Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 15, 1896, page 6

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mt'1. - .' ifi-' J>Bfesjfejr ^RJ1 H^Htt>. .uii MIOM MAD IVM. Atam Ik* Photoirruph / m Mrder^r b* Oh- |t*In*<l iTrom tho It*tin* f tlm C*p*T Q04* more wo are confronted with tho .|)0etld*ry belief that the eye of a murdered foeraou may xvfcUn u' pornmttonli Imago of [bis destroyer. It is a bdtlof that hiui moro 'firoa than tho traditional uafc, iCvury noW ^ld then It bobs up, Id sot twinn by sol- ntlnts and loft munwind, muulod und ap- ,'parnnbly dond, but nlwuyji roawakoe to sow Ufa and vltfor when the oyulo iri one" mora run. Here Is tho thfiory on whloh tho hollof fronts. Tliu human oyo In a namoru oh- fiuriL. IJuHntf llfo tho retina iwU oxootly as tho camera uots. It prenontu an auour- ftto picture of whatever In in front of tho yM for tho cognition of tho bruin But hi llfo picture wuoeeodu ploturo, and ..nothing da dolliiltely.retuhaod. lu* douth, howoVor/ tho hw>t pieturw that In tin* .prpfwpilfOii.thu oyo j-pruolns .there-nil long as' tho'-rotinitondunw: The ploturo, If ro- prpdueod, vyljl show the Ian* ohjmit upon ' wiUoh/triu'oyort of tho tload.wwtiKl.' Of eniirao, If tho murderer happens to be out) of fooiw, tho eye would retain only fc picture of tho room or tho mivlronmout {n which tho murder wan committal). But if the murderer were dlroetly in front pt tho victim, and If ho were tho butt ob- ' jeot on whloh the victim's oyo was fiiHt- nud, an Indelible picture would remain, Hd tho lineaments of tint criminal could b*i reproduced by photography. Facta are brought up to buttress this , thflory. It Is wild that nine tliiicH out of ton In this ease of a calf In tho Mlniitfhtur bonne'the retina of Its oyo will yield a photographic reproduction of tho butcher who put it to death, Iiithumi tho bntohrr, uh a xiilw, titamlfi in the direct lino of vIh- lon. Tho liimfrliuttlon in appealed to iw well uh tho reason. Tho story Is told of how a young tfli'l wan found dead in the streets of Purls, how there was no elun to tho mystery, and how, Unnlly, a younpr mll- ciil student hrthouidit liim to lake a nho- toKi'Hphlu reproduction of the retina of the eve, when In! impressed visibly upon it was the blurred likeness of a iiuiu in tlie uniform of a French sailor. This <j]ew led to the discovery of the nuir. doror. There in an oft quoted experiment that til mild- to have been tried in Vienna nmrio , yearn np;n. Arrangements wore miulo In the case of a criminal condemned to bo handed tlmt after death hl eyes should bo removed and handed over to a num ber of doctors for examination. All the necessary conditions wore arranged for. The man war, kept IndarlcnesK fora short tlmo Wore boliitf led out to tho scaffold. He then looked fixedly at a certain b.nlld- injr until the black cap Khut out all the light. The drop was sprung, and when the man was dead a microscopical exam ination was mode of his eyes, in each of thorn wn found an image of the build ing, invertedv nf couriio, anil uncertain in formation bouauno of tho Irregularity Of tho retina on which tho image wan impressed. What aro wo to say to all -this renam ing and to tho facts which appear to sup port Itr First, that the -reasoning in false; second, that the facts are not -facta they'an: pure inventions. Nothing In more than to assert that such a cir- CunisUiNci! Jiappeni.'d In Paris, in London or in llorriolioohi uha. But. If you want exporh'iicnd raon of the world (, be takou niUHt have the names anil dates *nd authorities. There is absolutely no case ever known or ever recorded of tho i photograph of ji murderer having boon ' taken from tho oyo of tlie murdered. True, such eases have been reported. But on oxuiultiation the report has proved false. A test was made In tho case of Mamie Sullivan only a week ago, and oyorybody is now agreed that It wits a rldloulous failure. A more, droumstun- tinl case, because it occurred in a reiuoto rural district, was that rotated in connec tion with the murder of Mrs. Shearnum, lu Jamestown, N^ Y.j about a year and a half ago. A photograph wus t/iltcn of one of tho murdered woman'fi eyes. The telegraphic report at the time said that "tho form of. a man was found there, a big burly man, wearing a long overcoat, with the cloth of his trousers badly, wrinkled Th'o face of the man was not obtained. His position wiiB nuch, according to thorn Who made tho examination, that tho. body was shown only from the breast down to the feet" All this looked pretty enough upon pa per. Tho newspapers- were full of tho story. But when tho photographer was invited to produce his pictures before unbiased witnesses no one could eeo anything in thorn save an indiatlnct blur. The clow was worthless. Tho man with the buggy- trousorw was tovor discovered, and Mrs Shearman's death 1h still unavenged. . Tho error in tho theory in that It Is based on a, wrong use a misunderstanding of tho real sunso of words. That tho eye is a camera obsoura, or, in our trun cated vernacular, a camera, is undoubtedly true. But It Is not a photographic camera. It ifl.ji camera, tmoh as may bo seen In Hummer at Coney Island, wherein Is re produced on a flat surface tho picture or reflection of the life and Bcohory of the pluoo. But that reflection lias no moro fixity than a reflection In a at ream or in ii'inlrror. Itotuovo or change tho object, tho reflection Is removed or changed. In ^'photographic camera obnoura the Im portant addii ton is made .of a sensitized plate, which binds upon itself forever tho jjecmo which it reflects for a moment Thoro In no ouch ijcnsltlzod plafco In tho human camera It would be a very awk ward thing if thoro were If ImagcH woro loft upon the oyo after tho objects'arc re moved there would be no end of con fusion The retina would havoto ho taken out) and cleaned off like a slate Farmers ot Essex! An KmiHiror'a Freukn. There 1H no hooping up with the "lightning elmngo emperor," as tho Kaiser U facetiously termed In Kn'trland, Ah Holdler, orator, painter,--stage miui- (igor, owner and wearer of 100 uniforms ho Is- familiar. Still, JIls Majesty has "another forthcoming attraction'" in tho, language Of tho profession, which hu rtffoctH. The ICalwy'ii "voty la^at" tu iu tliu,cha^iutor of; atlttthutlc idre^t promotwr. %iXvery anxfoujjj,; i^W'vm*} t3,luivo his i^ourfi ainlotuwiutuo i^ofaiiig on possible; antt, to)thiiantL lie hiii, glvou>. owiew that a oortaiu number' of courtiers shall at tend state cqreinonlals in eontumoa.whieli Khali ho facfllmlHcs of thpea worn by Venetian senators in the inlddlo ages, TJiO KmiM-Tor's.tiilrnt for eta^o manage- luent 1h (vsfjertlny itaolf in private llfu, and if ho -doofl riot tiro of thin latest whim tho Pruuulan court prqrolKos to be '. the most ploturosquo lu Kurop<\, Tho fwir of being hurt. dooja't count with God. TClw Ghrlhtlun inust oxpoot to bo hut- fll^^aflte^^wmb^urCf/and ovory tru& diwdple hufl been-^h&rt,-from His tlmo io tho prMt W neltir hoptft to wow tb crown Uvtvfl unwOUn to Before you place your orderH for machinery for 1890, call and see my largo etook of """"' BINDERS, MOWERS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, SEEDERS : _,,.-r-s^;-. ^w,3>t'T^ The Gelebrated ilner Wagon AND THE EQUALLY Famous Gananoque Buggy. I represent such standard firms hb Noicon Bros,, .Inger1 soil; Waterloo. ]^g.__Och,_3Y.aterloo; Cockshutfc Plow Co., Braatford,. aacLReverai .othera. I have recently enlarged my warerooms and can give you as good a deal, if not better, than any other man in the county. EcpairH of all kinds. I am out of the "big four'r combine and am prepared to prov*> myHolf "the Farmers1 Friend.'* Don'i forget to call and see me before you buy, JACOB North of Railway, South Woodslee. 'c*c co "; -~-"= A HALF-BREED MURDERED. FMaHJuarrnl.oii t1if> Itrnnt County It ft ner vation TIio ATiirdurer Hurr<mderB. Ilurford, May 10. A Wrlblo murder, paid to have been . committed in pelf- defence, occurred about threo miles wont of thin vlllnifo laHt evenliipf. On tho seventh oonceflalon an Indian family named Hill dwell. About 7 o'clock a quarrel occurred bo twee n momberH of tho family, tho principal actorn bolnf? Abrji- luuii HylveHter CIuiih, aged about 35, and Jacob Hill, about HO, Raid to bo Clnu's' stepfather. Hill Ih seriously brulsod about tho head. It in fnippoHed that in the Btrupfgle Hilt Btnbbnd Gliiuft with a butcher knife. CIjiuh llvod but a short time. Hill camo to tho villager and gave hlmaolf up. Ho was arrested and con voyed to IJrantford jail. Tho Globo'H Hrantford oorronpondont wlrefl: An .Indian half-breed nnmod- Abraham Clans, residing' near tho vil lage of Catheiirt in Brant county, waft murdered by his fitep-fathor, named Jacob Hill, at a Into hour last night. The quarrel arofio out of a family, dispute, lu which tho mon camo to blowH. Hill, who is an Indian, and about 70 years of age, reached for a buichtfr knifo, which lay- upon a nholf near at hand, and plunged it into tho side of Glaus, up to tho hilt. Claus fell upon the floor and diod in a fow minuteo. Hill walked to Burford a distance of five miloo, and Hurrondorod hlznoplf to tlie police, He was KubHequontly removed to Bruuhford jail. A poHt-mortom examination will l>o hold to-morrow, and an inquest on Tues day. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. Tlifl I'aftt Atlnntlo Srv!co The Ne^otla- tluiiH Wltli tlio Dnmliiioi) Onvarnttirnt Hot Vet Completed, London, May 7. Uofoi^lng to tho proposal to establish a fast mall service with Canada, tho Secretary of State for tho Colonics, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, in tho Houro of Commonn to-day, said that tho nogotlatIons'wffli tho Dominion Government for a new nteamhhip Korvlco wore scarcely nomploted. Ho added that tho Imperial Govornmont would not bo . in a position to doolde what aBslHtanco it V?UB juatluod in affording until the cost of .-such a servloo waemoro fully attoor- talnod. If tho acrvlco wan ostabllfihed; tho malls for Australia, whlah oan with , adyantngo bo Kont via Canada, will bo, ro forwardod; Tho Proaldoutoftho IjocuI Government Board, Mr. Henry Ohapltn;' promised toi coliUxtmuioiito.wlth tho Donjlnlbn Govern-; n^eJHtv'?(#)} Mo vjow of bringing abotiti more frequent Ihapcotlon of the children who omlgratod to Caiuula, in accordance with tho roport of tho Poor I*wb and Schools Comnilttoo, which hod pvo- ndunced the prcsonfc Bystoin of inspection to bo uiiBatiHfactory." StmtTara. Stratford, May 8. Tho four Grand Trunk limployejj, Moorebcad, MoCannj McAllUtof rajd J0o4*Hng, cluirgtsj wltli b,rakib^ ltito a. bonded car and cauuhig pttrtlul deutriictlon o^'lta OdntentM, wro brought up for 'scntwipo. thle aftexnoph uttd nnod $30 eaoh. togwthor with cobu and 4wnoge, vrlhch will amottot' to NEAR TO DEATH'S DOOR. THIS WAS THE CONDITION OFTHI3 YOUNG CON OF MR. JOHN ENGLISH, Or LAKE. FIELD' Extremely Norvoun, Dobiiituted Sboraiugly Without Vitality or ViRor, the Uifih- OHt IVIedical Skill wua.Uiiablo to Battlo with His Dinuano. Whatevor may bo tbo oanae: it is unfor tunatolytoo true that largo nutnboru of afilicted with norvouHtronblou. Thosfl in ramy ounnu anmimo ai^ravatod conclitions nurl develops ofton into what is roally a foatur of paralysis. " 'A. result of Hovoro uioknosn aomo y;?aru ato, Kobort B. IBngliah, tho you or son of John Eni;liim( wboconduetaa lar^c cooper- uco .biiHtneas in Lulcnllold, Ont., baoamo tho victim,of what Hoemud hko ohronio ncrvomuiGHn, Tho child wan taken with hovoro twitohmgs nooorapuniod by fltBtKuT woro doomed to speedily wreck tho whole nystora. . Naturally tho boat raodioal skill wuh brought; into requisition but uo relief who st'curod. Soqth American Nervino wan used, and with tho ronulfc that after aix bottlqB had boon taken tbo boy was reto rod to porfeat hoalth and is to-duy one of the mont robust and hoaltby child- ren in hin.iiontion of country. Tho oubq of Minnio Siovons, of LondoD, Oat., daughter of Mr. P.. A. Stevotis, of tho- Stevens Mam ufftoturin^ Co., is a nomowhat similar oao. Twelve bottlos of raedioino ourod a fiavoro odho of paralysifi there. Tho t;i'oat seorot of Nervine iu that it ouroa at tho norvo controo, and for thie reaoon is a puliation suro, oortain and last* lug iu all oaBOft, of nervous trouble*, ({oner- al debility, indigestion, Hiek hfiadaobo, and liko. diffioultieB in old and young; It re moves thoHo troubles, and bomdon. buiWo np tho systom, for it is ono of tho ^roateet flosh'producOrn that tho ago Inn' aoon. S- Id bv J. Thorno. it 1m hquMrtf Va*iU , Enlablishod in theuu oohumiH, ovor the Biunaturo of many of tho host koowu mon in tho land, that ua a uonurul rcmody for Throat, Brouohlul, and Lun^ ailmo.uta. Pint malt, easily, taken tho first plaao. No ouo doubtH tho valuo of pine an a rotn cdy iu ouoh ailmonta. Malt in uourooly Ions priced in tho aamo ailmonts. Theue nido^l by othor pulMonary n^nnts p roue lit tho moat icloutiflu and ofHouoiouH romody ovor diuoovorod for tho relief and euro of lioamicua, cough, broiichitui, oroup, asth- vii, iuoipiout oonVumption, and ^1 other throat aod ofcoat trouMca, JPIuotMult oon- tains uo nuuooants. In winter oough nf .th'o uod it giyti ptompb reHef. Inohronio cases auk your dru^ist for Tinomalt and Hypophosphitoa iuHtot^d of pluiii J*inoraalt. The nowoHt, mont palatablo and bsi. j ' If you ^ould lw*ya bo heuHby^ keep youf blood pure wltb Hoad'a Sraprill, ihe Oue True Blood Partner. CABLE NEWS. %-ftteV^itn T*ord Lclcliton** Reiddflnce Ofiv* em ment fllnjorlty on tlie Kdueatlon mil. London, May 10. Tho formatlou of an Influential commission, headed by tho Marquis of Lome, to purohuao the houuo of the lata Lord Lelp;hton, tho dooeained prOKldont of tho Royal Academy, for 50,000, to ho hold In trust for the nation, and an a pormanont rosldcnco tor tho president of tho Royal Academy, la Dot received with genoral favor. Boidcn tho fact that London has moro museums than tho penplo earo to attend, it In very doubtful whether Sir John MUlals, tho prenont president of tho Royal Aonrtomy, or othor presidents to come, would oaro to exchange their rosldencen for tho lato Lord Lni(rhton'H fanciful strifeturo. Tho Chronicle, referring to tho Hubjoet saya: "Tho house is an example that his tauto was often faulty and nearly always eftcond-rato. The woodwork la an Inferior uuomplo of cabinet-making, tho funlturo 1b from modern 'emporiums, and evon the work in tho celebrated Moorish court la madorn, and surpausod In many othor houses In London." Tho Govornmont majority on tho Edu cation bill, now pending in tho Houso of Commons, will bo at least SOO, including tho Irish vote. Tho division on tho xndoauro will probably bo taken on Tuoa- dny. Tho Liberals aro making an actlVe lobby canvass of tho Irl'nh mnmborn, to Induce them to abstain from voting. In mast instancos thoKo nttompts have boon futile, owing to the counter pressuro of tho Cathollo bishops. Sir John MUlals, prealdont of tho Royal Academyt 1 reported to bo euffer- inp; from cancer of tho throat,' arid sur geons wore summoned to attend him on Saturday at midnight. Thoy Immedia tely operated upon tho distinguished patient, and tho alarming symptoms in his caso woro much relieved. . Dress Well and Stylish Money. Tho Problem Solved. and JDiamond Dyeu have saved hundrodd f ! thouiiandu of dollars to the lutelligent poo- j plo^ofjlu^couotry, for by tboir aid old imd failed ctothou have bon homo- dyod to look.hko now. Diamond Dyes sayo money in every home; tbey are true to name, and stand at tho head of all dyo-atuffn in the war Id. Diumoiul Dj'os aro only original and only reliable package dven, und havonovor had (in cfct'iiul. They are tho truo proyentivoa of hard times, and will nolvo tbo vexatious problem of how to make him nil incomss cover lnortuHinK furaily dsmandv. Tkera aro vile and worthloss iraitatiooB of Diamond Dyes; therefore soe that your dealer Bupphosyou with tbo "Diamond," Couanjon* sold for tho sake of largo profits.' STABBED SEVEN TIMES. codingwood, Out., May 8. ThoUlttlo rillago of Gibraltar, fdttuitod about oloven' miles west of here, was ful\,of oj;oltAmouta lost night whon if bocaino known thati a stabbing nffult* had takou place within a mile of tho post-ofllco. Tho victim Ifl David Richmond, a farmer, who roHldna with his brother, a little southwosb of Gibraltar, and his assailant la Prank Woodyuvd, a farmhand, who camo from Georgetown a few jnonths ago. Joalouny 1h supposed to bo tho reason for Wood yawl's action. Ho has been paying atten Catharluo Poavoy, n daughter of his employer and a fllstflr of liln brothor's wlfo, for Homo tlmo. Last nlghfc 'Itltohmond, who. la a neigh bor, called, and with tho.girl weu& for a walk to tlio Pcavoy farm- Widln waJklPB thoy mot Woodyard,. and both apoko to him, bidding him pood' ovonliig. ThUt was tho first tlmo Richmond ever - saw. hlfl UHRallant. , Immo<l|ately after paaalng t^ift cotiplp i Wjoodyardy turned arouttd; an* deliberately Htabbod Klohmond wl|(h p jaok-knlfo, whloli ho was carrylritf In hla hand whon pnHslng, ' Ho Inflietod Bovon wounds; all of which ow* dangerou- ouc(, throo Inchon, In length lp tho left cheek, JJvp of ,dlffo,ro^t lengthy In tho, left ohes^ and one In fchp abdomen, on the loft slide,: b^lpw tnq.J'lbs; Of-, the flvo ih the ohcBt b, humbor ontitti4 fc)i?i lungs, Dr MeKay, who drosRcd RIohmond'H Injuries, atto that it will require tho host of bare and nursing to batq hie life. A warrant hu been luuod for the arreet of Woodward. HEART DI6EABE STKIKES DOWN ALL CLASSES. Tho Essential Matter ia to bo Prepared for any EmorRonoy. \ It ia painful to pick np tho daily papom and observe how people of all ohiflBen are beinf/ stricken down with hoart diaoaso a: d tpoploxy. Ono day it Is tho farmer in tho Held, ngain the labourer carrying hit).hod or, aH lust wook~, a proraiuout architect io Ottawa. Perhaps it iu nob tqo ntrong a ntatornenfc, that 80 por oont of tho people of Canada nro aflliotod with hoart disoase to Homo docroo. What a blQsaing it is chon, that thoro oicists a modioino like Dr, Agnow'B Curo for tho Heart, wliioh in go quick iu producing relief. IuHty,utly tho patient obtains that oaso that ii so longed for when the heart is uffliottd. Thoro is itbsolutcly tiooaneof heart diaeaae that it will not help, and with few oKooptioim will produce a rudioul euro. Sold by J Thorno. INTENSE PAIN FROM SCIATICA. THE MYSTIC REMEDY, SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE CONQUERS IT IN TWO DAYS...... Tho following oomoa from the wealthy lumberman of MorriokviUe, Ont., Mr. El Krrott i~-"For a number of years 1' bate; -iuttered intense pain -from rheumatism uud.&olutioa iu my left lip< It isneedleug to .nay I have dootored constantly, ha* without fticoiviuf; anything but temporar' rliof; South Amorioa'n'HheUmatio Our" Was at last tried arid its effect wafl tral. maaioal. In two days the pain: was al, lioue. a^d two bottles of tho rfli*edy. eured1 mo oompl'otoly. I wan ho bad that for two years I could notdle on my left aide if ij Uot the uuiveree for eo doing. At presebh X kfWP Pb a,aymbtom of ipiatic*. or Kheu-I .roa^Hui, and^onae it id w^hmneh, plea-i suro that I reoomrnend this creVt remedy. I know'it will enre.'* Soldby J. Thorntoi \4.s-. , ' : *> / ) : Hood'flPiha become the favorite cathar tic with all who uae tbem. All drvxglstsi 35 oonts, ,- A O^OSE bHAVE A TALK -WITH THE MAN WHO EX PERIENCED IT, s^. People really do not know how often tho angel of death hoycraovcr them. Mr. R. P. Watkina, 173 Bay st., ia a barber by trade, and gave out* rcprcaentatlvo this short history of hla escape from the dia- ordor which1 wan rapidly carrylnghim to - his gr'ivc' Mr. Watklnslsa sldllfid and experienced mini, and 13now enabled to cx0rd3c.hU r,kill from morning till night, whsru before ho was unable to regularly follow hia cliOHen calling. "* Tills U Mr. Watlfina' story m related by hlniHelf. "For over three years I have been troubled with what tbo doctors said wa Bright'a Disease, was getting rapidly wortto, and could scarcely attend to my buuineiis. My ankles were" "swollen, th* pain and boat in. my back were almost unbearable, tho urine was of a dark wine color, and it used to dribbluaway continu ally. I had to riwo 0 or 10 thnuM each nlfjht to void tho uriuo, and consequently lont nearly all nty sloop. Tho acalding h.-at and piiin In pasimug tho urine werepainfol and distriisuing beyond my feeble power to dKKcrlbe. People who did not know my trouble used to laugh at my freniiant vUita to tho urinal. My hands ana feel were alwayn cold and clammy, and I Buf fered severely from palpitation, tdiortneas of breath, and w.-vt, in fact, almost a total wreck. I got a box of Doan'is Kidney Pille from Mesarti. E. Hooper 8c Co., and im proved at anco. I have used two boxee and feel like a now man ; can now work right alongand at 12 p.m. feel liko working right ahead. Had I not got those pills I feel that I would not have been working to-day. My words only faintly express tho dreadful condition I was In, ana th* wonderful euro made by Doaa's Kidaev Pills." Hold by O. A. Shorrin, Ehhojc. You Ride THIS SEASON rrs-**'-:"^>t"-x"..... If You do, Ride the Best WV-L?sr: " xCing; ol ScoroJiero- , Thrca Special High Grades. (Ladies' and Gouts') English maka. High' Grade Roadster. English make. Oi'Q-trcj'iox'a.- ^t ITigh tirade Roudstor. (Ladies'ana Geutw') Aujeiioun malie. I nm proud of thio list. Tbo English Wheels are the boot in tbo world. Any houQuc man who knows anything about whooln will tell 30U that. THE CRAWFORD is oqual to', any wheel of uny other manufacture offorcd for aiilo any whore. GET MY PRIIIES BEFORE YOU BUY. Every whool fully guarantocd by tho maker. (L-'roo Press Qffloo) ESSEX. Fresh Bread la what you can rely on Rotting when yon buy from us. Our wa^on goes to all parts of tho town, Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You caut find moor, frouher, or swoet- or in tho oountry. All kinds of Fancy Caltos and Jolly Holla, Fresh Taffy and Candies every day.. Wo sell nothing stalo or dry. Leave Your Order and you oau rtdy on prompt do* livory. FRANK FOSS. Qnpodlto Back ib FraiioU, iCeeeiflw1 CALL AT FOX . JUCiL-KINDS QV Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goode3 Noveltiea, '. . Books iind__Stationery, School Supplies* Toys of all kinds, Berlin Woola and Fingering Yar'nP, ; ' '6 .- New Stock'o late Wall Paper, I SING-tEE. . . _______JWiH.-.->^ Cor. Talbot st, andVictoriaaMe, i : Tho latest improved maohinery- for: vSl Irotiintf.OQilara and Onffp. Wi)|,oo> qry(jk ;9" ofbreiak t,i .wing. .'-jQAi V"[J.'iSl Family work cheap: Paroele called for ;' *nddehvere(i; y1' .. /"'V.l^l '" PleMO'oall'aua.try..' If o*"'tWMW^M^ no oharcewill b.'inid. If oor yjQjf*"Sa.Jamsi you, rtoommend ub to your frienda.', .,., ........ . .... ,^ mi- . MMMiMMp^ Ijl^l^^M^^^^^^MSS^S^^^Ul^^^M^^^

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