Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 15, 1896, page 5

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mtw; W :.i^.'v,v :V,'iv l',"<" v$??P|S^Bv?^ T UK E&S&X " RRBJK PKBdK a:* I JAS. D. AHDERSON & Co,. BANKEHH, Aberdeen Hofcotf Essex. Monoy to loan on Far t nor a' NoUm; Notnii bought OrColtooUd; Monoy to loan mi Mo.rtut!M at nwutiti ratoH and lumt ttmim. Drafts IsAuod iiayabln at pal* at all tp*lnoiiml polnto PJre Insurance Agents, otc- ^.7?J- TALK \. fOF THE TOWNf tfWDAY, MA.Y 15, 181)11. J}- Wlmltioi-'n lijLf Mprinj; rulining rucoH niv now on. INitito (Jot'* nidiuluiH with. hmM in town thin wouk, Tbroo Kukox yountf liulitm, Mimion IIuHiu ttuuli, Ilouma Hielui unci I). Nuylor, Uuvo putoliiiHud who'-'lu. from Mr. Cliurah Huh wank. mid will ndu thin M-au'm. Tux collector, MoBv/'in -bus tblii we oil [ beou K'wuinji wiu-riLiif/j (igiuiiHl. (lolinrjuontfl \ in town, lie in huntlinj* i-Jong the ool- tJootiou wbioh him boon plow tliut your. A ton-roamiitJ Iiouhu to rent; apply to <**#>..}. Whitney. 1 Como to Kriotihoffu Photo Gallory ruin or Hhino, on Monday, May 25lu. B. T. Copiui, of U'liKhmr.ropreiientiiiL' tliu IK Ontario Natural Can Co., wan in town on Wo'luofuliiy, rolutivo to tho multor of piping tlio Town of Ehwcx thin uprin^. 11(3 oxpootH the work of pipint* will bo com roonood Hhnrtly. During tliu approaching election tbo TomtorioH will for thu Brut timo voto by ballot. Altogether about 7,j")00 boxL.u ru- quired to receive tbo vote of tbo Dominion. A,boutU,000 now onoa luwa been purcbiiHL'd for lino in tbo coming olautiou. Tho nawly.iippointod membt-rn ot tho Board of Management of' the l^ublic Library mot lunt Saturday ovenin^, and cIioho tho following' peraouH to lill thu oIHooh for tho on trout year; Pronidentt Q. CfiiHMWollor ; vicn.proiiidont, J. P. Mc Quoon ; troan., W. G. vvyrann ; and uome- tary, Minn E. Sliaw. Our now Hteol ucroon wire for door and window ticreena doeti not hag wlinn prchtiod. Lamfj Broii, Crawford of Tilbury doen bimincHu on 'ifj tho omcitll pioiic and quick turu-ovtr prin cipal. ?i*, v.- y * . k A1 !$.,ChaH. E. Poutou, formerly connected th tlio Ehhox-Median! Hull bore for nev- al yoiirn, died at Intorlaohiiio, Florida, ouTueuday of hint wouk. Mr. Pentbu bad boon a victim of, cormuinption, and liad alao uufferod a partial paralynia nevoral yearn. Ho wan well-known hero, and wuh a monobor of both tho local A. F. tt* A. j\l and I. 0. O. F. lodtfOH. On Friday ovi-miiL1, Bth mot., the yount; people of tho Baptiat ahurch held an Ai Homo at tho residence of tliu pastor, U-v. M. V, CatopboH, Over Hixty were pronunt. After an intoroatiut; pro^ratnmo of ainninj,^ roadiufjn and addreHHon, ro[reiihmeuts were nerved, and all rotirod at. a Heueoinible hour after Hpandintj a nociablo and most oujoyablo timo to^otlior. Qucou'h celebratiou at KrioLihoff'H Photo Gullory May 25th. Nuxt week Crawford, of Tilbury will null lloyal Oiinadiun GlothuH wnu^orn at 82.20. Twenty yoaru aj-o tbo avorago capacity of a froifiht oar wiw 20,000 poundn, while today 75 por cdnt. of tbo equipment iu ratod at 60,000 ponndh cupaeity, and uorue carw are now huildinj; at fiO.OUO IbH. ca pacity. Tbo thirty earn hauled by one of tho largo freight oDgmow repronuntH, uayu a oar nnpennteudout, one buudiud caru twenty yoatu ago. A box car twenty yoara a^o cnvried 300 buHholo of grain, tho wtandard box oar of to-day 1,000 buHli- oln, Tbo HtatutoH of Ontario tiro reviled ovory ton yearn, and next year lu tho tixed dato. Tho Ontario Govornmout have appointed ,iho following gentlomon a oommiHaionoru or trio work: Chancellor Boyd, Chief Juh- iicoH Armour and Mertditb, JiiHticeo Oulor, Forfiuaou, Roou, FalcoubridVo, Bir Oliver Mowafc, Hon. MoBiiru. Uarciy.lloiiu, Gibaon, Drydon, Huroourt, Uarty aud Monnrn. B^ U. Britton, Boott uud J. P. Whitnoy. It IB intendod that tie reviHion Hindi come into forco on Bucr-mbor 31, ISD7, tlm statute law of that year buin^ dovoiailed iu tbo roviaion. Wanted I ouo or two hornon,weight about 1100 IbH, munt be . youn, sound, tood ' tlrivorH and cheap for caob. M. J. Wiglo A piano rnoiMil wuh uivon by tho pupiU of Prof. F. J. Thompson, at tho homo of MIbb Mabel LainK, lioro, last Saturday afternoon. A lar^o nurahor of Khbox ladion woro prohon^, aud thoroughly on- joyod tho muHical treat provided. Tbe program ooiiMHtad of piano ooloo by Minaen Fraukio PhilHpa, and Gritoo Smith, of i,eamiugton; MiHHt'H May XiOij^hton, mu! Bollo BrtiHh, of Arahorotburg; Miuaen Sybil Cuuiughum,. Lillio Mi'lnr, aud Mabal Laiti^, Emmx; and imvural vooat Mibhoh Ounuitigham and ThomaH also roudorod a piano duet. Prof. TuorapHoa's pupilaall Hhow tlio reault of bin careful training, aud tho program rendered would have boon croditable to profoaniou&l por- forruero. -A mad dog wan nbot in Wiodaor \mt Saturday. Kr.loghoff'u Photo Gallery will bo upon aCfch of May. It will pay you to road Crawford'h ud- yertiriomont ovory wook. you will find it on pago &. A gpyny train in in fcb vicinity_ of tbi town tbiu Week and 10o,l "hoHH-dealeru" are in u flurry ot oxoitouiont. Tba Fa cut J*mhh linn nob learned of auy Ytetimu an yt. lu buit wook'H report of the annual mooting of the pabha library mombori), tho Hale of bookn and poriothcahi wan ra- ported an nottiiifj *fUl.*22. .ft Hhotild have read Ulll.aa.- Ijuin'j' BroH. make Moreen door and windowii tluit will hint your llfotimo. Onlur nmv bulnio the fliuii comu, Korneone hail written tlin following, whieli, unfortunatiiry, in liahlo to bo true anywhere: Nuvoxjudjio a pronon by bin uutiudn appearance, A nbabby old coat may on wrap a neu'iipnpcr pubhtilier, while a man woarin^'a luyh fillip hat and uport- ing a gold bunded oano may bo a delii:- queut hiibitoiibur. The Gfttnu Wardeu for Ontario intonda to open a oampai('n a^anmfc tbo nmall boyn and otln-rn who idioot robiuu und blnobirdu with catapnltn. Tho law in npeoillo in protecting inHoetivoroun birdn and almoiit all tlio common tlyorii except np.urown and orowu como under that duflnition. Tbo nmall bov rntnit tberoforo oonflno bin ut- tentionn to tlio lattor birdn and lot robhm and blno birdn ulono,. Boitutiful bod-room huHii with largo bovol plate tmrrorn are ntill being nold by Crawford of Tilbury for $8.50. It-jmyi! to buy tjoodu at. Sniitb'H, Hot wenth^r coatn and weuto in tweeda, beryen aud luntreii, M. J. Wigio ifc Co. On TuoHday of thin wook wbilo Mr, Jar- rett. of WoodHloo, waa lifting at a barn raimng bo injured himnelf. vary ravoiwly. Dr. Kourke wuu fiout for, and next day Di, Holmeo, of Chatham, Dr. Dowar, of Km hox, and Dr. liourko, of Woodiiloo, per formed a neriouu operation, removing a portion of tlio bowol Mid naa. Ac liint re- portu >t wan thought that ho would rocovtr. Lunt ThHroday when Mm. MoAunny wan croHfdng a ditch on a planlc nbo nlip- Iod and foil, ahghtwig boarily on hor ritdit arm, oauning a fraoturo botwoon tho ulbow aud wrint, Alio waa tai'ou to tiio ollioo of Dr. 'Dowar & MeKenzie, whore tbo fraoturo wau reduced. Mbo in doing an well an can-be expootwl-for a penon of Iilt age. - Straw hatn anc at Smith'H. I -! j thing House! CO as' T.Iim Dargoat, Bent Tdtditod and utont modern Moii'h Out *^* llMn." KHt-hhliHli' '*|v____i:ii!ii1 in the Weill-. Gj*) Cor. Hundwioli t. T direoily oiipoiiito the P'i rry. All 'ttrn-.t, d-irH ntfip nt. tlui dnor -TSSft J^<_- CZ1 CO f-**'l vl?JM :r^' 1 t.UO 'i > U M G }"-' M' K C (^ f _TA 11 Kssex HeadquartecK for en^! Bays' Children's Peck Grocorica at i-p. cial pi men itt Hiniib'h. Tim M C. B. Co, built a uot pipe feiict- libont tin- Miu.-.rt plntu nt ifif.-ir ili pel hero. The Co.'h bfailquartern in l^hit.are the fiui-tiL b.-i,w,-r'i Detroit and Iluiuln, to HliV mil hlli(.* (M U'cir nlllcialn. ( t\:r ;!lV '.-HI"' d I H Vi' . fiUlliil H IO [ !lfL-li:n-(; fancy Hhirttj at nil pric^H of Sky Rocketn, Firecrackorn, and. other haraaloHti osploiuvoo at Muy'o Ba-rfiir. Tho dayo of tho baggage tiraanhor are numbered. Tho G. X- tt. han itwaod the following circular; "Tho numorouH com- plaintH and clainiH received ou uccount of bagf^ngo damaged by rough handling while bein^ loaied and cnloaded from ha^'gafje can of tho company indicate a do^roo of carelohHiieufi not eommcudablu. Wo fthall expect an improvement in thin service at onco and horeafter will hoid each and every employee prHOiially reuponaiblo for any -duma^o done to ba^aj*Q, or any other pro perty, by caroloHHneua. Any complaint which is clearly OHtabliahed of damage no a roHult of curoluaauona will aubject tbo employee to diHtninaal from tho company'a service." Crawford's prices are lon^j ditUanoo inagm-ta, drawing cuatomern who are obliged to take two days for the trip, but i' pa\v them. The l*rovinoiaI Board of rjo,alth met TueHday and diHCURHo3 tho uew lawn ro^- alatiiig birthn, marnugoa aud dunthn which are vry Ktriugont. Tbo appoint ment of a diviaion regiHtrar in providod for, who uhall make rotnniH of all birthn, mar- riagon and dt-atba twice a your, and all modical practitionoru and othurH are oom- polled to reenter ovouta of that kind whoro- with. ' Anothor importaut proviaion ia that tlio Modical Hoalth Officer nhall for^ ward tho uanien of thono guilty ot violation of the law to the Provincial authorities, who will proBuouto. Bvory pbymoian ia roquirod to report tlio doath to the Med. leal Hoalth Offlcor of tho town or diatrict boforo giviug a doath certiliaato. For boat quality and latent atylon in Bhoos bo ouro uud qo to M. J. Wigle & Co. Snmmor drona goodo, roRular prioou 2i)0. now 15 at Smitu'n, lwmonoc oGtablitihrnont; thb lar^oat re tail hardware and furniture ntoro in Can ada, containing ovur ltt,000 uquaro foot of lloor apaco, ia Crawford'a, of Tilbury. A runaway toam laat Thnrnday oyonin^, juHt boforo dark, attracted oonaidorablo at tention aud oauaod our townapooplo to. clQartbo thoroughfura iu-a hurry-. They belongod to Qa man (Jnamotl Brond, of Goailold North, and booanao frightouod at a btoyolo oppoaita tho Milno roaidonco, whon thoy started to run. Tho pin which hold tbo nocUyolto to tbo tooguo of tho light wagon dropped oat. allowing tho wboola to run agahwb tho horiioH' liooln, Thjii only inoroiiaod thoir fright and|thoy toro madly along Talbot atroot. Tbo driver pluokily hold to tho retail and kept tho toam in tho Uoari till thoy roaohod Jou. llobinaon'N plaoo, whor* thoy woro i* top pod by colliding with a milk atand. Mr.Brond wuu aeoompauiod by hie} young 'daughter, wboutayod on the neat boaido him, al though both ware In dangor of boing killod ut any minuto. Tbo wagon wau tdi*<ht]y damagedt uud tlio horaua woro quits badly bruiued about the ulud leg*. t>. ! of clnthcii Inr im-'i ;mi>' *: Tliorie of our eil;;:<M. t w Oak Hull i-lnthi-VH, Wiinlr di'ddertly lu tbi-ir j tlvaitl tlieir goodii tIn.-r'-. ' '" f' The Wnn.iu's Mi-' r-'nrntv the Melhoilift chundi purpoai-H giving a lawn sooial for tli>* b--n< lit. <>i Hie Artin-n- iuu Belief Kiind. The m.chl to bn liebl at Mm. Gai'dur-r'-i-n-bont-tlTc tirnt weidt in June. - Further notice lator. On February 7. ];)">, thrc-i-. cjiih of the Lake Erio A* Detroit liiver Kailway wi-re burned and in om; of .the f!v, wm a con- biguinoiif of :!omIm for J. Si'l'-i', R-in'uichi-nt Ol Merlin, lit; bcmigbt an autioii a^-di.'t the railway lo r. cover tin- amount ot ('oodu, claiming that alUi-nigh tlu-y have bt-eu de. hvered at thu htatioirihoy wt ru uol yet :o bts -"juHcaiU'in '! lii* wkm hm!, r. i.pmr-'il)!-. Tin-can.- wan Jirst srietl bei^ru .JuOi'g ivic M-. hon, wlio lend- r'/d a d *:i..ii. ii i:j ln\' r of Salaa for fi;i,ulJi). Tlio ntdway uotepam wiiH not autbdiod with thu verdict and carried it to tho.higbor court. The finding of tbo judge wan uplmld and the caao was diHini'Hiiud. It was. tlien carried by thu dofondentH to tho C'-uri of Apj>eal and a decision wan given y.-hterd-Ly ' npholding tho two previoiiH dcciHiona and the action wuadibiniaadd with cohih againut tho de- fondanta, Big reduction in fine tdmea mil Hlippers iL.t..Kmith'a. Boy'u.Huita 75 centn and up at Smith's. No bard tiiuen cry with Crawford, of Tilbury. Bin AthmI HaleH 10 por cent, higher than aame month lunt year. Large premmoa, large mouka well bpiif'ht ami low pricen do the biihinenfj, South Kssttx Cnmimitfii. mm possible Onr.^;ilen during April forty por cent, highor than minio month hud year, Wonderful incrnano. Wv. received thin week, and have bought to arrive, two earn each ot R(Mu:l'ville Lime, 'Joal. Mindr-r L\vine. M, K. Cowan, tho Liberal candidate for tbo Commons in South E^ex, and Dr. S. A. King, the CouMt'rvative eamlidnte, have agrood to hold a aeriea of twelve joint mootingR in tho Hiding, beginning ut Am. Inorathurg Town Hull, ou Tuemhiy evening; Mav 2(Hb. On Tlnnv.d>ty evening, May U8th, thoy will bu at Auderdon Town Hall, and on Friday eyt-ning, May iOtb, at Mai den Town Hall. The succeeding; tiiuotinga aro arranged aa followa: Monday, June lnt, McGregor; Tucaday, .hino 2nd, Gtoato; TburHday, Juno lib, Ilarrcw; Friday, Juuo Jith, Ehhox; Monday, June 8th, Sta- pldfi; Tin'wday, Junu ilfli, Luumiugton; Thurnday, Juno llth, Kuihvon; Friday, Juno Pith, Whoatlt-y; Monday, Juno 15th, Cottam; Tueaday, Juno 10th, nomination at Kingavillo. Thoy will alan go to Pelee Inland togothor on a day to be hurcaiter arranged. It will be obaerved that no joint mcotmga aro fixed for either Wodnen. day or Saturday eveningn. Olhor HOparuto mootiugn will bo held both by tho oaudi- daten and thoir aupportorn. JUMPED TO HIS DEATH. aeksmith One *jfir euch ol' Sower Pipe, Thorold Gemerit, Portland Cement, Drain Tile, New brunswick Plaster, Fencing Wire, Well Tubing, Gils Pipe, bar "wire iyii-k and Horse Slioes, Houae Pumiture, aud in addition thou.Manda of pounds of general Hardware, Wall Paper, win dow blindn, etc. We buy tor npol cahh. We buy at leant tun por cent. bohnv market. 10 percent, made in thin way in bettor than 20'per einit. over the counter. TheHO aro a few of the ruaaoiiH whv we can Hell gooda at very low'pricea and make money. fcsrTUJil L.VKGKBT BETAIL HARDWARE and F-UBNITURB STORE IN CANADA. W. G. Crawford TILBURY. ftUKETJ Onpt. UeiinU Ii*<-ni, ol Drowned. Tociiiiiueli, Doumo Paront, captain of tho mind hoow Kato jlrant, of Teoumnoh, Out., waa drown ed Monday afternoon .in tho river at tho fooT of Adair ntroot, Detroit. Harbor- maBtor MoRao roaovorod tbo body an' bonr lator, aud notified Coroner Boatohor, who impauoled a jury, and aunt tho body to P. Blako &, Bono' morguo. An inquogb will bo held Thuraduy wioruing. Tho doooaaed iu about iifty yuarn of -ago, and lotivea a wifo and three children. 1Kb rolativca havo bean potiflod of bin. death and woro expooted to arrivo in'tho city that mow ing. Tho fxioncta of the doooaaodoonld bard* ly boliovo that ho diod by drowninK. II wuh an oxporb awimmor, and a pdworful built uiftia. At one timo ho wan washod into tha lako during a utorm, and whs-in the Wfltor for moro than throe hour*.' bo* mroboiug roHauflil. It 1b thought nbat in fblltug Puront atrack bia head ugamat tho Hide of tlio ahip. and wrH unoonaoioue wlu-u be struck tho water, Wheat rod por buabol ....ft WhoaC, whito .... Corn .... Oata .... Timothy Sood .... Clovor Boud .... AI(3ilto .. ' ,. .... Bay por tou............ ( Pork ............. Mutton ............ Hidnri ............ Obiokona per lb.......... Bettor...... Lard. .......... EitRH, per don .......... Potatooa, per buabol .... Oniony .... Apploa .... Turnipa *... Carrots .... Beet i .... Puraulpu .... Turksya pov lb.......... PuokH ..'....... Colery pr|doa.......... 70 to 18 to 70 70 20 18 3 00 \ 50 to 4 60 4 00 fJ 00 io 10 00 i CO to IS 00 1 -35ro4 25 6 00 to COD aoo H 10 7 7 20 to 70 to 1 00 to X 00 ^5 to 35 40 60 30 8 to 0 7 HO as O ver= Stocked ! We must reduce our Stock of Ready* made CLOTHING!- during the next 30 days. Having too large a Stock for our limited space means a loss to us. Our Loss is Your Gain. MEN'S GOOD SRGE SUITS rcdncodfrom $5.00 to ftB.OQ all \'Miv from !3<; to l:> ; all-wool Twood Suits, regular price $0, now $'l.o0 ; $H'iind !) line for 0.o0 ; Sill, $14 and $15. now $11.00 Special Xines for Young; Men ut Prices that nuit, tho times. In Children's and Boys' lines We havo a Grand Af^ortmout ; we can give fine suits for75cts, #Jt $1.25, *1.50 and 2. A Job Lot of 50 Suits , at, half prico a sample lot and fine nil-wool yoodfj, 2.C0 hue lor $1.25; $."J line for $1.50 ; $4 linu for $2.; $5 lino for $1^.50. You should hcc them, they aro the snap of the season Highest Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce. * tt Whitney Block, Essex. A CHOICE Is what can be obtained at our e.shiblishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best, our de*. signs are up'to-date and our pricen very low. We are the on-y store in town handling Twfjedri of Clyde Mills^Joestiu Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50g to 1 on pair of pants and $2 to 4 on a suit; we have also n, Hplendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, v^ry reasonable in price. We inufte you to in spect our goods before buying Should bo roplaoed by one of Bntu'w olf-giiif. new Ilund-mudo IMirotomi or BuKtiiofl. havo a uico itHinarMtttn', on hand to cIiocih** trom. ' -- 7 10 7 CabbaRo No. 1 Ky, per baalsol .... ' BO 'M 1 Oath olofcutid . ' .20 1 Oom bu* Th *bOTO prices r paid by, H, W*lki onui XiaWterjiWe. Out. . . .1 " ' '. GET IT RENOVATED m m If you do not. wnut to buy ft now ouo. I havo a flrnt-olaaH paitttei<'and trimmer, and' oan (tuarantoo you work aqmil to tbo boat of tbd oity ahopa.aud all utifloc my pwn'eap* -^ ervinion. / ; / \'tJ, .Vv blacksmithine; and General Jobbing -; Wo urtj pmparetl ^o do all kinda of iron woik iu tho line of rdpair-uifit' hora6aho^ir;(t^::34 I coneral joblnnr, ou the ohofleHt dotloe* Gall and aee me. ;; 'C^^M ...... . ':::<$& BBBBX OAltHtAGUl WOttKP. . .-RHaKi, ONT. '< "^M^k%&iik Ui^M^y^i&M^^^ '^M^^

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