion, but nays be will noon quit for a tuno and tako tho political platform. Mm. R.' Hoopor wuh ia Cottam lanfc wook, hor reaidonoo boinp;Kin^aviHo. flor two noiifi Horb and Hu^h are workiuj; on Foleo Island. Millard Warner and Jonoph Carder will booh bo makiufr briok. They are fixing all tho. lowor part of tbo sawmill with aholvoH. for dryind thorn. Mra. Millard Warner aud family havo gone ou ft viait to her mother-in-law near Chatham. J. Gtbhfl, who taoght tho Bollo Riyor dohool a few yearn ago, in horo viaiting friendfl. Ho now writoa M. D. after hio uamo and ih a eraduato of Toronto Modioal School. Ho inteuda looatin^ in Chiongo ao a opeomliut. & GO. .lioading- Store of Essex* LEAMINGTON. C. Clark, of Detroit, was in town thin week. Thoa. Fuller wad in Chatham on Satur day. Qainos Cameron apont Sunday in Kfugo- villo. A. Bakor ban aeoured a pointioi) with WiloifeCo. Mma Loah Chuto, Wheatloy, npont Sun day here; W. Ruthvon epont Sunday aftornoon in Kiccavllle. Minn Chamborlain, Wboatlov, io apond- inK a fowdayo in town. Mien Blanoho Robaou, Tolodo, ia the Kueat of hor filator, Mra. Waltor MoKay, EmcHt WoodiwiHH of Kiu^avillo, npont Bauday hero, tho guout of A. Marnott. MiBHoa A. and-Vti Smith, of Hamilton are tho guests of their water, Mrs. A. Itymal. Mr. and Mm. Doleau aud boa Frod, of Detroit, aru epondiug a few days horo with reWtivoa. Mifii Maud Wnatcott Idft ou Monday for Blenheim, where aho will apeud" a 'foV' days. HARROW. Tho ohepuo factory began making ohooao on Monday, tho 18th. Elihu Wiglo of tho International hotel, Wipdeor, wan iu Harrow laut Thuraday on buHinoKfl. Roovo I^orriHO waa in Sandwich attend ing a mooting of the building oommittoe lant wonk. Damol Johnaon lias got hit) aprinklor to work whioh pro yon a groat oonyonionco thoito duaty ditys. W. D. Balfour, M. P. P., waa in Harrow laat Taeaday and' Wodnoaday abakiag haudft with friouda. Tbo Salvation Armv atraok town lant Wodnnwday and pitched thoir tont near tho Baptist ohuroh. The fruit growers of thin aoutiou aro buoy at prooonb spraying thoir troon. Tho proopocta for fruit in tbia locality aro ox> collont. A runaway borao oroatod imto au ox- citemouton Queon Rt,, law Friday morn ing. Ho was 11 top pod near tho atation with Blight damafiea. J. M. Halato&d i gottlng bia hotol painted on the~mjtBiderT*hiali a:dd very muoh to tho appoaranoo of tho houuo, John Moriti is doing tho work. M. K. Cowan and W. D. Balfour oallod a mooting of Colohoator South Liborula togothor laat week and portootod a thorough organization of tho township, Joaoph Muldor waa brought before Squiro Riohmonda laat Tburaday after- noon for abusing bia wife. Joe wan finod $5 and bound over to keep the jsoaoo for a yoar. John Cornwall loaded a oar of boga at tbia atation laat WodnoH^ay' for H. W. Allon of Ebhox. Tho farmorn and buoineaa mon ere ploaaod to hod John ia tho market again. Truant Offiocr Dr. Powoll of tho 5tb con., laid information againat .William Simp&ou last Thuraday boforo Squiro RinhmoudB for not rogularly nondiag hia children io Hcliool. Tho oaao comoa oil in tbo town hall noxt Monday at 2:.'!0 p. m. Goo, Riobmond of VVmdnor aud Mina Gilbort of Walkervillo woro viRiting at tbo home of tho farmor laat Sunday. Tho Salvation Army, whioh, baa been holding tent meotinga hero for tho- laat wook, pullud up atakua undloft laat Mou> day HiDruing. Hiram Walker ia painting and papering hia largo boarding houuo at. Marnbflold. John MorJn and Goo.Puaroo aro doing tlio. work. About 100 Harrow uifcuena turuod out taat Sunday aftornoon to witueaa tho bap. tmmfcl at Lake Erj by the Roy. L, Poaroe of tbo A., M. E. oburrh. Tweuty-four wore baptisod. AU of the oandidatos woro fr^ra Now Canaan. Tharo ia at.^raaout quite a tad in and around Harrow of partlea whipping t ihoir Wivol(. Squiro Illbbmoud ha had two of these otiBoH in leaethau a week. No doubt the next oau he has of thia kind will be Heyoroly dealt with. HOTH (1XUKU rOOTKHTKR. Thotiu old rivalfi, tho Enunx Football team and tho M, A. A. toam, Met in De troit Baturday and for the dccond time this aoauou tho wolverinea defeated tho Eauox boya. Both gamoa wore playod undor protoat by Eaaox againat John Mo- Kundriak, who haa playod profoHiionally for Baltimore. Tho protoata will bo hoar3 thia weok beforo tho oxooutivo af the }ouguo whioh oobnutu of one delogato from eaoh team in tho league. Gordon Gauthiar, of Windtor, waa tbo referee by appoiutraout of tho laaguo aeoro- tary. Eoaox Hoored tho flrat goal, Collio made an overhead kiok bo fir hin own (joal lino that dropped tho ball In front of Mo- Kcndriok/'Big .Tank" mado a drive at it bub miujudgod and in tho aonmmago Alex, Gonrtay did tho netidfnl. Michigan equal ized thotuioroon aoornorfrom Collic.Oor- bett laHb playing the ball. Jaokman ia an OX^-Rugbyito and baan't yet quite loarned topi ay oloau aaaooiattou football. Ho ran ngaiiiflb a problem In Fuerth, tho Ehhox gaul keeper, Fuerth wan listing out a long dip when Jackmtm oamo ehargiug acraat hko a mad bull after little Red-riditig* hood, juat in timo to collide with thy goal* keopora knuokloa. Jaokman'a Iitap form waa carried away and dueina lialf time bia olub wad engauod in bringing him to for the acoond half. Michigan added two more go&la to tho aoore in tbo laat twenty minutes of the game, tho final being three to one. For EoBt-x. ,T. Gonrlay waa aa alwaya, about onu-tbird of tbo whole team. For Miohigan Corbott did bettor than usual.. Largo aud Walon did tho half baok work and 3/oPhorson waa the pick of the baokn. Senklon in goal wuh not pronaod. Michigan claims that tlio content for tho Walker oup la all ovor bull the Qhoutiug, but thoy must yot reckon ou woo ting the olovon I add, who uphold tho honor of tho navy blue and white, tbo oolora of tho Windfior club. The teams ware: Their present stock of over $12,000 00 Will start Saturday, May 9, A Gigantic Closing-out Sale Of everything in thoir GHtablishmont, In order to mako this alo doubly in- torenttng wo will givo ft straight discount ot 95 por cont. off everything ih Dry Goods, Gents' FurniahincB, Boofca and Shoos. 50 per cent, off Hats and Caps. wo aro dotorminod to closo out ovory dollar's worth of goods in our utore boforo July 1, Como early and got tho choice of tho hundreds of bargains aa this is your last chanco to socuro thorn, for wo aro bound to got out by tho above date Bring your cash and eggs to BARRET*!*? 5c G& Bankrupt Stock Store. Headquarters in Essex for low pricos. Ehhux. M. A. A. Fuorth goal Dr. Boukler Copeland baoka MoFhoruon .1. Gonrlay ( MoKandriok Ohuroh balveii . Waloo StOttH it Largo All id on < Collio J. DoCow forwards Oorbett King <i Northwood Laiu# i. HondoraoH Handoook u Clennau A. Gourlay ,1 Jaokman Korr hnoiimon Bright Cunningham umpire Clark Quoon's Birthday, 1800. Tho Miohigan Contral will hoII Kxouraion TiakoU betweon all local atationn in Caua- da, and from all local ntatioun in Canada tc Detroit an*J to all pointn on T. H. <& B. railway, at Ono Firat nlaaa Faro for tbo round trip. Tiuktta on aale ftlay 2!J, 21, 25, (jootl to roturu not lator than May 2G. 1800 On May 22nd good to roturu not later than May 20, 1800, at Ono First olana Fare and Ono-third for the Round Trip. Tiok- ota will only bo good for a continuous passage in eaoh direction. ExoMreion TiokatH will not bo aoooptod on tho North Shoro Limited Traiu No. 19. For. further particulars apply to A. 0.8TIMERS, Agont/Esimx. Tho Ijftw of tbo Wlioel. Tho anomaJouH oharaotor of tho bioyole and itit uao, howovor, noooaaitatea aomo Blight variationa iu applying tho law of carriages arid vehicles to it, audit seoraH that tbo wheolmon in riding tbo road par- takeu Horaowhat of tho .nature of a home- man and to sorao extent reaps tho benoflta aud diBadvautagos of tlio immemorial ueagev and our* torn a applicable to him. For inatanoo, it aaoraa that thoro ia no law requiring a borao man to turn to tho right. The rulo aeotus to bo that a mtn on horae- baok.should bo goyoru'od rather by hia notiona of prudenoa aud should bo required to conaidor somowhat the oonvemonao of vohiolos whioh he moota, depending upon their ohuraotur. A horaomau ahould yield the travollod traok to a vobiole, particular- ly if It ia hoavily ladou, whero ho uan do no without poril. Tbo faots that biayelea ^and horses oau pass along a track much mFfowor than that required for carrlagou, and thatthey alao oooupy mueb Iobh apaco in length, are of wolght in determining the duty of tho wheelman or rider, Bo, too, ia the foot that hiu control ia mora abioluto than that of the driver pf hor'auu attaahetl to oarriagea. A bioyoliet, however, can- not be forced to ride his uaohino on dan - goroufl ground, and tho oardiiml ru!; auV- joot to the abovo oonvidaratlona, io "Keep to the right". -From the Barrister for I May. ... Nouth ISasex Schools. Editoii FnuK Fttissa: Dkak Bin, Tho following BohodMlogivos tho attondanco, oto., in South Eaaox aolioolafor tho month of April. a-a i i 52 SJ an 5 S ^p -S* ^ rf ri 0 o^ m *" - i aS" U a3 u :i ^^a M S* Is- S^ O HOW OO "P wR al3Sl ^s *! fts Mcraen...........'... M Bl MS .WB8 70-30 GoSold South... 231 40 aai 2152- -ffi'Ji Goflllnld North... 32J1 4B WA 8^0 00 42 Oo?otadSto ?R. . 010 4B fifl3 Git^ll 81*70 Ooloboator N......CiW na ai" 7lrfl0 7B.M Ualiloa.....;.-. H I VH u7!Sl 71-fitl Andwdon: .231 4^ Ml (WOO 07M0 Tilbury Weab......WW 88 BSD fifl'OQ 03*1 I'Oloo Island......... IB. 17 33! 54*31 8?,BA UamlAtoS.........U07 83 419 WJJ ' M-iJ KlnCMvlllo............1*5 17 270 flfl'OT 81:7S Ambomtburu.....^ _lf m^ 78^ B3-2J Votal U210 4B9 4614'. 74'/iO 7B'i14 D, A..MjuwKLr,f 1. V. S. County Council On strict Olvlsiou Judge Homo," of Windsor, has roturued from tho preliminary raaetiug af the com- raiHsion appointod to divide county council diiitriotn and apportion tho number of councillors accordiou to populatiou, tho ldoa being to rod woo tho number of ropro- aontativos. Tho chairmau of tho oommin- oion, whioh mot at Oggoodo Hall, ia Judgo Jonos, of Brantford. Judgo Homo aaya little was done beyond oonmdoring eomo uniform medo of proooduro in thoir work. It in behoved that under tho act a notable reduction will tako plaoo in Bsnex m the Muwborof oounciliora, probably over 0 por cent,, and a grunt saving of cost will be thereby effected, not less probably than . 61,100 por annum. Judgorii Homo, and. Boll of Chatham, will bogiu work on their dintriots at Woo do took ou Juno 1, Soim-WeeUUy Paper-su re- A New York aomi.weokly pa-oer ia turning to Uh old weokly form aaya: TheobangrfKm weekly toaami-weekly wan made with the firm oonviotibu, bawod on a careful coualderation and niudy of tbo local newspaper oouditiona, that a twiqe-a- woek paper would better aeryo both readers and advertiiera, But tho publio view it difforoutly. having abowu oy uuwiBtakablo evidence that the weekly io p-roferred by tho great majority. Boin, tyte to meet, aa far aa roasouable, the wishes of/ita patrona, rather than co carry out a. hobby pr exemplify a particular newupaper idea that does not B&tiBfy thorn, the UeBaenger roturaa to the ouoe-a-woek iaaue." Public School Keport. Senior 4th class, Hiitory; 100 marka given' A Gourlay 63, KLaing 01, M Mil lar 51, B Ellison 51, J Dewar 50, Ijily Li nob 50. M{h Wilhano's room, Sr, 2nd, spelling 50 marks, namoa of those who obtained ovor C0% aro as follows ; E Smith 48, A Robinaou 48, D MoHwan 48, K Dolaeo 46, V Hioka 44, M Thornton 44, V Burdiok 44, E Laird 42, H Allen 42, F Burdiok 40, L Thoruo 40, A Naylor 3S, A Dolaen 34f K Rani or) 32, D Ellsworth 1)4. Miss Shaw'aroom, Sr part 2nd olaas, marka possible 60, Ubtaiued by highest ton ; G Laird H0t L Rbyudresa SO, J lie- sou CO, n RobiuBon 48, X May 4,'i, W Cot- toll 45, Al Willahor 40, IH Wyman.38, G Goanoll 35, W Bates 28. Miaa Hall'a room, marks poaaible 2; obtained by highest aix: V Munroo 22 8 Brown 32, W Wiglo 20, t Wightman 18, S GreenJB, J Boblnaon 17. "" Aliis Aitoi*2on'H room ' 0; obtained by highest eight in olaaa. Br. 2nd-D Faul 48, L Allen 46, Roaa Hill 44, A BBuok 42, U Wigld 40, B Sin- olair 40, B Doan Bl. kUobiuBon 90. ; Misa Crasawellor'a room Br Fart 2nd. Marks possible, 60; obtained by highest ten in oUbb; N Green 52, E Btaman 42, W Davia 41, A Edgar 89,-J MoMurray ?8, Irwib y9,, R Hanhon'aO, Gar'duer 20, A Hioke 26. , , , .'. '.% x ':i\z' - >$M *a If yon buy a bioyolo yoa >Mrt"Boi(|^;,'..^v thing that H gobod value for your mn^ J. W. Gibe^u htui the laraeat'aaaortmonti wheela in Essex at the' lowest poaaijalo v priooa. Second hand wheela taken id'i^',1., change. \^$ >:H'^$ -. ' ~- - .'^.,v/ .:,i?,ig " ' " ' "" " .....y'W MffliM^w^^ ^Mmm i-'fe

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