Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 15, 1896, page 7

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w'? 1"" - PUT THAT ON. TU 0uru* IMnn F*lt Wnrin*r When D# Ouvv Awuj llli Ov*riot. r-.ijt.WM u raw, (lamp Ootobor day, The ?4.pafl#pngurH In the north ld cabin earn fi'.'ijr warb ehtvoring- und ffrumbllntf nt tho ;,;-.-economy wnloh iioooHfiltn.tod tho opmi !, curs uo lato In tho nomm, HttyH u OMonjiro ",. pupor. Art a Clark Bfcroot car utuiTKnd /\*> from tho tunned It v/hm bonrdod by a bi- ; "Bnrlujr man, who awun hlmmdf on upd ' eat down rilmutly. oppiwltn u proHnrfoui; *J brokor -who hud nntnrcd thn car down .:'." town. Tho hibnror wuh thinly triad. 111k furrorwod fuoo urnl doop-tmt oyitH told of a ""; Ui'o of cant, If not of aotnul want. Thn toco "wart IntolliKonfc and hoiuwt, and a '."'kind heart wjw i-otlootud In tho Hht nyon. Tho man who nat oppoalto to him had : tho air of ono whom tho world had - tmtitod kindly. Although npi-urontly illty yonrn old, tlmo had loft llttlo linpmiti on " to kIIvit tlm : thick hair \yldoh had onco hon blank. H\n oxpronfdon won ntorn, but intimity Kuoim In ovory lino of hlw fnon. Over liln lmndomu twrod milt ho worn a llfdifc ' ovorooat, ohiKoly buttonod nuriWH tho choHtt, OucaHloiuLlly ho [.dnncnd over tho at hlw poorer uoI[,rh- .:. bor, and tho p-hinctw although Hhort, took in o.vory dotal I of tho imm'n npiiowiinro. \Vhon tho our renohed Snlilltar 'Htroot tho bmk*>r propnmd tn ot oil*, nt tho unnio . tlmo vomoviiiK his overcoat, wliloh ho ', threw over tho worklntfinun'K Ictieon. "Put that on," ho wild mmmiptorlly, oh ho junipod on tho pavement. Tho poof man wan ko mirprlNed that a ftooond nr two olnpsiod boforo lio tfnispid tho Hltiuitlon. "For inoy'* ho ulinutnd to hlti hoim- fuolnr. "Did you give thin noat to ini\'M "YeH, yen," returnrd the broker, as ho Imtrlod to\viird Doarhorn nveiiue. Ily thin tlmo tho cur wns movinpf '.^fWlfbly northward and the .lahorer whs standing np, waving Ida cap uml Mltoot- lng: "God bleHH yon, sir, God hlcfi/t you," Tattl wan t'HE BS3E? - xTKKie.....FRB9B onoand. Adnllna Tattl wan. tho Upr^ l)uolcUii(^, It ImliiK thought by Imr pur- ont that hnr winter, Curlcitta, tho heimty. Mary Andernon, tho Idtml, olaHHl- tial Imanty of tht^ last two doojvU'it, %*us uonHldnrnl In her owu Jiomo ml awk ward, oroUnary-looklnK m\y\, vathor quUt, for tdiu n|)ont nioHt of her tlnm i'..idi>'.|; Shakespeavo. (.Uiorno KOI lot noVer Iktuihiu u iMMiui.y, hut tdio forood Uiokh people who laok of attraotlun n-i a ehlld to reeo^'iiI'/o tho Ki-eat ifonlUH of tho womnn. The old maiumloH down Sioith ulwnyHHenrnod a pretty baliy, and, odiUy uUoiikIi, thoi*o In wlndom In this," The <Jf>rmlimti4in *f N'uIh, It 1h. a very com in on notion In the North that nuts .will not prow until they are frozen, and that thiM freezing is neefSHury to open their kIk'Us. . A mnment'n tlxoi-j-ht; ought to recall the fjjet ihut many of mir harduHt-Khelled nutn are native to i:e;r;huiH whoro freezing \h unknown. Ah for the Northern nuts, thoy drop with or hefero tho folhiKf of tho treen whhth b(ur thoai; and In the still air or the forest nr grnve tho nnow lies level, while the th-ad leaver, With tlio snow, constitute, uven liero In northern Vermont and adjoining Caiuoia, one of tho most perfectly frost-prenf cciv- orlnK-S habitually made use nf In our gartlenn to protect mil' hiilf-hardy" a"n"rt~ tniulor plantH in winter, Some Indeed, I think many, If not nil our Northern mitS: retain their vitality, ttlidor favorablo condition^',' fnr many yearn Kavinp; hiHfc nprluK a call f<r n luC of young butternut trees, I planted a eou- Rldorablo quantity of nuu which h.ol biHsn kept in a shed lofi, for lour or tivo years. Every nut viiKctatod, and tliey all . niado^iijjrowth of from__10 to lli inches during tho senso'n. Those "nuts hove iin- quotitlonably bem subjected to a l"inp"r- attiro far below zero *-\i:vy winter siiu^) they wore g;ither!d, hut none of tlu-ir * HhollH wore cnieUed or lou.-encd. I do imiI, think, their vbttlity would have Ihi:ii prosorved had tliis incurred, So far an my observation and expori- W-pnco have yt.'t extended, in reference to %< tho vitality of nuts (and tlieso cover a QonHldontble extent of territory from Canada to Tennosseo), they rarely vege tate extensively near thetrcco'from whie.h thoy fall. IVrhiipa this is chiully duo to tho activity of boyn and squirrels in hur- vesthifj; thti erop. Whoro the treiw staud closely there may also he a hick of huh- force to storti ^k-nnijuiLlon, ff it were not for its roil11 shell the butternut would havo a \v\y exten^lvo solo, lor In quality It is decidedly superior to tho so-called ICnglish walnut, and jt will endure a -""" much colder oUniatjjc^-USwlon and For ' i*i t. It it.fM Thitl. (Jiicry Aifi five lingo kites were u.'ihI at ('lirl-t- ohnroh lJa)'k, Ipswich, by Lieut Povvob a Hhort time ittfn to domonntraLo tin1 ]\a\A- lilllty of raising a man from tlie pr,n;.ul for i-eeoonollerlnif ptirponon in t line of war, A wicker car was attached to the kite's and held the aeronuut".. During tho trial It wns prevented iVom t;i):i.i;< too hl(j;h a Might by an anchonu." >" :>" hold from below and paid out Inn i a wlndhiHH. An indent of nhout r0 i'ci i, was Biiccouriftilly made by t.hree persons i;ep:u'- iitely; It only .required the lottin;.' our nf nun'o ropn u> have extended ,thbt dlntuiteo, CnnOy for theCliildroti. A delicious and harmlos.4 .candy for tho children is ice cream eatidy, Tl'd*: I:; i.i- vored tin it Ik pulled, and nwiy hi* m into sticks or small pliMies if p:\'fem'.t, Uoll three eups <f sugar, a quarter t>( a toasponiiful of cream of tartar and o;uv half cii]i (if water together, bin, do lilt stir the syrup at oil while hnllluu;, Unll until when n little Is dropped into c-del water It Is*. Turn on to a InrpM, well buttereil platter or a morbln slhb that has been (died, aiel im it niols Iho edges towards the center. As snon as it can be handled pull it, until itty whitu. ""*7r\VttrKpfii<"Ml." ' '*" I Proaident iloiner T. Fuller, of Drury College, Sprlngllidd, (>,, has received a, lntb'r from a MasHaehusetts man, who offer4 a large Hum of money for the veri fication of a. War episode. Tho ntory U tluit in tho early days of tho war a do- tJM*.)onont"f>rCoiifo(1erat'o troopH In Mln- vioiirl tonic about 100 Union Koldloi-H, Twelve of these prisoners wove llneil up and shot without provocation by the Con federate niUeerrt, Ujion hearing of thin act the commander of the Federd regiment drafted twelve OonfodurnLu .prlnmiorri to lm shot In retaliation, Aw the lino wari being formed, a young man named Will iam Leo r stepped forward, and lisked to take tho place of one of the condemned men, who was his friend, The request wad granted, end bear wan nhot lu place of his friend.* Now York Tribune. ,\ Ditiigeroiot IMqnor, ft lu announced that tho Impnt-tntlouF* for this current fiscal year of that kind of liquor known as vermouth will reach li2fi,0(H) galloon, whei-eaH In I HIM only rt'1,000 gallons were Imported, Ah ver mouth is uued almost oxiiluslvely In tho preparation of certain kinds of eorktnlls, thoiio flgiiroH furniHh a good Idea of the growth of the cocktail lmhlt in this coun try during recent years. In ltd evil effoets tho cocktail habit In alio out as bad an tho opium lmhlt, -Troy 'lines. A. HViihi'I'm II viHUtt Id I'owel'H. . A London eorii'spoinlcnt writes: A friend .upon whoso word I can rely told | mo the following: Ho saw a lark living I above the turnpike road, Uuttorlng some four or five feet ahovo tho ground in evi dent distress. As he looked he saw a I weasuj In the middle of tho road waiting ' for the bird to come down, This it did, ] fulling helplessly close to the animal, J which killed it and 'carried it away. Thin ! incident seems to show that a weasel hufl Itfiuity Ih an licauty T)orh, "You think the Ugly Duclil.ingynevor becomes a swan?" writes Kuth Avdimore lti April Ladies' Hoine.Tournul. "Hntihel, who was said to have hud tho 'most ex pressive face of any woman in tho cen tury, and to have been the most grace ful, was counted by her family an oxoe.s- isUely ugly child. She adored beamy, and she tells in one of her lettorfi that e-uddonly one day, after looking at hor- self, she made up her mind that flho would bo charming. And nho said, 'I. studlod every hour of my lift! to be u;;ly najoiigor.' History tells how flho suo- ltceimllnir Musle. A Frenchman lout brought out an In vention long looked for by immuionn; It is a recording piano. By im-anr <>! a typewriting instrument attached under ! the keyboard, anything that- hi piayiid can bo recorded by the lnstrunw-rit. Tho musie iu not recorded In the iihuai nutey, but in a series of long and short dajhos, something like the Mnrmi alphuUwt- wliicli is easy to reproduce in tho ordi nary manner. NEW BAGGAGE REGULATIONS. YllnyrsllHtH Mill IIuvo to I'ay Tar Tfeelr _\V1lR!lH. Toronto, IVlay 10. Trnvollors who take tholr bicycles along with them may -not be pleased 'to loam that in future tho railway companion propoRO charging Cor bicycloR carried as baggage. An agreement hna beesn ontorod into between tho dliforent Canadian rondn, t^i go into eJfoot on tho Irtth lnnt., and it in an nounced that each bicycle or trlcyclo will bo charged for . thn same as for fifty poundn of oxoorr baggage. Tliey may bo cheeked through and colloetion nuido tlio same as baggage, except where a transfer by wagon is Involved at June- fcion points, unless specially arranged for,' and except to points on or over the lines whoflo rules permit Wiolr being cheeked only for passengers accompanying thfin and presenting their passenger tickets. Tho charge will ho separate from and Imvo no connoction with the chargo for any oxcosk baggagu. It if" undcrfitood that tho. lowest charge will ho 5 contti, and tho railway couipnnion do not anfuinio any roBpouiilbillty for damage. Tho railways In the ageement are thn Canadian Pacific, Canada Atlantic, Erie and Huron, Grand Trunk Hystom, King ston and Pembroke, Michigan Central, Quebec Central, and Toronto, Hamilton and HuiTalo. This loaves tho Intercolonial railway out Another very Important change has also been made in regard to tin; chargo for baggage in storage at railway stations, wliich intoreatfl the. entire travelling pub lic. A new schedule of (storage charges on bagaggp has uIko boon decided upon, to go into effect on tins 18th inst., as fol lows: First twonfcy-four . hours, free; second twonty-four hours, iifi cents; cue]! subsequent twenty-four hours, 10 cents no charge for Sundays or Dominion holi days. Heretofore tho charge on baggage has beeij lo cents a week, but tho rail way authorities claim that a portion of the travelling public have taken advant age of this to leave their baggage an un reasonable time in tho hands of tho rail ways, and that tho now tariff will havo the effect of making* pnoplo roiuovo th"'1" baggage at once. KOiuo fusoinatinn In hl eye. Tin- Nei'rt <>!' Worship. TTiDH^iiity has need of worship and of lows. Wnr.-hlp is lii'cded In its relations with the Divinity anil with tlio supremo prlneiples of it:- lndng; laws are Indis pensable fur its social existence. Christ on the cross has established worship '.'in spirit of truth;" has eniupleted and sec tlie seal upon Ills legislation nf justice and elmrlt.y. What there was of tho true and tlio good before Christ was only a prepara tion and a figurative symbol of Ilim and Kin mission In the world fulfilled nn tho cross. Indeed, 1 lis own life, with tho miracles and teaching, was the continu ous development of a plan, beginning at Hethleheni and ending on Calvary, wliero He fixed His throne. from the moment of Christ's death nothing was left for hu manity but, the evolution nml the appli cation of the work accomplished by Him nn the cross. I'riOf'iiHnn In Obi IVru. Education was monnpoll'/.cd by the In- cas ahd the nobility The teachers woro called "amauta" The '"quipu" wero tho books The miipu was a small enrd from one to two feet, long, mode of variously colored threads t wisted together From this other and thinner cords were hung, forming a frlngo; all the cords were of different coloru, Tho colors^ represented objects, Hiioh as gold, silver; somotlnieH white signified,jienee; red, war; but they woro chiefly used for calculation. Cham bers' Journal Th*Bttir Plnn. -Good morning. What nro Manngor- you doing? Candidate -I'm writing to a man In tlio Third Ward, who wants to know what T think of the tariff. Manager Sol What is he? A protec tionist or a reformer? Candidate; I don't know. I'm telling him what I think. Manager .wait. Don't bo so Impulalvo. Don't toll him what you think. Toll him what ho thinks. IMiotdtfruplifHl Thrniijjfl! Iii. A rather novel feut was performed ro- contly at the Diamond Ice Company's works In Newport, III A pluto of Ion was stopd oh edge just wliero It had been frozen, and behind thlH soino half a dozwa persons. intoroKted-in tho company, took their poKltiono while on the other side a photographer posod his camera and mado un uxposurn Tho foatures could bo noon so distinctly through tho lee that thoro \M Itfclc question ns to tho success of tJio operation ' AT LEADER. Paine's Celery Gpmn-:.uni the Chosen Medicine in all Well Regulated Homes. Keep a Watch on the Substituter and Imitations. Tbo world*H grout loader, P-.,i Compound, bun no equal foi ' baustod norvea and buil'dn-ii m and nhatterod body, : Tbo ttriiatuBt of modern, in. *E;lJhripBiM.D.,Lli. D ub liurd pruotioo and clone Huit nun Kttvb'Pftino'n'Culory Compooi.e. wboaro BuficriuR. Th*- won oempound hns antoinfllu-d rich. loavnednud unlearned, m u-_ dares. The glnd mows hiiH oprei.d io . lu'ndB that Paino'sColory Com, and potmationtly ourea ev- i- dt>Hporato for tlio phvHioihnV -.. of nob'onron in the fcontimonin- received every week from bup. * ful men and wonen Raved fmin tg'*V*v P'lx-;; Pin'ra Cilery - Conapound tep.r" mix':.4- .-" t^^.^;-:)Vv.'"':,;,., Cflfi-.s x . I M Ot' arch, . ibiiaiM ikin'* pi nr .cllnllfl .Mvd 'ZCd ' -urely i;,r.|-h lOO .!i. Proo'u fin-in are \t)A urate t.h. dark .i' . -. huu fully proved it.n power as a hanihher of dyopopma, ^uJigoHtion, rtiLMuiiatihm, uourulgiu, kidnoy and liver troubles, and id] di8oanon ariuing from impure and pojHoned blood. Thoun audfi of mini and women, tirou out, run down, HleoploHH, uutrvoini, mornHo and deo- pondent; have nijjaintid porfoot hoaltb, strength and haoyancy of Hpirita, by tbo well aflviHod uoo of nuttiro'a own modioino. nowapapor advortisinj;, aud that ulwayti doceivo unwary and too oonlindinj* peoplo. i^jiuio'b Colery Compound ir a truly Boion- tifio prcooriptiou rcjomraouded by tho bos* raedioid mou, obommto and profeamonal mon of tho world. To nizo nn idea of tho popularity and grotit ommonoo that Paiuo'u Colory Compound ban ronoho it ia only nooosaary to Htato, that millioun of well- It Iuih given a now and brigbtor txiHtonoo \roguIfttod.hoLUoa havo mado it thoir ohoHon to a vnut nuiubo'r of nuinan hein^u who were tired of life and ilo many burdoun. If, from tho winter woatbor, and tbo varin.hlo day" * oarly npiing, you aro loffc with iiorvouB debility, beadaoho'a, in- HomniiL. lanuuiduoii**, and norvon all out of order, do not- hesitate a day longor; ubo PhIuo'h Culery Compound, wbioh is apeo iully udapted for your Oiiho, and you wdl avoid .future tniaory and Buffering. Pamo'ii Uolery Compound doou not bo- Ung lo tlio worthier familioH of tioVvluota aud aartrnpatlllim that avo made public by rpedioino. Ah popular coodnaro always indtitod by unHorupulonti men, buyorn of Paiue'n Calory Oomponnd abquld Hoe that fcboy ^nt tho only gonmno colory in fchA world. Look for tho . tradotnark tbo namo Paino'H and tho htalk of oolory ow ovory bottlo you aro offerod by doalore.'- Avoid till morahantH who would tiubutituto flouie- thinftth'itthMy oiill junt aa good; tbaro fa uq other madioinit that pah tak tb pUoo of"Paitio'u Oolory Oompotmd; It ih what you moat urKutly roquito to makfl you well.. If? If you want to preserve apples, don't cause a break in the skin. The germs of decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump tion find good soil for work when the lin ing of the throat and lungs is bruised, made raw, or injured by colds and coughs. Scott's Emulsion, with hypophospliiteB," will heal inflamed mucus mem branes. The time to take it is before serious damage has been done. A 5o-cent bottle is enough for an or dinary cold. '. BO cenia tmd SI.OO Scorr & llowwu, ClivmUu, U1Uvtll OoL 000 WEAK ISli jTARTLINQ facts for diseased VICT ti&'GURES GUARANTEED >/? -N /**** o PARALYSIS CONQUERED. ATJLAST IT YUCIjOS TO TIIU Al>VANO: OF MFJ)CAIj soiiCMtao. ClioMO'on^'1'..ninoiiy ,t u Uhii Who Wuu uMBull ll uit>nilri<UI^nK'iiViiU*i -w NW HrJ1iN Hi) U.n.w.H Kl.m|ilBiMiN(r.ii(iti. *i**oet<r. AilinU ihat furuljMU lu No Jfjouuer liHtiir^ m!1 'Ihoro in nothiu^ in hfo nuddor than to iioo a (itronii man iitriolton with p'andyiUH. Alivo, yet dead to tho dntieti and aotivithm that buloiifj to lifo. the paralytic, until a comparatively recent period, wan dcomod to pami the remainder ot bio du-yti in a liopoloHH and belpleHH condition, But nioou the diHcovery of Miati wonderful ineilicnu' liivon to tho world undor tlio name ot Dr. Williams' fink IPillu, tbote- Htriokan with thiw formorly iuourablo diuoiuj havo now tho lnoibQH of regaining hoaltb, atronutb and activity, ILuudrcdfi in variouo purtn ot tho country who woro holplonH, badrid- den iuvalidii have boon remtorod to houlth by thin inooinparable modioino, Aqiodk tlioho who bad tbuH lioun fortunately ro- Htorcd to notivity in Mr. All an .7. MoDon- ald, a woll-knowu rflmdoat of Nino Milo Crook, P.E.I. Mr. McDonald aaya : Ii, the full of 1811!) I injured my book, mid during tbo year ouoootdiiifj mifforod ureut pain, I had no Iohh than four phyai- eiariH utton'l mo at difforoufi timoa, hut without any benefit. Bofor* tlio end of too year I wuh forood to give up ull aotiyo work and wim rapidly falling into n condi tion of utter lielpjeimtiL-BH. On two ooca- HionH the doctorn oncataod m& in pi alitor of pariB, bat it did no good. My limbii kept gottin woakor and wcakor, with a twitoh ini^ motion and I drafted nay foot when I tried to walk. Finally I lout all power of locomotion and jiboolutely all power of fooling from tho waint downwards, and I wan m holploaa an a piooo of wood. In tins half doad and bulf ahvo condition I laid in.bod for cloven mon thn not ablo . to help mysolf iu iho lonat. Phynicallj I did not Buffor much, but mrntally tbo uRoiiy of thOBO louf; weary tnontlm cannot bo doHoribed. I waa at lant told by the dootora that thoro waa no hopo for mo, mid that t watt doomed to pans tbo remain dor of my dayti a hol'plouth "half lifoleati piece of humanity. Providentially ooon after t.biB I road of a oaao oimihr to mine cured by the una ' of J3r. Wibiami.' Pink Pilla. It Hav mo uew hop& and my f riendn got mo a supply of tbo pilla. Af tor tho uao of a few boxofl I found that lifo wiiB alowly returning to my liraba. I oni- tiuued uBinii tbo pillo, Krutluallv growing titrouRor and ntrongor, until now, aftor tho uno of thirty-two boxoB I am ablo to walk about bmartly and can do ltyht work, and I fool that I am gaining now ntron^th overy (lay. Worda cannot cxproau the thankfulueob I foul at again boinc able to no about aotivoly aftor paaaiaa tbrourjli that torribloordoal, imd I oinooroly. hope that my oxpononoo may bo tbo means of bnncing back hopo and health to flomo othor tmfforor." Dr. Wilbamfl' Pink Pilla utriko at the root of tho dinoaao. dri vin^ it ftorn tbo' aya torn aud roatoring tho patient to hoaltb and Btrengtb. InoaBOf of paralyaiB, opinai troubles, oto., theno aro huperior to all othor trcatmont. Thoy are aluo a aptoiffo for thctroubloa whioh malto tho liven of ho many womon a bunion, und Hpoodily r*- Htoro tbo rioli ulow of health to aallow uhctolca. Men brokun down by overwork, worry or oxoghu, will find in Pink Pillo u aortain euro.. Hold by all dcaloru or aont by mail, pout paid, at 0fty oou'ta p box, or aix boxen for fl'J.fiO, by uddrtiamug tbo. Dr. Wilbama* Mfadicino Co., BroukviUu, Out., or tiobo- noctady, N. Y. Bowuro of lmitationo acd nubHtitutoH allocod to bo "juut au koo-I". & DC 'VnU Kb NfirvomtaiiddoiiiHindi'id; v/eii!: or -lohilltu!.-'; tired ii-ieriiuien; ummi- Pjif JIIJ] f hltlim exoiiiihUtimd u'ririihuu " emit Hiniktm, rod ili.d blnni'd;. |> :n\Am (in fiifc; (helium imd i\\\i\\l lo'ii.ut; Iri.tle/i (Un: i dikh'Cj und fit rini({th hiii'itunl Inoklim; wcult viirleni'iiin; ili[innit in uriim and drnlim nl I'i'xd; (Jir.t-i'UtiiriiivAvuiit /if confnlcia'i lit- I't'i'd; diet. W OAN OURE YOU I liiiic |rjnn,i; nh'cru; moi'm tbrent: It.r.]; of r?HSro,*=PED TO MAMHOOD BY D/?S- H, & f>- JOllV . ^ANF.IN. JOHN A. VANMN. <JU .J. l'CWKUK. CT7A9: ""'*V KILH, ;t..:mm-. ..'1J1K.-.'1\ ISI.l'UliL 'llili.A'*.i||..N,J'. .v. i, iKLX'l^lkNT. NO NAMES Oil TESTIMONIALS U5ED WITHOUT WIIITTEN C0NSEMT. S VARICOCELE,' R EMISSIONS AHb I -POTENCY CURED Jnhu A. Mi.iilie cilvh: "1 \,-unnnit of the oountlenH vlo- finin iti curly i-.;u(iiiuiro eeinuieiiced ut |.rj yiturii of ncc I tried Hoven medienl iimiH and mmut $itOO without uvail. 1 k'ivo up in dftt|iiur. ".I'ho driiinM on my rtynt,fm wot* wrmkiiiiiiu; mv ieti'llt'ct en well un my i-nxiiul und tihynhtal life. My hrof.l.irr ndvinod me un a hint reuort to'eoniiult, I'm. RciuiiKly ttKi-ri'iin, 1 roinmnnced tholr New Ma thud' Treatment und in a lew woolen wiui n now mini, with now Hfo und unilillinii. I'tiin wim four yeurn !ik>*\ anil imw I iiin murrii'd and happy. X rncorutiiofKi tlitmu rod'ihlu iitiociidiiitit to all my nillichid followimm." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONF1DENTAL- "The vlpf-ti of onrly hoyUond laid tlm fonndntinn of my ndii. i,iih>r rm u "Kay. lifn" n: d uxnneurn to blood du f":'jii'K*rjrnpI('ted tli' wreelc. I hud till tho iiynijiloniH of Nnrvnii'i tliiiility unukwi t,y(>,cinif'loii, drain in iirlnfi. 11 it vi in .ne.'.'i, \vi\ilt h;urlc, e:\ *Sy t Id lie ciiumhI my linir to hill out, hoiin lifiiuc, uh'orii in month tun I on toncim, hli'ti-(t(**i i#n ttody, cl<:. I t.himlt find I tried Uru. Kennedy .'/ Kcr^uii. Thoy rentorcd mo to hnvlth, viitor und hunpinooD.'* Syphilis, Emissions1 Varicocele, Cured. CT1AH. rOWEUR. ' }~ We treat and curt* Varicocele^ Emissions, Netvous Debility* Seminal W*-aK'tie$st Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharge Self Abuse, Kida.-y and llladder-Diseases.______________ NO RISK. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. READER! 200,000 CURED. 101 ed out hopo? Aro yon rnntcmplntlnw'niar. \y woaknwH? Oar ft will do for sow. Am you n victim? Havo yon rima)? IIu*1 your Hlooil In en dinnti(ied? Huvn yon nnj N.e.v',ml '1 reiiiiiieiit will ntro yon. What, it hnn dono for othorii . ... COKiiULTATION FI'EE. No mutter who Iuih triiiitcd yotl, wrrto for !ia hniifittotdilion Fr<m or "hitnro ('hurHt'H reimnnuljle. DOOKS FREE "Tho Uoklon Monitor" (llhmtmtod-), on W. n po-iM-.-d, !! centc. Hi>ulnd, i...-isO NAiVlf-.S U.iLD WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PR!-" VaTu. N" nvdh (no n nt C. O. L> No namofl on boxos or w-nveU onoo. l--i:vr-rythinor confidential' . QuOatlon Hot and ooot of Troat- moi.t, FKtit . , 0RS .'KHEDYiRERBAII, y-rir No. 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, MICH WTOnM^^JliX^^ k#..\vttt*,k,!i*>k.i ' For Fine Job Printing- You cannot do better than call au Free Press Printing Office. Vourc *>hyrlcui Co million NoedH nttontion Rt tbia tlmo. It you aro tired, weak and uorvoua, it ia olont that your blood In impuro, and witbont donbt tboro baa boen too much ovot-worit or q rain nn brum and body. Tho oaumo of troutmout for ntiob a condition ia plain and tdranlo. Tho hlood munt first'bo purl- tlod bo tbat tho uorvouu oyfltora, tuid in fuot ull tho orgiiiiH will bo fad upon puro blood. Intolligout pooplo without uunabov havo tofitillod that tho boat blood purifier, Uftrvo tonic and Htrpiigth imparting modi- oluo in Hood'a SavHapavilla.' Norvonne88, lohfl o! Bleep' and (jenvtal dobUlty all vanish whon llood'o BurttnptirUk is poraiitoutly takon ; iu ti word, hoaltb atid. happmosB follow aftor taking Hood's Btiroaparilla. We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards* Or anything in the line of printed matter. We"can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of .... . Fino Commercial Pnnttag, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes^Receipts, Dae Bills, ^ - Lien-Notes, Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adcb'hg the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to ; ;; our already well-equipped office, and V; are urepared to do as hanidspme a jobv $ of printing as you can get in any eity. . H JS^J^tf^^^ A trial solicited. SKail orders receive prompt attention^ . y-^-^':-^'r"^ 56354939

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