^fp^ Vir*t VHR fci^Jfei3fc '* RE Pl*i&e . :o * Felt and Straw Hats LATEST MARKHT REPOllTS. Vi LIVE AND Gents' Furnishings VERY OEIE)^.^. You know that those who aoll cheap do the busi ness. My-motto is small profits and quick returns, and would ask you to oall and compare my prices with others. All New Goods, no bankrupt, moth eaten or shop-worn goods, ^KTAXiIj PAPER - I havo yooured Hamplna of wall Pupor froro' tho Consumers' wall Papor Co., Windiior, ami ouu huvo vou from 15 to 25 por cout on your money. Prioou nininnu from itctu a rail up to fiflahn. Bo nuro and call Ixjforo buyiug olhowhoro, tut it in no troublo to uliow gondii. B. J HATTER AND FURNISHEE.. If Not Why So? And If So Why Not P aboro to bo tho groat headquarters for We claim our bargains in Boots, Shoes and SU pprs. If so, why not deal with us? We promise to place at your disposal the best and most desirable goods in the market and make the prices . right. Oar store is a place all econ omical buyers should vHt, Custom Work a Specialty, BiU of tho Goldou Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. Public School'.Report. 0CIA& PERSONAL W. B. Clifford, of KwgHville wan in tawu ou Saturday lat. jMihh Buokloy, of Winduor, in Hpunding ft brief vacation in town. J. D. Stmmbort, of tho firm of Liung, Ititohio & Co., iu in town thin week. yir. Wothorjy, of Detroit, called on hia nuHur, MtH. Thoa vVothcrly, lanb wook. Dr.. Janonr, of Kin^Hville, who in to huc- CGcd Dr. Dowur noro, was in town on Monday. '. Dopaty.Beovo Jno. MuDoutfidl and Jno. Gormioy wore in Chatham Wodneuday, an bauiueaH. noun . Graon and Walker, of Walker- villo, Hpont Saturday evening with the Mwaoa Millar, A. Baird, 1*. L. S., of Ijoamin^ton, wuh in town vootorday, on buoinowt with our Hoove Laird. MonBrH .T, W. GibHan and Morau, of tho High School stuff, wheeled to Leamington on Saturday laat, J, L. Btowart and W. Trimblo roturuod from Toronto on WeJnonday ovoniug, and are now enjoying thoir vacation. Minn Enbhar Southern, who hau boon vioiting fiionda in Chicago, roturnod homo on Monday and ruuumed hor position at May'H Ruzar. .1. C, Whitnoy loft on Saturday lant for Potrolou, after upending Hsvoral woekH in town with friendfl. M . Whitnoy and lumrtolf will viwt their Potroloa friendH for a timo, ,. Mm. Mountoor, widpw of tho lato A.. C- Mountgor, and family, of Toronto, arrived In Ehfiux thin week, and will romdo with her parents, Roy. N. K. and MrH. Scott. Mew. .Tao. L. Nttylor, of Manistee; Mich., amvadin towu on Wutlnonduy evening, and will yiait hor parous, Mr. and Mm. Church, ami many othor friondu for a fow wuoka. SooWiY, On Middlo Road,. Maidstone, on Friday, Ap^il 21, to Mr. and Mro. Juh. Soully, a hou. Tavi.011. At GoBiioId North, on Monday, May 4ih, to Mr. and Mro. Wm. Taylor, a daughter. GtwiU'R. At Colchonter Thurodav, May 7th, to Horrid GwiUu, a son. Croaaiugf on Mr. and Urn, Luetic n, At Oolohotiter Thurodav, May 7th. to Joh. Luoior, u. Hon. Cioniniig, on Mr. and Mm. NtfAk, At Old Cant!i>, on Friday, Muy SftVj.to Me. uud Mm. IIuoort Noal, a apt), MiflH Williarn'H room,.Jr, 3rd chum; nmrliH pofiyihlu 80, thoho who obtainod over G0% am as foIlowH: A Wymau 73, .1 Doman 72, J UioUn (J8, M Thornton fiB, A Robintmu lil, E Wilhou 02, M Fito (12, K HicKH 50, G Lynch 6,7, K .lohiiHCon o7, B AUxandor 4, G Fe'Gthtira 53, D Tazuamau 51. MiHii Shuw'H room, ,Jr purt 2nd cIuhs, raarktt poHaiblo SO, Obtained by hiyheat too : li Elford -111, M Manrb -18, G. For- oytho -J7, E Brown 10, W Sample -lo, L Stone ii, A Khyudronn 4a, F Hart 4B, P Bouman -13, M Sinclair. Senior 4th, tfmramar and litoraturo; 100 markH. M Millar 81), J Duwar 79, L Linoh 01), B Naylor GS. ii JamoH 03, J Wulluco 60, J5 Munro G1.), A Gourlay 5H, B Ellison 54, A Laing o.'t, K Lainfi 51. Mihrt CranHwollor'o room for wook oud- iuR May lat; Honior part II; markH possible 00;,obtained by hi^hoHt ton L- olana:~L Hormon HI, A Edtfar 37, N Groon 30, J MoMimay 3F, U Davia ai, B Itannon 34, L Wortley 32, H Uarduor 25, EJ Irwin 24, E Boamau 24. MiHaCrnHBWollor'H roam; Jr. II olaHfl; markH ponaiblo GO; obtuinod by hitfhant ton in olafiai A Wolfo 41, 13 Phillips 40, K LowiB 3U, VV Wolfe !13, M Robiuaon 31, W Noblo 29, F Siaaon 20, II Buaaoll, 20* E Keowu 22, II Davm 21. Minu AitohiHpnB1 Room, for wook ending Muy ldt; iuurkfl_ pOHHiblo 60; thoHo who. obtaiuod 50%: XD Paul 49, Maado Robin. uon 44, A B Buck 41. Beatrice Dean 41, Lauru Dibbley 38, Bonnie Siuolair 26. Minn Aitohifiou'fl room; iinirkn puamblo 50; thouo who obtainod i,o0%. .Junior and latormodiatu Booond alaaii: M RichardHon 50, G Nuylor 48, A Goroy 48, A Wilkimon 48,^ UuHh 48- C Robiuaon 40, M Bau^h- man 40, A Staooy 40. D Walkor 44, "w Chatterton 42, H Grattawollor 42, H Will- Hhur 40, S Uiillum 40, L Trowin 40, J Foothiim 38 D Wiuhtman 38. M Gontidou 30, II Soara 34. E Gormkiy 34, G Goaliu 34, O Violtoro 32, A Hallara 20. Miriii Hall'a room; marko ponaibto 5'J obtained by liighont ton: Nottio Wigh*.- man 20, VinoBiit Muuroo 20. Stanley Brown 18, Willio Wilson 18, Graco Wilo 17, Wiuniu'Wijrlo 15, Alvio Wothorly 15, Jano Robinoon 15, Mabel Gampboll Joe Wortloy 13. U. (Jorn Plantova tor 1890. The undprnigued doeiroa to aunounoo to tho public that ho baa a nurabor or dpw corn plentorH, latest modals, for sulo on eniiy tormo. Alno poraona having old pitnt?ra out of repair, aro roqueafcod to hrintf thom in no oarly au poHaiblo to avoid tho imanl soubou'h rubh. F.ROBINSON, Opp, Dr. MoKoKUio'a, Kboex. STOCK MAHICKTH ToronKt. May 10. Tliot* wart a lurjj;" attondahen of poople t the Woatnrn Oattlo Yards to-day. Tlioro yrai muoli HvollnoAM In tho export ojtttlo Uno, bat It lu nob xpotd to liufa. today's vim Was caused by n dnmand for oattlft to go to Bol^lum and Framw. Trado In butohom1 cntfclo Wan anytliln but yood! PrlnoH w*iro off about. y,a from luafc Krlday'H hlt;bnt f^ntn. IIokh Woro Htwiidy, In nplto of lionvy offorliijcs. Many monthuhuve olapaod alnuo tlin ponu Wero no full of oattlo tin tlmy wore to-dny. All told thorn worn.00 wirload of HtufT on tho miirknL, HI! of wliluli came tu to day, TIioho liHiludod lOHHhoop.iiudlamhfi, II.UOO boKH^OyojilVeHunclUO^owfi. Buying of Htouk(!ry and foodera \viw fairly uctlvv und prices in that lino waro firm. Kxporfc Cuttlo^^-A oouplo of oarlond of picked oattlo auld for 4Jo jn-r lli, jmt thi^B ojtnnoi. be takon aw any crliiTiiai for there nro fow cattle Uko bhenr i>> the country. MohI; of the dmilw for eliolco mil tlo wero made In the ro^lon of -In por lb. Sonifi of tho bout butchuru' cattle wero iiikou an nxparUtrH at about HJ-jo pei- lb. Boinii khIoh wore: One car load e/ittlo, 1,!300 Urn nvumv -lo per lb; 40 c/ittl*. 1,300 lhfi avoraK". *4.20 por . owt; 29 onttlii 1,3110 IIih iivoniB*;, 4^0 por lb; ton cuttle. l.L'OO lbn averuf^o, \V)^o por lb; 18 outtU*, l,U0'lhy HViinifftt, -$4. lfi per owt; one our load cattle, 1,820 lbu aynrn^a, 43(1/! per lb; ono car load cntfclo, 1,3110 lbw nvenipfo, oxe^ptionully ilno. ^.40 por i:wb; two" ear lnadri cattle, 1,200 lbu average, -lo per ll>. Butchnra' ('attic Thw market wan u littUi weakor. Too nmny mttlo nffewil and low prlruK ruled. Mostly the top flliuto wuk Mj-i'u pur lb, ono Or,two jilcknU touolilnflf $3.30 pur cwt. Some very puny ntcoi*n and rou^li cown Hold uh low uh h and 2J3'o per lb. Tho ruling flj^urfM for loadn of good eattln woro from 23i to 3a per lb. Heavy oCforlnftn and the warm weather were tho main factors toward doprenslntf trade Butohern are fjolny nioro In for veal and lamb. Thero \n no money in mining ImtcherH' trattle now. Bome Kiilen to-day were: One oar load, 1.0IH IIjh average, JlJ^'e per lb; 5 good cattle, 0,400 lbu weight, 3H<" P"r lb; ono car load cattlo 1,000 lb tivcragn, 3e, per lb; one car load cattle, 1,100 lbn avt'raHQ, $3.30 per cwfc; one car load cuttle, 1,(100 lba average, $3.00 per cwt; ono car load cattle, 1,0'JO lbs average, 8U.U.r> per cwt; 7 oiiLtlo, hauRht for HhlppcrK, l.lftO lbs average, 3^e. per Ih; SM cattle, 050 lbs average, $2.7la jK)r mvt; 20 eatth;, l,u,7ti lbs average, $83 each; 5 cattle, 1,000 lbu average, $2.Hfi pt>r cwt. Stnekers. and Feeders There whk a Hteatly trado in this line. Goad foedern fotnli 3 to \i\4c pm- lb. LightHtnekerfi aro quiet at 2^ to ^^oper lb.; eliolce half fat feedevH aro wantod. Sheep and LjinibH YearllngH wer Hteady, Kelllng at from -\% to r>K: l'^r lb. Not many came In. Sheep are dull at 3 to Jio,1*,' pi-r lb. Not many spring Uimbn are ofYering and not many are wanted unless very choice. TIichc rub? at nbout $3 to $4.fiO per lieuxl. ('alves Offering? were heavy. Too many .of. the calves \vere oflnforior quality. Prices ruled from 2 for pour ones up to $4.fi0 for choice, or perhaps ?5 per head for one or two fancy vcalK, Mlleh Cows and SpringnrH One good inllcher sold to-day for $3(1. Kveiy one sold before the close, and the feeling was Hllglitty lir:!i T. I'rliN*^, W\-v i!i::,.* from ^..'0 in 40 per hem!. Karly springers are in demand. Good ones will fetch tup prlcis. Hugs* Art one dealer wild to-day: "It was h >gs, hogs, nothing but lings.'* Yes terday there came in 1,400 head and to day there arrived 1,HOO head, but in splto of these heaving offerings the market held firm. Choice' sebictions -of .. I menu hogs sold for le, per lb, woighnl off tho cars. Other kinds ruled as.quutcddn.the tabulation appended. l*rospects aru for lower prices for thick fat hogs. BREADSTUFF^. Wheat. The offering* are fair and tho market Is weak and lower. Cars of red were offered to-day ut 73c high freights west and the best bid was 72n. Ked and white are offering on tbo Northern at 7fii:. Manitoba wheat is qnlot. So. \ hanl In quoted at lllc afloat Fort William May. Cars of No. 1 hard sold Toronto and west to-day at 7u and No. 1 northern at 74c. Flour There 1b a little hotter demand reported by somn millers, but at low prle.es. Cars of straight roller are quoted at frl.r.O Toronto freights. Millfeed Is dull. Cars of shortw aro quoted west at $11 to 812 and bran $10.50 to i*>I0.7n, Barley Is dull. Cars of feed aro offer ing outside at 2He. No. 1 Ih quoted out side at 30i: and No. ii n% 34c, Buckwheat Is nominal at 31o north und at 3:i east. 4 Rye Is dull at 47c hero and at 43 to 4c outside. Corn Oats Are dull and (may.. Cars of light mixed sold on the Michigan Central at lOJ-fJo. Cars of mixed on tho,main lines norxh nnd west aro quotpd at at) to 20^o and white at 21 to a^n. Peas Aro dull, but holders are tlrm at 40o for No, 2 north and went and at uQo middle freights, with buyers 1c loss. Wheal, white, per bush ... .$ Wheat, r^il, pur bu*h...... Wheat, goo.ic, per bush.... Peas, conimoii, per bush... Oats, per bush.............. Hy<\ per lmsli.............. Hurley, per bush........... Buckwheat................. Ducks, spring, per pair___ Chickens, per pair......... (iee.se, per lb.......:........ Butter, in Mb. rolls....... Kiri;H, new laid:,........... Onions, per'hu^h........... Turnips, per h;ig, by load.. Potatoes, per bag.......... Potatoes, car loLs........... Beans, per bu.nli............ Beets, pur hag.............. Carrots, per Ijjil;, by load.. Parsnips, pur bag,......... Applen, per hhl............ Hay, timothy......'........ Sti'avv. sheaf........'.....'... Biiuf, hinds................ Boef. fores.................. Spring lambu, curcaao, ... Veal, per lb................ Mutton, pur lb___......... DrouHud hogs............,.. TWO THOUSAND YEARS OLD. Thw Anilnt * Flilillti I>rllL" Hu. Hot Y** kirnifi I>lplu<io(l tiyuMoiiorn Xnvantloa. The <dalM>ru^ carving on the new building of tho New York Olenrioa HoiiHu Ansoolatlon In Cudar Ntreot iuvmw- nitatod eoimlderidite uno of th 'Middle drill." Thia drill Is of peculiar littoral iJiamnticli jis It U our of the oldoit Htoao cutting tools In wxlMbmoo. It U udd to nntartuln <lreel; aoulpfcure, and, In lu ubo to-day In jdioitt the mjuiiii form hH It Wn-ri 2,000 year;! ago. Ah ltn luimo lmplian lta action i-i'semlileH u Oddle. Th* drill 1m of two pleecH. Bi one hand a carver holda the drill stock, which la likoa narpnnter'n hraee, except that It Ih straight luutoftd of having a crank. In tlio other han.d h* Indils ihn "bow," which Ih strung with a' brass wire and which Is of ton given a turn around ihc drill fd.nrl;. To use the cr.-IU tile earv<!r placew tho drill fifinol; agali^t, hia breast, lioldlng It with IiIm lctti hand, and with IiIh right he draws the bow back and forth, Jldrilo i'us!'.lo:i. '1'hls iinpjirts u rotary motion to i.hc drill stock, and the drill In ground in rut in . itlusr way lli turns. The fldrtlo drill Is used in thi- /Inest work, In crev- ieeti v.-lu're the sculptor could not. reach wllh his chisel and hammer without um- dangorlng the carving. About tlui ilxttt thing tin IngonlouH Yankee would day on seeing the "Ihldle drill' work would ho: Why couldn't a power drill of some sort be used for that kind of '.work? Some thing like a dentlHt's drill? But carvera say thai pneumatic, drills and varlouu other typi;i of atono cutting toola havo been tried but none found able to supor- sede. tho 'Mhldle." Diebel &Bricker w. Uo'u MoOlillifllig. "1 can't maUo out how It Is that Jfcm .Tolinsiui always gets such good places," nalil Harry Smith,the carpenwr'a mm, to anothor. hoy, as they wei*o returning hoiuu one afUsrnoon. And Ibirry was not the only uno who thought. tlniH,' for Jim's luck was tho talk of the neighborhood. .Tim wirn cer tainly in* ])attern of cleverness, or beau ty, or strength; ho could not do more than others nor could ho do it so well ua tunny; but for all that, It was quite truo ho alwayo had good places, good wagon, and a good character. When he left ono employer, to go to another, it wan generally wild: "I would not part with him if I could liolp it; ho Is a good hoy, and so obliging." This was the secret of bin good luck - ho was "so obliging." Bid tho merchant or tho wagoner want an errand hoy, or did. any one want a job done at a mo-" ment's notice, it wan only to get a .sight of ,Tim, nnd it was as good im done; for Jim would hurry through hln own Inisi- noKs in order to help. When hi-. Was. at homo ho kept tho wood box full of wood, and hln mother never had to nnlc him to bring in a bucket of water, and many other little tilings diil bo do in a cheerful. manner, Hiy that be was a great favorite. And If ho Haw younger hoys In troublo ho would try to help them out; and he put on hU shoes, after having taken thein off, ono pouringrralny'iilght, to walk two miles to the town for a parcel containing a new gown the carrier had neglected to bring to the kltchon girl, who wan crying her eyes out because she could not havo it to wear next morning at hor Ulster's wedding. Hut it was not so much what Jim did as how ho did It, that wiw ao agreeable. Our Companion. '.IfowTrfiiRiiP- lw TrjLimrwir.tcfl In filifatt. We have heard much," especially of late, of tho diverting of public treasure to pri vate gain by Chinesu oJllclals of rank, ami the pitiable evidence of it in tho failure of the Chinese army' and navy to he ready for the inevitable struggle with Japan is too recent and convincing to be disputed; but on tho other hand, we can only wonder at tho power of this law of responsibility which, in such a land, ena bles tho remotest province to transport its dues to Peking In unlld silver, by the simplest means, without loss by the way and without, tho protection of a singlo soldier. Nothing Impresses ono more with tin* absoluteness of this power an applied to transportation than to moot a lino of paidc-mules, horses, or camels, loaded with silver bullion. The silver in usually conllnfld in rough logs of wood that havo been split, hollowed out, and then hound together, and each load Ih marked with a little flag of imperial yellow, suiting- the amount and destination. That is all tho protection there Is except tho ordinary drivers, who carry no weapons, and are attended by no guard. In what other land on the face of the globe could tho same ho done? ujtaunoiulhlllty Among the Chinese," by Prof. C. M. Cady, lii Century. We are offering Special Values in ILace Cur tains and Carpet^, Lace Curtains from 26ctn a pair to $5 a pair. In Super Union yard-wide Carpets, we offer the regular 66c quality tor 50c a yard. Tapestry Carpets from 38c to 75c a yard: BrufiBols Oarpetn from $1 to $1.25 a yard. All-wool CarpotH, regular prico 85c, for Y5c a yd, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing. We have Hold more Men's and hoys* Suits ihe past two weeks than ever beioro in tho same timo The reason is tho unprecedented low prices. Men's wool blue Serge Suits, regular prio$5, for $2.98 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits do $7.50'for $5. Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, do $10, for $7 60 Men's fine Worsted Suits do $15, for $11 Men's all-wool Tweed Pants for 98c a pair. Boys' and Youths' Suits at correspondingly low prices. Monstrous Purchase of Men's, Youth.* and Bovs' Straw Hats, at a great reduction from regular prices nnd wo aro selling Men's fine Swiss Straw HaiH,wnrtb -$1.50 for$l The Millinery Department is Rushed with Orders, | Ladies, loave your orders early. Good work talcoa timo, and poor work is novor dono in thia De partment,. THE GREAT CORKER STORE, Diebel & Bricker. . S'Wool! i Wool! 100.000 POUNDS WANTED AT THE Woollen I 18c. to 20c. cash, 22c. to 24c. trade. U.IIij These prices will be changed oach week if changes in the market occurs. i 78 $ 80 on 78 *na 00 r>; 50 *7. 28 58 -10 1W 84 ;itt Hi) 50 00 40 60 <m 0Q 10 18 0 10 30 SO 15 20 05 ao m .18 1 10 1 20 30 35 20 25 40 50 1 75 3 , 1M 00 ir> oo 113 00 H 00 07 08 03 0-1 300 r> oo or 07 OS - 07 4-25 4 75 'it'Uiif ton XVffcriuieii. Lovo la llko tho diamond puro, white. Othor prices Rhino lilto tho procioiw stoncH of imturft, eaoh with its own huo of hrllllancfl, tho diamond uniting all i-olnrn with ooo beautiful and oliuplo whlto. Lnvo uniting arf gracon Ih thn fuUlllinjj of tho law, tho bouuty of holi- nnt.;, the. irango of God. If lu a K'qunre Vnvl, EHtubliehod in Uipho colnmnH, over tho hifjuaturo oi miin}' of tho boht known men iu tho laud, Unit aa a ^cner>i| rtmo'ly for Throat, Bronohiul, and Lurln ailmoutu. Pincmalt, oaaiiy, takeH tho iiiat pluct-. No ono doubta tho vuluu o[ piuo an u rem edy in Buoh ailraentH. Malt ih iicurculy luufl prirsrtd in tint atuno uilineutii. Thonu miled by othor pulmonary agenth proBout tho moat ucioutiilu and cOiouciouh remedy ever dirtuovoted for thu relief and'ouru of hournneufl, ooiifih, bronohitiRf-croup,_aihiU,- rrta, incipient cormumption; and ull othor tliroat and client trouhlt-n, Pinoraalt con tains uo UHuacuntB. In winter eou^h of Iho aued it givos prompt *o|ief, Iu ohronio ouhou aolc your drufiuint for Pinomult and IlytiophoRphiton iuiitRdd of plain Piueumlt,. Tho uowcft, niouL pahttablo and boot. We are carrying a full line of Cotton Shirtings, Gray Cottons, Cottonades, Flannelettes, _5?lanneleT Dress Goods; also the largest assortment of worateds and Suitings for suits or Pante at the lowest prices ever offered. Our wagons will be on their usual route next week; Hold your Wool unfit they call on you. Brown <& "Wigle M. B. WIGLE Thef Gash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker. EIB people of tbo Town of Ehkox nnd surrounding country huvo lou^ felt tho v/aut. of u pinto wbero thoy oould uo nnd purchuBO what thoy roquira on a olono, oaeh, bnfiiii, without bemu oompollod to pay higher pricon to muho up tot the Iorsch mado iu thn credit uyBtorn. Cull and woo our Roadw, which are always of tho bewt quality, and cot our pricop, which aro tho lowowt. Don't miRH trying out Tor at 22 ui'iiiaa pound. BREAD 4c. A I.OAF. f M R-- EAST BUFFALO. At Euflt nulYulo Giittlc~nocolpt, 10 ours kiiIo ; innrkot Rlow, buraly Atoady, Ho market noclvo nnd HtronRor; Yorlcorn geunruUy $8,110 to jlJl.flD; ntixod paokerw, *8.7 to 11,H0; plKK, *U.n0 to $11,05; oxtromft lioavy. *!I-10 lo *.ft; i*oiih, 911,30 to JSH.Hft; fltjiRH, .93. B0. to 9ll. Bheop and lumhH market ovormippllod, dull, uhro^g and lo low Br; bout Hhuop,9.50 to 98.85; common fco Imkr Hhoep, a to 90.76{ boat lambs, 94,ta to 9*; oommou to fair 9a. 60 to 94. Xl 'Simc For ktftillrilng tip tho tiyMtom m ufc thin hoqhoii. Tho eld woathor hun mdo unuQiml drains upou tho vital forouH. Tho blood hun hoooir.o hm- povorinbod and impuro, and all tho funo- t'oim of tho body huifur in obttHcquonoo. Hood'a Burbaparilla iu tbo uruat buiUW, hflcauao it is tbo Oho True Blood Parifler and neivo touio. Garden andJJField Seeds direct frora the largest'growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices, OASH PAID FOR OXH15B PRODUCE. : PIltBT.OLASB BUTTEE AND FKKSU GOODS DEL.IVBHED PKOMPTty. J. H Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex;. -,-: vfer*- 'y^m 1