pilpps THE ESSTl,X R1RRF: l^l^i^S^ ac=c I*!'* &>! '..< .A-. _tl. &Oo. Apricots, Peaches, Apples, , -...............................Aiid.all..kiiiO.BX>r./lh'iofI Fruits fresh from the <lnern AJso Baisins, Currants, Prunes, Figs, <)f the very host quality and at lowe.-t prices. DON'T FOKGET our -)C r-iVlL> u is tnc ',CNti *wn A,-H. SCARFF & Co. GOODS n^rilVBRED PHOMPTIi*. THE CHOPS OF ONTARIO. The Essex Free Press. FBIDAY. MAY Ifl.lHOH. LOCAL OPTION HILL. On Friday hint the Imporiul Privy Coun cil nu-Vo itn dtjcibiuii in xhv loiifM>fiidinn outio of tho Tjiooimutl VifituiiHi:rB' Akhociu. tiou, of Ontiirio u^aim-i ilm Ontario I.cg- inlaturo'H bill to prohibit tlm wilo of liquor In thn province. Tho ^int of tho leeimon 1H to tho effect thut the Ontario ]>tfinlaturo ban power to uuthoruu loon, I municipah- lien to.prohibit tho Nftlu or inuiiufaotiiro of liquor whoro tho Canada 'iV-nii-eniiitie Ant (Soott Act) in not already in force; that it ban not tho power to prohibit, tho impor tation of hquoru which power bfloniw only to tho Dominion Government. It i u|no thought Unit wliou u copy of the judg ment cijmuii to hand it will be [ouutl that tho power to prohibit manufacture will bo ourtailoi] by noma rontrioliouB. TIMT SEARCHLIGHT. IjOCAIj OPTION. 'rim Ontnrloi-ovi'tfiiiufnt TtmiporuiKM' Hill Partly V'plii'ld. For Houiu woliUh piwt the editor oE the Winduor Uqviow lma beou publishing u Heneo of artielen reiloctiuK V--ry Btroii^ly on thomunuKeintutof aft'-iint at tho county council hoaclquarterB. While tho Fukk Pukuh in not pretending to poe as a defondor ,o( tho county councillors, tholluyiew man, for tho purpuHG probably of continuing bin orumuh;, which in to him apparently a Hfuirco of HWfH'tnchH loui* drawn out," hi> drifted into a lot o trumpery ho ridiouioiiH an to amuao thoao who uro aequuintnd with bin motive in atartiie; the criuuido. Tho whole thiu{!|pri!!inatedin the matter of the county -.u-iiitint!,which wan necured by the priming company of which IIguvl* Auld. ol Anihorstburu, Jh a mt'mber, at a very Hinull finuro below that nivuu by tbu Eoviow man. Tho lattur alh'^eu that it was aeourod unfairly. Whether Ihb ttllefja tiouu aro trno or nut,tin.- Fitr-is ViiKa* ih uor propitred to nay. Hut immediately after fludin** that he had not aeourod thu county printiuK, the Koviow beuiiiH work onitnaolf appointed imhihon of inquiry. Strun^o'to nay, all th little lrtef'uhiritit'f which tho Ho view mim darkly hiiitH al, ocourrod in connection with men whom ho known w^ro purnoiml friends of, and co worker* with, lleevo Auld. Tho Fin* is 1'iu-HU huo yet to learn through the ttuview thut any of tho ollu-r followH, of tho nari.e political complexion that tho Koviow iumi in, for I ho prenent, ciKpouninj-, aro guilty of anything in the nunpo of an irregular monntroflity, -such aH ex-wardoim Barrett, Auhl. Laird, Home 1'erriss and oilier un holy Gritti tilono would pcirfonu. Theu a("airjj tho manner in which the Roviow U carrying on Uh noriuw of iiiHiuu- atioiiH ifl diaoreditable to a uowapapar that would liko to claim iulluonco in Uh locality. It there in anything Horiomtly out of order in thomattor of conducting county council affair*, lot'a havo it. If not and nothing of tho kind ban yet boon CQtabli&hod tho Ruviow'a attempt to cloud tho ohuraotora of a fow t;ood mou who happen to think on different political HncH than tho Review, ia about an diwcroditable hu may poaoibly bo tho rumor wo have hoard regarding tho Koviow man'y ouroor -for years pant. Mciiura. Auld, Barrett, Laird and Forriao ar not afraid of any luvooti^ittion of their pant rucordH, oithor privatoly or publicly, and aro prepared to ontor a con tout of tho kittd, oven with tho immuoulato editor of tho Xtcviow, if ho will aouoent to auinvoHti. Ration of bin own record just by way of oomparieon. If there havo boea auy irrotiularitiOH on the part of thia quartette- of wiokod Grito, what havo tho ronaainiut* thirty-one mow b'ura, of iho county oouncd boon doing. How baVo tlio four oludod tho watchful eytm of Quailoo minietor Coiito, Ohurlty y?oxi Qt. A. Wintomuto . and a Bcorq of other watchful and oarofal mombfira of th ooiiuty parliawonfc for ytarn pat. H thoao pooplo havo pormittttl tbifl oort of!. thing, why not {>ivo thorn tbu benefit of a fow inHmuationa, alao, Sir Olivrr MowaL lal Saturday received .-d'Cablo mejisage from bin aucut ju London, l-'ngluiul, utating Mint tho lJrivy Oouurij ban given judgment in the oune .in which tlic; l.'i'ovincitil Lf^ifilaLuroh' right to pro hibii, 1 Ui; importation, mHii.uiacturo and i-taluof ihtuxicnt.ng liquor wan called in (jULdtion. The.c,ho catno boforo tao Priyy Council au l*ii appeal from tho finding of tba Supreme (Jnnrt of Canada, the Attor- noy-General lor Ontario hiiing tho appnl- lant, and thi'i Attoruoy-Oenoral for the .Dominion of Oauuda ami tlio Diutillomi and BrcwerH1 Association of Ontario, tbu rerfpondentti. The decision of thn Supremo Court in now revomed and tlm contention at tho uppelluut liUHtainod. Iho lag Fin ago to Sir Ohvor ruad aa follows: '.TudgniLnt for appellant. No cnutti. I'roviuuc htiH power to enact eighteenth Koetiou, but only oporativo till Canada Toinperanco Act adopted. On quoHtiomi one and two no abstract power in province to prohibit, but (pialifiod power au lor pur- po:icii of quesLiuu sevuu.. Three rl'roviiicc lias power to prohibit maimfj/ctnrg. .Four Negative. Five and u\I~No aunwi-r turthbr than involved i/ above. Mot i-laborato judgment, exair/uinc and stating principles of coutruc:tu>n of Confederation, mailing print cf judgment. .(Sgd.) Frotili- field." The urgnmoutof iho Froviuco of Ontario wiih llireo-fold : 1. That ho far aa locul option wins concerticil, it bad that right, ii having fcrnnd part of tin mnicipal innti tutioim previoiiH to Confederiitioa. Tho highcHt court ruled that tho necond part of tho (Janada Tciupmanco Act'ti udoption or rejection in a county overt ulod local option. 2. That prohibition wan a local matter. The hifjhcHi court ruled tUitt it whh, kh regards salo after .-muiuifaotu.ru in too provinctH ; it wiih not, no regarded im portatsou into urn province. 8. Thut it .van not a regulation of tra Jo and commerce uud wan not given to tho Dominion under that head. The higheut roiirt'n ruling in that tlio Dommiou laws oo?oru the impor tation of liquor into Ontario, while tliu Locul (ioverumout atterwardn has control, mbject to the auswcrH given abovo. It had been rttenb-d m previous uppcidn ti. tho Priyy Conned that tho Federal Parlia ment baa power to pusti a locul option law lor countiOH. such an the fioott Actjibn iho proviuceB havo power to pu.wu a loo 1 option law auch uh tho Outurio or New HrnnHwick Act, having effuut whero the Scott Ait in not iu force ; that tho Domin ion hau not powor to puns a rotail liccnue htw, and that the provinces have Huoh power. Tho proHout appoal ih a friendly roferonce butweeu thn Fodora.1 and Proviii- oin.1 GovernmontH for the purpose of decid ing a quflatiou of jurisdiction an to prohibi tory legiHlation. There wuro no coittB in tho appoal. HOW IT IB ISTKlU'IlKTKU. This cable, an interpreted bv tlio Attur- noy-Gonoral'u Dopartmont, ioouiih tbut tin- Ontario Lofiiulature hati no powor to prohi bit tho Hale of liquorp, either by wholesale or rotail, but that thoro \a po'wer to tio pro hibit by local option, ami that tho Login, laturo haa nut tho power to prohibit tho importation, but that it may prohibit the manufacture of Hpirituauu, foruontod, or othor intoxioutinc liqaory. "EvowHiiufi hau been waiting for thin deaiui^n,*! naid Aid. Spimao, of Toronto, 'and now tho campaign will open in araoBt for local option, and au much re- Btriotion uh thoJiiw will allow .tho ..Ontario Legislature to grant, Bn little in known of tho judgment, that I oannot do mora than oxproBfi my bohof that wbilo it in not all ttiat tho toraporauao people could wiuh, it id u dintinot etop in ailvanoe," "Ihave nothing today," said Jas, Hav- Qriiou, Bolioitor for tho Lioona Uolderh' Protootivo Aflsooiatiun, whon a roportor gavo him uewa of the judeottont. "It runs about ou tho linon I thought tho 3?rivy Council would Uke." Following la a ooudonKatlon nf tho flprlfttf ornp ImUeUn to bo luiUied by tho Ontario Dnnartaimnt of AjrirhiUltuni. Tho roportH uru for May 1st, IHOb": Fall Wheat In thn nrop Imllnttn qf Hovoinbor, lHUli, tlio nuvtf full wheat, orop wan reported jih folloWH: "fmnvnsf'd ucroap;| fair coiHllilon." Tlior.o lm-: not. lm<m lor many yeuVH ho iiufilvoruhli-n re port an wo buvu Just n'dnlvod. Tim lurijo niaJm-Hy of our eorrOHpondi'iitH r<:pnr* oxtniiHlyn d(si4tni(iMiin by frcc/in^ from fc<i fot'inln mi iho lutfo (loldw. 'Ill' Ujhh %a ' much lu'Hvlor on ulay tliuti on h^lit hoIIm. A likrj.;o uitumnl, will be plowed up nr rrnowi to sprluKKi'Hln. The r^porl-i from tlm towimhlpM iihm Laki's Krin and Ontiirio, from Winduor to Khif^lmi, nro with very few t'jinwjjtUiiiM of a nm-il. un favorable njitni-c. Tn Huron, (irey and part, of Sliiu^m l,ko ' j^eui'i'al report. In "thin and patohy." Tin* tnwi favorable reports ilium1 from n ran [re of lowjeddpa be(;liiniri^ In Lamhtoh end running e;ie.t tliroiifj'li jinrli-i of .Middlesex., 1 'i-rtli, Oxford. \V.'llin<..t,onl Dul'frrin and South SiiiH-iii-. I'liitlte* l!i- \'-ry ! u-t coii-.l I'lifj- ttnii iijiou I fiii ivpnri ' thn [.'eliernl roiuU- tlon at prevent. (\ei in- , liiioi1 ('oiiditlon with reducid nrreuKi'. ('lover- -'I'he r.-ii "i'ivi'1' nuidn .'i poor Oil teli In the spri'l;,- < i' I .y.>') The' droll;:' it of hi.it Kuiniiier hi iin* west- wum unoth'-r net baell. CoilHt'-'urliUy It wi'llt Into the win tor In rather po; r eondiMnii. Tb'-'O wjim eon^ldenihle fn-r :^j\^ out during th1"1 winter nnd spring;, ,%'id tin' pi'esent i*"- portu ani quiii' ui:;.".v 'rnhlc, J^oine * : ,- tb.'it. it, Ih lii'i-iiuiin;/ 'i;:iirii anil hioi--'.dl'I' milt- to ;"vow nulriiivcr, ami <>;iiers -;-(.'Veil risfaru-; to siy I lint tlied-;y of v- clover U ]ast In (mtario, Tin1 wov-t. rnjiorts ore from 'tV* west, The rejmrN from the Ht. Lnwr-* m-o and Ottawa and from tin* Kitst. Mh;i.-;"i coiin[,les, are on the wliole, iplilt* f;;'. * :i,llie. Vi'p'iution i of the prowln.'j; H-.^on is ulhuh'd to by nearly every eonv nondi'nt, some of whom sty thut i'e-'.-.dri nol. veiueiritier Ve;.rel;:t'.:'M ! i r- W.v forwat'it oil' T.he li^t "f , ,Ji'i! in i i.irty or .forty y<-.ir, Tin- st.i r... ,,f j.'1'uwl h is plneeil at ll'oin olio hi llirie wi'elv.% ill jeUniiee o," (mm liVt"i*iifj*r( si';w>n. In nio^i. loialiti-'^ miltle hiul been l.uriii'd out hi frrusH, forest tree-i were getlin^ will into leal' and wild plums were in blossom, while* in orchards in different, sections pern-Ins, aprieot.-i and even apples, were In hlonm. In I'elee !-l;it:d ]n':e-iies n.nil pllliiiK were In Jlower on tie- -j-ltii of April. Live .Soiel; < '.ue-i'bTinjj* the prospect** when rnrre-potulents wnd" in Xoveniher the condition ot live sinelc in tin- spi'ln:*" Ik ;i eau-i- for eoiicratnlnt ion.- -The anliunl- were put into winter quarters .with, X'.-vy limited stores, as the buy crop bud be l: a eieiipatyli ve fnihinv yet wiih wise and eai'el'ul t'eedin;; Lin* bull: ol! live stork havn i^nt on the early gras in fair eumlitlon (f liealtli, although as a rule thinner than usual. In some loeulUlcs 'hay whs imported from (Juebei; and from the more favored p< rtion ot' our own p'-S/ince, hiii. the re]ii;irk,l of ei'i'reS]'Olld- eiil^ lead tn the eonelnsioil .thai, t lie E'aroaeru do you wans money dt d^ per :ent.? If bo write A. G. Bakor LoamiuK- ton, Ont. forma of pavmont of.prinoipitl to salt borrowers A nice baby carriage, In Rood condition, for Bale at a bargain, Enrpairo at Fni!B PnuHH oflloo. IMPORTANT TO I'AUMEUB We hayo just ^ot la a fittitola*H Una of barn lumber $.% 912.00 par M ft, Laiug Bros* larger ue of stra\V, com. ;.;:';ii n and roots as , a supideinent to, and in some in- Btanees, as a Mile-MUiie for bay, lias taught I'anuei's a valuaJm- lesson in tho economy of the manger. Horses have count throujrli the winter perhaps better than any other class of live stnek, iil- thoiigh in eertaiu lot-iilitieH some suff red from starvation, 'r a.-, some correspond ents term it, "fo.lder hunger;" In many seetidiis sfrjiw and oats wih I Iieir.general fare, at a profnirim ami l.i'il- dinu* very scarce. Horned cattle are nut in as poor condition a< mif/ht be ex pected, and with tho -t-xcepMnti of a few mlnm* cases of >iekuess, and some case.s of "lumpy jaw" In the townships of Kepjiel, .Suillvan, Syi ten j nun and Amaranth, they are remarkably free from disease. I n some quarrel's, but more especially in the comities of 'Hrue'e and Orey, many cattle had barely enough to support, life, and there wns hardly enough bedding to keep tjiem coinfort- able and clean, but, taking the province as a whole the general condition of hot ll dairy and heeling stock Isniost encourag ing. i-Sheep arc in a good state of health generally, only a few eases of liver disease and grub in the bead being1 reported,, and the ewes are said to bo dropping fine luiul)1**. Swine are freer from disease than usual, although a few eases of para lysis were spo!;en of. The low price of park, however, Is most discouraging to hoc; raisers. Regarding- the supply of hay for . live slock during the winter, and the tendency of farmers to bold for a rise.in price, some enrre-ipniKlents state that, a few of their neighbors who re fused.to sell buy nt $V2 and $11 a. ton In the winter are now willing to dispose of it nl tin or *?u a Ion. Farm Supplies Except whom farmers hold on 1o their hay for fmnlne prices there is a scarcity of that article, tho effect of which, however, has been dis counted by* the generous pasturage already afforded by tho advanced stage of the growing season. There is .still an abundance of oats on band, oven though this grain was freely fed ilui-hif*- the, winter owing to the low prlco offered1 for It. Wheat Is said to ho rather scarce, lthough s-oine correspondents aver that $1 a hushc.1 would briny'out rl surprising ly large quantity. Fat cattle are to bu found in much largel' numbers than miu-hb be expected from the seurcity of fodder, and store cattle are. KiifUcient to meet the demand. Tho earllness of tho grass has materially lessoned the drain on the fodder supply, and owners of beeves have thereby been relieved of much anxiety. Kurni Labor The general report U that there am more farm hands offering for work tliau are required, and that waflOH urn low. Many reasons are given, such us tho Increased use of machinery, the decreased demand for labor iu other Callings, the necessity of economy owing to continue.il low prlcen, and the fact, "frequently stated;-- - tliut obnap labor, though Inferior, has displaced wmo of tho regular labor. Many farinerH report that they intend trying this year to do all their work within their own families. Thoro is, however, a fair demand for ih'Ht-oluEiH female domcHtlcn. HOUSE-CLEANING IS SUGGESTED I'.y the warm wen.tliov of tlie pant low dnyn; nnd tlioclmwep nro that when you aro m the inidHt of this moBii iiWIuoub mid fringing, you will diaovtr thafc you need A Ne*W 'Caruet to rtiplaco one thai linn becomo to teruk-r lev i'urlher Hervice* We \uw a very. nk:e uH^orfcniont, iill'thiB Sprmg's goodHJ in the ncw^f-t [.ut'tevriH and colorings, and the pricen are about (iltcon per cent lower than usual* Lace Curtains May uIho need replacing, and it may interest you to know that in thin line wo aro excellent values in nice new patterns* ranging in price from 35 cents to i4,0U per them. Wo are introducing several now lines of promiuiuH, All Free When your eai-h purchiiK-s amount to from twenty Ihe it. forty dollars; iIickh are. elegant "ootla. Other lires oT npiing geods urn cnnploio, a*d we iruite nil eloi-e buyers to call and showing pair; see aee us, Agent Dunn, of tho Canadian Paolflo rnllway, to-day reeolvnd doflnlto lnforuui- lou that cho omployoH ot tho road 'had *oted to hold the immial ploniu In this) dfcy on .Tune 'Jfitlu Thornld In ankliQK for tondorn for the -fioHltlo-n of ohlof of polloo, with a multl- faVlauH array of duties Httpuhitod. Tho otfloor Ih to ring tho town hell, -rropnlr tho rldowMku, eroMflln^fi and Hfcreetfi, oporatu bo road machine, overdo tho dtreob work, look after tho corporation tooln, iho health lnnpftofcor and keep tho oroHlngn akd wuUcr elHU from mud **nd snow. Ho Ih to oonwider Mmimlf on duty at uuy hour of tho.day or utcht, utol *wlU bo Uow*d tho rraanlfloont stlpfend of WO *Hh. Yours for Bargains, -M rTri^rsrrj^iT ErioaK, esses:. V Afilll'J THOnOLT.inillKD POLAND 'China Hour cheap. Apply to M. BAHUKTT. Goutn TO RENT. ,,\ CitMKOUTAaijKliltK'K KKFiinV;;* f!Ii TO i\ Kjit roiitainiut! unveil roonm, ior furthtsi- ii.Uticii lurn iipply to, ' K. A. WISMKU. BREEB PLYMOUTH ROOKS. IjiAKMKltH. NOW IS Til!-". TI.MB. TO GET I yfjiir i-H(in for hiUchnrj. Oot lUu or-nt Har- i.hI I'lymouth Itooloi. Aiiioncat*, (strain, only -1 r-tj pur t't-ttiur; \V. U. KUGAK, April 2-2, IWJfl, J'lbHia. . FOR SALE. \licK Bl-ACK DltlVl'NO U\V.\1, FIVF. iN yi'iiiH olti. ~ih% lurnibi liih, j/irii 1-y Tuxim <Iat:k, Hi", for fiiilu at a ljar(|aiii, Aluo ciirtii. liiLrneHH, olu. AiMtly to E.J. LOVKLACK, Kheiux. NOTICE. Court of Revision, Gosfield North, 1895- rpAKR NOTIOK THAT THE I-MKST SITTING I of tho Conitof ltovlniouon theaoao. aiiit-nt fur tho year IK>5 will lm hold at the Town Hull. Cottani.ou Suturilay, May 30tb ftt ton o'clock to tlio foronoon. All ootid '\ of apptifil muflt ho (lollvoreil to tlui im-liirHiKtiod not liLtor than tho l-Jth <lo-V of May. 1M0O. ISAAC JACKSON, 10 2t Glork of Ouiiilold North. COURT OF REVISION. Townshio of Colchester North. Sale Y GOODS. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Groc eries.. Dress Ggods, Black Luntr.es, Henriettas, Whip Oord. Fancy Lustres at very low prices. Ln(ties' Gloves, Mitts, Hosery at very low prices, to start at 5c a pair. Dri*sH Trimmings, we carry the newest designs at very low priotH Uill and see before buying. JVU-iih' Hat 3 at 18c each. Clothing we carry the finest line in the west, and prices below ...II, a. go(,d suit for Boys at $2.00, 2 50, $3.00, . to $6.00. Mens' as low as 83,50 a Huit. Halifax Tweeds at $5 00 worth $7.00. Boots and Shoes at very low prices. Ordered clothing, new spring goods at $12,50, $15, $17, all worth'25 per cent, more. Are fresh, and at lowest prices, ~~~ 0/all and see before purchasing. ^^ rllK t'JHHT SITTINGS OF THE OOUItT 1 of Itoriflion on tlio iiiii-odHiinmt roll of i.hi- Towniihip of Colcho.iter North.for the yiiir 18[i0. u*;i bo IjoW nt tho Town Hall. Goiito, on Sutin- day, tho auth tlav of May, at tlio hour of tun i.'oioclc in thu foronoon. J. A GOCLTKR, Towuiiliip Ch'l'lt Putod GeBto, May 11,16'Jii. rJiO-21 Vance's Old Stand. Essex. COURT OF REVISION Township of Sandwich South. riittiT inTTiNon, \TOTICRIH HKIIBBY OIVICN THAT 'THK i1! Court of Ituvioion on tho aiuoBHiuout roll m ' tho Towniihip or Kandwlch South for tho your 1 |H!1U, will liohl itil Arm ultltiiff at tho oounall i oliumbor at Oldcaotlu on Hut-arday tho 30tl 'lay I May. IBtJO, at ton o'clock in tho foronoon. y' JOHN MOYNAHAN. Olork UimlclpnUty ot Buuilwlch Houth, Muldutono r O. Gloi-U'B oflioe, May 11, UM. 20 NOTICE. OBAIjKO TENDK118 VfJUL BE UEOJlVEP O by tho-unduriiloDoa np to Mar? HO, lfJUG, for tlio ropulrluB of tboiltb con. dHtiM. riauo Hii'l HpnolUoatfonit can bo intpootod at'tho 61ork h olllco, Gobi . Kaoli tondor munt bo uooompu'i- ioa with tho niiuictiiof twonoad nni natliifaatory Miration. Tho tandem will oo opeuod ut tlio Town Hall, Ooiito, nt 4 o'clooV p, m on May I, i. l&W. Tho lowuot or a,ny tondor not' nvuun- Hiirlly aoooptod. liv urdor o( tho ooanoil. Tbwiifihip Olprkof Colohontor Nortb. Datod at Gbuto May ll, 18')f,. 20-?l WANTED '.YOTmO MEN AND WOMEN to work in tb* Avmonlan caimo. Good pay. Will Hand-copy of my llttlo book, "You* PIhoo in Mto," froo, to nv who write. Itiiv. T. H. Llnsoott, Brnntford, Out. J, W Qibnou for bioyolo Buudrioa. 1 lba. uiugor nnaps tor 'JBo Butnrdny at Smith h. If you buy ft bioybU you want bowji"- tbioa that ii gooofl valu for your money J. W. Gibaon hmi the larjjaafc ustjortmfintof- wboolB in KflBex at tho loweab possible priooH. Baooud baud wbtoU tukeu iu ' obautie. lJ&oa ourtaius aiid irollor bliuda nale at Btuibh'B. ' ii M, J, ,WIle & Co., re PfillinK latgo qunntitiea ol hftta. Tho atylw and prions ac*rikfc. '. And otherH follow milo bobind. Tho "Wall Pai;ur raco in mino, wind or no wind. I will titay in thfc ruoo and novor withdraw. Why Hhould I? Victory in ulwayn and oaaily raino, with tho nainplon of a tttook of 300,000 rolln in 500 difforont doHitiuo at from SI conto to CO contH a roll, No ouo can pcHHibly fail to find tho quality of [i.tp'T and bbo very idontioal pattern that will bp upnropriato to any ponBibln. room. C;ititiiil\ a ohoico could not ho oafiior than at my atoco. It will oavo you from 16 to U5por oout. B. J. WHITNEY, HATTER AND FUKNISHEIt. ESSEX Hall I AT Sovoral heavy teams to tnu-U lo^a; also buyers for fiovoral Hoa-'-a nnd Lots in tho Town of Ehbqx, and a lot of wild lands in tho anirouadiug country. Thoao propoiUoa aro offer ed at u" aaorilico, AUo a largo quantity, of coarso dry Lmnbor for sale. It may bo aeon at tho Gololicstor millfl. Apply to He ad quit nova lor School DooUa, Sohoal 3uppIi0B, Nota Papnr,EnYelopf<8, Ink, Writing TublutH mid offlo Stationery. ' DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST. Why do jndftea of good.ohoWlud Tobacco iuHiat on Rettiog ponuino BEAVER plug. II has bo equal. Befaao cheap imitations. or to tf W. M. DECEW, WANTKD.-\OUKG. OH MIDDIjB aged MKN of aharaotor . Hunui-edi Joremoat tti OaiiKda. vUrrtod with US, About $14,00 a Wook to bogln with. THE llHADbKY-GAJt- HETBON CO. Ltd.. Toionto, Ont. , ' ^ :.'V ' 'I If you want a cool fjweot..au4 lasting ; viil Btmoke try a ton oeat paakage of TONKA ' . amokinit mixture. Bu sure you get Rtnu- * f/'ffl$A -2a^rjjJiia^tiMi lMMHiiwiiMHiiBMMBMlMMBB 65